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12705538 No.12705538 [Reply] [Original]

How do I know if I have adhd and what is it? I am confused on what it means and I don’t know how to judge if I have it.

>> No.12705698
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>> No.12706789

Do men have ADHD more than women because men were genetically designed to be hunter and gatherers?

>> No.12706845

I shouldn't reply to such an obvious troll post but, here goes.

ADHD is real, you should see a psychiatrist for a diagnosis, but they're very jaded from asshole college students seeking stims so you'll have to be your own advocate and decide for yourself whether you fit the diagnostic criteria or at the very least would benefit from medication.

You also need to be competent enough to make those judgements, so you should at the very least have basic knowledge of pharmacology / psychology and psychiatric disorders. Lots of literature available online.


is a very good resource for pharmacology, the other stuff is just trivial and you'll be equipped enough to make an accurate judgement after reading a few wikipedia articles and browsing a few papers on scihub. Please be responsible with your meds if you get them anon.

>> No.12707138

A disorder just means there is a specific pattern of symptoms that hinder your ability to carry out daily activities severely enough.


If you want insight from a psychiatrist into how a diagnosis is determined, what it "means" to have adhd, the decision that goes into deciding whether to prescribe or not, etc., read the above link