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12703702 No.12703702 [Reply] [Original]

>depression on the rise
>pump them with antidepressants
>depression continues to rise
Really makes you think. Can psychologists refute Ted?

>> No.12703716

Nah, Ted is just as pozzed as most people today. Depression isn't even a real disorder. Best you kid and they'll function fine. Diagnostic depression is the inability to function. 99% of such diagnoses are just bored kids who need to be beaten.

>> No.12703726

>Best your kids
what did he mean by this

>> No.12703738

make them the best version of themselves, by beating them with a belt

I question if people who claim that child beating is good were ever beaten themselves? I was, didn't make me a good person at all, just gave me a shitty memory, and, surely, subconscious issues

>> No.12703744

was beaten and yelled at a lot
made me have really bad anxiety and depression
thankfully learned strats to fight those but took away years of my life even after leaving my parents' house

>> No.12703793

depends a lot on how you got beat
a smack every now and then, fine, no big deal
but I think everyone knows that there are quite a few parents who go well beyond that and will quite happily beat the absolute shit out of their kids and that almost never teaches a kid anything except mistrust and hate

>> No.12704191

Physical abuse is not a good punishment for children, it just teaches the kids to be scared of and to resent their parents. The best thing for kids to turn out “normal” as in not depressed is lots of love and encouragement, an environment where they can make mistakes without fear and learn from them

>> No.12704311

How do they learn from mistakes if there is no negative feedback? I'm not saying to beat the shit out of them but if you give them positive reinforcement for everything they do, they're going to grow up to be arrogant assholes with an inflated sense of self worth that will get them destroyed in the real world.

>> No.12704342

The kind of prick who beats his kids doesn't usually apply the reasoning behind it very consistently. He does it because he wants to beat them.

>> No.12704713

Surprisingly accurate
>%99 of diagnoses are just bored kids who need to be beaten
can't tell if edge lord, heartless bastard or troll, maybe all three

>> No.12704727

Ok but that doesn't answer the question at all. How will children learn from their mistakes if they receive nothing but positive feedback from their actions?

>> No.12704740

the only Ted talk worth listening too...

>> No.12704784

>better destroy your kid before the world does
lmao at beatfags

>> No.12705071

What are your strats anon??

>> No.12705096

You can exert negative reinforcement by means other than beating up your child. People who beat their children mostly do it for reasons as specified by >>12704342. Whether or not corporal punishment is effective is another question. Black mothers whoop their child's asses all the time. Doesn't stop 30 % of their male children from becoming an prisoner.

>> No.12705326

This is true, I had a deadbeat dad who said he did it because "he loved us". But really he was just a retard who had anger issues.

>> No.12705450

Not very convincing from a guy who sends out mail bombs to maim and kill.

>> No.12705466

The entire point of psychoactive drugs isn't to cure or help the patient, it's to help the parents, teachers, employers, etc. who have to deal with them.

Their purpose is to make the subject easier to manage. That's all.

>> No.12705491

People have always been unhappy, society is the easiest is ever been. Depression has little to do with your conditions.

>> No.12705815

>no Oxford comma
Cant tell if edgelord, heartless bastard, or troll.

>> No.12705825
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>soviet disciple

>> No.12705838

Imagine writing this and then pretending to have IQ above 90.

>> No.12705933
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>Never had any traumatic experiences in my childhood I can blame all my problems on

>> No.12706025
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I dunno man, people have lived under much tougher conditions than we do now, and they didn't have time to fucking be depressed, they had to work, innovate etc or they died.
Depression being a concept is just accepting people not manning the fuck up and dealing with life. It's the same as NEETs, it exists because it is possible for it to exist.
I will say though that if there is any one thing you can do to give people a sense of agency is to remove every and all laws and regulations surrounding employment. Make it cheap and easy to hire, and if necessary fire, 12 year olds, hobos, abused women etc. Everyone can get a job if there is zero barrier to getting a job, and supporting yourself, while hard, will give anyone a sense of satisfaction and control of their lives.
Just imagine how many industrious kids are legally barred from working in gas stations and supermarkets, and instead have to turn to selling drugs if they want pocket money. Imagine how many "I started just handing out mail, but today Im the CEO" stories never happen because these people never get to even try.

>> No.12706072

I was only beaten a couple of times for doing naaty stuff when I was 4-5. The psychological punishment was already too much for me to handle, parents didn't need to beat me on top of that.

>> No.12706802


You can punish them without physical violence, and focus on clearly explaining the reason why what they did was wrong. If you beat them, the shock of being physically attacked will prevent them for accurately parsing why what they did was wrong. It takes the ability to clearly reason off the table, and when that happens the kids is more likely to do bad things, because they'll just follow their intuition without thinking, and they're more likely themselves to use violence on other people, because it's what they've been taught.

>> No.12706834

>just bored kids who need to be beaten.
that's how you give your kid cte

>> No.12708117

Most people are depressed due to stress or vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin D deficiency is soaring, and coincidentally it can stop the depression induced by cortisol injections.

>> No.12708121

Most children are incapable of sound decisions and would eventually end up getting abused by their employer, hell even adults are retard and get exploited by banks, insurances, employers, etc. all the time, laissez faire employment would be a fucking disaster

>> No.12708128

government regulation is gay, i agree.

>> No.12708154

positively reinforce good behaviour instead of punishing negative actions. Telling a kid in a serious voice that something was bad a looking at them a few secs already scares them, if you neutrally explain why, you even imbed reasoning and social skills, make the event memorable for them and allows for reflection.

>> No.12708164

>source: my ass

>> No.12708178
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A strong problem is how we live and our connection with our own mind, the environment and the systems around us. And how people are managed. Especially in public schools and now universities too.
Instead of using the computer correctly we are collectively using it in the same way as bashing our head in with a hammer instead of using it do drive nails into walls.
The modern computer is on a far too large graphical abstracted user interaction too. A vast amount of people honestly have no idea what a computer even is other than a media machine.
It's that 'macbook craig' picture that really gets to me, the screen becomes a hypnotic frontal lobe liquefier. And this goes for so much.
School went from learning and experimenting to sterile activities of building spaghetti and marshmallow structures.
There's a certain 'happiness' or rather calm connected stillness I feel myself slowly reaching with these realisations.
I was so disconnected with everything from trauma and culture and wasn't being taught about what we knew. Then I began noticing patterns in our world and put enough trust in myself to try and teach myself about everything I see, I don't just wake up in a room and feel unhappy anymore, if it makes me unhappy I really try to see what I can change. I don't see a car move and just think to myself that's how things are but I try and learn how it is moving.
What you think affects you the most, when you think right you'll begin to find ways to eat and spend your time right, slowly avoiding the things that affect you badly like coming less to this site.
I'm not denying the position we're in but this is a way I found to make the world a better place for me. And it's really the only thing you can do, depression and mental health problems aren't your fault entirely but you need to trust yourself to fix it.
A belief that a God created all this, or that things follow some underlying logic really went a long way for me to escape the toxicity my mind was being given.

>> No.12708190

and by "all this" I mean the world and its rules. I'm trying to "pray" regularly too, wether to myself, a God or nature isn't really the point I'm making but rather a way I've found to stay grounded to myself and the world where I can focus and reflect on it.

>> No.12708232

They are gaslighting us.

>> No.12708263


>> No.12708308

In conjunction with K2 and zinc though.

>> No.12708370

>chronic induction of extreme stress can cause depression (in mice)
>Vit D3 deficiency increases the risk for depression (in mice)
you would have to be utterly retarded to conclude stress and/or vit D to be the only causes, let alone causing the majority of cases.
It is well known that a healthy diet, exercise and going outside can help immensely in depression and is recommended, but it is no general cure and in major depression only helps in alleviating symtoms.

>> No.12708417

Explain what causes the rise in depression. outside of stress and vitamin (d) deficiency
By the way, social isolation is a stressor, as are industrial environments (contra to nature). Then there are other burdens like endotoxins (which vitamin d antagonizes through TLR4 inhibition). And even though major depression might be resistant to treatment, it doesn't mean it will not be prevented by avoiding these pitfalls to begin with, just as vitamin d prevents bone fractures but does not immediately cure them.

>> No.12708474

great, now take your meds

>> No.12708525

>immorality on the rise
>pump them with threats of damnation
>immorality continues to rise

Actual feedback. It isn't expressly positive or negative.
Repercussions are not the reason an act is 'wrong'.
The reason is evident, as the basic good are reasons with no further reasons.

>> No.12708526

I don't have any nor have I taken any?
I just take vitamin D.

>> No.12708648

nice b8 m8 8/8

>> No.12708702

Ted wasn't talking about depression as a disorder, he was saying depressed as in unhappy people. And those unhappy people being given pills to tolerate the triggers that give them unhappiness rather than society fixing the triggers.

What the hell is pozzed. Such dumb white kid language.

>> No.12708724

Based ogre

>> No.12708808

how can you be ted k pilled and post on sci at the same time?

>> No.12708822

why do fucking retards on this board reply to the thread instead of the post they are referencing? see it all the time here.

>> No.12709391

Inflammation causes depression.

Sources of inflammation: gut microbiome, oxidized lipids (degenerated fat formed from oxygen and heat exposure), sugar, alcohol, cigarettes

And get enough nutrients