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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.05 MB, 1916x1080, ethnoma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12740821 No.12740821 [Reply] [Original]

cant wait for all the dreadlock wearing, weed smoking white folks succeeding in ethnomathematics

>> No.12740836

What are some complex mathematical systems that have evolved over time in other cultures? I'm legitimately curious to see an example.

>> No.12740854
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1080, ethnomaex1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i iz glad u askme

back den we had boat 'nd shiet travelling tru riverz getting dem fishies fo' hunger

>> No.12740856
File: 1.42 MB, 1924x1080, ethnomaex2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also de music vibin' wit da tribe man. we be hella gud musicians 'nd dancers

dat our way of doing math

>> No.12740860
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, ethnomaex4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it still to dis day is way fo former tribe membaz to express math. everyone like math but not like you crackas. we be doin' dem dope hip hop shapes 'nd music patternz.

>> No.12740864
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, ethnomaex3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'nd of course de japs have done some too. but it not my favorite ting about de ethnomath.

>> No.12740888

Some form of counting system is a pretty universal thing across human cultures, unlike writing systems. You don't necessarily need to compare someone to a summer's day, but you do need to know how much food you have for the season. Looks like they're going for a "Brown people can count too!" kind of approach which is totally not condescending.

>> No.12740904

Many cultures never figured out zero on their own. It's also common for their counting system to be very limited, being little more than 1,2,3, many. Our modern counting system is far from being culturally universal.

>> No.12740905

Mainstream mathematics already is multicultural. It incorporates European, Arab, and Asian discoveries. Africans are just retarded.

>> No.12740907


>> No.12740910

>banging on drums is math
the absolute state.
inb4 some r*dditor or other assorted midwit goes "acktually music is mathematical"
faggot, sure you can mathematically describe sound waves, musical patterns, and whatnot but banging on drums doesn't equate to math.

>> No.12740913

it's more generalizable, their numbers are a subset of the numbers of modern math.

>> No.12740917
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*blocks your path*

>> No.12740922
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>based on pre-determined formulas

>> No.12740923

>A musical chord can be represented as a point in a geometrical space called an orbifold
exactly my pt.

>> No.12740928
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>Smack two sticks together

>> No.12740957

I wonder who came up with the concept of ethnomathematics.

>> No.12740966

It's rather 1, 2, 3, 4, many (There were a few experiments showing that animals can count to 4.)

>> No.12740967

>mm yes, instead of using basic geometric shapes to teach geometry we should map musical cords onto geometrical spaces
>this will surely help stupid people learn math easier

Have we come full circle? have we dumbed down math so far that its now complex again? amazing

>> No.12740971
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>> No.12740979
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Ethnomathematics will be condemded as racist. Here is why: white folks ace those classes nevertheless, and even can make music&c. culture of etnofolks. So they start to cry and etnomathematics will be banned.

>> No.12740989

>Ignoring the chinks

>> No.12740990

>implying whites are allowed in ethnomathematics
>implying they won't be exiled into real mathematics
>implying they won't have better GPA regardless
>implying this won't make employer chose whites over other ethnicities even more than before

>> No.12740993


>> No.12741008
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>It's also common for their counting system to be very limited, being little more than 1,2,3, many.
and it's a good thing. You understand finitism is right ? No you dont you white supremacist. Reals numbers are logically flawed and you cant even see why.

>> No.12741009

wouldn't maths be universal since its rules hold up across all places and times?

>> No.12741016

the rules are mental constructs in the first place, so maths is dependent on the few humans who invent maths.

>> No.12741022

but the rules are made by old white cis men so they shouldnt apply to minorities

>> No.12741035

no my friend, the only thing that is universal is Jewish supremacy over the goyim.

>> No.12741036

but white people are the minority on this planet

>> No.12741042


>> No.12741074

This is some kind of an elaborate troll, right?

>> No.12741080

see for yourself


>> No.12741083

This is some next tier high level bait and shitpost. well done OP this almost looks as if someone could of made it unironically.

>> No.12741084

>This is some kind of an elaborate troll, right?
Well, in a sense it is.

>> No.12741087

Are you not aware of the latest findings of critic theory and sociology esteemed professors ? Mathematics is built on top of white supremacy, it permeates the entire field. Read a book incel !

>> No.12741090


>> No.12741093
File: 44 KB, 680x723, Warp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i am all about teaching some different counting systems, so that the shock to students in programming class is not to hard to convert between decimal and HEX, but i don't see how this shit is going to help you solve differential equations or do tensor calculus...

Feels like internet legislation, made by people who don't understand it and are not direly affected by it.

>> No.12741096

That's all just using plain old mathematics to describe something from other cultures, it's not different mathematics.

>> No.12741100

This is an article discussing a different school district but ethnomathematics does seem to be something that’s really being pushed for implementation in K-12 schools.

>> No.12741102
File: 135 KB, 500x522, 2C172177-25BE-4E58-A20B-A90EDD2D63A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I forgot to link the article https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2019/12/06/ethn-d06.html

>> No.12741117
File: 21 KB, 212x300, 1584f79ee085c5df45757a24c760a27e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>world socialist web site
>bashes on capitalist system
>divide working class with identity politics
>"Most critically, the renewed push to racialize education expresses the bourgeoisie’s fear of the class struggle"

>> No.12741132

I only linked the socialist site because it goes pretty in depth and seems more substantial than say Fox News type outrage bait. You can disagree with their socialist analysis, it’s a good article to get the facts on the situation regardless

>> No.12741141

Why are glows socalist now

>> No.12741159

the article is explicitly arguing against idpol. I’m not that familiar with the org overall (it’s literally just a random article I found googling ethnomathematics), but a lot of older (and non-minority) socialists hate identity politics and the mainstream pseudo-left that pushes that ideology

>> No.12741179

It's either
>why you no include other culture math?
But we do.
>why you steal from us?

>> No.12741188

Our society's biggest mistake is letting teachers teach our children

>> No.12741234
File: 411 KB, 850x1160, Foucault1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't actually believe this do you?

>> No.12741236


>> No.12741255
File: 140 KB, 960x960, ameriamuttsareretarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realise that real socialists are against identity politics, and that this article attacks soiliberal idpol? Can you not read or are you just dense?

Its pretty clear from the way the article is written that the writers aren't in favour of the proposals.

>> No.12741297

Nah fuck off. Unless youre a tankie, dipshit communists love this shit.

>> No.12741317

Maybe ameriamutt faux-socialist/communists do but in non-retarded parts of the worlds they don't.

>> No.12741338
File: 241 KB, 680x566, Jooooooooooomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think...
I think...I'm GONNA
Yes, yes, yes, I think I'm going to....
I'm SUBVERTING SUBVERTING!!!1 AAAAAAAAAAaa I'm SubVERtiNG!!!!!!!!!!!!~1!!!!!!11
I'm So so so fucking subVersiVe, AAAAAAAa OOOOOO yeah..11!!!!!!11!!11

>> No.12741400

But none of this is mathematics.
Also, given the previous slides, I can only assume that this >>12740860 means that the SJW 'women' who created this thinks that accounting is a more interesting, engaging, and applicable way of presenting mathematics than geometry or logic or arithmetic. This sounds retarded. Accounting is boring as fuck, but given that she's 'woke', I'm sure she loves big companies, capitalism, globalism, and consumerism.

>> No.12741422

Zero was an Indian concept that the Arabs then the Europeans adopted. The Romans had no concept of zero. We have been totally fucked up ever since.

>> No.12741429

>implying it wont be illegal to distinguish between a pass in ethno maths and real maths.

This is just a way to pass a lot of inept students.

>> No.12741431

I don't see how teaching children the different cultural applications of mathematics is a bad thing

>> No.12741438

>Based on predetermined formulas.
The formulas are deduced.

But naturally a sphere with twice the diameter will be able to hold 8 times as much volume, and there's no alternative to that.

>> No.12741452

>could of
Please kill yourself. Thanks.

>> No.12741478

Sounds like typical white supremacist rhetoric. We don’t need your racist "formulas" anymore. Sometimes 2+2 is 5, shitlord.

>> No.12741483
File: 38 KB, 472x500, trigonometriggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the triggering if SJWs realize that after years of research and proofs of theorems in ethnomathematics, they come to the conclusion of ethnomath = western math

>> No.12741486

This is why its imperative that you take your children out of public school. Whenever you can create a hybrid community home schooling/private tutor system. Where paid professionals teach STEM subjects in a home school system.
Also, to begin lobbying for parents of home schooled students to receive tax rebates equal to their contribution into the state education sector. Otherwise parents are basically paying twice for their children's education. Think of how much better the disposable income could be used to providing alternative hybrid systems I described above.

Think of a group of say 20 to 40 families sharing homeschooling resources to pay for tutors and materials. Instead of the average family bunking out $2-$4,000 per year in taxes to pay for public education.
You dont need a class room. You dont need sports fields. You dont need a staff room. You dont need a school minibus. ECE education has already proven this beyond any doubt. All you need is space within private homes and quality educators.

The average secondary students spends less than 20% of their time in state schools actually learning and practicing what they have learned. The rest of the time is bumf. A hybrid home school system could deliver more content within half a day than state school can within a whole day.

>> No.12741498

>Mathematical analysis of music from different cultures

But not the group theoretical underpinnings of change ringing or the Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter algorithm, well known to 17th-century English bell ringers, because that would involve pointing out how much further ahead white people were.

>> No.12741501

Thats because ironically those communists from secondworld and third world countries are still nationalistic and reactionary even if they consider themselves communist so therefore they have a natural revulsion for his kind of subversion.

>> No.12741507

>Zero was an Indian concept
They invented it while trying to count the toilets in their country

>> No.12741537

The absolute state of the alt-right. The retarded identity politics is a long-term work that has been pushed by Americunt three-letter agencies. If you don't believe me, look at this 1985 report that explains how the CIA should be pushing for the original French theory assholes in order to remove support for the USSR.

"France: Defection of the Leftist Intellectuals"


I am not too fond of conspiratards, but you have to recognize a real plot when you see one.

> t. actual commie

>> No.12741568

>muh reeeeel socialism
Lmao fag

>> No.12741631
File: 734 KB, 1178x1188, 1612100015829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh anon


>> No.12741638

They find it funny at this point, the people in charge like to gaslight the population.

>> No.12741651

>Be me
>A+ ethnomathematician in high school
>Taking final engineering exam
>Need to determine the amount of waste head in electrical circuit
>Get up
>Start dancing
>Banging on desk
>All the other ethnomathematicians start dancing and drumming
>Someone lights their desk on fire
>Put on tiki mask
>Jump over the fire
>Run out of the classroom
>Visit an aquarium
>Count the fish
>Run back in
>Finish test
>Wrong answer
>Pass anyways because though my answer was wrong I showed my work

>> No.12741655

>takes a fucking paragraph to say he's a retard
You Liberals really can't help yourself lmfao

It's not about teaching different cultural applications of math, or stuff like that Russian peasant finger trick, or getting them to understand different bases (literally every culture on the fucking planet used multiple bases). It's about declaring Math racist, therefore it doesn't need to be taught in schools anymore, OR, if it remains, blacks get an A just for being signed up for the class.

>> No.12741662

They dont find it funny. They fucking hate white men and they want white men to submit or die.

>> No.12741663

>ethnomathematics is the future, nazi chud

>> No.12741670

2 + x = 5
x = 3
3 != 2
Therefore 2 + 2 != 5

>> No.12741672

cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.12741673

no its really a lot simpler than that, they think they're actually being virtuous. When in reality if they had a single drop of perspective they'd realize they're making things worse.

Sadly there is none as people who spend their whole life chasing power never spend in time in the real world. And the vast majority of normal people that are paying attention and ask questions, never even fucking bother trying to interact with their government other than maybe voting for the president

>> No.12741678
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>You Liberals
Please don't insult me. Only a nation as retarded as the USA is unable to realize that liberalism is pretty much an antithesis of communism.

>> No.12741691

Onions withered hands made this meme

>> No.12741694

Capitalist Liberalism: Materialistic ideology

Communism: Materialistic ideology

The only difference between the two is that they want to give the material to different people while completely ignoring all the important questions of what people actually want from society.

>> No.12741708
File: 69 KB, 907x624, 1603238971907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12741719

>(There were a few experiments showing that animals can count to 4.)
Which animals are those? Earth worms?

>> No.12741721

birds, mostly.

>> No.12741724

Some birds are very smart.

>> No.12741728

> Islam: monotheism
> Christianity: monotheism
> The only difference between the two is that they worship a different god while completely ignoring the fact they are all faggots.

>> No.12741732

>>> Christianity: monotheism

>> No.12741739


>> No.12741742

To steer back on track, at least according to the Nicene creed [math]1 + 1 + 1 = 1[/math].

>> No.12741750

semitic mathematics!

>> No.12741772
File: 40 KB, 474x252, download - 2021-02-22T121525.791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12741780

The First Council of Nicaea was a gathering of a few hundred kikes summoned from every corner of the Roman Empire.

>> No.12741787


>> No.12741811

Humans. Ancient Latin names Quintus and Sextus ('fifth' and 'sixth') suggesting thst counting up to four is natural, and then problems begin.

>> No.12741839
File: 275 KB, 900x900, i2a3jdmumjt41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just making math more practical. many younglings don't develop proper number sense and hate math (subsequently all STEM) because the teaching they get is dogshit. when i first learned linear functions the teacher literally just said plug this and this in to get the answer, no explanations of graphing, no change over time/movement analogy, nothing. it worked but when i took linear algebra and calculus it all made much more sense

>> No.12741858


>> No.12742253

Essential post.

>> No.12742274

>moves gold posts
Ok, yes, White people are in the minority, but since they hold the institutional power, that is what is really important.

>> No.12742291

>they hold the institutional power

>> No.12742294

This post is currently under investigation by the ADL.

>> No.12742332

>confusing power for numbers

>> No.12742873


>> No.12742907

Classroom and instruction time are not infinite. If you want to teach children about how people in Zimbabwe counted in the third century, you have to cut something else out of the curriculum. What currently taught math concept you do want to eliminate to make room for Zimbabwe stick counting?

>> No.12742914

Instead of writing 100 I can just write one hundred, where is the problem with deleting the math language?

>> No.12742944

By "whites" you mean jews, right?

>> No.12743012

It's called ethnomathematics, something that's been gaining a lot of ground in US public schools lately.

>> No.12743339


>> No.12743356

No it hasn't. Public schools might teach common core garbage but there's no way they would stoop this low

>> No.12743368

for now

>> No.12743473
File: 96 KB, 800x800, 47_img-0073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12743481

"strap in"?

>> No.12743546

fucking kek

>> No.12743578

What does "analysing logic of kin relationships" mean? Is this some sort of racist alt-right propaganda against race-mixing?

>> No.12743584

I think it means niggers all commit incest, creating very complex family trees which make for great examples when studying graph theory.

>> No.12743607

Those are ratcheting straps, anon.

>> No.12743608

I know that. I am trying to understand what the intended message was.

>> No.12743616


>> No.12743646

I wonder if determining the heir to a king gets complex with family graphs. There might be some interesting distance metrics to be studied here. Maybe ethnomathematics has something to it.

>> No.12743667

I love shit like this. All it does is make me more marketable because I did things the “old school” way and everyone knows that means I can actually get results.

>> No.12743792

>implying class struggle isn't identity politics

>> No.12743850

how is this math and not musicology?

>> No.12743886
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>> No.12744056

I first thought it had to do with what I imagine this sort would call a "gendered" relationship ie prefering male or female blood relations. but who knows. the other itens are so idiotic.
what are some troubles you see other than bastards and daughters?

>> No.12744438

Drastically underrated post.

>> No.12744530
File: 13 KB, 276x182, barks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you say whites go to separate math classes than pocs (separation)? Please stop, I only can get so happy!

>> No.12744554
File: 3.04 MB, 2752x1294, sgrds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12744637

if my fucking nigger coke dealer tries to ethnomathematize me with a shrimp bag i'm coming for that faggot's kneecaps. that's applicable to real life. learn to count

>> No.12744677

fucking based. In spit of early conflict, Leibniz and Newton would one day work to combine their calculus into the ultimate commie killing machine.

>> No.12745041

>white supremacist
Not an insult anymore. It just means "preferring what Europeans used", and that's a good thing.

>> No.12745980

I really wish this would be an alternative in scool because I suck at real math

>> No.12746328

>what are some troubles you see other than bastards and daughters?
If you have a complex family graph and your task is to determine your genetically closest living relative based on it, I don't think this is a trivial task. Depending on who you have children with, your own children can very easily be quite distantly related to you in comparison to, let's say, your cousin who also happens to be your sister, aunt and grand mother. It's in fact very easy to be more closely related to your siblings than you are to your own children even without any incest involved, but incest makes it way easier. You could also give extra points for shared Y-chromosome, and that'd complicate it a bit further too.

>> No.12746407

This, and don't forget European mathematics stems from people like Babylonians who were legit brown

>> No.12746414

this. teaching should be performed by machines

>> No.12746422

the way a concept is represented is the problem not fucking writing hundred instead of 100, a kid's first interaction with functions is linear f(x)=ax+b, instead of telling them just to plug the numbers in ,start by telling them how this describes any relation between two things, how it describes traveling, what a function is, etc. this is just a simple example there are a ton of things like that. this a problem for many kids, not just blacks

>> No.12746467

I can't wait for all the rockets to start exploding on their launchpads because the engineers involved were using "decolonized" mathematics

>> No.12746492

god help us all

>> No.12746496

they literally worship the same god

>> No.12746584
File: 9 KB, 292x213, fugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> proof: by uniqueness of God.
What if the two axiomatic systems are mutually inconsistent then?

>> No.12747662

Seems like they’ve finally given up closing that achievement gap

>> No.12748104


>> No.12748130

Ultimately I'm not too concerned, because at the end of the day trains still need to run and bridges need to not collapse. These types of distractions tend to go out the window when the fundamentals become a concern,

>> No.12748333

Thank you, I was born a landlord. Its who I am

>> No.12748395

>because at the end of the day trains still need to run and bridges need to not collapse. These types of distractions tend to go out the window when the fundamentals become a concern,

Eventually these people seize more and more power and become a greater part of the public discourse and they build bridges that fail then hire media firms to bury the story or muddle the facts.

>> No.12748465

brainlet take, if they own the media you'll never know the real reason why the bridges collapsed and the train derailed.

>> No.12748856

This. It only makes me more valuable hahahahaha

>> No.12748900


>> No.12748911


>Young kid wants to learn maths.

>Maths teacher hands him a sombrero and a ukulele.

Surely this is a reverse psychology trick.

>> No.12749103

Short haired morrocani telling you about basis of art of morrocan tiling, look it up.

>> No.12749225
File: 336 KB, 1267x1980, u89sb6kbm6m01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ

>> No.12749227


imagine being an engineer designing a bridge and having a project manager with a phd in applied ethnomathematics always fucking around in your work, denying quantifyable facts while drumming on a set of bongos while his personal intern is vibing on the didgeridoo.

>he gets 5 times your wage
>he is more respected by society
>everyone connects his face to the project
>rightfully so because you are white

>> No.12749247

>Math is irrelevant!
>Proceeds to be a failure in most of his life even having the most mundane job

>> No.12749269

As soon as it collapsed, they tried to find a way to blame a man instead.

>> No.12749283

sjws confirmed for a danger to everyone around them and themselves.

>> No.12749410


>> No.12749677


I welcome this. The dumber the slave race is the less likely for it to organize into efficient rebellion against the authority which means we'll see stable governments spanning centuries if not more.

Constant social turbulence from class warfare has been the bane of human civilization since time immemorial.