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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 878 KB, 847x1050, Common Core Dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12731134 No.12731134 [Reply] [Original]

The only true purpose of common core is to hold back everybody who isn't black for the purpose of achieving equity. They will tell you it's to give kids a deeper understanding of mathematics, but this is inherently flawed. Physicists, engineers, and mathematicians don't think about numbers the way common core wants to make kids think about numbers. I don't believe the people behind common core are actually stupid enough to think it gives kids a deeper understanding of mathematics.

I'll go a step further. Students shouldn't be attending school through a grade-by-grade system in the first place. Intelligence varies greatly among children. Students should be going through school based on how quickly they can learn material.


You should homeschool your children, and promote other parents to do so as well. Even private school, although far superior to public school, is still likely not going to have as big of a positive impact as homeschooling would.

The same person behind the SAT adversity score, which is essentially affirmative action applied to the SAT, is behind common core. His name is David Coleman. He is the current president of the College Board.

>> No.12731149

>Coleman was born in Manhattan to a Jewish family. His father is a psychiatrist; his mother, Elizabeth Coleman, was the president of Bennington College from 1987 to 2013. At the time Coleman was growing up, his mother was Dean of The New School in downtown Manhattan.[4] When Coleman was in college, the family had moved to Vermont.
Its what Jews do best, pull up the ladder behind them and light it on fire

>> No.12731196

>pull up the ladder behind them and light it on fire
They are setting the stage for neo-feudalism. They are going to use modern science and technology to thoroughly brainwash us into being obedient little slaves instead of allowing us to be enlightened through our new-found wealth and knowledge. People are wealthier than we've ever been before, and we have the world's information at our fingertips. It's a little more difficult to access certain information due to censorship, but we should be becoming enlightened by now from this unprecedented access to information, but most of us are not due to tech censorship and academic intimidation from the left.

>> No.12731215

Common core is retarded, but don’t homeschool your children, being socially inept is much more debilitating than not knowing math

>> No.12731239

being socially inept and knowing math > socially inept and not knowing math

>> No.12731260
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>> No.12731266
File: 459 KB, 476x476, USA Multiracialism School Integration.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but don’t homeschool your children
I actually went to a private school from preschool through eighth grade before attending a public high school for freshman and sophomore year. Let me tell you, my work load as a freshman was far lower than it was when I was a middle-schooler. I was shocked by the lack of homework and the snail pace everything was being taught at. I ended up graduating from an online high school after dropping out of that public high school within the first week of junior year. As far as socialization goes, you typically only get between 30 minutes to an hour to socialize every day. As far as I remember, most of my socialization was during lunch and gym classes, which were not everyday, and lunch only lasted around 20 minutes. I would occasionally talk to other students during class, but this talking totaled to around 10 minutes at the end of the day. The classes that gave me the most room to socialize in high school besides my gym classes were engineering and music theory. The funny thing is, both of those classes were taught at a snails pace, and music theory didn't even teach music theory. Music theory was just guitar class where nobody learned to play to guitar, because they didn't teach you besides how to pluck individual strings one at a time, or even learn to read notes for that matter, yet everybody managed to pass. Anyone with an IQ of 115 and higher would be able to learn the entirely of what was taught in that engineering class within a week.

In public schools that are racially diverse, students frequently experience bullying and are taught by low-IQ teachers who will do anything to make sure their students move onto the next grade level, so they will teach a really dumbed-down curriculum. If you don't want your kids to end up being traumatized and dumb, but you can't afford to send your kids to a decent private school, homeschool your kids. Homeschooling is very affordable, and it's typically better than private schooling.

>> No.12731268


>A Morning with our 5 Homeschooled Children

>Social Interaction?



>> No.12731286

The Jews can escape to their Yeshivas but us goyim? no no we must stay to enrich the lil niglets.

>> No.12731291

isn't common core supposed to be an intuitive way of developing numeracy instead of monkey
tier, engineering computation?

>> No.12731315 [DELETED] 

In communist Poland, the only private and religious schools that were allowed were Hebrew schools. Jews dominated the Polish government prior to 1968. You can read about this in the Culture of Critique.

>> No.12731319

When Poland was communist, the only private and religious schools that were allowed were Hebrew schools. Jews dominated the Polish government prior to 1968.

>> No.12731354

It's for the teachers. They are dumb as stoned niggers. They need this shit to understand basic arithmetic.

>> No.12731357

not point to socialize with niggers and white trashes.

>> No.12731374

>being socially inept is much more debilitating than not knowing math
Historically, most of the greatest intellectuals in science and mathematics were privately tutored with limited social contact with other kids. Of course, kids would always have time to play with other kids the adults approved of after their education for the day would've been done. The phenomenon of sending kids to a populated school is a recent one.

>> No.12731379

>for the purpose of achieving equity
For the purpose of abusing children based on the color of their skin alone. This will never help minorities in any capacity. It exists only to satisfy the irrational tribal hatred of the Jewish race.

>> No.12731388

>sit still and stare at a wall for 8 hours
How is that socialization, retard?

>> No.12731395

Many things in life are promoted as being one thing when their true purpose is something else entirely.

>> No.12731405

This. When I was attending high school, I only got between 30 to 60 minutes each school day to socialize. A ton of my socialization was outside of school, although most of the people I would socialize with outside of school were people I met through school.

>> No.12731420

I take it back, I only got somewhere between 15 and 30 minutes most school days to socialize. Lunch was 20 minutes long, but I spend most of my time eating. I would only socialize for anywhere between 5 to 10 minutes at lunch, and it's not like kids are always going to want to talk to you. Sometimes, there was time during class to socialize, but on days when there was time to socialize during class, you'd only get around 5 minutes. Most of my socialization was during gym class and that music theory class I took, and even then, the time I spent socializing was very limited, and people don't always want to talk to you. I would spend a total of between 5 and 10 minutes everyday socializing between classes and in the bathroom.

>> No.12731423

Yes the world is far more rational and predictable than *eddit midwits might believe.

>> No.12731452
File: 20 KB, 480x360, dunbar high school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing normal or natural about how children and teens are socialized in schools. An average suburban high school can have several thousand students, with some having five thousand, six thousand, or more. There's no other point in history when such large groups of kids were socialized in such large groups, especially with no family supervision. Sending kids off to school is culturally a very new thing for humans and having them assembled in such large groups is something that has only been common the last couple of decades.
Homeschooling is a much more natural environment for children and socializing through family connections, social organizations (which can include churches), and geographical proximity makes for much more well adjusted children than the Lord of the Flies experiment that is the modern public school.

>> No.12731774

This. Homeschooling is personalized education, so as long as you have a decent IQ with some fundamental education, you can easily be an excellent teacher.

>> No.12732033

Who the fuck wants to be "socially acclimated" in a society of brainwashed fucking retards?

This clown world reminds me of that Brendan Fraser movie when he went underground in a bomb shelter in the 50's and came out in the late 90's saw everything was a brown shithole and everyone was retarded and went back into the bunker

>> No.12732158

there's literally no reason to socialize with minorities and genetic leftovers that make up the large majority of public school students

>> No.12732245

Common Core is a non issue. that question is designed to make your kids think about the question, how subtractions works and not just making them do a plug and chug.

>> No.12732247

Have fun when your kid has to intact with other people when they go to post secondary education.

>> No.12732256

The answer to this was that the Jack did do the inital teps from 427 to 127. he just messed up because he went down 6 from 127 to 121 instead of 16 from 127 to 111.

The Child is supposed to look and see how Jack parsed out his mental subtraction in his head to make it easieer and then realise that Jack fucked up.

400-300=100, 27-16=11 Thus 100+11=111

>> No.12732271

>homeschool your children
How expensive is that?

>> No.12732286

I imagine you could do it for free if you were to pirate all of the materials. It can be relatively cheap if you actually buy books and materials for it. It can still be relatively cheap and fairly easy if you sign your kids up for online school, which is very straight-forward. I dropped out of the public high school I was attending within the first week of junior year, and I graduated from an online high school six months later.

>> No.12732287
File: 13 KB, 468x390, 2008-population-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone tired of pol going on and on about how whites are under attack or is it just me
>whites were roughly 90% of the country when they let immigration reform pass in the 60s
>whites were still a huge majority when they elected reagan who gave millions more illegals amnesty and set the chain in motion
>whites continue to support reagan even as he let his cia terrorize central america creating waves of economic refugees fleeing to america because their country was in a cia backed coup
>whites continued to support reagan as his cia was smuggling drugs into the innercities so they could fund their black ops budget off the books so they could do more coups in central america
>whites voted for Bush who not only raised the taxes but pushed nafta costing america it's industry and lots of jobs
and then you have faggots like op
>omg are whites under attack? are we being genocided? we are the eternal victims this is in no way our responsibility or fault none of it
then they blame blacks for not taking responsibility for the clusterfuck of their society
>damn brown people doing all the crime and killings
>ancestors genocided native peoples on their lands
>damn browns taking all my tax dollars to buy welfare and jordans
>enslaved an entire race of people to pick their cotton and plundered countless resources from colonies from natives
>fucking kikes running the world don't they know that's the superior job of the master race the white race!?
fuck whites especially 4chan pol whites
mods will probably kill this thread shortly after I get enough yous fuck them too

>> No.12732297

Those who have societal power through wealth and influence decide who takes office.

>> No.12732302

>You totally deserve to be under attack!
>So please forget that you're under attack!

>> No.12732308 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 580x350, The_Trail_of_Tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invade and pillage and rape brown people all over the world for hundreds of years
yeah no fuck you you deserve it

>> No.12732314

nobody rapes brown people. gross.

>> No.12732318
File: 28 KB, 600x449, IQ Statistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western people have achieved all we have due to being more intelligent and harder-working.


>> No.12732324

You better pray to be wrong, because if you're right and we're that evil, you're in for another round of raping.

>> No.12732326

call it karma call it newton's third law but you are getting exactly what you are owed
that's irrelevant you said it your self the real owners of this planet who the fucking boomers ceded control to over 7 decades ago won't let humans reach real meaningful progress putting shit on mars is just a way to distract the masses some more

>> No.12732335

please there is no strength left in the world of men(whites) except this isn't some fantasy novel and some maguffins won't come riding to your aid

>> No.12732336

As much as a man hitting himself is under attack, sure but to blame it on someone else is the delusion.

>> No.12732342

Why is nobody doing anything?

>> No.12732345

>let us rape your civilization in your own country for something your ancestors did that was normal at the time!
Fuck off. Don't like wettern civilization? Get out then.

>> No.12732351

The idea behind common core is to build multidimension arithmetic operations earlier such as using arrays. Instead of teaching freshman linear algebra we could teach finite vector spaces and tensor calculus. Instead of starting with single variable calculus we could start with the exterior product. The problem is that teachers are too dumb to implement the vision behind the curriculum because they are low IQ trash who are even today overpaid for the low quality service they offer as the biggest losers society has to offer.

>Physicists, engineers, and mathematician don't think about numbers the way common core wants to make kids think about numbers.
Yes they do, especially researchers exposed modern pedagological ideas.

>> No.12732352
File: 24 KB, 690x307, in-group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you're teaching us something, but about everyone who cares about that agrees that a lot of white people are to blame for allowing or supporting the jews and the browns' attacks. But the responsibility of the enablers doesn't absolve the responsibility of the criminals. They're obviously both to blame.

>> No.12732361
File: 41 KB, 600x600, Common Core Equally Correct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes they do

>> No.12732368

You don't want your kids to socialize with the new braindead victimhood generation of future starbucks baristas. Even if you only let your kids play with kids from other privately tutored families they will be better positioned and build real, valuable social skills than they could get in public schools where free speech and free thinking no longer exists. Most intelligent people have realized how shit public schools are. My national lab funds a private school for researchers to send their kids to. These kids are exposed to world class scientists, engineers and business leaders ever week. Meanwhile public school kids are taught woketrash and that math is colonialism. The wealth and education devide will only deepen, and private tutoring is on the right side of that devide.

>> No.12732369

Did you not read the first part of my post?

>The problem is that teachers are too dumb to implement the vision behind the curriculum because they are low IQ trash who are even today overpaid for the low quality service they offer as the biggest losers society has to offer.

Private schools essentially just teach a correct version of common core btw

>> No.12732371

>invade and pillage and rape people all over the world for hundreds of years
>When everyone was doing it to everyone, whites were simply the winners
Fuck off with your victim complex retard.

>> No.12732373

doesn't leftist ideology make sense to you?

>> No.12732387

Why do you need to socialise through school? there are plenty of other options for that

>> No.12732388

Yeah. That teacher is too dumb to know the order of operations. She certainly shouldn't be teaching.

>> No.12732392

It goes far deeper than any of you could imagine, schools were literally set up as mass indoctrination, why do you think all those "benevolent" tycoons were so willing to found them?

>> No.12732404

It was mostly Normans and Jews that owned laves anyway (unironically, look up the public lists of families compensated by the British crown when slavery was officially banned). Why is no one targeting the wealth these specific families made? Why is no one persecuting the Nigerians who captured and sold these slaves? Instead the main target is this arbitrarily racist group of "white" people who were basically unempowered serfs for most of human history.

But it is just a way for the slavery cycle to repeat anyway. Immigration and especially illegal immigration is a tool for elite first worlders to import a cheap workers force that is _cheaper_ for them to employ than owning them as slaves (with living cost gaps filled with NGOs and tax money).

>> No.12732406

>Historically, most of the greatest intellectuals in science and mathematics were privately tutored with limited social contact with other kids.
There's a difference between being:
A) A child from a rich family (like bertrand russell), whose parents are the political/economic elite and studied at the elite universities such as cambridge and oxford, who can afford to pay university graduates to tutor you on their specific area of knowledge.
B) Being a child from a middle class family whose parent MAYBE has an undergraduate degree, probably doesn't have a graduate degree, who is trying to teach their child the general school curriculum.

Either become a multimillionaire and homeschool your children with tutors, or (next best) become rich enough to send your children to a good private school, or (next best) send your child to whatever school you can, or (next best) homeschool your child and hope you are able to do better than teachers who have more experience and training

>> No.12732407

Yes, but arithmetic is an outdated skill anyway. I don't call you a retard for not knowing how to compute logarithms in your head, something which everyone learned before calculators.

Modern math education should start with group theory and limits.

>> No.12732409

I think the average middle class wife is a far more capable teacher than the top 10% of public school teachers.

>> No.12732413

How do I spot a Norman?

>> No.12732421

He's the rich MP telling you you're a racist for wanting to keep your manufacturing job.

>> No.12732427

>I think the average middle class wife is a far more capable teacher than the top 10% of public school teachers.
Homeschool your kids then. I'll gladly give my children any relative evolutionary advantage they can get :)

>> No.12732434

I'm the Anon who works at the national lab I'll send my kids to that school. Just saying the average middle class wife with a bachelors degree is far more intelligent than the average wokebrained teacher.

>> No.12732443

Statistics show that homeschooled kids typically perform far better academically than kids who attended public school, and they often perform better than kids who attended private school. The education is far more personalized when it's one-on-one, and we all learn at different rates and have vastly different levels of intelligence.

>> No.12732446

Yeah you guys are pretty delusional. How many public school kids (without AA priviledges) get into top tier universities? Your children have a better chance in life if you send them through the Chinese system than the dysfunctional Western public education.

>> No.12732450

>Just saying the average middle class wife with a bachelors degree is far more intelligent than the average wokebrained teacher.
Yeah, probably. At least in the US and UK. I don't know about other countries; I've heard some scandinavian countries require their teachers to have a masters degree, and the program to become a teacher is competitive and filters anyone who isn't top tier.
In the UK and the US, becoming a teacher is something you do if you get a degree in a non-practical subject, or you aren't capable of getting a better job.
I would still rather send my children to a private school (or hire tutors for homeschooling)

>> No.12732456

>Statistics show that homeschooled kids typically perform far better academically than kids who attended public school, and they often perform better than kids who attended private school. The education is far more personalized when it's one-on-one, and we all learn at different rates and have vastly different levels of intelligence.
You wanna provide a source there bud?
>iinb4 just googul it hurrrr

>> No.12732457

Yes it is far superior. You can teach children good social skills too. Public speaking in particular is teachable and being good at small talk mostly comes down to having a bit of common knowledge. Implying that kids learn social skills at public schools is on the same level as frat retards who think they are "networking" by making friends with other poor people at parties.

>> No.12732465

Yeah I meant Anglosphere. Scandinavia is great. German speaking countries are ok too with its tiered school system, but they are trying to crush that now too.

>> No.12732471

Here you go, anon.

>> No.12732472
File: 508 KB, 1073x1514, Screenshot_20210220-123456_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but maybe just fucking Google it sometimes?

>> No.12732473

so a nonce?

>> No.12732477


>> No.12732479

One key benefit of homeschooling is you can start their financial education really early and integrate budgeting and invesment into other subjects

>> No.12732482

Wouldn't he just have missed a building block of 10? Its not that he parsed it wrong, its that he just fucking messed up counting a single digit amount of blocks. He's literally mentally retarded.

>> No.12732484

Eh. Being demoralised and made retarded and impotent by a 90 IQ priest caste of resentful women is a lot worse than shooting ahead of all your competitors in every field you turn your attention to.

>> No.12732487

The English education system has really degraded from the past, quite sad really, I blame too much yank influence

>> No.12732490

This is why kids need to learn this cc shit, because this week I literally had to talk through a nearly identical argument to a Physics PhD candidate who could comprehend the indexing in C++ compared to Matlab.

>> No.12732503

There is a broad refusal to accept the evidence. Nearly all academic performance is predicted by genetic factors (as shown in the famous twin study) and the remainder is predicted by families. Schools are basically irrelevant and that is why the experiment to try and uplift a percieved racial underclass is bound to only be damaging to everyone, but especially the class it's trying to uplift.

Some children will succeed in any system you put them in that doesn't outright discriminate against physical factors such as their skin colour (which what they tried to do and it still largely failed to make a difference). The shit they tried to implement is based on pure wishful thinking rather without a hint of science or economics.

>> No.12732511

Literally homeschool. I got half way through an education degree before switching to aerospace (currently on a break from that to make money, not sure if even uni is for me), and the people coming up now are monsters and they will ruin your children far worse than during the physical punishment era. These people are there to fill your kids' heads with crap, make them incompetent and dependent, and get them used to complete and contradictory obedience to the priest caste.
God help your kid if they're white. They're going to be turned into some sort of grotesque, demoralised spiteful or suicidal lump.

To be fair, it also exists so that shitlibs can feel a tiny ounce of power in their lives and feel morally justified in enjoying treating other people as garbage.
To be honest, White people have been a bigger problem for me than Jews. I don't expect Jews to behave collegially toward me. I have come to accept that shitlibs are such a mess that it would be a huge effort to turn them around, and it's still gross work, since you're dealing with narcissists.
But yeah, it would be cool if it could be done.

If you have a reason to make money, you'll make money.

Well we're cutting the amount of intervening pilpul before we get to that response now.

School is like circumcision. People can't accept the confronting reality that their caregivers made the wrong decision (which could mean that their caregivers were bad and/or that they were powerless), so they look for rationalisations for why the practice is good. Circumcision is a "treatment in search of a cure", just as schooling is an institution in search of a purpose.
At some point, you have to make the moral decision and just break the cycle.

I'll have you know that my crofter ancestors from Scotland and my grandfather who grew up in a caravan next to a stream are responsible for the actions of the Rothschilds.

>> No.12732513

I agree with the genetic component anon but the english system used to have Grammars, polytechnics and a whole host of other alternative options too. now it is just a pale imitation of its former self and Blair's "Education, Education, Education" of trying to send everyone to "uni" bollocks sealed its fate

>> No.12732522

Yes you are right it is not just identity politics shit, the decay started long ago simply because education for the masses was a fashionable idea. I think that all we can do now is to hope for tech certs to take off so that the higher educational bubble finally bursts. I don't fear that day at all, most STEM funding is driven by public and industry grants. It will mostly departments that have already sold their souls who will die out.

>> No.12732526

>I think that all we can do now is to hope for tech certs to take off so that the higher educational bubble finally bursts.
We also better hope that college education doesn't become free, because what would be the point of getting a certification if you could just go to college?

>> No.12732534

Colleges waste your time with irrelevant garbage, tech certs sprint you toward a job. Most people will take the latter, they have figured out the college meme is a waste of time and more importantly lost income. We will go back to model of universities being elitist institutions that only accept students who will bring actual value to the table. As soon as this happens public schools will not offer competative candidates and they will be force to either adopt more difficult tiered systems or outright shorten the length of mass schooling again.

>> No.12732535

I have a degree and I literally should have learned a trade.

>> No.12732544

Yeah. I think that a practical model for universities is to scrap the bachelors entirely and offer online certs. The entire point of a bachelors these days is to pass the exam so you have a bare minimum qual to enter the job market. Instead there should be an intake for gradschool bound students who start working in research from day 1 (a lot of elite institutions already do this) and then a separate track for certs.

Trades are best taught earlier in life like it's taught in German practical tiered schools.

>> No.12732549

tech certs results in Pajeet society, every appears to work on paper but nothing actually works

>> No.12732552

>Young Gupta's resume reads like the saga of a great hero of legend
>Young Gupta in person can't even tie his shoes

>> No.12732558

The common core approach to doing math is stupid. Is it even easier for people that would struggle doing math the regular way? I bet people who couldn't understand the old curriculum can't understand this either.

>> No.12732562

>I bet people who couldn't understand the old curriculum can't understand this either.
that's also the point, it breaks continuity so the children will look down on their parents

>> No.12732567

Yea, funny how no one ever considers this

>> No.12732574

So what? Clearly the American model is not working if all tech companies want to do is to import pajeets.

>> No.12732592


>> No.12732600

Yeah, they are trying to teach kids how to do math in their heads. It's an egalitarian approach as well that assumes
>If you teach kids how high IQ math nerds do it in their heads, they will all be geniuses like us!
The fallacy here being that those nerds think everyone is born with the same brain and can be molded into whatever shape they teach it to be.

It's all in the name of equality, because using the old way, which is more algorithmic and written dependent, would force smarties to figure out mental shortcuts like they are trying to teach them with common core.
It's retarded, but they'll probably just make the math exams easier and delay when people learn advanced topics in math.

>> No.12732605

I think you guys are missing the broader point though. The point is we should stop pretending that "higher education" is valuable to anyone. There are specific degree pathways that are valuable. These are the people that end up being sought after researchers, engineers and managers. As for everyone else, even an engineering degree outside of a Q1 university is worth less than tech certs. Propoganda mill schools are not only worth less than tech certs, but they also do a great amount of lasting damage to the mental health of its graduates.

It would be better to go back to the tiered system where you either get a real, full education, or you start something that will at least make you money. This extended daycare that's currently in place is costing the economy trillions while also destroying social cohesion.

>> No.12732620

Employers would trust American carts more than Indian carts. Indian organizations need to focus on credibility, my firm refuses to outsource anything confidential to India.

>> No.12732622 [DELETED] 
File: 608 KB, 1536x2054, David Coleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I do something like 86 + 36, I automatically check to see how far away 86 is from 100, which is 14. I then subtract 14 from 36 and get 22. I then add 22 to 100 to get 122. I figured this out on my own from doing arithmetic frequently. It's completely bonkers to try to teach this in school. Common core is solely for the purpose of attempting to achieve equity. David Coleman is the inventor of common core, and he's also the same person who came up with the idea of the adversity score for the SAT, which uses intersectionality to determine how "oppressed" you are, and scores you accordingly.

>> No.12732628
File: 608 KB, 1536x2054, David Coleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I do something like 86 + 36, I automatically check to see how far away 86 is from 100, which is 14. I then subtract 14 from 36 to get 22. I then add 22 to 100 to get 122. I figured this out on my own from doing arithmetic frequently. It's completely bonkers to try to teach this in school. Common core is solely for the purpose of attempting to achieve equity. David Coleman is the inventor of common core, and he's also the same person who came up with the idea of the adversity score for the SAT, which uses intersectionality to determine how "oppressed" you are, and scores you accordingly.

>> No.12732643

I would like it if Schlomo could stop taking my people on this wild ride.

>> No.12732648

that nose

>> No.12732654

I don't care about the guy's Jewness and any secret conspiracies he is up to, if any.
You tackle the points you know and what he says, and don't just assume stuff based on other things he's done.

>If I do something like 86 + 36, I automatically check to see how far away 86 is from 100, which is 14. I then add 22 to 100 to get 122. I figured this out on my own from doing arithmetic frequently. It's completely bonkers to try to teach this in school.
Yeah, well, he wants to teach something similar in schools. I know, it is ridiculous, but he probably thinks that this "figuring it out" is unequal and unfair because whatever egalitarian reasons he believes in.

If I want to do 86 + 36, in my head, I do it this way (6 + 6) + (80 + 30) = 122. This is what I find easy and doable in my head, and I bet plenty of others have similar and different ways they prefer and reached on their own.

This guy said
>"fuck it all, we will standardize how you people think to the way we do it."
Because in his mind, this is the reason why people hate and fail math.
Maybe he taught this method to his Jew kid and his kid liked it, and he thought he uncovered something.
People are not as red pilled on race, IQ, and our genetic reality. Including Jews.
If that's how he came up with it, then a Jew with a probably high IQ having never occur to him that he might have a connection with his kids beyond parenting just tells you how much neoliberal egalitarian propaganda is entrenched in our society.

>> No.12732655
File: 389 KB, 461x924, EXTENSIVE STUDY IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12732666 [DELETED] 

>If I want to do 86 + 36, in my head, I do it this way (6 + 6) + (80 + 30) = 122. This is what I find easy and doable in my head, and I bet plenty of others have similar and different ways they prefer and reached on their own.
I also use that method. I typically try to solve the same problem multiple times in different ways to minimize my chances of getting a wrong answer.

>> No.12732674 [DELETED] 

Can't you tell common core is a massive waste of time?

>> No.12732676

>If I want to do 86 + 36, in my head, I do it this way (6 + 6) + (80 + 30) = 122. This is what I find easy and doable in my head, and I bet plenty of others have similar and different ways they prefer and reached on their own.
I also use that method. I typically try to solve the same problem multiple times in different ways to minimize any chances of getting a wrong answer.

>> No.12732677

Can't you tell common core is a massive waste of time?

>> No.12732683

>If I want to do 86 + 36, in my head, I do it this way (6 + 6) + (80 + 30) = 122.
I do it 86 + 36 = 92 + 30 = 122.

I wonder how good of an idea it is to try to teach kids any of these methods, since it seems like people come up with their own methods of factoring the calculations in their heads. I've noticed that another difference is in how people count, for instance,the number of skittles on a table. I count them in groups of three, but my brother counts them in groups of four.

>> No.12732693

>The point is we should stop pretending that "higher education" is valuable to anyone.
We physically can't because of griggs v duke power and similar cases extant and potential.

The task of evaluating competency was offloaded onto universities because competency tests are considered to have a "disparate impact"- a violation of equal opportunity laws, because blacks and women fail competency tests too often. This made college degrees a de facto government-mandated product. This made cost skyrocket and quality plummet to nothing.

>> No.12732702

>it seems like people come up with their own methods of factoring the calculations in their heads.
This is exactly why common core is pointless. Children will naturally find out ways to do mental math. If a child is performing poorly, you could teach that child how to do mental math. The key here is mental math. Common core is trying to teach you to do mental math tricks with paper and pencil. If I do 86 + 36 with paper and pencil, my work looks like this. I typically do those mental math tricks afterwards if I hadn't done them prior to check if I got the right answer.


6 + 6 = 12


8 + 3 = 11
11 + 1 = 12


>> No.12732713

Comparing American public schools to home schooling is like comparing sending your kids to a zoo versus home schooling.

It's literally apples and oranges. American public schools are jungles.

>> No.12732719

>We physically can't because of griggs v duke power and similar cases extant and potential.
Imagine only having to take a mechanical aptitude test and a cognitive ability test to get a job. The American military is allowed to use the ASVAB, but employers are not allowed to use any such tests.

>> No.12732814

You're given a 10 second snippet of the situation. People around are still figuring out whether the girl who got decked did something to deserve it or not, and will sort out the issue soon but not 10-secpnds-soon.

>> No.12732851

>competency tests are considered to have a "disparate impact"- a violation of equal opportunity laws,
Holy fuck I didn't even know this was a thing.

>> No.12732906

>People around are still figuring out whether the girl who got decked did something to deserve it or not,
Please just kill yourself.

>> No.12732910
File: 313 KB, 886x1279, Oh_pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12732923

>differential equations
>higher math
Do engineers really?

>> No.12732924

i went through public school and did very little social interacting, I was considered the 'nerd' at the time and was deemed undesirable. I now work at a hospital as a tech. I have to talk to people every fer minutes daily. teach your kids not to fear the unknown and to be polite and you can get them far enough on their own.

>> No.12732929

did i have a fucking stroke?

>> No.12732935

You can tell white leftist have never been around blacks in school, blacks can be given the most braindead assignments and they will still turn in completely blank papers or a copy of another black who did the assignment. No matter how simple the concept they are simply too fucking stupid to comprehend it.

>> No.12732942

No matter what board, it is so obvious to know when a poster is a disgusting jew.

>> No.12732948

What's in the circle?

>> No.12732966

You have your rape and revenge narrative figured out. You detest whites and want to destroy them. So what was the purpose of your previous message? Here you admit that whites are under attack and that you're the attacker. Yet in your previous message you ranted about whites not being under attack. Just how retarded are you?

>> No.12732971

Deserve what? Whites have mostly slaughtered their own kind, historically speaking its turkish and mongol who should be seen as terrorist genetically speaking. Any person on /sci/ that genuinely view europeans as these evil monsters is completely insane or a jew.

>> No.12733236

>The Jew cries out as he strikes at you!

Over a thousand years old and still true to this day.

>> No.12733791

>differential equations
>higher math
Why are engineers so cringe?

>> No.12733921

The part of the toolbar that proves that the bottom is the original

>> No.12733984

>thread pic
As a lecturer of complex and functional analysis: What. In. The. Actual. Fuck?????

>> No.12734435

You are retarded.

>> No.12734504

>then realise that Jack fucked up.
I think this is the part thats fooling people, they're trusting the number line more than they should. And they aren't reading into the question

>> No.12734515

It's a relative measure. For most university students, Calculus I is higher math. For engineers, it's DQ.

>> No.12734573

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/309020044