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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 311 KB, 3137x2092, nordex_20190904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12701171 No.12701171 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn’t support wind Explain yourself, faggot

>> No.12701173

wind energy=best energy

>> No.12701179

windmills cause cancer

>> No.12701182

It ruins my hairstyle

>> No.12701188

I support everything from nuclear to wind to just burning crude oil straight out of the ground.
Take the energy pill anons.

>> No.12701211
File: 54 KB, 640x480, Giant_wind_turbine_at_Nigg_yard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to we make wind turbines more efficent?
>make em bigger lol

>> No.12701214
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>> No.12701218

Awhile ago I was driving past a shitload of wind turbines built on farmland when I saw a guy trying to herd some sheep that got out.
I stop to help him and got talking and figured who better to ask their opinion on wind turbines, "my only problem with them is they didn't build enough on my land, you get $5k per year per turbine".

>> No.12701220

fake and gay

>> No.12701227

stupid and dumb

>> No.12701232

Producing and maintaining wind turbines is worse for the environment than simply burning natural gas.
Not to mention that they're not even profitable without subsidies.

>> No.12701248

What the fuck is the point of these huge, monstrous things, why not just make it law that every house must have a little one on its roof?

>> No.12701250


Read and return a better informed anon.

>> No.12701273

>my only problem with them is they didn't build enough on my land
holy based

>> No.12701279


here you go, faggot
also windmills have a nasty habit of exploding from excessive windspeed and throwing their blades miles away in some random direction

>> No.12701281

Wind electricity is expensive, the more wind a country have the more expensive electricity becomes.
Because all other generation sources still have to be maintained so they can step in to cover for wind when it's a low wind period. This drives up the cost of other energy sources kWh cost.
So more energy production capacity than needed ends up being connected to the grid due to intermittency of the renewable sources. This is highly inefficient and the end user ends up paying the bill for it.
If you could store kWhs in the bank account, at no cost, indefinitely, then wind would be a good idea. As it is it's a green fad sold by manipulating numbers, telling only half the story and shoveling the green propaganda down the throat of gullible or corrupt politicians.

I hope Germany gets a nationwide blackout lasting months that decimates their population, maybe then they would finally wake up. But probably not, they would blame fossil fuels for sabotaging the grid by not being able to cover the shortfall of wind. Blame is the only language the envirofascists speak.

>> No.12701284

you need to go back fucking faggot

>> No.12701299

Older blades did have delamination issues that have been largely solved.
The space they take up in landfill is nothing compaired to the land lost to coal mining.

It's a grid level storage issue, pumped hydro is the best option where the geography suits but we do need other options for where it doesn't.
As for base load nuclear is the best option by far but politically difficult because people are scared of what they don't understand.

>> No.12701302


>> No.12701312

Are you seriously trying to refute my points by ad hominem?
This is /sci/, not /pol/, you low IQ nigger.
Here, let me prove you wrong by doing the same thing:
There, now I'm totally right and you are definitely wrong, right?
Ignoring your idiocy, I do concede that I should have been more clearer: wind energy on a worldwide scale is not sustainable.
Sure, you'll find a few wind turbine models that are just sustainable enough (most of the mainstream media reports on these, by the way!), but those are few and far between.
Here's a pretty informative article, for example: https://www.windpowermonthly.com/article/1525529/turbine-models-fail-profit
It contains an overview per country on how many wind turbine models are actually sustainable
Subsidies are the only thing keeping this retarded technology afloat, pushed by willfully (or so it seems, although I hope not) ignorant idiots like you.
Wind technologies are also being pushed heavily here in the Netherlands for example.
Even though calculations from as early as in 2011 show that nearly none of them are even remotely sustainable without subsidies.

>> No.12701325

Wind blade graveyards because they can't be recycled. KYS.

>> No.12701329

Why do retards delete their posts?

>> No.12701334

>wind energy on a worldwide scale is not sustainable
Who ever claimed it was? It's one of many options that should be used where viable.

This says the R&D cost of bringing a turbine to market demands lots of sales that few manufacturers are getting, this doesn't say the turbines aren't profitable for the customer.
Sounds to me it's like any other heavy industry where few manufacturers can be supported by the limited demand, the exact reason there are 2 companies producing long haul passanger jets.

>> No.12701340
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LFTR > Wind

>> No.12701346

>Who ever claimed it was?
Unfortunately, most people who believe that wind energy is sustainable want to see them placed everywhere they can.
Most wind turbines are only sustainable when placed in an offshore farm, not on land.
>this doesn't say the turbines aren't profitable for the customer.
I never claimed otherwise.
The only reason why wind energy is cheap enough for consumers is because of the great amount of subsidies being sued to drive down their electricity costs.
>Sounds to me it's like any other heavy industry where few manufacturers can be supported by the limited demand
I don't disagree, there are very few wind turbine manufacturers actively producing them today.
But seriously, wind energy is one gigantic scam. I'd rather that those subsidies are used for better research in solar energy or better yet, nuclear energy.
And until either of those are viable, moving from coal and relying on natural gas is the cheapest and most sustainable option.

>> No.12701349

>Older blades did have delamination issues that have been largely solved.

you just made that up

>> No.12701364

>The only reason why wind energy is cheap enough for consumers is because of the great amount of subsidies being sued to drive down their electricity costs.
But that doesn't seem to be the case. It looks like there was just a dotcom like rush on wind and now lots of them are going under because they spent $10m developing a turbine then sold 3 into an oversaturated market. Those that can secure major projects will be profitable while those that won't will never recover their R&D and will go out of business.
As for subsidies it's the only way to drive progress in any industry with high R&D costs and a long ROI. Form there you have 2 proven options, subsidize private industry or have a government organization do the R&D then release it to private industry. Given how heavy government agencies tend to get with people that are effectivly impossible to fire I see the former as the lesser of two evils.

For the best option to get away from foscil fuels today I agree nuclear is the way to go with wind, solar and battery storage being encouraged at the home owner level with subsidies to drive grid-decentralization.

Putting a replacable peice of hard plastic on the leading edge isn't rocket science.

>> No.12701372
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what broke it?

>> No.12701377

First the blade pitch control, then the emergancy brake, then the blade.
The tips get so fast they can get transonic leading to a huge drag increase at the tip while inertia keeps the hub turning.

>> No.12701383

They look ugly.

>> No.12701386
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kill birds and are noisy

>> No.12701402

>pumped hydro is the best option where the geography suits
Which is no where.

>Lets build a 50 000 Megawatt water pump next to the backup dam in lala land so we can store wind energy.
>Then lets build 50GW of excess wind turbines to pump that water uphill
>Both of these investments are free because green energy is amazing and free energy, it's free because I say so.
If you only could see how stupid you are.

>> No.12701414

>build hydro plant because it's the cheapest power humans have ever made
>if geography allows build second smaller dam downstream
>now for the cost of a small dam you have 80% efficent energy storage for the next century+
Sure dams aren't cheap but when you remember they can easily last a century and can store more energy than billions of dollars of batteries that last 20 years they aren't a bad option.
Also you seem to be forgetting grid level storage can be used for any kind of generation, not just wind.

>> No.12701419

objectively wrong, the human eye was designed to view the swarm of these fucking things as grand and beautiful. Its just not possible for a human being to feel anything other than awe and bliss while looking at these fucking things, anyone saying otherwise is a lying faggot and should be exterminated for us Homo Sapiens to have a future as a species

>> No.12701426

Bigger is exponentially better for wind turbine, not just with the way the blades interact with wind but also from the fact that the transmission and control is the expensive part meaning one big one is better than many small ones each of which require the transmission and generators. Also people don't like the repeated shadows of the turbines and some are sensitive for the sound as well so it's better to just have big ones in fields or sea.

They aren't free, they are profitable industries which is better than free.

>> No.12701427
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>the absolute state of fossil fuel fags

>> No.12701430
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>I hope Germany gets a nationwide blackout lasting months that decimates their population

>> No.12701440

You're still oblivious to the scale and cost of it.

The Three gorges Dam as a pumped hydro installation couldn't cover for Germany, you'd need more. You need double dams to cover the water volumes to move uphill. You need gigawatt class water pumps.
You need a huge excess of wind power to cover the base needs of the country in addition to also running the pumps.

An olympic swimming pool is 2.5 million liters of water. That's 2.5 billion kilograms. You're moving this one meter uphill per second if you're pumping 24 GW of hydro.

What happens when you have both wind and heavy rain? Better hope you have someplace to dump 100GW of energy, better hope you've re-engineered your entire countryside to prevent mass flooding. Better hope your fucking dams have good maintenance budgets.

Taken together you'll end up having a grid that's extremely inefficient, extremely expensive, and extremely dangerous.

>> No.12701444
File: 147 KB, 457x805, Descending list of champions of green energy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wholesale pricing.

Why don't you post a map of grid connection costs for offgrid houses the next time? It would be similarly meaningful and say as much as your current propaganda poster.

>> No.12701460

>The Three gorges Dam as a pumped hydro installation couldn't cover for Germany
Yes, a single dam can't supply the 6th largest energy consuming nation on earth.
>You need gigawatt class water pumps
No, you need peak renewable production - base load for maximum efficency but even without maximum efficency it's still very cheap power.
>What happens when you have both wind and heavy rain?
The exact same thing as when there is a lot a rain, just because you have pumped hydro doesn't mean you have to use it on the rare occasions the dam is full and the wind is strong.

>> No.12701464

>places with over 50% power tax have expensive power because of renewables

>> No.12701471

Nuclear exists

>> No.12701472

Simply this, OP. Wind doesn't exist.

>> No.12701488

Kills birds and bats and harmful to some people. Needs improvement

>> No.12701492

They cause cancer

>> No.12701532

Idiot. Wholesale prices are the best measure for what a society as a whole pays for electricity. How that gets distorted here and there by taxes for one part of consumers or tax exemptions for another part of consumers etc is irrelevant as this only transfers money around.

>> No.12701543

Mainly cause they slap down birds like retards playing fruit ninja, that’s a major grievance
Although wind turbines do actually help crop growth

>> No.12701630

The power tax goes into a green certificate system and pays for the renewables.
The wholesale cost is kept low because heavy industry would leave the country if they had to pay what households does. The whole thing is structured so they can show pretty numbers to gullible idiots like you.

>> No.12701635

>is irrelevant as this only transfers money around.
It's irrelevant that a money transfer scheme trough taxation pays for the green energy?

If your IQ is room temperature then it's freezing indoors.

>> No.12701639

>The power tax goes into a green certificate system and pays for the renewables
Source? I pay 44% tax on tobacco in my country but that isn't because tobacco needs subsidies to survive.
We also have a pretty high electricity tax but that is just to try and reduce demand because a complete lack of planning has lead to power shortages.

>> No.12701650

A&B pay 1.5x each vs A pays 1x & B pays 2x.
>"oh noes. it's super expensive"

>> No.12701677
File: 529 KB, 1200x848, composition-average-household-power-prices-germany-2006-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They use a separate Renewables Surcharge added to the cost of households that drive the price up. The certificates was the old system, they are restructuring everything to pretend they're dealing with the issues but they're really just shifting around the costs. It's technically not a tax, it's just a surcharge, I'm not sure how that's any better but I'm sure it's an important talking point for green shills.


50% increase in household cost last ten years. Totally fine, nothing wrong here.

>> No.12701706

Wind is blowing anything for free, that's the gayest form of energy.

>> No.12701719
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>> No.12701734

I like oil more because it makes the vroom sound.

>> No.12701772

If coal will end, it will suck, but we'll manage.
If uranium will end, it will be awful for energy production, but otherwise harmless.
But if the wind or the sun will end, it will be an apocalypse.

>> No.12701797

>If coal will end
It will be the year 3500 and we'll be running on fusion power anyway.

>> No.12701915

its called recycling hon

>> No.12701956


>> No.12701977

here's the instagram of the 3d artist who made it you dumb faggots.

>> No.12701980

Nuclear is best

>> No.12702037

So does cats

>> No.12702049

I'm a dog person

>> No.12702096

Fair point, fuck cats
Fuck the musical as well

>> No.12702557

In theory, if you could find a small country that allowed it, could you build a very small Thorium reactor to power a house or small neighbourhood?

>> No.12702680

What does wind do more efficiently, more cheaply, or more stable than solar and nuclear? Why should we use wind at all?

>> No.12702681
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It's not even theory nasa already plans on making compact reactors for the lunar bases

>> No.12703754

>What does wind do more efficiently, more cheaply, or more stable than solar and nuclear?
The only thing clearer than nuclear is hydro, why are you asking wing to be better than nuclear when solar isn't?
>Why should we use wind at all?
Mainly for places like the UK where they get 3 days of sun a year with constant winds.

>> No.12703758

painting one blade black reduces bird deaths by 70%

>> No.12703763


>> No.12703769
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>It's not even theory
>nasa already plans

>> No.12704156

Per year or per day?

>> No.12704471

>Year 2020+
>More than 50 years since humanity made the sun itself
We have literally almost a century of nuclear power knowledge at this point, and with all the possibilities you want to gimp that advancement in favor of a tech that won't be even close to that value? Windmills are on the same meme level as dynamo onj the bike

>> No.12704485

I like it when its a bit windy and i dont want a bunch of machines using up all my wind. Also, if the machines gets all the wind, how can people sail??

>> No.12704522

>awww it's retarded

>> No.12704528

I shouldn't have to "support" anything: politicizing shit is antiscientific. We should just use the best technology.

>> No.12704658

Reproduction and nurturing mean that deaths per day and deaths per year aren't directly related.

>> No.12705033
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>> No.12705058

That is typical crime pickle behavior tho

>> No.12706791

Wind turbines are terrible.
>spend most of their time not running
>when they're running, they're probably running too much, so you have to sell your surplus electricity at a loss

>> No.12706865
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What about the birb bro's

>> No.12706884

>As for base load nuclear is the best option by far but politically difficult because people are scared of what they don't understand.
we should flatten the power curve by incentivizing industries to do power intensive activities at valley hours

>> No.12706896

No. The problem is that the wind doesn't support the blades to produce enough energy to be cost effective solution

you political cuck

>> No.12706902

if wind turbines start getting popular the enviro cucks will start screeching about muh birbs

>> No.12708477

>Which is no where.
Mountains apparently no longer exist.

>> No.12708488

They are a jewish lie

>> No.12708612 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12708644

That's more of a political/corruption thing. Wind turbines are designed to fail early and often on purpose because government contracts pay for upkeep

>> No.12708710

Causing an unprecedented amount of waste during production and decommissioning that cannot be recycled in any way

>> No.12708734

>painting one blade black reduces bird deaths by 70%
>all turbines are still all white blades.

>> No.12708753 [DELETED] 

>inner city nigger with no respect for natural beauty detected

>> No.12708759 [DELETED] 

>now honey how does this look
>eww no thats ugly
faggot tranny detected

>> No.12708931
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>> No.12709004

this is a fake video

>> No.12709419

Painting a single blade black cuts the already marginal birb deaths by over 70%, total non-issue

>> No.12709464

On a domestic level, solar is a lot cheaper to install and more reliable, only large turbines installed by utility companies ever make money back
t. anglo

>> No.12710646

I'm not against all wind, but most of what's been built here has been a disaster for nature. Huge pieces of untouched land has been destroyed, including endangered nature types.

They should build it on highways where there's no nature worth considering instead of destroying the last pieces of land we got left.

>> No.12710837

why are we not using nuclear yet
are people still scared of chernobyl 2

many such cases

>> No.12710929

Why aren't the blades made of solar panels to take advantage of the solar wind?

>> No.12710945

kills a shitload of birds

>> No.12711987
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seems transmission lines and fossil plants kill even more birds
not to speak of agriculture, cars, hunting, windows and cats

Stricter regulations on pesticide use and banning guns would really help birds. But I think you would not support it because you don't really care about birds.

>> No.12712044

my missus made an egg curry a couple of days ago. it was fucking tasty
but man, i supported wind all through the night and the next day

>> No.12712053

Because it's a non-issue in 99% of cases

>> No.12712054

That's just not true, and it depends on the location. In UK wind is certainly the better choice.

>> No.12712059

>Huge pieces of untouched land has been destroyed,
How? The base is just a pole in the ground.

>> No.12712062

>kills birds
>leaks oil
>is unrecyclable

>> No.12712067

Everybody loves wind energy, in other countries than their own, preferably funded by the country dumb enough to host it.
Yes, my country is one of those where politicians are allowing that to happen on our tax money.

>> No.12712100

We aren't talking about Mao

>> No.12712102

UK offshore wind is getting below thw wholesale price and projects are negative subsidy now, companies are bidding huge chunks of money for the right to build them. It hit the news here recently because old queenfeatures gets something like a tenth of the money it generates, so her income is set to jump £100 million a year based on the last set of sales. We're on track to have enough installed capacity to power the whole country by the end of the decade, and that's still only a few percent of theoretical maximum capacity. As the generation cost continues to fall (it's down something like 50% in 5 years) the UK could cover the demand from the rollout of electric cars, and export huge amounts of electricity to the rest of Europe. They need to solve some of the power storage issues to smooth out the supply though. Not every country is a windy set of islands, so it won't necessarily work worldwide, but some places have a lot of potential.

>> No.12712122

>Stops working in middle of blizzard due to snow
>Solar does the same
Maybe I just want to not freeze to death, in my own home in an industrialized first world western nation, after paying out of my ass for expensive wind energy, is that too much to ask?

>> No.12712188
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UK is probably the worst place for solar and the best place for wind

>> No.12712586
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>> No.12712703

thudnerf00t debunked wind.

>> No.12712783

There's got to be an efficient way to keep them from freezing up
Emergency battery connected to infrared lamps at bearings?

>> No.12712792

Yes it is, bigot

>> No.12712819

where? I wanna see it

>> No.12712824

>Build a bajillion wind turbines.
>Extreme cold snap freezes them all.
>Entire region is now at minimal power.

>> No.12712825

It's not them freezing as much as them not providing the constant effect which is required to keep the AC stable

>> No.12712851


Wind farms kill roughly 0.27 birds per GWh.
Nuclear plants kill about 0.6 birds per GWh. (2.2x wind)
Fossil-fueled power stations kill about 9.4 birds per GWh. (34.8x wind)


>> No.12712874

Didn't that just happen with all the fossil fuel plants in Texas?

>> No.12712893

About 90% of the turbines in TX are frozen, most of the solar is covered in snow and ice, and many of the coal and gas plants are too cold to operate. The nuclear plants are the only thing operating at 100% right now.

It's estimated that 1-in-3 homes and businesses in the state are without power right now.

>> No.12712918

They are doing the same thing in the US, too. The grid problem you describe is exactly the same for solar. You can look at all the states in New England and on the left coast that have adopted these policies and see the massive spikes in energy costs over the last 15 years and it is creeping across the rest of the country.

My father has worked for a nuclear utility for 40 years, every time he (or I) try to explain the grid problem and how it will never replace any conventional power plants due to intermittent production, only lead to massive increases in electric costs for the people, their eyes glaze over and they shout and scream.

Imagine thinking the power tax which pays for and subsidizes the "renewable" energy systems isn't a component of the cost of those systems...

>> No.12712934
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>> No.12712941

No one gives a fuck about birds, since no one is calling for the genocide of cats.
Shit argument, you get an F.

>> No.12712947
File: 31 KB, 429x297, iowadepressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Iowan
>DUAC gets shut down because company can't justify the cost of keeping up with outrageous taxes and regulations when they could be gobbling up all that big government cheese for wind and solar
>20+% of our electrical baseload disappears overnight
>prices go through the roof, brownouts whenever the weather fucks with the wind and solar
>end up replacing baseload gap with more fucking coal which gov now wants to phase out entirely
Fuck every leftist who bitches about nuclear power

>> No.12712968

I'm leftist and fairly pro nuclear. Most ppl dont understand the basics of it and think muh chernobyl.

>> No.12712978

>windmills have existed for 800 years
>but NOW for some reason the wind is strong enough that it will provide is energy for entire cities and never have a problem


>> No.12712980
File: 52 KB, 1080x607, 1613497712667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuclear trumps all renewables, faggot.

>> No.12713025

And? I'm talking about the rest of the power plants


The Electric Reliability Council of Texas said the grid lost some 34,000 megawatts of power. Energy sources powering the grid were knocked offline, most of which were powered by natural gas, coal or nuclear energy, according to Houston Public Radio.

The state grid was already facing some shortages because of frozen wind turbines and limited gas supply.

>> No.12713027

Becuse wind doesn't support me. Give me a useful tangible

>> No.12713040

Nuclear is one of the vilest most dangerous things and humans should have never touched that horror even in textbooks.

>> No.12713065

How did you manage to type that while servicing four separate cocks? That’s some impressive multi-tasking.

>> No.12713096

lmao this is the shittiest CG animation I've seen since the 90s

>> No.12713106

>The Electric Reliability Council of Texas said the grid lost some 34,000 megawatts of power.

>34,000 megawatts of power.

>Wind power in Texas consists of over 150 wind farms, which together have a total nameplate capacity of over 30,000 MW (as of 2020)
>30,000 MW

>Installed capacity 2019: 4,324.3 MW

Wind+Solar: 34 000MW
Really makes you go
>Hmmmmm, what a coincidence.

>> No.12713121
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>> No.12713194


>> No.12713658
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>> No.12713720

i live in an area with a huge amount of sheep and the sheep under wind turbines always have a different energy. its not good getting blasted by the low frequencies.

>> No.12713775

B-b-but we need to save the planet from global warming!

>> No.12713875

Energy fag here. Wind will be useful, because it can be built faster than nuclear, but at a similar or higher price (depending on location and reactor supplier). It's a good source of energy, but we need better storage methods for wind go really shine. That would not be the hydrogen meme.

>> No.12713879

take the lex pill


>> No.12713941

>I'm leftist
Kill yourself and don't reply me.

>> No.12713963

ok /pol/drone

>> No.12713979

How does nuclear kill birds?
>The nuclear plants are the only thing operating at 100% right now.
Nukechads stay winning

>> No.12713993

>As for subsidies it's the only way to drive progress in any industry with high R&D costs and a long ROI.
No it isn't. The market is very capable of finding its way to new technologies without subsidies. It's just that it would never naturally invest in wind because it's not a profitable technology, except with the billions of free cash the government is wasting on it which could be much better invested in say technology improving fertilisers through developing NOx injections over traditional fertiliser.
>now lots of them are going under because they spent $10m developing a turbine then sold 3 into an oversaturated market.
Except this isn't like the dotcom since they're all backed by goverenment subsidies and the market is purposefully inflated through subsidies. When was the dotcom bubble inflated by goverenments subsidising people to make their own websites?
>Form there you have 2 proven options, subsidize private industry or have a government organization do the R&D then release it to private industry.
Private industry is much more capable of advancing technology than the government ever will be. And subsidising a private enterprise will make that company lazy they will abuse their position to wait with their technological advancement to get more subsidies and get a better position in the market. Why play favourites when everyone should have an equal chance? Seems like a surefire way to induce corruption and halt advancement.
Solar and wind produce too much waste and more importantly if you replace a field with cows for it, you could have just as easily planted a forest there. The opportunity cost is massive and being completely and purposefully ignored.

>> No.12713998

Dams destroy ecosystems. Literally no way around it. The soil erosion, destruction of natural flow rates, fish which can't move past it. The actual damage to nature is much more extensive than any 'ecological profit' in terms of reduced emissions.

>> No.12714011

Also dam failures are the most deadly energy disasters by a huge margins. I'd rather live next to a nuclear reactor hit by tactical nukes than next a dam that fails.

>> No.12714866

you need to make a shitty low res gif of this for a good bait

>> No.12714906

Pumped hydro ruins watersheds and isn't feasible in flat countries without good dam sites. It's a Rube Goldberg scheme.

>> No.12714917

I'm calling for the genocide of cats but as you'd expect, no one listens to me.

>> No.12714922

>It's estimated that 1-in-3 homes and businesses in the state are without power right now.
Hopefully they we able to target the 1-in-3 who moved to Texas from California.

>> No.12714929

What are they being recycled into? Tetanus?

>> No.12714941

>2.5 million liters of water. That's 2.5 billion kilograms

>> No.12714945

Texas turbines froze because they were too cheap to winter-proof them.

>> No.12714949

They were counting on global warming to make that unnecessary.

>> No.12714953
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>An olympic swimming pool is 2.5 million liters of water. That's 2.5 billion kilograms.

Anon... a litre of water weighs a kilogram.

>> No.12714957

This thread aged poorly.

>> No.12714959
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Imagine if every house had a couple of these. Not only would it even out demand on normal days, it would keep everyone on at least a minimal amount of power until the frozen capacity came back on the grid.
Don't necessarily mean a Tesla brand device but widespread deployment of household battery storage in general.

>> No.12714967
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>>he doesn’t support wind Explain yourself, faggot

Because I'm a Solar man. Wind is farts.

>> No.12714997
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>2.5 million liters of water
>That's 2.5 billion kilograms
>1000 kg per liter
>tfw the 2 liter pepsi you ordered from dominoes weighs more than the delivery car

>> No.12715002

>20% of the state's power
>somehow reduces total generation by 50%
I smell Coke brothers money.

>> No.12715008

...now you know why climate change is a useful term.

>> No.12715014


>> No.12715070

>moving the goalposts so any weather of any kind is now because of CO2 emissions
nice totally unfalsifiable dogma my dude

>> No.12715636

Wind works fine in winter, even in Texas

> An official with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas said Tuesday afternoon that 16 gigawatts of renewable energy generation, mostly wind generation, was offline. Nearly double that, 30 gigawatts, had been lost from thermal sources, which includes gas, coal and nuclear energy.


>> No.12716676

Shills just being mad they can't use science to push the wind meme.

>> No.12716709

>a litre of water weighs a kilogram.
So he understated his point by 1000 times?
You need to move 1000 olympic swimming pools 1m/s for the given power, not just one.
Sounds like a lot

>> No.12716800

You realize that heavy winters are caused by changes produced by global warming right?

>> No.12716831

Global warming is caused by global cooling which causes global warming. This is true because this post says so.

>> No.12716855

>reading comprehension

>> No.12716860

>lumping all birds together
>cats kill migrating and threatened species
This comparison is retarded. Not all bird populations are affected equally.

>> No.12716875

>transition entirely to wind + solar
>Don't have contingency plan for when theres no wind or turbines freeze or it's cloudy.
>efficiency is so low that you have to litter the landscape with turbines and panels.
Why don't purist eco energy fags take these problems into account when they advocate for transitioning the energy grid into 100% renewables (minus hydro because hydro is racist, and minus nuclear because muh Chernobyl)

>> No.12716909

Climate change is probably happening, but the narratives around it are dogmatic and suspiciously unfalsifiable. Pretty much any climatic event can be used as evidence, if there's heavy winters that's proof, if there's light winters that's proof. Every hurricane is evidence, even when their frequency and intensity has not changed significantly. Forest fires are used as evidence yet they naturally occur in places like California, governments suppress small fires leading to build up of fuel, and when the big ones happen there's greater loss of property due to more development near the forests.

I suspect that climate change is a useful narrative for creating supranational organizations to enact the globalist agenda. When in reality nations could invest in nuclear to achieve clean self-sufficiency, much like France has done.

>> No.12716921

>bad storm
>roof leaks
>water gets into lithium battery
>house explodes

>> No.12716926
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>> No.12716945

Who are you to judge people who make an error of 3 orders of magnitude? Check your exponent privilege!

>> No.12718244


>> No.12718252

Bump for fart powered electricity generators

>> No.12718507

You only need to look at instrumental global temperature and see how climate change is pretty evident

>> No.12718648

The goal isn't to "protect the planet", the goal is to be a filthy retarded commie.

>> No.12718674

We would already have portable fusion generators if there weren't billions of constantly breeding NPCs demanding gibs.


Abolish the welfare state and give all the funding to science.

>> No.12718897

The Earth is most likely warming, but whether that leads to cataclysm is very much uncertain.

>> No.12718904

>very much uncertain
unless world-wide syria is what you prefer

>> No.12718940

A desert country had a drought? Well I never.

>> No.12718991

next, desert world

>> No.12718992

No worse than the errors made by Imperial College London.

>> No.12719006

based LFTR poster

>> No.12719017
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>> No.12719025

The carboniferous period had atmospheric CO2 levels around 1400 ppm and was a time of vast forests. We don't know how it will exactly play out, but some regions will probably be better off due to climate change. Also geoengineering with stratospheric aerosols will prevent a runaway greenhouse effect.

>> No.12719034

holy fuck that's cool

>> No.12719040

>vast forests
yummy, eat a log

>> No.12719045

Paid to blame turbines when the gas and coal plants were the ones out.

>> No.12719105

Oue ecosystem and life have developed and evolved in a cooler planet. Same with the carboniferous. You can't just crank up the heat quickly and think that our ecosystem will just be like the carboniferous. Also the planet had a completely different oceanic and continental configuration.

>> No.12719266
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>In 2018, Pennsylvania’s nuclear power reactors produced 38.8 percent of the state’s electricity
>Nuclear energy is Pennsylvania’s most reliable power source, producing electricity around-the-clock

>Beaver Valley Power Station (BVPS) is owned by First Energy Nuclear Operating Co.
>Beaver Valley Power Station Units 1 and 2 are pressurized water reactors, each rated at 852 megawatts electrical (Mwe). The facility is situated on the south bank of the Ohio River in Shippingport Borough, Beaver County, Pennsylvania.

>Limerick Generating Station (LGS) is owned by Exelon Nuclear.
>Limerick Generating Station Units 1 and 2 are boiling water reactors, each rated at 1090 megawatts electrical (Mwe). The facility is located on the east bank of the Schuylkill River in Limerick Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

>Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) is owned by Exelon Nuclear.
>Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 are boiling water reactors, each rated at 1065 megawatts electrical (Mwe). The facility is located on the west bank of the Conowingo Pond of the Susquehanna River in Peach Bottom Township, York County, Pennsylvania.

>Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES) is owned by Talen Energy.
>Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 and 2 are boiling water reactors, each rated at 1180 megawatts electrical (Mwe). The site is located on the west bank of the Susquehanna River in Salem Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

>Three Mile Island Nuclear Station (TMI) is owned by Exelon Nuclear.
>Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1 is a pressurized water reactor, rated at 871 megawatts electrical (Mwe). The facility is located on an island in the Susquehanna River, Londonderry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.

>> No.12719423
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>doesn't know how to greentext

>> No.12719660

Not even a third of the installed capacity for fossils and nuclear was out, meanwhile for windpower it was over 50%.

>> No.12719664

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12719924

why the fuck are they burying perfectly fine aluminium(?)
cant you just melt it

>> No.12719932
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>windmills are useless because they freeze in the winter

>> No.12719939

No they're useless because they have a capacity factor of around 30 percent. The freezing is just icing on the blade.

>> No.12719956

lolno, try reading something else besides alt-pravda

>> No.12719962

>Wind shutdowns accounted for 3.6 to 4.5 gigawatts -- or less than 13% -- of the 30 to 35 gigawatts of total outages, according to Woodfin. That’s in part because wind only comprises 25% of the state’s energy mix this time of year.
fake news bros we got too cocky...

>> No.12719967
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only in america

>> No.12719979
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You mean like the BBC or >>12715636?

>> No.12719989
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Ruins the scenery
Needs way too much space
Wind isn't always available to produce energy
Produces peaks and shortages in the grid that we can't compensate for with current battery technology.

Basically wind= cuck
While Nuclear = The bull that fucks wind's wife

>> No.12719992

Actually nuketards are the cucks, because they are just watching while we windchads win all the projects.

>> No.12719994

>because they are just watching while we windchads win all the projects.

The cuck community is growing with all the leftist hippies I agree

>> No.12719996

The only fake news here is the one you quoted from. Texas doesn't even have the installed capacity to supply 60% of it's power from wind.

>> No.12720003

>Texas doesn't even have the installed capacity to supply 60% of it's power from wind.
Where do you get that number from?

>> No.12720007

woah dude

>> No.12720013

Actualy that would be browncoal, nuclear has killed the least amount of people per mwh of all energy sources. And that is even with the Ukranians going full retard on an ancient reactor in Tjernobyl.

On top of that, the waste is very little and is actualy containable instead of spewing all it's garbage into the air killing millions.

Estimations have shown that nuclear has already saved around 1.8 million people by replacing fossil fuel power plants.

Your whole argument is basically
>m-muh feelings!

>> No.12720017

The state’s widespread electricity failure was largely caused by freezing natural gas pipelines.

>> No.12720023

FUCK. How am I supposed to own the libs with that "fact"?

>> No.12720038


>While wind can sometimes produce as much as 60% of total electricity in Texas, the resource tends to ebb in the winter, so the grid operator typically assumes that the turbines will generate only about 19% to 43% of their maximum output.
This jumbling around of numbers pertaining to electricity production, trying to make renewables not look like shit is even worse fake news than the conspiracy bullshit on Facebook, only this lie is bought by much more people.

Look at the numbers before you regurgitate the talking points of biased parties. Texas has installed electrical capacities of ~125GW, of which 80 percent are fossil and nuclear. Of those ~100GW, 30 GW went out. Now lets look at wind power, which has 30GW installed capacity, of which 16GW went out, more than half compared to not even a third for fossil and nuclear.

>> No.12720045

>fine aluminium(?)
It is fiberglass. They could burn it but it is expensive.

>> No.12720051

clasped hands wrote this hand

>> No.12720070

Do you not see what's happening in Texas right now?
It's literally because wind failed us.

>> No.12720071

So basically the whole argument against wind is MUH ECONOMY

>> No.12720090

The whole argument against wind is that installed capacity means jack shit when your capacity factor is only 30 percent, even in a country supposedly "considered to be the best in Europe". It doesn't matter that your installed capacity can supply the whole country and more with electricity when the actual supply is not even a third of that.

>> No.12720097

Lithium iron phosphate is your friend, and cheaper anyway

>> No.12720098

who cares, it doesnt pollute

>> No.12720103

>30GW of frozen gas plants
>a few windmills aren't working because we skimped on installation reeee

>> No.12720109

You know what doesn't pollute? Not using electricity at all, but that's not exactly an option. What good does it do to sink billions into something that can't reliably generate the power that's needed and misrepresenting numbers to make it look good so it can be sold to the uniformed public?

See >>12720038

>> No.12720121

If the corporate jews had just built everything properly from the start, you guys wouldn't be in this mess

>> No.12720123

>don't change to winter tires in the winter to save a few bucks

>> No.12720124

does Texas not have a HVDC interconnector to other states?

>> No.12720135

Shhh dont tell the renewable shills its funny to watch them misunderstand basic statistics

>> No.12720162

it's even worse, Texas is just a shit state

>> No.12720183

guess not, by deliberate choice

>> No.12720189

Yes people this retarded actualy live.

>> No.12720245
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