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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 63 KB, 1039x745, Nurse-Tiffany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12697001 No.12697001 [Reply] [Original]

Which vaccine will /sci/ be taking?

>> No.12697003

>For weeks now, commenters have flooded Tennessee nurse Tiffany Dover’s Facebook wall with messages of tribute, praising her kindness and beauty and offering their condolences for her loss.
>There are more than 22,000 comments on her last Facebook post, from people around the world—a collective grieving and outpouring of anger for the 30-year-old mother of two.
>But Tiffany Dover is not dead.

>> No.12697004
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>> No.12697011

I'm gonna get johnson and johnson when it comes out

>> No.12697325
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I'm small brain, mRna vaccine seems like some sci fi shit to me, an expanse which we haven't explored.
I'd prefer whichever is with inactivated or weak virus or whatever it's called

>> No.12697329

I already had the rona why do I need the vaccine?

>> No.12697339

Biontech, doesn't seem to be bad compared to some of the vaccines ive had to get to travel to 3rd world countries

>> No.12697355

None, imagine getting shots and then they will demand different shots for your covid passport.

>> No.12697356

No, I’m not an 80 year old, diabetic, cancer ridden, fat fuck with AIDS so I’ll probably be fine not talking it and instead let the real at risk people have it.

>> No.12697361

None of them, my immune system is not a little bitch

>> No.12697380

Nah, I'm current on all vaccines required for the first and third worlds. There's no good reason to get the "vaccine" for covid. The risk profile of that vaccine is worse than the risk profile of catching the virus. Likewise, I received the Yellow Fever vaccine, along with vaccines for diseases like cholera because the risk profile from these disease in the places I've worked is worse than that of the vaccines. It's simple risk analysis.

>> No.12697387

This, I am the vaccine jack.

>> No.12697392

I thought /sci/ was supposed to be smart, how do they fall for this stuff?

>> No.12697413

Took Pfizer both doses.

>> No.12697415
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How long until aids diagnosis ...

>> No.12697430


>> No.12697432
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>> No.12697455

There are major differences between HIV false positives, HIV true positives, and AIDS.
Also that vaccine was not Pfizer. It was UQ/CSL.

>> No.12697464

>The risk profile of that vaccine is worse than the risk profile of catching the virus.
This seems to be an argument that everyone relies on, et least intuitively, but you fail to accept that we don't even know yet the whole scope of how the virus damages you. Daily reminder that there's a chance the virus stays in your brain forever:
Will it come back like herpes every couple years? Will it increase your likelihood of Alzheimer or Parkinson? Does your brain ever get rid of it?

We don't know. If you think that vaccines are more dangerous than having a new pathogen with unknown consequences thriving in your brain potentially for your whole life, good, more vaccines for the people who want them.

>> No.12697484

Sputnik V, when it's available in the US.

Daily reminder that their is viral DNA in your cells RIGHT NOW, regardless of how recently you've been sick with anything. Does it ever activate? Nah.

>> No.12697488

>Sputnik V
Are you a MIGAtard?

>> No.12697503

so is she dead or what? if yes provide a source

>> No.12697514

btw not that kind of source >>12697003

>> No.12697516

None and anyone who will force me to take it will meet god.

>> No.12697529
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>> No.12697573

>91% success rate
>No special new technology
>No apparent health effects half a year out from production
>Doesn't even need special storage
I'm not with MAGA, I just hate American Pharma companies.

>> No.12697579
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I’m not old.
I don’t have lung problems.
So none yet for the time being.

>> No.12697612

Whichever one I can get fastest. Most of the popular ones in the U.S. are pretty much the same.

>> No.12697616

why not Novavax?

>> No.12697621
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>Mfw needle

>> No.12697627

that was v451, which was developed and quickly abandoned by aussies.

>> No.12697670

this source is fuckingfake

>> No.12697674

yeah I only get my news from /pol/ and gab which is 100% accurate
btw according to them you're dead
>trying to fact check me
you can't lol
I won the argument 8)

>> No.12697699

>yeah I only get my news from /pol/
what is that?
>trying to fact check me
yes and you failed see>>12697514

>> No.12698132

>believing in conspiracies
>posting on a board for math and science
Back to pol faggot

>> No.12698138

The weak fear the strong and want to CRIPPLE you

>> No.12698143

can a medfag answer this?

>> No.12698146

Guys, some speaker from my uni said that anti-vaxxers should just suck it up and get the vaccine even if they have doubts, since it's for the greater good and they should stop being selfish.
Is she right or is this just massive cope? I can't imagine other people who are taking the vaccine are doing it for the greater good, so how can she apply that logic to people who don't want to take it?

>> No.12698191

It’s recommended because of the possibility of reinfection. Not really known how long you have immunity.
Depends on the country but you’ll have to wait 1-3 months after covid infection to get the vaccine.

>> No.12698194

>their is viral DNA in your cells RIGHT NOW, regardless of how recently you've been sick with anything. Does it ever activate? Nah.
That's because it's part of my DNA retard. It's vestigial DNA from viruses millions of years ago, and that's not the same as having an actual new and unknown virus festering in your brain. Your argument is like if I say:
>you have literal live herpes hiding in some parts of your body, waiting to come out and fuck you up
and then you reply:
>no problem, some DNA of my cells is DNA of ancient viruses, so it's no biggie
Which is a fucking stupid and retarded argument. You can't even spell properly.

>> No.12698221

I unironically trust the Russian one the most. Despite the initial huff about it being rushed and improperly tested (which is true of literally all of them), it's been consistently successful and safe since release. Plus Israel bought it to give to their own people, which should indicate it isn't a castration serum for the goyim.

>> No.12698231

Man, fuck this nurse after watching her second interview. She's the epiphany of unaccountable millennials with the bullshit narrative: "LOL I FAINT CUZ FORCED TO LIE BY BUREAUCRAT PSYSOP CONSIPIRACISTS" when interviewed. The same fuckers who think identifying with a mental illness is a cool and trendy, and "I'll always be a kid at heart", #BelieveAllWomen #frontline.

>> No.12698238

>an actual opinion.
>he must be from /pol/!
what the fuck is your problem retard?

>> No.12698253

to add to >>12698132 's point

>whatever google spits out is truth
>disregard hidden academic journals and hidden critics
>not lurking moar to support post
lololol you might as well just post a youtube video

>> No.12698279

where is the conspiracy? what the hell are you talking about, this>>12697529 is a screenshot from searching the pic of OP, i find the results funny so i posted. so, what is exactly the problem?

>> No.12698441

jewtube is also owned by Google if you didn't know. They're known for deliberately hiding content in plain sight, even with quotations and wildcard search operators.
The fact that they even intervene to alter search results beyond the scope of the engine's primary function is enough evidence that they have power to undoubtedly weave libtard delusions in the reality of whoever uses their search engine. "fact check" invalidates any reliability to whatever this search engine outputs, and can't be considered objective from a non-corporate and politically unbiased standpoint.

>> No.12698603

I'm in the phase 3 trail for novavax.

>> No.12698607

You're assuming it is inevitable that I will get the virus but part of the risk analysis includes the likelihood of that happening. I'm not a filthy urbanite who thinks a piece of tissue grants me permission to crowd in small spaces with dozens of other people who are likewise filthy animals who don't respect anyone's personal space.
It's interesting that you vaccine fetishers are so outraged about people who won't join in your hysteria while those who live clean lives are fine with you having the freedom to choose to inject yourself with whatever you want. I guarantee my lifestyle has at least an order of magnitude less likelihood of harm coming to me due to covid than your overly socialized lifestyle does.
Before you reply, understand what derivatives are because you're surely about to embarrass yourself by posting some inane article about rural rates of infection without understanding why you and the journalist are misinterpreting them.

>> No.12698626

It's funny how wound up people are getting over those who aren't interested in the vaccine when it's still not even available to most of those who are interested in getting it. Also it's silly to called people who have had a dozen or more vaccines during their lifetimes "anti-vaxxers" because they have reservations about this particular vaccine.

>> No.12698631 [DELETED] 

>should stop being selfish.
what so selfish about refusing the vaccine i dont get it?

>> No.12698641

>should stop being selfish.
what is so selfish about refusing the vaccine? i dont get it

>> No.12698646
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the cattle will always freak out about something
the only solution is to kill them all and their owners too
the functional males need to revolt and cause chaos, causing a total collapse of the modern jewish system and then breed the best looking females that survive

>> No.12698673

sinovac probably

>> No.12698680

I have gone out of the house twice since march. Very few are safer than I am. At the same time I know that this is gonna last for about 10-15 years, so at some point we're gonna have to start living while COVID infected people walk among us, kinda like we do with influenza. If you used to vaccinate against influenza, it's only logical that you will vaccinate against the yearly COVID variants as well. Your argument is basically:
>it's not gonna happen to me
Which is just what all people to whom it happened used to think. Good luck with your decisions.

>> No.12698695

>we don't even know yet the whole scope of how the virus damages you.
Just like we don't know if vaccines help against that damage or don't cause more damage than the virus.

>> No.12698735

I won't take any vaccine because I believe in natural selection and think that all the vaccines and cures are only making things worse in the ling term by allowing viruses and diseases to evolve further into more dangerous and deadlier strains. If I get corona and die from it - well, it's evolution, I wasn't fit enough to survive.

>> No.12698749

Cringe m8

>> No.12698754

Based baby shampoo enthusiasts

>> No.12698882

we're going to kill you

>> No.12698893

>Sputnik V
well that was just as rushed as pfizer and moderna's and also works by injecting genetic material into cells, you can't call it a traditional vaccine anymore than the mrna ones,
so why is one worse than the other?

>> No.12698993

Took the Pfizer vaccine
had a slight tingling on my tongue and feeling of malaise for two days but that was it as far as side effects go.

>> No.12699013

none, i'll let others take them and work on herd immunity for me

>> No.12699035

boomer mentality.

>> No.12699066
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get back to me in 10-15 years when there has been time to assess the long term side effects.

>> No.12699445
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>26 years old
>no health issues
>late january corona goes international
>one day I feel the common cold symptoms, muscle ache, fatigue, runny nose, coof, sore throat, feeling like I'm burning
>several days later all of symptoms disappear, but extreme fatigue and burning sensation are still there
>several days after that for the first time experience breathing difficulties
>call in sick, there were only 2 corona cases in my country at that time, so no suspicion from employer - it's just a flu bro, it's february, what do you expect, it's okay
>I have to inhale and exhale every second as if I was just finished sprinting for 10 minutes and fatigue is getting worse
>too pussy to call a doctor and just sleep it off
>several days later, seems all is back to normal, just burning sensation is there
>go back to work from office, but burning sensation still persists
>about 1 week later a colleague with almost non-working kidneys (mandatory dialysis procedure every 2 days) get's sick
>the closest person that sits to her is me
>she still goes to work but has heavy cough and is looking very sick
>several days later
>it's friday she is in office but leaves early because she's felling sick and and tells me - I think these are my last days
>bs, you will get better, probably just a flu
>doesn't show up to work on monday
>on tuesday morning, in office we're informed she passed away, her sister went to her apartment after she didn't answer phone calls and found her laying unconscious near door, dressed up as if she's leaving for work just as usual
>her sister is the only living closest relative, she doesn't allow autopsy, so the final verdict is "died from heart attack, most likely"
>6 months later test for antibodies
>absolute fucking zero
I hope this was just a fucking coincidence

>> No.12699449

boomers can be right sometimes

>> No.12699465

got the second moderna dose today, felt like utter shit 12 hours in (could barely sleep), feeling alright now

>not a medfag, just a retail pharmacy tech

>> No.12699746

Whichever one I can get my filthy paws on. I'm worried about the SA mutation, though.

>> No.12699748

You can get infected and become a plague vector, then second-hand kill people.

>> No.12699753

good goy

>> No.12699768

the gun to the head

>> No.12699770
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>> No.12699786

none retard, i want to have kids in future not be sterile like those who will take it. Zionist prepare this for long time and if you take the bait you can also take the bullet.

>> No.12699792

im jew too so fuck you nigger...

>> No.12699825

>SA mutation
That's racist and makes blacks feel bad about a mutation coming from their country. You must call it SARS-CoV-2b.

>> No.12699848

Your argument is basically
>Why wait? Doctors say breathing asbestos is safe. What if your house catches on fire before you spray in the asbestos popcorn ceiling and put down the asbestos insulation? Do you want your family to die and the fire to spread to all of the neighbor's houses? Might as well do it now, you monster.

>> No.12699853

we did it reddit!!! xdddd

>> No.12699854

The "vaccine" doesn't prevent spread of the virus at all. Since it makes the infected asymptomatic, it actually causes more spread than if no one took it because the infected no longer feel ill.

>> No.12699921

>The "vaccine" doesn't prevent spread of the virus at all.
60% transmission reduction for Oxford vaccine, Moderna vaccine halts viral replication within two days.

>> No.12699929

I will be taking the Liqma vaccine (it's in Phase III)

>> No.12700164

>Moderna vaccine halts viral replication within two days.
Permanently? No? Then what are you babbling about?

>> No.12700184

Holy shit you’re retarded

>> No.12700737

Dig in and have a go, the same spirit of the ANZACs at Gallipoli.

>> No.12700738

a random one

>> No.12700753

well the vaccine only makes your body accustomed to the spike proteins. It's like storing the signature of a computer virus instead of executing a unknown exe file from some chinese bat porn site.

>> No.12700764
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>mystery science juice 6 million

>> No.12700770

I got Moderna. Got my second dose on Monday because I work at an exome sequencing company that is currently dedicated to SARS-CoV-2 strain identification and tracking and regular PCR testing.

>> No.12700784

why not everyone who is scared of covid get the vaccine, and people who don't give a fuck not get it

>> No.12700816


>> No.12700819

doesnt matter if you get it or not your just an ant

>> No.12700834

I feel really bad for her family. They had to change their numbers and private their social media because schizo retards wouldn't stop hounding them about how their daughter is supposedly dead because of jews.

>> No.12700974

>Literally infowars of the left

>> No.12701294

>Not really known how long you have immunity.
Doesn't this also apply for the vaccine? Its not even clear if it helps.

>> No.12701301

That's correct. Seasonal colds are not scary, but injecting shady shit is a thing you should avoid.

>> No.12701304

Don't they already claim that "you MUST continue wearing mask because vaccine does not protect you from getting covid"?

>> No.12701305

I feel bad for people like you who literally thinks that instead of proving she is alive they literally make everything about her even more private making suspicions of her death even more suspicious.

You sir are most low iq donkey with rest of NPC cattle on this earth.

>> No.12701306

>Daily reminder that there's a chance the virus stays in your brain forever:
Pretty sure they said the vaccine does nothing against that and won't help if you already have it. So you would be fucked either way by your logic since no one knows what the vaccine does in the long term.

>> No.12701318

I mean it makes sense if they vaccinated like a million with a failure rate of like 1% you get 10k who would be able to get infected and/or spread it. The second needle would reduce the failure rate but you get it after like 3 weeks to 3 months which doesn't make any sense.
Still this shit feels too much like a scam.

>> No.12701360

arent there a bunch of corona viruses circulating ? why should I get a shot for this one?

>> No.12701362

The vaccines work against the different strains. Although some of them are not as effective against the new strains.

>> No.12701366

zero antibodies means no rona though, no?

>> No.12701368


I'm talking about

Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43), β-CoV
Human coronavirus HKU1 (HCoV-HKU1), β-CoV
Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E), α-CoV
Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63), α-CoV

>> No.12701375

Why would you vaccinate against those?

>> No.12701379


why against sars-cov2?

>> No.12701449

either Sinovac or Sinopharm, of course

>> No.12701474

I'll tell in 2-3 years.

>> No.12701656

The vaccine isn't proven to stop transmission because that's hard to test

>> No.12701682

There aren't any freaks who want to sterilize me working on it

>> No.12701688

What company is Liqma? I've not heard of it.

>> No.12701697

Funny how 2020 became the year of "Science doesn't need to prove jack shit because stuff is hard to test". This is the same thing they said when asked to prove transmission by surface contact. Almost everything now is "trust me bro, I've got a doctorate."
It's truly the start of a new era. The era of the doctorate priest presiding over the science religion where asking questions is heresy.

>> No.12701715

Pfizer x2 completed the series already more than a month ago. Eat a dick.

>> No.12701838

Yes, permanently. The infection is eliminated within two days. It takes about three days before a person even becomes infectious, so the Moderna vaccine very likely lowers risk of transmission dramatically.

>> No.12701882

How do I know the Covid vaccine won't give me Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in 30 years, that will be impossible to trace back to today?


>> No.12701894

How do you know COVID-19 won't give you Alzheimer's in 30 years that will be impossible to trace back to today?

>> No.12701942

Bats are more trustworthy then the government.

>> No.12701952
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You don't, but that was a shitpost - like the study (pic related.)

>> No.12702117

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.12702146 [DELETED] 
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>Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.12702308

Liqma balls bitch

>> No.12702320
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>> No.12702329

I don't understand how they brain washed so many people into getting a vaccine so the boomers can live another 5 years before they die naturally?

>> No.12702343

The funniest thing is that you supposedly can pass covid after being vaccinated, so even this argument is a pure flop.

>> No.12702345

they should infect everyone with BENIGN STRAIN instad. Just infect schools with it.

>> No.12702358

>find the mildest strain
>select it into more contagious yet more benign strain
>let it out

>> No.12702372

Conspiracies can and do happen. They have happened throughout history, they are happening now, and they will happen in the future. I struggle to understand how just because idiots latch onto insane ramblings that we are supposed to take the diametrically opposed position that people don't conspire together to cause events to happen at all, ESPECIALLY people in positions of power who have a vested interest both in maintaining and growing their influence.

>> No.12702413

imagine just being happy with just knowing a "supposedly"

>> No.12702424


>> No.12702438

>Not really known how long you have immunity.
Then they don't know how long the vaccine works either

>> No.12702461
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Is influenza or covid19 more deadly for a 30 year old?

>> No.12702470

My cousin is a nurse. She just had COVID-19, the vaccine still hadn't made it to her. Now she's being told that she's not eligible for a vaccine as long as she has antibodies due to vaccine shortage.

>> No.12702652

Probably none due to the poor handling of the situation by my government. I'm glad I'm not required to take the shot, a friend of mine is a caretaker and he had to take his shot.

>> No.12702807

That depends on the flu strain and the individual.

>> No.12702814

Maybe a good thing. We don't really know how the vaccines interact with the immune system of those who have already contracted C19.

>> No.12702820


average and average

>> No.12702821

Isn't the problem with that plan that they haven't actually been able to isolate the virus yet?

>> No.12702832

Mathematically higher for covid but really low for both. It's like trying to decide between avoiding airplanes out of fear a crashing or avoiding women out of fear of trannies. They're both low probability events that you really shouldn't concern yourself with.

>> No.12702864

>avoiding women out of fear of trannies
Why fear trannies? I love dating them to the point of sex, then I just infect them with a fake penis filled with aids and leave them.

>> No.12703138

You don't have to much of a /pol/ tard to believe in conspiracies when one of the fact checker made by the EU is called fucking SOMA.

>> No.12703158

Of course they've isolated the virus. Many labs have, many times. It's actually fairly routine for us. It's how we track mutations.

>> No.12703162

The real problem with that plan is that even with an attenuated virus you still run the possibility of people developing disease, because viruses mutate. At one point more people were developing poliomyelitis from the vaccine then from wild infection. We don't like to use live virus vaccines if we don't have to.

>> No.12703298

they want to make it mandatory in my country how can i avoid taking it ? i hope they don't make it mandatory for uni or buying food

>> No.12703349

if she wants kids, she probably dodged a bullet

>> No.12703378

Join a religion that is opposed to them. Haven't checked but Christian Scientist and Jehovah's Witness are the usual objectors.
>mandatory for uni
Wouldn't be surprised if that happened. Consider if the value of the instruction given is really that great or you're doing it to follow the crowd.
>buying food
Hopefully they'd never be that stupid. Starving people are easily turned into violent revolutionaries. Any student of history knows this but the technocrats running western governments are rather tone deaf to this sort of thing.

>> No.12703443
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>tfw no cute short big tiddy blue eyed nurse gf

>> No.12703841





>> No.12703905

I'm 25 and I've been working from home even before covid so I'm probably last in line and at that point I may as well not get it

>> No.12703972


So then all I have to do is wait for your “likely” to become “for sure” and I’ll vax up.

I dunno what the problem is. I don’t even buy video games when they first come out...

>> No.12704322

Interesting how the manufacturer doesn't claim any of that but some random dude on the internet protecting his ego does. Who should we believe?

>> No.12704375

I'm waiting for CureVac.

>> No.12704403

Even if they'll make it mandatory, so far it isn't, so skipping a few first injections is beneficial for you.

>> No.12704437

Sounds like you killed her with the real "just the flu bro" tbqh. Don't feel bad, if God didn't want her to die he wouldn't have invented influenza.

>> No.12704440

mRNA tells your body how to make the bricks of the virus, just not how to assemble the virus house. Then your immune system learn how to effectively bulldozer the bricks out of your butthole. If after that you get infected by the real virus your body uses multiple bulldozers to shovel the entire virus house out of your anus.

>> No.12704443

People ate British beef for decades and there was no vCJD disease epidemic. Prion diseases are a meme.

>> No.12704462

I already took the Pfizer one.

>> No.12704597

Because she didn't leave behind enough video to do a deepfake. oops.

>> No.12704708

>the daily beast
more like the daily faggot

>> No.12705230 [DELETED] 
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Do you think they are going to make this vaccine mandatory?

>> No.12705243

You killed her you bastard
Fuck you

>> No.12705264
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Why should I get some vaccine that the elites tell me to get when those same people created the pandemic in the first place? Why should I trust anything that they say? Why are people just ignoring that while Bill Gates shills for this gay mind control NWO mark of the beast vaccine, he also is buying up all the farmland to control the food supply?

>> No.12705281
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For me it really just depends on the chronic effects of muh rona. Any anons who had it want to weigh in? Most viruses have none but the news is full of people talking about them, but then again it's the news

>> No.12705287

They didn’t create the pandemic
Haven’t heard Bill Gates talk much about these vaccines plus he’s not been involved in their research and development
Do you honestly think God will punish people for taking a vaccine?
Is Gates really in control of all the farmland? Does he really control every step of the food supply chain?

>> No.12705300
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It is all way too convenient. How can you not see that this whole thing is the elites taking more and more power and gaslighting anyone who speaks out or even just asks questions?
I think that we are in the end times.

>> No.12705670

>Interesting how the manufacturer doesn't claim any of that
They can't because there have been no challenge trials in humans. Given that it works in primates, it's likely to work in humans, plus the evidence that the Oxford vaccine appears to reduce transmission in humans.

>but some random dude on the internet protecting his ego does.
What's with the shitty attitude?


The mRNA-1273 vaccine candidate induced antibody levels exceeding those in human convalescent-phase serum, with live-virus reciprocal 50% inhibitory dilution (ID50) geometric mean titers of 501 in the 10-μg dose group and 3481 in the 100-μg dose group. Vaccination induced type 1 helper T-cell (Th1)–biased CD4 T-cell responses and low or undetectable Th2 or CD8 T-cell responses. Viral replication was not detectable in BAL fluid by day 2 after challenge in seven of eight animals in both vaccinated groups. No viral replication was detectable in the nose of any of the eight animals in the 100-μg dose group by day 2 after challenge, and limited inflammation or detectable viral genome or antigen was noted in lungs of animals in either vaccine group.

>> No.12705676

Haven't had it personally, but I know two people who have been without any sense of taste or smell for several months.

>> No.12705693

>what is /pol/?
That only works IRL, not on 4chan

>> No.12705726

Kind of interesting the people who i never thought would've been anti-vaxxer are now. I just don't see the conspiracy possiblities.

>Release vaccine for that money

idk why they would create a virus that has been disatrous on the econonmy just for some pharma companies to give vaccines. All for maybe a low amount of money compared to what they have. Would they not just be better off creating a new drug that gets people hooked? Seems much easier and much higher profits for a long peroid instead of just a couple rounds of vaccines.

>Tracking us

That just seems way to risky that someone could catch it. Besides, i dont see the point if we are already tracked with phones and smart watches. If you have iphone, you can literally go to your location settings and see which places you visited and roughly how long you were there, so trying to chip everyone would just seem retarded.

>Trying to control where we travel

lmao obviously hasn't worked after week 2 here in the U.S. No ones gonna where mask when theres no more disease. If it sticks around with new flu like variants, then people just wont give a fuck anymore.

Please give me some conspiracy that makes sense, because they have been valid in the past, but I don't see any of them making sense.

>> No.12705730

I don't think it's unreasonable to have some concerns over the possible long term effects of the vaccines. Ideally they should have had 5-10 years of trials, not under a year. But that's my only concern.

>> No.12705759


>> No.12705766

Whichever one is the most popular in Israel.

>> No.12705773
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>> No.12705835

Materialists hate this post because it is the truth.

>> No.12705844

>Kind of interesting the people who i never thought would've been anti-vaxxer are now.
For me it's very simple: before 2020 my government (and other governments) were relatively sane. But now they showed themselves to be fully malignant, incompetent or both. So now I will try to avoid all things government pushes on me (especially covid-related). This, and also >>12705730

>> No.12705850
File: 129 KB, 939x500, saint anthony the great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that they used to be good and sane before 2020. It is just that in 2020 they dropped the facade and revealed their true intentions and went into the final power grab to usher in the reign of the Antichrist.

>> No.12705851

you are making fun of this situation but this is literally how every single normie think.

>> No.12705855

I'll literally kill before taking the vaccine.

>> No.12705906


the actual survival rate is higher

>> No.12705961

bro im not trying to be an ass but what made you think the government was sane before 2020? I'm at least speaking as American. We've gone through 2 recessions in 20 years before this, dismantled privacy for the internet, ran up the military budget beyond what anyone could'be imagined, and have had wages relatively stagnet while the price for education, housing, and food have outpaced it. We also saw that we clearly have lost the war on drugs, created a generation of opioid epidemic, and still haven't changed our laws to decriminalize drugs in all areas, which would be the only thing to save us from the war on drugs. What made you think it was good before

>> No.12705963

Ya this is the one place I do stand with most people on. My dad works in this field kind of and says the biggest things that takes so long is how concerned they are on doing human trials. From my understanding, they just started doing trials sooner than ever. So as long as they were successful so far, it is a situation that I think is very different than what we've seen before. I also don't think this is something we can or should try to wait it out.

>> No.12705971

Sputnik V is the only available here in Argentina so i guess that one but i'm not sure if i'm even taking it

>> No.12705991

That and normalfags are all completely in favor of censorship now.

>> No.12706004
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CNN will love that. They will run 24/7 coverage of the violent Nazis who oppose vaccination. The message will be clear: Nazis don't want anyone to be able to get the vaccine and are willing to kill you, doctors, and nurses to stop the vaccine. Anyone who opposes everyone getting the vaccine = violent Nazi who needs to be neutralized.
It doesn't matter if you're only trying to keep for being forced to get it, the second you're violent or even threaten violence, you become a set piece for them. It's quite the system they've created where if you fight them, they automatically win, and if you give in, they win too because you're taking the injection you didn't want.
The only solution at this point is to throw metaphoric sabots into the machinery until it becomes too much trouble for them to force anyone into vaccination against their will. Right now they're trying to make your life as difficult as possible if you choose not to get it. Flipping the script by making distribution of the vaccine to the unwilling as expensive as possible is the solution, at least for now.
This has already happened unintentionally by those who are eligible to receive the vaccine but are generally irresponsible causing does to go unused and wasted because they're scheduling appointments that they either forget about, get the wrong date/time due to being disorganized, or don't understand the concept at all. Many sites have had to get stricter about their policies because so many doses are being wasted. Now imagine what will happen when the unwilling are pushed into using that same system. Tossing sand in the gears instead of trying to blow up the factory has always worked better for the disempowered.

>> No.12706690

probably pfizer or moderna when they become available to me perhaps in the summer.

>> No.12706806

Accelerationism is Good.

>> No.12707104

My sister at had three nurses die from "mysterious circumstances" shortly after taking it at the hospital she works at, so its a no for me.

>> No.12707178
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Sputnik V

Russia is not part of the global ZOG, and therefore I trust them.

>> No.12707210

Anything permanent like organ damage? I'm not a landwhale so a little trouble breathing or loss of taste for a few days or months doesn't matter to me at all

>> No.12707274

Well, I know some older folks (over 50) dealing with a lot of complications since they were infected. Out of control blood sugar and blood pressure, breathing difficulties. Doctors aren't sure what to do. In the younger people I know, it's just the two with the taste and smell loss, and one of them is severely depressed over it. Zero improvement, and it's been months. Everyone else was fine after a few weeks. Obviously I'm in a freaking hot spot where a crap load of people have been infected.

>> No.12707320

Since it's only been a year, it's hard to tell what's "long-term" vs "permanent" but yeah, it's definitely not something to mess around with.

>> No.12707507

Fehlt sick for a day, maybe two, that's it. But my heart pounds weirdly now. Haven't had an appointment at the cardiologist yet. It's like whenever I do more than walking, it doesn't calm down anymore.

You say so because you never had those problems. People kill themselves over loss of taste and smell. It's literally like your access to a large part of the world is gone suddenly.
Breathing problems also suck hard. It's not like you just have to work a bit more to get air in. You'll struggle and panic.

>> No.12707519

take them all (don't tell your doctor!)

>> No.12707717
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>24 year old

>> No.12707733


>> No.12707754

>Which vaccine will /sci/ be taking?
The ones that get a normal pharmaceutical license instead of just an emergency authorisation.

>> No.12707886

Sugmer is proven to be more effective than liqma though

>> No.12707887

the wall hits them fast these days.

>> No.12707906
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>they call me crazy
>a danger to society
>just because i refuse
>just because i stand for my rights
wtf is wrong with people holy fucking shit this is really bad is it

>> No.12707914

None. I have an overactive immune system, so I'm more likely to take damage from the vaccine than the disease.

>> No.12707946
File: 29 KB, 332x351, 1610180852626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it actually triggers me how fucking retarded normies are and how accurate that was.
>anarchist and fuck the gov't edgelords
>but also blindly trust the "experts" who destroyed the economy over the literal flu

>> No.12707952

>>just because i refuse
>>just because i stand for my rights
No, because you're a danger to society

Imagine still arguing with muh death rate after a full year of this shitshow and knowing for almost a year that the death rate is irrelevant. Trolls on /sci/ really suck ass. And not in the good way.

>> No.12707955 [DELETED] 


>> No.12707981

>No, because you're a danger to society
how so?

>> No.12708031
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Whatever they are taking

>> No.12708055

its the same pfizer one

>> No.12708095 [DELETED] 

>you're a danger to society
this fascistic perspective is literally don't fall than worst of /pol/tard

>> No.12708098

>you're a danger to society
this fascistic perspective is literally don't fall than the worst of /pol/tards

>> No.12708116

Had it, only reason I even knew I had it is because my mom works in hospital so she and my whole family had to get tested. Otherwise I wouldnt even notice.

>> No.12708123

good luck organising against the oldest known organisers in the world, who are organising everything since day one for that not to happen

just fucking change laws and keep teaching people how we need to change laws to slowly undo the damage. We will always outnumber them, abd they fight it by making it harder and harder to change laws
violence will always be expected and dealt with swiftly, it will be harder to do as times move on.

>> No.12708126

dangerously based

>> No.12708175

(not OP, but want to take J&J)
Well, if I am going to take a shot, might as well be smelling good afterwards.

>> No.12708282

This. Infection rates down by 92%, severe covid-19 rates down by 94%. Parties everywhere. They did it right.

>> No.12708286

I don't know what you're trying to say.
I'm just arguing people call him a danger to society because he is exactly that, and not because he "practices his rights". There is no right to endanger others.

>> No.12708288
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Not completely, the israeli one has been blessed by their rabbis.
Something golem kabbalah something is going to work better.
Pic related, he believed in the kabbalah.

>> No.12708333

And they've fully vaccinated >80% of those older than 60. It's very impressive.

>> No.12708336

Have you ever done an IQ test?

Was the result 50 or 60?

>> No.12708379

i ask you how refusing to the vaccination make people a danger to society, and you answer me like a degenerate mongoloid, is there any basis for what you say?
is there any reason to declare someone as danger like you are doing? what the fuck is wrong with you?!

>> No.12708401

You should already know the answer. Unless you are literally an idiot.

Have you ever heard of communicable or transmissible diseases? Go read about the concept and then figure out how it relates to the current situation and vaccines.

>> No.12708412

>transmissible diseases
but the vaccine does not prevent infection, there is no research that supports what you are arguing about, you based it on your own ignorance

>> No.12708500

>the vaccine does not prevent infection
>there is no research that supports what you are arguing about
You are literally dumb and ignorant.

That wasn't me. You're a danger because of your egoistic fixation on perceived rights regardless of consequences.

>> No.12708535

show me one research
>regardless of consequences.
those are my own consequences, i dont risk anybody else so fuck off.

>> No.12708553

>those are my own consequences
And exactly that's the problem you refuse to understand. You're not a closed system.
>show me one research
About what?

>> No.12708563
File: 180 KB, 1096x938, Moderna Effi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What vaccine doesn't prevent infection?

Not a single study says what you are claiming for any of the COVID vaccines. Quite the opposite for Moderna and AstraZeneca so far (and no data for the others).

Pic related.

>> No.12708565

>About what?
you claim that the vaccination prevent infection, therefor i am dangerous to society by refusing taking it, so show me the research that support your retarded claim

>> No.12708566


>> No.12708569
File: 24 KB, 736x217, AZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you EVER seen a vaccine that doesn't prevent infections?

>> No.12708571
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Wrong pic, here's the correct one.

>> No.12708576

She collapsed from a panic attack right?

>> No.12708586

Not really.

"Vasovagal syncope (vay-zoh-VAY-gul SING-kuh-pee) occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope. The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly."

It's quite common and sometimes happens even before the needle hits you.

>> No.12708590
File: 961 KB, 1920x1080, 324424342432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not care about unsupervised studies
just send the source retard

so according to the most updated cdc info there is no approval for that

>> No.12708593

“If there is an example of a vaccine in widespread clinical use that has this selective effect — prevents disease but not infection — I can’t think of one!” Dr. Paul Sax of Harvard has written in The New England Journal of Medicine.

>> No.12708600

"Limited" does not mean "zero".

Your idiotic argument was that there is a reason to think that these vaccines don't prevent infection. Yet no vaccine in the history has ever prevented disease while being ineffective at preventing transmission.

>> No.12708606

lmao, you live under a rock? Infection rates are down everywhere with successful vaccination campaigns. Especially Israel. Down by 92% already, rates of severe covid-19 down by 94%.
Britain is reopening because it's looking great.

>> No.12708607

What are "unsupervised studies"?

Why is CNN "useless"? Are you unable to read text or follow links on CNN?

Here is the link in case you are handicapped:

>> No.12708614

Moderna prevents transmissions:


>> No.12708615

>you claim that the vaccination prevent infection
Yeah, they do. See >>12708606, or >>12708569, or >>12708593, or just google it.
>therefor i am dangerous to society by refusing taking it
Well, technically that's not what I claimed. I say your egocentrism and recklessness are a danger to society.
>your retarded claim
Heh, wonder what you'll say now that you're shown to be wrong. I mean, judging by your posts you won't even feel stupid for having said something like that without investigating the topic beforehand.

>> No.12708638

this is the cdc latest data https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/info-by-product/clinical-considerations.html
check that before you keep saying shit, i dont want to get vaccinated and this is my fucking RIGHT! if you want to go in an endless loop about how
well have a blast. i dont give a fuck anymore this is a waste of time, i dont feel comfortable to get vaccinated for a plague that kill literally 0.001% of the population, this is my decision and that is what going to happen.
fuck off bongos

>> No.12708658

> i dont give a fuck anymore
You haven't given a fuck at any time, and that's exactly the problem you refuse to understand.
>that kill literally 0.001% of the population
Anon, I think >>12708336 was right. Death rate has been irrelevant since March last year or so. Are you stuck in the past? Are you deliberately ignoring what the actual dangers of covid-19 are?
>fuck off bongos
Translation: "I don't care about anyone else but me", which is why you are a danger to society.

>> No.12708679

>You haven't given a fuck at any time,
i am tired from explaining myself

>Death rate has been irrelevant since March last year
>Are you stuck in the past?
do you any idea how stupid that sound?

>> No.12708683

>do you any idea how stupid that sound?
Less stupid than still arguing with
>muh death rate
after a full year of this shitshow. You need to educate yourself. Seriously.

>> No.12708690 [DELETED] 

>You need to educate yourself. Seriously.
say the faggot who dont follow by the cdc, holy shit are you really that retarded. get the vaccine if you want and fuck off nobody owes an explanation to someone like you.
and you last can declare someone as a danger to society

>> No.12708693

>You need to educate yourself. Seriously.
say the faggot who dont follow by the cdc, holy shit are you really that retarded. get the vaccine if you want and fuck off nobody owes an explanation to someone like you.
and you are the last one that can declare someone as a danger to society

>> No.12708704

MD here.
He's right though. His body his choice. Nothing more to say of it.

>> No.12708718

>U.K. government scientific advisers say the COVID-19 variant now predominant in the country may be up to 70% more deadly than previous variants
Uh oh

>> No.12708726

>confidence interval: 0
>error bars to the moon

>> No.12708754
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>> No.12708836

Your CDC link does not have anything that overrides the studies I've linked to. Nor does it contain anything that is contradictory to what I say. So stop whining and stop spreading misinformation.

Stop whining about your "rights". No one has yet made the vaccinations mandatory.

>> No.12708866

god its like talking to a fucking monkey
> Nor does it contain anything that is contradictory to what I say.
>Have you ever heard of communicable or transmissible diseases?
>Have you ever heard of communicable or transmissible diseases?
>Have you ever heard of communicable or transmissible diseases?

see >>12708590
you are spreading misinformation you are a danger to society fuck off shithead

>> No.12708876

if having the virus doesn't grant immunity than neither will a vaccine

>> No.12708948

Very selfish to demand everyone bends over backwards to give grandma another two months of napping in front of the TV.

>> No.12709009

>Sputnik V
lol why would you want the dogshit Russian vaccine?
And how is it none of the schizo anti-vaccs conspiritards are talking about all the crazy shit with the Russian vaccine?

Their head of medicine announces its not safe then resigns in protest.
A couple weeks later one of their top researchers "Commits Suicide" by "stabbing himself multiple times then jumps from his apartment balcony."

>> No.12709021

>Bro reddit drinks water, you're not going to be like one of those faggots are you?

>> No.12709043

>people are mad I'm a filthy plague rat infecting everyone around me.
>don't they know everything is hoax and the guberment is really trying to put microchips in my brain?

>> No.12709050

No one cares about the Russian vaccine because 1) it isn't available here and likely won't be and 2) Russia isn't trying to force everyone here to get their vaccine.
The basic problem here is the authoritarians wanting to punish and make life impossible for anyone who doesn't dance around in glee to receive their chemical cocktail.

>> No.12709075

is there any cause for the general population and not the wheelchaired and risky

>> No.12709088

how can you read something and speculate all this retarded shit about someone?

>> No.12709112

>And how is it none of the schizo anti-vaccs conspiritards are talking about all the crazy shit with the Russian vaccine?
Because it has nothing to do with vaccine being safe or not. It's all about the epic culture war.

>> No.12709212

>Don't they already claim that "you MUST continue wearing mask because vaccine does not protect you from getting covid"?

yeah there is zero reason to get the vaccine. Its all a scam like the war on terror and the war on drugs before it.

>> No.12709317

>i dont want to get vaccinated and this is my fucking RIGHT!
Hey man, do what you want to do, but you're wrong about there being no evidence that these vaccines prevent infection. There's now at least a dozen studies showing they prevent infection and transmission to a high degree.

>> No.12709329

reported for terrorism.

>> No.12709356

your assuming these are good people that want to see things get better when its the opposite. Did the war on terror make things better or was it rational? Did the war on drug make things better or was it rational? The scam flu will be the same. It will make things worse for most people why the establishment gains far more control

>> No.12709395

>>Bro reddit drinks water, you're not going to be like one of those faggots are you?

well yeah. It makes water seems faggoty.

>> No.12709411

The government should administer vaccines at gun point.
Society is better off for ever anti-vaxxer killed.

>> No.12709414

did you preach your care bear shit to the boomers? Did you preach that caring shit when the foreign invasion was going on? Its pretty late in the game to cry about duties to one another when all family and tribal bonds have been broken.

>> No.12709423

Before covid, anti-vax was mostly a leftist hollywood thing. Go ahead, kill them.

>> No.12709549

>The government should administer vaccines at gun point.
>Society is better off for ever anti-vaxxer killed.

gee that sounds like someone that has my best interests at heart. Sure going to listen to those nazis

>> No.12709554

I know.
Pre-covid, you could point toward vaccines as one of the things right-wingers got right, where lefties were acting like irrational retards.
Thanks to QAnon schizos the right wing is doing it too now.

>> No.12709589

>I'm a danger to myself and everyone around me, by inflecting them with a deadly pathogen.
>But what everyone should really be concerned about is my feelings.

>> No.12709597

IDK the one that freezes my face or the one that gives me AIDS is hard to choose from

>> No.12709626

>Parties everywhere
Not yet.
t. Israeli who had the first shoot last week.

>> No.12709640

Not weakening the virus could mean getting bat AIDS in a couple of years

>> No.12709658

I was pretty "muh rona" about this until I realized this. But honestly in the middle of a pandemic I could care less about a temporary problem if it allows me to get on with my life like normal again. What I'm worried about is something permanent and I'm not picky with taste either but it would be a problem if I could never taste things again.

>> No.12709660

How does it come that so many people know how very deathly this non existent virus is. Jet struggle to do simple calculations about the natural growth of an micro organism.

>> No.12709681

Danger? Your the one threatening to kill people. That makes you the danger brah.

>> No.12709691

>micro organism
Viruses aren't alive, asshat.

>> No.12709806

Word games about an philosophical issue don't make you smart or scientific or reality based.

>> No.12709860

Well tbe virus only uses those spike proteins to imfect cells, kinda like a locksmith breaking a lock with a Bobby pin. Fucking idiot, if shit were that simple we wouldn't worry about the longterm affects of the virus or the vaccine.

>> No.12709904

you are hysteric piece of shit, you don't need vaccine you need immediate help

>> No.12709935

>Why can't I infect people with my disease? Plague rats are the real victims!
Killing anti-vaxxers is no different then killing zombies.

>> No.12709959

Plague rat here, still not getting this cuckccine, and definetly not getting because some petulant mong on 4chan says to. Cope, seethe, and die you fucking scum faggot.

>> No.12709984

you can just kill yourself instead and you will never see or hear "anti-vaxxers" anymore, problem solved

>> No.12709990

This guy needs 10 doses injected into him immediately

>> No.12710032

>who dont follow by the cdc
You didn't read your own source. What are you even trying to tell me here? There's nothing in there contributing to this discussion in any way.
>fuck off
This is how mature you are about criticism. Another point for you being a gander to society.
>and you are the last one that can declare someone as a danger to society
I'm judging by how you're presenting yourself here, and I'm really being generous. You're probably even worse irl.

>MD here.
Even if that were true,
>His body his choice. Nothing more to say of it.
That was never the point. Learn to read.

>> No.12710038
File: 1.20 MB, 640x360, holyfuckinSHIT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12710044

>i dont want to get vaccinated and this is my fucking RIGHT!
Whats a 4chan Karen called?

>> No.12710047

I have no idea what you're talking about. What do you think I am "preaching"? How is any of this relates to boomers?

>> No.12710094


Influenza A is deadlier than covid but no where near as transmissiable.

>> No.12710101
File: 56 KB, 1701x383, Vaxxed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The government has over a 100 year long precedent of being able to enforce vaccinations.

>> No.12710112

>You didn't read your own source.
according to the source that i read and you probably didn't, there is no indication for preventing covid transmission by the vaccine, In fact they clearly stated that there is not yet enough information to determine.
>currently limited information on how much the vaccines might reduce transmission and how long protection lasts.

you see that now? but i guess the most qualified medical source is not enough for you.
so you can just take your degeneracy somewhere else, you dont deserve another response from me so dont bother.
and yes fuck off

>> No.12710202

>How dare you not get the vaccine! YOU ARE ENDANGERING ME AND MY CHILDREN!
What's a 4chan Karen called?

>> No.12710210
File: 76 KB, 992x558, sand mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to rural Alabama/Tennessee. Do keep in mind that the area she is from still has churches where snake handling is part of the service.

>> No.12710260

Hmm, this sounds quite reasonable, but the only thing that could upend this is inaccurate statistics on how exactly it's been "successful and safe since release."

>> No.12710310

I don't know I was asking the same thing?

>> No.12710371

I got the first dose of Pfizer a few days ago. Arm was a bit sore, nothing else.

>> No.12710378

Requiescat in pace, Amen.

>> No.12710380

Know 2 people that have had it. Both in their very early 20s. Both lost taste and smell. They have both regained 80-90% of taste and smell after 2 months.
Shared a drink with one of them whilst they had it and I live with the other and I never got it, which makes me (most likely incorrectly) wonder how transmissible it actually is for certain people.
Also, my 91 year old grandmother had it and had a mild cough and fatigue for 3 days and was fine after that so she was definitely very lucky.

>> No.12710505

I'd just as soon get the AstraZeneca or the Moderna vaccine, but I think by the time they get around to someone like me, 'essential job' or not, they probably will say "take the shitty cheap one or do without".

>> No.12710558

Do you know what the whole deal with the AstraZeneca vaccine is?
My dad has a type of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia and is high risk and has had the AstraZeneca vaccine but, supposedly it's shit compared to the Pfizer.

>> No.12710595
File: 108 KB, 937x777, 1612975343150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've signed up as a volunteer vaccinator. AMA

>> No.12710730

Vaccinator or Vaccinee?

>> No.12711652

Tiffany ;__;

>> No.12711658
File: 115 KB, 599x491, 1b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>But Tiffany Dover is not dead.

>> No.12711689

>there is no indication for preventing covid transmission by the vaccine
You contradict yourself here
>>currently limited information on how much the vaccines might reduce transmission
What is it now? Is there none? Is it limited?
>you see that now?
Yes, I see that you're downright retarded and arguing in bad faith with no intention to ever learn anything. Go suck a fat cock and stop wasting our time.

>> No.12711701

>my source says A!
>quotes source saying the opposite of A
>so you see how I'm right and you're wrong! Y-you don't deserve another response from me!
>this is totally not because I got BTFO by my own source
>this is because y-you are so mean and degenerate
I know reading comprehension on /sci/ is historically abysmally low, but is this behavior really the current state? New low. Fuck this place.

>> No.12711746

probably neither unless i'm contractually obligated by an employer with promising career growth and benefits.

>> No.12711879

This time only the chinese are using the deactivated virus method

>> No.12711964

>What is it now? Is there none? Is it limited?
yes it means limited, means there is not enough information, means that you have a serious problem to understand what you are reading.
If you continue to claim that the vaccine prevents the transmission despite what is written there verbatim you are clearly hopeless.
it does not matter if there is 0 information or little information, there is not enough to determine. I'm just amazed by your stupidity
all the above is for you too

>> No.12711970

Whichever one is free.

>> No.12712190

Clamped, vaccinated, circumcised. Abused can't face abuse, therefore protects abuser, becomes abuser, etc. Story as old as time.

>> No.12712193


>> No.12712201 [DELETED] 


eee.... the one I will be ordained

>> No.12712237

>yes it means limited, means there is not enough information,
Correct. It also means there IS information, unlike the claim you made. So fuck off.
>If you continue to claim that the vaccine prevents the transmission despite what is written there verbatim
Again, your reading comprehension is so low, I'd rather measure it in Planck units. Nowhere in the text does it say otherwise.
Additionally, you can decide to look at the actual data. I know, it's very difficult for you to digest all the big words, but then you'd see what's happening in the UK and Israel - transmission rates down by over 90%.
>I'm just amazed by your stupidity
Peak Dunning-Kruger.

>> No.12712242
File: 125 KB, 600x480, Bill Gates Vaccine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bill Gates one?

>> No.12712247
File: 1013 KB, 2259x2259, Jewed Putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... the Putin's one?

>> No.12712249
File: 347 KB, 1024x640, Eat ze bugs-Mortal Kombat 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... or the Pfizer's one?

>> No.12712250

That's ModeRNA, not Pfizer.

>> No.12712251

I want to die. Should I get the vaccine or not?

>> No.12712352

>I'd rather measure it in Planck units.
why bother you clearly dont understand what you are doing
>Nowhere in the text does it say otherwise.
so starting from the premise that it is not yet known is the right thing to do, Instead of attacking people who refuse. it could be more contagious with the vaccine no one knows anything yet, and that's what the thing in your hollow skull refusing to understand.
>UK and Israel
i can say with certainty that the central bureau of statistics in Israel is nothing more than a joke, I lived there for 10 years and I can bring you samples if you want, not to mention that it was only at the beginning of the week that they came out of quarantine.
the issue is also so hot politically there that that they so are many lies and there is no knowing wtf is really going on.
add to that the fact that 50% of the medical staff there refused to get vaccinated.
so please please please just shut the fuck up!

your claims are just ridiculous you are disconnected from reality, you do not know how to test and measure things, you are sure that if you look at a graph you understand the data and know how to cross reference information and it is quite clear that you dont.
fucking retard seriously dont replay this, i had enough from you

>> No.12712366

>the premise that it is not yet known
>no one knows anything yet
Your own source says that's false. It OS known that it does prevent transmission. The data is just too scarce to say we're x% sure about that.
>you are disconnected from reality
Says the guy posting sources that directly disprove his narrative but instead of seeing his mistakes blindly defends his false interpretation. Pathetic, really.

>> No.12712388

You're 100% retarded and a danger to society.

>> No.12712396
File: 18 KB, 460x595, TAKETHEVACCINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I did take the vaccine what gave it away?

>> No.12712559

>post a source for your claim!
>n-n-nuh uh! Not that one! That's jeeeeews

>> No.12713303


>> No.12713340

Not him. This isn't his argument at all, what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.12713430

Kek, antivaxx anon BTFO.

>> No.12713578
File: 344 KB, 991x1061, 1604548207331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mRNA vaccine causes antibody production
>covid positivity determined by antibodies present in the blood
>"If you get the vaccine, you'll get the disease!"

>> No.12713605

Perhaps people confuse antibodies and antigens? I have no other explanation. People can't be that retarded.