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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12713890 No.12713890 [Reply] [Original]

If the photons making the sun so bright are generated in its core, how long does it take for them to leak out into space? How long does it take for a big star like UY scuti?

>> No.12713899

Thousands of years.

>> No.12713920

Maybe a few minutes

>> No.12713965

Photons in 20 minutes!

>> No.12713971

Light always travels instantly

>> No.12713978

Estimates of the photon travel time range between 10,000 and 170,000 years

>> No.12713986

friendly reminder that virtual particles have nothing to do with physics

>> No.12714018

bullshit, they're literally everywhere, 99% of your weight is VPs

>> No.12714058
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>> No.12714093

virtual particles aren't real they are a calculating tool, they are not actual things that exist.

>> No.12714098

Can you validate that?

>> No.12714100

at the core of a star is it dense enough to block the path of photons and cause them to bounce around before escaping?

>> No.12714115

you can calculate particle interaction using different methods that don't use virtual particles at all and still give the correct answers. They are literally just a calculating tool. In a feynman diagram only the ingoing and outgoing particles actually exist, everything else is there only to help make the calculations easier.

>> No.12714173

hawking radiation always gets brought up as some sort of evidence of virtual particles but hawking radiation is caused by quatum fields being disturbed by the blackhole, causing excitiations at the horizon. If there is no blackhole there are no such distrubances and there are no matter/anti-matter pairs popping into and out of existence. This is from hawking himself and the virtual paricle description of hawking radiation is only a helpful visualization tool.

>> No.12714177

your line of reasoning can be generalized

>> No.12714192


>> No.12714196

no, like i said with hawking radiation these do not imply virtual particles exist for similar reason.

>> No.12714199

>no matter/anti-matter pairs popping into and out of existence

>> No.12714202

>m-muh feelings

>> No.12714204
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>fucking wiki links lol

See how retarded this is? Use your words, dumbass.

>> No.12714214

>Use your words
no point in re-inventing the wheel

>> No.12714218

stop reading popsci retards. Go talk to an actual physicist about what virtual particles are, nobody actually thinks virtual particles are real hence why they are called "virtual" particles in the first place.

As an aside you should always take measurement in quantum physics with a grain of salt. Our way of measuring things that small is like a blind person grabbing a giant stick with a bomb on the end and violently swinging it around the streets and if it explodes you know a person was there.

>> No.12714225

>my ass told me so

>> No.12714231

no one thinks they are particles,
bur they very much exist

>> No.12714238

which real life observable phenomena do they describe, or are an interpretation of?

>> No.12714243


>> No.12714247
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>no point in re-inventing the wheel
LOL you fucking retarded piece of shit. Neck yourself or leave if you don't have the brainpower for /sci/. You're like those schizos that say [math] \tt{"BLACK~HOLE~ARE~JEWISH~LIE~WATCH~THESE~VIDEOS:}~\mathrm{[wall~of~links]"} [/math]. That's you, that's how dumb you sound.

>> No.12714330

exist as mathematical artifacts sure

>> No.12714371
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lol wow, stupid is as stupid does

>> No.12714373

no experiments were mentioned in this article

>> No.12714436 [DELETED] 
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>lol wow, stupid is as stupid does
I'm not even that guy you originally replied to. I'm the fucking op, you simpering potted plant. Brain-damaged schizos like you are the cancer killing /sci/, you are so stupid that you have no ideas at all, rather, all you can do is LINK somewhere. For whatever reason your breed of brainlets is just too fucking stupid to CALCULATE or EXPLAIN FUCKING ANYTHING. YOU CAN'T DO IT! You are not competent to THINK, and this conversation proves it!! I could easily automate every single one of your posts, your brain is a neanderthal walnut, you scientifically illiterate chimpanzee.