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12746171 No.12746171 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to overcome hardcore internet addiction/procrastination WITHOUT any stims?

I'm a neet right now and im doing some webdev courses and just waste hours and only maybe have like 20 minutes of quality study time

How do I fix this

>> No.12746182

Adhd is a meme. Fuck off newfag!

>> No.12746191

But its in the DSM tho

>> No.12746273
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take stims

But you can affect your general attention span through diet and exercise. Often the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and ADHD can mesh together and become difficult to separate, so just go for a run if you've been distracted for too long.

Try a habit tracker like habitica or something along those lines. Minimize tasks like errands by starting with the first step; instead of saying "I'm going to go grocery shopping" say "I'm going for a walk/drive near my grocery store" and you're more likely to actually do the thing you set out to do.

>> No.12746282

I was on dexadrine for years, then vyvanse, then adderall. I finally managed to get off them, and fix myself by taking this every morning, and afternoon:

Vitamin b6 (500 mg) + L-Theanine (200 mg) + Chelated Magnesium (200 mg) + Zinc (50 mg)

Do not take anything else, or add anything else to this, I tried everything for years, and after failing hundreds of times, I finally found this exact combo. It takes about an hour to kick in, and a couple days to start working as effectively as amphetamines

This is my gift to you, please do not waste it

>> No.12746396

I cannot even overcome it with stims lmao

>> No.12746401

real talk man, you should get a diagnosis if you genuinely believe you have ADHD. I put that shit off for SO LONG, which is ironically a symptom of ADHD.
You wouldn't tell a diabetic just to willpower insulin into their system. If you're genuinely ADHD, your brain doesn't do what normal peoples' brains do.

based schizophrenia is fake too

>> No.12746559

See I was diagnosed as a kid and still have symptoms at 22 but am more convinced adhd is a meme, stims aren't good for you, and it's over diagnosed. Idk though, I'm a fucking animal on stems.

>> No.12746575

Like off stems I just smoke alot of pot, play wow, and hate myself but then on stems I get 3 chapters ahead of my classes and ace tests, but I keep reading that stims are bad.

>> No.12746613

coffee makes me sleepy (i forgot to mention that i have developed tolerance and addiction with my pot a day habit, my sleep habits are horrible, and a cup basically soothes withdrawals at this point).

You mite have ADHD bro! check with your dr

i went to my dr, he said i have adhd and prescribes me adderall

it fixed my problems. It's not a stimulant to me at all bro it actually relaxes me to be able to get stuff done because my chemicals are imbalanced

you mite have SUPERADHD
go ask your local trailer park for blue

>> No.12747024

ayo bump

>> No.12747372

I have ADHD. You legitimately need the meds. Generally at a MUCH lower dosage than is prescribed to you, but you do need them.

>> No.12747384

No question
>stims arent good for you
I wouldn't take them every day for years like they are prescribed
>adhd is a meme
Unfortunately it is not, unless you think brain chemistry alteration is also a meme, in which case you are a retard.

>> No.12747466

Too much zinc is dangerous, sorry mate but 50 mg every day is stupid

And 200 mg theanine makes you foggy

>> No.12747601

As a diagnosed ADD and 130 IQ individual, I love coming to these ADHD/Ritalin/BrainDrugs boards occasionally to just .. read and laugh at all the bullshit pseudoscientific nonsense that some of you guys manage to write down here

Some of it is hilariously stupid, like, the logic reasoning behind some of your arguments and explanations

Anyways, carry on

>> No.12747616

>dopamine transporter deficiency is a meme

>> No.12747631

great addition to the thread you insufferable cunt

>> No.12747826

If it's over diagnosed, then how do you know if it's a lifelong disciplinary problem or ADHD.
T. Am retard and don't know shjt about life

>> No.12747866

is it possible to trick my brain into thinking that studying is fun?
I have read some success stories about anons who sold all their entertainment devices and canceled their internet subscription

>> No.12747926

try jerking off to numbers
after a while a fetish will form and you'll love doing math
caution: only do this if you're a 150+ IQ chad, since being horny decreases your functional IQ by 20 points.