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12702322 No.12702322 [Reply] [Original]

Lex Fridman's PhD thesis is now available

Can anyone comment on the quality of research?


>> No.12702334

no one cares about lex friedman except shills and triggered faggots. read it yourself and fuck off

>> No.12702339

I'm not an expert in machine learning but from the looks of it, it seems like a useless idea to secure a computer based on how a user behaves

>> No.12702554

Fucking kek. What a pseud.

>> No.12702563

You know how people always write, "Vixra? Into the trash." That's how I feel about anything with bio-prefixed words in the title.

>> No.12702577

>bio-prefixed words
Biometrics isn't a neologism... what other words bother you?

Also Vixra IS full of cranks, why do you associate yourself with them? Surely you are intelligent enough to understand that it is not a good idea

>> No.12702581

No way this is a PhD thesis in EE, this work is at best equivalent to 2 months worth of effort at best, pics are trash, this must be a troll.

>> No.12702584

Have you not seen any of his podcasts? The guy is legit retarded

>> No.12702589

A list of things Tooker thinks are garbage:
As a corollary, Tooker believes all the following hallmarks of biology are ViXra tier bullshit:
>cell theory
>germ theory

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.12702599

I have no idea who the guy is. Who's his advisor, who permitted this? By looking at the acknowledgements it looks like a work of nepotism

>> No.12702604

Do you know who you're talking to? It's John Tooker, the guy who thinks every mathematician other than himself (some data scientist who got fired for being a shit employee) is an idiot and yells nigger at random people in stores.

>> No.12702612

>it looks like a work of nepotism
That's Lex's whole modus operandi

>> No.12702617


>> No.12702620

Yes his dad is a professor at the university

>> No.12702827
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it is

>> No.12702839

I have scanned his paper. I‘m not specialized in human machine interactions. Thinking about his methodology I can’t help, but suspect the test isn’t suited to really correlate certain human machine interaction patterns with individual human characteristics in all circumstances. Correct me, if I‘m wrong, but he says
>Each day they were assigned two tasks. The first was an open-ended blogging task, where they were instructed to write blog-style articles related in some way to the city in which the testing was carried out. This task was allocated 6 hours of the 8 hour workday. The second task was less open-ended. Each employee was given a list of topic or web articles to write a summary of. The articles were from a variety of reputable news sources, and were kept consistent between users except for a few broken links due to the expired lifetime of the linked pages. This second task was allocated 2 hours of the 8 hour workday.
Both tasks encouraged the workers to do extensive online research by using the web browser. They were allowed to copy and paste content, but they were instructed that the final work they produced was to be of their own authorship.
Seems like a specific kind of task. There isn’t really any indication of these patterns being consistent throughout varying tasks.

>> No.12702846

>Both tasks encouraged the workers to do extensive online research by using the web browser. They were allowed to copy and paste content, but they were instructed that the final work they produced was to be of their own authorship.
Didn’t work.

>> No.12702853

>That's jews whole modus operandi

>> No.12702919

yeah i'm thinking the whole thing is very contrived

>> No.12702924

Learning of Identity from Behavioral Biometrics for Active Authentication

>> No.12702944

Lex, buy an advertisement. They're not that expensive and people will hate you slightly less.

>> No.12702946

Why does he trigger people so much? Is it because Elon Musk? Why does Elon trigger libs so much?

>> No.12702988

lex himself is stupid and boring, but he has guests who do interviews with him who don't do interviews elsewhere

>> No.12703023

Ever heard the saying that "traitors get shot first"? Musk used to be the darling of the plebbit IFLS! mob. Then he came out against COVID restrictions. Next he announced he was leaving California (leftist nirvana) for Texas (leftist hell). So the leftists now hate him not only for being a heretic against the Church of Covid and the Holy Land of California, but also because they feel betrayed after slobbering all over his knob for a decade.
People hate Lex because he's an arrogant midwit who acts like he's one of the most important scientific minds of his generation. Also he's a terrible interviewer but because he somehow gets good guests, his interviews are spammed everywhere.

>> No.12703048
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stopped reading there. way to invalidate legit criticism with commie shit.

>> No.12703052

50 pages?
that's it?

>> No.12703068

as an ee&cs doing work in comp bio, you're not wrong, took.

>> No.12703080

I am never wrong. For doubting me, you won't be allowed in my harem.

>> No.12703091

i didn't doubt you nor am interested in your harem but i appreciate the past invitation even though you just revoked it.

>> No.12703120

>but because he somehow gets good guests
So jealousy?

>> No.12703125

it's not because of elon, it's because his sycophants suck up to him so hard it's actually embarrassing

>> No.12703128

>t. 16 year old
you do realise that word has nothing to do with communism outside of your retarded dank memes?

>> No.12703140

Why is it embarassing? Are you that interested in him?

>> No.12703159

Would it bother you to find out a great work of art had been moved from a museum and was hanging in a toilet stall of a truck stop in west Texas?

>> No.12703171

The stupidity peaked with the Hyperloop. Anyone with questions about the engineering realities of the system were shouted down by his fanbois with crap like
>if people like you existed in the 1400s, Columbus never would have discovered America
>we're never going to have warp drive if negative nancys like you ruin everything
>it's all there on page 86 of his white paper, can't you read?
Page 86 would have a couple of sentences of the "then a miracle happens" variety, but his fans who also fell in love with Solar Fucking Roadways, were sure that everything would magically work out.
The best thing to happen to Musk in the long run was the coronavirus because it allowed him to shed all of the IFLS! fans who were becoming more of a liability now that his companies are established and no longer are in the "meme, get attention" phase.

>> No.12703174

No fucking way is that a PhD thesis. Where's the meat of it?
>advisors and panel all part of the tribe

>> No.12703176

i mean the paper even has two conclusions, chapter 5 and 4.5

50 pages seems very short for a phd thesis. it is shorter than my msc study. in general, the paper seems like an integration study rather than about any novel approach. sure, you get results, but there's really nothing to compare it against.

>> No.12703228

So you're mad at Musk because of Hyperloop fans and therefore you hate Lex Fridman because you hate Musk?

>> No.12703578

I wonder what portion of people actually hate Musk vs they were programmed by the media to hate Musk.

>> No.12703613

Basically did a paper about mouse logger. Well, the PhD cant be denied as this paper fully follows a very good scientifical practice.

One can be a PhD about donkey shit. Is he then smart? Who the fuck knows.

>> No.12703682

I answered both questions but I'll repeat the answer for you.
I dislike Lex because 1) his interviewing skills are terrible and 2) he's arrogant far beyond what's appropriate for his accomplishments 3) his self promotion tactics are Nigerian tier
I don't dislike Musk, I was explaining the history of his fandom and how they turned on him after treating him as being beyond questioning.

>> No.12703685

It's r3ddit mostly. It was once Musk fan headquarters but now is the center of Musk hatred.

>> No.12704099
File: 39 KB, 1080x869, 1613284425263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anima Anandkumar

>> No.12704572

"dude why do you love him so much? why are you here defending him? do you have a crush on him?"

that's how you sound you fucking incel

>> No.12704716
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>> No.12704744
File: 282 KB, 1060x1736, sci_Anima_Anandkumar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anima Anandkumar
anima-bros, we got too cocky

>> No.12704996


>> No.12705283

I have no idea who Lex is. I didn't make the thread about him. I don't have any interest in him.

So it sounds like you're just gaslighting your own inadequacies.

>> No.12705296

What's the source of this screenshot, is he actually a con man?
How did he even get all those famous people to get on board his podcast?

>> No.12705311

So lex skeptic is just a triggered sjw curry muncher? Now this makes sense. Triggered SJW would be the ones trying to cancel anyone linked to Elon Musk.

>> No.12705312

Yes he is.
It’s because of his dad.

>> No.12705410

PhDs at universities ranked past the 200 mark are usually worthless

>> No.12705416

by pretending be a researcher at MIT and by shilling Tesla and Musk

>> No.12705420

I thought we were talking about Elon not this faggot who I don't even know. You people are slow God damn

>> No.12705434

Give the thread, it looks like Lex hate is Musk hate in disguise. And good chunk of that hate seems to be from the woke sjw crowds.

>> No.12705475
File: 443 KB, 640x640, 1601391278072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lex here, I'd appreciate it if you guys were kinder to me and to each other.

We need more love in this world, not hate. Together we are stronger.

Peace and love

>> No.12705724

he is truly an enigma

>> No.12705950

My pal received PhD in our uni (english rank 401-500) and is now main hospital physicist earning big euros.

Your argument is bad.

>> No.12705965

Only SJWs dislike Lex. Real people of science enjoy his podcasts and think he's a wonderful asset. It's only those who hate knowledge who hate Lex. Those people should leave this website forever and never come back. This is a place of discovery and wonder, not a place to attack top minds of the would because of pretty jealously. The SJWs that are attacking Lex must leave now. This must be a place of comfort for those who love Lex.

>> No.12706008

your scientific "knowledge" comes from posts on 4channel and twitter, you have never studied anything STEM in university and never read a textbook. prove me wrong.

>> No.12706158

Once you have a couple guests(friends of your father) it gets much easier. Then it becomes an Joe Rogan lite podcast for academics. Lex is non-threatening, and is prepared, so it works.

He's not a fraud in the sense he is out there robbing people. He genuinely wants to bring these ideas to the public.

>> No.12706269

With the NHS? lmao hospital physicists are so incompetent it's actually funny

>> No.12706288

Rip I go here

>> No.12706346

oh man I feel bad. it's not the worst place just don't pretend to be some kind of MIT genius

>> No.12706361

You're good it's pretty true
We have 76% acceptance rate most people here are retarded
The bottom of the barrel get weeded out pretty fast

>> No.12707704


>> No.12707798

Source is https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/jinaos/quick_rundown_on_lex_friedland/ga7i6ak/

He's a grifter.

>> No.12707828

This is deflection. You're mad because Lex is someone important and you're a green haired womynist who hates all men.

>> No.12707912
File: 23 KB, 640x296, 1596752950954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lex haters are sjws
cope hard. we hate him because he's a terrible autistic interviewer who can't stop saying cringe shit

>> No.12708640
File: 34 KB, 399x399, 1609887048337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tesla community
Why's there a community around a company?

>> No.12708882
File: 693 KB, 1237x1754, 86yugo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every car company has its own fan club. It's been that way since cars were first built. Even the Yugo has its own fan club.

>> No.12708897

>shills and triggered faggots
it's easy to tell which of these you are

>> No.12709006

Podcasts are so boring. How do you people listen to this when you could be listening to an audiobook or music? Lex isn’t evil or bad, he’s just trying to cash in on the emerging pop sci podcast market. I mean, he’s just another rogan or Sam Harris type. You see so many threads focusing on him not because he’s doing anything uniquely cringe, just that he’s new. Once he’s old news he’ll be yet another ephemera in the podcast slurry. He’s no less a boring voice than Sam Harris or Weinstein.

>> No.12709135

The fact that you consider Sam Harris, Joe Rogan, and Lex Fridman on the same level tells me you don't really listen to any of this stuff

>> No.12709339

How can these people call themselves scientists?

>> No.12709351

The good thing is he asks a question and shuts the fuck up. Look at the difference between Joe Rogan and him interviewing that Stanford psychology guy Huberman

>> No.12709488

He does come off as a complete brainlet in his podcasts but his qualifications always make me think I must be missing something. Maybe he speaks and asks questions in a way in which he knows most of his viewers will be able to follow?

>> No.12709641

His qualifications are fake. That's what this thread is about. Please tell me how a guy with a doctorate in computer science doesn't know what a for loop is

>> No.12710471

I like how he refer to essentially feature classification as "data fusion"

>> No.12711638

>Lex Fridman
Isnt this a retarded youtuber?