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File: 90 KB, 742x824, redditonsuiwatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12721070 No.12721070 [Reply] [Original]

r*ddit soience fans btfo

>> No.12721076

>no greek words
>no physics analogies
>no equations
nice pseudoscience lol

>> No.12721086

The more scientific literature I read, the less patience I have for convoluted arguments.
My guess would be your pic is a cope from someone who cant into equations.

>> No.12721091

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
Oscar Wilde

>> No.12721097 [DELETED] 

he could do what he does without a comprehension of mathematics. he's the guy behind keras.

>> No.12721110

he couldn't do what he does without a comprehension of mathematics. he's the guy behind keras.
what this is about is the fact that you can throw in a few equations to r/soience "study shows" midwits to give your argument authority and they will buy it.

>> No.12721123

What's wrong about recursive intelligence explosion?

>> No.12721135

here's his argument but it's not the best example for the phenomenon he's describing. i'm not sold one way or the other.

>> No.12721159
File: 557 KB, 800x1188, 1443247175259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fedoras are retarded
We knew this since forever ago

>> No.12721186

Nice opinion, well, nice job believing someone else's opinion. I wonder which part of your identity bias they tapped into. You see something stated about a group of people you don't like, with no supporting evidence, and you buy into it hook, line, and sinker. You're no better than the group you're supposedly against.

>> No.12721823
File: 48 KB, 750x872, leftist_anti_reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just an ad hominem. he's a leftist. leftists hate facts and logic. they want you to stop critically evaluating leftist arguments and instead just accept them blindly because "you're only skeptical because you're a racist white supremacy nazi colonialist trust the lived experience of POC!".
>r*ddit soience fans btfo
lmao you're just a dumb christian latching onto anything you think can help you. these are literal blm tranny marxists. you have no idea what kind of forces you're playing with or the kind of people you're leaning on.

>> No.12724608
File: 540 KB, 1680x1050, 1450992997152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJWs grew out of New Atheism dude. You're the problem that created modern marxism.

>> No.12724662

>machine learning engineer
>made keras
>can't into equations
that would be surprising

>> No.12724735

Ironically, he described himself.

>> No.12724796

That is a very good and correct argument.

>> No.12724864

I see tex markup I close the tab
simple as

>> No.12724984

this has been obvious for a while, but its more common in the inverse.
Defending your argument by saying the opposite is irrational by comparing it to flat earth or denying evolution, etc.

>> No.12724999
File: 178 KB, 900x1148, Ux_HKu9sTGI6qhs8O-GJ9bb2lM05aFnKIpRJG1Td108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite, sjws grew out of "atheism"+ which was on of the prongs when atheism forked, the other was new atheism.

>> No.12725074

>unironically defending dawkins

>> No.12725117

>implying evolutionary biology is a difficult topic

>> No.12725131

Did no such thing

>> No.12725137

my theory is that grey, green and hazel eyes aren't selected against because they're often accompanied by some form of central heterochromia, which I theorise simulates a well-defined limbal ring (a sign of youthfulness)

I reckon my IQ is pretty much bang on 100

>> No.12726061

Did OP threaten your identities too much? He is right, midwits are a cancer on society.

>> No.12726953

Seems reasonable. Conversely, look at how many rational things leftists will abhor just because muh feelings.

>> No.12726973

He probably misrepresent it by the good old "it can't happen forever, it'll hit physical limits" which is true, but irrelevant to the concept.

>> No.12727000

Hmm I'm pretty sure his reasoning is self destroying because it can be applied to his own text.

>> No.12727068

>quotes someone

>> No.12727471
File: 42 KB, 850x400, adorno_feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope it goes back much further than that. imagine being such an illiterate fucking moron you think modern leftism just popped into existence around 2010. this shit goes back a hundred years at least, more depending on how discerning you are. dumb fucking christian retard. just absolutely no clue at all what kind of things you're standing in the middle of.
you have no idea of the hegelianism, marxism, historical subjectivism, freudianism, post-modernism etc that is the basis of modern leftism. all of it expressly critical of reason and science as understood by intellectually honest, rational people.

skip on back to the youtube comment section worthless retard.

>> No.12727478
File: 780 KB, 325x203, 1613693034391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12727484

Race realism was just equally BTFO

>> No.12727485

This. Anyone reading that blogpost will see the irony

>> No.12727536

I actually follow OP on Twitter. He is a pretty good AI researcher but often makes very stupid statements on society and politics. But I forgive him it's a human trait. Either you vent these shower thoughts on a stupid place like 4chan, or you keep it in your head. Maybe for him Twitter is that stupid place.

>> No.12727574

>if you want to trick smart people talk out your ass
This is actually backwards. If you can convince that "nerd" as such, then he's on the same or lower level of intelligence.
In fact, he here convoluted his writing to intentionally weaken his argument. Is this supposed to be ironic?

>> No.12727582

I've been reading his book on Deep learning with Keras and It's a very good introduction for someone who knows a bit of programming but isn't a comp sci person with the math affinity.
It's practically oriented, works in code instead of math formulae so based on that I'd say he have a good approach to things. On the other hand I don't see what retarded things he write on twitter

>> No.12727593

If you think those are big words there's no hope for you.

>> No.12727617 [DELETED] 


>> No.12727635

You have an example of stupid thing right there.

>> No.12729962

Why would that be ironic?

>> No.12730120

"I'm gay."
Oscar Wilde

>> No.12731476
File: 97 KB, 394x397, 1565417603027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>utterly irrational beliefs that are presented with some sort of scientific veneer

Simulation theory fags blown the fuck out BTFO