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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3.95 MB, 510x452, Supernova 1987A LQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12741162 No.12741162 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>12736726

>> No.12741174
File: 446 KB, 1151x2048, 1613956525433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll hop this week! (hopefully)

>> No.12741175

When are those high quality pics from Perseverance rolling in?

>> No.12741180

when the Hollywood film studios re-open

>> No.12741182

Does anyone else have this weird sense of unease from reality in general that is most intensified by outer space? It's straight Cthulhu shit out there

>> No.12741185

It gets worse when you see the supernova gif as three dimensional

>> No.12741190

Maybe a bit, but it also feels depressing that we are confined to this star system and will realistically never venture beyond that in our lifetimes

>> No.12741196
File: 344 KB, 2048x1365, robert-zubrin-fondatore-e-presidente-della-mars-society-e-uno-dei-molti-esperti-che-hanno-contrib-741b87e58382d5f54e8652e604871a650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741197

Renderfarms at full fucking tilt bro, they currently keeping mission control Houston warm and cozy.

>> No.12741200

Fix your damn comb over first

>> No.12741201
File: 220 KB, 415x485, 1602297072072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof that hairline

>> No.12741206

Couldn't they also just render the ayys also in? It would be much more exciting desu.

>> No.12741207

i want to run my fingers through his greasy blades of grass

>> No.12741209
File: 910 KB, 1184x767, C5ECF441-A921-43C8-804B-FCE75E95923A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post comfy spaceflight pictures

>> No.12741211

Not really, more like the crazy shit happening here on earth makes me long to venture the solar system to get as far away from it as possible. The madness of ancient space gods has nothing on this bullshit down here.

Why not try and settle this already massive solar system before we think about anything further than that?

>> No.12741212

Maybe not, but I think the planets we can access are bizarre as well. The very premise of walking around on the surface of some distant rock, which has never before been seen by eyes from this perspective (we assume), is somehow discomforting, in addition to the expected sensation of wonder. If I had to do the nightshift in some boring post on Mars I'd probably become terrified. Sometimes I like the visualize the world around me in purely scientistic terms, as a bunch of atoms jiggling about together operating in ways we imagine we understand, but that's just a coping mechanism.

>> No.12741213
File: 9 KB, 200x200, Apollo18bigcrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they did. didnt you see the rock? 8^)

>> No.12741214

I was thinking about Elon’s plan to light three Raptors then downselect to two. Anyhow if the two Raptors they use are on the “bottom” then all is fine but I don’t know how’s they be able to flip the vehicle if they had one “bottom” and one “top” Raptor because in that case the thrust is off axis. How do they flip it in the same direction?

>> No.12741217

I don't like civilization much at the moment, but it's nevertheless an island amidst "black seas of infinity", and I feel the world we inhabit seems somehow more familiar and comfortable because it's been traversed for countless generations by my ancestors before me. Both man and earlier forms.

Beyond that, it's a completely alien and foreign world, hiding god knows what from us.

>> No.12741220
File: 403 KB, 1024x500, xcom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say ayys?

>> No.12741226
File: 263 KB, 1125x724, C93782F2-8E9E-46F2-9C26-4DF9D41956D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”Miguel the flap is stuck”
>”Just kick it dude”

>> No.12741229

Wow the absolute state of the “most advanced” Mars rocket

>> No.12741235

>yeah guys
>this is the gateway to mars
thunderf00t bouta bust you spacex stans into part 3

>> No.12741237
File: 2.95 MB, 600x338, F68F155B-776A-409B-9D29-C1ED52438D0E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not wanting native Americans to get internet. Racist bigots

>> No.12741239
File: 351 KB, 758x692, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest Inspiration4 crew!


>> No.12741243

For a second I thought they were sending a cancer patient and I was like “Bro wtf?”

>> No.12741244

Isn't this literally the same mentality that people had before international sea travel became commonplace?

>> No.12741252

Low key I used to be a shit sniffing atheist like hippy wannabe athletesf00t. then I grew up. seems like Phil Mason out scrounging for relevance as usual.
AWOOOOOGAA, is she on instagram?

>> No.12741256
File: 80 KB, 1000x698, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741258

>boeing 747 spilled its guts in netherlands too

Starliner bros...

>> No.12741260

>is she on instagram
of course she is! few women can resist flaunting themelves online my man!

>> No.12741261

How high are they going?

>> No.12741262
File: 1.50 MB, 3500x2634, 4E6518D2-F21C-4F08-ACA8-0998A22F3C80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741268

doesnt it seem a little too coincidental? I love shitting on boeing as much as the next guy, but maybe there are state actors involved here

>> No.12741271

>the new thunderf00l video
>"dcx totally did this 20 years ago guys"
>actually shows cgi without telling anyone
holy shit

>> No.12741274

>After that incident, Boeing recommended airlines suspend operations of certain older versions of its 777 airliner powered by Pratt & Whitney 4000-112 engines, variants currently flown by five airlines.

>> No.12741275

Distant lands you know very little about have always been viewed as exotic and strange.

>> No.12741280

I’m 90% sure Thunderf00t doesn’t actually hate SpaceX but he knows it gets him views so he does it. He also probably dislikes Musk so he just finds stupid shit to say if it validates his worldview

>> No.12741290

If you think SpaceX fans are cringe, wait till you meet the Tesla fans

>> No.12741298

Don’t worry, Musk and Zubrin are gonna be the rulers of Mars and they’re both gonna try every conceivable way to keep us out of it so our crazy bullshit doesn’t accidentally destroy Martian civilization

>> No.12741311

The third one can still gimbal in the right direction, it shouldn't matter.

Rad-hardened tradwife astronaut

>> No.12741340

>doesnt it seem a little too coincidental? I love shitting on boeing as much as the next guy, but maybe there are state actors involved here
> Air travel is unsafe, we need to go back to the stone age to save muh environments
is kind of what I was thinking. Or somebody has a large bet on P&W shares falling. The odds against this affecting the same engine maker hours apart have to be absolutely enormous

>> No.12741343

>I'm going to be at work during the perseverance video drop
FUCK hopefully they have ~30 minutes of ZOMG zoomer padding where they talk about diversity and try to hype it up like a video game reveal. I'll be able to tune in after that

>> No.12741348

BASED, Jared Isaacman is saving spaceflight. He is sacrificing a small amount of money to make sure no one can shit talk commercial space being "for muh whites"

>> No.12741361
File: 844 KB, 670x260, supernova.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741363

There are tens of thousands of airliners flying hundreds of thousands of hours every day, with P&W being one of three suppliers that make all the engines. Two failures in one day, both being P&W, isn't remotely odd.

>> No.12741368

Will there be skinwalkers on Mars

>> No.12741370
File: 13 KB, 339x149, 1610405503486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not spending six months to design a custom flap calibrator tool
>not milling the tool out of a solid block of aerospace-grade Al-Li
>not having a green run test of the flap calibrator
>not spending a week to slowly adjust the flap calibration to avoid damage to the only flight model
>not throwing away the tool because it was never rated for more than one flap calibration, because that wasn't in the spec

>> No.12741372

>He also probably dislikes Musk
the discovery of the century

>> No.12741373
File: 7 KB, 239x229, MonkaS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get on mars ship with 100 people
>101 get off

>> No.12741377

If only they had some other way to make it flip than by using the raptors. Maybe with jets of a cold gas or something.

>> No.12741381

>play XCOM one
>absolutely dominate and kill everything, every mission successful, almost never loose squadmates, game is still challenging but possible to win
>play XCOM 2
>get fucking rekt in every mission, loose people constantly, have completely inadequate weapons and armor in 90% of missions
What the fuck am I doing wrong?

>> No.12741388
File: 41 KB, 360x360, babby face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must have been a stowaway!

>> No.12741389

Yeah for real
Lmao I was just having a go, but in all honesty I hope the final version of SS still requires ghetto fixes like having to climb up there and give the flap a swift kick. It feels very soviet to me. I'd rather have a rugged ship that needs a tune up than a milled-out multi billion dollar rolex watch that breaks from one grain of dust in the actuating motor or something

>> No.12741403

I don't pay any attention to commercial aviation because why would I, what's all this about 747s breaking left and right all of a sudden? Didn't they just start flying again like a year ago after the pajeet code nodedive issue?

>> No.12741405

SN5 sat through a hurricane and lived to hop a few days later. These things are tough

>> No.12741408

Literally the plot of Red Mars lmao

>> No.12741411

>For a second I thought they were sending a cancer patient and I was like “Bro wtf?”
The Make a Wish Foundation is stepping up their game lol

>> No.12741412

If they only actuated the flaps it would flip. If they only used cold gas it would flip. The problem is not the ability to flip, it's that if you don't flip FAST then the Starship will accelerate due to gravity and therefore require a longer rocket engine burn to bring the velocity back down to zero, which means more propellant.

>> No.12741418

>He also probably dislikes Musk
That's his driving force of hate against SpaceX

>> No.12741427
File: 97 KB, 1200x788, moon shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12741432


>> No.12741433

>The third one can still gimbal in the right direction, it shouldn't matter.
Same direction, yes, but the orientation of the ship due to its flaps puts two of the raptors much closer to the side that is "down" while in freefall such that they have more effect on the SS as a whole while flipping. The third one will certainly work, but it will need more thrust to have the same effect on the body because of its location.
They will just need to tweak the thrust vectoring to account for which raptors are used.

>> No.12741436

>sh*ttle can barely survive reentry from LEO
>sh*ttle coming back from the Moon can survive reentry
This show seems beyond retarded

>> No.12741437

I'm well aware that randomness gives rise to clusters, but two spectacular failures of derivatives of the same engine type within hours? At the least it's worthy of attention, which is what regulators etc seem to think

>> No.12741443

It's piloted by French ace Charles Aznavour

>> No.12741448

>SN5 sat through a hurricane and lived
Considering the speed a rocket pushes through the atmosphere when going to space, a Cat5 hurricane is small peanuts. If something got thrown at it, like some metal or concrete debris, then yeah, I'd be a bit more impressed.
Not saying the Starships are weak, but I feel that's a bad point.

>> No.12741451

Can we expect to get ayy lmao pictures from the rover?

>> No.12741454
File: 39 KB, 720x787, 1612870402643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sending cancer survivor to space
Fucking kek. So let me get this right. Cancer patients who are in remission can have their cancer spontaneously come back at literally any time in their life, and their goal is to send a cancer survivor into space? LMAO.

>> No.12741457

a rocket indeed endures higher dynamic pressures, but take in account that during ascent it keeps almost a 0 degrees angle of attack all the time.

>> No.12741458

Why does thunderf00t hate the letter X so much?
>XX chromosomes
>Space X
Seriously what the fuck is his problem

>> No.12741464

oh man VenomFang

>> No.12741466

Sure, it's a sign the engine could be flawed. Or it could be that two planes could be independently poorly maintained with the rest being coincidence. The point is that it is sufficiently probable that invoking conspiracy is ridiculous.

>> No.12741471

I think that's called hiding in plane sight

>> No.12741472
File: 24 KB, 226x218, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741473


>> No.12741474

I like how /dbs/ culture has become a staple everywhere, even here.

>> No.12741475
File: 3.83 MB, 466x640, ULA Sniper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SN10 might go into testing this week

>> No.12741476

the misson only lasts 5 days, cancer coming back doesn't instakill you and you likely wouldn't know if for a long time after it does come back.

>> No.12741488

April it is.

>> No.12741492

Guys don’t worry the 777’s engines are development engines. We were fooling to not use a third engine during flight.

>> No.12741499
File: 736 KB, 928x1359, wernherboomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741514
File: 3.22 MB, 2302x1480, sfg barrel section.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741520

>inb4 hop day is April 1st

>> No.12741524

Not just that but she looks about 12. Or was she 12 when she had cancer? Whatevs, it were me I would want to be respected for my achievements not for being a defective specimen. Have to say I don't see how this crap ends well for the West. Its a civilisational dead end

>> No.12741527

>my achievements
Not dying to chemotherapy is pretty good, but I hear your point too anon.

>> No.12741528

>omg a cancer patient got to go to outer space, my civilization is dying

>> No.12741532


>> No.12741533
File: 178 KB, 2048x1153, E64BD101-5702-47BA-AF8A-6CA66C7233A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”The ArianeWorks team tested the 1st elements of the future Themis demonstrator in 2020. After the studies came the time for the 1st tests: the project is gaining momentum in 2021, when the # innovation accelerator has entered its 2nd phase.”

>> No.12741534

April 20th it is then

>> No.12741543

Please feed my ayy lmao fixation (delusions)

>> No.12741544
File: 114 KB, 424x480, hothea_composure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one anon be such a faggot

>> No.12741545


>> No.12741549

>Hearing rumors that the second SLS core stage hot fire test will not occur this week. Was scheduled for February 25.

>> No.12741551

Was that the test they hastily slapped together after the 8 minute hot fire turned out to be more of a 2 minute hot fire?
Oh no

>> No.12741553

If you can't see there's an agenda behind all of this, and one that doesn't end well for spaceflight in general, I pity you

>> No.12741565
File: 298 KB, 1200x1042, 1200px-Pratt_%26_Whitney_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741573


>> No.12741575

>Everything is an agenda
>Even a cancer patient going to space because she won a raffle
What a sad life you must live

>> No.12741577

I know what you're saying but think about it for a minute: This is purely a PR flight to begin with, sending up a former cancer kid is specifically designed to try and get more people interested in flying to space, in a "wow you mean even defectives can into space?" sort of way.
If it results in more public interest/demand for spaceflight then GOOD. I wouldn't put cancer-girl on a moon mission or anything but orbit and back for PR is fine.

>> No.12741581
File: 247 KB, 1600x1200, marsmarster10000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm ... midimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidimidi

>> No.12741589


>> No.12741590

>Have to say I don't see how this crap ends well for the West. Its a civilisational dead end
It's literally a form of ritual humiliation imposed upon us by the (((people))) who set cultural trends.

>> No.12741591
File: 29 KB, 780x438, 210221155927-03-cargo-plane-debris-meerssen-netherlands-trnd-0221-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>begin reading as if satire
>check link
>actual company website

>> No.12741602
File: 30 KB, 607x235, HOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741604
File: 154 KB, 1200x769, comfyindaelephant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wonder what is wrong with peoples brains that a PR stunt is somehow ritual humiliation. Just don't tune into the livestream, or just close your eyes LMAO,

>> No.12741606

On the bright side, we will have a little more data on how irradiation in LEO affects those already prone to developing cancers.

>> No.12741607

the forbidden corium beanbag

>> No.12741612
File: 5 KB, 220x229, crazed wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741614

Hadn't considered that angle but yeah, that'd actually be some useful data to have. All cancer-survivor Dragon2 crew when? I'd say put them on Starliner but they already survived cancer and dying in space would be sad after that.

>> No.12741617
File: 28 KB, 590x350, Bi7dMToIQAE-_8p-1-465370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12741618

> The Tiqqun text summarized this acquiescent citizen as the “Young-Girl”. The descriptor has met with objections for its alleged misogyny. But it applies to men as well as to women, and to the old as well as to the young, only seeking to capture the defining characteristics that make the populations of twenty-first century democracies so ripe for control.

These characteristics are: infantilisation, emotionalization, and relativisation. The Young-Girl, as model citizen of modern democracies, is childlike, sentimental, and eminently prepared to relinquish heretofore absolute values.

>> No.12741621
File: 766 KB, 355x266, yikes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741624

>Lose yourself in the pacific

>> No.12741628

>"If you can't lose yourself, you'll be sure to lose your lunch"

>> No.12741629

>it's not a 777
>it's not even a boeing

>> No.12741632

>lose your engine in an explosion of epic proportions

>> No.12741646
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>> No.12741650
File: 384 KB, 531x575, 1611614096110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boeing engines start ripping apart in-flight
>Boeing stock is up 1% today
Nothing really matters I guess.

>> No.12741659
File: 3.39 MB, 4520x2976, 1567873329091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the future is high pitch, high frequence...

>> No.12741661

This is what kids in high school debate clubs think intelligence sounds like

>> No.12741664

I never thought about it before but I wonder what the people behind the show did to capture that Jetsons' car sound, it's got to be recorded from something originally regardless of what tuning they did after. Like the Star Wars guns being high tension wires struck with a pipe, I'd bet the Jetsons' car sound is something entirely mundane that you wouldn't expect.

>> No.12741671

Dude, that 747 was three decades old cargo plane from motherfucking Bermudas

>> No.12741679

most animation sounds are supposed to be made with baloons, you could also probably record birbs chirping, isolate one and then dick around with the frequency and stuff.

>> No.12741688

It's a French theory

>> No.12741692

XCOM 2 is supposed to be a much steeper difficulty. It forces you to think to make sure you take the least-bad option from the bunch, which usually means you save 1-2 people from Chryssalids at best.

>> No.12741695


>> No.12741702
File: 39 KB, 706x398, Orson-Welles-Drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the French

>> No.12741703

So your presumed response was a bit weak

>> No.12741704

A few days in orbit

>> No.12741707

I'll look for a french theory to address your concerns, hold on

>> No.12741710

Thanks, but I meant LEO or higher. Already found it on their website.

>> No.12741713

lmao, lol

>> No.12741743

I wonder how the dearMoon guy feels about Inspiration4. Weird that Musk would upsell him on Starship when he was ready to ride a Dragon and then send a mission before him on a Dragon.

>> No.12741753

dearMoon was originally a Falcon Heavy and Dragon lunar free return trajectory. It just turned out it would take only a little longer and almost no change in cost to Maezawa to be able to perform the mission with Starship.

>> No.12741757

I know, but being the first all-civilian space expedition is a pretty big deal and he likely had that in mind when he became a super early client.

>> No.12741768

If he cared that much about "first X" he would have signed up for a strictly LEO cuckpod. Actually dearmoon is still going to collect a bunch of firsts anyway, who cares

>> No.12741817

Hour and a half until JPL talks at us again
Seems they really did hoard pics/video for today

>> No.12741823

I wonder what are they going to do if it turns out to be a fundamentally bad design

>> No.12741825

I mean...
>couple porthole window
>4 people in a single room
>short trip
>THE Window™
>long trip
>moon flyby
>multiple levels, probably some type of personal bunk w/ curtain

>> No.12741853

>fundamentally bad design
How so? It flies up, it flips onto side and back, Falcons exist so propulsive landings are possible. Is re-entry your concern?

>> No.12741871
File: 2.76 MB, 5437x3625, vlp_roll-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vulcan pathfinder first stage on the move, though not to the pad yet.

>> No.12741882

not him but my biggest concern is the huge dry mass. if it doesn't turn out to be as cheap as claimed (which is very likely) and still needs 6 refueling trips, then any ideas of cost savings go right out the window

>> No.12741889

unironically want to smell his f00t

>> No.12741902

It’s too bad BE-4 kept shitting the bed or else they could’ve flown sooner

>> No.12741906

You are delusional if you think it will cost 2 billion to do the refueling. And even then you would still have 100t+ capacity to anywhere.

>> No.12741908

Musk will still get to Mars on Starship even if it somehow costs $2 bil per launch. Also if he can get it reliable enough to never explode, at least on the way up (which should be fucking easy), NASA will still be willing to send shit into space like larger telescopes and payloads and stuff

>> No.12741910

Starship costs around $100 Million to build. $2 Million per Raptor, and apparently the SN1 prototype cost $10 Million. Anyhow from there you can guesstimate that Starship is cheap as fuck to manufacture

>> No.12741915

He might be a rich man but he is not stupid.

>> No.12741921

Just google "e621 krystal" to find all of them

>> No.12741926

Starship will cost 200 mil. per launch. calling it now

>> No.12741928

I always wonder why balding people don't just shave their head. It would look so much cooler.

>> No.12741931

>gets cancer again from all the radiation

>> No.12741936
File: 173 KB, 1500x1125, 1614014583593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MUH hypernormalization

>> No.12741938

Under an hour until the presentation now, anon.

>> No.12741942

Bets on how cringe this presentation is about to be?

>> No.12741946

My main concern is that the rocket is big which can affect its integrity.
Monolithic constructions are prone to failure and this is one of the main reasons Soyuz is still used up to this day.
The size defeats the entire concept of reusability - small components are cheap to produce and easily replaceable, big components are expensive.
I think with these materials orbital assembly would be a better choice.

>> No.12741948

I pretty much tune out all the voices and just look at the pictures.

>> No.12741950

>Also if he can get it reliable enough to never explode, at least on the way up (which should be fucking easy), NASA will still be willing to send shit into space like larger telescopes and payloads and stuff
This is pretty much already the reality. Expendable mode doesn't even need landing or heat shield figured.

>> No.12741961

Short, easy riddle:

[math]x = \frac{GM}{r^2} - \frac{v_t^2}{r}[/math]

What can this formula be useful for?
Terms are the standard, for a given gravity source (GM is the gravitational parameter, r the distance from the center). As for v_t, that is supposed to be the tangential velocity.

>> No.12741963

>The size defeats the entire concept of reusability - small components are cheap to produce and easily replaceable, big components are expensive.
It took how many F9s before people were launched on top of it? Would you fly on it now as opposed when it was constantly blowing up? Same here.

>> No.12741971
File: 435 KB, 2000x1574, 1557005354275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12741972

>You are delusional if you think it will cost 2 billion to do the refueling
never claimed that lol
but it would be enough if everything adds up to lets say 50 million per launch. that would mean 300 million per mission which as you said would still be good for a 100 ton payload

>> No.12741981


They're going to show the video already

>> No.12741982

/sfg/ what's your opinion about the leader of Biden's NASA transition team promoting commercial nuclear power for space?

>> No.12741984

>Boeing 747-400 engine vomited its guts in Netherlands

Wtf i thought P&W was supposed to be the pinnacle of american aviation?!

>> No.12741990

It's encouraging that the biden admin isn't going to abandon commercial projects. we need more competition like commercial crew if we're going to get to mars

>> No.12741993

I hope they’re not jewing us because affordable space nuclear power would make space activity so much easier

>> No.12742009

>commercial nuclear power for space?
Real question: who's going to dispose radioactive waste created in the process?
I hope they won't just throw radioactive shit into the atmosphere.

>> No.12742027

Post your ideas for Martian wonders
A ~5km crater roofed with a massive geodesic dome paraterraformed with a full complex ecosystem inside where plants, animals and people can live in safety and to study the effects of Martian gravity on wild organisms
Each panel would be a large, prefab polycarbonate/aerogel sandwich with outer steel rods ready to be assembled, atmosphere is pumped in and changed to where the biological components can survive and create an earth-like atmosphere on its own
Ultrasonic fences can be programmed to target certain animals to steer them away from certain areas as to not let one species outcrowd the others and to protect human frequented paths as they visit this Martian national park

>> No.12742030

a very high parking orbit, an orbit around the sun that does not intersect with earth, buried in a crater on the Moon or Mars. It ain't coming home.
reactor start will almost certainly not be permitted until a stable orbit has been reached.

>> No.12742044

Bigger rockets are objectively better rockets because of the square-cube law

>> No.12742050

Can we please have crazy shit like giant bugs and dinosaurs?

>> No.12742051

>dragged off trail by bobcat that figured out you're far less heavy than you appear for some reason

>> No.12742060

we find a buried glacier and melt holes in it. Hell, we don't even need to melt them, just blow in air from the martian surface and sublimate the ice away. We can construct a huge tunnel system in the ice. We put some inflatable habs in. We also reinforce some of the ice tunnels, pressurize them and build all sorts of winter sport facilities. Ice skating rinks, bob sled runs, luge runs, ski slopes, and more.

>> No.12742071

how much FIDSI do they produce?

>> No.12742079


>> No.12742082

NASA is live:

>> No.12742087
File: 15 KB, 310x310, 310[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, I'm just here to remind you that I used to work for NASA.

>> No.12742088

What's the planet nine gravity discrepancy, exactly?

>> No.12742089

>"Welcome to NA- er, JPL"

>> No.12742094

>we find a buried glacier and melt holes in it
100% a fucking horror movie plot

>> No.12742095

Wtf why are there so many males on the panel?

>> No.12742097

>All engineers are white males

>> No.12742098

petition for JPL to become the fourth branch of government

>> No.12742101

needs more diversity

>> No.12742106

>Inb4 15 minute circlejerk about the team before data is shown

>> No.12742107

Except chinese guy?

>> No.12742108


>> No.12742109

>Bigger rockets are objectively better rockets because of the square-cube law
If you say so. I wasn't aware of this law, I'm not an engineer and I know shit about physics.
Why aren't planes bigger then?

>> No.12742110

frankly I think it's going to be harmful to human exploration by providing a "just around the corner" solution to problems that aren't really problems like the travel time to Mars while being consistently 10 years away for the next 50 years. It's like how nuclear has been cucked by the mere suggestion that fusion might exist sometime soon.

>> No.12742112

That video of him watching the Rover landing was so weird looking.

>> No.12742118


>> No.12742119

>binged watch a 1 min video

how do they do it?

>> No.12742121

Will NASA give any data from the mars landing to SpaceX or will they need to buy it?

>> No.12742122

>the one woman doesn't even get to sit at the table

>> No.12742123

it's more because these things would require billions in funding. as long as congress keeps avoiding raising the budget these things will be 10 years away

>> No.12742124

>I'll try to be brief
>My daughter is a gymnast...
fucking hell

>> No.12742125

SpaceX will probably share some of it like they have with the F9 stage reentry data

>> No.12742126

Amphetamine jitters. Only way to work there.

>> No.12742128

Odds it actually flies this week?

>> No.12742129

The idea is that many trans-neptunium objects have orbital characteristics that seem to indicate the presence of a massive body interacting with them, essentially

>> No.12742130

>I want to be brief
>Tells his life's history

>> No.12742131
File: 124 KB, 980x551, marshole-hirise-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hole but with a tarp thrown over it. that's my house.

>> No.12742132

CAM OON /sfgee/ we never do any math or physics, not even high school level like the one in this post.

Now I will add a variable to the formula, m, for the mass of the small object
[math]\displaystyle x = \frac{GMm}{r^2} - \frac{mv_t^2}{r}[/math]

And I will also say the following, it expands the question but gives even more information:

[math]\displaystyle y = \sin^{-1}\frac{x}{mF}[/math]

Where F is a force.

Or putting it all together:
[math]\displaystyle y = \sin^{-1}\frac{\frac{GMm}{r^2} - \frac{mv_t^2}{r}}{mF}[/math]

>> No.12742134

Holy shit YT chat is cancer

>> No.12742136

Who's this old fart and why should we care about his life story?

>> No.12742137


>> No.12742138


>> No.12742139

W-what's down there anon
First time?

>> No.12742142

What's all this cockery? Show us the video finally.

>> No.12742144

>can land on Mars
>can't stream video in 1080p

>> No.12742147

>W-what's down there anon
me beating the meat to jpl waifus.

>> No.12742150


>> No.12742152





>> No.12742154

they know they have a captive audience

>> No.12742155

Jim would have told them to cut the BS

>> No.12742158
File: 1.07 MB, 980x551, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*literally teleports behind you*

>> No.12742161
File: 29 KB, 500x378, Martian Law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to all travelers: Anon's Martian Masterbatorium is to be given a 2km-wide berth under Martian Law

>> No.12742162

+ Audio

>> No.12742163

what the fuck, how are they getting that amount of downlink? I thought DSN bandwidth was trash

>> No.12742164

Ayyyy lmaoo

>> No.12742165

>no audio

>> No.12742166


>> No.12742167

They have like 4 orbiters around Mars right now relaying data, way more than before

>> No.12742169
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>> No.12742172
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>> No.12742173

This is actually really cool when you think about it

>> No.12742176

Holy shit

>> No.12742180

pretty cool

>> No.12742182

>there he goes!

>> No.12742183

>Tfw buggalo rancher

>> No.12742185

That was fucking awesome

>> No.12742186
File: 2.12 MB, 640x470, WALTUHPOG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742187

>no flames

>> No.12742188

That was pretty fucking cool indeed.

>> No.12742189
File: 74 KB, 1052x1052, Perserverance Bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12742191

make a webm someone plz

>> No.12742192

fucking awesome

>> No.12742193
File: 170 KB, 717x586, 1613864547467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Audio

>> No.12742195

America numba 1 god bless JPL freeedom ain’t free

>> No.12742198

>color commentator
>is the only person of color on the panel
Based JPL

>> No.12742199

Yes, as we all know, there's an abundance of excess oxidizer in the martian atmosphere to create flaming plumes, just like in the lunar atmosphere.

>> No.12742201

not a boing engine

>> No.12742204

the same density as what?

>> No.12742206


>> No.12742208

in the raw footage upload. normies need to hear mission control to understand what is happening

>> No.12742209

Oak wood

>> No.12742211

>Tango Delta
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET that sky crane got the fuck outta there

>> No.12742212

I forgive them for delaying the pictures.

>> No.12742213

ISRU needs lots of power. That's hard to provide with solar.

>> No.12742214

ah. cool.

>> No.12742215

he said the EDL didn't capture any audio

>> No.12742217

Imagine if it had tried to land itself afterwards, the rover could go check it out afterwards instead of just examining the crash site.

>> No.12742218
File: 2.30 MB, 640x542, tenor[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742220

Is the parachute the weakest link here?

>> No.12742221

>If you say so. I wasn't aware of this law, I'm not an engineer and I know shit about physics.

It’s often brought up in discussions of the real-life feasibility of giant people or animals. Basically just the fact that an increase in an object’s surface area is always outpaced by an increase in that object’s volume, as in, the surface area gets squared, but the volume is cubed. For example, doubling the surface area of a 2x2 cube to that of a 4x4 cube doesn’t double the volume of the cube, it’s volume (and thus weight) increases by much more than that, or a humanoid which is twice the height of a normal human also necessarily weighing much more than twice the weight of a normal human. This is advantageous when it comes to launch vehicles because more volume=more propellant-more delta/v.

> Why aren't planes bigger then?
Aerodynamics and the limitations of of airport infrastructure. Rockets don’t have to worry about drag as much because they’re essentially needles that exit it pretty quickly, nor do rockets rely on lift, whereas planes operate in the atmosphere for their entire lifetime, and rely hugely on lift.

>> No.12742222

what does the parachute say /sfg/?

>> No.12742223

did he just say there are secrets in the pattern of the parachute?

>> No.12742224



>> No.12742226

I used to think it'd be the skycrane itself but that's 2/2 now. The early chute designs ripped but they wind tunnel tested the fuck out of the ones they use now and it seems to do the trick.

>> No.12742228

Ring parachutes are a known factor, the biggest potential fuckup is the crane and wires. Hovering with a fuckload of hypergolic rockets, lowering shit gently on wires then fucking off without damaging a payload is far more technically challenging than just slowing down shit for a bit.

>> No.12742229
File: 553 KB, 1152x720, 4426611A-123B-4EEA-921A-D83C80EA9529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Just around the corner” has been a cause to delay manned missions to Mars since the 60’s. Even Apollo didn’t even think or Mars until they had NERVA. Robert Zubrin tried to eliminate this “just around the corner” mindset with Mars Direct but NASA didn’t care. Anyhow Nuclear Thermal is a meme I don’t care how much you dumbasses try to shill it. Starship can get to mars faster than a NTR orbit because Starship can aerocapture, while NTR has to burn to enter Mars orbit.

>> No.12742231

That was one of the coolest things I've ever seen ngl. Been waiting on this kind of video from NASA for years

>> No.12742235

Are there going to be more videos or it's just for landing?

>> No.12742238

I think it's just for the landing

>> No.12742239


>> No.12742241

more is coming for sure... let's see

>> No.12742242

The engines are on, goi.

>> No.12742243

I don't see why they couldn't capture some more video while moving the rover around, are there videos from Curiosity's pov of it driving around?

>> No.12742244

The surface area-volume imbalance directly translates to a superior dry mass ratio for a bigger rocket, so efficiency scales up with size.

With rockets, go big or go home.

>> No.12742245

There will probably be a higher quality version of this video to be downloaded with more time, I think this is thumbnail version

>> No.12742247
File: 389 KB, 1125x1382, 6C3CDDCB-3656-49EF-BB69-A2465DD3DAF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742248

>Skycrane be all "later homos"

>> No.12742250

>Change the world. My final message. Goodbye

>> No.12742251

>"This place is a shithole, guess I'll just die"

>> No.12742252


>> No.12742254

these cameras were specifically for the landing though. I'm not sure if the other cameras can do high framerate

>> No.12742258

Anyone got a video of NASA testing some hydrazine engines? Did they test those engines for Curiosity and Mars2020?

>> No.12742259

So will Perseverance have sex with Curiosity to produce babies?

>> No.12742260
File: 385 KB, 589x488, cable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that cable broken or is that normal?

>> No.12742261

There is that low framerate interpolated video

>> No.12742264
File: 88 KB, 378x355, cable2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better view of the random piece of cable bouncing around

>> No.12742265

That's normal, it's not a load bearing cable

>> No.12742266

it's a data tether, not for lifting.

>> No.12742267

I'd hope at least the hazcams could do rough video, just to see the ground rolling by while the rover rolls.
We can only put them together and hope nature takes its course anon.
Is that a zip-tie?

>> No.12742268


>> No.12742269


>> No.12742270

I mean this one >>12742264 the piece bouncing around

>> No.12742271

Far right.

>> No.12742272

Also known as videos.

>> No.12742275

>spend billions on R&D to develop specialized instruments for your mars rover
>tie your cables with zip ties from walmart

>> No.12742276
File: 181 KB, 1125x796, 3DE9DB15-C9EC-40E6-866D-2475D95BBC0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright now I’m confused. How come NASA is able to move heaven and earth and do amazing feats with these missions but when it comes to SLS they shit the bed?

>> No.12742277

damn, that image is crisp. Can't wait for more from that.

>> No.12742278

oh, idk, it does look like a cable tie but i'm sure jpl doesn't cable tie anything.

>> No.12742282

Center right.

>> No.12742283
File: 1.59 MB, 1449x1057, ground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ground pictures incoming!

>> No.12742287

JPL is better than the rest of NASA, and rocket development is bloated and expensive

>> No.12742288

JPL has their shit together, whoever is responsible for SLS doesn't.

>> No.12742289

Because JPL is based

>> No.12742290


ok I hate NASA now

>> No.12742295

I think JPL has always been the no-bullshit branch of NASA

>> No.12742300

Better than buying a $200 ziptie made by a specialty manufacturer in someone's specific district.

>> No.12742301

Nigger all vehicles are female

>> No.12742302


>> No.12742303
File: 1.29 MB, 1437x1005, pic_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relatively comfy

>> No.12742304


>> No.12742306

Homosexual hands typed this

>> No.12742308

Even in the 90’s when NASA had their nuts cut off by Congress, JPL still did a dozen or so amazing missions.

Is it because SLS development is unfocused? Percy had a clear goal and deadline while SLS is “oh whenever it’s ready :)”

>> No.12742309

Why is thunderfoot so salty?

>> No.12742310

I wanna coom inside that qt.

>> No.12742311

Only the ones that have able seamen in them.

>> No.12742313

Will we get videos from the helicopter?
Elon we need starlink for mars

>> No.12742314

Those white formations look eerily similar to bones. Cue /x/ freaking out I guess.

>> No.12742317

he's a 30 years old wizard

>> No.12742320
File: 19 KB, 188x277, 1599516712149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742322

Because every penny spent on NASA/ESA is a penny not spent on whatever bullshit he's not getting grants from the EU anymore.

>> No.12742323

>literal apollo copy
Fucking retarded

>> No.12742324

Percy uses a 90s computer. It costs more than Curiosity. I thought progress should be exponential? We need a SpaceX-esque transformation for JPL

>> No.12742326
File: 117 KB, 395x357, whatsthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what exactly is this? related to the helicopter? I thought it was some type of sun clock

>> No.12742327

Sun dial to track sun position and time of day

>> No.12742328
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, firefox_2021-02-22_14-38-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12742329

alien dildo

>> No.12742330


>> No.12742331

it's the joycon for the ayylmaos to assume direct control

>> No.12742333

a bop it for when they both get bored.

>> No.12742337


>> No.12742340

Calibration thingy for cameras

>> No.12742341

I thought they said they didn't get audio? Guy is talking about mics right now

>> No.12742343




>> No.12742344

right... I thought it had something to do with Sun and shadow

>> No.12742345

i don't know what the stud is for but other rovers have similar things for calibrating colors

>> No.12742346

They might have audio from after the descent

>> No.12742348

so much nostalgia

>> No.12742349

>sob story

>> No.12742350

SLS is chained to the weight that is the shuttle program.

>> No.12742352

holy shit

>> No.12742353
File: 211 KB, 1920x567, panorama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

composite view of the landing site from the other thread

>> No.12742354

Holy shit imagine if we hear the skycrane impact.

>> No.12742355


>> No.12742356


>> No.12742357

the voices just confirmed to me that those are the bones of our martian forefathers

>> No.12742359

What if they recorded ayy macarena blasting 24/7 on mars?

>> No.12742360

Um space is hard sweetie :)

The one thing that disappointed me with Percy is that it took 8 years to build and cost just as much as its sister

>> No.12742361
File: 102 KB, 1024x988, 1608339276955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742362



>> No.12742363

the sound of silence

>> No.12742364

>gentle whirl on the background

there was nothing else?

>> No.12742365

Hey, if it works.

>> No.12742366

damn percy is a loud girl

>> No.12742367


>> No.12742371

just sounds like earth

>> No.12742373

Did they say why they couldn't record EDL sound?

>> No.12742374

Wait so was it supposed to record the descent sounds as well? Did they fuck it up?

>> No.12742375

that's pretty relaxing desu

>> No.12742376

did anyone know why they didn't get EDL audio?

>> No.12742378
File: 52 KB, 905x852, snipping67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vehicles have gender
sasuga gender obsessed americans.

>> No.12742379

well wind is wind even if the pressure is lower... what matters is the pressure differential

>> No.12742383

>mmmmm rogs

>> No.12742384

Bruh ships abs vehicles have been female since the 1400s. I guess Germans are fags who make their ships male but still

>> No.12742387

>future father in law

>> No.12742389

Thomas lmao. For my undergrad research last year I got to talk with him on Zoom and he was sitting in this same spot in his pajamas

>> No.12742391

This guy sounds and looks angry

>> No.12742393

rockets should be male because they look phallic

>> No.12742395
File: 1.93 MB, 1429x891, holey moley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now I want a wikipedia page about the holey rocks

>> No.12742399
File: 138 KB, 350x350, 1610383591684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ride both of them

>> No.12742400

really should have toured JPL when I lived in LA

>> No.12742402

>I'm moved by this wow
>face completely expressionless
>voice completely monotonous

>> No.12742403



>> No.12742404

They did this landing 7 years ago, why is Thomas Zuberchan talking as if its the first time?

>> No.12742405


>> No.12742410

They don't even have genitals, how come they are """female""" can they have children?

>> No.12742411

Yeah, big jim was a way better speaker then this clown.

>> No.12742413

>Sample return in 10 years
By then Starship will be making regular trips

>> No.12742414

>Starship lands on Mars
>Congrats Elon, would you like to talk about the team that made Starship work?
>No, we still have work to do.

>> No.12742416

Probably just scoria/pumice or a texture resultant from aeolian weathering

>> No.12742420
File: 271 KB, 359x322, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742421
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x1013, E0FC9791-A4D9-4544-9454-7249AB3C5A10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to ride inside a man? Rockets, capsules, probes, starships, all of them are female.

>> No.12742419

>big Jim could have been there, Mountain Dew in hand

feels bad

>> No.12742423

Because it's kind of gay to be hanging out with your bros for 3 months or more inside a dude.

>> No.12742424
File: 60 KB, 919x524, 1613409347579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742425

Atheists don’t have souls

>> No.12742428

We also could have had martian bases for decades today. Wishes and horses.

>> No.12742429

Pathfinder is cute

>> No.12742430

Go be dumb somewhere else

>> No.12742431

this is depressing, I want Jim back

>> No.12742433

Audio upload when?

>> No.12742435

Q2 2021

>> No.12742436
File: 652 KB, 1100x900, there there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite little rover

>> No.12742439

Anybody else not like this dude

>> No.12742441

>My Little Martian Rover Can't Be This Cute

>> No.12742444

>Eyes constantly darting to the left
>didn't even bother to memorize speech

>> No.12742446

This guy isn't the interim administrator
That's just how he is. I've heard him tell jokes before he is very deadpan but clever

>> No.12742447

Reporter forgot about the EDL lack of audio

>> No.12742450

so depressing

>> No.12742451

he's from Bern it's normal

>> No.12742452

Does anyone remember that documentary “Mars: Dead or Alive?” It’s from the early 2000’s and it follows the launch and landing of Spirit and Opportunity. It’s where that cool animation of a Delta II launch comes from. Anyways they talked about how some spare parts for Pathfinder ended up on Spirit and Oppy

>> No.12742453
File: 141 KB, 1200x675, ESA-rover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sample return in 10 years


>> No.12742455

>Um space is hard sweetie
Fucking lazy fucks. This isn't the goddamn 60s

>> No.12742456

Oh noooo, I don't want to listen to these incoming questions. Especially if they are coming from the general public

>> No.12742459

Of course the journalists want to know if they can report anything negative. hang them all.

>> No.12742460

>this pos is already 4 years delayed
2040s at a stretch

>> No.12742462

God what an ugly looking rover

Why the fuck does it take 10 years? Just build a lander, Jesus.

>> No.12742463

>Thomas Zuberchan
>This guy sounds and looks angry
Apparently that's how Germans sound.
Germans in their natural environment sound like that.

>> No.12742464

I hope someone asks about the Raw Images hold up

>> No.12742467

>Starship takes the sample back with it
>RUDs on landing

>> No.12742468

Vehicle is not an animal, it's inorganic machine, how come it can have any gender? Are murricans retarded?

>> No.12742469

Kek someone on /sfg/ needs to queue up on the call and say "hello our frogworks division has just captured audio on the surface of Venus" and then just blow into the phone mic

>> No.12742474

>he quys so lets take a look at social!
>#lol rogget

>> No.12742475

>And I have one follow up
>Go ahead anon

>> No.12742478

esl retard

>> No.12742479

Why are you obsessed with Americans? Calling vehicles female started with euros, not to mention most euro languages are gendered. Shouldn't you know this?

>> No.12742481

rent free

>> No.12742484

he's a chinaman

>> No.12742485

I don't but that's pretty interesting. I wonder what commonality there is between the twins and the current rovers?

>> No.12742489

I closed tab immediately. NASA is dumping audio and video on Perseverance's Twitter anyways so you are not missing anything.

>> No.12742490

He’s just angry that the ESA is getting shit on by a literal white male capitalist

>> No.12742495

That's stupid, and now you will have gender war over fucking roover. Typical of yuros anthropomorphizing all your creation is mistake.

>> No.12742496

african american

>> No.12742499

I really wish I could find it but there’s this CGI scene where they have pathfinder then some of the parts are stripped away and replaced with bigger ones and whatnot until the end result is spirit/opportunity. It was my favorite part of the movie as a little kid.

>> No.12742500

Of Dutch descent.

>> No.12742503
File: 319 KB, 1200x737, 1584417098973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742504
File: 806 KB, 765x988, 1612291977786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742505

A fucking communication error fucked the landing audio

>> No.12742512
File: 575 KB, 900x900, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked fag lmao

>> No.12742515

there is genderless pronoun in english "it"

>> No.12742519

''Musk'' doesn't sound very Dutch to me

>> No.12742521

Michael Shits

>> No.12742523

Some people are just too autistic to understand normal human thought

>> No.12742524

literal camera advertising on a NASA stream?

>> No.12742525 [DELETED] 

It's hilarious when anglos seethe about linguistic genders.

>> No.12742526

Go back to harassing vtubers, Zhang

>> No.12742527

Could be this?

>> No.12742530 [DELETED] 

yeah in real first world nations nobody gives a fuck about that gender bullshit

>> No.12742537 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 334x334, 1609529225067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those mad americano goblinos over "gender" of inanimate objects

>> No.12742547

Why is NASA using 8-bit telephones for questions, its year of our lord 2021

>> No.12742549

lame. I thought they said there would be sound on descent?

>> No.12742550

Who tf keeps getting mad about gendering vehicles as if it hasn’t been done across the world for centuries?

That’s it. It’s a great documentary although it’s outdated now seeing as both of the rovers in it are dead. I loved it as a little kid though

>> No.12742551 [DELETED] 

Euros trying to reconcile the fact that they have done nothing of note after the Boston Tea Party is hilarious to see

>> No.12742556

NASA's cope to this is Perseverance is designed to collect samples without human or Earth contamination. It might be the last time they have a chance to collect uncontaminated samples before manned missions start.

>> No.12742557
File: 650 KB, 940x529, astronaut-selection-parastronaut-feasibility-project-pillars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12742558

they fucked up

>> No.12742561 [DELETED] 
File: 1.54 MB, 3112x2338, 1462336300016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt yuros and bug men seething

>> No.12742562 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 652x896, 251DB9BC-1101-4AC2-B05C-12FCEE9623BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit imagine being European

>> No.12742563

"I'm putting together a crew"

>> No.12742564

opensourcechads we won

>> No.12742566

Chink astrotrufers are going crazy today LMAO. Going to make some webms of the EDL video, stand by

>> No.12742568 [DELETED] 

What about Russia

>> No.12742569

>a Linux box
I'd just like to interject for a moment!

>> No.12742571
File: 3.69 MB, 1648x1200, colorwheel thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard throws out some chum
>other retards start doing the same
Quit shitposting and go look at the raw images starting to get uploaded, you absolute faggots.

>> No.12742573
File: 66 KB, 184x178, 1612336738508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manlet an official disability

>> No.12742574

eh not a bad idea, this will give us data. we should be doing much more extreme experiments on the ISS
>sex, pregnancy
>development of a teen
>longer time stay for 5-10 years
but nooo ISS only for carrot growing experiments

>> No.12742576

You can’t do that!!!!!! China has a Mars video too!!!!!!

>> No.12742577

As a yuro this is shameful, hope Chinese military complex will beat us to mars.

>> No.12742578

yeah is is unironically trash
only the fittest and smartest should go to space

>> No.12742580

Does that mean Anon can collect disability checks?

>> No.12742582

astronauts are overrated
a college grad could do most of the experiments

>> No.12742584


>> No.12742586

half of /fit/ is now eligible to go to the space station.

>> No.12742585
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, space_mars_EDL_01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12742589

looks great

>> No.12742592

who hires these "journalists"

>> No.12742593

stop anon i can only get so erect

>> No.12742597
File: 229 KB, 379x387, 1607556833924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how you make people know video is real????

>> No.12742602


>> No.12742603
File: 1.70 MB, 1498x529, euros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742608

Where's Rome-poster, or if he's here is he waiting for the nasa broadcast to end?

>> No.12742611


>> No.12742612

looks so fucking cool, the colored squares make it look like something straight out of a "projects of the future" comic from the 60s

>> No.12742614
File: 64 KB, 640x568, 1584385428033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these questions

>> No.12742620

this is actually sad
>t. europoor

>> No.12742622

>this is what's calling you "americano goblino"
oh no no no no
although NASA really isn't far off this state

>> No.12742624

I guess this is used to verify camera health? can't calibrate since the palette is going to get coated in dust, but good enough to verify channels I guess?

>> No.12742627

what colored squares? the black ones?

>> No.12742629

That's what the palette is for yeah.

>> No.12742633
File: 2.92 MB, 1280x720, space_mars_EDL_02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12742635

so they want to check if image acquisition on Mars is the same on Earth or if red for example is less red on Mars because of atmosphere interference / ambient light etc?

>> No.12742636
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742637

>can't calibrate since the palette is going to get coated in dust
They literally called that and the two other monochromatic circular ones calibration targets awhile ago.

>> No.12742638

Yes, it's this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExOOElyZ2Hk)) but on Mars

>> No.12742639
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, space_mars_EDL_03.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742641
File: 1.94 MB, 812x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742642

How sheltered are you to not know that boats, planes and basically everything humans travel in are female?

>> No.12742643

the thing about NASA is you can tell the diversity stuff is just for appearances. the important people at JPL are actually qualified and good at what they do, unlike the euro space program

>> No.12742644

>mars has vesticles
must be a boy

>> No.12742645

lmao one of the eurofags tried reporting me kek
Those are greyscale squares, wtf color are you seeing?
I tuned out. What are they asking?

>> No.12742646

Bless you anon

>> No.12742649

woah cool stuff there

>> No.12742652

This dude is actually so based. I can't remember his name, but Twitter ruined his whole day and pozzed ESA forced him to apologize. The whole story makes me angry

>> No.12742656

The absolute state. It's fucking 2021. Keep that 90's architecture off of Mars. And a fucking xbox kinect?

>> No.12742658

hidden codes on the skycrane's chute

>> No.12742659

ESA is 30 years behind us, give them some slack

>> No.12742666

That's pretty cool.
Really thought it was gonna be Krystal.

>> No.12742667
File: 268 KB, 463x436, JPL hidden code.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love weaponized autism

>> No.12742671


>> No.12742673

Oh yeah yeah yeah they always do shit like this. JPL likes hiding morse code and weird translations of their name everywhere. It's pretty redpilled actually

>> No.12742675

but wait... are we actually sure it's morse? there are two ways to represent the point wtf?

>> No.12742676

>don't see the colors
Anons... I..

>> No.12742677
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, space_mars_EDL_04.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742679

If ayys find out about shit like this they're gonna be thinking everything we made has special secret hidden messages in it.
>schizophrenic aliens

>> No.12742683

oh shit I saw them now, below the circular dial
I thought you meant the colored circles on the main dial

>> No.12742696

what's the scale here when it starts to hover? Looks really small but I'm guessing it's around 20 meters across?

>> No.12742702

to be fair, the amount of hidden things (intentionally or unintentionally) in mega projects like this is usually quite high because some engineer somewhere spent 500 hours ensuring that a wire would work on mars and during that time he got creative. hidden things disappear mostly in mass produced things because not as much time is put into them

>> No.12742703

Color calibration samples and a sundial.
Looks like some autism pictures too, is that panties in the upper right?

>> No.12742704

So what's actually wrong with the ESA rover? It's delay was caused by the Russian lander not being ready, not the rover itself. The only things I keep reading here are that it's small and looks funny. Obviously it has a much smaller scope given it's smaller budget. Is there actually anything wrong with it's instruments or objectives?

>> No.12742706

Is matt depressed?

>> No.12742711

dinosaur >>12742571

>> No.12742713
File: 311 KB, 1716x780, 53456344535345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12742714

It's 10 feet across and 9 feet wide.

>> No.12742717
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 1604442543916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that panties in the upper right?
I think it's a Dinosaur anon

>> No.12742724

I think it's just scheduled too late to really be meaningful. By the time it gets there we'll probably (hopefully) have already put men on Mars.

>> No.12742728

>land a probe with extreme precision on a fucking moving comet
>media only cares about the shirt

>> No.12742732

is Zubrin /ourjew/?

>> No.12742737
File: 2 KB, 125x121, hiddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20th of April is the day

>> No.12742738

Does the perseverance have a gun for self defense purposes? Or are we still sending unarmed probes ?

>> No.12742740

The duality of ESA...

>> No.12742743
File: 1021 KB, 1280x1024, Mars_Perseverance_EAF_0002_0667110220_972ECV_N0010052EDLC00002_0010LUJ01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742745

Curiosity's wheels had JPL in morse code machined into them, so the rover was constantly writing their name onto the surface.

>> No.12742747

How are they going to get the stuff off the ground?

>> No.12742748

You guy don't think that's real... right?

>> No.12742750


>> No.12742754

they haven't even begun the design of that rooover yet.

>> No.12742759
File: 77 KB, 976x549, _111227511_03b20cae-20ef-4cfa-aed9-2937e3430d04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has a little drill, the black thing on the front rotates

>> No.12742760

Kek, dunno why you flipped the poor ESA rover though. He looks even worse now.

>> No.12742764

Hypothetically speaking, if the Chinese rover were to threaten Perseverance with a crowd of ESA rovers in between them, Percy - in a self defense scenario - would not hesitate to mow them down to hit Chinkbot.

>> No.12742767

Wait, wtf, are you serious? Why are we including the retarded kid to make him feel better!? THIS SHIT IS FUCKING IMPORTANT!

>> No.12742768

Would you go so far as to say it's drill goes "brrrrr"?

>> No.12742770

All of this taking place at 1/2cm per second of course lmao

>> No.12742773

Of course!

>> No.12742774


>> No.12742776

As far as I know it's just one of the options. I don't think they have officially decided what to do with the cached samples yet. SpaceX might be able to pick them up as a fun side project while one of the astronauts is out for a stroll in 10-20 years

>> No.12742777

>china bot dumps it's rock samples in percy's path
>they act as caltrops and shred the wheels

>> No.12742782

Percy's kill attack is just sticking it's radioactive dump truck ass into other rovers and frying their electronics

>> No.12742784

i can garantee you no human will touch mars in 2023
not even elon is that optimistic

>> No.12742787

>ywn cause a political incident by doing donuts around a mars rover and be the first forcefully deported martian

>> No.12742788

Also zaps them with the chem laser while doing this. The wombo combo.

>> No.12742792

Nevermind, I just had the date mistaken.

>> No.12742795

I even doubt that humans would land on the moon by then

>> No.12742796
File: 30 KB, 259x180, Img-1612313887836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midgets decide they want to have their own world without tall people fucking with their daily lives
>they become their own human species and evolve into dwarves
>lanklets end up becoming their own race
>humanity splits into a bunch of DND races

>> No.12742800

>Miguel G is the first deported Martian

>> No.12742801

Orcs are tunnel dweller. How do elves come about? Titan chads?

>> No.12742803

i want to fuck elf girls

>> No.12742805

>the virgin insight mole
>the chad RSA rogg grinder

>> No.12742815

They could unironically make use of all of the super-Earths with really high gravity.

>> No.12742817
File: 213 KB, 1920x1956, UK_Space_Agency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742824

https://blogs.nasa.gov/artemis/2021/02/22/green-run-update-nasa-investigating-valve-performance-before-second-hot-fire/ sls green run delayed

>> No.12742827

aren't they ramping shit up right now? Would be cool if they become a major player

what's up with all these valve problems

>> No.12742829


>what's up with all these valve problems
Its the Hydromeme.

>> No.12742833

Pretty good. This logo would look good on rockets and landers and maybe even astronaut space suits, assuming the UK could get to NASA-level spaceflight

>> No.12742841

I wish it was just the British space agency.

>> No.12742848

>80% of the budget went on a consultancy to design the logo with the rest going on lunch

>> No.12742851

>8 minute hot fire!
>oh fuck that wasn't 8 minutes at all was it
>okay we're gonna have another test in a few months, don't worry everything's fine!
>oh and the test is delayed

>> No.12742853

>assuming the UK could get to NASA-level spaceflight
look up the UK space budget and proceed to laugh bitterly

>> No.12742854
File: 102 KB, 991x558, Infographic-MarsSampleReturn-ERO-Copyright-Airbus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As things stand right now ESA/Airbus is in charge of the fetch rover and the return vehicle. They seem to be planning a 2026 launch and a 2031 return. The Mars ascent vehicle is NASA and would be launched after 2026, but they haven't released any details on it yet

>> No.12742861


>> No.12742866

>proceed to laugh bitterly
Did you expect their budget to be similar?

>> No.12742870

>sls green run delayed
But this was expected. I will be surprised if it gets delayed for more than a year in total, though. If it actually flies at all, I mean. In many structurally independent pieces or no.

>> No.12742874

I was responding to your lofty ideals, I know exactly how garbage europeans are

>> No.12742878
File: 52 KB, 800x533, Eu29f9CVgAAD61d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a rumor that supposed SLS shill and former senator Bill Nelson will be the NASA admin. Berger is saying otherwise though, so we'll see.

>> No.12742879
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, 19108_1_1080p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make the Quatermass rocket and I will love them long time.

>> No.12742886

Lol, there's no way in hell that's happening. Obama admin fought hard against SLS, and ended up having to compromise. They fought directly with Nelson

>> No.12742888

>Be Valve
A tale as old as time.

>> No.12742891

But does Joe remember?

>> No.12742892

Doubtful, but the machine apparatus puppeting his decaying form likely does.

>> No.12742895

I didn't post that, but his ''ideals'' are clearly not that the UK can get to NASA levels

>> No.12742899

Holy shit that brings back memories of taping it and watching it after school back as a kid

>> No.12742903
File: 472 KB, 1024x1024, still here, still diggin, don't mind me guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perseverance getting all the attention
>Curiosity still quietly doing her job

>> No.12742904

>liberal space project

>> No.12742912

It's all about "muh drone".

>> No.12742921

Really. Why is the CCP setting its rover's landing site so close to Percy's? Mars is pretty big. No need for two rovers doing research so close to each other. Go land on the poles ffs. All NASA missions to the south pole have failed so far.

>> No.12742931

Have they announced the official landing site yet?

>> No.12742936

She is a WHORE rover

>> No.12742938

How deep does Perseverance's drill go?

>> No.12742943

I miss watching space documentaries as a kid. I went to this science center when I was about seven and they were talking about “The cool new Ares rockets that will take us to the moon.” Anyhow I miss those days

>> No.12742946

The southern area of Utopia Planitia. Very, very close to Percy.

>> No.12742947

balls deep

>> No.12742948

The new drone always gets public attention. Curiosity had her 15 minutes of fame

>> No.12742950
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x591, chinklandingsite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.12742953
File: 302 KB, 307x281, harder better faster stronger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742963

Time to destroy it

>> No.12742967

Meanwhile, InSight recorded a Marsquake a couple years ago and nobody noticed.

>> No.12742973

>at least 4km of elevation from each other

>> No.12742975

There’s a good chance the next US lander on Mars is a cargo Starship

>> No.12742977

virign memelactic

>> No.12742979

Speaking of which, love is over.
F, etc.

>> No.12742984

I would say there is a 100% chance of that anon.

>> No.12742986

sub-orbital death-levers

>> No.12742989
File: 737 KB, 700x1010, A-picture-of-the-ExoMars-Pasteur-Rover-with-the-Drilling-system-the-drill-will-perform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious to see how it work out. The mole was supposed to drill down 5 meters. Rosalind is aiming at 2 meters. Why is drilling on Mars so hard?

>> No.12742990
File: 180 KB, 1294x750, A29E0299-8BAE-4C52-91C9-8044759D79D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12742998

the mole was supposed to hammer itself down 5 meters whereas this looks like an actual drill, so probably more confident in this technology

>> No.12742999

Because these are fragile robots that have to shave as much mass off as possible on every component. A human would be able to plunge a drill as deep as they wanted

>> No.12743003

w-what are you doing step-rover?

>> No.12743007

>The 'virgin' remote driller vs the chad man with a shovel

>> No.12743011

>the ascended IRSU drilling machine

>> No.12743016
File: 512 KB, 625x936, 1567216915571-test0110_drill-1_625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drillin' babe, I mean sis, don't worry about it

>> No.12743042

>nothing in the canyons

>> No.12743046
File: 154 KB, 1018x1024, 1613328243644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I was fascinated about meteor impact documentaries, myself. Which lead to me giving a speech in the 3rd grade about the grave threat that meteors posed to the earth. At the end everyone was just staring at me. Not sure if I scared the other kids or if my morbid autism was a putoff. Maybe both.

>> No.12743052
File: 1.07 MB, 1992x1992, 8BF1FDB7-BE85-4A2B-B7A5-9CFD6BBE3A61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Business idea: Solid rocket SSTO

>> No.12743058

my organs

>> No.12743061

Based. The environment will literally never recover. Make it an Orion while you're at it.

>> No.12743065

It will also be able to double as a jello maker, how versitial!

>> No.12743073

Based, because it would instantly be useable as an ICBM.

>> No.12743079

Has an orbital rocket ever been turned into an ICBM? Like a Minotaur but backwards

>> No.12743082

The US is preparing to switch from Minuteman III ICBMS to GBSD.
The old missiles will become surplus and many will be sold (save for the warhead, of course).
You can try to convince the Air Force to sell them to you.

>> No.12743092

No, because usually ICBMs are solid fuel only and orbital rockets are liquid fuel.

>> No.12743096

not until the space industry reaches anywhere near the same cashflow the defense industry gets

>> No.12743098

>nothing on olympus mons
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

>> No.12743104
File: 1.33 MB, 1199x613, MER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In hindsight, what the fuck was up with this? They used retrorockets and essentially killed all velocity 10m above the ground. Why the fuck would they then drop the fucking thing and add so many new opportunities for failure instead of just dropping it down by a rope or something

>> No.12743106

>hi yes we're a group of internet autists who have managed to save $24.18 and would like to purchase an old icbm to launch a frog into orbit

>> No.12743109

Haha rover go 'bounce'

>> No.12743112

they don't want to cover the roover in dust and stones and shit

>> No.12743116

nm didn't even look at the pic

>> No.12743117

DARPA will give them out.
Just convince them it has something to do with China and you'll get it.
Don't forget to mention diversity a couple of times.
Space & Defense are one in the same.

>> No.12743118

It will remain untouched until a Martian chad decides it's time to clime the largest mountain in the known universe.

>> No.12743119

>hello, we're... uh... not the North Koreans
>could we have some of those filthy American pig dog rockets

>> No.12743120

>/sfg/ has an Electron rocket to itself
What do we launch on it?

>> No.12743121

Damage from thrusters throwing up shit from the ground is most likely higher than the suspension tackling the drop. They know what they're doing, this wasn't their first use of this kind of skycrane.

>> No.12743122

JPL doesn't give a fuck. They come up with one idea at the roundtable talk, and then they are like yup let's just go with it and make it work

>> No.12743127

A manlet.

>> No.12743130
File: 1.36 MB, 1176x663, 1596733087961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743149

Static fire today boys!!!!

>> No.12743155
File: 95 KB, 460x556, arse-transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a bad logo
>10 years ago
all of my wut?

>> No.12743157

Reddit would shit itself if we launched a useful payload before them

>> No.12743160

why do the thing wings needs to be so big?

>> No.12743162
File: 18 KB, 600x295, sls-seventh-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743164
File: 481 KB, 2048x1280, 1581356479956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743169

no air in space so it has to flap very hard

>> No.12743172

Go away oldspace, you have billions yo waste on subpar designs

>> No.12743175

Ion thrusters are power-hungry

>> No.12743182

Gotta generate lift somehow bro

>> No.12743185

So am I

>> No.12743187


>> No.12743186

would this be feasible if safety, environment, and perhaps radiation weren't concerns?

>> No.12743193

Cost plus contracts unirionically
There is absolutely no reason to do anything on schedule when you can just endlessly grift the government billions. Its a sunken cost fallacy

>> No.12743194

Well ask Airbus to make you some big fuck off solar arrays

>> No.12743201

>been taking years to get first passenger flight
>needs an """Experience Architect"""
>boomer with a fucking janitor's key chain on his ear
>babbles about "transformational change"
You want a transformational change? How about you fucking fly already?

This. Remember how Starship got btfo a few times from concrete getting kicked up? Now try it with loose dust. It'll be great for your solar panels too.

>> No.12743219

Gotta remember the skycrane has to go "later homos" after dropping it off, so that means cranking the thrusters to max at a lower altitude which means rocks get kicked up as well and instruments that are absolutely not protected against hydrazine plumes are going to get roasted in addition.
Gentle drop then blastoff is within safety limits.

>> No.12743225

retro rockets at 15-20 feet are a lot less trouble than retro rockets at ground level

>> No.12743234

Yup, it's not KSP where you make elaborate mini SRB spinning top skycrane yeets.

>> No.12743239

Oh hell what happens if they build this thing but humans are on Mars by 2029 anyways?

>> No.12743243

America wins again, like usual. Europoors will continue to be a laughing stock.

>> No.12743255

And NASA wouldn't be for building a lander to follow it?

>> No.12743260

I'm excited that means a friday hop

>> No.12743263

>humans are on Mars by 2029 anyways?
Don't kid yourself, that's way to optimistic

>> No.12743284

seriously, what has gone wrong with SLS? government projects are always bloated and delayed but somebody clearly fucked up

>> No.12743286
File: 330 KB, 2092x1440, 1603031339201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. This section has some rectangular holes cut in it. For grid fins, perhaps?

>> No.12743287

My theoretical timeline is:
>2021: Starship nails bellyflop+flip
>2022: Starship reaches orbit, lands after
>2023: Starship nails in-orbit refueling.
>2024: #dearmoon occurs. Starship launches into orbit and is met with a Dragon capsule which is basically lugs around the moon.
>Also 2024: First two or three Starships try to land on Mars.
>2025: Stuff happens idk man
>2026: First Base Building Starships launch to mars. Maybe half of them make it, but it gives good data and allows preliminary habs to be set up
>2029: First manned starships to mars. At this point the vehicle has flown hundreds of times and is well proven

>> No.12743292

Honestly I see them one RUD-less launch window before attempting manned landings. If any unmanned Starship RUDs on Mars, manned won't be tried in the next window.

>> No.12743296

Its scrap. The vertical welds failed X-ray inspection. The welds are porous.

>> No.12743298

I see them wanting to do*

>> No.12743306

Yeah I agree. What’s neat though is they’ll have dozens of landings on Earth which I think will smooth out the process. Anyhow for the first time I’m 100% sure Starship will work. I just don’t know when.

>> No.12743307

27m starships when?

>> No.12743310

this is insanely optimistic my guy

>> No.12743317

>not skipping straight to 110m diameter starships

>> No.12743324

The real, non-joke answer:
• For reasons I won't get in to, the Space Shuttle program ended up costing a fuck ton - but more importantly - it ended up creating jobs in just about every state
• At the same time, understand that NASA must always appear before Congress and say "may we have money pls? This is what we want to do. This is how much money we would need this year to do it. Th- thank you". Now Congress is very stingy about giving NASA money. But when it comes to "bloated" shit like Shuttle, congress almost unanimously agrees to fund it because it creates more jobs in their states
• Fast forward to 2012-ish. Shuttle program comes to an end. NASA now wants to go to the Moon. They know they can build an upgraded Saturn V, but they know Congress won't give them shit for it. If they instead build a "shuttle-derived" rocket, they will keep all the same people employed, Congress will stay happy, and Congress will give them the money for the shitty rocket and gateway and landers all as one package.
• For some fucking stupid reason NASA decided to go with cost-plus contracting though, meaning that Boeing (who is building the SLS) is under no obligation to meet time tables, and is in fact given MORE money if they ask for it.

JPL is a completely different story. JPL is filled with based autists who love what they do, and could build a spacecraft for $2, $20, or $200 mil. They basically just get told what the mission needs to be and they make it happen with an allotted budget.

>> No.12743328

When is SN10 launching?
If this shit fails, we'll never get to Mars. It's over.

>> No.12743331

That was set in stone when shuttle was scaled back in the 70's

>> No.12743336

This screams "I don't want to die before seeing mankind on Mars" wishful thinking.

>> No.12743338

to be fair, unless you're over 35 you'll probably live to see it anyway

>> No.12743342
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>> No.12743343

>the rocket is taller than it is wide

>> No.12743344

because lithobraking is cool

>> No.12743345

>imagine being this retarded

>> No.12743362

Its actually spot on. Boeing figured they could milk all the profit margin in final assembly and make everyone else do the "work," and now nobody knows how to do anything and all the experienced engineers have no replacements.

>> No.12743381

>shortage of experienced engineers
>company desperately trying to scale up its in-house work
boing is a startup now, who would've thought

>> No.12743389

to be honest I linked to the quads without actually looking at the post lmao

>> No.12743394

ah, I see. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hear this?

>> No.12743400
File: 922 KB, 2644x2165, DSC_4105 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photographs by BocaChicaGal

>> No.12743408
File: 1.42 MB, 5568x3712, DSC_4117 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743412

well, shit, it's all written there. Thanks.

>> No.12743417

I take it English will be the official language of Mars

>> No.12743422


>> No.12743426

English and Mandarin depending on which sphere of influence you're coming from

cold war 2: mars boogaloo coming soon to a system near you

>> No.12743428

Jesus that vent is LOUD

>> No.12743429

What SN was this?
Not just Mars. English will be the official language of everything off-Earth.

>> No.12743435

So if this static fire is successful... flight attempt in less than two weeks?

>> No.12743442

What about Arabic or Hindi or something

>> No.12743454

Stop using NASA time frames. Starship will most likely do an orbital flight by the end of the year

>> No.12743459

toki pona

>> No.12743463

Kek no

>> No.12743464

I'll eat my dick if that happens. Elon time is different

>> No.12743466


>> No.12743470


>> No.12743475
File: 39 KB, 356x348, 1606845640160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're back to static fire abort hell

>> No.12743477

Saved. You better livestream cunt

>> No.12743478


>> No.12743479

Heavy testing will only begin this year, with 2-4 engines. They won't even have a pad ready that can actually support a full heavy launch this year.

>> No.12743480

This. That's wildly pessimistic.
Considering that Elon has to actually get special approval to put people on Starship I could see 2028 being the human landing time. Other than that, they'll probably be sending the first few for testing to Mars in 2022. I'm pretty sure they'll successfully send cargo to Mars in 2024. If they aren't allowed to send humans in 2026 then they'll be able to get loads more supplies there anyways instead.

>> No.12743488
File: 123 KB, 800x1200, 065100000_kwjhbfpksmf iyjqauijwnhigjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the cargo variant of Starship is going to be 10x more useful and influential to humanity's future than crewed variant

>> No.12743495

>nobody responds for 8 hours

>> No.12743502

because its not even newsworthy, wow, another shitty expendable rocket, would've been revolutionary in 1950

>> No.12743504

Wait what, what is this?

>> No.12743508

>a fucking can
># innovation accelerator
it is sad

>> No.12743512

Gwynne shotwell said 50 million per launch for the public launch cost, so I'm guessing the actual launch cost for SpaceX will be around 20 million.

>> No.12743520

It's supposed to be reusable, but it's Arianespace, so it'll be a methane powered F9 clone, finished sometime in 2050.

>> No.12743532
File: 796 KB, 542x528, heat_of_the_coom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4,647 new images on the NASA raw page
Fucking finally

>> No.12743536
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wew lad

>> No.12743549
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I'm going to kill the image limit then stage, sorry

>> No.12743551

The heavy is literally the easiest part of the product, it is also very similar to the falcon and the starship development is the same as heavy development

>> No.12743554
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>> No.12743556

You must just like the sound of your keyboard because nothing you said is meaningfully relevant to what I said.

>> No.12743558
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>> No.12743559
File: 418 KB, 1125x1343, A180845F-1F12-452A-9561-93D813126A34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. It’s a Methalox version of Ariane 6 designed to compete with Falcon 9

>> No.12743564
File: 41 KB, 192x144, Mars_Perseverance_ZL4_0002_0667133445_382FDR_T0010052ZCAM00022_000300J01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the one anon asked about the palette, this seems to be the calibration

>> No.12743568

You’re retarded if you don’t think the pad will be ready this year. Starship is mostly done as a rocket, it can be used on an orbital flight right now if they had a booster. Superheavy is still in development but their first flight article is almost done. If SpaceX wanted they could fly expendable Starship/Superheavy to orbit within a few months

>> No.12743570
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>> No.12743575
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>> No.12743580

But even then, so what if the full stack flies in 2022? That’s dozens of more tries to perfect the landing anyways

>> No.12743582
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>> No.12743588
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>> No.12743591
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>> No.12743593
File: 919 KB, 1200x2666, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743594
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>> No.12743597
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>> No.12743599

What's the TLDR on why the fuck this camera just can't snap a photo like a normal camera here on earth. Why does it look pink

>> No.12743601
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>> No.12743603

The pad they're building right now has been confirmed to have no diverter planned, they'll complete it sure but it will be useless for a 28 engine heavy. And in any case they are unlikely to have both the raptor production capacity and reliability to put that many engines on a vehicle this year, let alone multiple times since it's unlikely they will go straight to stacking and orbital testing.

>> No.12743605


>> No.12743609

except german vehicles

>> No.12743610

I'm glad someone did it, I was thinking the same thing

>> No.12743611
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x1024, Mars_Perseverance_EDF_0002_0667111360_706ECV_N0010052EDLC00002_0010LUJ01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps they were calibrated wrong and NASA cleaned it up for the video?

>> No.12743613

Germans are closer homos

>> No.12743617

KEK thought the same. Well done.

>> No.12743619
File: 267 KB, 1920x1920, Moon_transits_Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientific cameras don't just take the total sum of light when they take an image. Instead they record each color separately so that materials in an image can be determined. This is done without any regard for how it looks so adjustment for human eyes is needed. Pic related, the scientific camera that took this image actually took three images. One in blue, red, and green each. However, the moon moved as those images were taken so there is a slight misalignment when all the data is used to make a human-friendly image

>> No.12743623
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>> No.12743630
File: 710 KB, 1280x1024, Mars_Perseverance_EUF_0001_0667022681_965ECV_N0010052EDLC00001_0010LUJ01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these are a little spooky

>> No.12743632

Great answer. What scientific benefit comes from taking separate R, G, and B photos?

>> No.12743634
File: 1008 KB, 1280x1024, Mars_Perseverance_EAF_0002_0667110220_838ECV_N0010052EDLC00002_0010LUJ01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what is causing the sun beams? Is that normal or the parachute?

>> No.12743637
File: 2.19 MB, 1376x2215, J._J._Abrams_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743638
File: 56 KB, 192x144, Mars_Perseverance_ZLF_0002_0667133473_302FDR_T0010052ZCAM00022_000300J01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope these thumbnails get bigger, a lot of them are too small to be worth posting, but look interesting

>> No.12743642

atmosphere + lens

>> No.12743643
File: 745 KB, 2048x1536, Mars_Perseverance_ESF_0001_0667022250_175ECV_N0010052EDLC00001_0010LUJ01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice shot of the top

>> No.12743649
File: 3.58 MB, 2048x1536, Mars_Perseverance_ESF_0001_0667022261_007ECV_N0010052EDLC00001_0010LUJ01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one seems yellow tinted

>> No.12743651


>> No.12743655

>actual color photo from first Venusian rover

>> No.12743658

Different materials reflect and absorb light differently. Using this principle, the material of a given object can be guessed at from just a picture, which is much faster than a spectrometer. In addition to that, weather can be measured accurately from how the atmosphere absorbs light (more red being seen means more dust in the atmosphere, more blue means higher pressure etc). Important in learning more about the Martian climate

>> No.12743659
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x960, Mars_Perseverance_NRE_0002_0667130663_544ECM_N0010052AUT_04096_00_0LLJ01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder what these doo-dads are

>> No.12743664
File: 656 KB, 1648x1200, Mars_Perseverance_ZRF_0002_0667131112_000FDR_N0010052AUT_04096_0260LUJ01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you just want to turn it all into bricks?

>> No.12743666

this is just an artifact that happens when taking a photo through a thick piece of glass. If you take a picture with your phone through your car windshield you'll see similar effects. 99% not sun rays or the sun refracting through anything in the atmosphere.

>> No.12743668

Are you new? /sfg/ usually doesn't go by old space times for predictions

>> No.12743670

I absolutely love the look of space vehicles. Complex yet ordered and perfectly clean.

>> No.12743672
File: 964 KB, 1280x960, Mars_Perseverance_NRG_0002_0667130509_725ECM_N0010052AUT_04096_00_2I3J01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy RTG ass

>> No.12743673

First orbital starship will have like 20 raptors

>> No.12743674

It's just BEGGING for a fast food joint bros

>> No.12743676

maybe they can get a better approximation of real color by referencing the images against the color graders and balancing them out.

>> No.12743679

starship will have 3 sea level engines and 3 vacuum engines, wtf are you talking about

>> No.12743678
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>> No.12743680
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x960, Mars_Perseverance_NRB_0002_0667130127_539ECM_N0010052AUT_04096_00_2I3J01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liked this shot of the tires and ground

>> No.12743685
File: 979 KB, 1280x960, Mars_Perseverance_NRG_0002_0667129855_072ECM_N0010052AUT_04096_00_2I3J01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great answer anon

>> No.12743687


>> No.12743688

that's the differential girdle spring on the up end of the cardinal grammeter

>> No.12743691
File: 245 KB, 825x625, A gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743693
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x960, Mars_Perseverance_NRR_0002_0667130878_778ECM_N0010052AUT_04096_00_2I3J01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More landscapes, can't wait for it to start driving around here

>> No.12743695

According to whom? 28 is the current number for the booster, so 34 overall.

>> No.12743697
File: 948 KB, 1280x960, Mars_Perseverance_NRB_0002_0667131054_903ECM_N0010052AUT_04096_00_2I3J01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743698

Pretty sure musk said that when talking about how losing 28 engines would be a bit too much for a test.

>> No.12743699

Imagine PROOONTing with it!

>> No.12743701

this is one of the more interesting landscapes i've seen from a mars rover. guess they finally got the tech to land in areas that aren't totally flat all around

>> No.12743702
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x960, Mars_Perseverance_NRB_0002_0667130824_388ECM_N0010052AUT_04096_00_2I3J01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743706

It doesn’t need vacuum engines to reach orbit. A demo flight might just use 3 sea level Raptors.

Starship/Superheavy can lose like 5 Raptors and still fly to orbit

>> No.12743708
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x960, Mars_Perseverance_NRE_0002_0667130583_386ECM_N0010052AUT_04096_00_0LLJ01(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely the coolest place they've landed

>> No.12743709

It's not about getting to orbit, it's about losing 28 if/when it crashes on landing.

>> No.12743710

It’s an old crater lake, I thought

>> No.12743711

Just the camera lens glass

>> No.12743716
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x960, Mars_Perseverance_NLR_0002_0667130878_778ECM_N0010052AUT_04096_00_2I3J01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743721

So 26 engines minimum for an orbital test, not really a huge difference.
It's not an orbital test if it doesn't make orbit.

>> No.12743726

Image limit reached, staging the thread


>> No.12743727

I'm talking about the superheavy

>> No.12743732

>page 7

>> No.12743734

Yes it is an orbital test tf are you on? And what makes you so sure it’ll fail getting to orbit? Raptors have a perfect launch record it’s the relight that’s hard

>> No.12743735

Who cares we can’t post images of memes and Mars

>> No.12743746

tf are YOU on, anon? What part of "orbital test" is consistent with the statement "it's not about getting to orbit"? I'm ready to bow out because this is getting retarded.

>> No.12743772

I would agree with you, but it's pointless if you can't post images.

>> No.12743791

You might think a standard camera should be OK anywhere but in fact all kinds of compromises have been made to generate a good result here on earth in a known set of situations. Even different manufacturers of earth cameras emphasise different aspects etc. So there's no such thing as a universal camera, and space is a very different environment. Then there's the need for scientific levels of accuracy and precision. For example, the radiometric correction of satellite imagery is based on calibration done by pointing the sensor at a particular part of the Antarctic that is the flattest and whitest area we have to image. And the same with the blackest part of the sky. Imaging is highly technical but all but the most expensive cameras for earth use hide this from us.

>> No.12743796

Bro if it’s intended to get to orbit but it doesn’t it’s still an orbital test, just one that failed. All of the N1’s flights were orbital tests that failed.

>> No.12743801

>Muh imagerinos!

>> No.12743805

Honestly I just wanted to start a thread with the webms drops

>> No.12743818

based af

>> No.12743822

Better basic resolution, and most importantly, RGB only matters to human eyes. If you take pictures using color filters it can see things that human eyes couldn't.

>> No.12743828

>Image limit reached
how about we start a new thread for marsposting? at this rate we'll hit image limits on page 2

>> No.12743864

Exactly this, think about what SpaceX was doing 10 years ago. They were just starting the dragon and early falcon days. Think about what the starship will be in 10 years

>> No.12743879

I want to print it

>> No.12743892

>special approval to put people on Starship
Only for NASA missions. But no way will they put people up to Mars until they've already done a synod of cargo landings.

>> No.12743893

Wow it scrubbed again? Elon you dumbass

>> No.12743911

New Thunderf00t video
>Perseverence Rover: BUSTED

>> No.12743958


>> No.12743964

Image limit is abort. Page 10 is nominal staging.