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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12708431 No.12708431[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I noticed that 4chan is slowly becoming anti science. Why so?

>> No.12708443

prove it

>> No.12708446
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A lie cannot persist forever.
Academia is corrupt. Those who do not follow the mainstream lose their jobs and are sent to asylums.

>> No.12708452

Because /pol/. I don't even know why they still keep it around, it doesn't even contain the conpiritards anymore.

>> No.12708456

You don't know what you are wishing for idiot. If we didn't had /pol/ every other board would suffer

>> No.12708527

You can be pro-science while being anti academia
/Pol/cels read Kaczynski and only understood parts about science, so they used it to rationalize belief that science=joos

>> No.12708529

How? Pol, r9k and B are worst boards on this site

>> No.12708559

What exactly do you mean by this? Examples?

>> No.12708561

Containment never worked
Every board is /pol/ now

>> No.12708562

/pol/-brain syndrome.
That's why.

I don't think containment helps. It's literally everywhere now. I think we have to suffer through it, ignore as much as possible, and wait till it kills itself.

>> No.12708598

>CDC claims masks don't work
>They do
>Social sciences claim race doesn't exist
>It obviously does
>Social sciences claim gender is socially constructed and there are infinitely many genders
>Trannies literally only ever transition from male to female or vice versa, indicating two gender, biologically driven
>ESA seeks disabled astronauts for diversity
>Astronauts know it's a matter of life and death and it'll kill their team
Gee Anon, I don't know. Just why are people in general becoming anti science? Could it be because the faggots are living in a fantasy land, and all this diversity crap, privilege theory, and politicized and weaponized "science" is eroding the integrity of academia? No, certainly not. It's the people who are losing their minds!

>> No.12708623

Containing pol failed, and the people who aren't schizos are slowly leaving and being replaced with more qoomer schizos. I honestly don't know why i keep coming back to this board, only about 1/10 people have a highschool understanding of science or math

>> No.12708651

I have to believe those guys are just shitposting, because I just still can't believe that those "space is fake" guys are actual real human beans

>> No.12708656

calling unironic retards "shitposters" is the reason this site went to shit in the first place.

>> No.12708664

Science is now unsciencitutional.

>> No.12708670

Science is great. The current scientific institutions are just overrun with wildly corrupt people

>> No.12708676

always surprises me that people think a bell curve would curve upward again.

>> No.12708678

Containing /pol/ hasn't worked. moot previously said that if /pol/ became /stromfront/ he would shut it down, that's pretty much what it is now but they still keep it around. I'm pretty sure the only reason they haven't shut it down is /pol/tards make up most of the traffic here, so they would lose a bunch of money if they did.

>> No.12708680

>/his/ gonna get flooded with tankies and wheraboos
>/sci/ gets the climate denyers
>/x/ gets the worst of the worst and gets even more cancerous
>Leftypol gets even more bbs addicted and sissified
>/b/ gets the karens
I as a /pol/tard gonan love the shitshow you guys would hate it tho

>> No.12708685

See >>12708680

>> No.12708687

Lmao, they dont have any launch vehicles

>> No.12708715
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Cause of all the pol schizos, qanons, and alt-right racists that have flooded this board in the last year. We used to discuss actual math and science, and one time a random guy on here even solved a famous math problem. These days its just inbred rednecks tweaking out on crystal meth and alt-right incels posting conspiracy theories and shit. If the mods step up there game, then maybe we can get our board back, but these days it mostly just racist trolls and schizos spreading conspiracy theories.

Pic related

>> No.12708723

Have sex, incel

>> No.12708740
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Scientists are corrupt to the core.
If they were capable of finding any dangerous truths, they would lose their jobs instantly.
Learning your lessons and having good grades and diplomas means little more than being able to do some magic tricks like a dog in a circus.

>> No.12708762

B - Based

>> No.12708774

What dangerous truths do you want scientists to find?

>Inb4 muh race IQ correlation
>inb4 muh climate change hoax
The truths have been found and you're upset the results don't match your ideology so you don't accept them.

>> No.12708779

let's not even call that science, please
it would be giving them too much credit

>> No.12708790

a critic about the critic of the post modernism. Which is the current acadiamia idioloigy

>> No.12708793

stupid retard
go back to bunkerchan and stop shilling

>> No.12708803

/his/ is already full of tankies and wehraboos

>> No.12708815
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Smart people defy the mainstream and common beliefs.
People who do not believe in Global Warming are smarter than the rest.
The midwit, on the other hand, is mass produced, worships academia and hates those who dare tell him the truth, like those on /pol/.

>> No.12708819

I never got a satifisfieng asnwer on what exactly lead to the total collapse of the german morale. Just the standard talkingpoints which I can read in every hirtory book.

>> No.12708845

If this is 4d bait then I'm impressed

>> No.12708846
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overall this, i am not against science, but nu-science is a fucking cancer who's killing real science as a whole and the whole reddit science cult is becoming annoying
>just trust science bro, don't read the actual paper or research, science is settled

>> No.12708848

>academe bloated with many pointless, undpredictive, unscientific social sciences
>hard sciences (except maybe biology) provide no new discoveries or technological advancements
>asked to increasingly worship hard sciences as metaphysical absolute by political extremists and retards

>> No.12708850

Yeah, /sci/ board sure is full of midwits.
Such people care more about being socially conforming than truth.
Thank godness the geniuses from /pol/ have come here to purify this place.

>> No.12708854
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It's the truth pal.
You can't deny academia and science is used to mass produce people.

>> No.12708886

absolutely based. people aren't annoyed with science, it's just the pop-science faggots that dump "truth and facts" (when clearly there's some bias) and made people lose trust in what is really true

>> No.12708911

There is no such thing as 'settled science', so regardless of the evidence you have no right to censor people. If you think they're wrong, then explain you case. You are literally a priori assuming that anyone who disagrees with you is a schizophrenic neonazi or something. This is objectively false, and it's literally a logical fallacy.

Also it's not just a right wing issue. It's pretty clear that you don't have any background in STEM, because nobody in the scientific community has the kind of visceral emotional reaction to these sorts of issues. You're no even a progressive or a liberal. You're just a low IQ corporate democrat who worship science but doesn't actually understand it. In literally any scientific discipline their is bullshit accepted wisdom that you can't question. This isn't some fringe schizo opinion. Talk to any grad student or any professor in any discipline, and they will tell you that some 'accepted wisdom' is bullshit, and it's often normies like you who make it harder to question established wisdom. You probably aren't sharp enough to understand, but for instance, in my field of cognitive science and evolutionary biology, there has historically been a lot of bullshit about things like human evolution and cognition in non-human animals that was obviously retarded, but you haven't been allowed to question in for over 100 years because of Behaviorist psychology. In particular, until the last decade, it was widely considered accepted fact that that neanderthals were basically retarded, and some people even claimed that they literally had no capacity for abstract thought, and that modern humans have only emerged 150 kya, whereas no it appears that they were very similar modern humans, and furthermore, modern humans actually probably emerged 250+ Kya. Similarly, mainstream cognitive science used to claim that animals literally have no awareness or experience of the world. Chomsky hierarchy, type 2 birdsong is another good example.

>> No.12708915

fuck you

>> No.12708924
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right wing has become anti-facts and anti-science

>> No.12708929
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Science says right wingers are happier.
Pursuing truth makes us happy, unlike most of you sheepies and science worshippers who prefer comforting lies.

>> No.12708933

There is no such thing as science

>> No.12708934

Is that a code word for not being woke?

>Covid is not from CHINA
>Stop wearing MASKS

>> No.12708951


>Mass produce people who think they have a high market value to drive down wages of actually meaningful work
>Mass produce people with the same ideas so there is no political innovation and people think all politics can be boiled down to a left right dichotomy
>Never teach kids real useful skills. Choping wood, putting up a shelf, basic plumbing, what jobs are actually available
>Lie to them about the job market for 4+ years until they actually apply for a job
>Put them into debt the whole time and claim its ok bc we have a shortage of stem students or something (we dont)
> Mix women and men (retarded in any educational endeavour. Arthoe pussy was nice, but hardly educational)
> The people who do/ support/ get jobs in this thing are meant to be clever than the rest of us

Yeah I wonder why people are turning against the acadamy

>> No.12708964

>he thought he would get a job with a bachelor's

>> No.12708971

everyone is sick of the models they teach that refuse to show how entire galaxies are made in the center of the universe and tossed out from it's massive nuclear chain reaction.

>> No.12708979

Ah, you neglected to mention the great revolutionary war of 2021. It started on January 6, 2021. Luckily, our fearless great powerful mong Biden easily thwarted the rebellion. Just another reason he was elected. None was left overnight. Now, sleep and know the money will keep printing.

>> No.12708986

4channers believe whatever BS they can that allows them to feel superior to others because they’re worthless without parasitizing off the legacy of their own race or the achievements of men better than them.

>> No.12708996

science is used as a magic word to justify garbage in the real world, that doesn't auto-correct, and doesn't accept alternative non-official explanations even when they are right more often, scientist don't make any effort to fight this

also it's cheaper to buy a scientist, than to buy a politician

>> No.12709011

Nah I got a 2:1 masters in Chemistry. I've got a job, but still, the prospects for stem majors have been massively inflated. No wonder humanities students go crazy.

>> No.12709013

*over exaggerated, not inflated

>> No.12709022

hogwash scientific results every single step during the pandemic produced by scientific institutions, literally 0 (zero) push-back from scientists who just keep sucking political cock every step of the way, gee, i wonder why people don't trust science

>> No.12709026
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You know, "exaggerate" already means to exaggerate, so over exaggerate doesn't really mean anything

>> No.12709031

maybe if science had any pride in their own work rather than just be political puppets people would like you again

>> No.12709032

4chan userbase more than doubled in 2016, what kind of people do you think these newfags are and which board they mostly use?

>> No.12709033

Degrees help no matter the degree because job searchers just see a degree and prioritize you more than people without them.

>> No.12709040

Fair point. But the French say "dont count your cabbages" as an expression, so in the grand scheme of things, my linguistic slip there is somewhat minor.

>> No.12709042

"trust the science" has become normie rhetoric so naturally 4chan takes the stance to it being a place of counter-culture
Ironically the latter is probably more "scientific" in the traditional sense of the word seeing as science isn't something based around blind trust

>> No.12709044

science is only good when it's done by autists and aristocrats in their free time

>> No.12709045

Not in technical fields. And thats not really true if you have a good employment history to compensate.

>> No.12709078

Yeah that's fair, I guess i got lucky and had advisors from the beginning that told me i would need a graduate degree to make it anywhere in my field

>> No.12709098
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Why do you think? Because of the growing support for movements like white nationalism and QAnon. What we have seen in the last two elections is that close to half of the country supports fascism and hate science, democracy, and equality.

>> No.12709101

Over exaggerate is a telling word. It indicates that today exaggeration is expected and that one is merely exaggerating more than normal. It's a problem.

>> No.12709102

Sorry, but the burden of proof is on you, buddy.

>> No.12709104

And this is a good thing.

doesnt exist
doesn't exist, even if it did, it wouldnt work
biggest lie of the three. Everything is unequal, ruling in the name of equality is a lack of equality in itself(who rules?)

>> No.12709106

how is it democracy at all if half the population hate it?

>> No.12709110

No is against the concept of science in it's pure uncorrupted form. People are against the current state of science. When you have 'scientists' saying things that are clearly wrong and they are rewarded for it. You have a serious problem. When you have studies that can't be replicated, and yet they don't lose credibility, you have a serious problem. We aren't anti-science, we are against the people who are ruining science. It's going to take a very long time to fix all the damage that we are doing right now. And that's if we ever recover in the first place.

>> No.12709117

exactly. 'Trust the science' is a stupid thing to say. You don't trust science, you continuously question it and that is how it develops.

>> No.12709120

/pol/ wasn't full of schizo retards for a long time.
Early /pol/ drove out 9-11 truthers and shut down a lot of conspiracy shit.
/pol/ has always been edgy race realists, but didn't dive into every retarded nutjob theory out there.

The major change happened when we got all these Ron Paul libertarians started flocking to the board, who believe the government is inherently evil and is somehow behind ever ill in society.

The mods need to create a new /con/spiracy board and just banish ever retarded anti-vaxx, flat-earth, false flag thread to it.
If they're creating a fucking V-tuber and Pro-wrestling board, why not a conspiracy board?

>> No.12709125

>/pol/ wasn't full of schizo retards for a long time.
it totally was even before it existed and it was called /new/

also current year science is dogshit, and most scientists are spineless puppets with no pride, this doesn't have anything to do with /pol/

>> No.12709136

Isn’t that what /x/ is meant to be?

Reality has no concrete or objective iron laws. If it did priests and reactionaries would not need to constantly spout their claims of how things actually work so much. Since if social norms exist due to things naturally being that way, why do conservatives feel the need to keep trying to discourage if not go after societal shifts that could just be the natural course of civilization to begin with?

>> No.12709145
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The truth is the spiritual.
The truth is God.
This world is a product of something with great intelligence, not just chaos and randomness.
Randomness is a lie, as it is no more than a product of ignorance and human arrogance.
Laws cannot be "randomly" generated. Intelligence lies behind those.
Hence, God exists, so does the afterlife and our Judgement.

>> No.12709153
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>> No.12709159

There are no laws the universe is anarchy. The constraints on the cosmology are enough but than there’s those who wanna than limit what is possible to the point you might as well be a rock..

>> No.12709168
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Wrong one bro

>> No.12709170
File: 230 KB, 1136x778, 037E93A3-27E7-47D0-AF40-21165DB1E1D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the patch

>> No.12709174

False, claiming this world is randomly generated is absurd.

Stop showing so much arrogance. Just because scientists do not have the brains to grasp the laws of the universe does not mean everything is random.

>> No.12709175
File: 258 KB, 1691x795, false_flag_hijacking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. normie who doesn't know about intelligence agencies, marketing, psychological operation, and media manipulation

The idea that you're not even allowed to question the narrative on 9/11 is ridiculous, and you clearly aren't someone who is well read on military history. False flags are a real thing, and they are an accepted part of military history.

For example, this is from a study conducted by a team of literally dozens of engineers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks:
"The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse. The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building."
source: http://ine.uaf.edu/wtc7

Or what about the dancing israelis? They were Israeli Mossad agents who were sent to New York to record the attacks and take photos. This is objectively true, and widely accepted to have happened. In fact, police and the FBI even investigated the incident
Here are the original FBI documents:

Also, pic related. The CIA was literally planning to orchestrate a false flag terrorist attack on the state of Florida. They were going to hijack planes and stage some sort of attack on civilian target, and then they were going to blame it on Cuba and use it as a pretext to invade them. This is all recent history. It happened in the 1960, so the idea that the US government would never consider a false flag attack is simply incorrect.

>> No.12709179

It’s random at any scale concerning life. Yeah there’s some patterns but determinism breaks down in the face of complex interaction to the point of being basically useless.

>> No.12709180

>reality has no objective iron laws
You said it not me
>priests and reactionaries spout claims
yeah so do intersectionalists, gays, shamans and trannies, DNC, GOP, libertarians, socialists, communists, pimps... people claiming things tell you nothing about what is.
>social norms exist because social norms exist
Someone put this guy in a hospital
>Why do conservatives feel the need to discourage societal shifts
Because they feel wrong to them. Same way lack of momentum feels wrong to shitlibs. There is no "natural course for civilisation". Civilisation is just a reflection of the genes of its constituent organisms, not some pre-ordained path. Conservatives don't like change, thats their personality- they view govenment like a big building society, everyone chips in and money is redistributed. Shitlibs like changes and causes, they view government like a spiritual phenomena- its a church for them about "rights" and "equality"...
These two types are right to different extent through different ages. Shitlibs are currently killing the west, but they were the sort of people who brought in industrial civilisation, they are also the sort of people that headed the spread of the catholic church. Its not about ideas, its about biology.

>> No.12709181
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Low IQ : Flat Earth > Modern Science

Midwit : Science = Billion Sexual Genders,
Global wahmen, Be Anti-white,Pro-Abortion,
Pro-immigration, Feminist, Cuckold,... etc.

High IQ :
Albert Einstein believed in God.
Is God a Mathematician?

>> No.12709191

Biology and society cease to be distinguishable because of artificial selection

>> No.12709193
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>> No.12709200

I dont know what you are actually trying to say here

>> No.12709201

/pol/niggers wanting to feel smart

>Billion Sexual Genders,
>Global wahmen, Be Anti-white,Pro-Abortion,
>Pro-immigration, Feminist, Cuckold,... etc.
If this is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about science then you're the blackest gorilla nigger I've ever seen.
Also mixing political and non-political issues together makes you really dumb.
>Albert Einstein believed in God.
Using argument from authority instead of empiricism doesn't make you smart.

>> No.12709207

Genetic modification and shit means biology kinda can be whatever someone wants it to be if you go up that tech tree enough. I wanna society with 10 limbed monkey I can have that.

Same with social norms, get enough people who believe it is important to eat pig butt and that is the norm and you better eat the pig butt or you are an outcast.

>> No.12709224

Randomness is the product of ignorance.
Nothing is ever truly random. If you know all everything is deliberate.
This world cannot be "randomly" generated.
There are clear laws behind it. Not a single law can be "randomly" defined.
There is intelligence behind this world.

>> No.12709225

>Such people care more about being socially conforming than truth.
This is more true for /sci/ than almost any other board. Have you ever even seen an IQ thread?