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12713336 No.12713336[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking what is the most efficient way to develop a genuine connection with a girl and achieve a relationship with them if you're 23, don't attend college, have autism (asd level 1) and severe anxiety (no more than 5h sleep per night)?

>> No.12713348

post face

>> No.12713365

Start experimenting with psychedelics

>> No.12713368

Semen Retention and don’t ever tell ANYONE in real life about your mental issues.

>> No.12713369

Sport for the peace of mind and some club activity to meet people.

>> No.12713374

yt channel 'charisma on command' you would give you some lessons to improve your self-esteem

>> No.12713377
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love is just the instinct and urge to reproduce with people that posses good traits. if you don't have any redeeming qualities you will never be someone's desire, best case scenario is you will settle for someone who also came to the same conclusion. best is don't reproduce, there is a high chance your children will suffer like you

>> No.12713480

scientifically you should first of all find a way to fix your gay anxiety issues and then find ways to socialize

>> No.12713587

IDK, i had a few female friends i got along with, i went on walks with, went to the movies, went to the beach together. They friendzoned me the same, it was never enough. Im just not good looking.

>> No.12713663

Be at least 21 cm taller than her and have a straight sharp jawline. Then you will have a connection.

>> No.12713767

Unironically find a girl that is 23, doesn't attend college, has autism (asd level 1) and severe anxiety (no more than 5h sleep per night)

>> No.12713792

then it's not hopeless
at this point it's a numbers thing, join those dating platforms (ok cupid is still a thing) and start chatting
meet in person as soon as possible
find someone in your league where the personalities mesh
don't take rejection too harshly, plenty of fish as they say
work on socially acceptable hobbies and do pushups

horrible advice you can't build relationship on lies

>> No.12713799

kidnap one

>> No.12713855

No, anon. + And + will conflict. He must search for a girl completely opposite of him. Now the question is, what kind of girl would that be?

>> No.12714335

fuck off to >>>/adv/ faggot

>> No.12715177


>> No.12715379

Do you want to develop "genuine connection"?
Go to Charisma on Command and learn how to make girls like you by manipulating them with incorrect information.
Become rich and pay girls on onlyfans to like you.

For actual advice: the most important thing in a relationship is for both parties have the same set of moral values. Sexual attraction is secondary. If two people have opposing goals in life, conflict is inevitable.
Somehow try to find someone that have the same interests as you in things that you think is important like politics, religion, etc.
The problem is that human beings are full of contradictions so you can get along well with someone in one level of personality but in another level of personality you may not get along well.
So... yeah... life is complicated.

>> No.12715382
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antinatalists should be eradicated

>> No.12715394
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thank me later.

>> No.12715396

>Im just not good looking.

It's ok. I'm good looking and women still flaked out.

I've become happier just giving up on women. There's so much more to life than trying to get the attention of a spoiled overgrown child. The sooner people realize this the sooner they will be happy.

>> No.12715420

holy shit this is gonna be content

>> No.12715425

Maybe you are just an incel

>> No.12715436


Women are not attracted to the same qualities you are, they are attracted to confidence, self-suffiency and mysteriousness. Never tell a women about your true feelings, it is the most classic trap, and will make them lose respect for you.

The answer is, be confident (or fake it) seem like you are interesting, have interests (these don't have to be social contrary to common belief). Never make a woman feel like they understand you perfectly or they will quickly lose interest.

>> No.12715444

Yes the psychological masculinity
>The key to a woman's heart is masculinity. Being charismatic is masculine, being confident is masculine, being funny is also masculine but they don't want you to know that(girls aren't funny) having vast amounts of resources is also masculine. Women chase money but they don't want money; They want a masculine man. If you have money but you are a meek cowardly man she is gonna fuck the pool boy. You don't want to use money as a crutch. It will not end well. Instead hide your wealth, take mr wallet out of the picture because mr wallet will attract some nasty bitches.
>They want a masculine man both in and out dude. If chad acted like a fruity womanly faggot women will approach him but they will eject from him once his colors emerge. You greatly underestimate how important psychological masculinity is for women.
If you don't have this by the time you're 23 due to the autism and severe anxiety, how do you get a loving relationship with a girl?
Say if you can't physically fake confidence and you can't stop your heart from pounding
Are benzos and resorting to alcoholism the answer? They're the only things which make me act relaxed with a steady voice, posture and in speech when talking to a girl

>> No.12715491

It depends what your tru feelings are, she likes shad whos glad

>> No.12715505

>love is just the instinct and urge to reproduce with people that posses good traits
your mom loved you and that's why she fucked you or what?

>> No.12715539

Scientifically and realistically speaking, you have to look good. If you don't look good, you can cope by trying to looksmaxx and fraud as much as possible. If you reach a somewhat competent level, you then have to deploy mindgames and various tricks to essentially manipulate the female into becoming addicted to you. Sadly, you can never show your true feelings (assuming it's love, since that what your desired goal appears to be).

>> No.12715548

>It's ok. I'm good looking and women still flaked out.
You're not good looking.
>I've become happier just giving up on women.
You didn't give up on women, you were never apart of the game.
>There's so much more to life than trying to get the attention of a spoiled overgrown child.
The only thing that matters in life is breeding.
>The sooner people realize this the sooner they will be happy.
You're coping because you're subhuman and have no value. (The only value that matters = good genetics.)

>> No.12715641
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why so much anger and toxicity?
You fell for all the rk9 memes?

>> No.12715649

Do NOT google scientific blackpill, it will utterly destroy you

>> No.12715655

learned the ropes in high school, works for me since.

>> No.12715656

>The only thing that matters in life is shitting
Scientific fix.

>> No.12715672

A reminder that majority of people are either married or in a relationship. That means that if you are not, you either don't want it (which is ok), have unrealistic standards or maybe just a genuine <1/10 (which is sad, but makes you a minority).

>> No.12715673

Im ugly but i have a fair chance of becoming a millionaire due to my hard work, which so far has been technically successful, though thats not a guarantee of commercial success. That proves at least im smart and my genes are not 100% shit plus many women are willing to marry rich uglynites

>> No.12715686

Of course, they'll marry you. In their eyes you're a fucking disgusting weak little betabuxxing subhuman, nothing more, nothing less. That may work for you, but can you really, truly accept living a life like that?
She will never love you.
She will never feel a natural, primal urge towards you.
She will never lust after your genetics.
She will crave your natural worth as a man.
You're just a simple simp betabuxx in her life who she married to never have to work again.

>> No.12715690

No, you fucking brainlet. Any male who is married and is under 7/10 looks wise is a betabuxx. No ifs, ands or buts. They are settling for you. You geneteics are worthless.


>> No.12715692

It comes across as angry and toxic to you because you feel like you're the center of the world and suffer narcissism.

>> No.12715700

>looks wise
I live in eastern europe and the men here look like literal monkeys and are even poor by the standards here yet there are countless of them married to or in long term relationships with legit 7+/10 women
Its just for women psychological masculinity and charisma > being attractive (so long as you're not a burn victim)

>> No.12715701

>I live in eastern europe
>Its just for women psychological masculinity and charisma > being attractive (so long as you're not a burn victim)

>> No.12715706

No, you are just 1/10, but want to think that you are 7/10.

>> No.12715707

How did you come to this conclusion? I know I'm subhuman you worthless insect cretin. I never said I'm not. I know there's no hope for me.
You, on the other hand, are coping incredibly hard with your retarded bluepilled worldview.

>> No.12715710

>They are settling for you.
Everything we have in this life is just settling. You live in your house because you can't find any better, you stay with your girlfriend (assuming you have one) because you can't find any better and you work at your job because you can't find any better.

>> No.12715716

That's great, but still if you want a relationship but can't get one, you are not 7/10 or even 5/10 because majority of people can get it.

>> No.12715718
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If you're at least decently attractive and tall like I am (6 foot 3) just be confident in action and wait for them to come to you.
Of course you need to be in a socializing-able jjob or college for this to work. Being a NEET ain't gonna cut it chief.

5 of the 6 relationships I've been in were either initiated by them or 50+ of the work plus was done to make it happen.
I will say only 50+ of them were probably better looking than I am, I much prefer (read: LOVE) chicks who can take a more dominant role. Don't mean BDSM shit, I just mean leading the interactions. While I do have a high sex-drive, I get so distracted by my autistic fascinations/laser-focus while at school/work that I would probably not bother with women, so without them taking the initiative, it probably wouldn't happen chief.
The investment to reward ratio for non-superficial human relationships isn't worth it a lot of the time.

>> No.12715742
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>> No.12715774

That's correct, but only when you're below what's deemed good. In this case, you are below chadlite so you're coping.
Why do you assume I can't get one? I easily can, but I know that the female will never be genuinely after my genetics. I'll simply be there to provide something else such as money. Anything other than my genetics. I can easily accept that. You can't. Therefore, you cope with this brutal reality because your whole being would shatter.

>> No.12715783

>but only when you're below what's deemed good.
That's way more true for money. Really cozy life starts only for millionaires and they are not even 1% of population.

>> No.12715803

If genetics = more children, then all bad genetics was weeded out long ago. And if genetics does not increase the number of children and survival chances, then it isn't actually good.

>> No.12715807

Always astonished by this. How can a culture of people have the men look like apes and women like vixens?

>> No.12715853

cause what you perceive as ugly as a man is masculine. Femine looking men and their offspring are genetic trash

>> No.12715855

But they're hotter traps

>> No.12715868

from evolutionary perspective how would you call men cutting their dicks off voluntary?

>> No.12715889

Eww no, if they actually get that done they're too crazy

takes all the fun away, no?
Regardless of reasons for their creation, given the relatively few men that the majority of women want, there's an unfulfilled sexual need for many men. It's more advantageous for the group as a whole to reduce strife/infighting, in addition to providing valuable relationship building skills to males who would otherwise most likely would be solitary.

>> No.12715905

Beta Blockers might help, easing into social situations by practicing with friends and gradually addin a few periphery friends to social events. Attend a hobby club of some sort. Bond with people over music when possible.
Drink a lot of alcohol to make it easier.

Worked for me anyway

>> No.12715907

what if you went to a festival and got drunk and approached hundreds of women till you found a hippie girl with high openness who gives you a hug?

>> No.12715925

Are you asking if I would do that or are you asking if you should do that?

Personally I'd rather fry on acid or at least be on molly if I'm going to a festival, though the better would improve conversations and human interactions A LOT assuming you don't go too crazy.

I personally wouldn't just walk around until some other candyflipping hippie bitch came up to me. You might get a lap dance, and if you're really lucky a hook-up, but the odds of that happening just walking the fuck around aren't great, and you almost guaranteed won't get a girlfriend doing it.

>> No.12715951

>If genetics = more children, then all bad genetics was weeded out long ago.
Sadly not the case, brainlet retard.
Do you forget things like women having no rights and religion? Why do you think "cultures" exist? It's to force women from being whores.
The natural law of order, in a man uncontrolled society is as follows:
You have 10 males
You have 10 females
The gigachad(s) of the male group will build a harem, having all 10 of the females.
The rest of the males (the genetically inferior to the chad) serve as workers, hunters and etc. to provide for the harem.
WEAK genetics were not "weeded" out because CULTURE, POLITICS and RELIGION supressed this NATURAL way of things. EVERYTHING IN LIFE is based about this simple concept if you look hard enough.
You fail to grasp this phenomenon.

>> No.12715966

>The gigachad(s) of the male group will build a harem, having all 10 of the females.
...and then he is killed by betas. So the more realistic scenario will be chad having three wives, most men having one and a few losers having none.

>> No.12715970

seconding this

Why else would mall-gunners and school-shooters exist?

>> No.12715977

If controlled society is ubiquitous and "uncontrolled society" is rare, then genes more fit for the first are good genes. It wouldn't make sense to optimize for something which almost never happens (and even if you will, these genes will be mostly useless).

>> No.12715992

In a primal scenario, 10-20% of top males will have all the women and the remaining 80-90% die out as VIRGINS, mainly in war, while hunting and of disease (WHILE PROVIDING FOR THE HAREM)

In a controlled setting (religion, politics and etc force monogamy and marriage) every male and women are forced into a monogamous marriage, leaving nearly no virgins and no unsatisfied males. The women in these relationships are not happy because their NATURAL urge to breed with CHAD is being supressed.

In a collapsing setting.. we are in one, right now. The monogamous one is failing. Religion is dying. Marriage is on a decline. Whoring and casual sex between FEMALES and CHADS are at an all time high in the past few centuries.

I am all in for this collapse, honestly. I believe this force monogamy bullshit should collapse ASAP so the weak genes die out. A perfect world is where no subhumans exist. This is a mistake our forefathers did when they created religion and all that shit to prevent the natural order of things.

Unfortunately, the natural way of order also has some cons, because the SUBHUMAN FEMALES get to procreate. It is because of that, that WEAK genes continue existing because MEN will fuck ANYTHING.

That has to be strictly controlled, therefore EUGENICS is the ONLY answer to remove suffering from this world. ALL SUBHUMAN MEN AND FEMALES HAVE TO BE STERILIZED/REMOVED FROM THE GENEPOOL.


>> No.12715997

>The gigachad(s) of the male group will build a harem, having all 10 of the females.
That means that the next generation will all be half-siblings. Inbreeding troubles aside, that will mean that they all will be mostly the same genetically. So that means that every person will very soon become a chad and they will be equal. Either there will be no genetic losers left or the chadness will be non-genetic (culture-based or luck-based). So gigachad society will last only a few generations.

>> No.12716001

>In a primal scenario, 10-20% of top males will have all the women and the remaining 80-90% die out as VIRGINS, mainly in war, while hunting and of disease (WHILE PROVIDING FOR THE HAREM)
That means that either their genes will quickly go away, or they are losers not because of the genes. Second means that chadness is unrelated to genetics.

>> No.12716002

No, with a gigachad+stacy only society a NATURAL MONOGAMY would take place.

Every stacy would have a chat to settle down with AND SHE WOULD BE HAPPY, because EVERY male in the WORLD will be in an EVEN playing field. There will be no subhumans left, there will be no craving for the female to "one-up" or "upgrade" to another man.

>> No.12716004

>SUBHUMAN FEMALES get to procreate.
If they are procreating successfully, then their genes are good enough. Genetics is about successful procreation, after all.

>> No.12716006
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Chadness is all genetics. You will never escape from this fact. It will haunt you forever in everything you do. CONTINUE COPING.

>> No.12716011
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stop projecting, world is fine and highly functional.

>> No.12716012

If being chad means being 2+/10, then mostly yes.

>> No.12716016

FEMALES, on the other hand, SELECT the male to mate with. SHE is the gatekeeper, no matter her LOOKS STATUS.

Guys want to fuck as many girls as possible and girls want to be with the most alpha good looking guy possible, and they in general are willing to share. This dynamic is why marriage was created. This dynamic is why it matters women aren’t whores, and why it’s nearly irrelevant if guys are. You need to placate the workhorses of civilization(the average guy). You can’t have dudes having harems and most guys go without. If you really don’t realize this is how women are, you just aren’t paying attention. Not that it matters to my argument, but tho I’m a loser now I was a chad in my youth and I saw it first hand. A real eye opener is if you meet a “gigachad”, a near perfect male(in girls eyes). ANY woman, any woman will leave her husband, boyfriend, to be with a giga chad, drop of a hat. And they will share. Guys want girls to themself, as many as possible. Girls want giga chad, at any cost.

>> No.12716020

Stop having no arguments and living a cope fantasy, highschool retard.
Sadly for you AND me, chad is 7/10+, ideally 8/10+.

>> No.12716033
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>brings some meme arguments from website for unfit, suicidal losers/antisocial retards
>talks about society he never been a part of
fantasy... you say

>> No.12716037

So 20-30% of men are the fabled chads? That's not a very high bar already. Of course majority of men and women are in the relationship, so you don't even need to be a chad to get one.
In the end we get that there is a minority of well-off people, minority of losers and a majority of average people. That's not exactly a groundbreaking truth.

>> No.12716042
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Except there are hundreds, if not thousands of valid scientific, peer reviewed studies that will back any claim I make. Look up the scientific blackpill. I know you won't because you're an utter NPC coping tard but for anyone who's reading and may be interested in this science.

It's hard for you to accept that the male on the left will have to marry a female, if he ever wants to have one.
It's hard for you to accept that he will be nothing more than an ATM machine.
It's hard for you to accept that the male on the left will NEVER, EVER, IN A MILLION YEARS have a female crave his genetics and want him to breed her.

It's hard for you to accept that the male on the right will slay any pussy he comes into contact with effortlessly, if he wishes so.

Why? Because you share the same, unfortunate traits as the male on the left and you cannot live without this coping behavior or else you would immediately kill yourself due to the sheer brutality of reality.

>> No.12716043

Just eliminate the women who have these innate whorish characteristics from the gene pool.
Even if it means growing hordes of beautiful women from vats and culling the ones who will not take the male she is assigned to.

>> No.12716045

There's no way you read any posts in this thread or you're simply a minor/bluepilled coping cuck. They are in relationships because the males are MONEY PROVIDERS, NOT GENETIC PROVIDERS you fucking brainlet.

This is how we are biologically wired. Men sow seeds, far and wide. Women want to secure the best male possible to take care of her and her children. These are primal desires in us. Without social norms humans will organize into 1 guy with a harem of girls, and a bunch of betas with fuck all. Why do you think every single functioning society has something akin to marriage, and strict social norms for women not to be whores. It’s no god damn coincidence. It’s needed for a society to run, you can’t get men to slave away all their lives without letting him have a woman to fuck. A family to raise, something to care about. These norms are going away and predictably the harems are returning, slowly(and sometimes not so slow) but surely. And predictably we are seeing men start to check out of the system. Look I’m not defending any of this nor do I have an opinion on what to do. Nor do I care honestly. Just saying how it is

>> No.12716049

>Just eliminate the women who have these innate whorish characteristics from the gene pool.
Humanity would cease to exist, because these are NATURAL urges in EVERY SINGLE LIVING HUMAN FEMALE (possibly even in animals, I'm sure in some species this is evident, however I'm not educated well on that side of things)

>> No.12716054

If "money providers" will not provide genes, then their genes will be quickly weeded out. And if their genes are stable and are always passed forward, then they are genetic providers too.
>Without social norms humans will organize into 1 guy with a harem of girls, and a bunch of betas with fuck all.
See >>12715966 (and also >>12715997). Such a scenario will be very rare and will not last.
>These norms are going away and predictably the harems are returning
A small minority of men and women constantly fucking each other is not a harem.

>> No.12716055

you really talk like a virgin.

>> No.12716057

Then we will simply have to raise human females in suspended states of animation, like the matrix.
Keep them in a perpetual simulation so that we can continue to harvest their eggs and create more humans.

Naturally we'll need to create synthetic realistic humanoid companions for every man. Once the science is really perfected, we may even be able to have them as shells controlled by the women inside the simulation.
Only the version of reality they will see, and more importantly of their husband, is a dressed up version tailoring their neural incapacities.

>> No.12716059

Why should you eliminate the beneficial gene? It will be dysgenic.

>> No.12716061

If you want to be successful genetically, you don't need a harem, you must become a sperm donor. The most successful alpha male is that doctor who used his sperm to impregnate the patients of his fertility clinic.

>> No.12716063

>If "money providers" will not provide genes, then their genes will be quickly weeded out. And if their genes are stable and are always passed forward, then they are genetic providers too.
They manage to provide genes because, utter retarded brainlet - marriage, religion and social norms were enforced in every single culture to prevent the subhuman men from dying out.

>> No.12716068

it's not beneficial. It creates unstable, shitty society (look niggers Africa) that is conquered and taken advantage of by those who figured better systems.

You entire argument is
>return to monke
and I have a strong suspicion that you are not only an incel loser, but an incel nigger loser

>> No.12716069

They were enforced because otherwise civilization would collapse. There an extreme amount of subhuman gene carriers in our gene pool. They are the ones wageslaving and providing everything for our civilization. If they were aware of the real nature of things, they would overthrow the system.

>> No.12716070

If "subhuman men" are not dying out, then they are genetically successful. You adapt to the real world, not to the dream scenarios.

>> No.12716075

Africa has high birthrates, so stable society means low birthrates. West has that, so it is stable.
>return to monke
It's you who is propagating the monke theory. I am showing that being monke is useless, my incel friend.

>> No.12716077

they should overthrow it
down with the corpos
eliminate millionaires

>> No.12716078

There's no point in discussing anything with these retards in the thread. "Alpha", "Chad", "Manly" and etc. = Good looks (good genetics)
They don't grasp this simple fact so anything they say can be immediately discarded.
For the anons interested, look up scientific blackpill and looks theory. IYKYK.

>> No.12716081

If good genetics does not lead to your genes dominating the pool, then it isn't that good.

>> No.12716083

You fail to grasp that the civilization/society/culture that allows this is manmade/crafted for this very reason. Your argument collapses because of that.

>> No.12716087

>If good genetics does not lead to your genes dominating the pool, then it isn't that good.
ive never seen someone cope this hard, lmfao. why cant you just accept that you are subhuman like the rest?

>> No.12716089

That's because I am not a 2/10 incel like you.

>> No.12716090

don't ignore my solution double nigger

You are the one who is bowing the will of WOMEN. You are denying yourself and your fellow man the pleasure of having sex robots which can change into any form and provide infinite desires.

This is because man has soul, and is the reason for society, a trait you yourself admit as man has constructed society in his image.
And in his image it should remain.

You are bowing to the will of women, when you can bend them to our will in my described plan.
It is not too late to reject the so called natural dogma, and replace it with masculine imperialism, of bending nature and reality to your will, for the glory of MANkind.

>> No.12716091

Africa has high birthrates cause they are being given shitton of aid from developed world. You cut that sugar and they die out (from AIDS and wars)

>> No.12716096

If you try to ignore something which exists for many thousands of years, then you are genetically unfit, plain and simple.
Anyway, your fabled "uncontrolled society" will cease to be in a couple of generations (assuming that it can ever happen), see >>12715997

>> No.12716098

you're a 1-7/10 incel
you never made the cut to chad territory
sorry, loser

>> No.12716109

According to you, Chads are 20-30% of society, so they are very common. So it's pretty natural that you are talking with one.

>> No.12716110

imagine being so sadly retarded, you need to project your insecurities on anonymous board to get by.

>> No.12716122

I agree with your points and I see what you're saying.

The way I see it, there are multiple solutions to this problem, a few being:

1. Return to monke.
>Subhuman males will die out naturally
However, to prevent the current civilization from happening again, you have to:
>enforce sterilization/murder of subhuman females, because they are the ones that introduce subhuman genes into the pool.

2. What you're saying WITH advanced genetic modification
Essentially eugenics. All subhuman genetics will naturally be removed from the genepool.
Subhuman males also need to be removed because of many factors. I'm too lazy to get into it, but if you truly understand this science then you will know why it wouldn't work without modifying/upgrading the males genetics.

>> No.12716125

a number on the looks scale does not equal 10% brainlet.
gigachads are 5% at most.
chads are the remaining 5-10%
you could also add on top another 5-10% of attractive males who, for the most part, have no trouble breeding but they aren't chad.

>> No.12716129

Tfw look more like right side than left :D

>> No.12716132

more like right isn't enough. you have to look like right or better to slay

>> No.12716133

I don't think they let us autists donate sperm

>> No.12716135

See >>12716020
>Sadly for you AND me, chad is 7/10+, ideally 8/10+.

>> No.12716142
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You need to be lucky, OP. There is guarantee in life that you shall find happiness, let alone happiness via a romantic relationship.

Just be honest with yourself, understand that women are different creatures than men, and try having something that other men generally don't have. You won't win the money game, and you probably aren't lucky enough to be a male model with autism.

So, learn to masturbate, don't get pissed that women have a different game-of-life than you do, and make yourself available enough so that, if you're lucky enough, the few girls that are into (_whatever_you_are_here_) will be able to find you.

Pro-tip: if you go after women, you are playing statistics, and being a statistic generally carries negative connotations. If you're not prepared to understand statistics, you might get mad and think the world is conspiring against you--it's not. There are plenty of ugly girl virgins out there.

Keep in mind that the world owes you NOTHING. If a girl eventually falls in love with you, it basically feels more meaningful. If you *expect* to be in a relationship (because look at all the other stupid monkeys in relationships--WHY CAN'T I HAVE THAT?!) then you're setting yourself up for a catastrophic failure of expectation. Use your autism as a strength, not as a weakness. You may be retarded, but at least you *know* you're retarded. Many aren't aware they're retards.

The stereotype is true: you CANNOT give a fuck about a woman, the woman has to give a fuck about you first before you start giving fucks about her. If you don't believe it, but merely act it, then you better be the best fucking actor, better than any Cold War spy. Hence, be yourself (do not adopt a persona or character you cannot portray fully), don't give a fuck (shit isn't owed to you), and hope you get lucky.

The problem is that you have "severe anxiety", which means "I can't follow directions, either my own or those given to me", which basically means you're fucked.

>> No.12716143

As long as it isn't a full blown AUTISM diagnoses, you don't have to say shit

>> No.12716161

alright, having your retardedness in mind, i'll make this simple.

population of males in accordance to the looks hierarchy:


>1/10 = 2%
>2/10 = 3%
>3/10 = 10%
>4/10 = 15%
>5/10 = 30%
>6/10 = 20%


>7/10 = 10%


>8/10 = 5%
>9/10 = 3%
>10/10 = 2%

>> No.12716176

How do you explain the dozens if not hundreds of fans guys like Ted Bundy or other serial killers had?
They had women writing to them in earnest about their sexual attraction to them, even when many of them were 5/10 at best.

>> No.12716184

Everyone has to, impoverished bums have grim marriage prospects even if they are cute.

>> No.12716190


>> No.12716193


>> No.12716195

>And they will share. Guys want girls to themself, as many as possible.
Guys will share too, do you think that your sex-obsessed gigachad will not fuck a non-virgin?

>> No.12716199

Try to earn some money too.

>> No.12716209

So every fifth man will get women without much effort or money? Not bad.

>> No.12716210

They eradicate themselves and do not need help doing so.

>> No.12716211

This is how I know you've never been on that board, lol. It's full of bluepilled cucks like you.

>> No.12716214

Bluepill is incel lingo.

>> No.12716216

they poison the atmosphere with their presence.

>> No.12716225

So the word, which perfectly describes you, being associated with something you dislike immediately loses all validity and credibility? Kill yourself my guy.

>> No.12716236

It means absolutely obvious banalities spoken as some secret truth. So those who use it are discredited, but the meaning of the world isn't (except that it provides absolutely no new information).

>> No.12716240

>It means absolutely obvious banalities
which you fail to grasp and acknowledge
>spoken as some secret truth.
everyone is aware of it to some extent, but very baseline. the actual knowledge is brutal which you cope by attempting to discredit.
>So those who use it are discredited, but the meaning of the world isn't (except that it provides absolutely no new information).
reddit tier cancerspeak, kys

>> No.12716256

>which you fail to grasp and acknowledge
Acknowledge what?
-that majority of people are just average?
-that there are small minorities of very successful people?
-that you usually need money to have a good life?
Truly a revelation! Absolutely groundbreaking!
>reddit tier cancerspeak, kys
Don't use incel cancerspeak then.

>> No.12716264

the fact that if you are in the bottom 80% of males, you will never experience a female GENUINELY lusting after you. GENUINELY wanting you to breed her. it's reserved for the top 20%

>> No.12716270

There is no genuineness in the life. Married people marry each other for reasons. Chadettes and manwhores... sorry, was it Chads and whores? fuck each other for reasons too. GENUINENESS is better to be discussed in free will threads.

>> No.12716277

ah so you're not a subhuman male, you're a roastie
there is genuineness in life you utter braindead cancerfuck.

married people marry each other for reasons, correct. the reasons being:
female need shelter
female want eat
female want not work
female marry mr betabuxx cuck and give starfis sex 1 time a year
subhuman man happy living in denial and cope


the top 20% of males do not marry, because the females skip all bullshit. they don't need money from chad, they don't need to mindgame chad. they don't want chad as their orbiters.


>> No.12716285
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You need to kill yourself, bro. And I mean this metaphorically, figuratively speaking.

You don't know what women think. You cannot understand what it's like to take a dick in your mouth. I think the world would be a better place if your particles were in equilibrium with their environment.

>> No.12716292

awww little subhuman freak can't accept that he will never amount to the things a chad will? sweetie is angry that he will have to suffer his entire life knowing he's genetic trash and will never provide the only thing that matters in this life to a female? awwww

>> No.12716298

So minority of chadettes and manwhores fuck each other while majority of people just marry and have a family together? Another groundbreaking revelation.

Although may it be that it's you who wants a female who will provide you shelter, food and money? Yes, such a traditional family inverse will be a bit harder to achieve.

>> No.12716301

>genetic trash
That's 1/10 incels.

>> No.12716304

no, that's the bottom 80% of males.

>> No.12716307

These are reproducing just fine.

>> No.12716310

can't hear you through your disgusting roast beef curtains flapping around

>> No.12716311
File: 134 KB, 1080x1331, 1564221843841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny enough, two of the women I've fucked told me they wanted to have my babies. Not all the girls I've fucked, but not zero either. You take what you can get. Made my ego feel good, however. Real good.

I'm just here to help the OP out. Retards have feelings too.

You should euthanize yourself. You are a bad person and the world needs fewer of you. You know?

>> No.12716313

Incel tortured.

>> No.12716314

correlation does not imply causation
it does not mean they are not genetic trash.

>> No.12716318

>correlation does not imply causation
Spoken like true retard.
>it does not mean they are not genetic trash.
No, that exactly means that they are genetically successful.

>> No.12716319

He's right, you know.

>> No.12716327

Right in being 1/10?

>> No.12716326

(genetically) succesful in reproducing due to an artificial culture and social norms does not mean they are not genetic trash.

>> No.12716332

>(genetically) succesful in reproducing
Umm, yes?
> artificial culture
Nature is irrelevant for many millenia anyway (and it will work in the same way).
>they are not genetic trash.
Correct, they are successful.

>> No.12716346

>Umm, yes?
Good to know. I'll keep that in mind whenever I order food at a restaurant. Since I'm successfully eating it, that now qualifies me as a chef.
>Nature is irrelevant for many millenia anyway (and it will work in the same way).
Nature is never irrelevant you utter brainlet. Life would not exist without nature. So actually, nature is the most relevant thing, miles ahead of anything else.
>Correct, they are successful.
They are genetic trash. Succeeding in reproduction does not negate that.

>> No.12716351

mdma session

>> No.12716365

>Since I'm successfully eating it, that now qualifies me as a chef.
Are you cooking/creating women? Because chef cooks/creates food.
>Nature is never irrelevant you utter brainlet.
If everything is nature, then, well, everything is nature, so there is nothing artificial. And if artificial thing are not nature, then they successfully defeat it.
>They are genetic trash. Succeeding in reproduction does not negate that.
No, that means exactly being genetically successful. By the definition.

>> No.12716375
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But you're genetic trash, because you are not a prokaryote. You are stuck in this gravitational well forever. A prokaryote, tiny mass that it has, could survive the void should it be thrust within it. I think such a prokaryote could be named "Pan", after the great goat lover, such that this prokaryote could seed the cosmos with other prokaryotes, until they evolve into nucleated multicellular organisms forever trapped in a gravitational well. Pan's sperm is real "nature".

Are you dead yet? Can you do the shotgun thing? It's more exciting when it's a shotgun.

>> No.12716401

stop taking your meds

>> No.12716403

>"people with bad genetics shouldn't reproduce"
>posts a picture of the most well known advocate of eugenics
i really hope you are not this retarded

>> No.12716428

based and schizo-paranoid-pilled

>> No.12716433
File: 42 KB, 376x564, 1-s2.0-S0379073817301263-gr7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are stuck in a gravitational well, you little faggot, and you cannot escape. And you're butthurt that you can't slide your dick into a female primate, sliding your cock and dragging all that dead epithelium and yeast cultures?

You ever look at fuck juices under a microscope bro? What, your math department doesn't have microscopes, you fucking autist?

You dirty fucking animal.

Shotgun, go.