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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 95 KB, 1200x791, Artemis-Program-Moon-Mars-1200x791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12727200 No.12727200 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a legitimate discussion on the Artemis program.

>> No.12727205

It's shit.

>> No.12727223
File: 152 KB, 1200x900, 1591412044755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, aspects of it are shit but It is getting better. Falcon heavy is now staging the lunar gateway which means it'll actually happen on time. Also since perseverance landed the science for making liquid oxegen on mars is being fleshed out and we will figure out the composition of of the surface. The program might actually work.

>> No.12727236
File: 51 KB, 590x393, NASA-Moon-landing-2020-NASA-land-dark-side-of-Moon-Artemis-NASA-news-1897757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also are they still trying for 2024?

>> No.12727284
File: 173 KB, 980x551, nasa-exec-in-charge-of-artemis-moon-mission-quits-after-just-6-weeks-escorted-out-of-hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12727286
File: 130 KB, 1200x549, NASA-unveils-New-Spacesuits-for-Artemis-Mission-Astronauts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also how shit are these suits?

>> No.12727328

>Falcon heavy is now staging the lunar gateway which means it'll actually happen on time
Good point, if NASA were to use SpaceX as their launch provider for most of the Artemis missions then they could actually accomplish something. Especially if starship is up and running

>> No.12727338
File: 358 KB, 1440x1080, Artist_impression_of_activities_in_a_Moon_Base_pillars (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate modern NASA but i would be infinitely happy iff they set up a moon base

>> No.12727346
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 1ea4476a771bd875898ae3a63a4da278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Falcon Heavy is the rocket
>Lunar Starship becomes the lander
Then eventually they realize that why do we need to build a separate space station, let's just use a Starship as the station

>> No.12727349

can't wait for those space bitches with their poor forearm strength to struggle closing an O2 valve with their weak little arms like trying to open the lid of a honey jar and being unable to and then having their blood boil out their eyes as they panic and try in vain to breathe the air that isn't there

>> No.12727351

Nah use starship yo bring up massive inflatables for gateway

>> No.12727352

Gateway is kino, Fuck SLS, fuck SRB boosters.

>> No.12727355


>> No.12727359

>still using phallic shaped rockets
Yikes, what year is this?

>> No.12727363
File: 122 KB, 1749x985, Gateway_Auto3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely kino, they just need to make sure deadbeats like the ESA don't slow things down

>> No.12727367

My god the ESA logo is absolutely SHIT

>> No.12727409

Making "first vagina on the moon" a core mission objective is stupid as fuck (unless you'd be testing something that actually requires one from a scientific point of view, like how microgravity affects child development in pregnant woman or something), but building a lunar base is cool.
I don't get why they always need that bullshit virtue signaling. I absolutely don't mind female astronauts in the space programm, but if they make it a core mission objective It just sounds like "white men have decided to put a female into space" instead of just "humanity has decided to go to the moon and buid an awesome moon base".

I wouldn't even complain if the first human to step on mars would be a female, as long as the reason why she is on the mission is "because that person happens to be a qualified individual for the task, regardless of gender" instead of "hurr durr feminism gooood, patriarchy baaaad"

>> No.12727416

>I don't get why they always need that bullshit virtue signaling.
Political power requires it of them, just as it requires that of anything else in this world that it allows to exist

>> No.12727447

But wouldn't it be much better PR for their cause if lets say: Truedau never mentioned any gender quotas when forming his 50/50 male/female cabinet, and when asked by some journalist about his cabinets composition he just replies "Ohh our cabinet is gender balanced? What a coincidence! I just picked the individuals that i thought qualified best for the job and our country is about 50/50 male/female, so I guess it's not that strange"

Even if thats not true and he totally had gender in mind when he selected them, admitting the females are only here because of affirmative action not because of their individual skills basically runs counter to their entire gender equality narrative.

Virtue signaling is just a stupid as fuck as a PR move.

>> No.12727452

Still relies on the people building the gateway to be on time.
You know what will happen instead

>> No.12727455

Imagine channeling that vivid imagination into something other than incel rage?

>> No.12727457

projecting there bruh

>> No.12727988

woah, calm down dude

>> No.12728007

Is roscosmos' entire contribution just a fucking docking hub for Soyuz? Kek

>> No.12728008

I honestly think that the National team (BO and co.) will win the bid. Who do you reckon will win?

>> No.12728014

I think its a cool program. If it works it can lead to colonization of the moon

>> No.12728289


I dont believe Artemis is going to happen. Putting humans on the moon is simply a question of money. In the 1960s the cold war provided the political will to pay for the Apollo program but no such will exists today. The everyday astronaut guy broke down the costs the of the programs and its really remarkably similar in costs to send people to the moon today. He was probably being overly optimistic and not taking in to account modern government inefficiency but even if you take his numbers as plausible NASA is not going to get the funding.


>> No.12728318

Astronauts are glorified bus drivers and mechanics. Doesn't really matter who they are. The only reason we're nice to them is because they have a non-trivial chance of dying in a horrible explosion every time they go to space.

>> No.12728422
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>> No.12728576

We'll never go back.

>> No.12728942

Thats all thats neccesary right now

>> No.12729041
File: 276 KB, 1920x1080, ew3yy5rxqaexkdd-1588265528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship obviously or dynetics. I think the national team lander is really bad. Also I have my doubts that SLS will be ready by then

>> No.12729121

I feel like SpaceX needs to stick a landing with Starship before winning the contract. Then again, the lunar version isn't doing the flip maneuver, and they already have a lot of experience landing Falcon 9 vertically

It still freaks me out how tall it is though. I know there's no winds on the moon, but it just looks like something that's going to topple over. And the elevator is a bit silly. Better than the mega ladder on the HLS though

>> No.12729187

>Putting humans on the moon is simply a question of money.
With modern tech it is cheaper
>but even if you take his numbers as plausible NASA is not going to get the funding
I agree but you are missing one part. The commercial launch platforms, that can make the mission within the budget.

>> No.12729217

>I feel like SpaceX needs to stick a landing with Starship before winning the contract.
They aren't even on the starship block that has the landing as the focus and they've already almost landed twice. The flights went so well they scrapped SN12-14.
>It still freaks me out how tall it is though
Same but thats because we aren't used to space
>And the elevator is a bit silly
Its not when you think in terms of cargo and rovers

>> No.12729235

I was actually thinking about rovers yesterday. Considering that Starship will do the flip on Mars, how would that affect sensitive equipment like rovers? It would be fantastic if Starship could make rover deliveries totally routine, but how safe is it for cargo?

Also how far down can the Raptor engines throttle? The power seems really overkill for landing in low gravity. Or would they just shut down all engines except one?

>> No.12729351
File: 137 KB, 879x485, apollo-rover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also how far down can the Raptor engines throttle
They're working on lowering it still but pretty low.
>will do the flip on Mars, how would that affect sensitive equipment like rovers?
Well if it was strapped down then i don't see how it'll hurt it.
>It would be fantastic if Starship could make rover deliveries totally routine, but how safe is it for cargo?
We are obviously talking about different rovers but SpaceX is planning some automation for their cargo missions so maybe there will be a rover like bot as well. Anyway it should be completely safe for cargo

>> No.12729357
File: 66 KB, 1024x593, screen-shot-2019-09-09-at-8-22-45-am-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing

>> No.12729359

The suit is fine, just a bad color scheme and a short woman wearing it.

>> No.12729373

Those are called paragraphs. Admittedly the ones in my messages were quite short at least on a PC screen, but sometimes it's hard to judge the message length with this tiny input box. I usually just throw in a line break when I feel like the line of thought is different enough from the previous sentence

Then again nowadays so many people browse this site with a phone, that the concept of a paragraph is increasingly shrinking. Like how news articles make pretty much every sentence its own paragraph. When you're reading stuff with a six inch cuckold screen, text looks much longer

>> No.12729394

>Those are called paragraphs.
No its called being a fucking newfag. Either stop using that spacing or leave

>> No.12729401

>Double spacing paragraphs
Just admit you are new nigger

>> No.12729415
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its something we have to do even though we don't really like it.

>> No.12729418

the gateway does need gatekeepers, start your astronaut training

>> No.12729432
File: 411 KB, 576x955, susipiippu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just how you space paragraphs, as far as I'm aware. I've been coming here since like 2008, or whenever the Kimmo spam was a thing. If I'm going to separate two paragraphs, I'll do it with a double space, just like I did in school. I can't remember people being so paranoid about formatting until recent years
Nobody can seriously think this looks better than having an empty line between the two paragraphs

>> No.12729487

>I can't remember people being so paranoid about formatting until recent years
Its how we differentiate bots and shills from real posts anon. Have you been gone for the last 6 years?

>> No.12729488

Unironically gay laid

>> No.12729494

Also it definitely does not look better. We aren't writing enough for it to be an issue

>> No.12729535
File: 295 KB, 1080x976, 1578655697629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not you, with your phone. If you're on an actual keyboard, you'll quickly write enough for it to look like an absolute wall of text even with a proper screen. You can't tell me this screencap would look cleaner with no paragraph spacing

>> No.12729559

It would look a lot cleaner yes. Single spacing is enough of a break for those blocks and it keeps us from thinking you are a Chinese boy or a discord shill

>> No.12729643
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, 1613685717921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your paranoia regading shills makes me think you're a /pol/ tourist, I don't know what I'd be shilling on /sci/ of all places

>> No.12729724

>muh /pol/
Yeah you sound new as fuck. Do you not think Chinese shills are trying to influence the public opinion of western science programs?

>> No.12729745
File: 42 KB, 512x512, 1613408313954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, i don't think they are. Now return to debating useless lander concepts that'll never actually fly

>> No.12729763

How exactly am I influencing the opinion of western science programs? Your sentiment is good, but ultimately I feel like it's a bit misguided. I just like a proper line break man

>> No.12729771

>How exactly am I influencing the opinion of western science programs?
You aren't, but you are using a format that we normally know to ignore because it is almost solely used by bot programs and shills.

>> No.12729784
File: 255 KB, 2934x1650, Artemis_III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets get back to the topic at hand. Do you guys think they can hit they 2024 window?

>> No.12729793

Hey, i'm a retard. How does propulsion works in the vacuum of space ?

>> No.12729794

I believe only BO & co. can, the lunar starship is but a meme at this point in time, as it hasn't even landed once yet, that one will never flt, and I'm not feeling dynetics' proposal being ready before 2026

>> No.12729817
File: 208 KB, 923x633, vgaina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like that's such a weird thing to say on a science board, considering a lot of the people frequenting this board probably read a lot of school material, which always has a double line break between paragraphs. No line break just looks messy to me, I'm a 30yo boomer and I can't be taught new tricks. Double line breaks is how I've always read and written stuff. I think the concept of Reddit spacing only makes sense when people keep breaking each separate sentence on its own line, because they're phoneposters. Otherwise it's just how you write things

No chance. Their original schedule was 2028, until Trump pushed for 2024 to cap off his hypothetical second term. But that would require proper funding, and now we're back to normal, so 2028 is more realistic. SpaceX will probably land their first Starship on Mars before the first pieces of Gateway are installed in lunar orbit

>> No.12729823

There is a difference between having an empty line between paragraphs to visibly seperate different trains of thought and just randomly having empty lines between every single new line of text (aka reddit spacing).
Learn what the fuck you're talking about before you open your god damn mouth newfag.

>> No.12729854
File: 73 KB, 710x473, 7d9dce53-26e4-49f1-b557-2c5aff925a20-qm-2_img_2957_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It definitely can. The issue is getting artemis one out this year which relies on the shitty SLS. Orion is decent for a capsule and it is pretty much finished, so if SLS can fly this year then artemis 2 next year and the moon landing in 2024. Since starship should be running well by 2024 they will probably win the contract and nasa will move away from the SLS

>> No.12729860

>lunar starship is but a meme at this point in time, as it hasn't even landed once yet
Neither has the BO lander and starship is showing excellent progress. The BO design is also the worst of the 3

>> No.12729866

There is nothing wrong with them. Also the actual Moon space suit will be all white. These are just parade colors for the presentation.

>> No.12729870
File: 57 KB, 750x694, spurguja2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially it works against the mass inside the ship. There is volume inside the vessel, which gets displaced, and that produces propulsion. Like I know what you're asking, but I don't know how to articulate the answer. It's just the Newtonian mechanics that we know, an action produces a reaction - when you push stuff in one direction, it produces force in the opposite direction, doesn't matter if the outside is a vacuum

>> No.12729876
File: 92 KB, 625x897, media_ab9_ab99f5b5-1820-4f88-9b52-c3ffd7727260_phpsh87Qi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird thing to say on a science board, considering a lot of the people frequenting this board probably read a lot of school material, which always has a double line break between paragraphs
Not really, see pic related

>> No.12729883

Im talking about concepts. BO's concept has already worked as it's nothing new. Starship's still has a very long way to go.

>> No.12729890

Empty lines in general are bad. You can break up paragraphs without the reddit spacing

>> No.12729901

>until Trump pushed for 2024
Which it is still trying to accomplish.
>SpaceX will probably land their first Starship on Mars before the first pieces of Gateway are installed in lunar orbit
Not at all, spacex got the contract to stage the gateway with falcon heavy. Its scheduled in 2024

>> No.12729903
File: 78 KB, 197x346, sadjim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate modern NASA

>> No.12729931

>Im talking about concepts. BO's concept has already worked as it's nothing new
Its landing on the moon not earth anon and SpaceX has shown they can propulsively land on earth. We will see a starship landing this year and probably órbita flights this year. That gives it 3 years to make it lander ready. BO and Dynetics haven't shown shit.

>> No.12729940

They are bulky and shit

>> No.12729973

It seems like an improvement over the old ones, the original suits were very rigid. These new ones have much more dexterity in different directions

>> No.12729983

BO's concept is basically the same as that of the apollo missions, albeit with a few minor tweaks. Starship hasn't even landed once and nothing guarantees it ever will.
You brazilian?

>> No.12729993

Yeah actually now when I consider they decided to use Falcons, it makes me hopeful they'll get something shipped over there by 2024. Pretty interesting move all things considering. They were so adamant about SLS, but then they decided to just go with Falcon Heavy since it already exists. Makes me think they actually want to stick with the schedule instead of reinventing the wheel

>> No.12729997

They're better than the old one but they aren't good. We need A mechanical counterpressure suits, its the only way we can do real work in space.

>> No.12730000

So the heat push the engine exhaust thus moving the rest of the ship ?

>> No.12730016

If you wanted spacesuits that looks like this, you will have to wait another decade or two.

>> No.12730018
File: 252 KB, 1560x1179, Spaceman Musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12730024

>Starship hasn't even landed once and nothing guarantees it ever will.
The falcon has over 70 times and the SN10 most likely will next week. As for the type of landing the moon would require both the SN5 and SN6 have landed that way so you are completely wrong. The bellyflop is not necessary on the moon.
>BO's concept is basically the same as that of the apollo missions
Yeah which is a concept and made by different people.
>You brazilian?
Nope I'm phoneposting and for some reason thats in my autocorrect.

>> No.12730045

>Makes me think they actually want to stick with the schedule instead of reinventing the wheel
Exactly and that is great news. They are still using SLS for the crewed flights but that only requires 3 flights to get us back on the surface so a 2024 landing could be in the cards

>> No.12730051
File: 16 KB, 220x296, Space_activity_suit (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12730058
File: 441 KB, 2616x1744, MIT-Compression-Suit-Press-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With current materials it will actually work

>> No.12730071

Just because Musk is building a rocket that looks like out of the '50s, doesn't mean they will have spacesuits that looks like out of the '50s

>> No.12730075

Not so much the heat, just that when all stuff inside the ship gets pushed outside the ship, it also pushes the ship in the opposite direction. Again, I don't really know how to articulate this. It does seem pretty weird intuitively, but I suppose the easiest way to think about it is that whatever is outside the ship doesn't really matter. Consider how a boat moves forward. When a boat pushes itself forward, the air around the ship doesn't make any difference, only the water that it's pushing through the propeller. Same with a rocket

>> No.12730082
File: 80 KB, 485x656, 1547137786869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12730095

Is there actually any reason to use SLS for the crew? If FH can take cargo to lunar orbit, surely it can take three people there as well

>> No.12730110

Its the suit tech that we didn't have the right materials for. Newer designs look like this >>12730082 but its the only way we are going to be able to accomplish 14 hr workdays in EVA on a consistent basis.

>> No.12730121

Well the orion capsule and the fact that the first 4 SLS have been paid for. IMO i think NASA is banking on starship

>> No.12730131

Actually thats interesting, could Falcon heavy take the orion capsule with a crew abort system on it? If it can then the SLS should be entirely cancelled

>> No.12730144

>Do you guys think they can hit they 2024 window?
No, when are woman ever on time haha

>> No.12730209

>the orion capsule
If that's the weight limit, I think they could just send the crew and the capsule separately, if they're going to have Gateway in working order already. They'd just wait there for a couple days

>and the fact that the first 4 SLS have been paid for
That seems like a waste, if they could use FH. Considering an SLS launch costs two billion and Fh costs like what, 100m?

>> No.12730283
File: 124 KB, 1920x1080, 1601089480354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now, the goal is to actually be able to walk on the moon, grab things, lift stuff, do things better and more comfortable than with the Apollo suits. Another great improvement is that you don't get dressed up, you literally jump in, and go.

>> No.12730322

looks so much better with the sun shades

>> No.12730420

>If that's the weight limit
Its not the weight limit, its a finished crew rated spacecraft. The one that will take them to gateway and home
>That seems like a waste, if they could use FH. Considering an SLS launch costs two billion and Fh costs like what, 100m?
Yeah but at the time falcon heavy didn't exist.

>> No.12730442

>For now, the goal is to actually be able to walk on the moon, grab things, lift stuff, do things better and more comfortable than with the Apollo suits
The problem is in a few years they need a much more capable suit. They do seem decent though. What is that pink one?

>> No.12730494
File: 166 KB, 1200x800, KSC_20201028_PH_JBS01_0137_orig.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Orion is actually a pretty solid spacecraft and its simple. If we can get gateway done soon then we may just be able to get some missions done

>> No.12730502

>It would look a lot cleaner yes

No, it would not. It would look like shit. It would be an unreadable block of text.

>> No.12730535

>Its not the weight limit, its a finished crew rated spacecraft
But F9 is currently taking people to the ISS, and isn't FH just an augmented F9

>> No.12730543

Then return to reddit

>> No.12730548

The crew dragon isn't rated for deep space. The orion is. Thats the main difference, but if assume that the falcon heavy could take the orion if NASA so choose.

>> No.12730600

They already got that on the prototype, no idea why it wasn't there for the presentation.

>> No.12730613
File: 61 KB, 985x739, rover_drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget that moxie on here is meant to flesh out tech for propellant production on mars

>> No.12730619

Because muh woman

>> No.12730674

The skycrane is absolutely insane to think about

>> No.12730699
File: 60 KB, 1041x833, xemu-nasa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either way, it got to be there. Though for better view the hard cover will only take one third of the helmet, unlike the older prototypes.

>> No.12730709

That's the bare torso, without the protective clothing.

>> No.12730812

I'm saying for the PR because muh women in space

>> No.12730858

They suck at PR, because if she walked in and then raised the sun shield, it would have bigger impact.

>> No.12730859

Looks like shit, but I love the name.

>> No.12730908

Fair but its NASA

>> No.12730963
File: 2.05 MB, 2625x1725, 37780_mars-human-exploration-path-to-mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We actually might see a bunch of accomplishments this decade

>> No.12731014
File: 498 KB, 440x247, 1605845460623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this clip give you an erection?
This. Wet workshops only work for tanks that are basically prebuilt habs. Starship's tanks are literally just steel tubes with maybe a few stringers.
Dynetics is definitely the best for smaller crews. I say there will be way more of them than lunar starships.

>> No.12731123

>I say there will be way more of them than lunar starships.
I agree, especially since starship's focus is mars and NASA has an interest in allowing spacex to build up mars infrastructure

>> No.12731253
File: 446 KB, 1151x2048, SpaceX Starship SN8 launch by Bart Caldwell (Neopork).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The success of this program depends on SpaceX

>> No.12731273

Lets hope more of it contracts the falcon heavy

>> No.12731303

Bait gets them all the time

>> No.12731360
File: 621 KB, 500x281, 1582896445347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advertise space as "COVID free" and you'll have retarded weenies lining up for miles to go to space.

>> No.12731392
File: 37 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could Falcon heavy take the orion capsule

Falcon Heavy can reach the Moon. SpaceX is working in the capsule Dragon XL that will use Falcon Heavy. I don´t know if in 3 years, but let`s say in 5, SpaceX can go to the Moon alone. And that is not counting Spaceship.


SpaceX is leading the race. Falcon Heavy will be able to move both, manned and unmanned missions (cargo) to the Moon

>> No.12731416

Thats not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about if NASA could cancel the DLS and send Orion on falcon heavy. Also stop using that spacing redditnigger

>> No.12731481


>> No.12731662
File: 131 KB, 1000x861, create-online-NASA-ASA-space-exploration-moon-landing-2024-artemis-spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the SLS flies how many launches do you think they will do?

>> No.12731674
File: 51 KB, 474x355, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12731727


>> No.12731733

Wtf is the blue stuff

>> No.12731759
File: 49 KB, 800x445, Orion-Multi-Purpose-Crew-Vehicle-Orion-MPCV-800x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking 4 as well. As we've already paid for them and that way they could say "SLS got us to the moon time to retire it for the cheaper starship"

>> No.12731769
File: 98 KB, 879x485, cK7g8GH3Bq2hRnsbUpoj7A-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12731783

>reddit spacing

You faggots don't even know what paragraphs are anymore. Go back to first grade. I remember when 4chan practiced correct English. Now bitches like you are scared to use proper grammar.

>> No.12731792

What's your justification for the retarded spacing of this comment?

>> No.12731794
File: 320 KB, 1041x1388, viper_rover_mgru_in_rockyard1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your guys thoughts on the moon rover?

>> No.12731832
File: 1.62 MB, 320x179, viper_software_integration_test-1041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12731856

Didn't even know about it...

>> No.12731863
File: 3.04 MB, 1584x2048, 1612300275289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The program will never lower it's launch costs, it will only become more expensive like the shuttle did.

>> No.12731873

They wont be able to get away with that with the starship. They'll figure out a way to make something else cost that much.

>> No.12731880
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IO"m, saying that's why the SLS rocket needs to get killed off. It's a rocket that will make NASA stop going to the moon for another half century once the program were to get killed.

NASA cares more about putting a Vagina on the moon for the sake of having a Vagina on the moon than they do about creating the foundations for future generations.

>> No.12731885

Without JFK/LBJ level of political will behind it. Then it will be pushed back indefinitely. Expect President Bidet to push it off, but "still committed". So international cooperation and participation can be made. Then the Europeans will cause more changes and delays. Japan will be all for going as soon as possible. Just to get on the moon before China.

>> No.12731894
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>It's a rocket that will make NASA stop going to the moon for another half century once the program were to get killed.
Idk, I can't see NASA being stagnant if Elon has boots on mars before they do.
>NASA cares more about putting a Vagina on the moon for the sake of having a Vagina on the moon than they do about creating the foundations for future generations.
Yes and I fucking hate it. That picture makes me sick.

>> No.12731938
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how are you fags not interested in this?

>> No.12731986
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>> No.12731998
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>> No.12732024
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maybe one day they will just choose the falcon

>> No.12732049
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>Orion on the falcon heavy
Would be beautiful man

>> No.12732099
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Anyone else hoping for the ESA style moonbase?

>> No.12732100
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>> No.12732111
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In 2021 Rocket Lab will launch a CubeSat into lunar orbit for NASA. This historic pathfinding mission supports NASA’s Artemis program which will land the first woman and next man on the Moon by 2024.

Using our Electron rocket and Photon Lunar spacecraft, Rocket Lab will launch NASA’s Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE) CubeSat to a unique lunar orbit.

CAPSTONE’s primary objective is to test and verify the calculated orbital stability of a near rectilinear halo orbit around the Moon, the same orbit planned for the Lunar Gateway. The Gateway is a planned small space station that will orbit around the Moon to provide astronauts with access to the lunar surface. It will feature living quarters for astronauts, a lab for science and research and ports for visiting spacecraft. CAPSTONE will also test a navigation system that will measure its position relative to NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) without relying on ground stations.

CAPSTONE is one of the first steps to learn how to operate more robust missions in this orbit - it's laying the groundwork for future exploration of our solar system.

>> No.12732118

Holy shit, so SpaceX, Dynetics, Blue Orgin, rocketlab, every other defense contractor, ESA, Roscosmos, and JAXA are participants. Who isn't involved in artemis?

>> No.12732138

Thats cool, I like rocketlab and their black rockets.

>> No.12732188
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Just going to dump a few more images.

>> No.12732189


>Mars Ready

You have to launch a ship 2-3x the size of the ISS in volume for like 4-8 people. You can't send people to Mars in a capsule the size of a van. People are not designed to, no matter how much they're trained, to live in a fucking coke can for years on end. They will go insane and will commit suicide from claustrophobia.

The Mars Ready project's "ship" honestly is too small for a crew of 4-8 people. The ship that was portrayed in The Martian is basically the MINIMUM size you need to get a crew over. Starship isn't exactly that, but its good enough for a small crew size of 12-24 people.

Fundamental problems with Artemis is that it can't lift enough payload into orbit inexpensively to make Mars possible any earlier than like 2060-2070. Which is absolute insanity.

>> No.12732191
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>> No.12732200
File: 111 KB, 1152x630, SpaceX Starship interior concept by Erik Corshammar (ErcX) & smallstars - docked to ISS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ship that was portrayed in The Martian is basically the MINIMUM size you need to get a crew over.
That ship was giant for a mission so small. A ship the size of starship Is plenty of room for a 6 month mission.

>> No.12732203
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>> No.12732225
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>> No.12732236
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>> No.12732242

The Saturn V was so much more aesthetic

>> No.12732377

new hotfire test

>> No.12732383


>> No.12732396

Why the SLS? seriously the rest of the program makes sense except the SLS

>> No.12732405

Not a chance.

>> No.12732411

I think its possible

>> No.12732412

After the green run fuckup? Not a snowball's chance in hell.

>> No.12732420

They are trying again in 5 days. If they can get a launch this year then they can get a flyby and a landing done by the end of 2024. Especially now that the SLS isn't staging the gateway

>> No.12732426

>If they can get a launch this year

>> No.12732430

Not out of the question though and they're fighting to keep their funding now that alzheimers andy is president.

>> No.12732435

This piece of shit is already years delayed and will continue to be years delayed because it's a cost plus monstrosity. Cost plus benefits from never being on time.

>> No.12732470

Yeah you missed my point, if they don't get a launch out they'll lose their funding

>> No.12732478

Funding is hanging in a thin thread because the project has too much of Trump's stink on it for the current administration's taste. It'll likely go Constellation's way.
Right now, the new administration is saying they support it because it's politically convenient to say they support "putting the first woman on the moon".

But they're most likely going to axe it, they were most likely always going to axe it, just later down the line.

>> No.12732488

>because the project has too much of Trump's stink on it for the current administration's taste
Not just that, biden already has experience cutting the fuck out of NASAs budget and until the backlash his press secretary got he was already making strides towards doing that again.

>> No.12732672
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>send Orion on falcon heavy.
It is possible, Falcon Heavy needs modifications, but that`s what engineers are there for.

>Also stop using that spacing redditnigger
I do what I want, fuk u.

>> No.12733226


it does make sense when you realize the mission is the fund the same contractors who built the shuttle.

>> No.12733463


>> No.12733472

Lets have an illegitimate discussion on the Artemis program.

>> No.12733474

lol fartemis

>> No.12733760

I hate the government

>> No.12733765

SLS is the single biggest travesty of any space program from any nation ever

>> No.12733999

Agreed but how do they get away from it now?

>> No.12734065

I disagree I think the shuttle was

>> No.12734417
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I'm excited

>> No.12734420
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>> No.12734458

Wont they literally take it from the iss?

>> No.12734461

Are they really? Why?

>> No.12734477

>While NASA has not formally announced which launch vehicle has been selected, Mr. Hastman confirmed that the rocket is known to both Maxar and Northrop Grumman.
>“In terms of knowing the launch vehicle, you can support multiple launch vehicles in the initial design. But knowing the vehicle early helps you fine tune your analysis so you can reduce some of the margins carried by maintaining multiple platforms.”
>Internal NASA documents have already revealed that the Falcon Heavy from SpaceX is the launch vehicle for the mission, though when the agency will choose to make a formal announcement is unknown.


>> No.12734499

Not with bidet in charge

>> No.12734605

Do we know when the first two gateway modules will be completed? They need to send it up ASAP

>> No.12734640 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12734657

I read they were going to dismantle iss and reuse that part on a moon station

>> No.12734673

Lets hope not

>> No.12734797

Fucking congress is the only reason we are using the SLS

>> No.12734801

Congress is the oposite of progress

>> No.12734805

Yeah. I just hate that they haven't canceled it yet

>> No.12735332

It'll be great to see boots on the moon in my lifetime, it just sucks that it's the most oldspace program imaginable with terrible design based on a shitty rockets capability.

>> No.12735391

Unironically SpaceX is our only hope

>> No.12735594

We need a seperate space board

>> No.12735599


>> No.12735600

Shut the fuck up, retards.

>> No.12735612

Reminder that anybody who screeches about imaginary bogeymen like pol is by definition a tourist on this website

breaking things into paragraphs is not, and never will be, the meaning of "reddit spacing"

>> No.12735635


>> No.12735656

Certain boards just exhibit certain kind of behavior more than others. On /pol/ it's that deal with slide threads and stuff, everyone is a shill working for the CIA, Mossad, the gay community, whatever. And I guess /v/ also talks about viral marketing and shills a lot too, but in a different way. When people bring that stuff on boards where it doesn't even make sense, it makes me associate them with those boards, because it feels like they've been conditioned to think like that about everything. Same deal with jokes and memes and stuff, if someone talks talking about Stallman, I would assume they probably frequent /g/

>> No.12735789

No I come to sci to talk space and we have enough threads to have a board

>> No.12735820

/fit/ /v/ /k/ /out/ and a few others have marketing shilling. /pol/ actually does get raided and slid by various groups, /b/ gets botted threads by stormfront and the lgbtq community. I would also argue that we occasionally get Chinese shills on /sci/. The point is nowadays the culture and formula of the boards must be maintained at all costs. We don't want to turn into the mess that Facebook, reddit, twitter and countless other social media websites have become.

>> No.12735833

Now there's a blast from the past, don't think I've been there in like ten years

>> No.12735899

Its mostly pornsite shilling, bottes blacked(stormfront/russian/Chinese division propaganda) and trap threads(no idea the reason but it is also botted) and then just porn

>> No.12735909

post what habbened to the secretary pls

>> No.12735917

and Orion stack is slightly lighter than an expendable FH can push into TLI

>> No.12736813


>> No.12736913
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>> No.12737493


>> No.12737553

Fucking shambles.

>> No.12737600


>> No.12737613

That thing is going to tip over when it lands on the unflat lunar surface.

>> No.12737619

>green text
is not a paragraph, putting a blank line after greentext IS reddit spacing.

>> No.12738090

You never know

>> No.12738095

For what reason?

>> No.12738380

Green run in 4 days

>> No.12738636

Rolling for failure

>> No.12739859

The wind.

>> No.12740139


But its all but guaranteed that any Mars mission will see a fleet of ships travel together to the planet instead of solo trips. This way a lot of goods and parts can be distributed across the fleet for redundancy and safety too. So in a way, the same sized ship is ultimately achieved albeit across many smaller vessels.

>> No.12740361

>But its all but guaranteed that any Mars mission will see a fleet of ships travel together to the planet instead of solo trips.
Not at the start, also we are a fucking long way from building a ship that size.

>> No.12740417

>wind on the moon

>> No.12740420

trust me bro

>> No.12740640
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I just want it to work alongside SpaceX's plan

>> No.12743001

Me too, I think a martian colony with a government moon and mars base would be excellent. Also the gateway can keep the lazy ass euros involved

>> No.12743884

The future is bright bros

>> No.12743887
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I just want 4ASS

>> No.12744037

>It'll be great to see boots on the moon in my lifetime
50 years wasted thanks to the US government

>> No.12744052

Yeah and if biden had his way we would have another 8 years of no space

>> No.12744209

Biden doesn't even have enough spine to be a puppet. He can barely even speak. I don't think ascribing blame to him is particularly meaningful.

>> No.12744266

Hen he was vice president he helped cut NASA funding by ridiculous amounts. I will ascribe blame to him and that faggot obama for the rest of my life. They killed space flight for the most important decade of my life.

>> No.12744954
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