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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 421x728, IMWard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12732771 No.12732771 [Reply] [Original]

Infernal Medicine edition

previous thread >>12724306 # #
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor) make fun of gunner premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
>>inb4 not science
>>inb4 poor amerimutts wanting medical advice

>> No.12732774

/med/ically speaking, is it better to shit while squatting or not? (i.e. a shitting stool)

>> No.12732777

Is good speaking coffee scientifically?

>> No.12732805

Is corona and the vaccine a jewish hoax?

>> No.12732944
File: 104 KB, 800x800, 8F36E882-DDCC-49BF-9032-BB44E66D086F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will anyone be interested in /med/ discord? i will post invite if anyone wants.

>> No.12732949

I would. I need sum studying buds.

>> No.12733001

here just made one so there are no members probably more people will join

>> No.12733008


>> No.12733011


>> No.12733012
File: 377 KB, 768x765, 1611359282081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo med, i have a Oncology test on the 5th so i was wondering if any of you guys know some good books, online videos about oncology.

The questions will be based on:
- Basic oncology
- Prevention and tracking of the main types of cancers
- Pathophysiology of the main types of cancer

I'm planning on using Pathoma and Harrison, but i would welcome with open arms any other suggestion.

>> No.12733014

Does everybody's brain have similar arrangements of sulci and gyri or is it like a fingerprint?

>> No.12733033

better position for your rectum, allows free-er passage of stool.

>> No.12733041

harrison is pretty good, other than that i can't help you since the books i used wasnt in english

>> No.12733052

Abeloff textbook of clinical oncology.
A8 will join in a couple mins.

>> No.12733056
File: 308 KB, 446x618, 1546981613951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What language were they in? I can read portuguese.

Thank you very much, going to check it out right now.

>> No.12733074

>What language were they in?
it was in georgian, pretty good book. was edited by students themselves, oncology dept said they would rise scores of students who would find mistakes(of any kind) in the books so score hungry students did pretty good job for free.

>> No.12733085

That's pretty based, makes me wish i knew georgian.

>> No.12733090

I just checked and it looks like the most recent edition (6th) was published last year. With the seas of information and the publishing year I don't think there'd be a better book out there.
I read the 4th edition in spanish back when I was in my last semester and I actually enjoyed reading it, although lot of times it was too in-depth.

>> No.12733103

Yes, go to google translate now and try to translate the word "Quarantine" from English to Latin and see the result, and then try again from Latin to English multiple times, you'll see different messages.

>> No.12733109
File: 390 KB, 768x768, 1611356141395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm downloading the 6th edition right now but i just wish i had more free time to study oncology. This exam i'm going to take is optional but getting a 100% would open certain doors for me.

>> No.12733110
File: 290 KB, 1920x1080, MED GENERAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12731164 this is me

Here is a second attempt at a new /med/ OP picture.

I'll take any suggestions to make it better

>> No.12733113

youre getting better

>> No.12733120

pretty awesome

i'll buy a shitting stool now

>> No.12733143



bump, join it

>> No.12733154

can i join if i'm a mathoid?

>> No.12733156
File: 275 KB, 1920x1080, MED GENERAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Versione trois

>> No.12733159

anyone can but its /med/ oriented so i don't know if you will find it interesting

>> No.12733188
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, MED GENERAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I think this is as far as i'm going

>> No.12733209

looks good
is there one of these based on Rembrandt's Anatomy Class?

>> No.12733221

I honestly don't know any art pieces. Post them and I'll play with them later

>> No.12733228
File: 74 KB, 640x475, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's used as the art cover of Alain Bouchet's anatomy booklets

>> No.12733329

Someone make this but with the blue pin lol.

>> No.12733380

working on it now

>> No.12733392
File: 263 KB, 945x488, this style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I start off. I should be aiming for this style, eh?

>> No.12733409

I feel water in my knee
what does that mean

>> No.12733457

make corpse a janny

>> No.12733459

get knee ultrasound

>> No.12733492


>> No.12733496

like fingerprint. i believe big sulci are more similar across individuals tho.

>> No.12733501

Yes make janny corpse.

>> No.12733525

send me a pic of a janny. I don't have any. I'm only using the megaz folder floating around

>> No.12733794
File: 535 KB, 720x480, anatomy lesson progress.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12734075
File: 519 KB, 1280x720, anatomy lesson done.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12734089
File: 1.22 MB, 1374x990, the anatomy lesson copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12734092

Really good.

>> No.12734168

It’ll devolve the threads into a circlejerk so no

>> No.12734186

I concur with mister >12734168

>> No.12734205


anon chat is available on Element. Discord has lots of limitations, Element has everything for free that Discord charges for, plus better file sharing options and its more secure.

>> No.12734279

is gargling with baking soda good for pharyngitis? just curious, as my doctor aunt recommended this to me

>> No.12734295

Discord has 3 people. How many are in your platform?

>> No.12734304

It ain’t the platform, it’s just the fact that if a part of the discussion happens outside the threads, it immediately makes threads less accessible. The people in the discord etc. would probably be among the more active posters in the threads worsening the issue and only a subset of the fairly heterogenous group that makes up /med/.

>> No.12734305

fuck no

>> No.12734310

you should always shit in a position where your knees are higher than your pelvis

>> No.12734326

decent placebo

>> No.12734396
File: 12 KB, 272x179, LBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

element isn't the same culture as Discord. It's hard to explain, you'll have to see the rooms to understand.


>> No.12734397

ok /med/ solve this riddle:
Why do I have to piss when I shit but I don't have to shit when I piss?

>> No.12734415

rivers move faster and more frequently than mud slides.

>> No.12734481

You mean to tell me there are +100 medposters?
I've been BTFO.

>> No.12734525

100+ academic posters from different backgrounds, plus few-rules shitposting. I'm the only med bro, another guy is starting bio engineering. Others are into linguistics, comp sci, cyber security, history, literature, etc. There isn't much medical talk because nobody understands it, it'd be nice to have some bros in there

>> No.12735453

do hemorrhoids go away? ive had a few instances of trying to pass things that i shouldve waited or used laxatives for so now watching my diet better.

>> No.12735576

My 3 year old nephew isn't talking. We know he's autistic but is there any way we can bring him up to at least average intelligence before his developmental years are done with? We're taking him to therapy centers but even they're saying it'll take at least a year before he starts talking.

>> No.12735718

Ask that to his treating staff.

>> No.12735742

>We're taking him to therapy centers but even they're saying it'll take at least a year before he starts talking.
This is the only thing they're saying. I'm asking anons here because they have more experience with this kind of thing with a lot of smart autists around here. Basically I'm asking if he's irredeemably developmentally stunted or if he has a chance at intelligence.

>> No.12735753

>dumb nursoid roastie hitting on me and >implying that I should hang with her outside of work
>currently cooming in qt compassionate accounting waifu
Begone harlot nursoid

>> No.12735756

Look up the microbiome research on autism, pretty cool stuff. Sucks about your nephew, sorry.

>> No.12735768

Harlots are a plague anyway. Christ is king, and a sleezy physician isn't desirable. Obviously you're a Semitic virgin who think sex is powerful. Truthfully, cooming only in your wife is the most Chad act an doctor can do. I wish you the best in finding true happiness in Christ and marriage! Be the St Luke you were meant to be!

>> No.12735779
File: 53 KB, 500x567, Devilish_dfec03_6238404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Semitic virgin
Depends on which /med/ compass you use

>> No.12735995

element is for pedos

>> No.12736155

So I've had a major sleep problem and I took 500mg of powdered melatonin. I tried to induce vomiting to no avail, and I called poison control and they basically told me to fuck off, there's no lethal dose of melatonin. I'm extremely dizzy and I'm very scared. I way overdid this and I'm in over my heead. I feel like I drank a bottle of vodka and spin spun m my chair. I'm afraid myheart is going to stop on something. I took 2 shots of 5 hours energy to help combat b the effects.

>> No.12736166
File: 61 KB, 800x450, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I took 2 shots of 5 hours energy to help combat b the effects.
Yep tell the dream demons /med/ said hi.

>> No.12736189
File: 2.63 MB, 2994x2634, actin cytoskeleotn of macrophage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting med school in cali this July. Any tips/advice/insight?

>> No.12736201

Yeah, don't take 500mg of melatonin like the guy above.

>> No.12736290

Hello, normie here, I recently have been interested in forensic pathology and have been reading a few books on it, however the last science class I had was in grade 10. How would I go about getting accepted into a school? Night classes and extensive reading? I feel like I've already fucked myself over by graduating highschool with average grades

Did you guys goto med school straight out of highschool? Were you all A+ students? Is it already over for me

>> No.12736303


>> No.12736316

i did bad in highschool. 2.3 gpa.
Went to community college and started in remedial math. Transferred to a great university took all my pre-reqs in community college. Got a neuroscience degree in university. Got into 2 top med schools after lots of volunteering, extracurriculars, and a 3.8gpa in college. Also did bad on my mcat so got lucky on that front.

>> No.12736448

What an absolute fucking idiot. You get what you asked for.

>> No.12736539

are we in plato's cave?

>> No.12736556
File: 1.40 MB, 1600x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /med/, /pol/ here.

Just wondering about the coranovirus vaccine. We all know that vaccine for the chinese flu is more deadly than the virus itself, but I was wondering if you guys had any actual data or expertise on HOW deadly it is i.e. how many people have died, especially given that they've tried covering it up.

>> No.12736567

why is it a placebo? i heard it can cure a lot of throat-related issues

>> No.12736722

if you already KNOW you also should have the data, so there is no reason to ask us about it. or you have other way of KNOWING?

>> No.12736729

is Adderall good for studying intensely? i am at my fucking limit as regards studying but i still have 2 exams left and i can't fucking take it anymore
are there any other such drugs?

>> No.12736745

yikes, the amount of premed in this post.

>> No.12736786


>> No.12736818

i'm not even a premed, I'm studying CS

>> No.12736825
File: 614 KB, 619x618, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>struggling with a CS degree
maybe higher education just isn't for you m8

>> No.12736962

you actually don’t have to piss when you shit

>> No.12736964

>not taking in harlot as a slave

>> No.12736967

placebo can cure a lot of stuff

>> No.12737019

>intern in >95% male spec
>bantz increase 1000%
>amount of curse words up by 6000%
>number of attractive young nursoids up by 200%
>going drinking with work people every night
>tfw have to return to the normal 70% female medicine
letting women in med school was a mistake

>> No.12737021

PM&R? Sports med?

>> No.12737022

women should only be nurses

>> No.12737027

and maybe peds, ob/gyn.

>> No.12737036

>first week on the wards was last week

>the phlebotomist takes the bloods
>the lab guys do the analysis
>the nurses administer the medicine including intravenously
>the doctors spend two hours a day signing forms and speaking to patients, and spend the rest of the day drinking coffee or on Grand Rounds
wtf did I luck into the chillest profession?

>> No.12737100

which ward?

>> No.12737107

don't wanna say, but it's a majority female non-surgical specialisation.

>> No.12737132

Peds, endo, cards?

>> No.12737136

>don't wanna say
why the fuck not?

>> No.12737143

this is how it begins

>> No.12737148

Sounds like nephro

>> No.12737150

That really narrows it down

>> No.12737242

How to IM?

>> No.12737255

Can't tell if bait or straight retarded.

>> No.12737262


I am all for equality not feminism duh , and think that woman are capable but:

>Work In a small city hospital
>G/O team is 8 persons 7 are male
>Only female is the leader and she is the daughter of the previous GO leader
>They only let her do the sterilization procedures
Same happened in general surgety and TO

>Went with a female friend to the uni campus, small campus to do some paperwork, almost only females at sight I would say 70%
>We are doomed I said, friend replied yes

>The smartest female on the field that Ive ever know , Im trying but I can tell one, maybe the pathologist that works in the lab she at least displays common sense has a dirty sense of humor she remembers pretty clearly all the basics of medicine physiology , semiology and clincal approach to patients she has better diagnose, prognoses and treatment choices pretty much on the level of the internal medicine chief

Who is the smartes woman you ever met on medicine /med/?

>> No.12737318
File: 78 KB, 1022x956, med spec compass v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one my guy. If you're not even on the spectrum return to reddit

>> No.12737400
File: 34 KB, 239x179, fuck advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they basically told me to fuck off, there's no lethal dose of melatonin.

>> No.12737428


We get it, you are a nigger

>> No.12737447
File: 73 KB, 750x750, fat scar face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready for an "education." I'm from NA and strictly am not attending NA schools because of the cancerous political agenda each school pushes. I found a racist country and I'm learning med there - they won't prioritize affirmative action. Think about how much money you're giving them, and what behaviour you're funding. C'mon, do you want that to be the 'new' medicine? Fuck that, I'm not learning racial medicine other than for my race - that's what nigger, and indian docs are for, they treat their own race in their own land

>> No.12737456
File: 23 KB, 480x360, git gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 and 6 year programs exist that take high school grads, or mature students with XYZ courses. They only really care about what your prereqs are scored, what your overall retard level is based on school marks, and social retard score on experience like volunteering. if you're a lazy fuck, retake your prereqs. only take them at uni. If you're retarded take nothing else and concentrate on only pre reqs, as those are the most important courses. If you do the 5/6 year route from high school, then other courses don't really matter, fill the extra time with ECs, med related is best. If you can't handle getting As in undergrad introductary level prereq courses you honestly wont make it. Undergrad is easy. Anyone will tell you the first year of university is a continuation of high school; all intro courses cover the same or similar high school topics.

>> No.12737462

no this is my basement

>> No.12737486

Thanks, this is pretty uplifting. I thought I fucked myself over but now I realize I just have to work hard and plan things out more structurally

>> No.12737496

the girl i tried to date but she rejected me

>> No.12737526

There are oldfags who start med school. Fuck it, if youre incapable of legally buying alcohol it doesn't even matter. If you were 30s and just figuring out how you fucked your life then it'd be a different story. Just don't piss this state of clarity away.

>> No.12737534

Unironically a nursing student with a 9.7/10 score that could handle medical books as study material and had all the interpersonal skills I lack.
Dumped me after a couple months. Can't blame her.

>> No.12737539

nursing isn't hard. Find a woman who doesn't prioritize their career over everything. You need one who will love you, and not their worldly material desires of instant gratification and things that rot and rust. Also avoid the women with those weird buddah tapesteries - they may as well just hang up a red flag.

>> No.12737658

will acrocyanosis give false saturation numbers if measured by finger saturator?

>> No.12737671

Okay guys. I'm 19 rn. considering medicine as a good career choice. Even though I have virtually no social and romantic life, I don't know if I want to just throw all of the possibility away on a career/lifestyle of medicine. Advice?

>> No.12737686

if you REALLY don't want to do medicine don't do it. you will have miserable life. put same amount of energy into something else and you'll be as if not more rich and fullfilled. do whatever you want to do and are good at.

>> No.12737796


>> No.12738047

Do whatever. If you're asking the people in here I can already tell you're too retarded to know better.

>> No.12738474

I am not white. Enjoy living your miserable life. Glad you moved out of here.

>> No.12738497

fair enough. thanks bros

>> No.12738686

look up Marty Lobdell, do what he says

>> No.12738698

>T. Babylonian

they never change

>> No.12738799

This is the most accurate representation of /med/ spectrum

>> No.12738862
File: 177 KB, 2071x1278, 790913C1-DA0D-4971-8C49-9E48A16A77C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12738944

>mongolian radiology
good ole times.

>> No.12739026
File: 3.49 MB, 1728x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, I'm a nuclear pharmacist

>> No.12739077

what's sports medicine like?

>> No.12739087
File: 467 KB, 1276x630, 1613873746002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one respects you in the medical field

>> No.12739091

I don't really care about that, I'm wondering what's the spec like. What patients do you see or what kind of stuff do you treat?

>> No.12739197

usually someones prized nigger from a university/city team

>> No.12739240


>> No.12739256

MD researchers in our Biochem department are scum.

Best wishes,
A real doctor

>> No.12739276

Imagine your field being simplified into a single chapter in a textbook l000lll get fucked basic science, who asked you?

T. Dr. Chad, Virgin Fucker 3000

>> No.12739300 [DELETED] 

>prized nigger

true. north americans are fond of their niggers. They copy their behaviour, and style. they love their hippyhoppy music. Niggerism has spread so far it lives rent free in minds - look at eminem, he isn't black but he thinks he is. Eminem is a cat raised in a dog pound, the thing tries to bark but sounds more retarded than target. At this point you may as well be a veterinarian - at least the animals won't try to rob, stab, shoot, or threaten you for something they want (99% ofthe time its drugs).

>> No.12739330 [DELETED] 

sir this is a wendy's

>> No.12739335 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 596x673, smirk dbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have a McWopper please

>> No.12739338 [DELETED] 

wrong thread, my man. go screech in your /pol/ threads.

>> No.12739374 [DELETED] 

This but unironically.

>> No.12739388 [DELETED] 

he's not wrong though

>> No.12739400 [DELETED] 

but it's irrelevant and stop replying with offtopic shit you dumbfuck.

>> No.12739441 [DELETED] 

except that social determinants of health are very /med/ related :^)

>> No.12739454 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1054x573, lääkeapustaja86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you're too much of a fag to have around in actual conversations. It's outspokenly true among my coworkers. All of the worst human traffickers around here are blacks. They have their own community and its ridden with crime. They have gang fights and no white first responder is around there, so I hear from the same people. Tons of racial barrier pujt up by themselves, and they won't help themselves. About every single building in their community begins with "Community..." fuck 'em. I've extended every olive branch on my tree, they can find their own sub-par doctor, they'd rather a fellow nigger than competency.

>> No.12739460 [DELETED] 

yes, especially when there are work implications. I work in medicine, suck my cock - it's a legitimiate problem that plagues my health care coverage area. If they weren't apart of it I'd have 40-60% less stress to deal with. Maybe I could even have time to work on preventive care that isnt rushed if they went back. It's hard dealing with the social loops they want me to jump through so they're comfortable. Tell me your Sign/Sx and be done with it. I don't know how you don't have the same experience. I've met blacks from all over and have had the same experience without exception, regardless of what african country they hail from, or what religion they claim to follow.

>> No.12739480 [DELETED] 

I didn't defend blacks you retard, I just don't see the point in derailing the thread into another "muh nigger hate" thread, like /med/ hasn't gone to shit already, you fuckers make it even worse. Nice pasta tho.

>> No.12739483

>american hours start
>thread completely goes to shit

Like clockwork

>> No.12739747

gtfo reddit holy fuck

>> No.12739949

honestly its not that anymore, younger generations of kids are just more and more lost as time goes on especially with no father figures, I rather them ask a career advice question despite its stupidity than them freaking out and mentally torturing themselves over what to do

>> No.12740070

>I am not white. Enjoy living your miserable life. Glad you moved out of here.

No fuck you. I started nursing and I'm being assaulted with horrific far left propaganda in my fucking nursing courses. Something unthinkable. I wish I could escape from a western country and get my education in a non-western one. How much of a fucking subhuman do you have to be, to enjoy watching fucking pseudoscience and political bullshit being preached too you?

This system will not last, and I cannot wait too see it collapse

>Glad you moved out of here.

You're entire shitty state is collapsing and millions are running away because California is the first state to feel the effects of prog left politics damaging its intrinsic existence. I unironically want to hurt you, so you feel a hint of regret in that idiotic mind about the profound stupidity you spouted.

>> No.12740127
File: 121 KB, 300x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very grateful to our nurse colleagues
they do the jobs i don't want to do

>> No.12740357

leave nursoid

>> No.12740381

K dude i just wanted advice or book recs.

>> No.12740412

what did i miss

>> No.12740563

>imagine just applying shit that smarter people came up with for the rest of your life

t. 50/50 clinical work / basic research

>> No.12740621
File: 7 KB, 236x198, oiela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> do rotations in peds
> see kids die from cancer multiple times

I don't want to feel this feel..

>> No.12740629

do a path rotation next and dissect kids

>> No.12740641

/med/cord is slowly growing if you wanna hang out join ;)

>> No.12740708


>> No.12740734


>> No.12740785

PICU was way worse for me.

>> No.12740796

piss off. no one wants you here.

>> No.12740812


>> No.12740817

for me it was pediatric gynecology

>> No.12740822
File: 73 KB, 235x290, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>microscopic orthopedics

>> No.12740830

>orthopaedic psychiatry
exclusively stress fractures

>> No.12740846

>not AI psychiatry
I specialize in machine learning disabilities

>> No.12740929

Is it worth it nowadays to dedicate your whole career to one disease?

For example, we had this pulmonologist during our rotations that would be fucking obsessed with hydatid cysts and echinococcus infections. He is doing this for over 20+ years, lads...

In your case, is there a disease that fascinates you that doesn't exist as a specialty or is seen a lot in a spec? (e.g diabetology or oncology)

>> No.12740982

in some cases yes, especially on the private side. lot of money in being the guy whose name pops up in everyones mind when they try figure out where to refer a patient.

>> No.12741139

Not really. I spent 3 weeks of my internship in palliative care and algology and a part of me wants to relieve the terminally ill but in the other side I've always been an adrenaline junkie and enjoynthe rush from performing CPR, advanced reanimation and critical care.
I would have to go through anesthesiology to pick a side. Aldoe my dream job would be a comphy night shift.

>> No.12741219

how to join never touched discord

>> No.12741246

>download discord or open from browser
>make acc
>theres a + sign on left click it and then click join server
>paste the invite link

>> No.12741303

I joined you fags. Wat do now? seems kinda dead, is it 'murilard hours only?

>> No.12741325

Not really. Most posters are european.

>> No.12741349
File: 87 KB, 1139x1091, 1613757690686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>major is remotely related to medicine, human biology and human health
why are medfags like this? why are so proud in being an overpaid blue collar symptoms googler?

>> No.12741351
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it to me straight, /med/oids

is ophthalmology a good specialization for the future? what with all the people who're spending hours upon hours in front of a screen, especially during times like these?

>t. mathoid

>> No.12741358

if you're worried about that, you can become an optometrist instead and make bank by selling glasses to eyelets.

>> No.12741369

i'm not planning on becoming a doctor, i already am one ;) and my job is pretty comfy

i was just curious as one of my friends told me that her mom makes bank as an ophthalmologist

>> No.12741375

they probably do, AFAIK, ophto is a high paying spec on its own.

>> No.12741382
File: 22 KB, 1268x317, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.12741387

its pretty dead rn because theres not lot of people and server is new

>> No.12741390

holy shit indeed.

>> No.12741394
File: 26 KB, 1488x138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a huge difference but holy fuck

and i thought MY job was comfy

>> No.12741406

because 99% of biofags would jump to medschool without blinking if given the chance

>> No.12741410

opth is pretty future proof, people will need eyes and technology will just increase the scope of stuff we can do

>> No.12741552

Ophthalmology will be on the rise since population on developed and semideveloped countries will age greatly in the next 20 years. I personally would never try my luck with that shit. You have to be in the top 5% of applicants.

>> No.12742043

>tfw relegated to FM

>> No.12742066

FM residency turned into paperwork last year's selection lol. The guy with the lowest accepted score got a 20/100.
To put things into perspective the bottom at ENT and ophthalmology were around 75s.

>> No.12742720

You have someone who feels like they have palpitation and a sensation like their heart is in the throat, but heart rate is fine, is something in the spine, in the nerves, which pathologies could cover something like this?

>> No.12742733

Do an EKG first, obviously

>> No.12742752

vitals, saturation and ekg

>> No.12742798

The hearth has been checked already.
The heart is fine, the person is not even thirty, even any possible congenital problem has been checked, the only that was found was a malformations of peripheral vascular system, but nothing wrong with the heart.

>> No.12742807

any anxiety disorder

>> No.12742809

These events have been happening seemingly randomly, but it has already been ascertained that they have no correlation with any stressful event.

>> No.12742835

>any stressful event.
Some people can be really unaware of their stress/anxiety and wouldnt need an event.
but I'll take your word on it if you say it's been thoroughly checked.

>> No.12742867

What's the patient's sex? Have they got their thyroids checked?

>> No.12742869

vitals normal? male or female?

then probably basic blood work: fbc, electrolytes, creatinine, blood sugar, thyroid, blood gas, crp, heart markers

thorax x-ray and maybe do ukg myself if i'm feeling fancy

>> No.12742923


>> No.12742926


>> No.12742965

Are you telling me diversity isn't our greatest ally? Too many egg shells in western medicine. I will call you based before i S on you. other anon was on about the same stuff

>> No.12742968

It is someone who has been through a lot of stress, not just because of Covid, sedentary life.

Temperature average, though the person is easily prone to catching the flu and no is not a Relapsing borrelia induced fever or hepatitis. Pressure was fine as well, pulse was sometimes high for the first days, around 97, but it has been stable for days now. male, 27 years old, overweight but no diabetes. Case history is a bit muddled because apparently the person has been through many doctors in different countries, had for a while migraine and encephalitis caused by a virus, doesn't remember/know which, is fine now, oncologically fine too

Sorry if I am not perfectly accurate, is just I have been thrown in a position sooner than I expected.
>Creatinine 2,30 mg/dl
He did say he has experienced pain time to itme when urinating for around 10 years, but ever since he did a urine test and they found nothing he just gave up on his kidneys
>Triglycerides 60 mg/dl
his Glycated hemoglobin was just barely over the average, less than 150 mg/dl more than 125. Which is funny because by his admission he often eats chocolate.

>> No.12742993

Here is the exclusively med element room. You can post any size file, more anon than discord and you don't need to sign up with your phone or other stuff with discord.


>> No.12743067

Ok. That's a pretty shitty kidney function. He is not acidic? I'd do more labs.Particle count and albumine/creatinine ratio from urine, serum albumine, urea, liver panel, calcium and phosphate, parathyroid, vit d.

Abdominal ultra, especially the kidneys

>> No.12743168

>his Glycated hemoglobin was just barely over the average, less than 150 mg/dl more than 125.
Do you mean blood glucose? If that was the fasting blood glucose I'd suggest him to start doing some cardio.
HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin) should be below 6%

>> No.12743222

Ah yes, forgot to mention, ph is acid, thyroid is fine, calcium is fine as well, though he did told us he was aware of cramps and the correlation with calcium and the parathyroid glands but he is fine on that regards, although he did tell us that for a while he had Sarcoidosis.
Well his is barely around 7%
>I'd suggest him to start doing some cardio
Well "a series of unfortunate events contributed to his general lazyness", so he says, is a matrioska of problems, for a while he suffered from a virus induced arthritis, but that is gone, then he suffered from a Acute bronchiolitis due to human metapneumovirus which has, in his words "corroded" the lungs, but he does not want to do an x-ray of the chest, he also seems to have a odd, (at least in my little experience) form of asthma, his histamine levels are always normal, actually better than average, no food allergies, dust, plants, cats, dogs.

>> No.12743252

Can sitting too much cause a burning sensation in the lungs? There is this lady that due to an hereditary ataxia she has been forced to sit for most of her life and she was misdiagnosed an emphysema blaming it instead on her sitting habits.

>> No.12743274

What do you mean by burning sensation? I've never heard of something like this before. Pain? A constriction-like feeling in the chest area?

>> No.12743281

Well that's how it was described to me by 2 people suffering from emphysema. Like there's an enflamation, was just curious how they could have made that mistake with the second person.

>> No.12743295

If that woman has never been around an espyrometer (ESL) then her problem may be everything but emphysema.

>> No.12743313

Tell me how I know you're Iranian.

>> No.12743321

bicarbonate levels? how’s his fbc? there is clearly something wonky with the kidneys.

>> No.12743350

starting in a week
as an md

wtf do i do, i cant do shit and i dont know anything
i dont want to lose the steady job or get bisbarred or whatever happens to shit md's

>> No.12743353

I got into Tulane and my states flagship university. I heard Tulane is under a lot of heat? Which should I choose?

>> No.12743407


>> No.12743519


>> No.12743662

erythrosedimentation speed is 30/ mm/h, uh that's odd, he had a high erythrocytes count but now it seems back to normal, in less than 24h, that can happen right?
Azotemia 130 mg/dl
>bicarbonate levels?
don't think I have those

>> No.12743811

I can't decide between geriatrics or physiatry.
Help me, medbros.

>> No.12743855

Sure let me help you with that incurable:
>glaucoma,Arthritis,emphysema,cancer,Crohn,parkinson,alzheimer,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,cancer,Aids,Huntington disease, Lupus, Fibromyalgia,

>> No.12743859

Thinking about the positive symptoms of schizophrenia, presynaptic D2 inhibition will increase cAMP which causes more dopamine to be packed into vesicles which means there will be more dopamine in the synapse. Excess dopamine is one of the suspected reasons for schizophrenia symptoms. So D2 antagonists help the positive symptoms by causing more release of dopamine? How do you explain this paradox?

I ventured a guess that it is postsynaptic D2 inhibition that is important. This also generates more cAMP, but presumably the postsynpatic cascade after D2 inhibition/cAMP elevation is what makes the difference. Right? Do you have any papers/texts I can read on this?

Presynaptic D2 --> more cAMP --> more dopamine in synapse --> paradox

Postsynaptic D2 --> more cAMP --> less symptoms


>> No.12743899

hey but doesn't physiatry also deal with the incurable and gets cucked by ortho?

>> No.12744128

ophthalmology is a comfy specialisation. only really gets stressful when you're doing eye surgery, which you WILL do as an ophthalmologist. most ophthalmologists only work four days a week in my country and worst case scenario you accidentally blind someone instead of accidentally killing them.

>> No.12744149

hello I am a simple ER doc.

Step 1: exclude MI.
Step 2: exclude aortic dissection
Step 3: exclude pulmonary embolism.
Step 4: exclude oesophageal rupture
Step 5: exclude tension pneumothorax
Step 6: refer to someone else
Step 7: skip Step 6, diagnose with anxiety/GORD, and discharge. hope they don't die since your signature is on the discharge form.

>> No.12744153

you're gonna be the lowest rank of doctor on your ward. medical education doesn't begin until you've graduated.

>> No.12744161

I'm on my geriatrics run right now and it's comfy as shit.
>Physios decide when discharge happens
>Pretty much nothing to do after ward rounds
>female majority staffing in all disciplines (may be a con for you)
>no one expects you to treat your patients, everything is about "returning to baseline" which is usually pretty poor to begin with
I've got no plans to stay here because I feel like this would just frustrate me in the long term, but I'm gonna enjoy my three months of glorified vacation.

>> No.12744166

>drop a ng tube and call the attending if the lavage is positive
l o l

>> No.12744291


>> No.12744528

the effect is from the blockage of the receptors.

>> No.12744605
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>haven't had a patient die on me yet
fuck im a fantastic doctor lmao

>> No.12744664
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Why does my dad have such shit blood pressure .? hes regularly at 180/100. hes 60. he has uncontrolled BPH. he has sleeping issues. all he does is goes to work early in the morning and get home at 6 pm everyday 6 days a week. he doesnt smoke or drink. hes not overweight. it doesnt make any sense he has the blood pressure of an 80 year old. can someone pls tell me whats his outlook/? the doctor just changed him from doxazosin to losartan/hctz. is he a typical patient that is in hypertension II stage?

>> No.12744868

what kind of shithole doesn't have HCO3 if you have pH?
you need to figure out if there is protein (preferably albumin/creatinine ratio) and/or erythrocytes in the urine and ultrasound those kidneys

>> No.12744871

Sleeping issues can raise rr.

>> No.12744895

but all the way to fucking 180??? i relaize that its a lot of contributing factors but holy fk hes on the extreme end

>> No.12744897

do you want to treat just the elderly or have other kinds of patients as well?

>> No.12744930

apnoea can lead to pretty high numbers. i assume they've done all the necessary labs to exclude secondary hypertension?

>> No.12744931

>he doesn't treat EM as just IM with >2x speed

>> No.12744933

its not apnea, he doesnt snore. my mom snores all night though her BP is mostly fine. but he says he cant sleep cuz of her hes been sleeping in the bathroom for 5 days now and he went in todayto get checked and i assume hes in terrible shape cuz he got switched to losartan 100 /25 hctz

>> No.12744964
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>> No.12745035
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>security guard bro found my white coat in the cafeteria and brought it to my ward
>thanks security bro

>> No.12745107
File: 56 KB, 850x659, lääkeapustaja37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not doing your job for you. My job is an emergency doc. I make sure they're not going to die in the next two hours minutes. Everything else is on you.

>> No.12745135
File: 122 KB, 640x571, lääkeapustaja33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not doing your job for you. My job is an emergency doc.
but my job is em doc?

>> No.12745138
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stop making me look bad

>> No.12745143
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no you stop making em look bad

>> No.12745186


>> No.12745214

>I make sure they're not going to die in the next two hours minutes. Everything else is on you.
Do you tell your patients that?

>> No.12745327

Dangerously based and kino

>> No.12745330
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>pssht nothin personnell kidd

>> No.12745362

what a qt

>> No.12745375
File: 305 KB, 627x447, 1612646967282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine caring for such a beached whale. How do you go from a starving species to an apex predator of things smaller than you? Anyway, here's the slick, jack, I can't wait to get out of NA and away from these walking bags of charcoal. Her heart is under so much stress dein that obese hypoventilation syndrome, No wonder SVT produced. She literally has a fagio engine powering a lobster trawler. RETURN TO THE PLAINS FOR A DIET, OR REMAIN CONSUMED

>> No.12745455
File: 42 KB, 807x659, 1562961003033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"refugee" kid in for tons
>deparment head tells me they are being deported in a week
>Somehow they're in my fucking ward getting a surgery courtesy of a government that wants them gone
>have to communicate through a fucking interpreter
>weigh the kid and start on the questions
>interpreter says kid had breakfast and a soda
>say kid can't have surgery, mother starts yelling at interpreter
>he doesn't translate
>get them out of my fucking ward eventually
>later that day dep head gets call from dickhead lawyer
I hate lawyers and law students so much it's unreal bros

>> No.12745471

Do...do they know? I mean that lawyer must be fucked in the head or something

>> No.12745479

Are you asian?

>> No.12745484

>not realising that lawyers know nothing except how to make the world a worse place

>> No.12745485

he's british.

>> No.12745498

Danish actually

>> No.12745501

guess I overlooked that you mentioned the refugee is getting deported in a week.

In Britain they don't get deported, they get 7 figure valued houses.

>> No.12745502
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>> No.12745522

et wienerbrød ville smage rigtig godt nu

>> No.12745550
File: 259 KB, 702x372, coffee break_20210223094744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back.

>> No.12745582

You made me remember the joke about doctor vs stupid ass lawyer.

>> No.12745586

whats the catch with monoclonal antibodies? they sound too good..

>> No.12745607
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>> No.12745618
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Amateurs. Here comes the romanian artery cement.

>> No.12745632

Was it worth it the 5 years?

>> No.12745637
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out of the way

>> No.12745695

Okay be real guys

Would you rather date a lawyer or a nurse?
No way of telling who's better at sucking dick because lawyers are cocksuckers and nurses are....

>> No.12745702

I'd rather date /sci/'s janny.

>> No.12745732

A nurse. 100% a nurse. Lawyer will find a way to fuck my shit up after she turns things sour.

>> No.12745781


>> No.12745800

>" I'm from NA and strictly am not attending NA schools because of the cancerous political agenda each school pushes.

good luck failing to match, retard

>> No.12745801

which one is virgin?

>> No.12745827

>caring for virgins
you get the 20 year old to settle down with when you are 40 something

>> No.12745833

lawyers are generally soulless, nurses just dumb and conceited

>> No.12745884
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>Leaves continent to study medicine
>Implying they want to come back

Go back to charting my paperwork and stoping wasting hospital time, nursoid. Your meat-wagon pussy has more folds than your brain

>> No.12745889

ok cuck

>> No.12745898

>he didn't do milfs as a teen
>he didn't travel the world, build a career and fuck all kinds of strange while doing it
>he didn't settle down with a cute girl half his age
sad desu

>> No.12745903
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>> No.12745918
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I hate lawyers so probably nurses
Even at university the nurse students were fun to party with but the law students are nothing but unsufferable faggots

>> No.12745959
File: 112 KB, 640x571, lääkeapustaja125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slight variation on 33

>> No.12745996

get ready to spread them cheeks and cough

>> No.12746010
File: 80 KB, 657x574, lääkeapustaja126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for all the zoomers out there

>> No.12746043


>> No.12746071
File: 104 KB, 555x311, dddddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you all are on adderall

>> No.12746086
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>tfw i'm not on adderall

>> No.12746122

Aksguakly ritalin.

>> No.12746151
File: 128 KB, 828x874, 1601952412336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually I'm on hydromorphone

>> No.12746185

Rn I'm waiting for melatonin to kick in.

>> No.12746294

expensive af and immune reactions

>> No.12746299

mai accounting waifu :3

>> No.12746335
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Copypasting this shit from /sqt/

I live in the U.S. and have a B.S. in bio with a concentration in micro from a reputable institution. I will have a J.D. from a reputable law school after this semester. I was a mediocre 3.2 premed but ended undergrad with a superlative GPA in my upper level courses. I did everything short of taking the MCAT, got cold feet, and ran into law without thinking due to panic after graduation and stagnating in a bioinformatics research lab. The self-doubt I had regarding shit like residency and performing in med school scared me so I chose the "easy" way out. Turns out I have ZERO interest in law or an office job, how do I pivot back into science, ideally into a medical career? I'm not degree chasing I swear to fucking god I just despise the idea of a legal career after my experiences in summer internships/clinics. I also hear there are plenty of opportunities to leverage a JD/MD but I'd settle for literally any medical career at this point.

Should I take remedial courses in some community college? it's been 7 years since I took O-chem, 6 since biochem.

I wish I had known this before hand, but yes, law students are for the large part awful people.

>> No.12746410

Pivoting is as easy as taking the MCAT and applying assuming all your requirements are done. Just keep in mind you're signing up for 4 years of school and then 3-5 of residency and more debt on top of whatever you've taken out so far. You've already dropped out of law, better be damn sure medicine will be for you.

>> No.12746424
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I honestly loved my shadowing and volunteering hours, but got seriously jaded by my time in my research lab as I got more distant from actual practice. I'm well aware of the debt, and I'm lucky enough that I had a pretty good scholarship to law school, so I'm not entirely fucked. That said, yeah, I've thought about it quite a bit and medicine is simply what I enjoy the most at the end of the day. I'm currently taking health law, getting the full perspective of the current field docs have to practice in from the outside, so my J.D. isn't a complete waste.

>> No.12746657

what's your favorite snack during rotations?

For me, it's pringles.

>> No.12746695
File: 368 KB, 1920x920, Galerie-avec-des-slogans-Coca-Cola-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just drink coke

>> No.12746781
File: 51 KB, 600x338, abc trauma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protein shake and cashew nuts

>> No.12746808

Some candy bar. I pick it at random or depending whatever has a discount.

>> No.12746814

look at mr moneybags over here

I once bought a sniggers bar from the vending machine that had beverages in them too, so it would be cool. I chipped a tooth in that shit.

>> No.12746992

>tfw the shithole apartments for the internship cost more than the rotation pays

>> No.12747483
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>> No.12747729

I just want to cum in a cute chink nursoids face

>> No.12747818

Depends. You need to give him one more year first. If he can’t talk at 4 years then he might be LFA

>> No.12748292

i want to cum inside her

>> No.12748356
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Do you guys prefer being called doctor "last name" and are you docs okay with being called your first name?
I'm a medical technician and work with docs in the local ED a lot. They call me by my first name, but since I'm military, I usually just say doc or doctor "last name", or just call them by their last name out of habit even to civilians. To my military superiors, I never really call them by first name. Autist here obviously, but is using doctor preferred as a sign of respect, or do you guys like being treated like everyday people too by using a first name?

>> No.12748538

Ask them specifically.

I prefer Dr. Anon because it reminds me of my duty to be professional. I have a tendency to act as if I'm dressed in jeans and a graphic tee when seeing patients when I don't consistently remind myself to be professional. In other words, I formalize my dress, title, vocabulary when on the job so there's little room for things to slip through. Like the n-word. I am terrified I'll accidentally drop the n-word while on duty. It's not even a /pol/ thing. i was in the gym the other day and the song playing over the loudspeakers was like "nigga nigga nigga".

>> No.12748540

Are there magic pills to kill libido without side effects like slowly turning you in gitrl? I tried nofap and this shit isn't for me. I don't wanna be horny anymore.

>> No.12748566

lmao what the fuck is up with the US, frens? I swear to god they became a silly joke. Letting nursoids practice on their own and they let optometrists do surgery holy lmao kek. They even have NPs SUPERVISING medstuds, residents and even FELLOWS.

Why are amerilards so dumb and kill themselves in the meantime too?

>> No.12748688

Because the US is transitioning to a model where NPs take midlevel roles and MDs are supervisors/specialists. NPs don't have bad outcomes and are a good stopgap for the fact that MDs hate working in rural areas because of the immense paycut they take.

As for the overall rise, its because this midlevel-supervisor model makes hospitals and orgs a LOT of money. Like insane amounts. NPs and their services are reimbursed at like 85% of an MD level but their pay isn't anywhere close to an MD, less than half generally.
tldr: nps are money makers and a huge windfall for orgs.

>> No.12748712

kek, look at medical school admissions in muttland, literally going for diversity hires over qualified candidates. at that point an np with hospital experience is probably a step up from some arrogant diversity hire resident who thinks he's smart because the tests were curved for him and melanin endows him with abilities beyond those of the mortal breadth and ken.

>> No.12748727

military also, i worked with a bunch of surgeons and they all seemed kind of annoyed by it. But as the other anon said, it's good to use formal speech at work, protects you from the stupid things that might fall out of your mouth. Remember there's a lot of people who will be more than happy to sue your ass for hate speech because you called them a retard.

>> No.12748731

> MDs hate working in rural areas

That role was made for NPs and then why don't they practice in rural areas? It's a fucking joke, there should be only MDs and RNs + auxiliary staff.

>similar outcomes

>> No.12748751

>b-but we have the absolute best healthcare in the world!
>NPs/PAs practicing on their own in different specs and swapping specs to their liking

lmao imagine being a deluded amerimutt.

>> No.12748777

>it reminds me of my duty to be professional
Thanks both of you. I'll just keep with the formal talk then unless a doc specifically asks me to not do that with them. Hell, they're happy as long as try to limit the times I respond to them with sir/yes sir and ma'am/yes ma'am.

>> No.12748781

>PAs practicing on their own
don't think they can.
>That role was made for NPs and then why don't they practice in rural areas?
That post spelled it out for you. Do you know what a windfall is? NPs make money. Big amounts of money, especially compared to the cost of employing one. If you ran a hospital, could get a prescriber on staff for 1/5 of the cost of an MD with a skilled MD overseeing them and making sure they didn't kill anyone, why wouldn't you?
cope all you want, this is the truth. this is why MDs hold the supervisory position, so NPs don't kill anyone. The board of nursing then uses this as ammunition to fight for more rights in government - like independent care - and because they are a bunch of psycho bitches gaming the system, they get it.
The worst part is, MDs in the usa really just go along with it, as opposed to fighting for their profession - because NPs make private practices a ton of money too.

>> No.12748795

i've known some good NPs. but they were
1) male
2) on the high end of the bell curve
in every instance they should have or should still just go to med school but whatever, they are already practicing and going back to school and racking up debt makes less sense at that point.

>> No.12748817

>so NPs don't kill anyone
Too bad they do. No cope for me since I'm not murifat, just laughing at them of how cucked MDs and DOs are. PAs made a super copepost saying that they're not assistants even tho it's in their fucking title, lmao.
And I wasn't talking about supervision because that shit is rare. NPs practice on their own and most of them are incompetent, especially the psych ones.

I remember a post saying that some NPs took STEP 3 (the easiest out of the bunch presumably) and approx 30% passed.

>> No.12748838

>just laughing at them of how cucked MDs and DOs are
I don't get why there hasn't been any resistance to this in the US. In my country, the doctors union is the strongest union in the country and the government bends over for them

>> No.12748844

Probably the don't want to offend? Idk, they're retards anyway for just taking it instead of doing something.

>> No.12748855

just call me by my first name i don't have any sticks up my ass

>> No.12748860

>don't have bad outcomes
source:dude trust me
at least look something up before opening your assmouth

>> No.12748865

>not American
>claims to be an expert on American physician/midlevel interprofessionalism and scope creep because of things he read on the internet
NPs are a major problem, everyone knows it, and physician professional organizations are finally starting to wake up to it. But a majority of states require physician oversight for NPs to at least prescribe, if not diagnose. PAs actually have more prescriptive authority in most states.

The AMA is the worst thing to happen to American healthcare, and unfortunately is still the strongest professional organization. Specializations tend to be kind of bulkanized, with each specialty having its own set of organizations. The AMA has been too busy diddling Senators to keep fee-for-service around to care about the issues medical professionals actually care about.

>> No.12748868

don't say sir/ma'am unless you're in the south

>> No.12748870

>claims to be...
I didn't claim anything. If this is the american reading comprehension, I have no doubts now that MDs are massive cucks.

>But a majority of states require physician oversight for NPs to at least prescribe, if not diagnose. PAs actually have more prescriptive authority in most states.

Kek, imagine letting someone with 500 hours of shadowing to prescribe medication to treat patients or someone that completed 2 years in PA. Holy shit, the absolute state of america.

>> No.12748877

>I didn't claim anything
Pragmatics, motherfucker, do you speak them?

>> No.12748881

Want me to post those studies again showing how bad NPs are?

>> No.12748896
File: 170 KB, 360x346, a20ddd95ed33c6937246c1f37232e519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having patients older than your job

>> No.12748906


>> No.12748955

How competitive is radiology?

>> No.12748958

fucking bump, am I the only one with this problem?

>> No.12748970

>NPs are a major problem, everyone knows it, and physician professional organizations are finally starting to wake up to it. But a majority of states require physician oversight for NPs to at least prescribe, if not diagnose. PAs actually have more prescriptive authority in most states.
Literal and absolute cope. The amount of states where NPs have full authority is INCREASING. Blame the AMA for not giving a shit and orgs and MDs for taking the shekels NP gives. Either way be fucking honest, the only people 'waking up' are med students who give up their anti-NP stance in residency. seethe & cope, cope & seethe etc, come back when you're an attending and have 3 NPs doing your job for you.
based. muttland is doomed.