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File: 211 KB, 1365x2048, 566565654546645645456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12727600 No.12727600 [Reply] [Original]

Cars on Mars edition.

The previous thread: >>12724207

>> No.12727605
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>> No.12727606


>> No.12727614


>> No.12727615
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>> No.12727618


thread theme

>> No.12727625
File: 70 KB, 875x583, Honda-Sports-EV-concept-front-three-quarter-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to drive a car in low G, wonder what kind of new races you could do.
Dakar rally but on mars for example, making jumps over dunes in low G.

>> No.12727630

It's all fun and games until you crash, the crew capsule explodes and all the oxygen goes somewhere else.

You'd have to make the cars durable as fuck to avoid this.

>> No.12727631


>> No.12727639

People come to races to see crashes.
Give the people what the want.
As long as it's not old Le Mans levels of death then i dont see a reason to create all these safety rules.

>> No.12727641
File: 3.84 MB, 1280x720, Mars2020-Depot-Caching-animated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the real work can begin

>> No.12727691

Now that I think about, why isn't that looking for water resources?
It should be the most important thing to find.

>> No.12727697

Wouldn't you have to drill for it?

>> No.12727698
File: 967 KB, 795x566, armed_shelby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perseverance is cancelled

>> No.12727700

I'm willing to bet these samples will never make it to Earth, or only by starship

>> No.12727713
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>> No.12727742

the first sample return will be a slab of martian whateverrock that musk will have carved into a desk.

>> No.12727744

Starship makes sample return piss easy, it could bring a whole fuelled up electron over, just add some system for scooping up the samples and you're done.
Obviously propellant boiloff is an issue there but you could bring a similar sized rocket that uses solids, maybe that's the obligatory oldspace part of the contract, they seem to love solids.

>> No.12727747
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So be it

>> No.12727756

>they seem to love solids
makes sense from a defence perspective. can't produce any new nukes rn but need to keep the natural generational churn of people that actual know how that shit works and is produced.
you end up with a bloated and outdated space program as a result but having a big dick to wave around is paramount.

>> No.12727767
File: 191 KB, 604x511, screenshot.2021-02-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an exciting night!

Can't wait to see what data we were able to pick up from the landing using our InSight detectors.

Great to witness this event right?

>> No.12727773

>The spacecraft are not expected to collide with a star for 1 sextillion (1020) years.
will you be the man to save the voyager spacecraft from a fiery death?

>> No.12727776

>It landed safely?
>Glitch ze software.

>> No.12727783
File: 186 KB, 290x393, 290px-Pale_Blue_Dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us....The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena.... To my mind, there is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly and compassionately with one another and to preserve and cherish that pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.

>> No.12727806

I think Sagan was being too sentimental, we're a nomadic species by nature, our entire mental and physical toolset evolved to allow us to move from place to place and build new living space for ourselves once we got there.
In the state of nature humans who reach the population capacity of their environment factionalize and this can be solved by either splitting the group or by warfare.
We've been stuck on Earth for too long, it's full now, there's no place worth living that hasn't been crammed full of people, there's almost no way to escape mass communication and forced interaction with others at this point.

We need to be caring less about the home we know and are comfortable with, and more concerned with the next place we can make into a home for ourselves.

>> No.12727831

bro there's an entire continent that's uninhabited

>> No.12727839

>he doesn't know about the antarcticians

>> No.12727841

A continent is insufficient, a new planet is required.

>> No.12727846

And if you don't like that planet, just build a new one. Ringworlds are the shit.

>> No.12727853
File: 3.17 MB, 1920x1080, Dyson_Swarm_realistic_representation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point we'll also have to tweak the sun, and then shove it somewhere else in the galaxy more to our liking.

>> No.12727854

>just build a new one
*proont one

>> No.12727856

When can we expect some more content from the rover?

>> No.12727859

a realistic dyson swarm wouldn't be that organised. more billions of individual habs vying for space and resources like some solar system trailer park.

>> No.12727870

>proont brains trying to proont a planet
>proonter gets bumped by a small asteroid
>planet ends up having misaligned hemispheres
>proont brains seethe
>millchads chuckle as they cut their planet from a large block of forged steel

>> No.12727871

>Deputy project manager Matt Wallace says they hope to have video from entry, descent and landing cameras returned this weekend and ready for a press conference Monday; looking forward himself to seeing it.
from jeff foust's twitter

>> No.12727873

>didn't calibrate z axis
>planet is spaghetti

>> No.12727884

Well, your initial energy generating infrastructure likely would be, but yes, granted, the layers over top of it would be uneven.

>> No.12727885

I don't want to hear a single word about proonting until someone shows me a 3D printer that can print another 3D printer

>> No.12727886
File: 242 KB, 1280x800, 47294908-DD6C-447B-A8CC-AC2F6E135962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Perseverance as much as anyone else but damn it was super expensive. $2.4 Billion. For that money you could’ve sent 6 Opportunities to Mars, or 3 InSights, or almost 7 Phoenix landers. Seriously though it’s a cool rover but I have no idea why it cost so much money. Still love it though and I’ve had life on Mars on repeat for the past 12 hours

>> No.12727890
File: 141 KB, 1200x675, ESA-rover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ready for the ESA to but THIS on Mars?

>> No.12727892

Mass produced rovers and probes would be a threat to the job keeping operations at NASA because they believe that there is only a limited number of things probes can do on another planet, and rushing to complete those things as soon as possible would mean less overall jobs

>> No.12727899

If they employed some lateral thinking they'd realize that once rovers and probes are solved problems they'll probably have something else, more interesting to work on.

>> No.12727901 [DELETED] 

why didnt they launch it this year? why do US Mars missions ALWAYS launch on time?

>> No.12727902

we can't organise at a nation level, let alone a planetary level. a trillion humans at sol level would be chaos.

>> No.12727903

>we could send several repeating experiments to the same place
big brain opinions here

>> No.12727905

Solids make good ICBMs because you can store them forever without anything more sophisticated than a silo. The high TTW is also ideal because in a nuclear exchange you want to get your birds off the ground as quickly as possible. And they are relatively cheap and easy to manufacture since the whole fucking rocket is the motor. Downside is that solids are a bitch to control so they have to be basically pre-aimed at their target and they have a bad habit of blowing up mid flight. US ICBM strategy us lots of low-yield warheads spamed on solids with a handful of high accuracy high yield strategic weapons for the most critical targets. While everyone else generally has much higher yield weapons on higher accuracy liquids because they dont have the manufacturing or technical ability or warhead capacity to spam low yield low accuracy solids.

Oldspace is just an extension of the US defense contractors basically and they have both the most expearience with solids and they are already producing all the requisite chemicals and things to make them.

>> No.12727906

Parachute testing issues apparently

>> No.12727909

>For that money you could’ve sent 6 Opportunities to Mars, or 3 InSights, or almost 7 Phoenix landers.
And you still wouldn't have gotten the results that Persy will make.
It was about the same cost as Curiosity, and Curiosity has already done more than Oppy and InSight together (inb4 can't dig a hole)

>> No.12727911
File: 1.73 MB, 2840x1800, ExoMars_prototype_rover_6_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool science fair project, ESA!

>> No.12727915 [DELETED] 

wtf embarrassing

>> No.12727916

god this thing is embarrassing.

>> No.12727918

I know the lander is being developed by Russia but is Russia also in charge of entry or is that part managed by ESA?

>> No.12727920

>NASA Awards Contract to Launch Initial Elements for Lunar Outpost
>NASA has selected Space Exploration Technologies
Free-market capitalism strikes again, commies and SLA statists on suicide watch!

>> No.12727925

As a baguette, I'm pretty sure Europe still use solids for Ariane for the same reason, ie keeping the people who make our SLBM employed.

>> No.12727927

>try to lathe a planet
>didnt tighten the chuck enough
>planet stock gets shot out at 0.8c

>> No.12727931

>this is the main picture on the wiki page for this rover so it's not like this is /sfg/ being unfair dicks
that is a £5 ebay thermometer taped to the side of a mars rover
the absolute state of the esa

>> No.12727938

I don't get the hate for this thing. It just seems like a larger version of Opportunity and whatever the Chinese rover is called

>> No.12727939
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>> No.12727944

It looks really stupid and also got delayed 2 years. Anyways ESA has never stuck a landing on Mars yet they’re going all in with this thing

>> No.12727946 [DELETED] 

it's only two decades obsolete lmao

>> No.12727948
File: 93 KB, 720x405, rosalind-franklin-mars-rover-assembly-completed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>main picture on the wiki page
No reason to look any further

>> No.12727952

It just feels a bit silly when America has landed two rovers and ESA can't even get one finished, and I say this as a European.

Feels like it's still the 60s/70s with almost no meaningful input from Europe in the space race. Can't blame operation paperclip forever.

>> No.12727953
File: 431 KB, 444x548, 1597067400257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By March 2013, the spacecraft was scheduled to launch in 2018 with a Mars landing in early 2019.[11] Delays in European and Russian industrial activities and deliveries of scientific payloads forced the launch to be pushed back. In May 2016, ESA announced that the mission had been moved to the next available launch window of July 2020.[8] ESA ministerial meetings in December 2016 reviewed mission issues including €300 million ExoMars funding and lessons learned from the ExoMars 2016 Schiaparelli mission, which had crashed after its atmospheric entry and parachute descent (the 2020 mission drawing on Schiaparelli heritage for elements of its entry, descent and landing systems).[24] In March 2020, ESA delayed the launch to August–October 2022 due to parachute testing issues.[9] This was later refined to a twelve-day launch window starting on 20 September 2022.[3]
i didn't realise it was possible to be more old space than nasa but here we are.

>> No.12727955 [DELETED] 

who's building the heatshield and backshell?

jesus...how embarrassing

>> No.12727956

>2 years
4 years

>> No.12727964

Oh I'm not saying it's ahead of it's time or anything. Just I saw anons saying it looks kinda funny, even though it doesn't look that different from similar sized rovers

>> No.12727967

>jesus...how embarrassing
What's embarrassing about that picture?

>> No.12727968

There’s a bunch of reasons why the Ariane 6 is so cucked. First off, it falls for the high MECO velocity meme which means that landing the first stage on a barge is impossible. Also the second stage has a very low thrust to weight ratio because of the Vinci engine. Third, solid boosters are an easy way of improving the payload of these types of rockets (Ariane 5, Atlas V, Delta IV, Vulcan). The real problem is that it uses too much technology from the Ariane 5, which is expensive and impossible to reuse because of all of the above. The main engine is an improved Ariane 5 main engine. The second stage of Ariane 6 was already in development as an upper stage for the 5, but it was decided to be used on a new vehicle and ESA was forced to build a new rocket around it.

>> No.12727969

China is fine.

>> No.12727970 [DELETED] 

why does yurope choose to rely on russia for anything?? why would they partner with them, do they prefer hogher risk? last time china partnered with russia the mission failed spectacularly, and inspired china to completely in-house their next one

>> No.12727971

m8 it's a pos designed in the 80s and being launched (late) in 2022. europe is dead.

>> No.12727972

It's a flipphone in a smartphone world, it just shows that ESA has more in common with the developing world's efforts than it does with NASA desu.

>> No.12727974
File: 57 KB, 680x452, EuizYI8WYAYbE_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's he thinking?

>> No.12727978

It’s to spite the Americans. Also they probably owe the Russians for launching astronauts. Anyhow ESA are retarded they have SEVERAL “collaborations” with the Chinese launching up too

>> No.12727983

>ha lof ha feef ee hafahi ho. heff hee fwee!

>> No.12727985

the eu in general has small penis syndrome when viewing themselves next to the us so will do literally anything, including partnering with rus/chi instead of asking the us for help.

>> No.12727991

Persy has European instruments tho. (not sure if coordinated by ESA, probably not)

The meteo thing and the direct up-down antenna are Spanish. They and France also collaborated for the SuperCam. Also I think there was something from Norway

>> No.12727999

yea but those are individual institutes or companies not an entire continent wide agency. the fact nasa finds it better to collaborate with them directly rather than through the esa says a lot.

>> No.12728001

The US uses lower yield weapons because our warheads are actually a lot more accurate than most other countries'. You don't need as big of a boom when you know your blast will go off closer to its intended target.

>> No.12728002
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>> No.12728003

indeed, you have a good point

>> No.12728004
File: 227 KB, 1500x308, 1500px-Mars_Viking_12a002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shot was taken 35 years ago

>> No.12728012

Viking was great I can’t believe NASA nailed their first Mars landing.

>> No.12728018

Why is he wearing a mask by himself? Didn't get also get vaccinated? Don't staff at the WH get tested daily?

>> No.12728022
File: 175 KB, 990x500, 3d-a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your new planet bro
>What's he thinking?
. . . where am I?

>> No.12728023

NASA press conference in 4 hours

Perseverance images here

>> No.12728024

I'm not arguing with you about the state of ESA, ESA's budget allocation cucks it from doing anything interesting. Sure, you could call the design dated but the instruments aren't, some of them where built by companies that also built some of Perseverance's instruments

>> No.12728027

>ESA's budget allocation

>> No.12728029

lmfao where are the canals? hahahaha

>> No.12728033

which leads to the question - whats the point when curiosity/perseverance exist?

>> No.12728036
File: 794 KB, 1186x880, Martian moss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how pictures taken in 1950's still look like that

>> No.12728038

NASA budget is ~3 times the one of ESA

>> No.12728044

>same three pics from yesterday, 3rd one corrupted
yup i think percy is fucked bros. malfunction image is very telling. it's over, press conference just to save face. 4 more years of insight 2.0

>> No.12728045

jezero crater? more like jizzero crater

>> No.12728046

Not only that, they're required to allocate it (personnel-wise) in proportion to the countries paying it. In other words, they can't hire 10000 dutch scientists if the dutch contribution to the budget is only able to pay for 1000 of 'em etc.

>> No.12728048
File: 80 KB, 1088x508, fuck this gay agency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine a rover would fall into the robotic exploration category, or the scientific program. Either way, all is less important than heckin earth observation!

>> No.12728052

gotta do what 1000 commercial businesses do anyway because reasons.

>> No.12728054

in one word, embarrassing

>> No.12728055

I imagine this probably relates to military agency's needs to spy on people or something.

>> No.12728056

>Ah so it’s time for Neil to come down the ladder now

>> No.12728059

>US missions ALWAYS launch on time

>> No.12728058

Galileo would in there too I'd say

>> No.12728060
File: 197 KB, 850x790, __hayabusa_original_drawn_by_makohan__sample-d6f6af2e722c41a26e1d4507baf3397a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children's shampoo

>> No.12728063

The president is one of the most respected and looked up to people in the world. People see him wearing a mask, they are more likely to do it themselves. Not really hard to understand.

>> No.12728077
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It's still not transmitting data, it seems, but it's now emitting a signal, instead of just receiving.

>> No.12728081

They're obviously not the same instruments. Regardless I think it's worth sending more that two rovers to Mars

>> No.12728082

So is it hurt?

>> No.12728085

I doubt NASA will share everything they've learned on Perseverance with ESA, so it'll probably be useful to have our own design and data on the production of a rover.

>> No.12728086

NASA has a hard on for spending over $1 Billion on a mission for a one-off exploration voyage.

>> No.12728088

is there any naked ones of her?

>> No.12728090
File: 258 KB, 1900x934, Mandarin in the distance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The president is one of the most respected and looked up to people in the world.
This hasn't been true in a long-ass time, just look at the last five.
>"BJ at work, don't mind if I do"
>"peace prize? for moi?" *destabalizes Libya*
>"I will insult literally EVERYBODY in 4 years."
>"But I didn't campaign, how did I get here?"
Anybody acting like the executive branch is respectable is either stupid or lying, likely both.

>> No.12728091

the billion dollar question

>> No.12728092

what does /sfg/ think of this video?

>> No.12728096

The last respectable President was probably Reagan.
Yeah I know but people really loved him and he won 49/50 states. Anyhow before Nixon the President would often have 60-80% approval ratings

>> No.12728097

Dumbest shit I've ever seen, next

>> No.12728099

i could drunkardly lose myself in it

>> No.12728103

Regardless of what you think, what the president does matters. If he wears a mask often in public, it will save lives. But honestly, I doubt you believe masks work at all.

>> No.12728108

it means it has power, at the very least, and has actively turned on the antenna.

Right now the "downlink" is gone :/
Let's wait to see if it comes back and actually transfers some data.

>> No.12728112
File: 1.42 MB, 1680x1200, shuttle fleet and buran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you trying lol

>> No.12728114

The last president I'd say I respected would probably be Reagan, before him would be JFK

>> No.12728115

NOTE: that first YT link appears to be a less detailed event.

The official press conference is here in 2 hours

Very likely to reveal new images at that time

>> No.12728118

JFK was a great democrat if he ran today I’d gladly vote for him

>> No.12728128

or reveal complete and utter mission failure. where's that data rate? WHERE

>> No.12728138
File: 204 KB, 1366x2048, C50207E9-7A5C-4D7D-8105-1A88F5349C69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s crazy is that there’s a good chance Perseverance will be active when the first humans touch down on Mars.

>> No.12728139

They don't work remotely as well as prompt contact tracing and quarantine that's for sure. If your disease management team isn't willing to trace+quarantine you might as well wear a rosary, rabbits foot, and any other magical trinket you could imagine, because some fucking piece of 50% defective paper prooonted in China not even rated to MERV 14 will offer you about the same amount of protection.

>> No.12728140

Bush Sr was unironically a great president and I will fight to defend this.

>> No.12728142

there's also a good chance the samples are still there

>> No.12728143

I like the wikipedia page more. I haven't seen it in years but if it's the one I think it is, it'd be a lot better without any characters narrating in it and only sceneries and phenomena occuring.

>> No.12728145

I disagree but I like him better than his son. I can’t believe I used to defend Bush jr in grade school when all the other kids would suck off Obama

>> No.12728147 [DELETED] 

>this is your brain as a spacex stan

>> No.12728150

I didnt mean to imply US solid ICBMs are inaccurate, just less accurate than a liquid type design would be. The US is so far ahead of almost everyone else on solid fuel thrust vectoring and control it's almost silly. That's what I meant when I said that other countries lack the ability to spam solids like the US, they don't have the technical know-how to make them as accurate as the US solids are and the investment in time and money doesnt seem worth it.

>> No.12728152

>-161.83 dBm
did Harris build this thing?

>> No.12728153

When Starship nails the bellyflop how will you cope

>> No.12728156

>he doesn't know about roverjackers who would sell those titanium parts for that jezeroiote meth

>> No.12728160

He'll shitpost as something else for his (you)s and you'll keep giving them to him.

>> No.12728163

you don't need to be an Elon Musk fellatio enthusiast to make a solid bet that a Mars sample return isn't happening any time soon.

>> No.12728167
File: 14 KB, 480x360, yoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downlink is gone
>opportunities for MRO intermediation do not begin until 19:00 UTC
>tfw the faggots are right and it's dead

>> No.12728168 [DELETED] 

AHAHAHA yeah that's rich. You can talk big when SN15 actually manages to land. SN10 is ngmi, that's certain. If you think it is, you're delusional

>> No.12728174

oh it's happening. ESA has it covered

>> No.12728175

ESA is a mess. But at least they're still going. I hope it gets better with renewed interest in spaceflight, if NASA was alone in space exploration they'd hold back even more fundings and repeat the Constellation blunder again.

>> No.12728176

>Starship will never get to orbit
>Starship will never leave LEO
>Starship will never get to interplanetary space
>Starship will never get to Mars
>Starship will never come back from Mars
>Starship will never...
I mean, those goal posts can be moved alot

>> No.12728179

It is a mess, and yet as a European it's my only shot to get in the space business.

>> No.12728183

>we're a nomadic species by nature,
He knows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCnle9pLNsI

>> No.12728186

why else would they schedule a press conference, it's obv bad news. they said they would have the deets on monday

>> No.12728187

It's like they're showing off.

>> No.12728192

I agree, fellow yuropean. I do regret not choosing a more space related field, I've always loved it but believed years ago it'd barely keep moving. And yet, here we are with a lot new innovations and competition.

>> No.12728195

Idk what it is about Sagan. I like what he says but I despise his voice, cander, and following. I want to punch him

>> No.12728196

What are you in? I'm EEng/Control Engineering, been trying for years. I guess it's all up to perseverance (yes I know spoiler tags aren't supported).

>> No.12728198

will they steal the plutonium to build nukes?

>> No.12728199

>his voice, cander,
It's very NY jew.
>t. NY Italian
Yeah, so do I.

>> No.12728201
File: 319 KB, 1200x737, ESA-rover-rogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mmm... Samples...

>> No.12728202

You already explained why solids were worth investing in though, storability is key for strategic superweapons, you never want to actually use them so you want them as storable as humanly possible. Hypergols are both volatile and toxic, and do degrade markedly over time compared to solids, room temperature liquids like RP1/Peroxide could work but also degrade over time and as multiple Russian nuclear subs discovered, storage of liquid HTP under pressure can be quite dangerous, and cryos are off the table because they need a whole logistical chain and significant continuous power generation to remain in a usable state.
So while solids are shitty in ISP, and don't lend themselves particularly well to throttling, or moment-to-moment control, they can still put a nuclear weapon within less than a kilometer of the target where it will have maximum effect, and can be stored for long periods of time with zero maintenance.
That's all that's necessary for a nuke, although I must admit, it would be cool to be able to drop a warhead within +/-5m of the target, the nature of nuclear weapons doesn't require that level of accuracy at pretty much any scale, even the smallest possible nuke imaginable wouldn't need such a level of precision.

>> No.12728204

>Starship will never pass a cryo test
>Starship will never hop
>Starship will never fly to a high altitude
>Starship will never complete the bellyflop without ripping apart
>Starship will never be able to glide back to the launch site
>Starship will never relight its engines
>Starship will never survive the kickback maneuver
We are here
>Starship will never soft land after the kickback

>> No.12728207
File: 248 KB, 1280x960, Beagle_2_replica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

>> No.12728209

What are we looking at, solar panels?

>> No.12728211

Sad part is the Beagle was found on Mars surface a like a few months after its project manager died

>> No.12728213
File: 4 KB, 626x45, the_end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is when the simulation really ends

>> No.12728215

Man, they should have checked with your first anon. Just remind us, how many mars landers have you worked on before?

>> No.12728217

I think it's an economical use of space, a real shame it only died from one panel not unfolding

>> No.12728218
File: 64 KB, 1100x825, perseverance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12728220

>strawman the post

>> No.12728223
File: 1.35 MB, 4412x1939, 393950main_Swift_M31_large_UV_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A flimsy dropout. Didn't have any ambitions or goals to pursue, so I got off and spent years doing nothing or menial jobs. Now I'm looking to get back into CS or some Engineering like Automation or other down to earth faculties to keep me straight. I'm still in my late 20s so I think I can still do something worthwhile.

>> No.12728228
File: 182 KB, 1280x853, Beagle_2_model_at_Liverpool_Spaceport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know.
Still, I don't get why they made it so complicated for something so small. You have to open five panels and if any one fails the whole thing is over.
That's my question.
I don't need to build a car to know when one doesn't work.

>> No.12728231
File: 144 KB, 800x545, Luna9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever look at the Soviet Luna landers they opened like petals of a flower.
They should've done the same thing, that way even if one fails to open you can still get some limited usage out of it.

>> No.12728234


>> No.12728236

>I don't need to build a car to know when one doesn't work.
Imagine your mechanic saying this lmao

This general has gone down the tubes. Filled with dunning–kruger psueds now.

>> No.12728240

Did something happen?

>> No.12728241

Wait is Percy actually dead? Don't toy with me bros I don't know if I can take it.

>> No.12728247

I think the core of it is that SpaceX hasn't done something in space that NASA hasn't already done in the past in some form. SpaceX critics will always be around until the company does something more than sending someone to the moon and back.

>> No.12728248

I have a masters in computer engineering.
The only pseud here is you. Everyone knows redundancy is the name of the game.

>> No.12728249


>> No.12728250
File: 94 KB, 671x480, Capricorn One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it actually blew up at launch, everything we've seen is just them saving face with CGI

>> No.12728251

Nothing has happened, in fact.
And unless it had been doing stuff with MRO at nighttime, at some comms window, it has not trasmitted anything in all day.
The DSN antennas have uploaded data, but not downloaded.

This is what one can tell from that DSN live page, of course.

>> No.12728252

Some JPL people on Twitter have been saying they got several images and some videos of the landing down and it's being processed

>> No.12728253

will find out in a few hours

>> No.12728254

at some point it activated its antenna, one hour ago or so, but it didn't seem to send any real data

>> No.12728258

>Insider JPL anon was right

>> No.12728259

>Believing chink astroturfers
This general got too big, it's being fed into the propaganda machine now. Expect this place to be full of crack pot theories, and general FUD about NASA + SpaceX for the rest of it's existence.

>> No.12728260

shut the fuck up bro

>> No.12728261

what did he say?

>> No.12728264 [DELETED] 


>> No.12728267

blame your new god trump

>> No.12728275

this is purely speculation but wouldn't that configuration be more suited to the moon that where you can get more solar energy? Mars probably required more real estate of solar panels, thus the stacked discs

>> No.12728276


>> No.12728279
File: 57 KB, 680x448, intp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going to /intp/ where anti-space shilling is banned

>> No.12728281

>it's fucking nothing

>> No.12728288

>Mars probably required more real estate of solar panels
That is definitely true.
Still feel like they could've designed it better.

>> No.12728295 [DELETED] 
File: 507 KB, 1809x1080, 20210219_094053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're gonna spend the next two years going around those fucking rocks arent they

>> No.12728299
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1610227625444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I to really believe this actually happened? on another planet 200 million km away no less?

>> No.12728300

No. Those are just bad landing spots. They can still drive carefully through some of that terrain. They were just playing it extra safe for landing.

>> No.12728308

It does not make much of a difference if it is 1 million or 1 billion km away, it's autonomous.

>> No.12728312 [DELETED] 

That's why they never record it. They think us fools

>> No.12728314

they cant get descent on earth right. we saw what happened last week with starship

>> No.12728316

>what's falcon 9

>> No.12728317

Rocks are fine, I'm more concerned with all the fucking sand dunes nearby. We'll know more about the site when the mast gives us some good images, but I suspect they'll have to spend a lot of time going around.

Also reminder to other anons: pretending to be retarded is still just being retarded. You retard.

>> No.12728319

obvious bait

>> No.12728320
File: 564 KB, 4283x2967, Schiaparelli_Lander_Model_at_ESOC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

>> No.12728325

in the current context bush jr wasn't that bad either.

>> No.12728330
File: 83 KB, 750x1000, 452747274237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking a coffee with the helmet on

this image is not worthy of /sci/

>> No.12728331


>> No.12728332
File: 66 KB, 671x768, 1606082804421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe has had a rough 100 years anon have some pity.

>> No.12728334

oh you

>> No.12728341

your best bet to be in the space business is to design, manufacture and sell something needed in space or on mars. this could be literally anything. we can all think of examples of products designed (whether they need to be or not) specifically for humans in a certain abnormal place.

>> No.12728342
File: 306 KB, 640x360, Falcon9_landing_barge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12728347

>coffee with helmet on
>coffee not instantly evaporating in Martian atmosphere
>Mars having a moon large enough to cause an eclipse
I get what the artist was going for but REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.12728349

some madman from the wurzles.

>> No.12728352
File: 48 KB, 946x710, pia17356-946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Mars having a moon large enough to cause an eclipse
Phobos is pretty close to Mars. I don't think that image was too inaccurate when it comes to that point.

>> No.12728354

C6H14 - N2O4 would be a pretty based storable bipropellant.

>> No.12728359

there is a hidden straw going through his sleeve into his helmet.

>> No.12728361

Putting the mission-critical antenna underneath the fucking solar panels meaning that you have 5 mission critical unfolding events in a row is the most retarded shit ever

>> No.12728363

is this on that website that is likely to get you arrested and also has about 3 posts a day?

>> No.12728365

yes yang, your higher ups will be trying to steal the plans for how they did it as we speak.

>> No.12728367

its shopped

>> No.12728370


>> No.12728373
File: 34 KB, 946x710, popos_cousin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12728374 [DELETED] 


>> No.12728375

Low G is perfect for hectic skids because grip is reduced but mass stays the same.

>> No.12728379

>group b rally but it's 2100 on mars and all the cars are 5000hp electric nutmachines

>> No.12728380


>> No.12728382

>hating mr popo

>> No.12728394
File: 259 KB, 1600x1008, BuMBdmK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honk honk

>> No.12728400

>i didn't realise it was possible to be more old space than nasa but here we are.
NASA's probe/rover division are the absolute best at what they do. I can imagine them churning out designs for Bradley sized (~30 ton) rovers with onboard reactors, tank treads, high end onboard computers, and enough transmitter power to direct uplink from the surface of Pluto if given Starship mass budgets to work with.

>> No.12728405

1 hour to NASA press conference

>> No.12728406

ay' yo lmao

>> No.12728407
File: 349 KB, 1280x1256, 1539724382296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12728410
File: 230 KB, 680x635, ork missile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's all that's necessary for a nuke, although I must admit, it would be cool to be able to drop a warhead within +/-5m of the target, the nature of nuclear weapons doesn't require that level of accuracy at pretty much any scale, even the smallest possible nuke imaginable wouldn't need such a level of precision.
At one point PGMs were considered equivalent to tactical nukes for their ability to reliably kill small targets.

>> No.12728414

so steam-punk space is real?

>> No.12728415

55 years ago.

>> No.12728417 [DELETED] 

still no downlink bros...https://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/dsn.html

>> No.12728418

No Big Gemini.

>> No.12728419
File: 36 KB, 480x293, Big_Gemini_Lab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no big-g

>> No.12728423

Manlets btfo

>> No.12728424

Space shuttle only blew up because blacks and women on board

>> No.12728425

>its suggested that mars could be a dying star

>> No.12728431


>> No.12728433
File: 93 KB, 750x490, sfg-meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12728434

or just give jpl the sls budget and tell them to launch it on starship.

>> No.12728439

Not useful for beyond LEO.

>> No.12728442

they put the flag sticker hanging off the edge.

>> No.12728446

found maria zurbuchen's youtube channel. only one video. she's kinda cute fellas

>> No.12728451

humans have come a long way in 100 years

>> No.12728453

Explosive ejection seats in a pure oxygen environment.

>> No.12728455
File: 202 KB, 1080x788, Screenshot_20210219-101434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw im her first and only scrubscriber

>> No.12728459

please don't go full /lit/ on her

>> No.12728460

Don't forget ESA and Roscosmos take the samples back :^)

>> No.12728461

extremely stupid popsci

>> No.12728463


>> No.12728465
File: 951 KB, 1280x529, 1613233827936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't do what you are thinking of /sfg/. Prove that you are better than /lit/.

>> No.12728470
File: 9 KB, 286x284, kerbal_wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go full /lit/

>> No.12728472

looks like angourie rice

>> No.12728474

oh boy

>> No.12728475
File: 1.70 MB, 4032x2268, 20210219_101800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did lit ever do to hurt anyone

>> No.12728476

the poor girl had to quit the internet.

>> No.12728488

they ran some booktuber off the internet by being creeps

>> No.12728489
File: 585 KB, 1200x1604, 1606715753349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ has built more rockets than /lit/ has written books, especially if Elon's use of the urf meme was a hat tip.

>> No.12728490
File: 1.10 MB, 756x9800, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I will remind them where they are.

>> No.12728492
File: 857 KB, 756x9800, Qn0ZdmF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12728495

>/sfg/ has built more rockets than /lit/ has written books
what happened to that guy with the open ended pipe bomb he was working on?

>> No.12728496

Maybe shes tired from such a long trip and doesn't want to talk right now. Ever think of that? No you didn't, because you only think about yourself!

>> No.12728499
File: 1022 KB, 756x9800, lits lowest moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12728501
File: 10 KB, 235x291, it'sher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you still don't have a jpl gf

>> No.12728503
File: 114 KB, 1080x485, Screenshot_20210219-102201_Clover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 seconds? a new record!

>> No.12728505

fuck, I can't wait to shitpost on MoonChan

>> No.12728506

They can be moved as long as tourists want (you)s and as long as thunderfag wants views

>> No.12728515

it isn't though. everything he mentioned in that post shills have claimed wouldn't ever happen. not giving you a (you) though, fag

>> No.12728516

the liquid in the mug would boil, freeze, and sublimate

>> No.12728517

post the beach pics bro

>> No.12728518

Fucking hell

>> No.12728519
File: 14 KB, 264x470, Musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do I keep forgetting how messed up this site is

>> No.12728523

is the downlink not just from MRO? so we wouldn't see it on the DSN site for Percy

>> No.12728526

Had an ex that worked there. Been years and I’m still not really over her desu.

>> No.12728529
File: 128 KB, 500x280, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12728535

how much do they pay engineers at jpl?

>> No.12728536

Percy can communicate directly to the Madrid antennas.

>> No.12728537

I almost missed your reply because it didnt say (You) on it, but I went back and checked. Sure enough, you were replying to me! I just came to say that sorry. Your post? Not an argument.

>> No.12728542

I'm pretty sure they are just saying that, and what's actually going to happen is NASA will get a private company to do it.

>> No.12728546
File: 137 KB, 1000x2000, TheWorstEngineEverDesigned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ has more important things to do than harass an innocent women on the internet. These engines won't design themselves.

>> No.12728551

>other boards have cancer
>/sci/ gives people cancer

>> No.12728552
File: 233 KB, 1260x707, Frog_Ship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for 4ASS to send a frog into space

>> No.12728554


>> No.12728555
File: 617 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210219-103205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, who was it

>> No.12728557
File: 82 KB, 1724x868, 4assbg4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a big engine

>> No.12728563

if /sfg/ is going to do an engine, it will be proonted and run on propane.

>> No.12728564

>funko pop
she deserves to get bullied

>> No.12728572

i will bully you.

>> No.12728574

It was me

>> No.12728575

yo is she referencing Trump's thank you kanye tweet commenting on her own video

>> No.12728578

i can tell you all want to fuck her you sick freaks

>> No.12728581
File: 38 KB, 700x468, aADB5Qg_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Anons please don't do this.
Is there not enough evil in this beshitted Earth already?

>> No.12728583

>pronouns in her insta bio
Every time...

>> No.12728585


>> No.12728593
File: 67 KB, 679x453, fisting_a_rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, only rocketphiles here. Organicphiles gtfo

>> No.12728596

I wish she bullied my funko pp

>> No.12728598

She is the same age as me, but see >>12728583 and >>12728564, it isn’t worth it

>> No.12728599

this is from the late 1950s though. humans definitely knew that mars was not a dying star. is this just asian autism?

>> No.12728600

god that picture is dirty

>> No.12728604

she looks 15 in that video

>> No.12728605

she's over 18 bro

>> No.12728613

On what planet??

>> No.12728615
File: 84 KB, 849x431, maria waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this /sci/'s new queen?

>> No.12728621

Yup i’m not dealing with what’s about to happen here, see you fellas tomorrow

>> No.12728624
File: 374 KB, 485x383, 1607993425292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a system engineer

>> No.12728630

Might be a translation error. Some languages didn't distinguish clearly between stars and planets.

>> No.12728633

shut up boeingnigger

>> No.12728638

That's ridiculously slow though.
Bandwidth through MRO is better.
There's also some emergency antenna that can receive at 10 bits a second or something.

>> No.12728647

>heather bottom - behind the spacecraft
i wish

>> No.12728648

>Some languages didn't distinguish clearly between stars and planets.
because those languages are made by stupid apes that don't know or care about astronomy

>> No.12728649

When are the first high quality images from Perseverance supposed to arrive?

>> No.12728653

no bully pls

>> No.12728658
File: 292 KB, 769x530, 1604975762762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12728660
File: 115 KB, 1080x1101, IMG_20210219_184748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Percy is alive.

>> No.12728663

Why hasn't any space agency put any real effort into lascom satellites? It's a cellphone tower with a high bandwidth laser receiver/transmitter

>> No.12728664

would good is expanding the species to other worlds if you don't yourself expand your genes?

>> No.12728666

probably not for weeks, maybe months

>> No.12728667


>> No.12728668

Dang. Why?

>> No.12728669
File: 392 KB, 1116x1117, 1588639871919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>froggy capsule with propulsion bus service module
Boys, we need to send it to the ISS. Make it a solar electric microwave plasma thruster with water prop and there should definitely be enough delta-V if it launches at the right inclination. 4chan getting living payload there would humiliate literally billions of people.

>> No.12728672

>Not developing ectogenesis chambers

>> No.12728673

they have to make sure there aren't any aliens in the pictures first

>> No.12728675

have sex

>> No.12728676

Pics fucking when?

>> No.12728679

why hasn't nasa developed ftl communication so it can livestream from the surface of mars? what are all those tax dollars for? get it together

>> No.12728683

haha i'd love to finger her Bottom if you know what i'm sayin

>> No.12728684


>> No.12728685

You first

>> No.12728688

>499 b/sec
july maybe

>> No.12728689

The other anon is wrong, they should have pictures by this weekend, and video to show on monday according to the press conference.

>> No.12728690

anybody else really dislike these twitter accounts for the rovers that post in first person? It's not quite as bad as if it were a corporation doing it since NASA isn't trying to sell me on a product, but I still hate it.

>> No.12728691
File: 229 KB, 599x338, FA9B7C1A-B667-4EA6-968C-2D5916D1AE15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUDposters deserve to die

>> No.12728692 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 256x256, 20210218_133343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful girl

>> No.12728694

They have to render all the CGI

>> No.12728695


>> No.12728699
File: 228 KB, 1200x653, 25540_e1-PIA24379-Ken-Farley-traverse--web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12728700
File: 49 KB, 227x350, MET_Steamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if a microwave steamer engine could be made from microwave oven parts

>> No.12728703

How big are the raw images? If they are something like 2MB at least one should be ready in an hour.
It's certainly an improvement over 15bps last time.

>> No.12728704

NASA has. They even did a test mission from lunar orbit to earth with the LADEE mission. It ain't a cell tower though. Hard part is pointing the laser.

>> No.12728705

It's outreach for females that can't relate to inanimate objects. Whether that's good or bad is up to you, but it's a deliberate marketing decision with a specific goal.

>> No.12728707 [DELETED] 


>> No.12728717

Press conference LIVE

>> No.12728718
File: 58 KB, 1024x577, 1611928348378m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I contact her?

>> No.12728719 [DELETED] 

crying bro?

>> No.12728725
File: 361 KB, 1256x647, 1472307321667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brit/pol/ does /sfg/

>> No.12728726

What for?

>> No.12728732

not live. lying cunt

>> No.12728737

If we get a hold of a magnetron and the correct power supply, it should work

>> No.12728738


>> No.12728740


>> No.12728748

4ASS is now in charge of constructing and launching a Mars orbital communications relay, what do?

>hard mode: no Starship

>> No.12728750


>> No.12728752
File: 60 KB, 750x522, happy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I have a date tonight bros! Will post photos

>> No.12728754

rocket candy in off the shelf steel tubes with avionics welded to the side. add as many stages as you need to achieve orbit.

>> No.12728764

A solar/RTG powered cellphone tower with a laser communication transmitter at one end
One radio antenna is used to align the laser array

>> No.12728766
File: 32 KB, 430x320, 46345757456756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just can't...

>> No.12728770


>> No.12728776

you just know

>> No.12728777
File: 154 KB, 1300x1069, elements-of-a-magnetron-used-to-generate-power-for-radar-systems-microwave-BB4C80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A microwave magnetron might be useful for a test article and to learn about magnetrons but it would probably be more sensible in the long term to build one custom to the needs of the drive.

>> No.12728779
File: 14 KB, 250x250, 1_clTaI-YT7zhr135V0uT_FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ seems to have come down with a case of COOMER. Don't worry anon this will only hurt a lot.

>> No.12728780
File: 1.44 MB, 1478x1096, Screen Shot 2021-02-19 at 11.04.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12728782

lol what a shitty image

>> No.12728783

ok this is going to be a cool af presentation

>> No.12728784


>> No.12728787
File: 1.30 MB, 1474x1096, 1582972777148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


new images

>> No.12728789


>> No.12728790

RIP Skycrane

>> No.12728793

She fucks rockets, YOU JUST

>> No.12728795
File: 118 KB, 850x680, laughing_girls_touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doubters BTFO in record time

>> No.12728796
File: 122 KB, 1080x1350, 1590598191002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12728797
File: 1.96 MB, 1948x1096, 1590732673403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12728798

big black ones

>> No.12728805

Wow they found ETs already?

>> No.12728827

doomers btfo

>> No.12728828

Are there any other pics?

>> No.12728831

what do you think chloe sackier smells like?

>> No.12728839

Cherries and dirt

>> No.12728845

cheap deodorant. she doesn't care for perfume. she just wants to get to mars and find a bf.

>> No.12728847

whats this

>> No.12728854

planned path

>> No.12728857

oh shit, photo from the landing published... the video is going to be incredible.

>> No.12728856

la creatura

>> No.12728860

When will NASA stop suppressing the evidence of extinct alien civilizations on Mars?

>> No.12728864

Was that photo made by ExoMars or Mars Express?

>> No.12728867

can somebody post the link to the photo gallery again

>> No.12728868

Mars Recon Orbiter

>> No.12728869
File: 319 KB, 773x473, Screenshot from 2021-02-19 13-16-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cute rover gf

>> No.12728871
File: 1.51 MB, 1518x1096, 1606754529678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12728873
File: 1.61 MB, 1564x1076, haz1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12728874

omfg hallie will never be your gf
>that nervous look
>that demeanour

>> No.12728876

How long is the transit time between Earth and Saturn? Basically how long will it take Dragonfly to launch and land on Titan?

>> No.12728879

This is what I've been watching, but nothing new so far

>> No.12728881
File: 2.31 MB, 1464x1096, 1592335353642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12728887

been humping my pillow while listening to her

>> No.12728891
File: 228 KB, 1024x1317, space_cute_ana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12728896

i just want her to hold me and tell me perseverance is ok

>> No.12728897

>Anna Fisher
ok bro you cant just dox her like that

>> No.12728898

they're talking about how these rocks have holes in them

>> No.12728901
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>> No.12728903

Where does NASA hire so many hot chicks??

>> No.12728904

geologybros are badass

>> No.12728909

southern california

>> No.12728916

>they have two completely different sets of software for controlling the rover

>> No.12728919

I must go there

>> No.12728922

Don't let your dreams be dreams anon

>> No.12728925


>> No.12728927
File: 22 KB, 488x463, brainlet_clap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why didn't NASA just install more RAM

>> No.12728928

shes so cute

>> No.12728930


>> No.12728931

they use jpg? not WebP? disgusting

>> No.12728934

>Rover recorded in gif instead of webm

>> No.12728941

no one uses webp

>> No.12728943

Such an annoying person.

>> No.12728944

Lasers don't go that far though, we suck at keeping them focused over thousands of km.
Would be sweet when someone works it out though cause you can transmit power also.

>> No.12728946

*chariot perseverance

>> No.12728949
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>> No.12728954

Reminder that from the time Perseverance originally landed until now (still less than 24 hours) a human could have already accomplished what perseverance will take 2 years to do

>> No.12728965

Made bogdnaoff memes?

>> No.12728973

Why send one human when you can use the 100 ton starship payload to send hundreds of massive, uncucked drones and then have human beings on a Mars base controlling them

>> No.12728974

>landing was recorded on a Motorola razr flip phone

>> No.12728979

>It is a "lots of wymyn" presser
When will NASA's diversititis attack stop?

>> No.12728980


>> No.12728983

It's 3/2 women to men, calm down incel. Have some sex.

>> No.12728984

Guys SN6 is about to hop I think

>> No.12728985
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They landed on Mars? Wake the Void Dragon.

>> No.12728986
File: 461 KB, 2364x1330, hyundai-walking-car-concept-design_dezeen_2364_hero-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a bit of a stretch, but not too far of from reality. Though I feel like NASA would send humans if they could. It'd be really funny if Perseverance's sample tubes were collected by a bunch of scientists driving around Mars on a modified Cybertrack or pic related.

>> No.12728991
File: 2.95 MB, 1277x669, spacex_starship_hop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take me back

>> No.12729002

let him fuck you, then.

>> No.12729007
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>> No.12729008


>> No.12729012

Earliest estimate for a helicopter flight on Mars in about 60 days

>> No.12729014

60 *sols, so more like 70ish days.

>> No.12729015

If there is anybody who can wake the void dragon its the bogdnaoff brothers

>> No.12729016

musk listed launch tower construction as one of the biggest challenges left with starship

>> No.12729018

That's what a focusing mirror is for, like a reflecting telescope, except bidirectional

>> No.12729017

Isn't that close to the height of a Starship stacked on a Super Heavy?

>> No.12729021
File: 72 KB, 1000x500, Mako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay way of saying Mako

>> No.12729022

Beta Pictoris B

>> No.12729024

Musk should send a rover to the moon that is controlled by twitch chat

>> No.12729031
File: 51 KB, 413x243, soy_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah bruh that would be so h*cking poggers

>> No.12729033

looks like they're starting the launch tower soon
its more

>> No.12729044

>Since when were you under ze impresion we were not here?

>> No.12729047

Don't forget her middle name.

>> No.12729048

the whole starship is 400 ft

>> No.12729049


>> No.12729050


>> No.12729053

I think it might actually get things done faster than Curiosity controlled by its science team

>> No.12729059

Rover's first drive will happen around sol 9

>> No.12729063

Everyone thinks that that would be ultra reddit normie cringe but it would be an absolutely extraordinary publicity stunt to get more people interested in space and would be a constant, ongoing thing.

>> No.12729067

The term "pog" and all variations and related emoji have been deemed unacceptable due to association with wrongthink. Please report for re-education.

>> No.12729074

>Nothing has happened, in fact.
>The DSN antennas have uploaded data, but not downloaded.
Stop being such a shitty troll, the rover is literally communicating both ways.

>> No.12729075

Fags will seethe at this but it would get millions of people interested.

>> No.12729076

tf is a pog emoji?

>> No.12729081

This but unironically, the amount of press that shit would get would be insane, so many people would want to be part of piloting a rover or literally anything actually in space.

>> No.12729084

Reminder: Starting at 19:00 UTC, in ~5 minutes MRO will come in good range of Percy for around 3 orbits.

Closest will be the second one at around 21:00 UTC, when it will basically pass over it.
Maybe we'll get more stuff then.
(Would give you better timings but I'm mobile posting)

>> No.12729085

>Rover does nothing but rock back and forth before getting stuck
No thanks

>> No.12729093

boaty mcboatface

>> No.12729096

>Everyone thinks that that would be ultra reddit normie cringe
because it would be

>> No.12729099

wait, I forget that Twitch is Amazon so that's never going to happen. Youtube chat it is, I guess. Brin and Page are SpaceX investors so I'm sure they could get Google to pay for it.
100% the first thing people would do is try to get it stuck or drive it off a cliff, but just run the commands through a tesla obstacle avoidance algorithm first and they're fine.

>> No.12729102

JPL press event over.

Next news conference is on Monday 2 PM EST.

There's this NASA event today in 1 hour but probably a repeat

>> No.12729104

>Rover does nothing but rock back and forth before getting stuck
The rocking slowly creates a hole that breaks the surface of Mars, dropping the rover into a massive underground ocean.
Mass suicide by scientists.

>> No.12729106

this... this just sounds awful.
why must everything we do be reduced to what idiots on the internet would want.

>> No.12729109

All it needs to do is be able to drive around and have a camera on each face.
No special instruments. Just design it to be as durable and able to handle unexpected things as possible.
I forgot about that as well.
SpaceX may as well just design its own micro streaming service dedicated to said rover at that point.

>> No.12729113

because those idiots vote in general elections

>> No.12729115
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also this

>> No.12729117
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>> No.12729118

The internet represents a very narrow sliver of the global population, not to mention the US voting population.

>> No.12729122

This rocket is absurdly large. And to think they wanted to go LARGER at first.

>> No.12729126

Jerma985 did something like this with robots for a carnival, it was kinda cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoVXE8Q0BEk

>> No.12729128

>20m starship
what a unit that will be.

>> No.12729129

No way this is to fucking scale, is that a toy cybertruck?

>> No.12729131

I see they are planning to lay rebar over the whole of texas

>> No.12729135

the truly sad thing is that the consensus of the vast swath of idiots its usually better on average that the generic autocrat. The voters maybe morons, but their combined stupidity fermi-estimates towards a correct solution where as autocrats have no such mechanism.

>> No.12729136

The final redpill is that the generic autocrat actually does represent the average voter.

>> No.12729137

>cybertruck length: 5.9m
>ss width: 9m
not to scale.

>> No.12729139


>> No.12729141

>Presser to tell nothing new
>we might move one mm the mast on Monday
>women talking

>> No.12729142

what program is that?

>> No.12729144

no it's actually the rest of you should leave me alone, but as that will never happen it's back to retards.

>> No.12729146

Link is in the thread

>> No.12729147

The soft gestalt consciousness has checks and balances like that of eusocial insects that produce advanced results, unlike single autocratic individuals

>> No.12729152

Yeah, which is why the revolving door of messy democratic/republican governance is so nice. It kills the incentive structure that causes autocrats to do stupid shit and fuck up the nation to preserve power. Voter based countries do that as well, but the feedback mechanism is more robust.

>> No.12729154

yeah the animator was a retard, who would of guessed. i was trying to show what they might be doing with that weird steel thing they brought in a couple days ago

>> No.12729157

Imma cum it's getting real

>> No.12729160

The people not wearing masks right now generally hate biden and love trump, the least respected president ever.

>> No.12729161

Good chance if he decides to put a roover there it will be trying to mine water and perhaps have a mini sabatier reactor as a demonstrator.
Getting the water to make fuel for the return trip is not optional.

>> No.12729163

trump was not respected by urbanites and the wealthy/elite. pretty much every other region of the country respected him.

>> No.12729165

Yeah, the incentive structure is more refined to hopefully produce decent governance. Autocrats need to be good at only one thing which is being Autocrats. Being an Autocrat only has a few areas of overlap with good governance.

>> No.12729179

>35% of americans loved trump
>10% tolerated him bc conservative
>55% hated him
I don't think it's as pretty a picture as you portray. Trump is by far the least respected modern president

At least he gave us Artemis

>> No.12729189
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Sharper picture.

>> No.12729191

i don't think as many americans hated him as you think, not as many people are into politics as you think they are. and if anything the only reason he had so many people he hated him is because he represented the exact opposite of the values that urban americans hold so dear (cosmopolitanism, diversity, etc etc)

>> No.12729194
File: 270 KB, 2048x1536, ujntigu86hi61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lander pic

>> No.12729195

Planets used to be called "wandering stars" before telescopes were invented.

>> No.12729206

You're forgetting about the 30 to 40% of Americans who don't want to hear about politics.

Public opinion was split between liberals and conservatives, both small groups (although the Trump side was smaller than the liberal side)

>> No.12729211

Can't wait to see these wisps in motion

>> No.12729212

>Some languages didn't distinguish clearly between stars and planets.

Imagine getting your popscience from cultures that don't distinguish stars and planets

>> No.12729219
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>> No.12729226

Replace hydrogen and the meme engine with better normal methane burners and you would have something respectable

>> No.12729227

>30 to 40% of Americans who don't want to hear about politics
those people don't matter. if you don't vote you don't count

>> No.12729228
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>> No.12729230

>what they might be doing with that weird steel thing they brought in
Yeah I thought that's why you posted it. So it's likely (possibly, maybe) just some sort of ring for superheavy to launch off of? Pretty neat if true

>> No.12729240
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>> No.12729258
File: 213 KB, 1200x1163, remington-shaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remington shavers
>I liked it so much I bought the company!

>> No.12729265

I can't help but think of how based it will be when Starlink kicks into gear around Mars and the bandwidth goes up to like normal internet levels.

Hopefully this shithole will still be around long enough that we can see Martian posters on 4chan

>> No.12729276

>Hopefully this shithole will still be around long enough that we can see Martian posters on 4chan
probably would have to last 20 more years at a minimum for that to happen

>> No.12729281

oh man i've not watched Jerma in ages

>> No.12729283

The worst part is, I'll still be here.

>> No.12729286

Never going to happen. speed of light, inverse square law etc.

>> No.12729296

>144 tiny unoptimised rockets firing over an aerospike nozzle
still cant work out why

>> No.12729303

to make a rocket with wider hips than the n-1

>> No.12729305

I said bandwidth, not latency.

With starship launch prices being what they are, you could easily launch a ton of satellites around earth that are nothing but telescopes aimed at Mars, picking up optical signals from lasers on Mars and turning them into packets.


>> No.12729323

so far the two most promising ssto designs have been the x-33/venturestar and skylon
venturestar's linear aerospike + lifting body design had potential but got assfucked by being too heavy and got cancelled
skylon's airbreathing engine concept also shows alot of promise but is currently being assfucked by near nonexistent funding
how viable would it be to combine the two together and create an ssto with an aerospike version of the sabre engine?
I figure the shrunken mass that comes from using sabre would go a long way in resolving the venturestar's weight problems, and if its an american project, it might actually be funded, unlike skylon.

>> No.12729326

> Imma firing mah laser

>> No.12729329

but what of starship... what news from the east?

>> No.12729338

The key isn't having a big laser, it's having a big telescope that can detect even a small signal.

From there it's just a question of creating an efficient, modular system (the weakest laser that an earth-orbit based telescope can pick up, the cheapest earth orbit telescopes that can meet the standard) and then just doing it over and over again.

>> No.12729372

>how viable would it be to combine the two
say hello to another 15 years of "studies" and "design consultations"

>> No.12729411

>he actually thinks voting means something
Heh kid, I remember once being like you.

>> No.12729419
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>> No.12729421

If it didn't matter, the business class, political class, and everybody else in society wouldn't be trying to get you to do it the way they want you to.

Cringe pseud is cringe

>> No.12729425

>skylon's airbreathing engine concept also shows alot of promise but is currently being assfucked by near nonexistent funding
because it's a waste of time. we're trying to go to space, why carry all the baggage of an atmospheric aircraft?

>> No.12729442
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>> No.12729445

This strawman argument works for people who complain about the general but don't vote in the primaries, but the primaries themselves are a sad lot because candidates have to be palettable to special interests to raise money in the first place.

>> No.12729450
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who cares

>> No.12729453

The dream of doing everything on the same engine is too strong, same with SSTO and hydromeme.

>> No.12729483

4Head elegiggle

>> No.12729490

Where are they building it lol they have not much room left lol

>> No.12729492

i get the appeal. i'd love a craft that you could hop in and would be about the size of a car, could vtol and slowly move around like a helicopter, could fly at the speeds of an f16 and then get into orbit.
unfortunately we don't have compact fusion reactors and engines capable of 1m isp so we'll have to deal with flying grain silos.

>> No.12729498

Reminder, we have to cancel Mars exploration programs. We have to cancel Elon Musk. The fate of planet Earth depends on it. We can't spend 0.000000001% of our resources exploring another planet. That's illegal and immoral. We need all our resources to save Earth.

>> No.12729501
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>> No.12729502
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actually the current design is pretty close to the ITS. Diameter is smaller but height is nearly the same. Honestly I'm impressed that they went back to ITS dimensions after scaling things back initially.

>> No.12729504
File: 80 KB, 945x680, 1592161855871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up. nobody is actually pushing this narrative. space exploration is not under attack. leftists aren't coming for your guns

>> No.12729505

us govt just landed a rover on mars. it's time to let go of the africans living inside your head.

>> No.12729509

So true

>> No.12729511

Elon musk back to his typical “let’s stretch it!” Rather than sizing the vehicle properly to start

>> No.12729519

>lmao retarded idea
>wait actually this is fucking brilliant

could land it in a really flat area. Won't be scientifically interesting but that's not the point

Also I'd point out that with how many rovers starship could carry this could feasibly happen. Bulk rovers would reduce the price tremendously

>> No.12729527

they've really sped up Super Heavy related construction recently.

>> No.12729539
File: 122 KB, 1196x602, 1593649919516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering why they chose a taller vehicle over a wider one. The Falcon 9 being a pencil has lead to some problems, though Starship obviously isn't that bad.

That said there is one upgrade from the ITS: apparently the 2nd stage being bigger is a big help with reusability

>> No.12729560
File: 1.34 MB, 1200x862, 1604639199643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of

>> No.12729582

the special interest for space flight is nothing but jobs programs

>> No.12729584

2mm steel with stiffening ribs is more than sufficient to support a slightly taller Superheavy, and they keep the exact same manufacturing process except you throw a few more rings into the stack. Keeping Starship and Superheavy identical in width reduces the number of manufacturing processes that differ from vehicle to vehicle. The fewer process you need, the faster production can be.

>> No.12729612

your post was more ironic than his

>> No.12729625
File: 3.86 MB, 2190x1180, ayyliums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this https://www.hrpub.org/download/201307/azb.2013.010102.pdf

>> No.12729633


>> No.12729644
File: 3.93 MB, 1880x894, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MRO passing over Percy right now

>> No.12729645

aren't those literally just fucking rocks

>> No.12729654
File: 992 KB, 1280x720, 81E37C6F-DCF9-4415-921A-77BA891849EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship is pretty much done aside from the heat shield. I know they need to perfect the landing but a starship could probably make it to orbit A-Ok right off the production line. Superheavy isn’t as far ahead yet.

Also, post comfy /SFG/ pictures. It was snowing last night and I pretended I was an astronaut.

>> No.12729659

Venus has an atmosphere as dense as the ocean and it’s constantly moving
Motion in pictures is to be expected esp with porous volcanic rocks

>> No.12729667

>It was snowing last night and I pretended I was an astronaut

based texan

>> No.12729670
File: 2.19 MB, 1052x1416, shrooms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's mushrooms and shit
look you can tell from the pixels

>> No.12729675
File: 341 KB, 1920x933, 1596749456095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Callisto, Jupiter is 16 times the size of the Moon in its sky. From Io, Jupiter is 70 times the size of the Moon in its sky.
Just learned this. Wish I could really visualize it. The Galilean colonies are gonna be awesome.

>> No.12729681
File: 1.66 MB, 2158x846, bushes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all that fauna

>> No.12729685

I figured that these images were just made by a random internet schizo, not that they came from an actual peer-reviewed research paper. That's pretty cool I guess.

>> No.12729694

Ah yes, because obviously alien life should be waiting for us - just sitting out in the open, right next to the lander... on fucking VENUS of all places

>> No.12729698


>That image

Who leaves their Yugioh cards laying around on the floor?

>> No.12729700
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well duh

>> No.12729702


>> No.12729708
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>pareidolia but for plant life

>> No.12729711


>> No.12729713

>ignoring the giant fucking row of teeth
They landed right in some old fossil's skull.

>> No.12729715

>cyrillic captions

I should have known. The eternal slav is at the root of every schizopost.

>> No.12729716

In the TRAPPIST-1 system, neighboring planets would be larger in each other's sky than the Moon is in ours

>> No.12729717
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I just skimmed the paper a bit and it sounds like they applied modern image manipulation to these old images until they started seeing shit. It's like cloud watching but with alien rocks

>> No.12729718
File: 446 KB, 1151x2048, DC5ADAA6-A74D-49D8-AEA0-642E7160BD0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who tf keeps schizoposting this Venus shit

>> No.12729719

This is some of the wishfullest wishful thinking I've ever seen.

>> No.12729725

you're just saying this because he liked space

>> No.12729727

This is pure schizo hahahahahah

>> No.12729729
File: 82 KB, 1242x448, zoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it got published in some literally who Indian zoology journal. pic is some other article in it. Quite the similar subject no?

I want to believe

>> No.12729734

Isn't that what makes him so good?
Better than just staring at clouds and other earth observation shit

>> No.12729738
File: 538 KB, 2000x1000, 6F2F1A34-3C8D-4EDD-A68B-99F5BCDF76C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a fever dream last night where I was watching the finale to this Netflix show about Mars colonization. Anyways it ended with Life on Mars? by Bowie playing and the actor for Steve from Stranger Things holding hands with that girl from Queen’s Gambit while they watched a half dozen Starships land at the colony. Then I woke up and was disappointed that it wasn’t a real show.

>> No.12729746

I think we would have a legit chance with furfuryl alchohol, if hypergolic is your goal

>> No.12729747
File: 1.65 MB, 1096x1124, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

""The image of the “scorpion” consists of 940 points, while the number of points in the whole panorama, covering 177°, is 2.08∙105. The probability p of forming such an image, if we count only the number of combinations, is vanishingly small, p <10–100, and is in fact excluded. In addition, there is a physical indication of “scorpion’s” reality: an analysis reveals a shadow under the object. Shadows certainly cannot form near a random combination of points. A shadow shows that the object has a relief and is located over the surface.
Most probably, the emergence and then disappearance of the “scorpion” are connected with destruction and lateral ejection of soil in the course of landing rather than a direct influence of the wind [2]. The vertical speed of the spacecraft at landing, found by a dynamical method was 7-8 m/s, while the lateral speed was approximately the same as that of the wind (0.3 to 0.5 m/s). The stroke amounted to 50g of Venus. The lander destroyed the soil to a depth of about 5 cm, threw it aside, and the soil could have covered the “scorpion.” The
place where the “scorpion” appeared was studied in the whole sequence of panoramas, from the 7th to the 119th minute. At first, a shallow gutter of about 100 mm long is seen on the soil thrown out. Then the sides of the gutter are lifted, and its length grows to about 150 mm. The gutter orientation is the same as that of the “scorpion”. In an hour, the regular structure of the “scorpion” emerged from the gutter. At the 93rd minute, the “scorpion” probably completely got out of the soil that had covered it, whose whole layer was not thicker than 1 to 2 cm. At the 119th minute, it had already gone. Thus, the object needed about an hour and a half for the “rescue” operation. This apparently points to its restricted physical abilities.""

Ksanfomality you madlad, it's all so clear now

>> No.12729751

It was one of his only redeeming qualities, yes, but out of all the presidents we've ever had, he glowed the most. No tolerance for glowies.

>> No.12729755

Holy shit man, I didn't even think about that.
If it has ayys it's gonna be a cool paradise for them. It'll be like if humanity came around back when Venus was an ocean world and Mars wasn't dead. It'd also be easy as fuck for them to get around.
The Martians. We're getting too close for their comfort and they want to distract us away.

>> No.12729765

Ah damn those dusters are always stirring up shit? Whatever happened to the phosphine stuff with Venus? I’m 75% sure Venus has life but in the clouds. For Mars, it’s like 50/50 to me

>> No.12729768
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found an interview with him
>Dr. Ksanfomality is a senior researcher and a head of the Laboratory on Photometry and Thermal Radiometry at the Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, and a contributor to the Venera missions in 1970-80s.


why must you be so skeptical, /sfg/?

>> No.12729775

>you WILL contemplate the bugs
Admittedly anything able to live on the surface would be absolutely fascinating to learn about.

>> No.12729780

I just like shitposting. In reality what he is doing is based. I have a special place in my heart for people who do fringe science, so long as it is rooted in actual methods and observation and not schizo shit. Especially people like Mike McCulloch who make normie college liberal scientists seethe

>> No.12729791

>why must you be so skeptical, /sfg/?

Because this didn't happen:
>"Our hero of the Soviet Union, Doctor Ksanfomality, has proven life beyond Earth showing the genius of the Soviet space program in focusing on Venus, unlike those foolish and desperate Americans, squandering their efforts on the dead world of Mars"

>> No.12729795

I’m trying to wrap my head around what life would even survive on the surface. It seems impossible even for bacteria let alone something the size of a bug.

>> No.12729811

>the open ended pipe bomb
that's just a cannon

>> No.12729812

Some crazy Russian claims cant be trusted due to too much vodka in the system.

>> No.12729824
File: 24 KB, 226x218, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally the most pathetic one. Selectively blurring and sharpening parts of a homogenously noisy photo to create a desired shape lmaoooo

>> No.12729826

>"Quite another thing is possible life at high temperatures like those near the surface of Venus. It would require an unknown metabolism of quite a different type than the one used by terrestrial organisms. The possible existence of such unknown forms was pointed out by Jones [8] and earlier by the present author [9]. Without deeply developing this theme, Jones writes: “It does not make sense to rely in our approach too literally on the life pattern that exists on Earth, i.e., that with RNA, DNA, and a particular set of proteins; otherwise, we are at risk of missing other opportunities. Even more than that, by following some research strategies we could perhaps discover life on the basis of quite a different chemical composition (e.g., without carbon and/or water).” Besides initially waterless life, one could also consider the assumption of life of the terrestrial type, which had emerged at early stages of the planet’s history and adapted to very slowly changing conditions of gradually increasing temperature and pressure, developing on the planet over hundreds of millions of years [2, 4]. The climate changed along with the loss of water in the process of a greenhouse run-away effect. The cosmogonical activity of such processes is indirectly indicated by the great abundance of deuterium in the traces of water on Venus, which is larger than the terrestrial D/H ratio by a factor of 100 to 150 [10]. This abundance has emerged due to the weak selectivity of hydrogen losses as compared to deuterium, which has resulted in the observed abundance due to the immense scale of the process. The temperature range of 725 to 755 K near the planetary surface (depending on the relief) is certainly absolutely incompatible with the terrestrial forms of life, but, in essence, from a thermodynamic point of view, these conditions are not at all worse than those on Earth."

seems reasonable to me desu

>> No.12729834
File: 45 KB, 600x885, 202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It is necessary to stress that in processing the original images, any kinds of retouching additional drawing, or correction were completely excluded. Any application of nonlinear software tools was excluded as well. The contrast and brightness of the images were corrected. If it was allowed by the image structure, the operation of “blurring” was applied, together with “sharpening” of the standard Microsoft Office software of the Windows system."

>> No.12729837

Sounds insane but I’ll take it. It’s also a solution to the Fermi Paradox of sorts.
>Life is very common, but more often than not their home planet craps out before they can leave

>> No.12729841


>> No.12729845

The real redpill is realizing that there are probably hundreds of different, correct solutions to the Fermi paradox, because being a living organism is inherently hard.

>> No.12729853

I’m still amazed that we have mitochondria. Do you know how lucky we are? Also we lucked out by not being locked under ice. Or stuck on an ocean world. Or a million things.

>> No.12729855
File: 1.53 MB, 2090x870, They hated Ksanfomality because he told them the truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just as skeptical as anyone, but you gotta give it to the dude to put these observations out there for consideration

Imagine if he's fucking right lmao

>> No.12729859
File: 17 KB, 262x360, 3b1ac80bcc25df2eac095c96011849b41755c0afe0021aae541ab31868b55f77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12729862

Sure but any idiot can find a pattern in pictures of Mars or the moon.

>> No.12729864

Hopefully the great filter is sentience, so we can just land on a bunch of monke worlds that already have oxygen and food.

>> No.12729879

Sentience doesn’t seem that rare on Earth. Humans, Dolphins, Octopuses, even ants show self awareness and memory and learning. Of course Dolphins abs Octopuses are stuck under water.

>> No.12729881

Kek would be based if there were little critters running around the place

>> No.12729884

But fuck yeah.

>> No.12729900

people didn't hate him because he was against diversity. They hated him because he was a corrupted, lying, bumbling retard who could barely speak. He managed to convince 50% of th population that he was some sort of super genius though.

>> No.12729910

I mostly agree with you but I still think anyone who supported Biden is a retard

>> No.12729913
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>> No.12729925

I think the real gap is in using intelligence to master the environment.

There are a lot of things on earth that can communicate ideas, can use tools, and can plan in advance.

There is only one family of life that figured out how to build advanced tools, use fire to cook food, and adapt to almost any conceivable environment. So there would be a filter at the invention of fire (this would turbo-fuck aquatic organisms) and then a filter for species that don't have hands, and then a filter for species that can't thermoregulate well, and then a filter for anything that isn't game-breakingly good at abusing the meta.

Even then, you need to have an agricultural revolution and an industrial revolution, which are very contingent events that aren't guaranteed.

>> No.12729929

I'm pretty sure 50% of the US population was somehow fooled by a single /pol/ shitpost of a guy claiming to be Q. Somehow (literally, some fucking how) this shitpost made the jump from /pol/ and entered facebook where it spread like a God damn wildfire via the boomer viral complex.

>> No.12729933

>Kek would be based if there were little critters running around the place

>> No.12729935

Makes me realize just how lucky humanity actually is.

>> No.12729959

Yet we are fucking squandering our God-given gifts. We could be exploring the stars right now, not even exaggerating

>> No.12729969

Decades of shitty literature have primed boomer schizos to believe in that sorta garbage

>> No.12729976

Well probably not. Even if Apollo went well and we went to Mars in the 80’s, eventually the funding would’ve dried up and we would’ve regressed back to LEO. The problem with all Mars missions before SpaceX’s Starship was that they involved throwing away billions of dollars worth of rockets to get at most half a dozen people to the surface and back. It wasn’t sustainable.

>> No.12729986

>Even then, you need to have an agricultural revolution and an industrial revolution, which are very contingent events that aren't guaranteed.
I was gonna contest this but then remembered just how many opportunities we had to have an industrial revolution in the past several thousand years.
Though some of those I'd say are much more just regular filters that would hamper a species' advancement rather than a true great filter.

>> No.12729995
File: 105 KB, 1920x1080, Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of The Salyut Program (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New upload on the Saturn 1:

>> No.12729996

Just curious, what were the opportunities humans had to have an industrial revolution?

>> No.12730015

I would say agriculture is a big one. We were already a dominant species by around 75,000 years ago, but we didn't really start to grow food in an organized fashion until maybe 10,000, and that was only because the weather got better.

If you're a sentient species on a planet with bad weather patterns and no good crop species, you could probably stay stuck in the tribe stage forever.

>> No.12730017

I want to believe. I'm glad there are still researchers questioning seemingly obvious facts. You never know what may lie right in front of you in plain sight, and proper research does not end in schizo shit like other posters said. It's hypotheses, as surreal as they might be. Now send more probes to Venus.

>> No.12730025

One could posit that if you’re an advanced species on a planet that is too nice you might never develop complex tools. Humans are lucky that they suck at pretty much anything physical aside from running.

>> No.12730034

The two biggest ones that come to mind are the Chinese figuring out how to drill for oil and the Romans making steam engines. Obviously both were quite rudimentary, but they happened around 100 BC and 100 AD respectively. Even if it took another 500 years for either to produce results as more than mostly just novelties that still would've been over a thousand years before ours happened.
We're pretty damn good at lifting and throwing.

>> No.12730044

We're actually pretty close to the perfect meta

>bipedal location is OP for endurance
>opposable thumbs
>much larger penises than other primates (not necessary, but cool)

>> No.12730056

I would argue that we were never that close to an industrial revolution before, because the industrial revolution was preceded by an agricultural revolution and scientific revolution in western Europe.

We went from Newcomen engines to Watt engines and locomotives so quickly because the principles of things like thermodynamics and materials engineering were already well understood, and we had things like universities, patents, and academic treatises to spread knowledge quickly.

Without the printing press, without global trading networks, and without Newtonian physics, a dramatic advance in one area wouldn't be able to snowball into rapid systemic change.

>> No.12730060

Would a quadrupedal creature with arms on its back also be able to use tools?

>> No.12730062

The filter, assuming the preeminence of a sort of evolution by natural selection on other worlds and not just our own, is whether or not a species has the ability to master their environment without simultaneously evolving into a less capable species once the selective pressures that pushed the species to excel in the first place have been removed. Using mankind as an example, our jaws have shrank due to our modern diet, or eyesight has gotten worse since the invention of corrective lenses, and our intelligence has started to drop over the last 80 or so years.
Remove a selective pressure? Lose that which was selected for.

>> No.12730083

>much larger penises than other primates
Than basically all other animals. Most animals have a penis length to body height (including leg and partial head length) ratio of four percent, whereas humans are around eight percent.
>(not necessary, but cool)

>> No.12730089

yeah, but why would you ever evolve arms if you don't already have some level of tool use.

>> No.12730097

Imagine what a horse, a dog, or a deer could do with a free extra pair of arms.

>> No.12730154

you mean jack off all day

>> No.12730194

The snine FAA investigation is complete

>> No.12730195
File: 848 KB, 1125x1819, 0EF4E921-4E5B-4DA9-8776-B1C89C783916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered Starlink in Orange County, CA! Didn’t expect them to offer it in high density suburbs so soon...

>> No.12730198

for swinging around trees?

>> No.12730203

Why the fuck would you get Starlink in a high density suburb?

>> No.12730205

This means SpaceX has a fix, or at least something they want to move forward with. We might see another one in 2 weeks or so is my guess.

>> No.12730216

I fucking hate Spectrum is why. And if I can support martian colonization in the process that sounds like a win to me.

>> No.12730218

>This means SpaceX has a fix
No, it just means FAA found the RUD to be within expected parameters they were told of in advance.

>> No.12730224

You know what? Sure.
Feel free to go watch the horses jack off onto your lawn all day.

>> No.12730225

not him but it's possible he only has 1 provider and the line they give him is fucked and they refuse to fix it or packages don't go beyond like 15/5. suffered through that hell for a while

>> No.12730233

If it's bumfuck fucking nowhere, I can understand that, but suburbia in CA can't be that bad, can it?

>> No.12730234

Monday event

>> No.12730236

They're creeping down towards south Texas latitudes, nice. I can't wait to escape the garbage ISP we've got out at the family ranch.

>> No.12730240

not sure how it is in the US, but in leafistan it can be pretty bad, even if you are close to the city...

>> No.12730241

Well, I live in a country with proper internet unless you live in a forgotten valley, so I can't complain. My family in the US has decent coverage though.

>> No.12730247

Phosphine readings turned out to be false/unverifiable.

Go figure.

>> No.12730288

Ordered as in paid your $500 or ordered as in $99 for a spot in line?

>> No.12730301

I got the invitation but I had already moved and now have gigabit.

>> No.12730302

Are you kidding? Infrastructure in cities is a fucking joke.

>> No.12730307

Like 6 years I think

>> No.12730308

>CA can't be that bad, can it?
My sweet summer child...

>> No.12730337

Fucking hell why do get my hopes up for this stuff anymore

>> No.12730362

the next thread better be Venusian scorpion edition

>> No.12730365
File: 1.32 MB, 1600x900, screenshot81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat mini lockheed martin mars lander
Any more pictures of it? I wanna see what it's capable of.

>> No.12730379

They sized the diameter at 9 meters to make the thing easier to construct. They stretched the length as the Raptor engine program began to exceed minimum performance expectations (ie it got more powerful, so they can give it more propellant with the same number of engines and therefore increase the payload mass). Making the thing longer is not an actual problem.

>> No.12730425
File: 751 KB, 565x510, 1405738298078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is just going to drop them on the ground for someone else to clean up
Finally a rover worthy of America.

>> No.12730436
File: 109 KB, 640x274, clown_vs_npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rover moves at a pace of meters per day
>has to backtrack every bit of exploration to bring back the toobs
>by the time it's collected all the samples in one spot, Starship will be ready to land on Mars and bring back a metric ton of dirt

>> No.12730450

>Starship brings back the rover to Earth
>Thanks NASA but Mars is ours now

>> No.12730493

Ahem... see >>12728954

>> No.12730497

Sounds robophobic

>> No.12730512

The deep space network isn’t “private” right? Like anyone with a big telescope could theoretically be downloading the perseverance images and video in real time, correct? Or do they encode the data or something

>> No.12730537

>Page 10

Staging threads: >>12730536




>> No.12730966

>got to have the yassssss science queen slay personal Wired piece put out immediately though