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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 506 KB, 720x815, bdcy5jp4b1i61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12717594 No.12717594 [Reply] [Original]

Those scientists were right, weren't they? Climate change is real??

>> No.12717618

That's fuckin sickkk
midwest+polar vortex always delivers kino

>> No.12717644

>trumptards hit the hardest

>> No.12717650

read about carbon emission spectrum and solar radiance spectrum. carbon concentrations in the atmosphere have went up from 300ppm to more than 400ppm

>> No.12717666

Polar vortex destabilizing consistently due to changes in the global flow of heat and air pressure. It's almost as though there were some sort of change to the climate. Altered weather if you would.

Also nice job spamming

>> No.12717940

I just wish we could have honest conversations about the climate without either political side's interference. Show us data, I don't care about what you've been paid to say.

>> No.12717958

>Show us data,
Politics decides what data collection gets funded. Once collected, unless all the raw data is released, dissemination is also a political act, as is the interpretation of the data.

>> No.12717969

If only we could recognize the potential threat of climate change without going full "eat the bugs and be happy goy"

>> No.12718097

It's almost as if conservatives were proposing alternative solutions to global warming instead of being homos for saudis we could have a real political debate

>> No.12718124

>show us data
you can see it anytime you like. look up IPCC reports.

>> No.12718130

2020 was the year of the exponential function.
2021 is the year of fluid dynamics.

>> No.12718137

If only crooks weren't liars and money didn't speak.

>> No.12718146

Both sides know climate change is real. It's just that it's easier to deny climate change than try to explain why we shouldn't be doing anything about it because your ideology says government interference is always bad.

>> No.12718457
File: 280 KB, 800x846, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polar Vortex instability is literally the result of climate change that furthers warms the Arctic

>> No.12718920

>Both sides

>> No.12718924


>> No.12718949

This image scares me more than I can comprehend.

>> No.12719009

>just trust this political organization instead of actual researchers

>> No.12719016

at least the arctic as a whole is back to relatively normal temps.. for now
2020 nov - 2021 january was around +4-5C

>> No.12719037

>the temperature is different from normal today
>omg the soientists where right

>> No.12719261

not complaining i LOVE the cold, i wish we would have an ice age.

>> No.12719300

it's meant to scare, that's graphic design bre
scarier news/magazine images leads to more sales, sales which payed for the costly professional who made this and picked the fancy modern typeface

not denying OP but everything is biased

>> No.12719311

Ok, and how is the image misleading in any way? You cite profit incentive, but if it's the truth, then where is the foul play?

>> No.12719318

>satellite data is biased

>> No.12719325

>it's meant to scare
ofc, because it's the truth, and the truth is scary.

>> No.12719369
File: 94 KB, 720x815, acasc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not so scary

>> No.12719372

nta but idk it looks like a giant fuckign cloud covering the central US and most of canada. Also the rest of the earth is a hellish red
IDK that same map with a bunch of little numbers and a mostly satellite imaged map wouldn't be as attention grabbing nor as jarring of an image

>> No.12719378

To infinity, and beyond!

>> No.12719393
File: 291 KB, 800x721, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basic data visualization

>> No.12719400

Who the fuck cares if the climate changes.

Fuck it.

I don't care if it gets hotter, colder, whatever.. kill 7 billion people I couldn't give a fuck.

I'm gonna go throw rubbish off the balcony and help it along.

Anyone genuinely scared if climate change or killing off a bunch of people is a fucking girl. Let's go full apocalypse already.. it sounds way less gay than going to work

>> No.12719401

idk that image seems less scary to me.

>> No.12719405

Love how alarmists when from Global Cooling to Global Warming and back to cooling again

>> No.12719409


>> No.12719411

>cold snap in the US means the planet isn't warming on average

>> No.12719448

considering how many times you typed the word global it's surprising you don't seem to know what it means.

>> No.12719483

You're on /sci/ here. If it's really surprising to you that a majority of Anons doesn't know what they're taking about you've only got yourself to blame.

>> No.12719626


>> No.12719666

>red means bad!!!11!one
Look at the color bar for scale, you retards. It's based on absolute temperature, with 0C as the midpoint. Any above freezing temperature will show up as yellow, orange, or red, even though those temps are completely normal. It's designed to scare you.

t. makes data infographics for a living

>> No.12719695

Anybody that is not retarded, and is old enough to remember the 1990s, knows that climate change is real.

In my little corner of the world, it was very common to have very cold winters in the 1990s, with sleet, blizzards and sub-zero temps, and throughout the years the winters have been getting shorter, the summers longer, and today it's rare to get below 0° C.

Most of the world has been getting hotter.
Some places have been getting colder.
Overall weather is getting more extreme.
The Arctic is literally melting.

How fucking blind must you be to deny the climate is changing?

>> No.12719722

But what about the jooz

>> No.12719787

>makes data infographics for a living
So you admit you're entirely unqualified for this discussion?

>> No.12719821

I'm a senior data scientist (>inb4 sour grapes memes) and I'm here to just talk about this visualization >>12717594, specifically. Unless you think the entire northern hemisphere, including its oceans, should be *literally* frozen during the winter, that color scale is extremely deceptive.

>> No.12719884

>oceans, should be *literally* frozen during the winter
Ain't that a shame

>> No.12719922

>cold air moves from cold place to warm place, temporarily cooling the warm place

>> No.12720164

It's ridiculous that the entirety of the cooling effect of climate change is happening in the one spot on earth where people are retarded enough to argue that climate change isn't real because it was cold for a week. 90 percent of the earth is warming EXCEPT for that one spot filled with dumbasses.

>> No.12720190

>It's ridiculous that the entirety of the cooling effect of climate change is happening in the one spot on earth
Not when that one spot is a large landmass, it makes perfect sense.

>> No.12720194

>1 week gets colder
>51 weeks get warmer


>> No.12720205

You need to go back

>> No.12720212
File: 6 KB, 400x400, 1354116859490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>data scientist

>> No.12720217


>> No.12720229

>everything I don't like is political
>says the guy denying scientific facts because they are politically inconvenient
This is getting old.

>> No.12720234

All data in the IPCC reports are from researchers, retard.

>> No.12720258

w...w...weather manipulation is real.

The could kill me for sa

>> No.12720357

Do you really, truly, unironically believe that the entire atlantic ocean north of the equator should be an ice sheet during the winter? Because the temperature plot's color scale is showing a liquid ocean as abnormal global warming.

>> No.12720367

Your inability to read a simple plot is not relevant to this thread.

>> No.12720375
File: 63 KB, 749x1184, 1613281685901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm gonna go throw rubbish off the balcony and help it along.
The absolute state of /sci/ tourists

>> No.12720401

What I'm saying is that a cooling effect is bigger in larger landmasses because of the lack of ocean to slow it, schizo.

>> No.12720460

I fundamentally agree. I propose a deal with the climate hysterics: I always demand experimental verification so if half of the horrible predictions happen, then ill start caring. It has to be something half tragic, some half degree warming with no consequences is irrelevant. It has to be something like net desertification, say Sahara grows up and eats a third of central africa, or sea levels rising up 5 meters, none of this "satellites detected 1 mm raise in sea level, Fiji is in danger!"

>> No.12720486
File: 1.05 MB, 1440x2880, vn6o3shb62861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and it is man-made. Bwa-ha-ha!
Some people want to be correct to death.

>> No.12720488

yes, climate change disrupts the polar vortex

>> No.12720505

Every time I see this misleading image posted, nobody bothers to look at the temperature scale at the bottom and everybody immediately replies with
>oOoO lOoK aT aLl ThE rEd, ThAt LoOkS sCaRy
It's called presentation bias. Look it up.

>> No.12720518

Proof that weather is getting more extreme from an absolute sense?

>> No.12720532
File: 53 KB, 403x448, cvbbmwwe4rzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's 2+2? And don't give me any of that 4 bullshit.
>see? math is bullshit.

>> No.12720536


>> No.12720541

>it's misleading because I can't read and I think red means warming even though the image isn't even about change in tempurature
That's not what misleading means.

>> No.12720561
File: 80 KB, 515x549, 1612335447415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you go there.

>> No.12720563

What could anyone answer to a post like this?

>> No.12720575
File: 214 KB, 1235x1036, Screenshot_20210218-111337_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's average winter temp for the US

>> No.12720582

That only demonstrates warming. Not extreme weather

>> No.12720595

You could start by not demanding that climatological predictions be made on your arbitrary terms.

>> No.12720601


>> No.12720704
File: 58 KB, 410x470, Screenshot_20200915-130640_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12720744

There's plenty of research on this.







>> No.12720826

It also says nothing about how much artificial manipulation and adjustments have been added to the graph to make it agree with the preconceptions of its creators.

If this isn't included then you might as well just open MSpaint and draw it freehand and you'll have equal or greater truth value.

>> No.12720836

>It also says nothing about how much artificial manipulation and adjustments have been added to the graph to make it agree with the preconceptions of its creators.
Like what?

>> No.12720848

>itz uh cunspeerasee
>no evidence
Oh it's this retarded denier tactic again.

>> No.12720856
File: 56 KB, 800x600, nothing to show.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This graph was made 50 years ago and it's still as relevant on the day of its creation

>> No.12720889

That's literally what people on this board said though. Just because people are at fault for falling for a misleading visualization doesn't make it any less misleading.

>> No.12720910

Florida is his home base and the least affected. The rest of the nation freezes in darkness without the light of his leadership.

>> No.12720963

Retarded take. Slap yourself imbecile.

>> No.12720976

It has always been. But it is not anthropogenic.

BTW it is not only climatic, but geomagnetic, atmospheric and vulcanic. The planet goes nuts periodically.

>> No.12720985

And the jews are behind it

>> No.12720987

>drive the teslas, use wind farms and eat ze bugs peasants. That'll cool the planet down
Neo "science" bugmen actually believe this.

>> No.12721056

Some fuckers (jew or not) will use all known tricks to their advantage. This has happened since always.

Old times:
>its not raining enough
>the gods must be furious
>animal sacrifice wont be enough.
>anon we must sacrifice you and a few dozens more to make the gods happy so that we can harvest.

>climate is changing!
>anon you are surely killing the planet by driving that gas-powered moped
>cow farts are a big contributor as well! Lets kill all the cows and eat the bugs instead

>> No.12721087

lel you are right. The funny thing is we could repopulate all the north American plains with hundreds of millions of buffalo and have a sustainable eco friendly supply of meat to feed much of the world. Meat is much healthier than plant based "food" and the buffalo ate not detrimental to the soil unlike mass produced agriculture. How the fuck did the european settlers not figure this shit out when they came across this gold mine in the great plains?

>> No.12721103

Will this affect IQ

>> No.12721164
File: 3.86 MB, 240x266, 1559421378380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be midwesterner
>have two feet of accumulated snow
>smile while doing the daily shoveling of my driveway because it reminds me of childhood and snow days
>Texans call a state emergency because they have to turn on their central heating

>> No.12721177

They intentionally killed the buffalo so Indians couldn't be self sufficient anymore.

>> No.12721188

Yeah, greed is the european man's worst enemy. Turns out the savages weren't the american tribes.

>> No.12721190
File: 76 KB, 599x627, TIMESAND___700xxx762XXXimkkjlkjgk88hf8mm8mmv88hf8mgfe2252752572525mvm24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.12721283
File: 12 KB, 427x400, 1611477231493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, greed is the european man's worst enemy. Turns out the savages weren't the american tribes.

>> No.12721439

It does, your stupidity doesn't reflect on the image.

>> No.12721479

>But it is not anthropogenic.


>BTW it is not only climatic, but geomagnetic, atmospheric and vulcanic.

>> No.12721518

Why bother posting this when you know very well these people don't even bother to do basic reading on the subject?

>> No.12721571

>ignores arguments in post
>ur dum lmao
The absolute state of college students.

>> No.12721614

How is an image with temperature visualized in a standard color scale misleading?

>> No.12721697


>> No.12722273

/sci/, i can't believe that no one posted it already.

>> No.12722300

if you dislike human life so much then quit living

>> No.12722319

Tell that to mainstream science.

>> No.12722321

gods gotta make things equal for setting california on fire every year

>> No.12722359

>It also says nothing about how much artificial manipulation and adjustments have been added to the graph to make it agree with the preconceptions of its creators.
bro the graph is labled, clearly, the scale is very logical, you just have an empty skull for a head

>> No.12722659

Almost like Chinese industrial smog has shifted the polar vortex.

>> No.12723376

We need more global warming so that polar vortexes never happen again. It's time to end this ice age and return to a normal polar ice cap free Earth.

>> No.12723414

>it's too cold because it's too warm

>> No.12723649

>/pol/tard gets triggered because his european "descendants" were called out for chimping out and mercilessly gunning down millions of buffalo and destroying an entire ecosystem for no reason other than they couldn't for the life of them defeat a technologically inferior enemy living in hide huts and walking around wearing loincloth hunting buffalo with strings and sticks and only consuming what they needed unlike europooans who went around mindlessly coomsooming.

>> No.12723728

>>ignores arguments in post
I didn't.

>> No.12723754

>I can't believe no one posted my schizo YouTube channel

>> No.12723776
File: 56 KB, 621x702, ce8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mainstream science bad!

>> No.12723809

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12726106

I like ur attitude but let's not get acceleratoinistic

>> No.12726958
File: 64 KB, 828x574, 1613583749474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12726986

Covid reduced carbon emissions massively and started the Ice Age. Go read Not By Fire But By Ice by Robert Felix. Carbon emissions are the only thing saving us from the big freeze. People have known about this since the Lake Vostok ice core data showed how we're in a tiny interglacial period.

>> No.12726991

Leaving Europe was the greatest mistake of the European races.

>> No.12726999

Absolutely BASEDOLA

>> No.12727042

>Based on model experiments, the glaciation threshold depends not only on insolation but also on the atmospheric CO2 content [Archer and Ganopolski, 2005]. Models of different complexity and time series analyses of proxy data have been used to investigate the response to orbital forcing in the future for a range of atmospheric CO2 levels. These results show consistently, that a glacial inception is unlikely to happen within the next approximate 50ka (when the next strong drop in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation occurs) if either atmospheric CO2 concentration remains above 300ppm or cumulative carbon emissions exceed 1000PgC [Loutre and Berger, 2000; Archer and Ganopolski, 2005; Cochelin et al., 2006]. Only for an atmospheric CO2 content below the preindustrial level may a glaciation occur within the next 10ka [Loutre and Berger, 2000; Cochelin et al., 2006; Kutzbach et al., 2011; Vettoretti and Peltier, 2011; Tzedakis et al., 2012a].

Yeah 10,000 years (if the industrial revolution had never happened) What you're suggesting is the equivalent of burning your house down in June to keep yourself warm in winter.

>> No.12727048

>based on models

>> No.12727056

also from you:
>it's a hot summer day
>LOL how can you deny the global warming now?

>> No.12727079
File: 167 KB, 1029x952, 407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The honest conversation is that climate change isn't about being specially too hot or too cold. It's about a change in temperature/weather patterns that causes a fundamental new paradigm in living conditions, parasitic disease spread, agricultural yield, animal migration and general economics locally, nationally and globally.

The politics is just a side show caused by each side having a previously invested interest in a particular energy product. Problem is the side show distracts most people from the incoming realization that their lifestyle should change.

>> No.12727088

>based on literally nothing
wow so much better you sure showed me

>> No.12727168

>but muh global warming
oh wait

>> No.12727172

>trumptards that are skeptic to global warming hit by cold wave
that will show them!

>> No.12727226

Scientist have become the most corrupt group of whiny fucking losers the world has ever seen. Why should anyone give a fuck what they say?

>> No.12727237

clueless shit for brains your post gave me cancer

>> No.12727287
File: 159 KB, 1920x1008, Centrale-du-Tricastin-Drome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a picture that perfectly illustrates my point. Great scientists harnessed the power of the atom, to make clean, sustainable energy. Modern scientists can't even make windmills work.

>> No.12727356

Nice try shlomo, tell me then how and why the fuck we are getting this changes in atmosphere and magnetic field?

>> No.12727380
File: 379 KB, 490x340, whatglobalwarming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived here in 1990s. Literally nothing changed climate-wise.

>> No.12727382
File: 61 KB, 533x800, b0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know those wind turbines aren't moving because that's a jpeg, right?

>> No.12727394

based volcano chad

>> No.12727408

Windmills are like the affirmative action equivalent of energy sources

>> No.12727427

Climate was always and will always change, Where I live I had fucking 2 kilometers of ice above my head some millennia ago... the whole shtick is do we really influence enough for all of it to go whack, Neanderthals didnt fucking had combustion engines.

>> No.12727429

Not muh polar bears not the hecking icerinooooo!

>> No.12727430

After watching people reactions to Perseverance landing I cannot agree more. Humanity is less and less worth it to be multi planetary species.

>> No.12727436

What's so scary about some cold you fucking subhuman? White people thrive in the cold.

>> No.12727439

you have to be over 18 to post here

>> No.12727444


>> No.12727500

Lmao no, eskimos "thrive" in cold, whites thrive in mild temperate weather

>> No.12727553

>computer cgi garbage to mask public money laundering scheme
whaaaaa why didn't they care about it whaaaa

>> No.12727620

>changes in atmosphere
There are a lot, you'll have to be more specific.

>and magnetic field
Convection of molten iron in Earth's core.

>> No.12727623

>Texas is global

>> No.12727632

This is exactly what im talking about...