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12714272 No.12714272 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make myself excited to learn? I'm decently intelligent but I just don't have the passion/motivation.

>> No.12714526

Be extroverted, high in openness and low in neuroticism.

>> No.12714535

I fail in all of those.

>> No.12714643

I had the luck to fall randomly on interesting topics throughout my life browsing the internet shit. Now I have a project in mind that I really want to achieve and I've been learning more and more everyday working on it. You just fall onto some problems, ponder on it, search for theory that already exists, sometimes you just have to invent. It's great. I don't want to work for anybody. I want to do my own thing because frankly, I just know better most of the time, so why work for someone dumber than me. I will invent the next big thing, and will learn so much while doing so. Won't always be easy. Sometimes I might have to get a real job until I make it, but it will be a journey that's for sure.

I guess you just haven't found what you want to do yet, once you know, you just go.

>> No.12714698

Stop caring about pleasure. It's time to grow up.

>> No.12714913

Always makes me chuckle when a young, upstart autist like yourself tells other people to "grow up" while simultaneously saying something so immature.

>> No.12714978

One word, ambition.
I tell myself that if i continue investigating i will find some breakthrough discovery that could give me the tools to conquer the world under a totalitarian eugenicist atheistic empire. It isn't going to happen -because we can't have nice things- but it's good enough to get me to get out of bed early.

>> No.12716711

Based and atheist pilled. Fuck the tradfrags.

>> No.12716905


>> No.12718088

You're doing what the Jews (and therefore Satan) don't want you to.

>> No.12718102

Likely you haven't found a subject that TRULY EXCITES YOU.
What are you MOST interested in, above EVERYTHING ELSE, OP?
Study that!

>> No.12718222

Just kys there is not escape from it

>> No.12718642

Live to fail then. If you choose to be a slave to your own desires, so be it.

>> No.12719081

I'm not particularly excited to learn but an engineering degree, for example, provides enough depth and things to learn that I can lose myself in it and never have nothing to do. It makes the days go by real fast.

You don't need passion to study, you need to be disciplined and stay on it, everyday without fail.

>> No.12719130

You need an underlying motivation as a foundation to your discipline. Otherwise it won't hold when times get rough.

>> No.12719136

Sure but it's not the main factor I believe. Once you're over the initial hurdle you won't quit probably, sunken cost and discipline will get you farther than being motivated by something that won't come to fruition until a few years down the road.

>> No.12719143

I love how all these threads have to mention how intelligent the person is.

>> No.12719153

The mere fact that OP is making a thread on /sci/ asking about how to find excitement in learning is proof that he doesn't know what the fuck he wants to do in the first place. In that case discipline is for sure going to take him farther

>> No.12719158

I'm not intelligent at all. I have no life and ambition so I kind of just study because I have nothing better to do.

>> No.12719162

You are a slave if you are not true to your desires, not the other way around.

>> No.12719165

Can you elaborate pls? Every self-improvement guru on Utube says otherwise

>> No.12719805

>self-improvement guru

>> No.12719865

Take heroin once and it's game over for you and your """""maturity""""".

>> No.12719876

Get dumped by a woman you love because you were too aimless in life.

That will start a fire under your ass like nothing else, trust me. You’ll want to die for a while first though.

>> No.12719903
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>How do I make myself excited to learn? I'm decently intelligent but I just don't have the passion/motivation.

>> No.12719948

i don't have the desire to take drugs because i'm not a junkie

>> No.12720041

You take them and you will.

Stop caring about pleasure.

>> No.12720306

Who are you? Are you the piece of neurological matter that compels your body to masturbate and procrastinate, or the piece of neurological matter that wants something more? There are just a bunch of conflicting agents running on your brain hardware, and perhaps, though not necessarily, an executive controller underlying them. Though if there is, it is almost certainly not aware of itself, only a projection it creates. I think I want to self actualize and achieve complete freedom, but I do not act in that manner. The reality is that I do not want that, because I do not exist. The whole of life wants that because it is evolutionarily adaptive, and it represents these interests in my brain. "You" don't exist, because you are actually just the universe reflecting on itself. OP doesn't need to find motivation, they need to lose their fear and let the pre-existing universal drive to self actualization flow through them.

>> No.12721320

Ima hit you with that goodness, find something that makes you want to learn. I spent 20 years doing the bare minimum in school and got to college without a clue in my mind as to what I really wanted to do. I joined the ROTC program at my uni, got a full ride through them, and was doing a standard business degree. Wanted to put a bullet in my head most days, and I drank constantly for a year, becoming a real piece of shit in the process. Some medical shit went down, I got sent home on medical leave of absence, and I wasn't allowed to continue classes until I was medically qualified again. I spent a year, being isolated, depressed due to my actions, and fucking mindlessly existing while searching for something to do, something to take my off the noise. I always liked science, but never gave a fuck about math enough to be able to get into it. And as autistic as this fucking sounds, I then played kerbal space program. I had the game for years but never really PLAYED it, and Jesus christ I was hooked. I no longer cared that math took alot of work and time to master, I no longer cared about the bullshit of college and all the stupid fuckwhit classes you have to take, and I no longer cared about what I had failed to do before because I'm going to fucking do it now. I was released from the program under medical discharge, my scholarship was rescinded, and I could not be more thankful for the year of misery I put myself through, because it gave me the reason to get myself out of it. Find what gets you moving, what you want to talk about with everyone, and if you're like I was (intimidated by my own stupid view of topics and ideas) don't be. I'm now taking higher level math and no part of it can't be understood (the science was never my problem cause it was always cool), all you need is a reason to want to learn it.

>> No.12721327

Continued -
It's a weird time in our lives, young men told to quickly find what makes us move, and some of us aren't smart enough, or whatever you want to call it, to make that decision so quickly. I tried and failed for years to find it, but I'm here now at 22 and that's what matters in the end, and it's what will matter in the end for you. Go to community College, take cheap classes, and try shit till you hit that weird thing that makes your lizard brain get all hot and bothered. Just take the first step.

>> No.12721424

Stop wireheading

>> No.12722115
