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12688495 No.12688495[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>gender is a spectrum
>Identifying as the opposite sex or as non-binary does not mean you suffer from a mental illness
>your mental state is perfectly fine. Science says you are in fact a beautiful girl. Here take these hormones.

>> No.12688503

Define illness for me

>> No.12688514

You will eat the bugs,
Youll own nothing and be happy

>> No.12688518
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>> No.12688520

>starwars is so cool

>> No.12688523
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>> No.12688526

If the thing in this world you have the biggest problem with is trans people, you're definitely a retard

>> No.12688533

if you think him shitposting about something he thought was funny/stupid on 4chan means this is the biggest problem to him, you're just mad and simp for lgbt attention whores

>> No.12688534
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>> No.12688539

I've noticed a lot of hate against transpeople that I can't quite understand. I've so far chalked it up to a mixture of paranoid conspiracy theory influence and/or irrational bigotry likely resulting from poor self-confidence in one's masculinity. On the off-chance it's based on ignorance of the science, let me give some examples of why transgenderism is valid, along with transitioning being valid and effective treatment for gender dysphoria.

Here's an article about a study showing gender identity in the brain and how it can be distinct from body.

Hormone treatment and/or gender reassignment surgery improve mental health in transgender people (and reduce risk of harm)

Transition is extremely effective at reducing dysphoria and improving quality of life. This is a big meta-analysis study too, and is supported by other peer-reviewed studies as well

>> No.12688540
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>> No.12688582

Gender dysphoria, wanting to be the other sex, is a mental illness. Transitioning is the treatment.

>> No.12688596

not OP or anyone else in this thread. but just wanted to say: i don’t hate trans people. what i do not approve of is the culture within medicine and mental health that this should be considered a first-line response to people, especially children, who express “gender identity” feelings. to me, the first line of response should be: 1) checking for abuse or emotional trauma then 2) cognitive behavioral therapy [for instance this is how people who procrastinate are treated by caregivers] and 3) psychiatric medications. the final line of defense should be gender reassignment therapy. an amplifier here is people (women and men) who have body image issues and immediately want to jump to cosmetic surgery. though the surgeons are very happy to offer cosmetic surgery, my belief is that it should not be a first-line treatment and the mental issues should be treated or ruled out first

>> No.12688599


>> No.12688612
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One theme I notice among all trans (99.999%) is that they all seem to be delusional, along the same vein as an anorexic. From what I can tell, they think they look better as a girl, but they almost invariably look hideous and unnatural, just like an anorexic. They take actions to feel inwardly better but is outwardly destructive. I suppose they value feeling like a girl over being attractive, but I don't think that is healthy behavior at all in the long run

>> No.12688699
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The hatred is mostly because they are so fucking fanatical about it.
Transgenders are so militantly defensive about their lifestyle choice because it's such a major upheaval of their entire identity. Changing your gender completely changes all your relationships and is rarely something you can come back from. So, they will go to any length to defend it, because accepting the reality that they will never be their desired gender gives them suicidal levels of depression.
The cure is to not allow such self-destructive ideas to gain any ground in our culture.

>> No.12688711

It's a degenerate delusion. The proportion of trannies that are gay are astronomically high. If I recall correctly, something like half of trannies are also furries. It's a pretty simple calculus, my faggot companion: transgenderism is little more than sexual deviancy. It's literally a delusional fetish being passed off as something worth validating.

>> No.12688716

Did you know that cigarettes don't predispose you to cancer? There are thousands of studies.

>> No.12688722

Psychotic manchildren build toxic communities, who woulda thought

>> No.12688725
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Fetishes are largely formed during early childhood and people have little control over them on an individual level.
The problem comes when society enables degenerate fetishes and encourages people to base their entire identity and entire sexuality (gay, trans, furry, etc.) around them.

>> No.12688742

Apparently trannies are significantly more likely to have autism as well. It's pretty obvious when you analyze this critically that transgenderism is literally just a socially defective retard with a fetish.
>Abnormally high gay rates
>Abnormally high autism rates
>Astronomically high furry rates
>Not significantly prevalent in twin studies
So it's primarily an environmentally induced effect on autistic faggot furfags that causes them to also be trannies. I have a pet hypothesis that trannies are basically just furries who are testing the waters: if they can routinely transition genders then eventually they can transition species.
>Kek slippery slope faggot never gonna happen
Expect, we've been warning you about these slippery slopes for decades. And now the ESA is seeking disabled people (sorry: differently abled!) for space flight. You catch that? Disabled people as astronauts.

>> No.12688758

And here's a piece by a pediatrician asserting transgender protocols are child abuse. Have fun trying to apply your deboonker 3000 to her.

>> No.12688771
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These three girls are all the same thing with zero difference because women are women.