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12729554 No.12729554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it time to accept that dominance hierarchies are real?

>> No.12729689
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humans are ultimately eusocial. this kind of shit is a product of m*dern society

>> No.12729707

>Is it time to accept that dominance hierarchies are real?
who denies them?

>> No.12729710

Lefties, of course

>> No.12729712
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>> No.12729714

Sad after highschool they end up broke or in jail while the nerds end up at the top of the social hierarchy in real life.

Who am I kidding? Not.

>> No.12729731

someone out there actually believes this though
probably use elon musk as an example

>> No.12729743

Elon Musk is an Alpha Chad though no lie.
The problem is it takes a shit ton of luck and screwing people over to reach that level.

>> No.12729760

If he researchers just asked about how they interacted with peers and then took the liberty to determine if it's bullying, then this study is retarded.

>> No.12729782

Depends if they are intelligent bullies or retarded bullies.
I was bullied by a retard. I'm an MD now and the last I've heard about the bully that someone saw him obviously high on stims in a nightclub somewhere.

>> No.12729846

Musk is a full on introvert nerd at heart. His outer public charismatic stance is born after strings of immense failures. First when he was bullied at school badly enough to be sent to hospital for week, then at his home where his dad was in abusive relationship. Then later on when he started his companies, he gets ass fucked multiple times and board members forcibly eject him. Finally having to deal with lot of deranged "Musk skeptics" who go to lengths to create negative images throughout his various companies. Then with his official companies, he had to fight many industry leaders in espionage and political fights.

>> No.12729857

Anti bullying doenst work because bullies are genetically programmed to seek out pain in other humans for fun, thats what these lalaland leftwing people cant understand they are genuine evil shitbags who jerk off to the pain they cause to others.

>> No.12729867

And he is the richest man on Earth and bangs celebrities and hangs out with Joe Rogan and Kanye West

Your point?

>> No.12729938

If you look at his first/second interaction with Joe Rogan you can see him being awkward as fuck. His public persona of "Alpha Chad" is just that, a public persona.

>> No.12729949

Why do jews bully the goyim?

>> No.12730007

>highest rates of bullying occurring between friends
I don't get it, why would bullies and the people they bully be friends?

>> No.12730013


>> No.12730042

We’re both. Humans are nice to people who aren’t social threats to us.

Humans try to drag down or dominate social rivals. Or people who won’t behave according to the norms of the group.

>> No.12730072

Leftists really don’t understand things like sadism. Their excessive empathy means they can’t comprehend other people are not like them.

Like that one retard psychologist who claimed to have “cured” a pedophile by talking about his feelings and crying together. Dude invites the pedo to live with him after he gets out of prison and holy shit whaddaya know? Pedo fucked the living shit out of his sons and daughters.

>> No.12730108

Women skew the average

Men prefer to bully strangers

>> No.12730128

Pecking order. Know your place, trash

>> No.12730135
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>another r/science thread
>it's fucking mvea again
Why does /sci/ love talking about this? I don't see redditors discussing our """social science""" trolls like the fag who keeps starting race and intelligence threads pretending like the subject was never discussed before.

>> No.12730178

What? How?

>> No.12730186

So what should I do if I don't fit in with the crowd?

>> No.12730244

do you know what eusocial means?

>> No.12730310

Anti-bullying programs don't work because zero-tolerance punishes the victim.

>> No.12730357
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>bullying between friends

It's called banter.

>> No.12730383

They don't though?

>> No.12730401

Eusocial means one queen female produces all offspring, who are usually infertile.

>> No.12730423

They assume it is malleable and can be gotten rid of with enough state intervention and indoctrination.

The same reasons we are all born with hair/eye/heights that differ, is the same reason why we are born with different social needs and wants this will always lead to hierarchies.

Biological equality is not possible unless we print the same humans and even then, society would have different needs that need to be met, some more crucial than others which will lead to hierarchy based on what needs are more important to be met than others.

>> No.12730455

I think he means a large portion of the population are nonbreeders and they form the social structures and resource networks to facilitate child rearing. But their caste is overstepping its bounds and trying to tell the breeder castes what to do.

>> No.12730456

>They assume it is malleable and can be gotten rid of with enough state intervention and indoctrination.

>> No.12730492
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It is rooted in their ideology.
How can you unite everyone under one class if they are born with hierarchical tendencies?
That would be self-contradictory. That is why the USSR rejected IQ and genetics having any factor in human behavior, and thought everyone can be molded into whatever they want.

Same can be said about liberals since they want to believe that everyone is born a blank slate of the same features and that our lives shape us. They aim to create a society where climbing the social ladder is available for everyone, but reality continues to slap them on the face that some people are born with traits and tendencies to climb up the ladders like their parents, while others are not.

>> No.12730625
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Lefties reject most comparisons between humans and animals because it usually ends up completely disproving their worldview. Nature is full of violence, inequality, and hierarchy.