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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 720x900, E92D5F37-42E0-4B19-A763-9C501EB61349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12683139 No.12683139 [Reply] [Original]

The clearest picture of the sun from Nasa

>> No.12683140

So much hair

>> No.12683141

Looks like my scrotum a week after a shave.

>> No.12683142
File: 115 KB, 276x230, 1610307213402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's furshit

>> No.12683143

looks like my nut

>> No.12683144
File: 7 KB, 340x349, 124546754564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so furry, I want to pet the sun

>> No.12683145
File: 120 KB, 1200x801, tribbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, it's all tribbles?

>> No.12683146
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, 1612690275836.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit CGI nasa, their whole shit is fake and gay

>> No.12683147

Fake, just like your sex life lmfao

>> No.12683148

I do think they lie and fake stuff, but what the hell does a helmet swivel prove? The helmets are designed to be able to turn.

>> No.12683149

No they aren't. They are locked in place and humans can not go through the firmament anyhow.

>> No.12683150

Doesn't matter anyway, after watching it again I think the helmet thing is just a joke

I think it's actually about the fact that he changes his rotation 2 times without touching anything, which should be impossible.
He spins one way, then the other, then somehow just perfectly _stops_ dead no rotation at all, almost like they lined him up for a nice "photo op" where he turns to face the camera and wave

>> No.12683151
File: 496 KB, 500x264, mulder-scully-laughing-rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>globecucks actually believe this
My sides.

>> No.12683152
File: 129 KB, 960x960, 1612689477684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all bullshit anon, research into Flat Earth and once you understand this truth the rest of the house of lies comes crashing down.

>> No.12683153

the constellations have changed

>> No.12683154
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, 1612689704822.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they haven't lmao

>> No.12683155
File: 24 KB, 660x546, 12354365467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the stars are millions of miles away you fucking window-licking simpleton, so traveling thousands or even tens of thousands of miles an hours makes no difference. Same reason why you can travel 60 mph on a road and still see a tree or mountain in the distance for a large period of time.

>> No.12683156

Also they DO kind of change, but only depending on where you are on the earth, particularly when you're on another hemisphere of the earth (like myself). I live in Australia and so I cannot see certain constellations that people on the northern hemisphere can see, or some I can only see irregularly (like the big dipper). You can;t explain that with a flat earth model.

>> No.12683157

A light year is 5.88 trillion miles. All the constellations are hundreds, if not thousands of light years away. The nearest star if 4 light years away.
Yeah, dude is a goober. Space is big beyond comprehension.

>> No.12683158
File: 124 KB, 849x565, North_Star_Polaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duh the scientist man said stars are in another galaxy or sommit, so that's obviously how they work? No, of course they've never come close to any of them
How are you people, this deluded? Do you still believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy as well? Also your example doesn't work since if you're travelling at 60mph, those distance objects would appear to move or change size, depending on your direction. Learn how to drive.

>> No.12683159

Because literally all the other stars are doing the exact same thing. Slightly different speeds, of course, but that sort of drift only starts being noticeable if you've been alive for 10,000 years.

>> No.12683160
File: 76 KB, 736x414, fe709227e9b930f5e743315fa37ae29b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing bubba, and I assume you believe that the sun is 93 million miles away, the moon 225,000 miles. Explain then how they are the exact same diameter in the sky?
Your not looking hard enough.
Space is fake lmao.

>> No.12683161

The Earth is only 6,000 years old. Go away with your evolution non-sense.

>> No.12683162

Not saying it isn't, dumbass. Just saying that you'd need that much time to notice.

>> No.12683163

>but that sort of drift only starts being noticeable if you've been alive for 10,000 years.
You just did

>> No.12683164

>He hasn't seen the moon be a different size
Americans, I tell you.

>> No.12683165

meant for >>12683162

>> No.12683166

>Genesis 1:3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

>> No.12683167

Yes, because noting that something visibly gains noticeable flaws over the course of 10,000 years is the same thing as saying that someone could be over 10,000 years old, and not "We can perceive these changes using shit like telescopes and if we didn't record them, we wouldn't notice at all"

>> No.12683168

>Believing in a book re-written a billion times by humans
Use your perceptive mind, anon. Don't let the words of man corrupt your view of the heavens.

>> No.12683169

>your view of the heavens
What would you know of the heavens if you do not know of God and Christ?

>> No.12683170

Exists, for you can see his face when you see the sky.
Does not, for he is a creation of a false book written by people who wanted to control the minds of humanity.

>> No.12683171

No that's just someone blowing spaghettios to cool it down

>> No.12683172
File: 350 KB, 587x503, 68978954654 (2019_09_07 04_22_53 UTC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You provide no discernible counter-arguments or reasons why stars being trillions of miles away contradicts observation, only "huh duh you stooped".
>Also your example doesn't work since if you're travelling at 60mph, those distance objects would appear to move or change size, depending on your direction
No shit you drooling inbred, that's why it's an analogy. Anyone that didn't have a tumor for a brain would have understood that the point is that objects further away will be seen for longer than objects closer, regardless of speed you travel.

>> No.12683173

have sex, incel!

>> No.12683174

>t. Heathen
You have been deceived by the Devil.

>> No.12683175

>Explain then how they are the exact same diameter in the sky?
Closer objects appear bigger. Moon is closer, hence it looks bigger.
>Your not looking hard enough
Dude if I responded to your arguments the same way you respond to mine you would correctly call me out as an idiot debating in bad faith. If you can find the north star from Australia then I'll concede your point, but until then you're a fucking moron.

>> No.12683176

God's name is EL, and your false book has forgotten entirely about ASHERAH, his consort.

>> No.12683177
File: 51 KB, 720x785, 161214839295048639253654524546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Earth is Flat.

>> No.12683178

>Reflection on a teeny tiny curve vs reflection on a less curved (but still curved) plane

>> No.12683179

Where's your proof to confirm that they're trillions of miles away, schizo? How do you prove that we're spinning around in a vaccum at a thousand mph? Reminder that I'm not the one who believes in science fiction here. You are.

>> No.12683180

Why is eveey thread flooded with flat Earth retards lately?

>> No.12683181
File: 10 KB, 392x211, 1356768789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your brain is flat:

>> No.12683182
File: 78 KB, 843x843, 13237652_1175190822512445_4629818277803849545_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol keep believing what the kikes told you.

>> No.12683183
File: 28 KB, 236x419, 9a3b89ab408711db2291233fa64b2edb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats called refraction

>> No.12683184

>he doesn't know how distance is perceived through the human eye
GO OUTSIDE, you nutcase. Or watch these videos instead:

>> No.12683185

You realize that we don't measure sidereal days, right?
A sidereal day is 23 hours and 56 minutes, and is a complete rotation of the earth in respect to the stars, which that imagine entails.
We measure the Solar day, which is 24~ish hours, which centers on the sun.

>> No.12683186

which is it 24 hours? 23 hours 56 minutes? 24ish hours? How many are in a day and how long does it take in hours for the earth to "rotate" once around completely?

>> No.12683187

This is some reddit posters image that is highly edited. Even fucking reddit plebs know the fucking difference. It's the same bait on both websites holy fuck, we're damned.

>> No.12683188
File: 463 KB, 4032x3024, z0fu98cg34wy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where's your proof to confirm that they're trillions of miles
Pythagoras's theorem. Stars move very slightly as the earth rotates around the sun. Measuring the distance they move with strong telescopes you can tell how far away they are. Using the same principle as mentioned before, stars that are further away move less than stars closer to us. That plus measuring brightness gives us a relative estimate of how far they are.
>but you said the stars don't move
The stars don't move enough to be noticeable with the naked eye, especially over 6 months. You need a strong telescope and precise measurments.
Nice projection
>How do you prove that we're spinning around in a vaccum at a thousand mph?
Because there is no other alternative that adequately explains all our observations. For instance, how is it that the sun disappears over the horizon while on a flat earth model this is impossible? How how do planets appear to move in circles from our perspective around us?
>Reminder that I'm not the one who believes in science fiction here. You are.
>Thats called refraction
Refraction makes ships appear to float, not sink (like pic related)

>> No.12683189

Always has been.

>> No.12683190

Then why did the ancient Greeks find out the world was round? Why did the Catholic Church teach the world is round in the Middle Ages?

>> No.12683191

A complete rotation of earth is *exactly* 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.1 seconds by a Sidereal day.
A solar day is exactly 24 hours and 0.00216 seconds.
The Drift in a Sidereal day averages 12 hours in a half-year, and 24 hours in a full one.

>> No.12683192

We can only hope that, that gif happens soon.

>> No.12683193

Tell me, anon, Why is a Sidereal day wrong?

>> No.12683194

The Earth doesn't move.

>> No.12683195

And why doesn't it move?

>> No.12683196

Ed White has a small gas powered thruster called "the zip gun" for precisely the purpose of stabilizing himself. Still think you know more than literal rocket scientists, nerd?


>> No.12683197

Yet the Stars *do*, which can be observed thanks to the use of a telescope and a fucking camera.
Take a picture at the same time every night, and look at the positions of the stars.
Then, take a picture of the stars, then 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.1 seconds later, take another picture.
The stars will have moved positions in the first, but remained the same in the second.
Thus, a Sidereal day.

>> No.12683198

Prove it
You cannot

>> No.12683199

Clear as day.
>Chronicles 16:30 Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved.

>> No.12683200

The sun, moon and stars all revolve around the Earth for we are the center of the Universe in which God created.

>> No.12683201

>Believing in words from a book written by humans

>> No.12683202

So your source is a book from a less than a thousand years ago, re-written a hundred times, and spat out as faith by the blind masses.
While you could go outside and use a telescope and prove every single one of our words correct with timing and simple math.

>> No.12683203

Gods word not mans.
> less than a thousand years ago
Are you okay son?

>> No.12683204
File: 26 KB, 540x600, 1570345404772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i get my sources on cosmology from religious books written by know-nothings's in bronze age palestine

>> No.12683205

>Gods word not mans.
Where is your proof that it is indeed gods word, and not that of men?

>> No.12683206

You tell me, Mr King James.

>> No.12683207

>t. picrel
Because he spoke to the Prophets.
>John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

>> No.12683208

And what stopped the Prophets who wrote the words from lying? What stopped them from being the exact same people that you now parade against, but with even less eyes upon them to see their supposed lies?

>> No.12683209
File: 19 KB, 474x356, 89768543575246897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12683210

>what stopped the Prophets who wrote the words from lying
The wrath of God.

>> No.12683211

The God that the prophets *say* would punish them if they're lying.

>> No.12683212

>Gods word not mans
Council of Nicea. Though I should expect nothing less from a schizo that literally believes an invisible sky man told him how to live his life. The Earth is round, the stars and planets exist, you are naught but a bum-scratching ape glued to the surface of a tiny marble.

>> No.12683213
File: 40 KB, 700x398, 1598361351000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh bible
>King joo says its flat

>> No.12683214

Seems like The lords of double digits favor the words of science today.

>> No.12683215

>The Earth is round, the stars and planets exist, you are naught but a bum-scratching ape glued to the surface of a tiny marble.
How do I know your a curly haired kike faggot?

>> No.12683216
File: 95 KB, 233x233, 1612123871384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sun is clearly round, visible from earth
>zoom in, wow it's still round
do flattards and christcucks really?

>> No.12683217

It's a contraction of "you" and "are". You'd know this if you paid attention in grade school instead of Sunday school.

>> No.12683218

Why do we need to be the literal center of the universe for our existence to have meaning?

>> No.12683219

No wonder atheists are going to be genocided along side the tribe, nothing but a bunch of homosexuals and people who think they know everything.
>t. muslim

>> No.12683220

You literally worship the King of the Jews.

>> No.12683221

>Pythagoras's theorem. Stars move very slightly as the earth rotates around the sun. Measuring the distance they move with strong telescopes you can tell how far away they are. Using the same principle as mentioned before, stars that are further away move less than stars closer to us. That plus measuring brightness gives us a relative estimate of how far they are.
That's not proof. That's some guy's theory. Not to mention that we're talking about ancient telescopes that were probably less accurate than those used today.

>The stars don't move enough to be noticeable with the naked eye, especially over 6 months. You need a strong telescope and precise measurments.
Again. Doesn't prove that the earth is moving or that it is a planet.

>Because there is no other alternative that adequately explains all our observations. For instance, how is it that the sun disappears over the horizon while on a flat earth model this is impossible? How how do planets appear to move in circles from our perspective around us?
Not impossible at all: https://youtu.be/tPvwdn6Iodo

>Refraction makes ships appear to float, not sink (like pic related)
Not true. Watch this: https://youtu.be/KBjZFNwxTyQ

Do you have any proof that it does move?

>> No.12683222
File: 75 KB, 300x400, charia-hebdo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder, Muhammad

>> No.12683223

You do understand that the ones who call themselves Jews today are not the same as spoken in the Bible, right?

>> No.12683224

>That's not proof. That's some guy's theory.
There are more than three hundred known proofs of Pythagoras' Theorem. If you, a peon, can disprove it, I will suck your dick and livestream it.

>> No.12683225

>Do you have proof.
Yes. I've recorded the movement of the cosmos with a Telescope, measured the reflective mirrors on the surface of the moon, and used math to map the movement of the sun.

>> No.12683226

>He can't dispute the idea that his prophets lied
>Me 1:1 And thus is the reason why the argument crumbles, for what he has given he cannot take.

>> No.12683227

Jew worshipper. Jew worshipper.

>> No.12683228

How the fuck does that conclusion follow from the earth being round and stars and planets existing and moving? Explain in detail the thought process that leads you there.

>> No.12683229

The Synagogue of Satan will be destroyed along with it's followers and promoters of lies, in which you all follow. The Horsemen ride nearer by the day. God is Almighty and Jesus Christ is King.

>> No.12683230

Dude I don't believe fucking anyone. Not even myself. Why should you blindly follow a faith led by lying men when you could instead meditate on the nature of the cosmos and god yourself, without the distractions of mankind?

>> No.12683231

Can you actually answer my question or do you just mindlessly spew religious dogma?

>> No.12683232

Bro get the fuck over yourself, you want people to have serious arguments with you then you go and spout sky bullshit like this. Christcucks need to be eradicated.

>> No.12683233

>Dude I don't believe fucking anyone. Not even myself
You should try reading the Holy Bible all of the answers you are looking for are in there.
Which one are you?

>> No.12683234

Hey kike, go gas yourself faggot.

>> No.12683235

The only post you quoted which was a question

>> No.12683236



Fake and massively anal sexual.

>> No.12683237

God no. Why the fuck would I follow a book? It's got no answers that I couldn't find myself through meditation and study of the cosmos. I don't believe myself because it pushes me to search for causes and proof rather than blindly following the easily manipulable, such as holy texts.

>> No.12683238

Everything is answered in the Bible. If you read it you would know.

>> No.12683239
File: 21 KB, 736x616, 1566530518309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yourself refute the bible, for an intelligent and kind being would not suffer your existence.

>> No.12683240

Care to share them?

>Yes. I've recorded the movement of the cosmos with a Telescope, measured the reflective mirrors on the surface of the moon and used math to map the movement of the sun.
None of this is proof that we live on a "planet" and can easily work on a flat plane. Keep doing your own research though.

>> No.12683241

Literally nothing is answered by the bible, other than the question "How do we extract blind faith from the masses?"

>> No.12683242
File: 575 KB, 540x360, Movement of Jupiter's Moons.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What causes this, anon?

>> No.12683243

Ask me a question and I will show you the answer in scripture.

>> No.12683244

"How do we extract blind faith from the masses?"

>> No.12683245

What is God's actual name before the Hebrews changed it from what it originally was to Yahweh?

>> No.12683246

Why did the Hebrews forget about God's Consort, Asherah?

>> No.12683247

How should I know? Nobody has ever flown close enough to confirm what any of it is. All we have is speculations and some bad comedy videos by your boys at NASA.

>> No.12683248

>wait the Sun is Garfield?
>always has been

>> No.12683249

>Dude if I responded to your arguments the same way you respond to mine you would correctly call me out as an idiot debating in bad faith. If you can find the north star from Australia then I'll concede your point, but until then you're a fucking moron.
Don't engage them; you're arguing with intellectual simpletons. At first the flat earth movement was 75% troll, and 25% idiots. By now most of the trolls have tired of it, so it's mostly just idiots. Only way to make them go away is not engage them. But you faggots are too dumb for that, so have fun...

>> No.12683250

They have you fucking imbecile. I'd give your retarded ass a link, but nah. Just look up how the constellations looked like back when the Egyptians drew them

>> No.12683251

>Nobody could ever be this retarded
But you did, here's a medal

>> No.12683252
File: 26 KB, 601x375, cc6f1952e4c8d7f5536e36d15131a32a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hasn't anyone brought up the damn reflectors on the moon yet? You could argue that this data is faked and pushed, but you could totally set up your own laser and shoot the reflector. 30-50k minimum since you need a really powerful laser. Don't know how else you would try and argue this moon exists and we've been there. Tell that guy that built that rocket off donations.

>> No.12683253

Isn't that screen just used as a grid to measure the speed of the tennis ball movement. Mythbusters used that method all the time.

>> No.12683254
File: 15 KB, 120x120, f5858d19231ba433bdec77ac0223ccce3e7985b93e8d2674f40b27293341059e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man you dont even need to use a expensive ass laser, you could just shoot the shit out of the moon with radio waves and a get a bounce back, thats if you believe the moon doesn't exist.

>> No.12683255
File: 102 KB, 828x357, C03E497B-A1E7-47DA-BCE0-46C44D96918B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shade is pretty close to the most popular new color in town. jeeps & garbage cans, everybody got new green ones simultaneously (??)

>> No.12683256
File: 145 KB, 828x928, 2743CA55-1B83-4361-B908-A403599E3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its my fault for talking to french people online i guess.

Chartreuse (US: /ʃɑːrˈtruːz, -ˈtruːs/ (About this soundlisten), UK: /-ˈtrɜːz/,[1] French: [ʃaʁtʁøz])[2] is a color between yellow and green that was named because of its resemblance to the green color of one of the French liqueurs called green chartreuse, introduced in 1764. Similarly, chartreuse yellow is a yellow color mixed with a small amount of green that was named because of its resemblance to the color of one of the French liqueurs called yellow chartreuse, introduced in 1838.

>> No.12683257
File: 942 KB, 828x1619, 539B44CF-8205-4F29-8C65-269A93A46A53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see, i have conveniently replicated HERE IN THE THREAD the same phenomenon observed offline whereby everything became the same shade of green simultaneously, just like when country line and/or swing dancing became "crazes" in the 90's.

>> No.12683258
File: 513 KB, 2017x1638, 1AEB624F-7B2D-4450-A123-AE49C48507C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just figured out how to make the letters green too, very thematic monday

>> No.12683259

The colour chartreuse looks like the alcohol of the same name tastes. Awful.

>> No.12683260
File: 8 KB, 331x113, Screenshot_59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fucking way, this guy is trolling right?

>> No.12683261

I know what you're talking about, but is there anything about this in the Vedas or something?
I'd like to read it for myself, curious is all.
I've seen how the suits are constructed. You assume the majority is always wrong, but both you and normies are generally wrong.
Don't attach yourself to any one ideology, that's not how logic or rational thought work.

>> No.12683262

did you just say, "research into flat earth"?
the stars haven't changed positions, the earth just changed perspective
it stays the same, but what we see changes

>> No.12683263

Because they're moving with us

>> No.12683264

>What is sidereal astrology?
Hindu have known about this for centuries
Western astrology is based on the Greeks who thought Earth was the center of the universe and did not move relative to the signs they considered fixed

>> No.12683265

>glowfags larping as “Christians” saying the world is 5000 years old arguing with atheist niggers
The Science vs God “controversy” is the ugliest, stupidest piece of propaganda in human history. Anyone choosing a “side” here only outs themselves as a utter simp.

>> No.12683266


>> No.12683267

threads of light to string you to your cause

>> No.12683268

Christcucks literally cannot participate in threads without derailing them. Aliens are "interdimensional divine engines", the Earth is flat and space is fake. What's next?we're all individual hairs on Jewsus' ballsack?

>> No.12683269

For God sake.
You keep speaking about rational thinking but no one ever tryed to google "swivel helmet space" .... american boomers at its best...

>> No.12683270

ok ignorant subhuman filth

>> No.12683271

Fuzzy boi.

>> No.12683272

Seethe harder, globecuck.

>> No.12683273


>> No.12683274


>> No.12683275

complete fakery
my ps1 has more realistic graphics than this.

>> No.12683276

More cgi bullshit

>> No.12683277

Not from NASA retard https://twitter.com/TheVastReaches/status/1358521851295789056

>> No.12683278


>> No.12683279 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 1044x715, 1611361400465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12683280
File: 27 KB, 367x276, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arguing with a flat earther.
Idk how you guys buy into this crap.

>> No.12683281

what do you have against curly hair, it is very pretty

>> No.12683282

Listen son I am the prophet and God speaks to me. Right now he told me you are massive faggot and laughed for a straight minute.

>> No.12683684

they have, just very slightly.

>> No.12685109

"The Clark suit was adapted to use the helmet designed by BF Goodrich, a removable fiberglass helmet which connected via a locking ring on the suit. The ring had rotating bearings, allowing the astronaut to turn his head from side to side. "
You are a goddamn /x shitzo, fuck off

>> No.12685317

they changed of a minuscule amount you absolute retard microcephalic

>> No.12685390
File: 72 KB, 640x511, Ed White - Gemini Spacewalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gemini spacewalk is CGI even tho was before CGI existed. Seems legit.

>> No.12685404
File: 423 KB, 1600x1067, Annular Solar Eclipse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explain then how they are the exact same diameter in the sky
They are not always "the exact same [apparent] diameter". The Moon's orbit is an ellipse. It's distance from Earth and apparent diameter varies. See: "annular eclipse".

>> No.12685420
File: 65 KB, 960x927, FLAT EARTH Gonoria Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How should I know?
You should know because this is all a deliberate troll, done by you. Ipso facto.

>> No.12685440
File: 3.43 MB, 2493x3256, THE FLAT EARTH MAP REAL WORLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Earth is only 6,000 years old
Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.12685456

you're the only homosexual here, Muhammed

>> No.12685691

Why always the same wrong color pictures of the sun? The sun is a perfect white ball.

>> No.12685697

looks like it's alive

>> No.12685718

idk if bait or a serious case of mental retardation

>> No.12685726

Australia is bigger then all of north america?

>> No.12685771

Why is our local star a furfag?

>> No.12686027

These videos got me mate what the fuck. I'm no scientist but the bit with the longest zoom of 450 miles is pretty shocking.

>> No.12686356
File: 145 KB, 645x729, 1507748551417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discussing scrotums and sex lives in a thread about the greatest wonders of the universe