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File: 408 KB, 1080x1261, Russians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12744165 No.12744165 [Reply] [Original]

Russians beat the west to develop the first effective vaccine against Covid.

>> No.12744214

Here's my vaccine:
Stay away from cities
Practice good hygiene
Don't weaken my respiratory system by wearing a moldy cloth in front of my face
It's worked pretty well so far.

>> No.12744957

>by wearing a moldy cloth
Stopped reading there

>> No.12744959

turns out if you ignore testing you can get shit done faster

>> No.12745148

They're your lungs. Fuck them up if you want.

>> No.12745178

Didn't know that doctors worldwide fuck up their lungs all the time.

>> No.12745221

Yes. But mRNA is cooler.

>Stay away from cities
>Practice good hygiene
>Don't weaken my respiratory system by wearing a moldy cloth in front of my face
Hahahaha haha, what? You got hamster lungs or something? If anything, it makes it stronger, you turd.

>> No.12745245

>moldy cloth
Anon you're supposed to wash/change it...

>> No.12745296

hell no

>> No.12745303
File: 40 KB, 321x418, thumb_1618_person_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething muricans in this thread. I've never even heard sputnik mentioned in US media despite numerous countries preferring it over Pfizer or others. Also muricans still claim they were first. Cope and seethe.

>> No.12745313
File: 25 KB, 480x270, maga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are corrupted by international bankers.
The free man just shoots at the problem.

>> No.12745315
File: 263 KB, 600x304, usa_guns.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The free man just shoots at the problem.

>> No.12745326

>despite numerous countries preferring it over Pfizer or others
Literally because they can't get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine

>> No.12745345

>Don't weaken my respiratory system by wearing a moldy cloth in front of my face
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12745420

Not sure but my guess is that he meant that it's not a good idea to breath through a moldy piece of cloth but I'm not up to date on all of the modern slag so maybe it means something else.

>> No.12745504

>Effective vaccine with no complex logistical requirements and cheaper than the alternatives, with a tried and tested method
>Expensive vaccine with an experimental technology, complex delivery system and countries being forced to sign waivers of legal responsibility for Pzifer if they fuck up
Yeah no, pharma shills have been btfo

>> No.12745533

My father got vacced by Sputink. He's alive so far.
Can't say anything about the effectiveness thoguh, since he caught bronchitis the day after the vaccine. However that's because he decided to wash the car when it was fucking freezing outside.

>> No.12745546

I mean, who is really the shill here?

>> No.12745566

>Developed first
>Used established methods
>Comparable performance
>Only one shot
>Requires 8C temps instead of -60C

The only way to save face is to best the russians on the utilitarian front by being first to land a vial on the moon. That's what real progress is, man.

>> No.12745640

The msm that has been bashing this vaccine from day 1.

>> No.12746915

Pretty certain they exfiltrated data from Oxford, and used their existing adenovirus lines to make it. Russia has plenty of scientists and other highly educated people.

>> No.12746958

They do, even if they do it briefly during the surgery.

>> No.12746990

If you put it up only when walking near police, one cloth may last a month.

>> No.12746995

there are reports of sputnik having adverse side effects, not sure how much credit there is to it
>he decided to wash the car when it was fucking freezing outside
boomers sure are super smart when it comes to taking care about themselves and being responsible adults

>> No.12747145

Wrong. Sputnik is in high demand now precisely because it's one of the most effective vaccines along with Pfizer and Moderna, and as more countries are requesting it Russia can't keep up with production. The poorest countries will be forced to get Sinovac or Oxford-AstraZeneca which are being mass produced for that purpose and are the cheapest.

Oxford-AstraZeneca has 81% effectiveness while Sputnik has 91% effectiveness. The virus lines being used are different ones, so no, you are talking out of your ass.

Oxford *requested* help from Russia in improving their vaccine or testing to combine both in order to improve Oxford-AstraZeneca effectiveness.

>> No.12747161

> Sputnik is in high demand now
Name the countries then

>> No.12747177

36 different countries have authorized it for usage which makes it the second most-demanded vaccine after Pfizer.

>> No.12747192

I still won't take it.
t. Russian
(not because I'm against Russian medications, but because fuck covid craze in general)

>> No.12747340

>not because im againgst Russian medications
You should be

>> No.12747482
File: 800 KB, 2122x1687, гематоген.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you will never experience the great taste of hematogen

>> No.12747515

>He's never taken phenibut