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12734352 No.12734352 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that you are not as smart as you think you are, even if you are a doctoral candidate at a prestigious university. You are likely destined to become a mediocre professor at a mediocre university teaching unmotivated undergrads elementary calculus or basic physics. The simple reality is that academia is a joke. Good luck.

>> No.12734356

>my life sucks and I am not going to succeed, therefore I will project my feelings on others

>> No.12734358

Why are you so negative? What's the point of telling people this?

>> No.12734408

Jokes on you, I view death as a relief, I see my life as a mission, most my family is dead, I have no friends, have no ability to connect with other people or form relationships, and therefore I will never succumb to the mediocrity you described. Have fun being a NORMIE.

>> No.12734409

Honestly, I never thought of myself as actually smart. I just wanted to learn more. Is all.

>> No.12734424

So long as you don't crumple before a state of quasi-humility, then based and redpilled. The people who make a show of how humble and grounded they are, are absolute cucks as well as CRINGE and totally bluepilled.

>> No.12734459

I don't really see myself as humble or prentious. Just the guy who wanted to know more.

It's just disappointing when I try to explain something to the layman and my words always come out too complex for them.
It's so difficult to explain nuclear physics when your crowd only knows Fallout shit

>> No.12734493

I've given up on the possibility of connection. It may well be that I am subhuman more than anything else, but nonetheless, they are like another species. Nothing to be done.

>> No.12734553

>no vidya are fun anymore
not there yet, but i'm glad it's happening

>> No.12734590

>I am young and naive and still don’t know how the world actually works

>> No.12734607

Who the hell does?
Everyone's opinions and worldview changes every 10 years. Who the hell knows how to live.

>> No.12734650

You bring up a fair point, but it’s not difficult to see academia is bullshit. For instance, when I graduated high school I was optimistic and wanted to be a physicist. Then a couple years into undergrad I realized academia is full of kikes and faggots, so I stopped caring.

>> No.12734653

Universal truth that there is always someone better than you.

>> No.12734691

When I was 15 railguns and lasers and nuclear powerplants was mediocre physics, what those teachers will teach is amazing.

>> No.12734706

Currently trying to get through university. The majority of my classmates are incredibly stupid. I grasp the material easily but struggle with basic tasks like turning homework in on time and showing up to class (lol). Feels bad. I want to be highly productive, responsible, consistent person but am not sure how. I only know that each year I improve.

>> No.12734736

That is a stupid exaggeration. Personally, I already have a PhD and a Doctorate in Theoretical CS, and I am currently on welfare.

>> No.12734921
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>earn +100k doing work i like and wake up looking forward to

>> No.12735114

Why would I care? Doing research is fun, teaching is fun, people are literally paying me to have fun.

What are you projecting here?

>> No.12735130

I actually like teaching though

>> No.12735254

yes, and?

>> No.12735341


You're only as smart as the things you create
If you don't create anything you're lumped into the same pile with all the other idiots in the world
Research isn't valuable researchers are the middle managers of the world
Worse than that anything to do with economics and you are just a parasite
Anything to do with helping others and you are a parasite in disguise the worst type of person in the whole world
Elon Musk is smart because he creates things and that's why everyone knows his name it's that simple

>> No.12735368

what do you do, anon?

>> No.12735412

I'm fairly smart and I recognize that. However, I'm also an unstable, insufferable git with a personality disorder who nobody wants to spend time around. I'd be lucky to become a mediocre professor at a mediocre university. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

>> No.12735423

>>I am young and naive and still don’t know how the world actually works
I'm 27. Probably older than you.
If (You) [OP] want to pretend you are wise and mature and disillusioned, feel free. You're only fooling yourself kiddo

>> No.12735426

Sadly, pursuing physics is the only way to complete my arc. Wish me luck

>> No.12735437
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I just learned how to make this.
I am gonna make it.
Seethe hard normie.

>> No.12735484

>You bring up a fair point, but it’s not difficult to see academia is bullshit. For instance, when I graduated high school I was optimistic and wanted to be a physicist. Then a couple years into undergrad I realized academia is full of kikes and faggots, so I stopped caring.
Ahh, if you are the person I replied to here (>>12735423) then you're pretty much confirmed retarded.

If I had to guess, you were the """smart""" kid from a relatively small, socially conservative community; suburban. You had dreams of going to a good university, or atleast a passable one, and working your way up. You thought of yourself as being more open minded and clever than your peers and community members. Then you got to university, saw how difficult it would be for you and your mediocre abilities. You encountered more liberal behavior (faggots) than was tolerated in your conservative community and started to fester a seethe in your """soul""". Then as time went on, you saw how other people seemed to have disproportionately more (these kikes), and how you wouldn't be able to succeed in your goal. You fell back on your conservative upbringing. No longer open minded. "Even if you do well at university, you won't be able to make any meaningful change" to paraphrase the OP, the unstated "so why even try" left lingering. Now you're trying to protect your fragile ego by saying anyone who doesn't think the way you do is an idiot, naive, part of the in-group (kikes), destined to fail, and so on, and so on.

Now would come the most obvious response:
>nice projection
But it's a failed """counter argument""". I went to a globally high ranking university. I scored higher in aptitude tests in high school than my university peers did in their last year of undergraduate (when applying for grad school). Peers and professors commented on my ability. Then I went on to get a masters, where the same thing happened. Averaging a 4.0 with little effort. No projection here, bud

>> No.12735492

>inb4 nice larp

>> No.12735503

>implying I'm a student
>Implying I'm in academia
>implying I'm not already depressive and know I'm not very smart
Welcome to 4channel

>> No.12735516

Nice blogpost

>> No.12735529

OP here. You could have just said you were Jewish from the beginning.

>> No.12735542

Typical tired responses. And not a single refutation of what I wrote. Nice to see I was correct in my assessment, and that you're not worth any more of my time, and you'll almost certainly never amount to anything worth my time. Have a nice life, kiddo :)

>> No.12735543

The fact that you felt the need to preempt accusations of projection shows that you have enough self-awareness to notice what you're doing. Even if you're being truthful about being successful and all that, it's still clear that you're projecting your own insecurities and (frankly weird) racial hangups onto others as a way of coping with those feelings. Major cope.

>> No.12735559

Go back to /pol/

>> No.12735580
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>Nice to see I was correct in my assessment
You were wrong about everything lol. I’m not wasting my time responding to an autistic wall of text. Cunts like you prove my point about how shitty academia is today.

>> No.12735683


>> No.12735688

>I view death as a relief
I’m kind of the same way. I would never kill myself but I’m not afraid of dying. It will probably be nice to finally rest for awhile.

>> No.12735777

>Blah blah blah (wall of text)
everything you said could be condensed into 3 or 4 sentences

>> No.12735828

this is the worst projection i have ever seen

>> No.12737164

you could have just said "fox and grapes" rather than inventing some oddly specific backstory

>> No.12737313

I think of myself as extremely stupid, and the sad parrot is that you’re probably still correct. I

>> No.12737332

good, i never wanted anything more than to become a prof at a small university. they work less than highschool teachers while getting paid more than tripple their wage.

why would i want to be a prof at a prestigious university where i actually have to do stuff while university guidelines are favoring niggers and gender dysmorphia psychs. i'd much rather be at a university that has struggle to fill seats

>> No.12737340

What if I already know that I'm a dumbass?

>> No.12737342
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>> No.12737346

>Daily reminder that you are not as smart as you think you are
Wrong. I know I'm exactly as smart as I think I am.

>> No.12737358

>Then a couple years into undergrad I realized academia is full of kikes and faggots, so I stopped caring.
I remember when tumblrinas were the ones that got triggered by petty shit.

>> No.12737366

Is this a response to that one anon that got into MIT and posted about it? That’s pretty sad OP

>> No.12738367

What if I have no objections to that future? Teaching is fun and also
>implying I'm not already aware that I'm not that smart

>> No.12738415

Good thing I'm not in academia then.