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File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1080, space_EDL_01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12743722 No.12743722 [Reply] [Original]

Perseverance mars landing footage is out, tons of pictures are coming in.

Possible Starship test this week


Previous: >>12741162

>> No.12743724 [DELETED] 


>> No.12743730
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>> No.12743736
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>> No.12743738
File: 178 KB, 2048x1153, 50F3E238-3ADA-4454-AE63-A1C6F66B8BAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out SpaceX...the Euro masterrace is reporting in... now you will no longer live rent free in our heads!!!!!

>> No.12743741
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>> No.12743742
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>> No.12743747

The BBC gets government money to spam anti-white propaganda I’m not sure Europe is much of a threat these days

>> No.12743749
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>> No.12743750

What were they even testing with this thing?

>> No.12743761

It’s kinda like their version of Starhopper. It’s called THEMIS.

Who’s the one who brought it up first?

>> No.12743764

According to the reddit AMA they are surprised the descent stage diverted left into of landing right in the river delta

>> No.12743778

Wait explain that a little more. Was it supposed to land in the delta?

>> No.12743785


>> No.12743788

Page 2 about to be reached, staging

>> No.12743795

when is it supposed to hop

>> No.12743800

Apparently it was the best site based on satellite images, so they aren't sure what made it divert

>> No.12743806
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>> No.12743827
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x960, Mars_Perseverance_NLG_0002_0667130097_156ECM_N0010052AUT_04096_00_2I3J01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very curious what caused these two different rock formations so close to each other

>> No.12743831

One of them is a dinosaur fossil.

>> No.12743833
File: 2.02 MB, 2048x1536, Mars_Perseverance_ESF_0001_0667022265_173ECV_N0010052EDLC00001_0010LUJ01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe they fucking gassed a rover and got away with it

>> No.12743838

Ejecta, most likely. Didn't Percy landed close to a impact crater?

>> No.12743839

If I didn't know better, NASA could say this is Venus and I would believe it.

>> No.12743841

Samxzklmt Hydanxz can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.12743844

>Gas it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure

>> No.12743846
File: 882 KB, 1280x1024, Mars_Perseverance_EUF_0001_0667022684_632ECV_N0010052EDLC00001_0010LUJ01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12743851
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x1024, Mars_Perseverance_EDF_0002_0667111360_706ECV_N0010052EDLC00002_0010LUJ01(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dust kickup is kino

>> No.12743853

Rip skycrane you did a good job

>> No.12743863


>> No.12743869

im boutta head out

>> No.12743876

>fuck this gay mars

>> No.12743877

I'm surprised the exhaust plume wasn't visible at all.

>> No.12743889
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x1024, Mars_Perseverance_EDF_0002_0667111210_038ECV_N0010052EDLC00002_0010LUJ01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What causes this formation?

>> No.12743898
File: 3.62 MB, 1648x1200, Mars_Perseverance_ZLF_0002_0667131195_000FDR_N0010052AUT_04096_0260LUJ01(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12743904

this is probably the coolest space video from NASA since the Apollo era

>> No.12743909
File: 43 KB, 800x447, 1588115867113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743922

Beyond based

>> No.12743936

Looks like desiccation cracks. Caused from evaporation of a fluid, i.e. water, and then the clays and sediments contract as they get dried out

>> No.12743939
File: 653 KB, 1329x623, 1599202308600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do space landings look so fake?

It seems almost impossible to determine the altitude based on terrain features. Perseverance appears to be hanging at 3000m and suddenly it's kicking up some dust. What looked like mountains are actually small rocks.

Is the Demiurge using some lazy-loaded fractal textures for other bodies?

Same effect can be observed in Chang'e-5's landing:

>> No.12743941
File: 2.33 MB, 2000x2420, b84ec7743d71849a465ac6a126d4f935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

State mandated martian raptor wifes when?

>> No.12743942

Actually hah on second that that's definitely not what it is. It's just weathered bedrock where regolith has just blown in and filled the cracks

>> No.12743945

It's just because other planets don't have much to estimate scale by and the fact that the atmosphere/ clouds aren't blocking view of descent

>> No.12743946
File: 1.79 MB, 6932x3982, space_moon_rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing familiar to give you a sense of scale

>> No.12743948

It isn’t Earth so it looks weird, because of different atmospheric effects and a total lack of visible familiar features we can infer scale and distance from.

>> No.12743950

Why the fuck is the moon smooth? I’d expect WAY more roughness on a world that’s been a vacuum for billions of years

>> No.12743956

You can already get a Raptor wife it’s just that she’s probably mounted to the ass of a Starship

>> No.12743959

maybe solar winds?

>> No.12743960
File: 3.68 MB, 3300x4434, be585237af61712d23f61a376934f7afa5b53b9b76d5f8d653ca35a206396a9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone edit this

>> No.12743963

Percy landed IN an impact crater, near the western edge. Curiosity did the same thing with Gale Crater.

>> No.12743966
File: 489 KB, 1148x861, 2020_Vision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Thunderf00t video
>Perseverence Rover: BUSTED

>> No.12743968


>> No.12743979

What made you think it was a good idea to post this?

>> No.12743984

Sooo, no audio? Microphones fucked?

And does anyone know if they landed where they wanted to land? They have been really slow with this info.

>> No.12743985

I want to watch Elon incinerate some birds some day.

>> No.12743986
File: 54 KB, 750x1334, 4463fcf88e18ec601eb7169aa93e9eaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they went with the Atari option for the Ayyyys. nice gesture.

>> No.12743988

>My job is done
>Fare well, Perseverance

>> No.12743990

The comment section is exactly what I imagined it would be

>> No.12743992

What fuel is the Skycrane using? And why is the plume invisible.

>> No.12743998

those mountains are probably really far away

>> No.12743999

4 billion years of frost heaving

>> No.12744005

Hypergolics, obviously. Even in Earth's atmospher hypergols have a transparent plume, and in the near vacuum of the Martian atmosphere it would not be visible.

>> No.12744007

Impacts create dust, and the dust (very) slowly migrates around because of some weird electrostatic effects created by sunlight

>> No.12744009

I saw a neat talk about this at the IAC by the way, I'll see if I can find the paper.

>> No.12744014

The rule of thumb in spaceflight is: if you need to design a rocket engine that NEEDS to fire with no margin for error, such as trying to land an automated multi million dollar project, you go with hypergolics. It is a super reliable system that will ignite every time and work like a charm

>> No.12744015

reminds me of the scene from from the earth to the moon. one of the A13 wives is worried about the lunar burn.

engineer is like 'lol we just open a valve and the engine starts, it's pretty reliable"

>> No.12744021

It's literally been pulverized into powder by impacts, and the shockwaves from more impacts continuously shake down and smooth any of the surface features made of the small particles.

>> No.12744025

Hmm, and the lack of water prevents the dust sedimenting into new stone or clumping?

>> No.12744026

Great, even rocket engines are greentexting now.

>> No.12744027

Do you think he will make SpaceX busted when Elon lands people on Mars
>inb4 Musk is copying Apollo, they already landed people on the Moon, it's the same thing as Mars

>> No.12744029

pretty much

>> No.12744031
File: 270 KB, 358x656, starship eclipse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Hypothetically if Starship ran on Aerozine 50 fuel / Dinitrogen Tetroxide oxidizer would it get more performance than methalox or less? Idk how isp works

>> No.12744034

they landed behind some dunes, so not ideal. they might have to spend tine going around. mics work but didnt record shit during landing and they dont know why

>> No.12744035

Pepe did it first

>> No.12744038

He'll become a Mars landing denier and eventually descend into moon landing denial. He would sooner lose all sense of self before admitting he was wrong.

>> No.12744043

Alright, which one of you assholes did this?

>> No.12744045
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So much WIN!

>> No.12744057

Way less. Isp is a function of exhaust velocity, which is a function of exhaust molecular mass and fuel energy content per unit mass. All hypergolics have less energy per unit mass and more molar mass than hydrocarbon fuels, which is why all hydrocarbon fuels are more efficient than all hypergolics.

>> No.12744058

>Musk promised million, he only got 10, MUSK IS A FRAUD, OVERPROMISE UNDERDELIVER!!!!

>> No.12744074
File: 2.68 MB, 480x360, mars_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody got any good documentary recs on the history of Mars/ planetary exploration?

>> No.12744082

There's the "The Planets" 2019 show that has an episode about Mars from formation to current state using the latest data gathered by the recent missions.

>> No.12744095
File: 475 KB, 1911x1080, 20210222_221657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a better quality version of this picture from the press conference. I want to shit on SJWs with it

>> No.12744099

byproducts are nitrogen and hydrogen gas, both of which are clear.

>> No.12744108

In 2060 when Mars colonization is actually going to be real, every one of you will be dying of old age already. Sorry.

>> No.12744114

it's fine. as long as humanity leaves earth we'll be happy

>> No.12744117

>believing Mars colonization will be done by NASA

>> No.12744121
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>> No.12744123
File: 123 KB, 1200x630, 1583578134027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ungle Benis Hybergoligs :DDDDD

>> No.12744126

Not me. I'll only be in my 60s.
>says he's with Ungle Benis Hybergoligs
>packaging says Uncle Benis
I don't think this is a very trustworthy product.

>> No.12744137

>the moon has an atmosphere 0.000001% of Earths
>it's just fucking floating regolith from impacts

>> No.12744140

What was the real reason why this didn't work?

>> No.12744143

Dick Cheney

>> No.12744144

Shuttle lobby

>> No.12744160
File: 522 KB, 1152x720, 32325376-B26A-4756-9E97-F52634F7811B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll be 58 so not that old brother

Shitty design never would’ve worked

>> No.12744162
File: 671 KB, 1152x720, EF95AB41-9754-4BF4-A1E1-04200ED5AA80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too heavy. Too many goals. Too much new technology without the ability to survive a failure during testing. A recipe for disaster really.

>> No.12744169

Knowing it exists and seeing pictures of it is worth it. Also any one of us could die tomorrow so everything we see now is a blessing

>> No.12744170
File: 13 KB, 450x253, Pluto_16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best planet

>> No.12744171
File: 27 KB, 500x304, venturestar-x33-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A perfect storm of asking for too much with too short a development time, a project supported by democrats as the republicans took office and shuttle legacy manufacturers who would lose out on the NASA honeypot and wanted to shut it down.

>> No.12744172

sexy lander

>> No.12744173

Pluto is great it’s too bad the only way we’ll ever have round trips that don’t take a decade is NSWR or fusion rockets

>> No.12744177

Not with this attitude

>> No.12744183
File: 10 KB, 351x251, BCDD220F-B1CF-48B6-9759-26B53F16183A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro I based it off pic related. Apparently it was the lander that NASA “wanted to build” for its 2033 Mars mission back when the constellation program was a thing.

>> No.12744186
File: 1.63 MB, 1600x1200, Taurus Littrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not smooth, at all, on the macro scale.

>> No.12744190

Deboonked by facts and logic.

>> No.12744189
File: 121 KB, 633x632, microscope-moondust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the micro

>> No.12744193
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>> No.12744194

So it's smooth on the mecro level but not the micro or macro levels?

>> No.12744197

yes and somewhat smooth-somewhat crusty on the mæcro level

>> No.12744199
File: 226 KB, 579x488, 1613586973611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

>> No.12744201

It just happens sometimes.

>> No.12744205

This means that Armstrong's footprints will eventually be smoothed out, so we need to get back up there and dome the site.

>> No.12744210

What is this picture of?

>> No.12744212

my wife and her boyfriends

>> No.12744223


>> No.12744227

>The planet DEBOONKER

>> No.12744231

I've always hated it because of that one Magic School Bus episode for some reason

>> No.12744233
File: 475 KB, 1721x2100, 1613509566092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what kind of fashion Mars colonies will have.

I can't wait for short hair on women to go into fashion on space colonies since there is less to wash which saves water.

>> No.12744234

like that soviet chick in the 2010 movie

>> No.12744240

>short hair
You might be gay son

>> No.12744243

short hair is best hair

>> No.12744244
File: 447 KB, 402x302, dumb_nerd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was this faggot's plan anyways?

>> No.12744247

The one where Arnold freezes?

>> No.12744250

Found the homo

>> No.12744251

what are the cut cables in the bottom right?

>> No.12744252


>> No.12744254

Skycrane data connection

>> No.12744256

If you are a fag

>> No.12744263

Crashing the bus with no survivors

>> No.12744264

Your taste mite be shit faggot

>> No.12744265
File: 536 KB, 749x999, 1613520129365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liking certain features on women is gay
Imagine being this insecure

>> No.12744272

>Liking certain features on women is gay
If those are man features, yeah.

>> No.12744274

short hair is not a man feature retard

>> No.12744276


>> No.12744280
File: 287 KB, 1600x1200, 1613070914278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your children will be low t

>> No.12744294
File: 527 KB, 625x744, A6A55C5C-B20C-4D30-A6AC-EF09844944FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a wet dream about pic related from Stranger Things.

>> No.12744297
File: 229 KB, 1024x1536, Yoeha09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12744303

Why are astronauts unattractive. Even the Apollo dudes were fugly although they were chads.

>> No.12744306

>short hair AND a bull ring
how is your taste this trash? was your mom a hooker or something?

>> No.12744310

>this faggot wouldn’t perform a docking maneuver with Mae Jemison’s asshole

>> No.12744313

First of all the apollo dudes were attractive, and second of all women astronauts are ugly because they are asexual dorks

>> No.12744319
File: 1.56 MB, 1886x1102, 1425591685264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cristoforetti a cute

>> No.12744324
File: 136 KB, 930x582, A12_crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying the a12 crew aren't the best looking bunch out of the whole o' humanity

>> No.12744327

She's a commie.

>> No.12744329
File: 193 KB, 1000x667, Sandblasting - Abrasive Cleaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micrometeorite impacts over time. Sandblasting effect.

>> No.12744330
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>> No.12744333

bruh look at his TEETH

>> No.12744343

A fellow early zoomer?
Tell me brother, does this video seem familiar?

>> No.12744351
File: 45 KB, 910x722, Apollo LEM Takeoff - No Flame Exhaust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypergolics-- no flame visible. Apollo LEM takeoffs, for instance. I will also note that artists insist on painting exhaust flames on everything. They also paint stars in the daylight sky on the Moon. For some reason.

>> No.12744352

>he never wanted to /ss/ a short-haired tomboy like videl
He was sacrificing himself for the sake of Allah. But in all seriousness, wouldn't he have basically shriveled up due to water evaporation instead of freezing? I mean, space itself has no pressure so water just sublimates.

>> No.12744357

>wouldn't he have basically shriveled up due to water evaporation instead of freezing? I mean, space itself has no pressure so water just sublimates.
Anon.....our skin is pressure-sealed.

>> No.12744359
File: 42 KB, 600x398, LEM Moon Liftoff Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Where is the flame? Where are the stars? Must be fake!"

>> No.12744360

yikes https://www.reuters.com/article/us-boeing-777-ntsb-idUSKBN2AN03S

>> No.12744404
File: 950 KB, 1600x900, screenshot32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why tomboys should be the only women allowed to escape LEO and land on other planets:
>Tomboys, unlike regular midwit women, are not cultural sheep and are capable of forming actual personalities to accompany men on the journey to other planets. This also makes them immune to any (((cultural enrichment))), as like I said before, they are not like hive-minded insects and are capable of thinking for themselves.
>They're capable of helping around. While them still being women makes them weaker than men, it's nice to still have other helping hands. Plus, it's cute to see them struggle with carrying supplies with your help.
>They'd happily settle down and still be capable of seeing others without hoeing around, for they play games by literally playing games, not fucking with our hearts.
>They'd look fantastic in biosuits.
>They're more likely to actually be interested in space and stuff, so they won't just become bored and complain.
>They prevent massive homosexual orgies that result in no one actually enjoying anything in the long run.
Tl;dr, tomboys will probably actually like space on their own accord, not when the media tells them to. It's no coincidence that all the female cosmonauts and astronauts (who actually flew) were tomboyish to at least some degree.

>> No.12744409
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>> No.12744415

Drug abusers are not permitted to be astronauts.

>> No.12744419
File: 462 KB, 1536x636, 1602183085408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real reason.

>> No.12744427

Sucks to be you then.

>> No.12744429

The problem is that tomboys don't really exist anymore, media has forced them all into lesbianism

>> No.12744430

please remember that ONLY male breastfeeding will be allowed on mars

>> No.12744436

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.12744437
File: 136 KB, 1024x680, bobendoug's woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said tomboys, not gypsies.
They're all moms and stuff, or are at least the age of an older mother. Bobendoug's stouter half actually has a wife coming to the ISS in a later Dragon flight, and she doesn't actually look so bad for a woman who's about to become 50 years old.

>> No.12744443

We should become a purely male species like the Engineers from Prometheus, and have bodybuilding competitions.

>> No.12744447

They DO exist, but they're hard to come by in their pure form. A lot of the more chill FTM trannies who don't tryhard their transformation can probably be brought back to normalcy, especially if they're not being constantly brainwashed by (((LGBT))) media. Because FTMs are just confused tomboys most of the time.

>> No.12744451

Gotta love how some.....people....decided that “gender” was just a word for personality. It’s like if we had pronouns for the different Myers–Briggs personalities. Hopefully this junk is a fad.

>> No.12744457

How to make more humans though? You can't flex people into existence

>> No.12744461

Hey, there's no human geese on Mars, and there will be none. Except people like Robert Zubrin, maybe. New Rhodesia can easily learn to fortify minds from childhood and fight mediocrity and mental illness pandering.

>> No.12744462


>> No.12744463
File: 59 KB, 1080x1334, 1574931644047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12744467

Artificial wombs storable at home, which develop fetuses to term as clones of the “father” or potentially genetic blends of multiple men, something already achieved using females. This is not a serious proposal and is a meme btw

>> No.12744468
File: 14 KB, 480x360, thanksdoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see pic
But see, this is another why tomboys are the prime specimens of the opposite sex. Someone needs to have the motherliness to birth and nurture children, but still have the fortitude of the fathers. That, and genetic variety is always a good thing, so long as it stays within a race.

>> No.12744471

I wonder how long until some astronaut gets btfo by a regolith particle at 800mph

>> No.12744473

Broad antisemitism is dumb. It’s never the stereotypical religious Jews with the dark clothes and funny hair, it’s the atheist ethnic ones

>> No.12744476

I wonder if we could get away with only pressurizing the head, and compartmentalizing the rest of the spacesuit to protect against rapid depressurization in case of a puncture,

>> No.12744479

That's a lie. 90% of jews fervently support Zionism.

>> No.12744482

i have a jewish friend that doesnt even know he is jewish

>> No.12744485

That statement makes no sense. Or did you secretly obtain and test his DNA? Pretty creepy, desu.

>> No.12744489

>these people want their own ethnic homeland and that’s bad

Maybe you’re the Jew?

>> No.12744490

Hence why I mentioned Robert Zubrin. Some Jewish people actually dislike the idea of being cowards who just parasitically destroy their enemies and absorb them, and God bless them, for they are like the men who rejected their talmudic brethrens' greed and chose to follow Christ.

>> No.12744493

t. Jew

>> No.12744495
File: 51 KB, 720x683, 1574037780095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading a picture book as a kid that had some kind of a spacefaring schoolbus and the class trip was basically visiting every points of interest in the solar system, starting from the sun. Seeing pics of space bears surfing in solar winds got me fascinated about space ever since.

>> No.12744496

Oh well lucky for us ARCA will never make it to space

>> No.12744499

As population decline becomes more and more of a problem, corporations (after becoming de facto governments) will realize that they need to bolster the numbers of their customer base and that's how we get huge baby-growing tanks managed by neural nets optimized for genetic recombination.
I think that within a few hundred years this is probably going to become the dominant method by which new humans come into existence.

>> No.12744502

That "homeland" is called Palestine and they are murdering and terrorizing the natives while denying every other nation on earth that right to their own ethnostate that is explicitly enumerated in the universal declaration of human rights.

>> No.12744504
File: 93 KB, 1439x991, 1551125956787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race will not exist in the space age. To achieve global unity and explore the stars we must expel our differences

>> No.12744505

Having an ethnic homeland is insufficient for Zionists. They also want the rest of the world outside of their homeland to be a miserable and politically-pliable shithole.

>> No.12744507

I'm okay with race going away, as long as we bring back eugenics

>> No.12744510

based. the only people with a long term plan for the longevity of civilization. I wish i could join the nwo, it really is a heroic effort

>> No.12744511

The problem with Israel isn't that they're trying to genocide Palestinians, it's that they're subverting western governments to help them do it, and as you said all while actively preventing other groups from doing the same

>> No.12744515

>*Jews are excluded from this rule. Anyone that protests will be arbitrarily persecuted.

>> No.12744516

i secretly did genealogical research

>> No.12744520

Thats retarded. Differences will only become more and more extreme in such an environment

>> No.12744521

>long term plan for the longevity of civilization
Except the plan dooms civilization because nobody is allowed to leave the crab bucket or they might escape the long-nose tribe's sphere of influence.

>> No.12744522

lel, don't tell him

>> No.12744523

Exceedingly creepy. If I were your 'friend' I would get a restraining order.

>> No.12744525

What are you KGB?

>> No.12744531

not true, that's you extrapolating

>> No.12744535

This is fucking based
Lmao no it wouldn't be good, but we will see it's capabilities when the Chinese pull it off
This is super specific and random, but which one of you has that meme with the nazi freaking out and the black and white couple is like "no it's okay we're both Catholic". I know I saw it on /sfg/ and I've been thinking about it for a while

>> No.12744537


>> No.12744542
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>'only one's with long term plan for civilization'
>s-stop extrapolating! Thinking ahead bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12744544

I’ve been into space my whole life but my only memory of the constellation program before it was canned was watching a documentary about the return to the moon. Anyways yeah RIP Ares V. I remember it being my favorite rocket until 2012, when I learned it was cancelled. Ares I was cool too. At the time the idea of separate crew and cargo launchers made so much sense to me. I know it’s stupid now but when I learned about Ares I and V back in 2009ish I was like “Ah of course that makes sense why would you launch your cargo with your crew?”

>> No.12744548

Dude, tomboys are still women and still have all of the issues normal girls have. You’re naive if you think they’re any different.
>t. Dated skater chicks in high school

Good for them desu but not taking your husband’s last name has always been a red flag to me don’t know why

>> No.12744551
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>> No.12744555

Not memeing but I hope we as a society can get past race but seeing as how the modern world likes to capitalize off differences in it, I don’t think that’ll ever happen.

>We’re both Catholic
Jej. Did you know that by 2050 4/10 Christians will be sub Saharan African?

>> No.12744557

>Not memeing but I hope we as a society can get past race
You are poisoned

>> No.12744558
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>why would you launch your cargo with your crew?
Because you can

>> No.12744560
File: 493 KB, 1152x1830, Christcucks strike back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised it's not already.

>> No.12744562

I'm confident it will happen out of necessity at this point

>> No.12744563

Making people think they’re different from one another only makes animosity between them larger.

>> No.12744569
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>> No.12744571

I hate illegal immigration but Hispanics are the only reason Christianity is still prevalent in the US. White people are cucked man

>> No.12744572

>genetics only exists in people's minds
Sincerely hope you're trolling

>> No.12744576

I’ve never seen a New Glenn next to a Starship before. It’s small

>> No.12744577

They are different from one another and insisting someone ignore and act against obvious truths makes them more angry than any 'nonviolent' action you can take. Evolution did not stop at the neck, post-christian.

>> No.12744580
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, 06506520__7e1we841g9w60910j60e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people are the most culturally advanced is all due to more time living at a higher technological level. shedding religion is part of moving forward as a species. pic related

>> No.12744584


>> No.12744586

white people

>> No.12744590

Scientism is a stupid religion for midwits. More cringe than even Christians.

>> No.12744592


>> No.12744594

>Making people think they’re different from one another
They ARE different from one another. Decades of life on other planets would create divergent cultures and genomes, even whole new species

>> No.12744596

A bit longer than that, jej.

>> No.12744597

>Shed religion
>suicide rates skyrocket
>Birthrates drop to extinction levels
>we’re moving forward guys

I’m gonna go live with the Mormons on Mars

>> No.12744598

>Decades of life on other planets would create divergent cultures and genomes, even whole new species
holy shit you're delusional. evolution doesn't work on timescales like that

>> No.12744604

>evolution doesn't work on timescales like that
Evolution occurs between a single generation. Genetic changes, many of them, occur 100% of the time during reproduction.

>> No.12744609

No! Humans are magic beings that did not evolve and and are generic units that are totally interchangeable. Trust the experts! Creationism is true!

>> No.12744612

You must be trolling

>> No.12744615

You realize that evolution and creationism are perfectly compatible, right?

>> No.12744619

I have roughly 100 mutations in my genome that make me genetically distinct from either of my parents. So do you.

>> No.12744620

only it this really abstract pantheistic way

>> No.12744622
File: 111 KB, 679x744, 20CB9ACB-059C-4B08-85A9-2B48915C781C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unpopular spaceflight opinions
>I really enjoyed “The Martian” both book and movie. I liked how the book was technical and I like how the movie was light hearted and not a downer. I know it’s kinda goofy but it has an inspiring feeling to it and great visuals. Also it got me into David Bowie.
>I think the ISS is a good thing because it gave us SpaceX. Without the ISS, SpaceX wouldn’t exist. Maybe that timeline would be better, but I’m happy with ours right now.
>There’s nothing wrong with the SLS aside from the fact that it’s flying in the 2020s and not the 1990s. If it flew at least a decade ago it would’ve been a good rocket.
>Perseverance is great but $2.5 Billion for a single Mars rover would be better spend going to half a dozen smaller landers for the poles, Valles Marinaris, maybe even Phobos
>Falcon 9 looked better when it was all white with scorch marks after reuse
>The current Starship/BFR/ITS design is the best because its the one that’s actually had flight time.

>> No.12744624

Every day we do not have flying cars is Musk BUSTED!

>> No.12744625

>no mention of terraforming or brics
C'mon, man.

>> No.12744626

Nothing abstract or pantheistic about it, after all it's the official position of the Catholic Church. God created life, and life undergoes evolutionary processes. Where's the conflict?

>> No.12744632

>Terraforming is a neat idea but will never happen because all of our bases are already planned for lower elevations, so if you made an ocean on Mars everyone would drown
>PROONTING is a meme the future is making bricks and spraying foam on them to make it airtight

>> No.12744634
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Quality post, image gave me a good laugh as well

>> No.12744636

how did you perform in freshmen biology

>> No.12744639

The Catholic Church endorsed evolution and its heresy for a Catholic to believe that the Earth was created in “7 days” which is retarded as fuck. Anyhow do Jews believe in creationism? It’s from the Old Testament/Torah?

>> No.12744640

Its because it is supposed to be competition for the Falcon9. Thats what people don't understand. Blue Orgin is so far behind its insane

>> No.12744642
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>> No.12744643

It's also competition for falcon heavy

>> No.12744644

Sure, if you don't know anything about either of those things

>> No.12744645

Who's that big boi in the middle?

>> No.12744647

>God created life
So God created the first living cell and then let evolution do the rest?
Christians believe God created humans, and science says they evolved. Those are mutually exclusive.

>> No.12744653

Bro I've seen that animation with different music so many times, it brings back memories. I remember thinking that Ares 1 was wack as fuck, especially when it had its slapstick test flight

>> No.12744654

The OT is wholly incompatible with the modern paradigm. What I've read of the NT just seems like a manual on exceptional rhetoric.

>> No.12744656


>> No.12744660

I've never met a Jew who actually knows anything about their faith other than the traditional holiday significances. Catholicism is based, especially compared to Heebrewism
boeing lmlv I think?

>> No.12744661

Evolution is change in allele frequencies in a population of related organisms over successive generations. In one generation, allele frequencies in a population can, will, and do change, therefore evolution can occur in one generation.

My biology class never covered evolution, and even if they did, I’m sure they’d give a piss-poor overview of it, without any details, because it’s an assembly line-style massive scale educational system, not a true learning experience. Perhaps you yourself have been negatively impacted by this, because it should be obvious that some changes would occur even across only one reproductive cycle.

>> No.12744662

Never betting made.

>> No.12744666

Yes my bad falcon platform in general, but its problem is it is coming out after starship.

>> No.12744667

Listen dude, random mutations that take place between generations are overwhelmingly junk mutations that don't affect phenotype. It takes centuries for larger animals to start to have noticeable phenotype changes due to mutations. No humans are going to be speciating within decades without technological intervention

>> No.12744670

Maybe they'll surprise us. Starship is an unprecedented endeavor, while BO just has to rip off the F9

>> No.12744672

>without technological intervention
oh god you're going to summon the furries

>> No.12744673

Just because an organism changes over time doesn't mean it ceases to be a creation of God. Whether or not we suddenly appeared on Earth in our current form (we didn't) or developed into what we are through a process dictated by God is irrelevant to that premise

>> No.12744684

Gene frequency is an equally important part of evolution to mutations. The moment you place a population of organisms into an environment, selection pressures will begin acting on them, causing the deaths or otherwise misfortune of organisms with pre-existing undesirable genotypes.
For example, if I had a population of rats of numerous colors, such as white, brown, black, etc, and I placed them into, say, a farmyard environment, the white rats would quickly be killed off due to being much more visible to predators like coyotes, wolves, and hawks than the brown and black rats, causing the second generation of rats in the environment to have a substantially different average gene composition from the first generation. Evolution in one reproductive cycle.

>> No.12744688
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Catholicism is just more Abrahamist poison.
Reject Abrahamism, embrace Ascendant Theocidism, the official religion of the moon wizards.

>> No.12744693

SN 8 and 9 already nailed the flight SN 10 is probably going to land this week. SN 11 is already ready and SN15 has more of the design added to it including thermal tiles. Starship is unironically going very well and will most likely do an orbital flight this year. New Glenn still is what?

>> No.12744695
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>Maybe they'll surprise us
That's funny and sad at the same time

>> No.12744697

Pretty sure pressurized sealed habitats can work both on the mars surface and under water, Martian bioshock

>> No.12744702

Pressurized environments are designed to withstand pressure from inside, not pressure from outside.

>> No.12744712

She's Italian.

>> No.12744713

if you believe this you are an unironic midwit. When you watch Diversity Inclusion trash, all that is about manufacturing women who are androgonous in spirit. You are already sourounded by tomboys. Except they'll never look like your fantasy. Women take power, and then make the place safe and secure for them. True Tomboys. Can never be raised in a gynocentric soceity which mass manufactures them.

>> No.12744716

If Snow Insnt Real How Can Space Is Real ?

>> No.12744720

That's not even what we're talking about. I'm talking about how long it takes for new traits to appear from mutations, not how long it takes allele frequencies to change. You are right that in a low population like a mars colony allele frequencies could change pretty fast, but that would only affect our preexisting genes. But the time it takes for new, useful traits to appear via mutation is much, much longer than you seem to think it is

>> No.12744726 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12744730


>> No.12744739

This sounds fucking awful, I dated a tom boy before and I do not recommend it. The novelty wears off quicker than a Minotaur leaving the pad, and pretty soon you find yourself wondering if you just got tricked into a dating a lesbian who is just trying to find herself

>> No.12744747

Tomboys are something you grow out of. I think people prefer them while they are young and insecure. Their masculine traits a counter balance to an inner lack.

>> No.12744766

The only girls with good personalities who are smart or maybe funny or halfway intelligent or talented, though god knows what the fuck that means, are ugly chicks. And this is because they have to make up for how fucking unnattractive they are.

>> No.12744774

Shes incredible

>> No.12744816


Nah. My wife has a bunch of male hobbies. I'm not sure I'd call her a tomboy but it sure beats the hell out of my ex that all of her hobbies had a social angle and I couldn't get her into anything that I was into. Now I have my wife linking me things related to space exploration and otaku stuff. We even watch the Starship flights together.

Having male hobbies doesn't mean lesbian for fucks sake.

>> No.12744817
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>> No.12744843

>posting this shit again
Atheist neckbeard stereotype doesn’t know anything about rocketry.

>> No.12744863

short hair would definitely be more practical on Mars... being bald even more. Mars fashion will be all bald people.

>> No.12744866

I would gladly produce a small pirate with her, multiple times

>> No.12744869

you're right, we must genocide all niggers and jews before going to space

>> No.12744875

yeah, it doesn't but the fact that you have to have the same interests is mega cringe. Now it's fine if you are dating your wife. But you could date anyone else. Marriage is there to have children and to build a household together. Not to stream cringe anime to each other. Also if you cohabitated prior to marriage, those kinds of things are way likelier to implode. So have fun. I hope it works out.

But the last thing I'd bet on is you and your need to have hobbies validated by your wife.

>> No.12744884

Once Starship reaches orbit we must cross all the streams.
>proont a mini Starship
>send it to Zubrin

>> No.12744887

>Terraform Zubrin's scalp

>> No.12744893

>put a pisslock on Shelby's front door and stick a "propellant depot" sign in his front yard

>> No.12744894


>Marriage is there to have children and to build a household together

Wow, straight out of /pol/ eh? Let me guess, she better be my race too, right? I got married with her because I love her, not because of some need to procreate.

>it doesn't but the fact that you have to have the same interests is mega cringe

That's the most pathetic line I've seen on this site in over a year, congratulations.

>> No.12744901
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me guess, she better be my race too, right?

>> No.12744908
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>> No.12744912

You're objectively a genetic failure, inferior to even a bacterium, if you don't have kids.

>> No.12744916

I think it’s fine if a spouse shares common interests with you. Look at bob behnken and his wife, two astronauts who probably geek out in their free time. But also marriage is originally a religious thing and it has been hijacked by the west. Dorks want to get married to women just to play nintendo switch and help them take photos for onlyfans. This is dumb; marriage is for producing children and building to a family. And I expect this mindset to be strictly enforced on Mars.

>> No.12744919


We're discussing having kids actually, but fear of becoming a "genetic failure" is not a discussion topic. It wouldn't even matter in the long run anyway as its likely that in a few hundred years the people living in this planet won't even be called humans anymore due to gene editing.

Real couples are thinking about how much money they earn, time they have for their potential child, their ages, their environment and so on. You'd know this if you stop browsing stromfront for a while.

>> No.12744922


>Dorks want to get married to women just to play nintendo switch and help them take photos for onlyfans.

Lmao. Where? At the most superficial people want to get married because of financial reasons, social image and sex. It's like you people can't observe things that happen outside of 4chan. Join reality.

>> No.12744925

Cringe reddit tourist

>> No.12744926

tell me one good reason why you'd ever want to get married. I'll wait. Also nothing to do with /pol/ you are the one who married a woman so you could date her full time.

And you are right she better have strong genes but I can already imagine she wouldn't you fat fuck. Space and Otaku shit is code for Weeb shit, and Space Weeb shit.

>> No.12744934

sometimes I wish to see the faces of the posters behind this

>> No.12744936


>tell me one good reason why you'd ever want to get married.

I love my wife and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. We help each other with double income and sharing house chores. By spending time together we also de-stress. I have some desire to raise children too. Why isn't this good enough?

>> No.12744937
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This but with all of the anti-Krystal posts replacing the tweets.

>> No.12744944
File: 3.04 MB, 1334x750, E4CBDA5D-C890-4F3A-A68F-9709362B63AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute. For your sake I hope she’s pretty. And not an asshole. I almost married my old girlfriend–and that would have been a dumpster fire marriage. I was drunk in love though. Fuck you jannies this is on topic for late night /sfg/

>> No.12744947

Your reasons are as good as they come for the western mind set. If you are rich. This heightens your chances a lot. But that said, there are clean reasons why arranged marriages seem to empirically work out better. I am sure your arrangement works for some. But the frame of reference itself is rotten. That's the real answer. It's not good enough because if modern western methods worked the system wouldn't be ripping itself to shreds. This is why I can make fun of a random poster. But I can't be readily cruel to just an unwitting participant.

>> No.12744950

>the system wouldn't be ripping itself to shreds
The system isn't ripping "itself" to shreds. Americas being dismantled on purpose.

>> No.12744953

>We're discussing having kids
That this is even a discussion is why white people are going extinct. Good riddance.
All Arab Muslim Mars colony when?

>> No.12744961

Americans did dismantle it on purpose. It was always going to end at the family. A strong patriarch just had to go. All competing power systems have to go. I understand progressives/communists have been ripping it apart.

Neoliberals basically ran with critical theory, and never questioned the fact they turned america into a golden palace off the back of this new morality. With their new 'not communism'. But we can't blame anyone. The machine is bleeding to death for a number of reasons. We can't blame anyone.

>> No.12744966
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>We can't blame anyone.

>> No.12744970

To clarify, we shouldn't blame anyone. They won. It's their machine bleeding to death.

>> No.12744976

>we can't blame anyone
>we shouldn't blame anyone
>no stop that would be revenge
>weren't you taught that revenge is always the ultimate evil and that you should never ever do it

>> No.12744980

Look if you wanna repeat 200+ years of constant failures and losses you are free to

>> No.12744985
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>> No.12744987
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>> No.12745014
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RocketLab moon launch from Virginia in a few weeks!


>> No.12745019

>I showed you my roover, answer me

>> No.12745057

Brains been fried on crypto for the last week. What have I missed at Boca? Why hasn't the tin can flown yet?

>> No.12745064


>> No.12745071
File: 140 KB, 1920x1080, R278d9d0c912b0bf59529f246dd60e98a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the comfiest station/hab you've ever seen? pic related

>> No.12745073

Texas had really bad weather. Also SpaceX was busy rescuing sea turtles

>> No.12745077
File: 192 KB, 1600x961, R826a877361ad19b9a4d11e4531dbd739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also liked Caldari

>> No.12745095

>Also SpaceX was busy rescuing sea turtles


>> No.12745108

uhhhh i'm scared bros. we might be going from the best nasa admin in decades to an absolute oldspace SLS shill

>> No.12745132

what the fuck happened to putting a woman in there

>> No.12745139

>biden chooses pork barrel corruption
Wow I'm absolutely shocked. Its not like hes done this his entire career or anything. Its not like he was vice president during 8 years of nasa budget cuts. NASA is going to be outclassed by spacex and they deserve all the ridicule coming to them.

>> No.12745142

Space is just too big to be ruled by a single government with a single body of law.
Realistically cults like scientology are gonna build their own independent rotating habitats, that will have to function as near independent nations just because of the sheer distances alone, as any kind of outside intervention might take month or even years to reach any habitat not in the inner solar system.
In other words, "Who you gonna tell? The Judge? They don't judge up here, bitch!"

>> No.12745150

>Nelson received campaign contributions from Saudi Arabia's lobbyists. In June 2017, Nelson voted to support Trump's $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia. In March 2018, Nelson voted against Bernie Sanders' and Chris Murphy's bill to end U.S. support for the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen.
Well maybe his saudi handlers will force him to launch a space jihad and we will get a Paul Atreides out of it.

>> No.12745223

That's cool as fuck. I'd like to have a beer on it.

>> No.12745233

the hell is this

>> No.12745289

Looks like a terrain feature on Mars with an odd hole in it.
I'm curious what the scale is. Could be hundreds of meters wide or a few feet.

>> No.12745291
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>> No.12745292


>> No.12745301

agree on everything, aside from the SLS part, it's a mess.

>> No.12745317
File: 723 KB, 2048x1536, Pentagon_City_Mall_palm_trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark grey + bright blue LEDs
beyond shit taste

I want space stations/bases to look like malls

>> No.12745332

>If it flew at least a decade ago it would’ve been a good rocket.

>> No.12745338

Paul Blart: Space Mall Cyber Cop

>> No.12745342

>I'm curious what the scale is. Could be hundreds of meters wide or a few feet.
Measuring by the "ceiling":
Length (long side): around 160 meters
Width (widest point): around 50 meters

If I was more paranoid, I'd say the ratio comes close to Pi. Probably a coincidence due to the shape.
As for the "door", it is harder to tell because of the angle, but I estimate that it is between 15 and 25 meters tall.

>> No.12745356
File: 305 KB, 593x563, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rig renovations looking to be more expensive than anticipated?

>> No.12745387

Perhaps the "door" is just a landslide, but that top looks bizarrely flat. It nearly resembles what a future human colony could resemble from us dumping regolith over it to block radiation.

And what's with that odd looking spot at the bottom left of the formation?

Im scared bros

>> No.12745393

>staring Rich Evans

>> No.12745394

Homemade Documentaries Youtube Channel

>> No.12745437

>building a rocket launch/landing platform out of old oil drillers, along with related infrastructure
bet it costs more than the entire ss program to date.

>> No.12745452
File: 146 KB, 1313x1035, C8A5C351-A199-4F5A-A877-B3D25AD307DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man sometimes I walk around my Uni and I think “oh this would be really cool if it was a Mars or Moon base.” I do the same with office buildings. Back when it was really snowing hard I’d go to the lounge area in my dorm on the bottom floor and I’d look out the window at the snow and think “You know this building would make a great colony base.”

Anyhow I think pics like pic related are cozy as hell.

>> No.12745460

>Paul Blart: Space Mall Cyb3r Cop
>staring Dwayne Johnson

>> No.12745461

>Starring Honey Gold

>> No.12745463

>According to the reddit AMA
>they are surprised the descent stage diverted left
No they weren't. It was an intended maneuver to avoid the back plate with parachute.
If someone on r*ddit said "we don't know why it did that" they obviously aren't part of the team who designed it.

>> No.12745473

Realistically, in a world where SLS flew in 2017, how would things be different?

>> No.12745474

Lori Garver on suicide watch. Send her some of her own quotes to cheer her up.

>> No.12745494

Hopefully Starlink will provide a substantial source of income if its gonna cost a lot to do up these rigs.

>> No.12745511
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>> No.12745525

Sorry it’s too late, we’ve already found her body, she slit her wrists. Unfortunately, the authorities were able to locate and restrain Eric Berger before he hung himself.

>> No.12745528

This is launching from New Zealand. You're confusing it with CAPSTONE, which will launch from Virginia.

>> No.12745560
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This one is a worse offender

>> No.12745574
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>that's supposed to be erosion

>> No.12745624

The downward camera had high magnification. Will be utterly useless from here on out because of that.

>> No.12745639

Canyons are the best place to look for life besides the underground. As such nobody will touch there out of fear of contaminating.

>> No.12745652

How will Thunderf00t cope when SpaceX is landing Starships on the surface of Mars?

>> No.12745660


>> No.12745662

>SpaceX Mars landing: BUSTED
>"but they haven't taken in the fact, that Mars actually doesn't exist"

>> No.12745663
File: 1.46 MB, 1152x648, Mars_Virtual_Photo_aTTDsBG6tA9RwAeoD4mOobAZG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ challenge to make the best Mars photo booth pic.

>> No.12745665

this looks almost exactly like an open-pit mine

>> No.12745672

Pretty sure it's a mountain

>> No.12745675

>dcx did this 30 years ago!

>> No.12745680

Yeah, it is not a hole.

>> No.12745683

Did he actually say that? DCX never existed Lmao

>> No.12745701

In every single video where he shits on spacex, he brings up the subscale demonstrator that did a few hops. In the last one he also showed cgi of it while neglecting to tell his retarded audience that its not real footage, then he shows the LEM and says "and i prefer rockets that land and actually do something", not realizing the hypocrisy of just 10 seconds praising dcx test flights, over falcon 9, which is a rocket that lands and actually does something.

>> No.12745705

The first aeroplane glide slope ILS landing was in the 1920s; really SpaceX hasn’t done anything new desu

>> No.12745706

When it comes to his SpaceX argument it’s retarded as shit man. DCX didn’t do what Falcon 9 did even the damn thing flew to like a few hundred feet.

>> No.12745709

the chinese were launching rockets a thousand years ago. how does spacex even begin to compete?

>> No.12745713

nah man, just say "yeah, no, that's been done" in the most condescending voice possible and you can ignore the facts

>> No.12745717
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I saw a video (I think Robert Zubrin was in it) where the narrator compared the first humans going to Mars as being similar to the first humans to take the trek out of Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago. I don’t know why but the idea of people who’ve been dead for millennia and having been los to time making their voyage really moved me. Humans never really changed, have they?

Not to get all Isaac Awfuh on everyone but imagine humanity 200,000 years from now. Will they remember the first people to go to Mars?

>> No.12745719

the pterosaur first flew 235,000,000 years ago. are spacex even trying?

>> No.12745720

Man, Musk really is cringe sometimes.

>> No.12745721

There's no way that even building them from scratch would've been more expensive than SLS development.

>> No.12745723
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Zero soul

>> No.12745730
File: 11 KB, 320x240, REMEMBER ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will they remember the first people to go to Mars
Only if they're made to. On the plus side, giant statues should be slightly easier to build there, right? Alternatively just carve the faces of the first 1000 colonists along the inner wall of Mariner Valley in Mt. Rushmore scale.

>> No.12745731

Theia landed 2,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons on Earth and put 73,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons in orbit, over 4 billion years ago. SpaceX cannot compete.

>> No.12745735

elon musk will be crying

>> No.12745738

Fusion was invented 13.4 billion years ago. Why doesn’t Musk have it now? Hack fraud.

>> No.12745739

at the beginning of time the big bang put 10^53kg in all space time everywhere. thunderbox 1, spacex 0.

>> No.12745742

Why did it do that? Seems like a mistake if you ask me.

>> No.12745749

Holy shit...and it costed $0/kg...SpaceX is over

>> No.12745750

>roughly 68% of the universe is dark energy. dark matter makes up about 27%. the rest - everything on earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the universe
the so called "starship" can't even carry dark energy let alone observe it. sls can.

>> No.12745752

>it costed $0/kg
Hey hold on, those servers aren't cheap.
t. 4th dimensional simulation manager

>> No.12745754

when you put it that way, it starting to look like SPACEX BUSTED. hack fraud musk cant compete

>> No.12745756

>roughly 68% of the universe is dark energy. dark matter makes up about 27%. the rest - everything on earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the universe
Are they sure it's not just a rounding error? I don't think most reality is made of mystery-meat.

>> No.12745757

>modern physicists posit the existence of undetectable wumbo jumbo to patch up the holes in their models

>> No.12745761

Thats a blast from the past. Remember this being around years back

>> No.12745763

The effects are observable, the cause isn't. Gravity is the same way yet we don't call it "dark flow" or something so people don't get up in arms about it.

>> No.12745764

we're now going down a rabbit hole far more interesting than some basedaboya's youtube channel.

>> No.12745766

Dark Energy and Dark Matter are literally just “unobtabium” but with a modernized name. No one knows what they are or even if they’re exist a lot of scientists think that within a hundred years it’ll be an obsolete theory

>> No.12745768

>The effects are observable, the cause isn't.
If it isn't observable, it's not scientific.

>Gravity is the same way
Gravity is caused by mass-energy.

>> No.12745770

what are the implications of dark energy/matter?

>> No.12745771
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Hey if Tesla stock continues to crash Elon might take Starlink public sooner.

>> No.12745773
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What now racist chuds?

>> No.12745774


>> No.12745776

There is nothing wrong with immigration. It gave us Musk. Illegal immigration is bad tho

>> No.12745777

Nothing. Dark energy is more like a law of nature, as it does not dilute away when volume increases or as time passes.

Dark matter only interacts via gravity so there's no real applications there.

>> No.12745778

>There is nothing wrong with immigration. It gave us Musk.
Yes, white-only immigration could be beneficial.

>> No.12745780

Nice, good for her! All namefags should be shot on sight!

>> No.12745784

Our best model for gravity only explains it as "warping spacetime" which is essentially an inexplicable phenomenon which happens to work in the math. Also, "dark matter" and "dark energy" are both terms for the effect, they do not attempt to describe the cause.

>> No.12745786

is there any hope to harness either (or gravity, or time) for useful human purposes or are we just creatures stuck in our 3 dimensional meat sacks?
>t. obviously not a physicist

>> No.12745789

>harness gravity energy
Like a watermill?

>> No.12745790

>any hope to harness either
Common answer is we can't know yet, but I'd say probably not.

>> No.12745792

Notice that it's only the caucasian immigrants who actually succeed.

>> No.12745794

We will eventually use dark energy to create new universes for us to expand into

>> No.12745797
File: 58 KB, 630x630, pepe_feels_good_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for her! Everyone on the team should be proud

>> No.12745799

dark succ
>Dark Energy and Dark Matter are literally just “unobtabium” but with a modernized name.
No, unobtanium is the thing that 60's based engineers drew into the specs for their mach 8 turboramjet fighter planes and paper machines. Unobtanium is a stand-in for a material that can do all the things perfectly (infinite strength, infinite heat resistance, infinite hardness, infinite toughness, etc etc. Basically what CAD models are made from.)
Dark matter should really be called dark mass, because it's basically mass that doesn't interact with light except through gravitational lensing and doesn't undergo significant nuclear reactions (otherwise it would not remain as diffuse as it is).
Dark energy should just be called anomalous accelerated expansion. Because that's what it is. Universe is apparently expanding, the rate of expansion is apparently accelerating, and we don't have a mechanism for that in the standard theory so it's anomalous.
DM and DE are either grand scale statistical measurement errors that persist no matter what we have thrown at them so far, OR they are real effects. If they are real effects, then something is causing them. Every explanation deeper than that doesn't have any actual evidence to support them except for null result stuff (for example we don't see dense dark matter clouds, therefore any theories of dark matter that allow significant self-interaction are probably incorrect).

>> No.12745805

>The effects are observable, the cause isn't.
>If it isn't observable, it's not scientific.
anon disproves quarks with this one weird trick, physicists HATE him

>> No.12745814

A lot of Hispanics are literally just while people who speak Spanish.

Who knows. Maybe.

>> No.12745816

She has a third nipple (looks like a mole but it's not, it's actually a very common thing).
Simply re-energize the inflaton field and collapse it into particle-wash once it reaches a large enough volume that you are doing better than break-even on energy input (only takes 10^10^-47 seconds)

>> No.12745823
File: 368 KB, 1280x960, Mars_Perseverance_NLM_0004_0667310972_991ECM_N0010052AUT_04096_00_2LLJ01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chosen undead.... seek the souls of lords.... on mars......

>> No.12745825

>Use dark energy to expand the space inside a cavity and push on a piston.
Internal dark energy expansion powered V8 engines when?

>> No.12745830

Rekindling Olympus Mons when?

>> No.12745835

Instructions unclear, triggered vacuum collapse and re-started the universe

>> No.12745838


>> No.12745841

No proof quarks exist. It's just a model

>> No.12745844

>re-started the universe
It's for the best really, this one's too big

>> No.12745852

>Perseverance Rover Cost: $2.4 Billion
>Perseverance + Curiosity + Europa Clipper cost: $8 Billion
>Starship development Cost: $8.6 Billion

>> No.12745853

We would not have these problems if we kept the understanding that instrumentalist science, is, well, instrumental, and not about ontology.
Scientific realism and instrumentalism seem to have been merged in the worst of manners. Particularly in the context of popsci. It's become normal to talk about mathematical objects as if they were some sort of humanly tangible corpuscules.
This is what "scientism" does. Well, one of the things.

>> No.12745859

Same goes for DEEZ NUTZ

>> No.12745860

>sudo apt-get instal matter
oh god

>> No.12745868

many of us (including myself) struggle with abstract mathematical concepts so attempt to visualise them into physical terms we can deal with. does it make us dumb? yes. but scientists using terms like dark whatever doesn't really help, it implies something physical that could be interacted with, hence the misunderstanding.

>> No.12745875

>He thinks the cosmological 'constant' is constant

>> No.12745878

there is only one constant. the space launch system. when all the stars die and the black holes fade away there will just be the one orange tank.

>> No.12745881

There is nothing wrong with visualizing. I just meant that we must stay aware of what the scope of science is, and what it really means to "know" or observe something.

>> No.12745883

Was there any word on why yesterday's attempted static fire got scrubbed? I presume they'll try again today.

>> No.12745895

Elon announced yesterday that they will be stopping all Starship development until Q2 2021

>> No.12745900
File: 195 KB, 500x333, bored yawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon tweeted last night that your mom was a disappointing lay.

>> No.12745902
File: 189 KB, 1024x740, bullit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark energy is observable as the net red shifting effect of galactic drift, dark matter is observable as the effect of excess mass where you wouldn't expect it (eg gravitational lensing showing the mass concentration diverging from the matter concentration in a collision as shown). We interact with them as much as anything, but the effects aren't relevant at our scales. Could say the same of neutrinos which are definitely objectively verifiable.

>> No.12745907

why do you think they'll try again? they're probably so embarrassed they'll never make another attempt

>> No.12745916

>an effect with an unknown cause is actually caused by a made up thing

>> No.12745926

Everything I described was the objective, observed, effect. Describing the cause is a completely different matter, worthy of wasting a PHD thesis on not a 4chan post.

>> No.12745933

Dork Matter is a marketing term that has no place in any scientific discussion.

>> No.12745939

Friendly reminder that asking 'why' too many times devolves into philosophy.

>> No.12745941

How do you know that our methods of estimating the mass of a galaxy are correct? We assume that gravitational lensing is bigger than it should be based on the predicted mass of a galaxy but we have absolutely no way of knowing how accurate that measurement is. I mean there is still a ton of debate about the size and mass of our own galaxy let alone other galaxies.

>> No.12745942

Science is a devolution of philosophy.

>> No.12745947

How do we harness it for alcubbier drives?
Really that’s what we need to know about it

>> No.12745950

Examples like I showed where the mass and the matter are literally separate prove that the effect is not simply a miscalculation of expected mass.

>> No.12745951

Boca Chica? What a dumb name

>> No.12745952

Good for her, but shit like this kinda pisses me off. I did well in high school, and applied to college. I wasn't able to get in my top choices (I'm a white male) while other classmates who had lower scores got in (they are minorities). So I went with lower ranking colleges, and couldn't score much for scholarships, because I'm a white male with parents who made over a certain limit of income.
Meanwhile, my classmates had anywhere from 50%-100% costs paid for.
Got my degree with loads of loan debt, had trouble finding a job because of diversity hires. A black female I had in a lot of my engineering classes applied to the same job I did. She got the job even though she didn't do as well as me in class, and she even admitted I knew more than she did for the position. She was doing it for "interview experience."
So here I am, a graduate that had blown others out of my way all through high school and college that everyone thought would succeeded with lots of success. Instead I'm working a $16/hr job struggling to pay off college loans from a half-ass college no one in the area likes. Because I'm "privileged" and had "good parents weigh great income".
Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.12745953

what are the chances there are actually weird alien structures on mars

>> No.12745954

yea the "why" here isn't some "but what about god/no god" question, it's more a practical "how can we engineer this" question.

>> No.12745955

Italians can be commies. In fact, Emilia-Romagna is one big commie province.

>> No.12745958


>> No.12745966

You don't.

>> No.12745967

Dark matter is only special in its poor or nonexistent interaction with everything but gravity, its actual mass is not exotic so it doesn't help us solve any problems there

>> No.12745968

Anyone have a livestream link to the Space Summit? Blue and SpaceX folks are talking

>> No.12745969

Lol, at least use apt, wtf are you using apt-get for?
Better yet ditch debian and go with a red hat distro, that's professional level.

>> No.12745971

what are the chances an advanced civilisation with enough space between them and us that we still couldn't detect they're (lightspeed) radio emissions (ie faster than they could travel here) would have bothered coming to a totally unspectacular system on the edge of the galaxy?

>> No.12745972

Based and "it is or it isn't"-pilled

>> No.12745976
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>> No.12745978

>asking 'why' too many times devolves
Yes, do as you're told and don't ask why. BLM and justice.

>> No.12745979

They used FTL and set up a bunker on Mars as a remote research facility

>> No.12745983

why wouldn't they set one up on earth. you know where the stuff is?

>> No.12745988
File: 116 KB, 494x486, lrsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there more of a joke field than theoretical physics?

>> No.12745989

If it was a really long time ago maybe there was still stuff on Mars?

>> No.12746004

galaxy isn't old enough for life to have formed, evolved, gone through bs, allowed one species to stabilise and advance thousands/hundreds of thousands of years then create ftl travel to go visit some dune planet.

>> No.12746008

space travel

>> No.12746009

knock knock

>> No.12746013

open up the door it's real

>> No.12746019
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>> No.12746020

Maybe, maybe not. Hard to tell so far. Life took a long time fucking around before developing us, who knows what the evolution of intelligence is like in other instances of life? Who knows, maybe intelligence NEVER arises and we're a fluke, we just don't know.
I don't presume there's any evidence of anything on Mars but finding some remnants of clearly carved/artificial material there would be a hell of a lot more interesting than confirming it's just a dead empty rock.

>> No.12746021

Elon Musk

>> No.12746031
File: 335 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210223-093309_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Koenigsmann says “heat damage” at the root of the recent failed Falcon 9 booster landing. Can’t give more details since investigation still in progress.

>> No.12746037

thunderfoot was right. spacex is dead.

>> No.12746039

well folks, turns out you can't indefinitely reuse rocket engines

>> No.12746041

This might be because they pushed it too hard on this flight rather than anything inherently wrong with falcon 9, they've been getting more and more aggressive with reentry profiles with every single mission.

>> No.12746042

>Scott Henderson of Blue Origin says during a Spaceport Summit panel that the first crewed New Shepard suborbital flight will be “later this year.”
Oh yeah, it's time for the adults in the room to get us to space. Godspeed Mr. Besoz

>> No.12746045

Didn’t want to contaminate earth’s biosphere. Lucky they had such sentiments, because the facility has been defunct for a long time due to unforeseen consequences. The fate of the wider civilization is unknown. To uncover what occurred there, a crack team of commandos will escort a pair of scientists through the facility in 2052. Buy the movie now

>> No.12746046

Maybe they just found the upper limit on how fast an F9 can come back without suffering fatal damage? They had to at some point I suppose.

>> No.12746047

If anything if it was thermally limited that should prove that it was because of pushing the envelope rather than flight wear. Unless the blaccening actually makes a significant difference.

>> No.12746049

How the fuck do you know that?

>> No.12746051

ngl i would watch that

>> No.12746052

And I'm saying that you cant know the mass and matter are separate because we have no guarantee of how accurate those measurements are.

Its absolute hubris to assume that our measurements of things millions of lightyears away have any degree of accuracy.

>> No.12746054

the burden of proof is on you

>> No.12746059

>make a bunch of claims
>prove it
>actually burden of proof is yours

>> No.12746060

Do you not know what gravitational lensing is or something? The demonstration is 100% objective.

>> No.12746062

I want to smell Zubrin and feel his rubbery palm. I want to see his beach bod and admire him. I want to share a smile with Dr. Zubrin

>> No.12746063

No it isn't.

>> No.12746064

it's all speculation. i choose to believe that our system is totally uninteresting as is our world therefore no one would bother or even know about us given we haven't been advanced long enough to be "visible". we aren't the centre of the universe.

>> No.12746065

I'm aware of gravitational lensing. I'm saying you cannot accurately determine either the amount of mass nesscary to cause such lensing, you cannot accurately determine how much matter is being lensend. There is no objective way of truly measuring such astronomically huge numbers from such astronomically distant vantage points.

>> No.12746066

I think that movie's already been made. The one with the 'face' hill.

>> No.12746069

Hypothetically, do you think Earth could only be an object of scientific interest to somebody if it contained intelligent life?
Mission to Mars, with Gary Sinise and Don Cheadle.

>> No.12746070

I think at the next mars society conference i will ask him on a date. maybe we could get ice cream together or massages

>> No.12746072

I don't know what part of the concentration of matter and the concentration of mass being objectively separate is so hard for you to process. These are both visible effects.

>> No.12746073

How interesting it’d actually be would depend on knowing things we don’t. I tend to believe that active biospheres aren’t unusual, but civilizations are very rare, just because it took earth so long to shit out humans and there’s no particular reason a biosphere would necessarily trend towards spawning such things.

>> No.12746077

Depends on how common life is. If it’s not unusual, then it’d probably only be of interest to Ayy lmao zoologists.

>> No.12746078

>Hypothetically, do you think Earth could only be an object of scientific interest to somebody if it contained intelligent life?
probably, as there seem to be so many earth like worlds in the galaxy. by luck we may get chosen for just the planet but it would seem more likely they'd have to know we were here, and then have the technology to get to us, for us to make contact (or visa versa).

>> No.12746079

Anon he’s married

>> No.12746089

i refuse to believe this. even if it is true, maybe his wife is not sufficient. i would make dr zubrin truly happy, i know all about him and his needs

>> No.12746094


>> No.12746095

Even if life turns out to be pretty common I still think each independent instance of it (or instances of panspermia where you can trace the spread) would still be interesting to anyone with curiosity about life in general.
Maybe that's just human bias though, could be.

>> No.12746097

we could be the oldest civilisation. with the next one a hundred thousand years away from getting the tech to deal with the radio spectrum. we could have offed ourselves by them so they'd miss us even with light lag, or wipe themselves out first leaving the next lot to get to the same place. lots of ifs and buts, it's an interesting discussion though.

>> No.12746101

i know mommy says you're special but ayys don't think so. sorry hunny.

>> No.12746104

Listen you dense motherfucker.



>> No.12746105

oh, sweaty....

>> No.12746107

If we found out that there’s life around a star “””nearby”””, I’m nearly 100% sure we’d try to probe it first and as soon as possible, maybe using laser propulsion or fusion within a century or three. I’m pretty confident ayys would react pretty similarly for evolutionary reasons

>> No.12746115

>our probe arrives in their version of the 1930s
>flies by and observes
>they totally miss it
dense alien plebs

>> No.12746118

>muh billions of earth-like worlds
Life isn't common, we know that already. Isaac arthur is being dishonest to you

>> No.12746120



>> No.12746123

On Earth I fear swallowing spiders when I sleep. In space I fear choking on turdlets

>> No.12746124

>implying there won't be martian spiders

>> No.12746125

>Life isn't common, we know that already
How do we know that exactly?

>> No.12746126

i... wasn't disagreeing with you. it's not a choice of a baron universe except us and fucking startrek but we weren't invited.

>> No.12746127
File: 99 KB, 776x600, 776px-Bullet_cluster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's where the ordinary matter is concentrated, also visible in the image I showed but just to make it clear. Compare and contrast with the locality of the gravitational lensing effect previously highlighted in blue.

>> No.12746128

>Life isn't common, we know that already
We have zero means of determining the density of life in the galaxy, retard. Isaac Awthuw thinks the universe is empty only because there are no retard huge speculative megastructures that conveniently can't be missed by technology we have. I'm sick of you Fermi "paradox" idiots.

>> No.12746131

Isaac Arthur is smarter than you and actually has tons of views and subscribers. You are a failure, probably jealous Thunderf00t trying to ruin my fucking community. Leave, we're busy (we being the adults)

>> No.12746132

Shoutout to that time poop floated around an Apollo capsule

>> No.12746135

there will be moon crabs for sure, we have found footage

>> No.12746136
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>> No.12746138

You obviously aren't grasping what i'm getting at so whatever. Continue in ignorance.

>> No.12746139
File: 18 KB, 300x200, octospider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll catch the next one in a generation or two, remember the Ramans do everything in threes.

>> No.12746146

If there were civilizations billions of years old we would observe them everywhere. There's no reason to think life would be at the same stage as us, which would imply life only because possible everywhere in the universe at the same time. And no, this has nothing to do with megastructures

>> No.12746148

If the mass were concentrated co-locally with the ordinary matter, the gravitational lensing would be greatest in that region. It's very simple and I cannot fathom why it stumps you so badly.

>> No.12746149
File: 160 KB, 1125x1859, psps33hqaji61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets absolutely destroyed on 4chan
>t-this is bait
congratulations detective

>> No.12746154

would we observe them everywhere?

>> No.12746156

>If there were civilizations billions of years old we would observe them everywhere
Ah yes the infinite population growth meme assumed by all futurists

>> No.12746160

>If there were civilizations billions of years old we would observe them everywhere

>And no, this has nothing to do with megastructures
The previous baseless assertion implies their inevitability. It is not possible to detect technology that is achievable with known science from another solar system.

Also, interstellar travel isn't achievable.

>> No.12746161

>Henderson teases updates coming later this week on New Glenn and LC-36 at the Cape, including timing for first launch.
Oh boy, an announcement of an announcement.

>> No.12746163

even assuming a dyson swarm than had consoooomed the rest of their system, could we see one of those on the other side of the galaxy? or would it just look like a less bright star?

>> No.12746165

The other side of the galaxy is essentially invisible to us

>> No.12746166

your little fuckin nuts are gonna start quakin buddy

>> No.12746169

>consoooomed the rest of their system
Not possible. Phosphorous does not exist in the abundance it would require to fill an entire star system with so much human flesh and all the farming required to support it. It's not possible to know what alien life might need, but nutrient scarcity is going to be a universal problem.

>> No.12746173

you know what i mean.

>> No.12746175

The focus on the dyson swarm thing always confused me. You could easily support a civilization spanning an entire system, or entire systems plural, and never have any need of the kind of excess power generation a dyson swarm entails. In fact building it would just be a massive waste of manpower/time and resources unless you specifically had some great need.

>> No.12746176

>building it would just be a massive waste of manpower/time and resources
Welcome to Isaac Awthur and Soience.

>> No.12746177

that's my point. even such a hypothetically ridiculous thing still wouldn't necessarily be visible to us as it's be like staring through a sieve. so a civilisation that had one home world and had maybe started on a couple of others would be totally invisible to us.

>> No.12746179

>Also, interstellar travel isn't achievable.
Why not, rocks do it. It just takes a long ass time, what's the issue?

>> No.12746180

We can’t see anything on the other end of the galaxy because there’s so much shit in the way, and it’d be pretty hard to tell apart a swarmed Star from one with some rocks around it

>> No.12746181

>he doesn't realize he just described all of particle physics and also electromagnetism

>> No.12746184

Create phosphorus in fusion reactors

>> No.12746186

i used the other side as a phrase, not literally the direct other side past the dense bit and the black hole in the middle.

>> No.12746188
File: 319 KB, 1200x737, esa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to survive the journey, moron. I don't give a shit what your roggs do.

>> No.12746189

The instrumentalist-pill sure is a bitch

>> No.12746196

Just don't die, duh.

>> No.12746198

philosophy never got us anywhere
Right, because it's not possible that some other planet exactly like Earth formed 0.01% sooner, resulting in modern-human-level technology 500,000 years ago assuming exactly equal timeline with the same number of ecological setbacks (mass extinctions) and exact rate of march towards intelligence over 3 billion years of life existing on that planet.

>> No.12746204

probably formed a plug in one of the water cooled areas or something like that

>> No.12746205

Colonyships, genios

>> No.12746208

Bullshit, retard. No machine could function for the thousands of years it would require.

>> No.12746209
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>taken 50 years and we still haven't decided how to bury waste, -waste- in salt caverns in the crust of the planet
>"lmao just stick embryos on a 100,000 year journey and have them raised by robots that will still work on arrival".

>> No.12746212

It's stupid to apply any one ideology to a group of more than two people, let alone an entire intergalactic civilization. There would be alien autists interested in their alien trains and alien geologists interested in their alien rocks and alien exobiologists interested in life alien to them (ie, us). There would be aliens who would want to do weird sex pervert shit to humans just due to probability alone.

>> No.12746214

Flying cars are kind of like SSTO spacecraft. Good at neither being a plane nor a car.

>> No.12746216

means nothing if they don't know about us and can't get to us. they could be having this conversation rn with no evidence of life beyond there planet. we have no idea.

>> No.12746217

That's seed ships, different concept.
'Keep this maintained or everyone dies' is good motivation. You might lose a few, who cares.

>> No.12746221

>colony ships
>not torch ships traveling at a double digit percentage of c

>> No.12746223

Maintained using what, moron? You're never going to reach escape velocity carrying 100k years of supplies.

>You might lose a few, who cares.
The people that will universally refuse your idiotic suicide mission care.

>> No.12746224

to engineer something that can maintain itself with no external inputs for that length of time is currently beyond us. also the people who eventually got there wouldn't be human, they'd be that much cultural divergence. may as well send seed ships at that point.

>> No.12746227

No reason you can't, all I specified was don't die on the way like some loser. Who wants to die anyway, just don't.

>> No.12746233
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>just use this science fiction technology dreamed up by science fiction auther Robert Heinleine, bro

>> No.12746234

Is there an interesting backstory to Atomic Rockets? Was it made by a dude, or a group of dudes, who I would know? Or is it just a random who with severe fucking autism

>> No.12746235

Literally irradiate the most common isotope of silicon in the universe with neutrons and it decays into phosphorous. A sufficiently advanced civilization capable of even approaching dyson-swarm levels of development is going to MAKE their phosphorous, and won't be limited by naturally occurring phosphorous.

>> No.12746240

watch Isaac Arthur dumbass

>> No.12746241


>> No.12746244
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>> No.12746246
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>> No.12746256

It's easy to see a dyson swarm even if it blocks 100% of visible light because it still needs to output the entire energy output of the star, just as infrared.
If the Sun were fully englobed by solar panel satellites for example, aliens close enough to resolve the Sun as a star distinct from the entire galaxy would see it as an anomalously powerful source of infrared light without the corresponding visible light that they would expect from a main sequence star. The would be able to rule out a brown dwarf because they would be able to figure out the distance. Basically, if you know an objects apparent brightness in infrared as well as its distance, you can work out its true brightness and therefore its total power output. Aliens would be able to see that the Sun were a 1 solar mass object outputting the same power as a 1 solar mass main sequence star, except the spectrum would be forced away from the normal black-body curve, meaning that something would have to be between the star and their telescopes absorbing all of the light and re-emitting it as heat.
Dust clouds can do this to an extent but not perfectly and the clouds would have telltale spectral signatures. Basically if any star had a dyson swarm around it it would stick out like a sore thumb to any visible/infrared telescope with basic software for flagging interesting objects.

>> No.12746258

Maintenance supplies are going to be the least of your mass, most of what goes will be dumb mass forming the support structure and substrate of your colony.
>muh you'll never get anywhere like that
Tell that to the roggs
>not even human
Genetically they will still be very much human and the cultural drift may not even be as great as you'd expect as they will only have themselves and the remnants of their society to draw upon.

>> No.12746261

what if we waited for planetary alignments, and used a NSWR boosted by 2 more NSWR's and aided by careful planetary slingshots

>> No.12746263

>intergalactic child molestors

>> No.12746268

>Genetically they will still be very much human and the cultural drift may not even be as great as you'd expect as they will only have themselves and the remnants of their society to draw upon.
whats that film where they all get trapped in cryo and the rest of the ship has somehow evolved into creatures with lightbulbs on tails? also featuring that steampunk nigga.

>> No.12746269

The idea of a dyson swarm is that you just grow into it. As soon as you have a civilization that lives on orbital habitats there's really nothing stopping that civilization from growing until it runs out of resources, be that the materials of the asteroid belt or the sum total of material orbiting the Sun, up to and including a good chunk of the Sun's mass as well (assuming that starlifting is worth it).
No one would set out or plan to build a dyson swarm any more than primitive peoples planned on colonizing almost the entire planet. Tribes simply grew until pressures forced them into conflict and therefore to move farther apart, which allowed them to grow further. If you have space habitats and a similar process happens (and why wouldn't it), then this process of growth is only limited by the available space and resources, which are both gargantuan.

>> No.12746270
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This thread has gone full reddit. I'm done.

>> No.12746272

Use Venus for all the relativistic gravity assists to spin it up.

>> No.12746274
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>> No.12746277

pretty much. i don't get the fascination or insistence that all things happening outside of earth must be these grand plans. remembering earth is itself a lose collection of nation states comprised of people hating those nation states and wishing they could go start there own somewhere else.

>> No.12746280

>You're objectively a genetic failure, inferior to even a bacterium, if you don't have kids.

So the vast majority of users in this site are genetic failures then...

>> No.12746283

>No machine could function for the thousands of years it would require.
Duh. You don't depend on a machine or a ship lasting thousands of years. You send tens of thousands of ships with factories and smelters and shit and you condemn, demolish, recycle and rebuild 1% of the fleet every 48 months or so. The problem then becomes just not leaking materials into space at a rate too large to sustain your fleet until you arrive in a new star system. Even if you leaked 1000 kg of mass every 4 years, a 4000 year trip, you'd only need to start off with a fleet mass of 100,000,000 kilograms to arrive at the destination star system with 99% of your departure mass (I'm talking structural and hardware mass here, propellant mass not included since you're meant to throw that away).

>> No.12746288

>sun-orbiting seas-steads
ron paul would die happy

>> No.12746290

>we haven't developed perfect recycling yet on a planet with vast abundance of resources and expensive energy where economic pressures make mining and waste disposal the obvious choice, therefore it's impossible and we will never develop the capability

>> No.12746296

the point was the ongoing challenge to develop nuclear waste disposal sites that can contain the waste for millennia factoring in the coming and going of civilisations. and we're doing that using a planet as the structure.

>> No.12746298
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I dunno, I’ve seen a lot of cool flying car concepts recently.
Jetoptera looks really nice if they can get it to work


>> No.12746302

Well duh, the point of conversation is about advanced aliens retard. Specifically about aliens that literally got to Mars tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago to fuck around, then left and went extinct or whatever for whatever reason.
There's zero chance that aliens would be building monuments and drawing penises on Mars and not notice the neolithic humans wandering around their fertile ice-age biosphere on Earth when our planet is literally visible as the brightest object in the night sky apart from Phobos and Deimos.

>> No.12746306
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Fusion engines or an Orion drive could get you to 5-10% the speed of light. I don’t know people ITT can’t comprehend that.

>> No.12746309

>not warp ships travelling at c times ten to the power of double digit exponents of effective velocity

>> No.12746311
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i look forward to the return of air racing as a sport.

>> No.12746313

the future is bright, anon

>> No.12746320
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Is this just someone's render, or could this thing actually fly if it were scaled up to human size

>> No.12746322

Your point is exactly why dyson swarms are pretty much inevitable. Simply because we are petty apes that don't play nice if we have different ideologies, humanity will fracture into countless factions continuously and forever, with the factions that encourage the highest growth rates ending up dominant for the same reason that the fastest reproducing bacteria dominate the petri dish.
Watch out for the rise of space mormons, it'll be a thing. Religious sex cults will unironically have a good chance of becoming the dominant form of human civilization once we are colonizing other stars, meanwhile scandanavian countries will pretty much go nowhere.

>> No.12746327

we've-duped-some-investors-vaporware, look at the state of this website. also french. but it could theoretically fly.

>> No.12746334
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we need to bring this back

>> No.12746341

But that's not an actual problem. There are two reasons why we don't have one of those yet; NIMBYs and the fact that the industry doesn't want to bury their spent fuel when they know that it's 95% useful material if only we were allowed to extract the 5% of actual waste, which is mostly short lived anyway.
There's seriously no reason to bury nuclear fuel waste for thousands of years. The only people who think that way are retards who are scared of contamination meter noises. Also the only real challenge involved with achieving 1 million years of stable containment is avoiding having people 10,000 years from now, having long forgot about the depository, coming by with ground penetrating survey equipment and thinking they've found some kind of ancient relic tomb, and digging the stuff up. My solution to this problem is "fuck em", because if they're that retarded to dig up tightly sealed metal cans full of vitrified radioactive waste and cut them open and eat the stuff, then why exactly do we care about their health? In all likelihood the technology to even find those things would imply that they'd already have radiation monitoring equipment anyway, so again, fuck em for not being thorough in their job hazard analysis.

>> No.12746346

>in a far flung future there will be a million country sized brothels floating in the outer reaches of the solar system that cater to your every desire
born too early.
on a more serious note to your post, i don't think it'll be ideology that drives a lot of it (sure it'll exist), it'll be gtfo of mine and basic capitalism. just merchant colonies selling shit and trying not to get into wars with others or dominated by the big boys.

>> No.12746348


>> No.12746351

Caveat there, Orion drives need to be like 90% bombs by mass in order to actually get above 1% light speed delta V figures, because bombs aren't efficient in terms of propulsion per unit mass compared to other nuclear propulsion options. It's not a huge deal, but just keep in mind that an Orion drive propelled vehicle actually capable of getting to Proxima in ~400 years would not be pulling high G forces on departure.

>> No.12746352


>> No.12746357

>it'll be gtfo of mine and basic capitalism
This is basically what I meant by ideology. Maybe that was the wrong term. Sociology? Whatever, I just mean that people will get tired of other groups of people, form tribes, tribes separate and drift away from each other literally in terms of their orbital parameters, life goes on and the swarm grows bigger until more tribalism breaks it apart further. Basically cell division in a bacterial colony where every cell is as big as a nation or as small as a single spin-habitat.

>> No.12746366

Nothing wrong with that. Even fusion engines in real life that could get you from Pluto to Earth in under a year have low thrust and days of burning. “The Expanse” uses magical engines

>> No.12746372

Nah Mormons aren’t going anywhere, that’s a dying religion if they’re ever was one.

Maybe hardcore Muslims or some weird techno-Amish would be more likely.

>> No.12746384

Using anything besides reacting chemicals to move around space is heresy, return to simplicity spaceman.

>> No.12746386

I can't think of any religion actually organized enough to go. The Catholic church maybe, but I doubt the Pope will ever give a fuck to throw millions / billions at sending catholics to a colony. Islam might make it in big numbers but it wouldn't be for religious reasons. It would just be because a bunch of saudi princes and dubai assholes want to go to Mars to flex for a bit before coming back home. And Jews aren't numerous enough. I think Mars will be overwhelmingly atheist—which is fine, but sad. I would really like to see a Catholic Mars colony or sub colony at least.

>> No.12746393

chemicals? UN-funded void chemtrails, I tell you. solar sails or nothing

>> No.12746397
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Martians will worship Mars.

>> No.12746398

Yeah I just wanted to point it out because for some reason a lot of anons think that the Orion battleship concept from 1950 could have just yote itself around at 5% light speed. Nah, an Orion craft capable of those velocities needs to be build and operated in zero G only. It'd have trouble even launching off of Ceres.

>> No.12746402

Not mormons dude, SPACE mormons.
Basically any religion/cult that subscribes to the "go forth and multiply" prime directive. Even if they start off as a single little station on a no-name asteroid, given their likely high rate of growth they'd come to dominate the solar system within a few hundred generations.

>> No.12746403

If Poles ever colonize something, I'm fairly certain they're going to send a priest to bless their new colony

>> No.12746405

finally a respectable thread where we don't make a new one at fucking page 6

>> No.12746431

Then the Cult of Mars takes over as an example pinnacle of masculinity and duty
Either that or Elon, Zubrin and some other key figure in Martian civilization become cybernetic gods and rule as Mars’s Tribunal

>> No.12746440

all the main ones could have a good go. no all of them but enough to start a colony.
>now thinking the hope mars mission was the shunnis trying to get a head start on the shias for off world akbaring

>> No.12746444

But see my point is that the Mormons aren’t growing anymore, they are on the decline because all their members keep leaving because the religion is incredibly retarded and childishly easy to disprove. The birth rates have been declining for years now and Mormons have actually started to decrease as a percentage in Salt Lake City of all places. They only grow due to conversions, but that only works on nogs or spics that are more stupid than usual and even they don’t stick around for long once they realise they have to give 10% of their income away.

It also doesn’t help that the history of the church is comically racist and very pro white so any liberals that know about it will automatically reject them and because of that the church has become incredibly pathetic now and has joined the BLM bandwagon in a desperate attempt to attract new members who will never join them they have alienated their current white conservative members while deterring any conservatives from joining meaning they have nobody joining and are seeing even more people leave than ever before.

It’s only a matter of time before that scam evaporates entirely.

>> No.12746446
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Shit I gotta go to class but a bunch of beautiful Cygnus photos just dropped. Someone else can post them, if you want

>> No.12746450

by allah amir, we haven't got enough rcs to reposition the station to point at mecca for 3pm prayers

>> No.12746452

The best beer can! Glad it made okay.

>> No.12746455

>he calls himself an Earthling, doesn't even worship mother Terra

>> No.12746457

>but that only works on nogs or spics that are more stupid than usual and even they don’t stick around for long once they realise they have to give 10% of their income away
bit like paying child support da dum tssh

>> No.12746473
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SpaceX take note

>> No.12746478

>Expendable landing pads

>> No.12746479

Woah. Kek probably won't work but this is pretty autistic and based in theory

>> No.12746480

wouldn't this weld the rocket legs to the surface?

>> No.12746482

>self-forging landing pads

>> No.12746490

yeah, you get a pad but you fucking destroy the nozzles. you can never take off again

>> No.12746494
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>> No.12746501

>Flight Alumina Spray Technique (FAST) landing pads use a plasma spray derived process to inject feedstock particles into the rocket engine nozzle, downstream of the throat to coat the landing area just prior to landing. This is done by rapidly building up a thermal / wear resistant coating over the regolith to prevent deep cratering effects.

>Some benefits of FAST landing pads include the ability to create a landing pad anywhere, to allow vehicles to land near existing surface assets without excessively damaging them, to minimize particles thrown into low lunar orbit which can impact other spacecraft and missions, and to minimize regolith displacement, providing a more representative particle size distribution around the lander which can benefit scientific analysis
pretty cool

>> No.12746502

the virgin throttle down vs the chad plasma barrage

>> No.12746505

dear God...

>> No.12746511

>*melts your landing zone*
Pssst... nothing personnel

>> No.12746516
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If Tesla gets BOGGED what will that mean for SpaceX and Starlink?

>> No.12746520

if you're going, it's only boeing

>> No.12746529

nothing. the inflated stock price is literally fake money

>> No.12746540
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doesn't matter, got starship

>> No.12746556

Is third from the left Insprucker?

>> No.12746568

which is why i sold last month and bought real estate instead 8^)

>> No.12746579


>> No.12746589

>Page 10

Staging threads: >>12746587




>> No.12746617

Yeah okay but I'm not talking about actual MORMONS dude. Like, I'm not even necessarily talking about a religious group. There just needs to be a population of people living in orbital habitats that pool their money and buy an orbital habitat to live in together which all share the same general life ideals of "I want to have like 5 kids". Kids growing up on that orbital will inherit their parent's way of life for the most part, pessimistically 60% of them anyway. With a starting population of 10,000 people, 5 kids per couple on average, and a 60% ideological retention rate, the population of this "space-mormon" group grows to 25,000 people the first generation (say 25 years), 62,500 people after 50 years, 390,625 after 100 years, 95.367 million after 250 years, 9.1x10^11 people after 500 years. That's already entering the beginnings of dyson swarm territory. Also keep in mind that every generation is losing 40% of its numbers to literally any other lifestyle (ie I only want 1 kid, I don't want kids, I want to play MTG, etc), so the actual human population at this point would be even larger.

>> No.12746621

So how do they get the deposition of molten alumina to happen and form a structurally strong pad before the dynamic pressure of the exhaust just blows the micron scale dust grains away, and prevents the droplets of alumina from actually bonding to anything?
Oh wait they didn't think that far. Dumb concept, if you want to hover for ages you can literally just drop a sheet of weighted kevlar blanket onto the ground and land on that.

>> No.12746632

If you want a preview of how this is gonna work, go use a leaf blower to blast gorilla glue at the sand on a beach and watch the globs touch the sand, get coated in grit, lose the ability to stick to anything, and then get blown out of the crater you're excavating.

>> No.12746668

I'm sure that this shit will reduce the metal and copper parts of the nozzle and cause a high probability of engine rich exhaust

>> No.12746734

>A lot of Hispanics are literally just while people who speak Spanish.
you do realize spanish is a european language, right?

>> No.12746741

Thank gosh Starship didn't use carbon fiber

>> No.12746747

Ha i had a similar experience. Couldn't get into the college i wanted even though a few minorities i knew got in with worse grades and test scores. Couldn't get scholarships or internships even though the minorities around me did and i started off making $12 an hour. But Don't worry anon, you will move past them, it just takes time and effort

>> No.12746755

LSWRs could do a 0.48g burn all the way to pluto i believe

>> No.12746761

>I can't think of any religion actually organized enough to go.
Have you forgotten the hundred billion dollars the Latter Day Saints just have stored up?

>> No.12746779
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I love how Americans cheer for their government giving their highly sought after positions to outsiders instead of their own. Proud to be an American right.

>> No.12746787

she is white

>> No.12746794

spanish people are overwhelmingly white you imbecile

>> No.12746796

it flew 6 times... there is always a chance of failure
this hahaha but 6-10 reuses as they're doing now is a good goal