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12710351 No.12710351 [Reply] [Original]

Why is talk about internal state so retarded?
"I think appple I see applE"

fucking retards

sorry this post is kinda cringe I just made this image and the thread i made it for died by the time I was done so

>> No.12710454


(: I like the image conveys it nicely conveys what you say

Yes I agree I think, the apple meme started hitting same time afantasia became msm chitchat it clealy comes as a shitty example clearly poorly chosen to direct the conversation but powerful to deliver just the mini dose of focalised insight probably because it was built for an experiment and the experimental things need to be opeartionalized loss all heart and get boring if you want to science it and hence it became meme and stuck around virality downgrades shawsank redemption is best movie ever.

You are absolutely right: think of an apple - full constelation of associations gets activated, leading to several others: different sensory informations, experiences, judgments, ideas, to say something. Fundamental for language.

Lovit. I also despise that, I guess is just the classisc dumblindown msm and massive information transmission demands.. its sad yes yes

>> No.12710469

When apple.

>> No.12710475

I just ignore stuff like that. Its the same with pemdas or "you should be able to solve this" bait posts. Makes pseuds feel like theyre smart, mostly harmless.

Was gonna say schizo but i think I understand and agree with that youre saying about the "full constellation of association" so my next best guess is esl

>> No.12710481

I get it, and strongly agree. Imagining an apple has little to do with picturing the image of an apple. I'm not thinking about a picture of an apple, I'm thinking /with/ apple.

Fucking granny smith retarts.

>> No.12710529


im schizo yes but constellation is an actual term used in cogsci nonetheless probably coming more from cogpsy rahter than cognitive neuroscience but fully appliable I guess to refer neural nets. Where are concepts represented? The word hammer must activate neurons in temporal cortex as well as frontal (becuase its a tool), also in sensory cortices it you go for the aspect, texture, whatever. An engram. However its an unsolved issue, operativizing where concepts are stored, the metaphor works

>> No.12710576

OP here
you get it :)
I mean yes I know to ignore it overall but say I want to talk to a normie about the concept this image is most likely what I'd use or even if not they'll look it up themselves and see that sort of comparison. So its on me to have an understanding of that image and how to really model it so as to correctly explain whats wrong with it if it must be used.
hell yea

>> No.12710610

Fun fact your visual cortex sits at the back of your head whiles eyes are at the front.

as the signal moves from front to back the neurons act as delay.

Voila, meta cognition.

>> No.12710658

I have always found it infuriating that it seems research into measurement of the visual cortex is so minimal. "hur dur we scan monkey brain looking at a grid and see a grid on the brain surface, thats kind cool lets not make this a huge fucking deal"
thats a hyuge fucking deal like shit you can literally see visual structure in the neural activation spatial structure. Do you not get what that means? Am I missing something huge, or is everyone else?

>> No.12710782


it is, it is, but that's just low level processing (hierarchically) retty important nonethelss butt real perceptoin (generation of mental representations) involves much diffuse and probably impossibru to operativize networks... there are hierarchies thought the concept of linearly increasingly complex direction of brain processing has also been rebated (there are bypass feedbacks and low as well as high level areas synchronize (gamma tells you that) distally to maintain mental representations

however tat prperty is called reitnotopy and yes it fucking amazing. The same way tonotopy is: auditory primary cortex in the teporal lobe is partly citoarchitectonically distributed in the same spatial distro as the coclear (also that reitnotopy thing does not occur in all neurons of striate (primary visual cortex)) htats why auditory implants work: a microprocesser analyzes sound spectar in the environment and several electrodes innervate differente parts of the coclea - lower freqs activate the mos distal part of the coclea (relative to the oval window where vibrations from the small bones is transduced into waves of the endolinfa, a liquid) and higher ones stimulate electrodes attached to the most proximal ones: the person can somehow hear. A similar device could be constructed for blind one (last week I think there was some new about it) but I think the electronics are too difficult and precise.

The inital stages of sensory processing are really mechanicistic, but mental represntations are a whole different deal. That is precisely what OPs meme is about I guess!

>> No.12711921
