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File: 205 KB, 1500x1500, 856471_rosemari_galaxy-brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12700464 No.12700464 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Tooker was right all along

>> No.12700471

Hi tooker. Remember to take your meds. Wouldn't want you having another episode yelling at some poor cashier again.

>> No.12700481

How is Tooker wrong in his proof of the Riemann then? Explain it like I'm an undergrad with a math degree.

>> No.12700484


>> No.12700491

Riemann Hypothesis conjectured for the Reals. Tooker's proof works on a number system that aren't the Reals. It'd be like if I made a hypothesis regarding regarding the quark gluon plasma. Tooker comes along, and creates a cool model using 2-QCD with two color charges. That's cool and all, but it doesn't address the quark gluon plasma which requires 3 colors. Get the picture?

>> No.12700528

>>Tooker's proof works
All I needed to know. Thanks

>> No.12700538

I can prove square root of 2 is a rational number if I redefine the rational numbers. And my proof would be valid. But it wouldn't be useful, since that's not how anybody discusses mathematical concepts. It contradicts the axioms of math. You can redefine the reals all you want, but then you're not actually proving anything worthwhile.

>> No.12700543

>Tooker's proof works
Wait, really?

>> No.12700548
File: 44 KB, 480x480, 1571366660511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely don't consider Tooker a schizo at all, rather a deep poet of the internet era, a poet who worked in the medium of mathematics prose, to express a mathematical religiosity that is difficult to express, except through his unique method. There will only ever be a few like him. He is very unlike most of the crackpots that math folk will encounter in unsolicited manuscripts in their mailbox.

I strive to be as original as him every day, and when I am not productive, I always am ashamed, because 2kr would be writing seven pages full of unique original ideas in the time it takes me to get just a handful of boring pedestrian ideas that do nothing to break the mold. It is humbling to compare yourself to him.

I remember when I first encountered him. You couldn't help but admire the determination. It is idea after idea after idea, all of them completely mad, but you could begin to see the coherence behind them, that they were based on expressing the innermost content of his soul. He is honest, if nothing else.

>> No.12700550

Sorry that's not actually Tooker I just wanted to troll you haha.

>> No.12700561

that image would work amazing as a pixel art

>> No.12700566

Yes. It's a self consistent proof. Self consistency is a necessary but insufficient criterion for meaningful proofs though. Religious systems can be designed to be self consistent, but they don't describe anything meaningful in reality. Tolkiens world can be self consistent in its rules, but such rules don't describe reality. Tooker's designing his own self consistent proofs, which is cool, but it's not meaningful, and his paper on the Riemann Hypothesis is merely a misunderstanding of how his self consistent maths have nothing to do with the Riemann Hypothesis. If he was careful to state it was an analog to such hypothesis, and that he is working in a completely different framework, then maybe people would stop mocking him. But as it stands, he fails to understand that he cannot make statements about the Riemann Hypothesis if he's not when working in the number system the hypothesis was formulated about.

>> No.12700574

He's legitimately schizophrenic and on medication for it (or at least should be medicated, nobody knows if he's actually taking meds for it). The dumbass doxxed himself on Reddit, has a history of defiling public property with spray paint to share his theorems, and lashing out at wagies for unknown reasons. We joke a lot about schizos here, but tooker legitimately has schizophrenia, and he's in one of his episodes right now because nobody would suck his dick on his ViXra paper about the Riemann Hypothesis.

>> No.12700586

newfag gtfo

>> No.12700620

No seriously dude. Consider his manifesto, which ends with a vague death threat to people who don't take him seriously.
This is textbook psychosis, and is usually what people do before legitimately going postal.

>> No.12700641

tell him to take his meds asap

>> No.12700708

Lol I've read it, birdbrain. I've read everything he's ever written, it's very inspired.

>> No.12700716
File: 830 B, 138x51, Barnett Identity.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually bothering me now-- how fucking young are you that you'd react this way? It's like you've never participated in academia. Tooker is a genuinely smart guy. As schizos come, he's very nearly sane. If you disagree, you simply haven't seen how demented schizos can get, particularly the academic ones. Tooker isn't anything like that crowd, believe me.

>> No.12700718

i dont know man im just shitposting

>> No.12700852

I think you're one of the few actually intelligent people on this board and I look past all the schizo traits you exhibit. You got any other cool shit you came up with? I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.12700858

He stated that our interpretation of what reimann understood to be the reals is false and I believe explained it pretty soundly. Explain how he's wrong for that proposition?