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File: 3.56 MB, 1164x1200, 1602558680689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12689255 No.12689255 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>12686242

UAE Probe realtime: https://www.emiratesmarsmission.ae/track-the-hope-probe-live/

Perseverance realtime: https://mars.nasa.gov/news/8742/follow-nasas-perseverance-rover-in-real-time-on-its-way-to-mars/

Place your bets on which one will fail! Tianwen-1 or Perseverance

>> No.12689263

Fuck boing and fuck urf

>> No.12689272 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 962x542, Wayfarer-2 behind Duna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guys doing in KSP atm?

>> No.12689280

i hope they all succeed.

>> No.12689285 [DELETED] 

Making a Mir like station

>> No.12689286 [DELETED] 

video games are not spaceflight
I'm currently looking at pictures of a water tower while listening to Komm Susser Todd and thinking about spaceplanes

>> No.12689291 [DELETED] 

build an air-breathing SSTO with whiplash engines and call it a space station for the sweet contract money and then bring it back down ten minutes later

>> No.12689297

What is the provisions weight, in food, water, supplements and disposable clothes per person for a 700 day Mars round trip? Is it 1-10 tonnes? 10-100 tonnes?

>> No.12689308 [DELETED] 


>> No.12689315

Depends on a huge amount of factors.

>> No.12689318

What is the cargo weight of a one-way Mars mission per number of people carried? Not the body weight, the weight of internal cargo on it's own.

>> No.12689319

>Round trip

NASA can front the funds if they want to bring their negronauts back

>> No.12689322

A 747 weighs around 325 tons empty, so I'd assume more than that

>> No.12689329
File: 95 KB, 1200x791, Artemis-Program-Moon-Mars-1200x791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that NASA picked Falcon Heavy for staging the Gateway, what are we looking at for the rest of Artemis. IMO this means NASA is willing to use the starship for its program when it is finished.

>> No.12689330

You are asking the same stupid question. How much extra fat do they have on them and can they do intermittent fasting to extend food supplies? How effective is your water recycler? How effective is your air scrubbing? What are you doing about black water waste? Are you growing microgreens en route? How much less comfort shit are your colonists willing to put up with?

>> No.12689347

hopefully Artemis becomes The Starship Program Featuring Dynetics

>> No.12689352

Yeah, no, Congress won't let that happen.

>> No.12689355

Depends on who wins HLS IIRC. If the lander does not require an SLS to launch, then the only thing requiring SLS is Orion itself, which means Orion can be scrapped in favor of Starship, or even a fucking Dreamchaser on a three core Vulcan.

SLS is dead.

>> No.12689365

huntsville gets to make surface habs
Texas gets to fuck around with surface habs
Utah gets to make ICBMs
I forget which other states are important

>> No.12689366

Alabama has engine manufacturing even without SLS

>> No.12689368

Nice coping but that's not how it works. You can't just tell all these SRB and hydromeme niggers to start building habs and shit. There is going to be serious problems at the congressional level sooner rather than later, muh jerbs is fucking real.

>> No.12689374

no, the SRB guys are making ICBMs right now, they just got a huge fucking contract for that and don't need the NASA gibs currently

>> No.12689375
File: 2.92 MB, 1000x539, MARSHA-3D-printed-Mars-hab-animation-AI-SpaceFactory-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly i think oldspace knows they're dead. Starliner literally failed because they thought there was no way SpaceX could do the dragon for the price they offered. I think the SLS will have its 4 launches and then oldspace eill rake the taxpayers over the coals with ground tech like habs, rovers, excavators, 3d printers and other equipment.

>> No.12689380

>muh jerbs is fucking real.
Yes but biden is cutting funding and there is no way NASA can afford the sls

>> No.12689386

Any recommended RSS feeds for general space flight stuff?

>> No.12689390


>> No.12689394

Run a Nitter instance and turn Elon's shitposting into an RSS feed.

>> No.12689398

Biden is only cutting funding to racists and white supremacists like Elon Musk, America's most trusted contractors will of course receive the contracts they so truly deserve. But seriously

>giant mic contractors getting defunded

Literally will never, ever happen.

>> No.12689406

They won't get defunded, their contracts just won't come from nasa for propulsion

>> No.12689410
File: 35 KB, 492x665, cdde140cf2779260cbad82a68e2f7c2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me SpaceX is looking at suits like pic related

>> No.12689412
File: 947 B, 416x454, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those 3D printed houses a serious thing? Do they offer good enough protection against radiation?

>> No.12689416

>Are those 3D printed houses a serious thing?
oh boy here we go

>> No.12689417

No, and it's a serious problem. Mars isn't happening with current levels of suit tech.

No, they are shit and you will fry in one. Elon has that one covered with tunnels though, the logical way to rapidly expand massive amounts of protected pressurised space.

>> No.12689418

we get it, you print

>> No.12689421

Oh no, newfag summoning the prooooonter.

>> No.12689423
File: 958 KB, 1240x746, MzI5NzY0NA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The composite material was supposedly blocking of radiation and the penn state design was counting on regolith thickness. The competition was to drum up design ideas and test what shapes worked well with the 3d printer. I doubt that'll be close to the final design but you can bet on NASA using printed habitats.

>> No.12689426

i think, therefore i prooont

>> No.12689427
File: 82 KB, 1540x800, 3D-printed_lunar_base_design_article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tunnels will only be used to connect habs and maybe for sleeping.
Printed habs are the future boys. Just let it happen.

>> No.12689430

intricate network of swamp tunnels when

>> No.12689432

I love how you can tell that suit is just a total photo op mockup piece of shit just by looking at the lines where the tensioning wires are. They should be at their most dense at the joints but are not. Also

>No vag/dick pressurised hard cup

Enjoy your genitalial blood blisters. Also wait are those motorbike gloves and boots? Lmao hand over the patents already you grant chasing fucks.

>> No.12689433


>> No.12689434
File: 335 KB, 1360x1200, PicsArt_06-23-01.58.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12689437


>> No.12689439

>The composite material was supposedly blocking of radiation

Must have been a pretty amazing super metamaterial that a few hundred mm is comparable to tens of metres of rock for shielding against GCRs.

>> No.12689447
File: 51 KB, 262x353, Space_activity_suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't the design be public by now? Can't imagine they hold the patents

>> No.12689450

It's the buttplug habitats time again.

>> No.12689455
File: 107 KB, 1125x2436, 15929503581755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12689463


>> No.12689469

It was all but certain that Falcon Heavy was going to launch the first Gateway module. I don't think anything has changed. Either way, Falcon Heavy will continue to play an important role in the Artemis program, since it's the launcher for Dragon XL.

>> No.12689472

it's more official now that the contract is actually made, instead of it just being the only choice or whatever it was before

>> No.12689479

Tianwen-1 should be arriving in Mars orbit in about 30 minutes.

Might be a stream here https://m.yangshipin.cn/video?type=0&vid=v000073fx6a

>> No.12689482
File: 60 KB, 800x800, kek1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that music

>> No.12689483

>Braking burn expected around 1200 UTC, but loss of signal, disappearing behind Mars, reacquisition and light time delay mean we might not know until ~1300 (estimates).
an hour of terror for the chinese. failure means death.

>> No.12689487

have they launched an 80s space-based sitcom?

>> No.12689489
File: 49 KB, 596x335, 18-this-actually-may-be-humanitys-future-home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The biopolymer-basalt derived material we have developed should provide effective cosmic radiation shielding due to its low atomic mass.”
>He also believes that they might enhance shielding by depositing ice between two layers of 3D-printed material but admits that they still have to validate these ideas with actual testing.

>> No.12689490
File: 222 KB, 1240x786, 1405427314196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You must enable DRM to play some audio or video on this page.

>> No.12689493
File: 20 KB, 596x238, 9-this-actually-may-be-humanitys-future-home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its exciting man, the research those competitions are pushing forward is the only hab news we've had

>> No.12689494

Tianwen-1 was filmed in front of a live studio audience.

>> No.12689499

What is the objective, not easily replicable benefit of not having tons of actual fucking soil between you and radiation? Unless you actually have both atmosphere and magnetosphere worth shit?

>> No.12689500

>he also believes
>still have to validate these ideas with actual testing

And into the trash it goes. You can't replicate tens of metres of solid rock with some shitty polymers unless they are denser than fucking god.

>> No.12689509

The objective is jerking themselves over muh pretty habitats and muh 3d printed Funko pop bullshit. Printing is pretty much the shittest of all habitat options. The proont nigger in this thread unironically advocates for growing acres and acres of corn ON MARS to render down and make some shitty polymer to proont a house because proonting can't actually use wholly in situ resources unlike any other option. Unreal.

>> No.12689515

ah yeah I'm going to make acres and acres of underground cave farmland just so that I can proont myself some useless buttplugs

>> No.12689518

Yes, the corn based polymer is essential to the radiation proof (citation needed) makeup of the buttplug.

It would be hilarious if the proont nigger didn't shill it so hard unironically.

>> No.12689531

>ah yeah I'm going to make acres and acres of underground cave farmland
This would be cool if it were being used for growing food, or even bamboo for paper/wood.

>> No.12689543

>live and farm underground anyway
>waste farmland on useless autism
By the time you can afford luxury like surface habitats, you will be able to trivially afford making two transparent domes with radii differing by several metres filled with tons of water.

>> No.12689549

As much as I love super massive sprawling underground tunnel networks how the fuck are they gonna happen on Mars? Those boring machines are like ten times the payload of Starship, right? Am I just misremembering? If not, there's not really any feasible way of making use of them on Mars. You sure as hell aren't gonna be sending it piece by piece and putting it back together on Mars for a while. Even if it were, surely there's no way it would be more effective than just shipping habitats straight there, right?
Also anyone got pics of tunnel cities? Whether it be examples of real life mines or whatever turned into housing or diagrams of theoretical cities or colonies actually comprised of mostly tunnels.

>> No.12689557
File: 294 KB, 862x492, 1599364642260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tianwen-1 insertion burn detected by amateur astronomers

>> No.12689558

There may be kilometer wide lava tube tunnels on Mars that only need to be sealed and pressurized.


>> No.12689561

the front fell off
see: that fucking great hole they found recently.

>> No.12689568

live stream here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1myQ5tIig0w

>> No.12689576

>Loss of signal at @SternwarteBO at 12:13:50 UTC approx as the spacecraft has gone behind Mars. This is completely expected. The signal should return around 12:48 UTC.

>> No.12689578

Do you know how they move those big machines around irl? They take them apart you tard and send them in pieces.

The same idea applies to Mars as they can just send multiple deliveries with the parts and then assemble it once it gets there.

>> No.12689579
File: 41 KB, 640x640, Waiting for launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12:49 UTC
>no signal

>> No.12689582

the chinks failed :)

>> No.12689584

I kinda wish they don't.
more cool pictures

>> No.12689592

Feel like every country that sends something to Mars has to experience losing one probe, its kind of a ritual with that planet.

>> No.12689594
File: 32 KB, 1585x892, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will do the inclination change at the first orbit?

>> No.12689599

it's the best time to do it

>> No.12689600
File: 41 KB, 1350x661, 1584008396260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12689624
File: 42 KB, 1350x661, 1591064411841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next time someone should be live streaming a graphic like this

>> No.12689627

Acqusition of signal confirmed in
shortly after 12:48 UTC. The spacecraft is still using the low gain antenna.

>> No.12689628

there's a live stream but nothing is happening

>> No.12689643

Holy shit that's cool

>> No.12689646
File: 391 KB, 1041x851, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chinks made it
I... kneel
Just fucking kidding congrats on doing something better nations did five decades ago lmao

>> No.12689649

>too prideful to compliment another country for an achievement

>> No.12689655

>chink post

>> No.12689658



>> No.12689666

Elon is such a fucking retard buying the absolute top of the bitcoin trend

I hope it crashes so he can learn some fucking finance 101

/ End bizpost

>> No.12689669

>inb4 ur n chink lol
Apparently no-one can compliment china without being a fully fledged fanboy of the CCP

>> No.12689671

I'm pretty sure he's bad with money

Apparently in 2009 he only had 40 mil left when he was a billionaire in 2000

>> No.12689675

satan plz

>> No.12689676

>>12689666 (checked)
he bought in december, it only went public recently.
also stay poor salty nocoiner

>> No.12689677

>lose billions
>become the worlds richest person and go down in history as one of the most important people of your time, changing the fate of human civilization forever

>> No.12689679
File: 619 KB, 600x231, 1405712445416.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>THE being most known for deceit and selfishness
>not the ultimate authority on business and finance

>> No.12689683

>Apparently no-one can compliment china without being a fully fledged fanboy of the CCP

>> No.12689685


>> No.12689710

if they land that'll be an achievement.

>> No.12689713

Fuck other countries; China in particular. Elon Musk should shoot down their disgusting probes of evil

>> No.12689716
File: 73 KB, 622x618, snib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck other countries; USA in particular. China should shoot down their disgusting probes of evil
silence dum dum

>> No.12689718

Get your own space program, foreigner, and stay out of american airspace (the entire galaxy)

>> No.12689721

american niggas really out here thinking elon is american

>> No.12689724
File: 2.20 MB, 2321x1151, proonter hab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>printed habs

>> No.12689731

>you just know

>> No.12689734
File: 846 KB, 2000x1500, 1591782495619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American Perseverance/Ingenuity mission will arrive at Mars on Sunday.

>> No.12689736

Elon is a US citizen and SpaceX is an American corporation. Elon has said on multiple occasions that America is the best country ever.

>> No.12689737

>Febuary (African American History Month)
>Not respecting the most successful African American
get out racist

>> No.12689739

weird that he want's to move to mars then

>> No.12689740

Why would electronics need to be warm?

>> No.12689742

he wants to export Americanism to Mars

>> No.12689746

A SpaceX colony on Mars is a US colony

>> No.12689748

America is the best nation on Earth because it's the only place you can build a rocket company that gets us off of Earth.

>> No.12689749

god I hope not, the food requirements would go up several magnitudes of order

>> No.12689752
File: 1.07 MB, 1701x992, 1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Being DIVERSE


>> No.12689755
File: 178 KB, 1000x800, DkXB7-jV4AAIukz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12689764
File: 744 KB, 400x400, AfricanSpaceProgram.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why? Chinese seem to be already doing well enough with the soviet leftovers.

>> No.12689771

This tacked on shit does fuckall we can't simulate with the data we have already.

>> No.12689772

Diversity=anti-white racism

What happened to Europe?

>> No.12689773
File: 133 KB, 1180x773, trudeau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"elo? uhhh I wud laik tu uhh becöm an äströnayt yes"
>"Ai em fröm uhhh french guiana yes?"
>"so were ar oll ze uhhh white women oui?"

>> No.12689774

You also need to be from a country that funds the training part of ESA

>> No.12689776

Simulations are bullshit, and the helicopter is to scout out locations for the rover to visit, and help it plot safer paths.

>> No.12689779
File: 350 KB, 1063x683, apu löhöilee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be comfy

>> No.12689782

it's light and it's cool to bring a helicopter drone to another planet. Better than another fucking mole that we spend 18 months trying to get 6cm underground. At least this works or it doesn't and we move on.

>> No.12689787

Can't b be racist against colonizing rapists

>> No.12689789

Oh christ. Why can't we just stop trying to be relevant and keep export artisan cheeses and exotic escorts to the rest of the world.

>> No.12689792

>as Europe enters a new era of space exploration.
A new era of being completely irrelevant and doing absolutely nothing of note, same as the last era really.

>> No.12689793

It will enter Mars orbit first or will land directly?

>> No.12689794

Colonialism ended several decades ago. You are trolling and not a leftoid.

>> No.12689795

it lands on the 18th

>> No.12689796

I'm surprised they are saying they are hiring now after 11 years, when the current astronauts don't fly at all. ESA has no manned ships of their own and only has the leftover seats from USA and Russia.

This is outright diversity-hiring because those Artemis seats probably must be diverse as per US requirement.

>> No.12689802

That music is kino AF m8, I feel like I should be watching a circa 1993 technical presentation.

>> No.12689807

I'm kindof hyped for gateway now that it's materialized. Maybe it'll be just a piece of junk orbiting the moon, but I'm hoping that once they're bought in they'll have a much harder time cutting and running. Government loves sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.12689809
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>> No.12689812

Would have been funnier if the printing arm did a thumbs up at the end

>> No.12689815

>when the current astronauts don't fly at all
But they do.

>> No.12689817
File: 1.05 MB, 2032x5856, tube chads win again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao kekformers, tube gang already has infrastructure on mars

>> No.12689831
File: 594 KB, 1920x1275, Herschel_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESA does things of note, just not manned spaceflight.

>> No.12689835

The number of flights is pathetic:

>> No.12689839

>don't fly at all

>> No.12689851

it goes directly into the atmosphere for landing

>> No.12689852
File: 185 KB, 600x600, doom wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boca road closures cancelled
Why even live bros
Redpill me on the Huygens lander. Was it only cool because it hitched a ride on Cassini and landed on Titan? Could JPL have built a better lander, or was Huygens good for the time

>> No.12689855
File: 113 KB, 1112x464, Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 8.28.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not only wanting """diverse""" estronauts, but crippled ones, too.

>> No.12689857
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 159246179583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but also perhaps physical disabilities. To make this dream a reality, alongside the astronaut recruitment I am launching the Parastronaut Feasibility Project
is this a fucking joke?

>> No.12689864
File: 228 KB, 600x600, 600px-046Paras.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support Paras in space

>> No.12689869

Jesus christ. I mean, it's nice in concept, there's gotta be people that are blind or deaf or whatever and have a great passion for space and becoming an astronaut, but isn't it a bit too early for sending basically dead-weights in space? Anyway, I wouldn't want to depend on a diversity hire not to fuck up docking in space and rip the whole spacecraft open.

>> No.12689875

It'll be someone with two fused toes or some shit, something that won't really matter in space

>> No.12689876

Falcon Heavy is a proven heavy lifter that, besides its reusable boosters, is largely conventional compared to the unproven Starship.

>> No.12689883

Someone get me out of this shitty continent.

>> No.12689891

>Was it only cool because it hitched a ride on Cassini and landed on Titan?
Would a Titan lander still be cool if it didn't land on Titan? I have no idea how to respond to that.
>Could JPL have built a better lander, or was Huygens good for the time
Huygens was highly constrained in mass, likely a US version would have looked much the same. Note that Cassini was very nearly cancelled because of budget problems, it's status as an international project was highlighted in it's defense There is a possibility that without ESA Cassini wouldn't have happened entirely.

>> No.12689897

>Dragonfly: Launch date - 2027 [Planned]

>> No.12689928
File: 247 KB, 1537x960, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China doesn't have this problem.

>> No.12689933

>holy shit, I'm so tired of this cancer
>here, have some AIDS instead

>> No.12689935

>sell your wife to Mgumbo to cement african relations
>noo not in space though that'll never be us
lmao okay Zhang

>> No.12689943
File: 234 KB, 962x1024, D063BDDE-1904-4FF7-AD44-7F610BADDB4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else thinking of donating to the inspiration4 raffle?

>> No.12689967

Anyone here actually work for a space agency/contractor? Not a joke question, some of you lads must be madmen rocket scientists (as I am).

>> No.12689971

>hey beter I'm stuck in this airlock I think my legs got caught on there

>> No.12689983

I wash dishes. Someday I'd like to wash dishes on the moon. Someone's gonna have to do the washing, and the astronauts aren't going to want to do it. Put me in coach, I'm ready.

>> No.12689987
File: 509 KB, 596x842, china tianwen-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, this is amazing!

>> No.12690000

is it a raffle? I thought it was just whoever donated the most money

>> No.12690005

>virgin "enter orbit and assess landing site"
>chad "just throw it at the site from here"

>> No.12690011

>then oldspace eill rake the taxpayers over the coals with ground tech like habs, rovers, excavators, 3d printers and other equipment.

Nothing wrong with that as it opens the door to the CES equivalent of colonization were you have 10 companies offering just space suits such as power suits for construction, and fashionable pressure suits.

>> No.12690015

fewer limbs = lower payloads. Very smart move

>> No.12690018

static fire when?

>> No.12690019

So legless women are the future of spaceflight?

>> No.12690025 [DELETED] 

Not playing that piece of shit because the kraken yeeted my space station apart for like the 50th time for literally no fucking reason. I just load into my save and the thing just explodes.

Literally all I want from ksp2 is a more stable physics engine.

>> No.12690035

well, you don't really need legs in 0g, do you?

>> No.12690039

That's what I was thinking about, yeah. Guess I'll never become an astronaut.

>> No.12690043 [DELETED] 

>use meme drive
>get memed

>> No.12690061 [DELETED] 

What the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.12690084
File: 2.11 MB, 854x480, atqnw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are useless anyway so we can get rid of the arms too to save weight for something that matters

>> No.12690100

Is this a stock NASA photo or did the Chinese just take this with their orbiter?

>> No.12690110
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1612973361653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just love the idea of a martian colony with the exposed brick walls and the flashing street lights that make me feel like I'm in one of my favorite TV shows, I also just love the slow burn bone chilling gut wrenching atmospheric feel that makes me feel like I'm in a character development driven no jumpscare A24 film. I played Cyberpunk 2077 the other day and, WOW, I can't wait for megastructures with neon lights all over mars! It's just so aesthetic and reminds me of 80's sci fi (best decade, upvote). We must go there soon because climate change will get the best of us. Elon Muskirino will bring us there, he's modern-day Einstein, y'all.

>> No.12690113

I work for a megacorp that has a space division, but it will be a VERY long time before putting programmers in orbit makes sense.

>> No.12690115

But will the colony have a BarCade?

>> No.12690142

Are you working at said space division?

I'm an EE/avionics guy who is currently doing some science shit with European Space Agency.

>> No.12690147 [DELETED] 

If you are fast with the 2x time button you might save it. Time acceleration disables physics.

>> No.12690152
File: 677 KB, 1230x1353, screenshot-twitter.com-2021.02.10-10_44_37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.12690166
File: 133 KB, 1562x374, Soyuz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just kill the Soyuz

>> No.12690184

>super heavy canceled
>reusable canceled
What if they're canceling both because they decided to combine the projects into their own Starship program?

>> No.12690187
File: 90 KB, 200x427, 88C7B598-F096-43C2-A555-E35824523B7D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martian masonry is where it’s at
Radiation protection, stackable and can make cool architectural styles out of it all for a brick packing machine and a crane
Armored hardsuits with close felled foam is the best we’ll get right now, pick related
Bioregenerative life support would be the way to go to lighten up on supplies
Shit would be recycled by a biodigester to grow methylococcus bacteria for fat and protein, microgreens could grow off piss and solid waste to recycle CO2 and water as a closed loop
If induced hibernation was better studied, that would make packing people on starship all the more simple for logistics

>> No.12690188

>China's race to space domination

American journalists shamelessly demonizing another country for the #215082360th time

>> No.12690192

Fuck, now we need Quark’s place on a Martian city

>> No.12690206

2066: a ship consisting of soyuz capsules bolted to a NSWR makes the first manned trip to Neptune.

>> No.12690218

>implying China's stated goal is not to dominate space

>> No.12690219

is that the actual size of their rocket or just artistic [Spoiler]liberty[/Spoiler]

>> No.12690226


>> No.12690233

link to statement?

>> No.12690236
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>> No.12690244

kosmos blyat

>> No.12690264

What in the fuck did you think they were doing anon? They're not developing their space industry for fun.

>> No.12690270


lol diversity loses again.

>> No.12690281
File: 34 KB, 549x505, pora umierać.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bugmen or wokeness
great options

>> No.12690286

Why is it in Tim Dodd's nature to use at least one emoji per tweet. I don't understand

>> No.12690294

who cares

>> No.12690295

Soi is a helluva drug.

>> No.12690304

Numale behavior

>> No.12690328

Sometimes I feel bad when thinking about the current state of NASA but then I see ESA and feel a little better.

>> No.12690350
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>> No.12690359
File: 22 KB, 480x320, SA-X_Closeup.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardsuits are definitely good for storing the life support systems inside. Combine that with the amount of tunnels being made on mars and we'll be having metroid IRL. All that's missing are the upgrades and the namesake alien.

>> No.12690370

Damn, guess I can't call it a hoax.

>> No.12690378

>to open the doors on mars you have to shoot them with the right projectile
AnCap paradise

>> No.12690390
File: 139 KB, 426x276, 2yqgux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uh damn, you know how to open this green door, Jenkins?
>Stand back, son. *blasts it with an RPG* There. Now try opening it.
>*pulls out 9mm and fires* Hey, that worked, thanks.

>> No.12690482

my financial advisor sam hyde told me bitcoin will go to $1 million

>> No.12690493

the decision to go with electric battery power rather than a dedicated RTG was a huge mistake IDGAF what the tradeoffs were in terms of science payload mass. Even if the only things they could have fit alongside an RTG were a thermometer a barometer and a gas analyzer it would have been worth losing those pictures and shit to gain >10 years of ground level Titan climate and weather data.

>> No.12690494
File: 154 KB, 1280x640, mmpr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ about to infiltrate the Blue Origin™ O'Neill cylinder

>> No.12690507

If you could ever sell them or trade them.

>> No.12690522
File: 384 KB, 2048x1536, 1593171281417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repairs are underway on the landing pad
How long does it take to cure again?

>> No.12690523

SLS that uses 4 Falcon 9s for the boosters instead of 2 SRBs. Could booster reusability be done (RTLS probably not, but droneships?) with it?

>> No.12690524
File: 3.52 MB, 2616x1768, combined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it better to send a dedicated weather station then?


No offense, but I would rather not half-ass things as I'm the guy who advocates sending modular micro reactors & tunnel boring equipment. yeah you may get cabin fever with tunnels, but giving individuals large apartments beats living in a cuckpod for 30 years,

>> No.12690526

when does boca chica start resembling cape canaveral

>> No.12690536
File: 2.66 MB, 3112x3968, gfhfghfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they figure out the design & manufacturing process to build hundreds of these. It's going be bigger than Canaveral because you need to be able to store them.

>> No.12690558
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>Reusable rockets
>Expendable launch and landing pads

>> No.12690565

i just...

>> No.12690579
File: 92 KB, 401x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of agree with this but IIRC there were concerns over using up too much of Cassini's data stream for DL'ing long term data from Titan (and IIRC Casini had to be pointed in a specific way and in a specific orbit to relay Hyugens data anyways) so a long term Hyugens probe would have fucked with Casini's operations too much.

Also launching one RTG is a political nightmare as it is. Launching two RTG's on one spacecraft would have been even more headache.

Personally i'm just glad Hyugens was a thing at all, on any other mission it would have been replaced with some meme instrument of dubious usefulness for making the mission profile too complex.

>> No.12690582

Cassini had 3 RTGs.

>> No.12690584
File: 59 KB, 879x485, cassini-plunge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait really? Somehow I never knew that.
You learn something new every day.

>> No.12690587

>Instead, the Cassini orbiter was powered by three GPHS-RTG radioisotope thermoelectric generators, which use heat from the decay of about 33 kg (73 lb) of plutonium-238 (in the form of plutonium dioxide) to generate direct current electricity via thermoelectrics.

>> No.12690594

Yeah even just looking at the picture I noticed the 3 RTG's on the bottom next to the throosters.

I just never noticed/read about that before. Must have been a nightmare getting approval for that. I'm also kind of curious what 73lbs of p238 enriched to weapons grade p239 would yield in a nuclear detonation.

>> No.12690599

>33 kg
Bruh what. Was that the most ever launched at once for one mission? How many kg's of radioactive material did the Voyagers use?

>> No.12690605

ESA are just manned spaceflight LARPers.

>> No.12690613


>> No.12690619

>Had there been any malfunction causing the probe to collide with the Earth, NASA's complete environmental impact study estimated that, in the worst case (with an acute angle of entry in which Cassini would gradually burn up), a significant fraction of the 33 kg[37] of plutonium-238 inside the RTGs would have been dispersed into the Earth's atmosphere so that up to five billion people (i.e. almost the entire terrestrial population) could have been exposed, causing up to an estimated 5,000 additional cancer deaths over the subsequent decades[58] (0.0005 per cent, i.e. a fraction 0.000005, of a billion cancer deaths expected anyway from other causes; the product is incorrectly calculated elsewhere[59] as 500,000 deaths).
Cassini-Huygens was a really cool mission. Too bad they had to cut down with the great, large, expensive projects to do anything with the shrinking budgets. Anyway, closest thing to significant spreading of radioactive material from orbit or during launches should be Kosmos 954, 50kg of U235 raining down on Canada.

>> No.12690620

Voyagers had 3 each stacked on each other on the power boom, so 13.5kg of Plutonium per probe.

The winners for sheer mass of fuel elements put into orbits are probably the orbital nuclear reactors launched during the cold war.

>> No.12690629
File: 173 KB, 1600x878, IvyKingB1600c20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So doing some napkin math here to answer my own question, its about 19kt per 1kg of weapons grade p239, so if Cassini had been made into a bomb it would have a yield of about 627kt. Assuming a perfect fission reaction it should be slightly bigger than IVY KING, pic related.

>> No.12690646

RTG's are gay and wasteful, NASA should have developed proper nuclear reactors for space probes.

>> No.12690652

how theoretically small can reactors be made? in the 50s they wanted to stick them in everything even cars, so presumably quite small. could one be made to power that boston dynamics dog for example.

>> No.12690656

Current human nuclear reactors are basically just upscaled RTG's with slightly better efficiency anyways.

The problem has always been how to effectively transfer energy from the reaction into battery storage or into something that can be used and our current caveman tier answer is "lol heat water through turbines lol."

>> No.12690660
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>Martian Arrival Edition
starship design will crumble under its own weight?
if it topples, its fucked?

>> No.12690671

>the problem has always been to effectively provide sitting surfaces for humans and our current caveman tier answer is “lol chairs”

>> No.12690673

that's the most efficient way to do it

>> No.12690676

Yes. Chairs are retarded. We should just be floating in zero G instead or using maglev repulsor belts in gravity wells to float around.

>> No.12690677

Heating water to power turbines gets you a lot of energy tho. Name a better method

>> No.12690680

there is literally nothing wrong with turbomachinery

>> No.12690690

>lol why not just use magic
You are an absolute fucking retard. /x/ is you home.

>> No.12690693

Can you explain what is caveman about it, or you just a "I motherf*cking love science!" brainlet?

>> No.12690696
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>> No.12690697

Seething chairlet

>> No.12690706

RTG brainlet here with a dumb question. All the diagrams for RTG's I have seen list a 'thermocouple' layer, and typically describe it as being able to "convert thermal energy directly into electrical energy, using the Seebeck effect."
Why the fuck can't we just throw thermocouples into nuclear reactors instead of powering water-turbine systems? Are they inefficient or something?

>> No.12690713

>Also launching one RTG is a political nightmare as it is. Launching two RTG's on one spacecraft would have been even more headache.
People always say this but when was the last time you turned on CNN/Fox/MSNBC to see them whinging about a probe design incorporating an RTG? Their braindead audience would turn the thing off before they finished explaining what an RTG is.
I dont even remember that much kvetching over the Cassini probe having them.

>> No.12690716

very inefficient.

>> No.12690718

>Seebeck effect
You need a large temperature difference in order for this to work, fine in space but not so much in our atmosphere.

>> No.12690722

Very inefficient. I think the maximum conversion efficiency is like 10% thermal to electrical, and radiation damages them, reducing their efficiency further. Turbines for reactors on the other hand are like 33-36% efficient, Thermal to electrical wise. A proper modern Gen4 design could reach 45% Thermal to electrical.

>> No.12690723

Yes, starships can't be stored horizontally on earth, that's why they're built and stacked vertically.

>> No.12690726

No the opposition to RTG's is more political than a public policy debate type thing. You have to get Russia and China on board with it (along with a bunch of other irrelevant countries) because an RTG technically counts as a nuclear weapon or whatever the fuck and that makes diplomats nervous. Also as >>12690619
pointed out there are serious ramifications if the launch fails and you dump radioactive material all over everyone.

>> No.12690736
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Interesting. This confirms Starship is designed first and foremost with optimal performance in mind while more or less accepting that the engineering challenges involved will be extreme. Same thing with raptor development:
>During one of these meetings with the Raptor engine team, Musk was pushing back on a decision his team wanted to make that would fractionally reduce the specific impulse (ISP) of the engine
>"That is why we fight for mass, and we fight for every fraction of a second of ISP," he told his team at one point. "Especially with a reusable upper stage, which nobody has ever succeeded in. Just FYI.
>As he delivered this little speech to his engineers, Musk's mood steadily mellowed. Soon, he was joking with the team. His point had been made. Yes, he understood what he was asking of them. It was damned hard. It would hurt their brains. It hurt his. But they had no choice but to push through the engineering challenges.


>> No.12690745

Starship won't crumple on earth. Why would it crumple on a planet with 62% less gravity?
>if it topples, its fucked?
Most likely. Though SN9 did survive its ordeal with little damage

>> No.12690747

Please tell me there won’t be disgusting tranny shit in outer space

>> No.12690748

Why use an RTG when you can use a Quantized Inertia Reactor

>> No.12690749

wonder if they'll row back on the 500m flip for the human rated version. bearing in mind they dropped propulsive landing from crew dragon and went with the much more difficult parachute landing because it was deemed too risky.

>> No.12690752
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>> No.12690753
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Fugg that is some complicated stuff. I do hope they can pull it off in a timely manner.

>> No.12690755

It will be exclusively trannies in space.

>> No.12690762

why use a quantized inertia reactor when you can use a Iscandarian wave motion engine?

>> No.12690765
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>> No.12690776

>he hasn't built his own perpetual motion machine out of magnets and skateboard wheels
the state of you

>> No.12690777

I suspect that they'll at least have an abort system. They'll probably sacrifice performance for safety in some areas. May mean that more optimized cargo starships are necessary but that should be fine.

>> No.12690778

Sorry I saw some tranny shit on the news about how women now have to compete with men

>> No.12690779
File: 1.18 MB, 2978x1982, Dam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the United coalition forward Assault Prison Barge UCRFA Logasiri, we... uh we are issuing a class 3 MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY...
Uncharted neutron star's gravity well pulled us out of the warp - into a high density debris field - adrift - sustaining heavy Gamma/Zeta radiation - multiple breaches



Oh my god it's leaking through the hull!!! requesting immediate tow - complete power outage on all cores including auxiliary - this is a class 3 MAYDAY MAYDAY


Th CHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUnited coalition forward chhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheehhhhhhhA LogachhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhcchchhhhhhhhhhhhAY MAYDCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHar's gravity wellCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHdensity debris field - chHHHHrck







>> No.12690780

Does the NASA & Dream-Catcher space shuttles also structurally crumble the same way?

>> No.12690792

thats what i was thinking. crew starship with just crew and basic supplies for the trip. everything else goes in a cargo version that they can afford to lose. fuck knows how an abort system would work on one though.

>> No.12690794

Artemis will carry the perfect progressive trifecta:
>a wymin
>a ratialized person
>an LGTBIQWERTY person

>> No.12690795
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>> No.12690804
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>SN9 did survive its ordeal with little damage
it blew up

>> No.12690806

Shit efficiency, and the traditional materials don't like high temperatures or radiation although there is some research on stuff that might be a bit better there

>> No.12690808
File: 108 KB, 1024x610, 1612872945089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tip you dum dum

>> No.12690809

Not in the high bay, blowing up in the high bay would have been bad

>> No.12690810


>> No.12690811

You utter halfwit.

>> No.12690812

>when the ship's adeptus forgets to engage the Gellar field before warp
You made a fucky wucky

>> No.12690814

exactly. A decked-out, armored, hyper-safe human starship would be ideal. Hell, maybe they could even dock with cargo starships in-flight if they needed more supplies.
>fuck knows how an abort system would work on one though
yeah that's not easy. Have the crew module in its own armored capsule that can be ejected?

>> No.12690815
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French fried when you should've Pizza'd

>> No.12690827
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>forward Assault Prison Barge

>> No.12690833

the fan renders of crew interior are way off. exercise bikes and loads of rec room etc like they'll be travelling to mars in a tesla rv. it'll be your bunk (which is also you launch/land seat), the mess, a hygiene station some resistive weight machine made out of rubber bands bolted to the wall, and maybe if you're lucky a radiation shielded room. everything else with be mre's.

>> No.12690838

Daily reminder that exercise bikes


>> No.12690839
File: 56 KB, 737x420, LK lander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh bros, what the hell is China gonna do when they eventually decide to build a human lander for the Moon? There isn't exactly any designs to buy like what they did with Soyuz? Will they design one from scratch? Kek will they buy the schematics for the LK lander?

>> No.12690849

>>12690809 >>12690811
>the tip you dum dum
thats still supporting weight force on its base.
much less force is on the wall.
the angle is too steep.
thats not shifting the weight off the structural base enough.
draw the vector & prove more force is acting on the wall than on the support-base, numb-nuts.
thats not a fall, its a tilted rest.

>> No.12690850

Lmao I can definitely see them going with the LK design

>> No.12690851

steal the ip from american companies like they do with everything else?

>> No.12690853


To be fair, you will need a good combination of weight lifting and cardio to both counteract atrophy and maintain a healthy amount of stamina.

>> No.12690857
File: 182 KB, 2132x3448, Artboard 1@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread died. I asked for any suggestions/errors on my Saturn V illustration for an animation im trying to make.
>add CSM engine.
done, ill try adding more detail to the csm next.
>the interstage walls for the first stage in the upper version.
what do you mean by upper version?
>i think the common dome goes the other way on the S-II nd S-IVB
are you sure? im following some shitty google images so idk but i think they are the correct.
>swap the LOx and LH2 around.
holy fuck you are right, what a mistake, I thought that LOX was the bigger tank in every stage, I guess thats not the case when using LH2 as its not dense.
>make it more obvios that the walls of the propellant takns are the same as the walls of the vehicle itself.
>nigger learn to screenshot.
sorry, heres a screenshot of the updated version.

>> No.12690859

>will they buy the schematics for the LK lander?
To its credit the LK was the only element of the Soviet Moonshot that was successfully tested several times in orbit and declared safe for crew

>> No.12690861

You can save a whole bunch of extra mass if you don't plan on re-launching off of the moon after arriving.

>> No.12690868
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>> No.12690869

Meant the see-through version on the top of the image

>> No.12690873

used the wrong math , bruh.

>> No.12690877
File: 1.94 MB, 348x323, Go to the Winchester and wait till this all blows over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will they design one from scratch?

>> No.12690878

The same is true on Earth

>> No.12690886

>the tip you dum dum >>12690849

>> No.12690888
File: 722 KB, 1200x637, china-mars-base-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese lunar base will be glorious.

>> No.12690891

Nobody be alarmed, but there's a rampaging retard among us itt.

>> No.12690892

Make the colors fucking consistent. All LOX should be the same

>> No.12690893
File: 106 KB, 728x636, B8F9789B-C620-4745-B61A-EB5126715CAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mantis crew teleports aboard

>> No.12690896

Checked and based. They are sending a 3D printer to the Moon in 2027

>> No.12690898

lmao youre right, i fucked it up switching between LOX and LH2 and forgot to switch the colors.

>> No.12690899

will people living in space evolve quicker because of radiation exposure? I'd be interested in seeing if anyone has ever done any studies on the rate of genome change related to ambient radiation.

>> No.12690901

>just got ass rimmed.

>> No.12690902
File: 170 KB, 1424x1393, 71or4ciAq5L._AC_SL1424_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about e-stims?

>> No.12690903


>> No.12690905

>Russia may also look to develop closer ties with China in human spaceflight,[24] and even shift its human spaceflight cooperation from the US to China and build a crewed lunar lander.
KEK I can't wait

>> No.12690906
File: 335 KB, 785x609, 1587878416838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12690909

Grift even on earth. Go the fuck outside, fatass.

>> No.12690911

>mi vida loca
fucking cringe

>> No.12690915

Show me the data where you need that much thickness for shielding

>> No.12690917

>ass rimmed
well as long as you brush afterwards because I don't wipe

>> No.12690922

>You can't replicate tens of metres of solid rock with some shitty polymers unless they are denser than fucking god.
Again we don't know that until we test it.

>> No.12690924

the guy they photoshopped them onto has never used them in his life

>> No.12690926

This right here is the EXACT moment old space realised their irrelevancy.

>> No.12690928

Literal cope

>> No.12690931


Yeah but it is far more important in space than it is on Earth. Here you have at least a constant battle against gravity when you are moving around, giving you automaticaly a bit of cardio and perpetual maintainance of muscle+bone mass.

In space, moving around is so easy, atrophy sets in AND there is a loss of stamina.

So Starship requires treadmills/bikes and a multifunctional all in one machine to hit all major muscle group area's by enabling overhead and bench presses, squats and deadlifts, rows and curling. Rubber bands are a meme and arent sufficient in that regard.

>> No.12690932
File: 164 KB, 415x482, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest, will humans be on Mars by 2026?

>> No.12690935

No, but they will before 2030

>> No.12690937

What was wrong with Northrop's management plan? Seems like a weird place to pick up a significant weakness.

>> No.12690938

>closest ever been to sex
if you practiced personal hygiene you'd have a gf by now.
sorry, I'm not into shit stain niggas.

>> No.12690940

Call this a cope but I don't really care if it slips into the 30's. As long as they are at least putting shit on the Moon, and launching tests to Mars and stuff, my autism will be satisfied.
For comparison if SpaceX didn't exist we wouldn't get a NASA landing on Mars until at least 2050 or 2060. And the Chinese won't get human boots on the Moon until the 2040's

>> No.12690953

What do you mean we won't be on mars by 2026? Of course we'll be on mars by 2030! What kind of idiot would doubt that we could get to mars by 2050!?

>> No.12690954

I read that as "BASEDROCKETING"
>blowing up in the high bay
That would be hard without any fuel loaded.

>> No.12690956

really? the version with a zero is in the filter? must be a caps-only thing

>> No.12690958

>So Starship requires treadmills/bike

Nope, just run around the circumference. The best part is no part.

>> No.12690960

>soyuz capsules launched on soyuz rockets from the soyuz launch complex at gagarin's start

>> No.12690964

unlikley. Starship has a fuckton of engineering hurdles ahead of it. We may send an experimental cargo ship to mars by then though.

>> No.12690973

kinda sad they fixed the baseduz filter desu

>> No.12690976

Newfag alert

>> No.12690977

The Power of African American Leadership in NASA

You are not white, are you?

>> No.12690978
File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bros
Found a bunch of astrology books from mid-50’s to 60’s with a bunch of local newspaper articles from the time.
Decided to share some of the interesting things from the past.
Translated: ”The moon isn’t one colour. Moscow 19.5.59 The moon isn’t monochrome like some scientist believe, but we can see different colours like red, brown, yellow, green and blue in all shades, mentiones the leader of Harkov observatory, professor Nikolai Barabashov. ”
”He rejects the theory of the lunar surface being buried under a layer of volcanic ash and cosmic dust. Instead on the surface of this celestial body would be a layer of sand a few centimetres thick.
Even in the small craters of the moon, whose radius would be less than 50km we can observe different colours. The walls of the crater are reddish, but on the bottom we can see touches of blueish green, the professor states.”

>> No.12690983
File: 725 KB, 1106x1012, 1609705053703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 2029
>Look on your iPhone 20 (now with 8 cameras)
>Read the Global Times as you do every day
>"SpaceX defunct due to lack of funding from President Harris"
>You suddenly remember...
>Oh yeah, we were supposed to have colonies on Mars by now
>Return back to packing your box (singular)
>In the middle of moving into your new pod, preparing for next year

>> No.12690986
File: 63 KB, 499x665, image0 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate how phone images are fucked

>> No.12690994

Why do some anons love writing these doomer fan-fics?

>> No.12690995

Steal the designs from BO/LM/Dynetics/SpaceX and get technical help from ESA and/or Roscomos.

>> No.12691000

Take a reality check on politics.

>> No.12691001

no, I did that one manually

soyuz baseduz soyuz baseduz

>> No.12691002
File: 20 KB, 537x557, pool'sclosed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread staged due to bump limit

>> No.12691003
File: 31 KB, 720x674, 1610466063136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many anons are doomers

>> No.12691008
File: 67 KB, 728x999, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u

>> No.12691010
File: 76 KB, 543x632, EAT THE BUGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL eat the bugs.

>> No.12691011


Fucking newfag, do you have any idea how long this thread will still last?

>> No.12691014
File: 434 KB, 3300x2538, cosmic rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12691021


>> No.12691023
File: 236 KB, 2048x1152, roachspaceprogram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine myself on the moon, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop whTe dogs from advancing. We mow down whTe dogs but they keep coming. I shoot whTe dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering whTes, since whTes are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. whTes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to the black sky and I see KARA BOĞA (Tengri) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

>> No.12691027

Are you fucking kidding me

>> No.12691029


>> No.12691035

Welcome to the new normal friend. This once comfy thread is now being flooded with newfags, redditors, normies and furries.

>> No.12691036

nice. This is interesting stuff.

>> No.12691038

Report the other thread for trolling and let jannies clean it up. This is their job and they do it for free.

>> No.12691039

if you early post in the dumb early threads you're just as bad as the dumb OP who makes them


>> No.12691040
File: 150 KB, 1001x673, von braun surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes agreed

>> No.12691053
File: 1.73 MB, 3887x1401, image0 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also found a clipping for this;
Mars moving closer to earth, but here mars is described as a star rather than a planet
"Earths nearest neighbor Mars is currently approaching earth, and on the 7th of september it'll be "only" 56 million kilometres away. The next time it'll be as close will be in fifteen years. Scientist all around the globe are ready with modern experiments to measure and photograph the rays coming form Mars and it's white coloured polar regions

>> No.12691055

>What is the objective, not easily replicable benefit of not having tons of actual fucking soil between you and radiation?
The benefit is making a hab prior to arriving. They will be testing radiation shielding but they've only done 3 parts of the competition so far.

>> No.12691056
File: 1.64 MB, 3044x1770, centaurihighway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12691057


>> No.12691062

Because it’s the reality coming for us