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12712368 No.12712368 [Reply] [Original]

Has political correctness gone too far?

>The European Space Agency says it wants to recruit someone with a disability as part of its call for new astronauts.

>Esa will be accepting applications in March to fill four-to-six vacancies in its astro corps but it wants this draft process to be as inclusive as possible.


>> No.12712377

>noooo not my secret club

>> No.12712381
File: 769 KB, 1001x888, 1588493917157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. Science is part of secular humanism.
If you care about science, you are an atheist supporting atheist democracy. DWT

>> No.12712452

It's going to be a woman without a womb.

>> No.12712505

That picture makes me so fucking mad not even two years after he's dead does she get with another motherfucker that's disgusting I hate women

>> No.12712511

I'm kind of a retard so maybe I should apply

>> No.12712521

>Experimenting how disabled people fair out in space
I don't see anything wrong with this you bigot

>> No.12712524

Astronaut is one of the positions where if you can survive the g-forces for liftoff, landing, etc even someone who is very physically weak will have few to no issues in their day to day tasks.

The ISS crew has to exercise regularly because astronauts have to exert only a fraction of the energy they would on earth, theyd lose all their muscle mass rapidly if they didnt have devices to restrain them for exercise. A disabled person would probably be 50 times more productive as an astronaut than they would in other jobs as long as they knew the same amount and had enough strength to cover all emergency procedures

>> No.12712528

it's clearly the tanned clone of jobs

>> No.12712537
File: 49 KB, 720x720, 1611320199456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is already full of disabled people, what more could they ask for?

>> No.12712675


>> No.12712709
File: 195 KB, 800x1000, 800px-JohnGlenn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that NASA flew John Glenn on the space shuttle when he was 77. Seventy-fucking-seven. This idea that astronauts have to be the peak of physical capability is bullshit. NASA flew multiple politicians and a Saudi prince before Challenger.

>> No.12712752

Reminder that Jobs was a faggot who refused chemotherapy to take jewish herbal medicine instead so he was likely a cuck to this man before kicking the bucket

>> No.12712787

i heard steve jobs was a weird lover so i understand getting over him quick

>> No.12713357

That guy looks like a likeable chad, so much better than the petty gay asshole that jobs was

>> No.12713443

>with a disability
let it be blind

>> No.12715337


>> No.12715694

>The European Space Agency says it wants to recruit someone with a disability as part of its call for new astronauts.
Well its not like their astronauts are going to space anyway so fill it full of retards

>> No.12715702

Better than sacrificing perfectly healthy and able bodied dogs like Laika

>> No.12715736

Any anon here would be a perfect candidate because of autism

>> No.12715790

He looks like Bezos

>> No.12715810
File: 18 KB, 580x386, 1613459509404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disabled could mean anything from missing leg to a missing toe
You don't even need legs in 0g
More women means more statistics about health effects on children born after habitation in space
Lower standards for ESA are good because before you had to be a seasoned jet pilot in addition to the astronaut training, rather than a scientist/engineer by trade

This is fine

>> No.12715854

Maybe an amputee? Why would astronauts need legs in space? Saves hundreds of kilos if you go with a full crew of amputees. They also need less food and water and probably less space inside the space ship because you can stack them like boxes.

>> No.12715873

>Has political correctness gone too far?
When I was a teenager two decades ago it had already gone too far. It didn't stop moving since then. It won't stop moving anytime soon either.
This along with political corruption, are the grindstones that wear down empires. Things become lethargic and inefficient, symbolic remnants of what was once industry and innovation. People fight with words over the most trivial things to gain degenerate forms of trivial might over petty issues.

Those not playing these stupid games stop participating and distance themself. Where once people would rally to the defense and maintenance of the great nation they now cheer when the walls wither and the barbarians show up at the gates to put the corrupt and bloated corpse out of its misery.

>> No.12715906

I almost wouldn’t worry about this issue. This is a fad that will most likely collapse on itself before it brings the West down with it. It’s good that we got Trump and then Biden. People will once and for all see that both sides of the political spectrum have nothing to offer but sub optimal solutions. This should lead to radical centrism or even better, a third party that isn’t beholden to special interests and is instead in favour of policies that actually progress society forward. This will fundamentally be good for science and technology which we all like.