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12688402 No.12688402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why has critical thinking gone out the window

>> No.12688408

>critical thinking
why are niggers always on about this?

>> No.12688411

>let me just ignore all established science
>am I being scientific yet?

>> No.12688414

An IQ thread died for this

>> No.12688420

Because the world is full of narcissists with no self awareness who will believe anything as long as it makes them feel special.

>> No.12688421

The average human never employed critical thinking to begin with.
It just means "not considering opinions, I only consider facts."
Critical thinking does agree with established science you are correct.
It was most likely a racism thread since this board is filled with them all over.

>> No.12688435

Critical thinking is peak midwit

>> No.12688441

true geniuses just believe whatever they want and ignore any information that could invalidate their beliefs

>> No.12688460

If you wanted a serious discussion, you wouldn't have chosen that image.

>> No.12688471


>> No.12688472 [DELETED] 
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And what is so critical about your thinking OP?

>> No.12688715

When I was in school they always went on about crital thinking, but I didn't catch on until fucking 11th grade that "critical" wasn't just a synonym for "important".

>> No.12688727

I'm glad the medical professionals, jews, and other elites are volunteering to be the mRNA-vax guinea pigs.

I wonder if there's any way we can convince them cyanide is scarce and confers eternal life.

>> No.12688736
File: 89 KB, 1003x879, System-1-vs-System-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critical thinking requires extra mental effort.


>> No.12688764

You are gay

>> No.12688821

This man is some kind of faggy jew and system 1 tells me to discount anything he has to say.

System 2 made me realize he's just making up a new category for things we call memory so he can sell a book.

[math]My memory tells me that with faggy jews you lose.[/math]

>> No.12688832

College students will call in to harass your work place to get you fired & ruin your career.

>> No.12688852

It's hard to teach critical thinking to kids, so many make it to adulthood without the skill. And of the ones that do, many have critical thinking taught OUT of them by modern universities and media.

>> No.12688866

why do atheists think that critical thinking means disagreeing with the bureaucrats?

>> No.12688870
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Critical thinking isn't useful in a society where everyone is a cog in a machine. It reduces productivity and is dangerous to the powers that be. Just memorize these Facts, do your work, and don't ask any annoying questions.

>> No.12688890

Bait aside we need to teach logic in elementary school.

1. Teach simple logical structures
2. Teach logic puzzles, can easily translate into all sorts of families versions for engagement
3. Introduce logical fallacies
4. Teach information evaluation and discrimination
5. Information validation strategies

Unironically I think this is the single most important thing a child of the 21st century needs to learn. They are presented with all the world's knowledge the moment they figure out how to break child locks and it is imperative they have the skills to detect bad information. It's wrecking havoc on older generations who use the internet heavily as most didn't need super high quality information filters, either Jimmy down the road told the truth or he lied and if he lied I could find him and call him a dumbfuck. But even if Jimmy lied it would be about practical day to day stuff and not global issues that they literally could not get information on with any reliability without excessive work. Only academics and analysts needed to know how to handle large volumes of seemingly unrelated information and identify fake/biased information. This is why we have so many boomers falling for the weakest bait and refusing to change their minds, because to their cognitive strategy the source on facebook is as good as 10 Jimmy's and does not recognize the difference between being told this by another person and a post on the internet worth less than the pixels used to generate it.

>> No.12688894

All sorts of gamified versions*

Fuck this gay earth

>> No.12688919
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I've thought this for a while too anon.
with common core trying to get the blackest retard gorrilla nigger to pass forcefully, it'll never happen.
We have to start separating gifted and above average children. If integrated properly, it might even reduce classroom misbehaviour.

>> No.12688931

I disagree. There are certain things that are gonna be harder to teach kids but these things are very fundamental and can be gamified easily. In the hands of the right teacher I feel like anyone could be taught a majority of these skills. If they can't then they legitimately need special education and that's a different can of worms

The trick being of course "the right teacher" which is a tough nut to crack because on the US no one wants to pay teachers well so only the desperate and truly devoted go into it. Before of course being beat down brutally as they try to get even basic materials often using their already meager paycheck.

>> No.12688941

Because of people like you, who think critical thinking = drinking bleach to cure corona and following QAnon.

>> No.12688983

But it's covidists who drink bleach, sane people don't think that seasonal cold merits that.

>> No.12688988


>fossil fuels
>animal prodcuts (food)
>climate change (80s 90s)
>snake oil

yeah shit mayne when did scientist ever lie for money

>> No.12688992
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>established science

>> No.12689001

God is a bureaucrat?

>> No.12689029

>believe whatever they want
you mean retards; geniuses adapt quiet fast to scientific observation and connect dots that may have been unseen before; they do it with evidence not with retarded assumptions.

a scientist is just a human being so its obvious that some will follow the money; majority of scientists in the topics you mentioned were on the right side.