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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1273774 No.1273774 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/ would you mind helping me out?

i am in need of some ebooks ( i forgot to get the books beforehand ;__; ) about amorphous metals (or glassy metals)

do you know where i can find lots of free ebooks? maybe even some with this topic?

i need it for a presentation :3

hope i dont bother you too much

>> No.1273780

Do you know how to use IRC?

If the answer is yes, go to irc.undernet.org, join #bookz

@search book_name

Receive the list, open it, get one of the codes and try it.

>> No.1273808
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thank you... unfortunalty they dont have anything on the topic of amorphous metals ;____;

isnt someone here who worked on this subject and might have some sort of self written abstract or links to certain sites?

>> No.1273861
File: 42 KB, 1022x766, science!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please dont disappoint me guys ;________;

>> No.1273869

Someone invite this man to Project R.

Gold Leader out.

>> No.1273878


do you on hw

>> No.1273915

i would like such an ebook, too. amorphous metals are fuckin badass.


>> No.1273919


>> No.1273920
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its not homework. its just that i cant find anything proper about this topic. all the stuff online are just basic things and thats not what i am looking for. as i said its for a presentation.... i just expected for people here to know sites where i can find scientific books since most people here study scientific stuff.


what is this project r? whatever it is ... sounds neat :3

>> No.1273928


I'm at Uni OP, I might be able to snag you some stuff

>> No.1273940


Something like "Study of amorphous alloy structures with medium range atomic ordering"? What are you looking for more specifically?

>> No.1273973
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relaxation and kinetics of crystallization in amorphous alloys, nucleation and growth

in depth physical properties: magnetic etc

i found several thing on the internet but most of them just tell me that these effects exist and not how they work and how to modify them.


thanks alot :3

i actually have some books on the list:

Güntherodt, H.-J. and Beck, H. (1981). "Glassy Metals I".Berlin, Springer Verlag

Güntherodt, H.-J. and Beck, H. (1981). "Glassy Metals II".Berlin, Springer Verlag

those two should be easy to find since they belong to springer.

also: Feltz,A. (1993). "Amorphous inorganic materials and glasses", Weinheim, VCH

if you even find one it would be awesome :3

>> No.1274071


I am

I'm sure our library has those books but not in electronic format. I can get you journal articles from databases and such, like:

Copper oxide content dependence of crystallization behavior, glass forming ability, glass stability and fragility of lithium borate glasses

Shear localization and the plasticity of bulk amorphous alloys

Structural transformations of amorphous iron-based alloys upon abrasive and thermal treatments

They're mostly pretty specific. Would something like this help you out at all?

>> No.1274192
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Shear localization and the plasticity of bulk amorphous alloys

sounds perfect :3

thank you so much ^^

>> No.1274307

ok man got a PDF

How am I getting this to you?

>> No.1274368
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also thank again for doing this :3

>> No.1274477
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E-mail sent. It's no problem, just try not to get me in trouble OK?

I think knowledge should be freely available to all.