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File: 151 KB, 628x930, whiteextinctionsoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12761206 No.12761206 [Reply] [Original]

>this decline not seen in Asia, Africa, South America, or the Middle East
Anyone want to guess how this problem will be solved?

>> No.12761215


it's Not a problem. It is a Blessing. And, the other continents will have the same issues, they just arent testing as thoroughly for it.

>> No.12761218

It's not seen in those countries because people there still eat decent foods and don't have their water supplies polluted with hormones and micro-plastics. It'll happen everywhere sooner or later, and the only way to solve it is figuring out which chemicals and pollutants are causing it

>> No.12761223

exactly. the article points out endocrine-affecting pollutants, which are in just about every plastic product and pesticide/ herbicide used in the entire world. not a western issue by any means

>> No.12761242

>study already says it's specifically a western problem
>"i-if i wish hard enough the data will be wrong! and if it isn't then it's a good thing anyway!"
they did test for this and found it wasn't anything even close to the western decline in sperm
they controlled for lifestyle and obesity and literally the only thing that correlated with the decline was living in the west

>> No.12761281

100% guaranteed this poster is white
Phthalates, for one. Evidence for them getting boys to become more like girls both physically and psychologically is overwhelming.

>> No.12761298

so this is why governments are pushing so heavily for open borders. they "accidentally" mass-sterilized us and want to prevent the inevitable extinction collapse of western populations.

>> No.12761316

>tfw Alex Jones was right again

>> No.12761320

My sperm are fine tho

>> No.12761400

>We searched MEDLINE on November 21, 2014 and Embase (Excerpta Medica database) on December 10, 2014 for peer-reviewed, English-language publications.
>Of the 244 estimates, 110 (45%) were Unselected Western, 65 (27%) Fertile Western, 30 (12%) Unselected Other and 39 (16%) Fertile Other.
Can you see the potential problem here?

>> No.12761425

by marrying curvy black women to drain your semen

>> No.12761440
File: 538 KB, 692x677, 1614383162704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he honestly believes men and women arent busting loads to jewish pornography daily on pornhub and other jew owned porn sharing sites

>> No.12761443

Is this a sample bias issue and the actual numbers are better?
If not, is this caused by some kind of population-wide genetic thing?
If not, is this caused by plastics, chemicals leaching from plastics, chemical pollution in the diet, chemical pollution in the drinking water or chemical pollution in the air?

>> No.12761458

it's far too rapid to be genetic, it's almost completely impossible for this to be true
it's phthalates for one, as >>12761281 said
they're strongly associated with reduced sex drive, reduced penis size, change in male behaviour to become more feminine (even as children, studies have shown this very clearly), space between anus and penis becoming smaller (like in females), and more importantly these effects accumulate across generations since the child is exposed to these effects in utero and the germ cells will be affected before birth
nobody will address this because it provides strong evidence transsexualism is caused by chemicals

>> No.12761465

>20 years from now
>generation that correlates to that timeframe will be known as Generation Beta

>> No.12761466

>these effects accumulate across generations since the child is exposed to these effects in utero and the germ cells will be affected before birth
PS this is why it's whites being hit hardest despite Asians having objectively worse pollution currently as the effects have been stacking ever since we invented these chemicals

>> No.12761479
File: 328 KB, 1682x2048, 1588200419184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about this anon. What foods are the worst with this kind of stuff? Just plastics? I have been almost exclusively drinking from plastic bottles since I was a kid because of shit in tap. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

>> No.12761485

nothing, even tap water is full to the brim with microscopic plastics. there is literally nothing you can do, because it is an environmental pollution issue.

>> No.12761488

So you're saying the only solution is the final solution?

>> No.12761494

the solution is to ban plastics the same way we banned lead, mercury, asbestos, etc.

>> No.12761496

You think it will happen?

>> No.12761501

You can fix this mostly. Of course >>12761485
>even tap water is full to the brim with microscopic plastics
is true, but you can do many things to help.
But it is basically what you got told by doctors and parents. You need to eat healthy. Eliminate processed foods as much as possible. You need a healthy diet of fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, all that good stuff. We see the most disastrously low sperm counts in men who eat crap like burgers, shitty pizzas (by which I mean American style pizzas - Italian ones are ok, actually) basically abandon the stereotypical American diet completely.
Even going vegetarian is better for testosterone than the American diet. Believe it or not.
Secondly get more exercise. If you're overweight, get to a healthy weight. Strength and cardio both good.
These things tend to shift the average sperm count back up to a healthy level, or at least make you much better off than you would be otherwise.
Also, make sure the mother of your child does the same.

>> No.12761512

Are phthalates a fundamental component of plastics or some kind of additive that all manufacturers use to save money?

>> No.12761513

is well water ok?

>> No.12761515

well water has no plastics but it has shitloads of worse stuff.

>> No.12761520

>You need a healthy diet of fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, all that good stuff
Done, mostly
>Secondly get more exercise
Reckon I'm good there

So basically just be healthy? I mean now that you mention it, it does make sense that sperm counts are down regardless of chemicals considering how fucking fat and disgusting so many people are now.

>> No.12761522


>> No.12761533

heavy metals. test your water regularly unless you like lead poisoning

>> No.12761535

we're gradually phasing the worst of them out due to health concerns like this
that said, we really ought to be pushing to discuss this more openly, as they have significant effects on sexual development and nobody wants to touch the elephant in the room because of the demonisation of masculinity and the holy status of transsexuals
i'd cut the plastic bottles but yeah, basically just be healthy
you'd be amazed how disgusting the diets of most people are, people honestly do not consider what they eat in the slightest, and fixing that issue is a huge battle in the west but it's one of the easiest things you can do to boost your testosterone and sperm count
fast food has an enormous amount of phthalates in it, you can look it up

>> No.12761545

Could it be that Westerners (and Americans in particular) lead, in general, shitty lifestyles? Maybe microplastics and other pollutants have some effect, but being a fat sack of shit can't be ignored, I think. Do these studies control for BMI, drug abuse and related lifestyle variables?

>> No.12761551

could it be that's what literally the entire thread has been saying

>> No.12761568

>Ctrl+F plastic 13 results
>Ctrl+F fat 1 result
Reading the thread is gay anyway

>> No.12761573

yeah desu i didn't even read your post before posting myself

>> No.12761583

>Americans in particular
Isn't it actually worse in Europe?

>> No.12761585

Sonu even know the situation in East Asia and South Asia. Chink woman hate their chink male counterparts because they have feminine facial structure and short height. Why do u think so many chink females were filing for divorces in haste when the government announced that they're gonna make marriage and divorce laws more strict or so many women lining up for European sperm banks. On top of that working hours and conditions are fukin insane in China where the drastic reduction in sperm quality is sure to be expected and the 53:47 sex ratio makes things even worse.

>> No.12761586

Solid anecdote, except they've measured it as significantly worse in the West.

>> No.12761589

>i'd cut the plastic bottles
I've just been drinking water from the large bottles of spring water for the past few years instead of the small bottles since the water tastes quite a bit less like plastic usually but I wonder if that actually helps. Might be time to invest in a filter.
>you'd be amazed how disgusting the diets of most people are
I already am. got coworkers that bring in deep fried shit every single day and eat out every other day.
Fortunately I haven't had fast food in nearly 6 or 7 months out of not having a car. I've been having frozen garbage every month or so and I really should stop since I imagine it's the same thing.

>> No.12761590

I meant" do u even know"

>> No.12761593

Not in general. Some Scandinavian countries reported relatively little decline in sperm counts in some studies.

>> No.12761601
File: 325 KB, 697x489, img[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say no, at least in terms of being a fatso.

>> No.12761605

Get Turkey off that fucking list right now

>> No.12761606

>>this decline not seen in Asia, Africa, South America, or the Middle East
Where does it say western countries?
Why are you lying you little faggot?

>> No.12761608

>It's not seen in those countries because people there still eat decent foods and don't have their water supplies polluted with hormones and micro-plastics.
>yeah bro, china, India, and African third world shitholes totally have no pollution
OP is lying you fucking idiot.

>> No.12761609

The study's author said it herself you lazy fuck

>> No.12761619

Are you saying I stand to make money off of my handsome face, green eyes, and beautiful curls by jacking off into a cup?

>> No.12761620

Lying little faggot.
Post address.

>> No.12761624

>this decline not seen in Asia
Not true.

This present review also showed a mild time-dependant decline in sperm concentration (-0.44×106/mL/year, 95% CI: -0.65 to -0.23; r = -0.473, P = 0.040) which accounted for an overall 22.17% decrease in past 50 years.
>Conclusions: This study brings to the forefront that sperm concentration among Asian men follows a mild declining trend over the period of 50 years, and further studies addressing the causes of this decline are required.

>Total sperm count, percentage of motile sperm and percentage of normal sperm observed in Kawasaki/Yokohama were significantly lower than those from all European centres except for motile sperm in men from Paris. >CONCLUSIONS: Japanese fertile men had a semen quality at the level of Danish men, who have been reported to have the lowest among investigated men in Europe. The low level of semen quality of the fertile Japanese men may be due to lifestyle or other environmental factors; however, ethnic differences caused by different genetic variation or combinations cannot be ruled out by this study.

>> No.12761629

U could do so if Ur student loans are burdening u . Plz don't think this is some kind of a joke but that's just how things have become in many non Caucasian countries (primarily East Asia)

>> No.12761632

I told you all OP is a lying little shill.
Some little incel that spams /pol/ all day.

>> No.12761636
File: 68 KB, 694x401, Muslims-street-prayer-in-Paris[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Total sperm count, percentage of motile sperm and percentage of normal sperm observed in Kawasaki/Yokohama were significantly lower than those from all European centres except for motile sperm in men from Paris.
>from Paris

>> No.12761641

Yes, read what you wrote.
>mild declining trend
in Asia it's ~20% over 50 years.
In whites it's ~60%
20% is manageable and easily reversible given it was over 50 years. 60% is not, especially when you remember that this is a cumulative effect. The next generation doesn't start over with a healthy sperm count. They start out with a similarly reduced sperm count, and then also get hit with a further reduction after birth.
This proves exactly the difference we point out.
>>Total sperm count, percentage of motile sperm and percentage of normal sperm observed in Kawasaki/Yokohama
this is completely different to a total decline. Again, total inability to read.

>> No.12761643

I swear with every new stat I discover I am more and more convinced that the Idaho-Wyoming-Montana region is the best place to live

>> No.12761649

So I really can take advantage of my good looks to sell my swimmers. I think might just do it.

>> No.12761656

>Yes, read what you wrote.
Yes, read what you wrote.

>this decline not seen
There is a decline. Whether it's as significant doesn't mean there's been no decline. It took me about 30 seconds to find two studies to disprove what you stated.

>this is completely different to a total decline.
Okay, glad to know that a decline in "total sperm count" doesn't count as a "total decline."

>> No.12761658

By western, OP means Europe and the United States of Jesus Christ but not latin america?

>> No.12761668

A 20% decline is not comparable to 60%. Nobody said absolutely zero decline is present in Asia.
>Total sperm count, percentage of motile sperm and percentage of normal sperm observed in Kawasaki/Yokohama
"total sperm count" does not measure decline. This does not measure decline at all. As the sentence immediately afterwards says,
>ethnic differences caused by different genetic variation or combinations cannot be ruled out by this study.
whereas the European decline has ruled out genetics. It is simply too rapid.
The European decline in sperm counts is about triple the decline in Asia. This is not a comparable situation.

>> No.12761696

>Nobody said absolutely zero decline is present in Asia.
You did. "This decline not seen in..." implies no decline, otherwise you should have said "this level of decline," but you didn't.

>"total sperm count" does not measure decline.
Are you smoking crack? Total sperm count, as in all sperm, declined, as well as the percentage of motile sperm.

>whereas the European decline has ruled out genetics. It is simply too rapid.
They've taken place over the same time period essentially, the last fifty years.

>The European decline in sperm counts is about triple the decline in Asia. This is not a comparable situation.
You sure are rapidly shifting your goalposts. Next time do a little research first, yeah?

>The sperm concentration decreased from 62.0 million/mL in 2009 to 32.0 million/mL in 2019 (P<0.001), with an average annual rate of 3.9%. The total sperm count decreased from 160.0 million in 2009 to 80.0 million in 2019 (P<0.001), with an average annual rate of 4.2%. The progressive motility decreased from 54.0% in 2009 to 40.0% in 2019 (P<0.001), with an average annual rate of 2.5%. The total motility decreased from 60.0% in 2009 to 46.0% in 2019 (P<0.001), with an average annual rate of 1.9%. Our results indicated that semen quality among sperm donor candidates had decreased during the study period in Henan Province, China.

>> No.12761718

Here's more for you.

>Following analysis of the data, a time-dependent decline of sperm concentration (r = −0.597, p = 0.02) and an overall 72.6% decrease in mean sperm concentration was noted in the past 50 years. The major matter of concern is the present mean concentration (20.38×106/ml) is very near to WHO cut-off value of 2010 of 15×106/ml. Several epidemic diseases, genital tract infection, pesticides and heavy metal toxicity, regular consumption of tobacco and alcohol are reported as predominant causative factors.
>This comprehensive, evidence-based meta-analysis and systematic review concisely presents the evidence of decreased sperm concentration in the African male over past 50 years with possible causative factors to serve the scientific research zone related to male reproductive health.

So there's decline in Asia, including Japan and China, and decline in Africa. I could check out South America and the Middle East, but I don't see a reason to at this point, your original premise has already fallen apart.

>> No.12761721

>otherwise you should have said "this level of decline,"
this is pure semantics which you're arguing only for the sake of being technically correct despite everyone being well aware what was meant
>total sperm count
was not compared across time
>They've taken place over the same time period essentially, the last fifty years.
this is very rapid, and does rule out genetics
>Next time do a little research first, yeah?
you just said you looked for 30 seconds online, and you seem incapable of even correctly reading an abstract in your haste to argue semantics
again, a 60% decline in sperm count in 50 years in the west does rule out genetic reasons, and we do not see this happening elsewhere
If I have to spell out (to anywhere near a comparable degree) to you then you're welcome to think you've proved some kind of point, but anyone with common sense knows this already, which is clear from the fact that people were discussing why the decline is lower elsewhere earlier in the thread (you were just the first dumb enough to think everyone else thought it wasn't occurring at all).

>> No.12761730

>Several epidemic diseases, genital tract infection, pesticides and heavy metal toxicity, regular consumption of tobacco and alcohol are reported as predominant causative factors.
again, not what is going on in Europe, as in the European case heavy metal poisoning and epidemic diseases were controlled for when we see 60% reduction in sperm count
Perhaps you should stop rushing.

>> No.12761737

>That decline doesn't count!
Are fucking serious? You've gone from "this decline isn't seen" to "it's declining, but not as severe" to "it doesn't count because I don't like those causes." You're hilarious. Also, you never bothered to even link the original study, called other people lazy for not doing your work for you, and now you're claiming I'm being semantic when you're coming up with bullshit reason after bullshit reason why decline everywhere in the world doesn't count because you have some agenda to prove about the West.

>> No.12761738

feels like there's no escape from tainted water and produce
is the only hope to either become a hermit fisherman/hunter/farmer who subsists from wild or at least organic sources?
I'm legit going to start doing runs into the mountains for veritable natural drinking water

>> No.12761751

It's been quite clear from context that when you have on the whole a roughly 60% decline in sperm count in the west on average that citing a study which looks at people with genital tract infections and who have been victims of epidemic diseases (which, again, were controlled for in the study posted in OP) are not relevant comparisons.
When you did post a study about Asian decline across a 50 year period (which did not have access to health, from reading it, but seems to have a good enough sample we might ignore that anyway) it shows only 20% decline in the same timeframe western countries declined by 60%.
Also, in the same study, it references other studies which reinforce the large gap between western decline and non-western decline. It's even in one of the earliest paragraphs.

>> No.12761760

>the median sperm count is set to reach 0
What the fuck does that even mean? Half men in the world are producing negative sperm? Doesn't make any sense. These retards can't into speak.

>> No.12761764


>> No.12761767


tell me what the median is

>> No.12761772

It's median. The lower 50% can be equal to 0

>> No.12761775

it's literally common knowledge at this point that chemicals in plastics and shit are feminizing boys more and more and it starts in utero
it's not that hard to figure out that that'll lead to a huge issue with men in the place with the longest history of exposure
also who's even attacking the west here? you can stick your head in the sand but this faggot shit and tranny culture didn't come from nowhere and there's actually a good case that it's these chemicals

>> No.12761785

>not what is going on in Europe, as in the European case heavy metal poisoning and epidemic diseases were controlled for when we see 60% reduction in sperm count
They excluded chronic diseases. Nothing was stated about epidemic diseases or heavy metals, pesticides were stated as a possible causative factor, and alcohol couldn't be accounted for because data for it wasn't available in the majority of studies. I think it's pretty obvious the major issue is pollution, mainly heavy metals and dioxins, which are part of the entire world's food supply at this point. It's not an issue of the West, it's a worldwide issue. Obesity could be another factor since it impacts hormone levels, and aside from Japan, obesity is highly correlated to GDP. Even with that as a factor, Africa obviously has a serious issue despite being dirt poor.

>> No.12761793

>it's literally common knowledge at this point that chemicals in plastics and shit are feminizing boys more and more and it starts in utero
Yup, and you're an idiot if you believe xenoestrogens and dioxins aren't in all of the world's food supply.

>> No.12761797

No one's blamed IVF yet so what exactly did they think was going to happen when infertile people started passing on their genes?
It'll fix itself when everyone who can't make sperm dies out.
High sperm count only matters if you rely on billions of dumb sperm anyway. Give them next gen egg seeking smart nav systems and you'll only need to make a few.

>> No.12761799
File: 1.18 MB, 849x874, Shanna Shawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low sperm counts can endanger human species

>> No.12761802

It's simple, you're wrong. You're just flat out wrong. I don't even disagree with your argument for what the possible cause of the decline is, but your belief that it's primarily affecting the West is moronic.

>> No.12761816

Let's just all set the standard that Transsexuals are a bad product to have in society

>> No.12761818

Could it because of social media?(like Instagram where gud looking high status people show off and make others jealous .)

>> No.12761819

I was a test tube baby in 1991 and knocked up my gf first attempt.

>> No.12761824

>and who have been victims of epidemic diseases (which, again, were controlled for in the study posted in OP) are not relevant comparisons.
This is incorrect. The study you didn't provide a link for did exclude chronic disease, but it did nothing to account for epidemic disease. I don't understand your line of thinking on that anyway. Africa has always had a problem with epidemic disease, so that should have nothing to do with the declining sperm counts. The same for chronic disease.

>it shows only 20% decline in the same timeframe western countries declined by 60%.
I also provided a study from China showing a 50% decline in a 10 year period, and a study showing Africa had a decline of 72.6% in the last 50 years. This isn't a Western problem, it's a worldwide problem, and there's no quick fix. Dioxins, furans, PCBs, and heavy metals take decades to remove from the food supply. Increased GDP leads to weight gain in nearly every country. Modern living requires desk jobs rather than physical labor.

>> No.12761865

How do I get drinking water without microplastics?

>> No.12761875

This is fucking stupid. Even if I have 50% the sperm count of somebody 50 years ago, if I nut raw inside a bitch on her most fertile day, I have a 95% chance of impregnating her.

So 50 years from now, even if people have 10% the sperm count of somebody 100 years ago, they can still impregnate somebody with 90% certainty on their most fertile day.

Sperm counts are memes.

>> No.12761880

>the impact on an individual is miniscule which means we should discard the macro impact

>> No.12762010

they've been in the west's for generations more than the rest of the world, and the effects are well known to be cumulative
it's a fairly natural consequence that matches our observations that the decline is worse in the west
you're way too invested in this for someone who's literally googling random shit on researchgate (kek) without reading more than the abstract just because you don't like reality

>> No.12762013 [DELETED] 

OP is a chink loser who spends all day spamming /pol/ with interacial bait threads.

>> No.12762014

>I also provided a study from China showing a 50% decline in a 10 year period
the 50% statistic:
>The progressive motility decreased from 54.0%
sperm motility is a totally separate measure to sperm count
you're not even reading the shit you're spamming, why are you even on /sci/ if you can't read what you cite

>> No.12762249

uh oh, we better open all of our borders, quickly!

>> No.12762453
File: 157 KB, 689x387, Moving-Pictures-Demonstrating-Sad-Images-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what, are we all gonna be infertile by 2060 or is this another Global Warming End is Night statistic?

>> No.12762560

No, the fertility of the west declining is the justification for >>12762249

>> No.12762569


>> No.12762751

>women busting loads

>> No.12762789

>Anyone want to guess how this problem will be solved?
Simple: gas the jews

>> No.12762791
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Haha I've donated the maximal legal amount in 3 countries so far and I can impregnate any women whenever I want. My genetics will rule the world

>> No.12762798

our species deserves to dissapear

>> No.12762870

im on TRT, can you just get around this with HCG and HMG when trying to conceive?

>> No.12762910


>> No.12762932

>set to reach zero in 2045
linear projection of exponential trends based on the steepest part of the exponential
why do people keep doing this, are they really that retarded or do they know damn well what they are doing and doing so for publicity and grant reasons

in regards to the topic of the thread at hand, it might be anecdotal but all you need to do is compare pictures of the faces of graduating classes form the 1920's to today, the decline in male testosterone levels is staring right back at you

>> No.12762969

>inb4 sperm DNA collection before getting your reproduction license.

>> No.12762982

Can't wait until we have negative sperm.

>> No.12762990
File: 44 KB, 492x611, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this why women want BBC?

>> No.12763007

BIG big doubt on the chemical cause. You really telling me that China has less pollution and cleaner water than the US?

I'm betting its a psycho-social thing. Porn addiction is prevalent throughout the west (In a US study 92% of men admitted to watching porn) and because of the neurological affects of being addicted to sexual super stimulus, you see things like Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction. It wouldn't be a far leap in logic to possibly attribute to also lowered sperm counts.

>> No.12763018

Going vegan is not better for testosterone. It is if you eat like shit then start eating vegan because you cut out a lot of hyper-processed foods.

A study done on the testosterone effects of onions had college age men working out then taking a protein supplement and measuring their testosterone levels before and after. The control (no protein) saw very small T gains, while casein saw larger. Whey protein produced the largest by a wide margin. Onions based proteins saw a reduction in free testosterone.

>> No.12763045

Idiots ITT saying that "third world countries" have it better are fucking retarded. We are far more exposes to harmful plastic on every day life than someone from a developed nation.

For instance, long ago the EU banned plastic baby bottles. There is zero regulation for those type of things here, no one cares.

>> No.12763057

The porn hypothesis, doesn't explain why men are becoming more feminine each generation.

>> No.12763068

Isn’t the birth rate of China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and even a handful of south Asian nations already in the shitter?

And not to throw shade their way, but they aren’t exactly the most masculine people in the world so I don’t know what this study is trying to say. It only uses 200 individuals so automatically it’s worthless.

>> No.12763069

Dig a well or collect rainwater I guess if you are that concerned or just buy a really good filter for your tap.

>> No.12763073

Why is turkey so fat?

>> No.12763081

Didn’t China start some program lately to literally make men more masculine?

>> No.12763092
File: 413 KB, 1024x576, tiresome pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York
>(((Mount Sinai)))
More defeatist propaganda to open up borders in North America and in Western Europe, color me surprised.

>> No.12763102

Get the chemicals out of the water that are turning frogs gay and bring morality back.

>> No.12763122

Does anyone have data on whether it is a uniform decline or if some regions and cities are curiously unaffected? I remember reading somewhere that New York City does not have dropping sperm counts. Could be very interesting to find a map. Could determine if it is a deliberate program of the elites or typical capitalism retardation.

>> No.12763124

Nvm I found it

>> No.12763143

based and alexpilled

>> No.12763173

We'll have to just be fine with artificial wombs and other ways of making children. Or just not have children. Walk into the ocean hand in hand, brothers and sisters all opting out of a raw deal.

>> No.12763249

Define "more feminine"

>> No.12763332

there's tons of evidence that a variety of different chemicals affect the human endocrine system and can reduce sperm count. This is very well known. There is zero evidence that pornography reduces sperm count.

>> No.12763364

Just make a chemical that helps men produce sperm, inject it into the water supply and wa la.

>> No.12763490


Basically what this anon >>12761458 described.

>> No.12763494

>change in male behaviour to become more feminine
Define feminine behavior. No, childish whining about how people bitch about politics and media on the internet is not an example.

>> No.12763518

Oh, I was arguing with a tranny, nvm.

>> No.12763521

Yes I know, but why are we only seeing it the west if its a chemical cause. If this chemical is present in our water, you can bet its present at higher concentrations in Chinese and Indian water.

>> No.12763522

Dismissive attitudes might be seen as feminine.

>> No.12763527

Humans are cancer as my biology professor said - and we deserve to go extinct so that nature can survive.

Billions of species > one parasite.

>> No.12763544

That's not a very scientific statement

>> No.12763546

You can start by killing yourself.

>> No.12763556

I am glad we agree that those are well defined terms then.

>> No.12763593

If all the plastics are turning men into seedless bitchy trannies, what's turning the girls into masculine bulldyke trannies?

>> No.12763612

feel free to start with yourself

>> No.12763618
File: 244 KB, 403x619, 1594152496719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12763622

>this decline not seen in Asia, Africa, South America, or the Middle East
I was going to point out that this is bullshit, but I see others have already made the same point.

>> No.12763635

>Anyone want to guess how this problem will be solved?
High sperm counts are a solution to the problems imposed by what was originally, at the start of our species, a very high rate of human mortality contrasted to a very small number of actual humans. Fast forward about 30,000 years, and consider that in the first world, we have we have modern medicine, long life spans, no domestic wars, falling job prospects, rising costs of living and record-high populations, our problem today isn't how often and quickly we're dying, it's the opposite. That said, a decline in sperm production sounds like nature trying to solve yet another problem. Perhaps we've done this to ourselves?

>> No.12763672

>they've been in the west's for generations more than the rest of the world
High levels of dioxins were found in uninhabited regions of Alaska and Siberia decades ago. The West has been exporting food to the rest of the world for generations. The shit I mentioned is ubiquitous, and has been for a while.

>the 50% statistic:
Are you...are you mentally challenged? Look again.

>The sperm concentration decreased from 62.0 million/mL in 2009 to 32.0 million/mL in 2019 (P<0.001), with an average annual rate of 3.9%. The total sperm count decreased from 160.0 million in 2009 to 80.0 million in 2019 (P<0.001), with an average annual rate of 4.2%.

>you're not even reading the shit you're spamming, why are you even on /sci/ if you can't read what you cite
That's rich, considering I just showed that you didn't read what I wrote to you, nor have you cited the original study you alluded to in your original post. Not only that, the OP was a screen grab of an article from The Guardian, you didn't even bother to screen grab the actual paper. You're clearly just trolling at this point.

>> No.12763680

>You really telling me that China has less pollution and cleaner water than the US?
China's fucked. I pointed this out earlier. They've experienced a 50% decline in total sperm count in only ten years. See >>12761696.

>> No.12763690

We're evolving to become more efficent, which means less possible sperm combinations which means less sperm. It has nothing to do with tinfoil plots to turn men into traps.

>> No.12763719

It's not just falling sperm counts, it's also a decrease in the quality of sperm. Yes, you'll likely still impregnate someone, but possibly with an increased risk of birth defects because the sperm that made it to the egg was of poor quality. Also, sperm count and quality are tightly linked to hormonal levels and overall health, which means adult males are being exposed to something that's causing damage.

>> No.12764183

Wallah and inshallah brother.

>> No.12764269

We've known this for a while (the Alex Jones gay frog thing was actually legitimate)


>> No.12764279

Vegetarian isn't the same as vegan

>> No.12764281

>Western countries set to have near zero viable sperm by 2045
Yesterday was 10°C, today it is 12°C, obviously it will be ~17500°C by 2045

>> No.12764298

>the 50% statistic
>cites the study including disease caused decreases yet again

>> No.12764351

>what is a median

>> No.12764421

Atrazine is banned in pretty much every country except Australia though.

>> No.12764431
File: 35 KB, 550x383, 7dnme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked my female, she was pregnant first try without condom.

Sit less, fuck more. Homos.

>> No.12764435

Retarded and 200% bullshit.

>> No.12764786

You're legitimately the most stupid person I've ever conversed with on here. Where do you see any mention of disease in the China study?


>CTRL + F "disease"
>0 results

>The sperm concentration decreased from 62.0 million/mL in 2009 to 32.0 million/mL in 2019 (P<0.001), with an average annual rate of 3.9%. The total sperm count decreased from 160.0 million in 2009 to 80.0 million in 2019 (P<0.001), with an average annual rate of 4.2%. The progressive motility decreased from 54.0% in 2009 to 40.0% in 2019 (P<0.001), with an average annual rate of 2.5%. The total motility decreased from 60.0% in 2009 to 46.0% in 2019 (P<0.001), with an average annual rate of 1.9%. Our results indicated that semen quality among sperm donor candidates had decreased during the study period in Henan Province, China.

>The total sperm count decreased from 160.0 million in 2009 to 80.0 million in 2019

>80 / 160 = 0.5

>> No.12764958

lol if you think that being the product of IVF and therefore inheriting genes from people who couldn't conceive naturally is anywhere nearly as impactful as 25% of the population taking oral estrogen and then urinating it into every municipal water supply, you're off your rocker

>> No.12764965

nigh*. "The end is nigh" is the phrase. Not "the end is night".

>> No.12765025

You're the one scanning abstracts to find a point you hope to make without even reading or understanding a word of it which is why you take 3 attempts to cite papers which have no direct comparison with the point everyone else is discussing and then totally fall apart when you can't give any argument against the chemical effects on germ cells stacking across generations (which very obviously implies we expect worse outcomes in the west)
Meanwhile your own study cites Carlsen and the like who show decline significantly worse in western countries, which you again didnt read because you only scan articles for abstracts which say stuff you like so you can outsource any kind of critical thinking skills.
You even got confused and compared decline in sperm count to a one-time measurement of low sperm count and motility. I think you should stop arguing like a redditor and either read the things you cite, understand what the papers discuss (you can't because you have no idea what you're talking about), and then discuss something rather than spamming abstracts of things you clearly don't understand.

>> No.12765115

Wait, the fattest US states are all republican. What a coincidence.

>> No.12765288

This is about sperm counts, not birthrates.

>> No.12765296

>distill the water
>liquid/liquid extraction with a hydrocarbon to dissolve any plastics
>there is nothing you can do because i am too retarded to actually come up with solutions

>> No.12765410
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>now consuming hydrocarbons with every sip because they form an azeotrope with water and cannot be fully separated
why not just reverse osmosis?

>> No.12765411

Anon, you should stop. It's clear the OP is wrong, that's been proven time and time again in this thread. They're just attempting to waste everyone's time by replying in fragments and ignoring the relevant information that disproves their point.

>> No.12765441
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Would a refrigerator filter be able to remove microplastics?

>> No.12765446

post again when birthrate falls to a point of no return

>> No.12765451
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>Anyone want to guess how this problem will be solved?
Unironically stop putting the chemicals in the water that turns the frogs gay.

>> No.12765483

tell us about the tube anon. was it comfy?

>> No.12766161


>> No.12766270

Cool it down with the ecofascism.

>> No.12766276

deal with it

>> No.12766765

Not from what I've seen.
t. American who likes to travel

>> No.12766772

Homosexuality has always been a thing.

>> No.12766780

Unlike racism which was invented in the 19th century #slay

>> No.12767400
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Read the bottom label near smart skin
They know what this stuff is doing to us have for a long time they only do something when they know we know like with bpa course that was an empty gesture since they just swapped it out for bha an equally if not worse substitute

>> No.12769042
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/sci/ What does it mean if you're able to cum twice without a refractory period, in terms of sperm health and volume?

>> No.12769082
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Tropical-Rouge! Precure - 01 (1080p) [EBA20A4F].mkv_snapshot_17.41.395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever thought it's not muh chemicals but evolution?

"Manly" men are not needed anymore and will be needed less and less. Soon there will be robots for all the hard jobs and wars will be fought by drones. Violent aggressive machos and not good for a peaceful society.

>> No.12769212

We deserve nothing.

>> No.12769226

well water... poster lives in a rural area... is your area being fracked? If so, as someone else pointed out, your well water may not have plastic byproducts and such, but its certain to have worse pollutants. And if not fracking, then be cautious of bacteria and such from livestock runoff. One way or another, well water can be just as bad or worse than typical city water.

>> No.12769278

The game was rigged from the start.

>> No.12769322

means you're 15 and shouldn't be on this board
also stop masturbating

>> No.12769336

>median sperm count of 0%

>> No.12769347

Artificial wombs are no better than actual wombs if the issue is the sperm

>> No.12769361

What can I do to minimize my exposure to these chemicals and what chemicals should I look to intact to offset the negative effects (other than illegal steroids)

>> No.12769369

So how fucked are we? How will we prevent the civilised world from completely collapsing?

Either westerners die out or are replaced with Africans, it's over....

>> No.12769406

Generally western means occidental, which is not anything south of the USA

>> No.12769438

your biology professor is a redditor pseud and he should commit suicide

>> No.12769458

No dairy at all because the lipids are really good at leeching chemicals
No plastic bottles, plates, utensils, etc
No soda, and avoid factory-made drinks

>> No.12770681

Extremely checked.

>> No.12771063

>change in male behaviour to become more feminine (even as children, studies have shown this very clearly)

Source for this

>> No.12772492

>look, mom, I'm extrapoooolating

>> No.12773989

Did you guys notice that in large societies like those of ants and bees, all the workers are female? Human population and density in cities have been dramatically increasing since 1950. Maybe it's all part of the plan in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.12774040

the same chemicals, they are tranneticing whatever gender you are (gender bender)

>> No.12774074

They only have samples of couples with fertility problems. No healthy man will randomly go to the doctor to check his sperm

>> No.12774075

>"Manly" men are not needed anymore
Nice try but
1. They absolutely are
2.(even more importantly) The innate biological attraction women feel towards masculine men has not magically diminished in the past 20-30 years.
>violent aggressive machos and not good for a peaceful society
The ride is just getting started, autist-anon

>> No.12774077


>> No.12774080


>> No.12774101

what the fuck

>> No.12774104

Basedboys are losing sperm, not actual whites.

>> No.12774110

Gathering all men with a sperm count of 50% or higher and milking their cocks

>> No.12774117

we're fucked

>> No.12774121

Why are you still wasting oxygen then?

>> No.12774177

(You) will never be a woman.

>> No.12774190

This sounds based as fuck. Female body + male intelligence is what humanity should be like.

>> No.12774244

Surely there must be some kind of filter that can remove microplastics. Would reverse osmosis filter work?

>> No.12774251

These are a poison worse than BPA. You have to try VERY hard to avoid them.

Protip: its in your shower curtains, shampoo, water, and maybe your floors. Get a phfalate free shampoo and shower curtain for starters.

>> No.12774254

>nobody will address this because it provides strong evidence transsexualism is caused by chemicals

this is true

>> No.12774259

>the lipids

>> No.12774276

Move to an island or a mountaintop and grow your own food. That's my plan.
A lot of the damage is already done, but we can warn future generations and show them the way.

>> No.12774283

Suspiciously well timed digits.

Demoralisation does it as well, I bet. It's a bit chicken or egg, but my posture and aggression spiked when I got my religious thinking right and deconstructed a lot of anti-white, anti-male, anti-Western memes.

>> No.12774291

Those poor god damn kids

>> No.12774296

Men will only care about this if it comes out that those same endochrine disruptors can cause heart disease for women.

>> No.12774898
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>> No.12774908

by Scott Howard

>> No.12774978
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There's a slight possibility of this happening all over again. I mean it would explain why more women added to the gene pool than men.

>> No.12775012

now THAT is a title, something tells me that book is forbiden and waiting burning by the scientific authorities

>> No.12775014

expelling jews, declaring Israel a false state, and fire bombing all of the middle east?

>> No.12775026


It is addressed in scientific literature, but the media wouldnt touch it with a bargepole for fear of being labelled transphobic. Trannys dont want to admit they have been poisoned

>> No.12775048


Does it cause any substantial brain damage?

>> No.12775065

live your principles :)

>> No.12775145

holy based numbers

>> No.12775276

That was caused by the agricultural revolution. It provided an excess of food which meant men suddenly had a bunch of free time and tribes suddenly had a bunch of free men. Naturally, that caused everyone to start going to war with their neighbors. This resulted in mass deaths of males and huge excess of females.
Mass decrease in sperm counts in humans across all of Earth is a very different problem.

>> No.12775468

We still have plastic bottles here

>> No.12775473


>> No.12775516
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Looks like the coincidences are on the Aryan's side this time

>> No.12775518
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>> No.12775575

You mean black.

>> No.12775608

I basically only eat homemade soup now and the occasional chicken sandwich from popeyes

>> No.12776473
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, top-10-most-popular-k-pop-boy-groups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The innate biological attraction women feel towards masculine men

Faggot have you seen the modern boysbands or K-pop crap women are waterfalling for? Justin Bieber or Tokyo Hotel are pure manliness right? And it's only getting more faggy every year. Mostly because asian tastes are becoming the world standard and asian women never liked macho dudes.

>> No.12776597

are these in gallon milk-style jugs? i always drink water out of these

>> No.12776647

I hate reading about this stuff. What can, as I normal guy living a normal lifestyle, even do? I'm considering taking my hormones into my own hands and supplementing with some anabolics to combat the effects of this other stuff. Though I'd rather not fight fire with fire.

Obviously there's the basics:
>lift hard and stay in motion
>get outdoors and take sleep quality seriously
>don't eat the shit

My water isn't fluoridated so at least I have that going for me. I eat a lot of shit but I'm going to start cutting it out. I was big nutrition nerd in high school, but once I switched to IF and IIFYM I embraced the junk. I'm in uni and sit way too much.

>> No.12776693
File: 4 KB, 300x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a nutrition general? I need to read a stickied post that gives me the actionable things I can do to avoid the most harmful stuff. I'm learning now that I should REALLY be looking for milk without pthalates, and that no, my HDPE milk jugs don't contain pthalates, thankfully, so I will continue drinking from them.

>> No.12776830

It is. It's on Antelope Hill publishing (a company that specializes in forbidden books. Lots of great Fascist books and never-before translated works)

>> No.12776855

Leftists think this is a good thing because it means they get to import niggers to impregnate white women. This is what leftists actually want.

>> No.12777142

I dunno, I got my wife pregnant first try.

>> No.12777226

>The innate biological attraction women feel towards masculine men

Women are bisexual by nature.

>> No.12777255

Maybe when they are around you.

>> No.12777816
File: 49 KB, 498x573, 1592237814263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if growth is linear/exponential now it will be so forever
that's your brain on regr*ssion ANALysis and st*tistics.

>> No.12777872

I'm grateful my parents brought me up healthy and away from shit like bpa. Could increasingly earlier puberty be linked to lower sperm counts and lower testosterone? I know I started a bit late (late 13 to 14), and so did my other male relatives, and they are all pretty high t as well.

>> No.12777957


>> No.12777977

This. (((White)))

>> No.12777995

So india and China will be just fine eh?
lmao, jews being jews.

>> No.12778032

I drink tap water, how fucked am I? What should I do to completely minimize risk?

>> No.12778071

Haven't men been getting "more feminine" for millions of years? Compare a human man to a gorrila or an ape. Men today are much less agressive and much less hairy than those creatures. Therefore, it has bene

>> No.12778081

How bad is Phenoxyethanol? Its in my shampoo, that's why I ask.

>> No.12778111
File: 70 KB, 784x767, firearm homicide by race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove blacks from the U.S. numbers and the U.S. has similar to the rest of Europe. Also true for gun violence, and violence in general.

>> No.12778129

No it will likely eventually plateau out, still pretty bad nonetheless.

>> No.12778133

Please tell me your an autism chad as well.

>> No.12778140

China's exposure to these chemicals is far shorter than how long westerners have been exposed to them. China is also beginning to phase out pollution and these chemicals, they even are taking measures on increasing masculinity.

>> No.12778237

Were you ever around women? They have zero problems with touching and kissing each other.

>> No.12778262

Yes, China is on the up and up. Since they have essentially become a developed country now they're economy is rapidly shifting away from the industrialization that was so widespread just a decade ago and causing mass pollution and would have led to decreased sperm count.

>> No.12778298

Cheese (if you get a actually healthy kind) is actually quite good for your health.

>> No.12778325

Here are some good things to do to increase test levels and sperm count.
-Improve diet, best diet is a Mediterranean diet, especially eat lots of fish, even canned fish is fine and does not absorb BPA.
-Limit exposure to BPA and Phthalates
-Cold showers
-Exercise, and make sure some is outside.
-stop watching porn, and masturbating often.
-Limit time on technology each day and make sure you read (this is beneficial to your mental health, depression is linked to low testosterone and low sperm count.)

>> No.12778327

>China is also beginning to phase out pollution and these chemicals
They're going to have a hard time with that when most if their food is imported.

>> No.12778332

Also limit alcohol consumption, mainly just drink small amounts, and drink high quality alcohols. Keep in mind some alcohols such as red wine are are good for your health actually.

>> No.12778338

>-Improve diet, best diet is a Mediterranean diet, especially eat lots of fish, even canned fish is fine and does not absorb BPA.
Mercury and dioxins.

>> No.12778382

shouldn't it be more beneficial because of more nutrients and anti-oxidants per sperm that are within seminal plasma?

>> No.12779166

As opposed to the Beatles. My moms dream man was Cliff Richard kek. Womens masculinity standards have risen. Talk to boomer women about boybuilders. They hate them. Too big.

Millenials well atheletic is just standard.

>> No.12779199

>Talk to women about bodybuilders. They hate them. Too big.
Fixed. The majority of women find bodybuilders disgusting.

>> No.12779531
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I dunno man, I blame israel.

>> No.12779885


>> No.12780157

there is no end in sight to the pollution coming from china my friend. despite the show their govt puts on, they still dont have running water and electricity in many places.

>> No.12780713

No that was a mistranslation. They want to drop using gendered language in a professional setting

>> No.12780720

Holy shit seriously? There's no way a translation got fucked up that much. That's so completely different.

>> No.12780928

They could make their men more masculine u know(by making north eastern Manchurian men have more children as they tend to be a lot taller than southern chinks)

>> No.12780988

>white genocide isn't real
Well /sci/, what now?
/pol/ is always right

>> No.12783234

>don't stare at screen, stare at book
Yeah nah, fuck off schizo.

>> No.12783382


>> No.12783907

How is it so that sperm containing X or Y chromosomes are produced in equal proportion? Fun fact, gay men have more X containing sperm.

>> No.12784113

West Virgina is practically a white ethnostate.

>> No.12784119
File: 87 KB, 793x732, look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only you knew, how God weeps for you misguided soul.
Babylon wages war on Babylon.

>> No.12785133

I fail to see the downside. It's not like anyone's putting those sperm to good use. So what, let the world downsize and we'll find ways to counteract the causes of it. Especially if your /x/ tier beliefs are vindicated by history. Imagine being afraid of plastic bottles because you think it will make your already tiny pecker smaller and make you start craving cocks. You niggers are pathetic.

>> No.12785266
File: 1.78 MB, 1438x1080, 1613966683108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's Not a problem. It is a Blessing.

>> No.12785270

Genetic engineering would prevent this

>> No.12785292

The aliens solved it by using humans.

>> No.12785506

Ever thought you're not clever but instead a fetishist?

>> No.12785516

>You need a healthy diet of fish
What do fish swim in all day long?

>> No.12785546
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>Can't into trend progression

>> No.12785556

>Billions of species > one parasite.
Your biology professor is a shamanistic retard. If one species is outcompeting other to the point of extinction it's a sign of greater fitness and a changing environment, this is why most families of animals are now extinct and it's a pretty normal event in the fossil record.

>> No.12785586

Um but sweetie how would 80 IQ farmers be able to maintain their monocrop money printer without daddy monsanto's hormone mimics?

>> No.12785589

you, my friend, do not understand science

>> No.12785611

>1. They absolutely are
Why. And are you claiming that you're worthy of such a title?

>> No.12785627

>Ad hominem
Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.12785643

But it still stands. Why do we need "GRRRRR MANLY LE EPIC BARBARIANS" now? It doesn't take much muscle power to press a button to have a drone fire a Hellfire missile that takes out 20 virile men who are everything you wish you were.

>> No.12785703

A particulate filter will work. They're not that small.

>> No.12785711

ITT schizo /pol/tards.
Take meds, all of you, or you'll be forced to take them.

>> No.12785723

Actually "End is Night" sounds like a pretty good title for an A24 horror movie.

>> No.12786306

A fish tank? Fuck sakes DuPonts at it again

>> No.12786360

If you hate humanity so much why not start with off'ing yourself? One less human.

>> No.12787126

problem is people do not exercise enough, they get bad sleep and eat like shit, alcohol and sugar.

>> No.12787694
File: 304 KB, 498x378, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold the numbers

>> No.12787711


nice extrapolation, too bad the same thing is happening with the Y chromosome but it didn't disappear.

>> No.12787721

>median sperm count will reach 0
So there will be negative sperm counts? What retards did this study?

>> No.12787766

there is nothing we can do about it

>> No.12788005



median = 0 would mean that >= 50% of the population has a zero sperm count.

>> No.12788277
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>Actually "End is Night" sounds like a pretty good title for an A24 horror movie.

>> No.12788286

>women want BBC?
big dicks are a meme, im white i have a 20cm( 8inch) dick and it doesn't sway women into fucking me, why would they fuck an ugly stinky nigger with the same dick size? women only care about face and height

>> No.12788289
File: 55 KB, 828x621, 5BFEFF5B-7EEC-4539-AF9F-64FCB6448E31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and message received

>> No.12788945

Thats just 4g.. 5g radiaton will melt your balls to omlette.

>> No.12788990

I only bust loads to hentai games made by AngloSaxons

>> No.12789167

this desu
humanity does not deserve to exist

>> No.12789183

westerners are already bound to be replaced. That should be obvious at this point.

>> No.12789199


>> No.12789258

Fertilization treatment and widespread use of sperm donors is a kind of soft eugenics. It really is for the best if Americans lose the ability to reproduce without medical assistance.

>> No.12790082

>Even going vegetarian is better for testosterone than the American diet. Believe it or not.
Bullshit a truck diver living from mcdonalds is stronger than a vegan cuck

>> No.12790106

Humans, namely, germanics are the best species.
Meds second best.
Nords and japs share thurd best.
The rest can go meet they maker.

>> No.12790403

vegetarian isn't the same as vegan, brainlet

>> No.12790686

just make a chemical that increases sperm production.

>> No.12790917

Fuck off, stop eating that shit and start eating healthy so you won't be a seedless cuck. You'll have plenty of sperm...except you're probably too inept to have children.

>> No.12791634

I'm happy to know that, americans and canadians are genuinely stupid, hope this rises the global IQ

>> No.12791650

Let the real men take care of your woman. And by real men I mean latinos, negros and other stronger races.

>> No.12792472

Arab women become literal spheres after giving birth, for some reason.