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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12734596 No.12734596 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12734878

i wish engineering was this cool, you will spend 99% of your time on autocad or excel

>> No.12734885

Based and unclamped

>> No.12734996

>Notes from upper management meeting filled with MBAs.

>> No.12735009
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Based and greenpilled.

>> No.12735044

>short caterpillar
its a short milipede

>> No.12735068
File: 1.12 MB, 2448x3264, 20210221_114729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the language! I mean linguist! KILL ALL THE TRANSLATORS!

>I am the storyteller king, lord, and God of the internet, internal, and integrity.

>> No.12735215

kek. organisms will take the path of least resistance when facing selective pressures. In this case it's being good at making connections and climbing through an organization, not managing it successfully.

>> No.12735222

>short caterpillar
its a short centipede

>> No.12735395

it's cute tho

>> No.12735743

thank you for pointing out the obvious

>> No.12736097

weak imitation of WTMMP but made me laugh

>> No.12737171

....and STOP EXCEL!!1!

>> No.12737175
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Most mathematicians and scientists are parasites who steal inventions from hardworking, passionate men and pretend we owe it all to them and "science".

>> No.12737176

Melbourne cuck begone.

>> No.12737179

I love these, anybody have the others?
Is there one for chemistry?

>> No.12737279

Memes aside wtf is that quadruple integral for

>> No.12737297

based, kill every human

>> No.12737300

Right? It's bullshit.

>> No.12737350

Not that I'm aware of, but we should flog the chemists too, for great justice.

>> No.12737367

>you will spend 99% of your time on autocad or excel

t. mechanical engineer that got a job after graduating bachelorsdegree

>> No.12737370

It's one of those jobs where if you are directly involved in building what you designed it's extremely rewarding but 99% of positions are sitting at a computer all day never seeing a lathe or mill.

>> No.12737379

excel is based desu
I only use excel and python and that's 60% excel

>> No.12738084

Burn Melbourne to the fucking ground

>> No.12738086
File: 344 KB, 906x740, 1613714923809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is a board of mass-produced midwits.

>> No.12738094

why are you spamming this image?

>> No.12738405

It's the truth. The truth is always good to hear.

>> No.12740130

asbestos is indeed a great insulator. the problem isn't that, it's the cancer

>> No.12740135
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fuck the mathematicians

>> No.12740711

Easy, instead of saying 1000 apples we can say one thousand apples.
Math is just a language. We do not need Math as much as we need keeping our wits.
Stop being dishonest.

>> No.12740776

pardon my retardation but isn't ionising radiation harmful because it's ionising? So, the non-ionising radiation should be fine, right? the wavelength needs to be smaller than the visible spectrum to cause real damage?

>> No.12740848

Go work for literally any small aerospace company or supplier. It's usually just a small team of engineers and a few machinists.

>> No.12741346

You fool. You absolute buffoon. Microwaves are non-ionizing radiation. Would you put your cat inside a microwave oven?

>> No.12741362

meh its even better to be running a CNC, if you like using computers that is. Its so god damn rewarding to design something and then a machine makes it for you perfectly exactly as it was designed. No mistakes, no errors. Just pure precision got damn

>> No.12741366

my wifi router runs at the same frequency as the microwave yet for some reason it doesn't kill my cat or heat up my tendies :(

>> No.12741857

>they think us stupid
guilty as charged, here.

>> No.12741876

How are you going to eat 1000 apples, Anon? You aren't. That's how.

>> No.12742601
File: 22 KB, 216x234, my brain is full of fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then you blow the part off and there was a steel chip inbetween surface datum F, and vice #3, causing faces G to lose perpendicularity with datums C&D, scrapping the 30k part, and weeks of setup work, machine time, and labour...

>> No.12743124
File: 70 KB, 751x613, stop reading lacan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres one
the original is "stop doing math", pretty sure instagram user welcometomymemepage made it, cant be bothered to look for it now tho

>> No.12743133

>you will spend 99% of your time on autocad or excel
And I WILL be happy.

>> No.12743136

oh someone posted it already

>> No.12743427

but cocaine is safe

>> No.12743444

common misconception! what you think of as legs are actually spindles of caterpillar threads. carry on your learning, young naturalists!

>> No.12743743

How are you this retarded? I genuinely mean that, like, that statement is so stupid I find it hard to believe you're able to wipe your ass after taking a shit.
Microwaves make things hot by boiling water. A living creature in a microwave would literally boil alive. Microwaves don't give you cancer/
Do 5g towers cause your skin to boil and then for you to explode? No? Then they're not dangerous.

>> No.12743768

And yet, cellphones are lowering our testosterone. Wake up, sheeple!

>> No.12743774

Does x-ray make you explode, you imbecile? No, it doesn't. Does that mean it's harmless? Go ask somebody with a three-digit IQ, because it's obviously too difficult for your simple mind to grasp.

>> No.12743789

You all know what's really sad, here?
There are people who actually believe all the stupid shit like the OP's pic.
THEY are what the real danger is, so far as the collapse of civilization and the extinction of our species.
They'd have us living in huts and back to hunter-gatherer cultures, and an average lifespan of 40 years, usually dying of some otherwise easily-treated disease, infection, or injury.

>> No.12744345
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X-rays are dangerous because they give you cancer because they're small enough to fuck with your DNA
Microwaves don't give you cancer, this is a well known and documented fact. This is because microwaves are much much larger than X-rays.
The smaller the wave, the more harmful. Microwaves are bigger than regular light. So unless you believe lightbulbs cause cancer, microwaves don't cause cancer either

>> No.12745211


Here, about lightbulbs and cancer:




>> No.12745262

>doesnt include lobotomy

>> No.12746576

>they're small enough
also energetic enough, that's the core issue
but since energy and wavelength are related let's say that your answer is correct too...

>> No.12747302

this but unironically

>> No.12748789

how can you exist on this board without having any idea about radiation? are you not ashamed of your own lack of knowledge? spend more time on Wikipedia rather than shitposting here.

>> No.12749105

No, science is good, psychiatry is bad.

>> No.12749141

that's where you take the 6figs you're earning and set up a garage shop

>> No.12749150

a 1.300 kilowatt oven is a little bit stronger than the 1.3 microwatts you recieve passively

>> No.12750871

> Wikipedia as a source

> scientist

You should be ashamed

>> No.12750933

>doesn't understand ionizing vs nonionizing radiation

you too buddy

>> No.12751371
File: 2.43 MB, 1500x1066, if the beatles never existed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post resonates with me

>> No.12751439

what about radiolytic compounds; mutations from microwaves?

>> No.12751514

He's already had it.

>> No.12751914
File: 72 KB, 1091x426, 6098106F-B819-4EC1-995A-79F767D2B7CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was some meme I remember seeing about esoteric integral symbols. I wish I could find it.

>> No.12751992

4 integrals for 4d vector spaces
the question is: why

>> No.12752012

Faggot, why do you post this same shit every goddamned day?
If you're doing it unironically, get medicated.
If you're doing it ironically, it's not funny more than once.

Delete thread, don't post again.

>> No.12752035

>dabs on your R&D budget
heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.12752120

where can i find the complete colelction for this?
im pleaseantly surprised that there are people here who understand the superiority of psychoanalisis and understand that denying it is exactly as stupid as denying math or engineering.

>> No.12752123

i love how no one whos good at anything dislikes the beatles, look at that shitty render, no one who listens to the beatles could be so lacking in talent

>> No.12752167

There is something off about their sound. Something sinister. Paul McCartney died in a car crash in 1966. The imposters name is Billy Sheers and he was raised in Strawberry Fields Orphanage. They covered the whole thing up. It's all in the hair lip, you see. The Beatles were an NWO psyop from the start used to soften the killing blow against traditional western values. Need I say more?

>> No.12752325

>There is something off about their sound. Something sinister
yes, that's what makes it music for smart people. It's like a person saying he wouldnt go to the opera because it has violence in it, literal negative iq tier.

smart people are naturally drawn towards horror and the macabre

>> No.12752398




Say it with me, Brothers and Sisters of the ONE TRUE FINITE FAITH



>> No.12753255
File: 25 KB, 274x253, ted kaczynski mugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true. I hate the modern world so much it's unreal

>> No.12753270

>some experts were wrong in the past
>therefore all experts can't be trusted ever for anything
knowledge approaches truth over time

>> No.12753298


>> No.12753398

It's the same thread since times imemorial. Nobody re-posted it.

>> No.12755203

Bold of you to assume knowledge isn't lost or corrupted.

>> No.12755259


>> No.12756247

It's definitely a cult

>> No.12757680

>OP: "sucking cock doesn't make me gay!"

>> No.12757975
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>> No.12758181

Who dis?

>> No.12759526

You ever hear "Holiday in Cambodia?"

>> No.12760332
