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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12696783 No.12696783 [Reply] [Original]

Wait... just how the FUCK is time relative? I've never realized how mind-blowing this is. How can I have a different experience of time than other people when we live in the same objective world?

>> No.12696793

you'd have to fly at supersonic speeds for days and days and days to end up being even a second off. The effect is very minute unless you start to approach C.
However, the super precise atomic clocks, when they are transported, do have to be recalibrated because a typical intercontinental flight will invariably cause the travelling clock to "slow down" by 3-5 thousandths of a second despite keeping absolutely perfect time in an identical way to stationary clocks

>> No.12696796

In order for the universal speed limit to be finite objects must have an alternate experience of time when at velocity/position/gravitational stress-energy tensor differences to one another.
Every particle has it's own worldline in 4d space but the worldlines can be separately transformed in counter-intuitive ways
The alternative, where the speed limit is infinite, has significant failures with the transmission of motion from one particle to another inside macroscopic objects. Several interesting momentum based paradoxes arrive when we try to combine molecular theory and newtonian physics, to say nothing of the optical paradoxes

>> No.12696805 [DELETED] 
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>hehe, don't worry about it goy, just trust what old (((Einstein))) has to say. He's a real yiddishe kopf!

>> No.12696817

If a train was travelling at the speed of light, and the passengers were at rest compared to the train, and one passenger started walking leftwards across the narrow length of a carriage while the train suddenly turned left, would the combined motions accelerate or decellerate the passenger's walk?
A question like this, but with stars instead of trains is what motivated relativity because newtonian theories trying to calculate this wind up dividing by zero in the vector products

>> No.12696827


>> No.12696829

>when we live in the same objective world?
We don't, dumbass. There's no "objective world" outside of your mind.

>> No.12697126

>objective world
The world is likely rational but we, our minds are not in an objective world. We are in an interpreted world.

>> No.12697157
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Time isn't relative in your everyday life. It's reasonable to assume you'll never as a physical object experience deformation under general, nor special, relativity; only interact with it's effects through technology and physical phenomena.
Also, the objective world question is very /lit/. It's clear for any rational human being that some parts of reality are shared as objective, but there are lot of problems with our empirical, physical inductive inferences. Heck, even Jesus talks about it. Even before that, our deductive foundations of math and formalized thinking is in itself not rigid, even though it rests on a more secure ground. The world is semi-objective, in the sense that every individual's deductive and inductive mechanisms are never directly identical, in the sense of either non-isomorphic mathematical foundations (of which only some are reasonable of course) or interpretations of sensory phenomena for instance.
The fluidity of this isn't too startling, unless you are mentally ill or very stupid for instance.

>> No.12697204

The faster you move through space, the slower you move through time. Since space and time are linked, there is a sort of conservation between them.

>> No.12697264 [DELETED] 

Why do you faggots have an incessant need to shit up every single thread here? Who Einstein is does not have any bearing on the validity/accuracy of his theories.

>> No.12697466 [DELETED] 

Stop using the internet. I hear the satellites use those pesky jewish relativist equations, retard.

>> No.12698865 [DELETED] 


>> No.12698934 [DELETED] 

there, there, it's time to take your med, my friend, it wont hurt you, sweety, it will make your feel good, just take it.

>> No.12698969

None for you

>> No.12699000
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Because the faster you move, the greater your mass. Thus it takes more energy for any of your high mass particles to do anything. If nothing happens, no time passes. Thus by moving fast you can slow time for yourself, and when you stop moving, though no time passed for you, a lot passed for everyone else.

>> No.12699004 [DELETED] 

Based. Fuck kikes

>> No.12699069

No no. Mass/gravity has no limit, but speed does. Thus moving fast slows time not because it limits energy efficiency, but rather because it prohibits further movement altogether, regardless of how much energy you have internally.

>> No.12699110
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Because measurements are discrete but measures are continuous and the distribution of the union of those two elementary requirements are bounded by convergence rates and proximity vectors.

>> No.12699117

Nothing is objective in physics. Speeds are different depending on where your reference frame is. Also, the effect of time dilation is only noticeable when you are traveling close to the speed of light. When you are in a bus and your friend isn't, time is maybe a nanosecond longer than it is for your friend.

>> No.12699154

it seems to all depend on how fast you're going, our notion of time is probably derived from our absolute velocity in relation to some universal fixed-point

>> No.12699605

Brainlet reporting in. Does GR imply time and space are in a sense the same thing?

>> No.12699736

As in they both have a corporeal human form? Yes. They are not the same person however and share an asymmetrical periodicity.

sin(x) - cos(y) - tan(z)

>The impact of the impulse vs. The inference of the information

>> No.12699747

Retard levels of wrong

>> No.12699762
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Retard strength vs. Rhetorical symmetry

>> No.12699772



>> No.12699777

It's a curious property of 4D spacetime that 4-velocity is always normalized to the speed of light. If your 3-velocity is zero, then your 1-velocity, or your time, goes a certain rate: the speed of light up to some dimensional transposing parameter. If your 3-velocity increases, then your 1-velocity has to decrease to maintain the overall normalization of your 4-velocity. This is why time, your 1-velocity, is relative to your speed. It goes slower when you go faster and it goes fastest when you are still.

>> No.12699780

What audience were you imagining yourself as the presenter to when you recorded this?

>> No.12699782

The world, as always.

>> No.12699784

>bro, position is RELATIVE? How can you be in different places when we live in the same objective world??

>> No.12699805
File: 26 KB, 380x806, images (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then thank you for providing my almost 4 year old daughter with a university level education in such a concise and compressed format, it will boost her generalized education approach knowing that she is a unique measures of distinct points of sensory experiences and is responsible for translating and processing that which is discrete events along a continuum of share space.

My fingers are now your fingers! Dude, how can one person be asleep while another is awake!
>Aboriginal Cave vs. Chinese Village

>> No.12699846

I told people to read books, what you described isn't possible.

Go read books.

>> No.12699859
File: 420 KB, 220x237, Relativety of Simultaneity.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not, the perception of things happening simultaneously is.

>> No.12699878
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Correct! Also I have always appreciated that .gif because it is a very graceful presentation and explanation.

>> No.12699917

I doubt she ever will be able to, unfortunately her father is retarded.

>> No.12699949
File: 34 KB, 500x522, images (43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why I now have to strap my daughter into her LEARNING chair and play your stellar explanation on repeat at least 5 times a day, while reminding her that the whole world was the audience for your teachings and applaud her every time I hear her quoting your well-composed presentation!

Thank you for absorbing me of my fatherly duties so I can go back to pimping, gaming, and dancing!

Hope I am making my point clear to all humanity that paternal and maternal lines are literally what is causing all the generational problems.

>hurr durr my purity vs. your purity vs. collective priorities

>> No.12699960

Or that in general the world needs to accept that language should have a BREADTH-FIRST impact on its users and that DEPTH-FIRST approaches are the tools used by impulse-driven data gatherers. A tactic which is helpful in therapeutic settings and a probe-first method of engaging an audience, whether imagined or actual.