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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12749589 No.12749589 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, those who think that IQ is a good measurement of intelligence, explain this to me.
East asians, who supposedly have the highest IQ of all. Yet 0 contribution to science and math up until 20th century, when they started adopting western education, culture and immigrating to western countries

>> No.12749723

Higher mean, smaller standard deviation. Zero contribution is wrong. East Asians invented paper making and gunpowder long before Europeans, off the top of my head.

>> No.12749743
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people call viggo handsome but I just don't get his face. His eyes area looks nonhuman to me. Like he's part of some uncontacted race with different hominin ancestors. It is just unnerving but I could get off to him raping me at least.

>> No.12749761

Anon, he's like 60

>> No.12749781

Okay, those who think that CPU power, GPU power and amount of RAM is a good measurement of computer power, explain this to me.

I built a 4000$ dollar desktop with top of the line components, yet it did 0 calculations until I installed software on it.

>> No.12749785

When did their IQs start being measured?

>> No.12749802


>> No.12749835

gunpowder wasnt invented until the 20th century ? hmm crossbows ? nope lets stay blinfolded and believe nonsense...

>> No.12749913


IQ is a good predictor of intelligence, but it's not everything at all.

Of course, if you wanna become a top-tier mathematician terence-tao level then you better have 155+

>> No.12749924

East Asians invented differential gears in addition to gunpowder & the other stuff people always cite. Differential gears alone didn’t come to the west until 1500 years later.

>> No.12749936
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Because dumb wh*Tes already picked up all the low hanging fruits. Now the Chinese will lead the future, picking hard to reach fruits.

>> No.12749952

If there IQ is so high why aren't they rich?

>> No.12749961 [DELETED] 

The west peaked around 1970, basically all advancement from that point comes from east Asia.

>> No.12749963

The west peaked around 1970, basically all advancement from that point on comes from east Asia.

>> No.12749979

How is the ching chong equivalent of Elon Musk?
Checkmate, gooks.

>> No.12750325
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This>>12749723 and the fact that they are less individualistic people. Individualism is positively related to economic growth. https://eml.berkeley.edu/~ygorodni/gorrol_culture.pdf

>> No.12751289

You're historically illiterate. Europe surpassed China in science and tech only 500 years ago.

>> No.12751321
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There wasn't much of a difference between countries in this regard 500 years ago. It's dumb to say anyone surpassed anyone when it was essentially a midget battle

>> No.12751323

How are they supposed to to pick the fruits hard to reach when they're all below 5'4?

>> No.12751339


>> No.12751359


>> No.12751918
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slants btfo

>> No.12751964

>But they invented gunpowder and paper
Doesn't mean anything. Sub Saharan Africans invented bows and spears yet no-one considers them intelligent

>> No.12751986
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>S-see niggers are inferior because white IQ is higher
>Well actually, Asians are also inferior because their higher IQ doesn't come with any accomplishments. I know this since I can't remember any.
>...also jewish high IQ is a myth since they're actually lower than white average IQ in Israel (a country which is only 75% jew, most of which aren't the ashkenazi that are cited for the IQ figure)
>Therefore, through entirely logical deduction, I the magnificent Aryan-Teutonic Warrior /pol/tard, conclude that whites are superior to all other races. And that therefore I am superior to anyone of another ethnicity.
Kill yourself.

>> No.12751991

>completely ignoring Egypt so you can post racebait
Ok, retard

>> No.12752126


>> No.12752158

Name me east asian mathematicians and scientists pre 20th century and their contribution

>> No.12752442

This is the only non-stupid, concise answer in this thread. It requires no further discussion.

>> No.12752483

yeah those east Asians...they're so dumb that it's just a stereotype that they're brilliant at math and China is set to dominate the globe very soon

>> No.12752493


>> No.12752496

Imperialism. Asians, for the most part, stayed in their little valley.

>> No.12752631

You're only able to type this thread because we invented the printing press, retard.

>> No.12752807

The chinese created the printing press 400 years before Gutenberg, and the west wouldn't be gunning down violent muslims, inner city blacks and other people deems undesirable by the state without the gunpowder they invented either.
Also, they can actually build a wall.

>> No.12753063

so you just think that? tht they didnt do any science or math at all? The former orient, the former communist bloc?

you think people would just do that? Hide their knowledge?

>> No.12753071

>inb4 cope Zhang

>> No.12753076
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>East Asians are retarded because they didn't invent anything
>What's this, a list of inventions by East Asians? Well that doesn't mean anything, even nigs in Africa invented things too!

>> No.12753085

Gooks BTFO by Einstein

>Says the Chinese are “industrious, filthy, obtuse people”

>“The Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.”

> “even those reduced to working like horses never give the impression of conscious suffering. A peculiar herd-like nation [ … ] often more like automatons than people.”

> “I noticed how little difference there is between men and women,” he added. “I don’t understand what kind of fatal attraction Chinese women possess which enthralls the corresponding men to such an extent that they are incapable of defending themselves against the formidable blessing of offspring.”

> “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races,” Einstein remarked. “For the likes of us, the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”

>> No.12753089

The west invested more into Scientific research.

We still invest billions into it and have the best higher and research institutions on the planet.

Well then you ask, where did we get the resources?

A combination of the industrial revolution and privatized research. Private institutions are encouraged to invest money because it's a short term loss for a long trm again and doesn't require government beuracracy to get stuff done.

The industrial revolution occured from the invention of the steam engine and realization of power engineering.

How did Britain do it? Because after Scotland made education free (one of the first countries to do so) and birthed a bunch of inventors and scientists, England decided to do the same.

After this they put more money into their universities which in turn birthed more scientists and inventors and mathematicians.

Eventually we will keep going back in time to find what caused the west to accomplish so much in the world of Science and Engineering, and you will never find the source.

I guess we just got lucky? Good geography + industrial revolution = less poverty. Less poverty = more time to think about things wihout worrying about starving to death. More thinking = more advancements.

>> No.12753129

He was able to rise from essentially a street urchin to a billionaire How often does that happen in the west (my dad gave me only a million and I turned it into twenty doesn't count)?
Anyway he seems to be fine. It isn't known why he was missing.

>> No.12753142
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>muh paper, gunpowder and printing press
>we smart too even if gook.

holy shit this defense is so weak. goddamn this board dropped in iq. pretty sure all the uproar is by asians knowing they're not smarter but keep up the facade just because...

you could pick a physics book and see how many discoveries were made by europeans compared to asians. do the same to math, medicine, astronomy, science, even something as dumb as art we still steamrolled you. steam? oh right the backbone of an industrial society made in europe. computers, electricity, chemistry, pharmaceuticals.

Face it boyos for a higher iq race your progress is pretty weak

>> No.12753274


>> No.12753276

>a list of inventions by East Asians
That's quite generous name for three or four items

>> No.12753282

>>S-see niggers are inferior because white IQ is higher
I won't even bother to read further. If you begin with a ridiculous strawman like this the rest will only get worse.

>> No.12753287

>See? See how long these wikipedia articles are? This means Asians contributed a lot!

>> No.12753288
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>> No.12753294

>I don’t understand what kind of fatal attraction Chinese women possess which enthralls the corresponding men to such an extent that they are incapable of defending themselves against the formidable blessing of offspring
>incapable of defending themselves against the formidable blessing of offspring
I never knew Einstein could be so bitchy

>> No.12753653

They have low testosterone levels, Only using countries with an average IQ above 90, various markers of testosterone levels correlated more with Number of Nobel prize than IQ. Simply no balls no Nobel. Asians are to conformist and aren't autistic or psychopathic enough, no one wants to rock the boat or push the envelope.


>> No.12753674

I would bet almost anything your IQ is low.

>> No.12753686
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IQ is brain fitness, not intelligence

>> No.12753725

>t. Asian with 107 IQ
study up Asian boy, you might be able to become an accountant if you study 9 hrs a day.

>> No.12753852

lmao those asian wojaks are killing me

>> No.12754070

Highest IQ, yes and also Largest brain size.
Mongoloids average 1460 cm3
Caucasoids average 1446 cm3

The problem is their MAO-A genes.
>https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Monoamine_oxidase_A&oldid=957685394(wiki has been vandalized since https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Monoamine_oxidase_A&oldid=957798072 by
3R allele:
59% of Black men,
54% of Chinese men
56% of Maori men
34% of Caucasian men

2R allele:
5.5% of Black men,
0.1% of Caucasian men
0.00067% of Asian men

These genes are part of the catabolism which is the neurotransmitter byproduct metabolism of the brain. Basically, asians have the hardware but their waste removal systems are similar to blacks so quick paced intuitive randomized thinking is beyond their reach but slow methodical rote thinking is. Pretty sure its from the denisovan admixture they have.

>> No.12754122

I've seen this series of arguments 6 gorrillion times on /pol/ before.
What, I'm supposed to believe you're a special snowflake and one of the few actual "scientific" racists?

>> No.12754187

>I've seen this series of arguments 6 gorrillion times on /pol/ before.
No you didn't. You just saw someone posting IQ charts and you interpreted it as "this proves niggers are inferior" even though nobody ever said it.

>> No.12754477

>No you didn't
>/pol/tards discussing how Asian IQ is meaningless even if it is higher than the white IQ
>/pol/tards doing the same with jewish IQ
>/pol/tards arguing about "inferior" black IQ

>> No.12754588

>/po/ is one person
>>/pol/tards discussing how Asian IQ is meaningless even if it is higher than the white IQ
I already explained myself here>>12754070

>>/pol/tards doing the same with jewish IQ
The Jewish elite does have a slightly higher IQ as well. Most likely natural selection from the more intelligent of them escaping retribution while the dumbs and patzy's get caught.

>>/pol/tards arguing about "inferior" black IQ
Yes, blacks have inferior IQ distributions. Yes, blacks have an older phenotype spread. Does that hurt your feelings?

>> No.12754610

So you admit you're a /pol/tard?
And this thread was just a thinly veiled white supremacy thread? Even when you attacked me claiming so?

Good for you, I guess. Now get out.

>> No.12754627

I do do sometimes visit pol, I am a race realist but hate no one. This is not my thread, I never attacked you. My second post was responding to you, my first post, responding to OP, is linked in my second.

Have a nice day.

>> No.12754802

This is truly something. You didn't even bother to cherry pick some specific comment or thread you just typed vague key words into archives and called it a day. I don't know if I should attribute it to self-deception or just laziness.
For example, "/pol/tards discussing how Asian IQ is meaningless". Where? No post on that page says asian IQ is meaningless. Are you seriously so arrogant you assume every time /pol/ discusses asian IQ they must do it in the exact context you imagine them to?
Or this "/pol/tards arguing about "inferior" black IQ". You even put the word inferior into quotation marks as if anyone actually said that. lol
It always fascinated me about shitlibs how they can transform objective reality into their made up fantasies. It happens especially with race realism. They see someone discussing black IQ and they interpret it as "Oh no! They they think black people are inferior and should be genocided". This level of self-deception is really amazing.

>> No.12754809

>And this thread was just a thinly veiled white supremacy thread?
Fucking kek
Why is someone like you even here? Aren't you usually on twitter calling Ben Shapiro a nazi or something?

>> No.12754829

All they needed was to be freed from feudalism, it's been less than a century and they're well on the way to fully automated luxury communism, while Europe has turned to neo-imperialism and the Americans are imploding.

>> No.12754879

>implying/pol/ is bad
Grow up

>> No.12755085

Bernie will never be president.

>> No.12755656

I supported Trump