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File: 320 KB, 3000x2000, 50908787166_8dde2e29bd_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12680738 No.12680738 [Reply] [Original]

Starlink spam edition

Previous: >>12677199

>> No.12680752

>shilling your Canadian mining pennystock in /sfg/
U kno it bb

>> No.12680755
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>> No.12680757
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>> No.12680766
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is putting half my life savings into maxar stock a bad idea? Legion is pretty cool ngl

>> No.12680772
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>> No.12680776

Romeposter is best poster

>> No.12680780
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lmao. Good every time

>> No.12680784

I watched a compilation of show clips of this announcer to see what the hubbub was about, and now I can't help but read these posts with his cadence while visualizing the hand gestures.

>> No.12680795


>> No.12680813

You almost had it

>> No.12680818

I know, I noticed that as soon as I hit submit.

>> No.12680822
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>> No.12680828

Based early Romeposter news.

>> No.12680836

hail the new Consul, and pray that he does not interfere in this province with tactless decadence

>> No.12680840

Hop when?

>> No.12680843

He's more interested in sending the legions to Syria and Mesopotamia again. I suspect the Judeans are at fault for this.

>> No.12680844
File: 113 KB, 987x597, sefszefzefe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, which one of you retards is posting unlabeled screenshots of my drunkposts from the NSF Forum Starship board?

>> No.12680845

Bless the foreign legions, and may they see swift victory if it must come to battle. But I worry, if these are not fitting territories for the empire. As much as desert backwaters with neither culture nor land of any importance

>> No.12680851


>> No.12680860
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>wings have tiles now
Did we see this coming?

>> No.12680864
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>> No.12680867

A surprise to be sure, but a based one

>> No.12680868
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>> No.12680871


>> No.12680875

I'd be surprised if the tiles stay on desu. Especially during re-entry.

>> No.12680876

Tiled hinge covers when

>> No.12680896

I wonder though, hydromeme aside, could Shuttle-C with a pair of RS-68s been done?

>> No.12680897

Tiles on the wings is pretty obvious. I'm still unsure how they'll protect the base of the flaps.

>> No.12680901

Even if the belly flop was compromised. I think they could still in theory do an emergency landing. If the engines relight when they are low enough

>> No.12680920

ah, that would be me
you can recognize me by the blatant shitposting and the Yunoface Char Aznable avatar

>> No.12680924

why wouldn't they?

>> No.12680929


>> No.12680947

Any brits want to tell me about their space program?

>> No.12680952
File: 46 KB, 320x235, HMSWarspite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HMS Warspite fought valiantly in two world wars, was present at both Jutland and Normandy, and was unceremoniously scrapped by a disgusting, subhuman L*bour government. This cursed the British Isles to permanent failure and irrelevance, which was reflected in the collapse of their empire and loss of their space program.

>> No.12680959

why are there 3 sfg threads

>> No.12680962

old thread, new thread, fag who wont delete his thread

>> No.12680963

Because noone bumps sfg threads so autists make new ones without checking the catalog. Honestly we should just go back to separate threads.

>> No.12680971

Relentlessly based Romeposter

>> No.12680973

They ain't gonna get that landing to work.

>> No.12680981

not giving that a (You), but imagine watching the Falcon 9 land itself over 70 times and then think that the company responsible for that won't eventually be able to land their mass produced monster energy drink rockets

>> No.12680982

ur n faget

>> No.12680989
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the hardest problems according to Ol' Musky:
1. big crane :(
2. I need more engines
3. space is hard

>> No.12680996

>ship is already made of 4mm steel
>so light it fucking FLOATS down
the madman

>> No.12681005

If I'm not mistaken a 3mm prototype already passed the presurization tests

>> No.12681006

they just built and demonstrated a 3mm test tank
if they get REALLY autistic with thicknesses and their welding procedures they could shave quite a lot of mass off (just under 2mm thick in places) but it would be a balloon tank like Atlas

>> No.12681010

There is a tradeoff point that they will no doubt find between skin and stringer mass.

>> No.12681019

>balloon tank like Atlas
that's not really inducive to reusability

>> No.12681020

inb4 Starship flaps get bigger for aerobraking and it becomes like a Navaho with Raptors instead of turbojets

>> No.12681026

yeah, there's a happy medium somewhere in there

>> No.12681027
File: 44 KB, 480x640, navaho_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delightfully cartoony
even more so than the original Starship renders

>> No.12681030
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*hoppy medium

>> No.12681034

Imagine that thing scaled up to 150 tons of payload and Falcon 9 landing legs. If it was shiny steel it would be the most rocketpunk thing ever.

>> No.12681037
File: 3.98 MB, 3500x2393, lem-panorama-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will ever surpass the space kino aesthetic of 70mm hasselblads.

>> No.12681040
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>> No.12681043
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>> No.12681045

It would probably help if Raptor engines didn't constantly shit themselves after a few minutes of flying. They are meant for hundreds of hours of flight without refurbishment after all.
Also he didn't even mention the tiles. Those haven't looked super promissing so far.

>> No.12681046
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>> No.12681059

the ones tested on SN8 and SN9 both survived right up until lithobraking

>> No.12681110

Hope he was in a good enough condition that he got to see it fly again recently.

>> No.12681122

The flaps only fold one direction, so it's pretty easy to make an overlapping section.

>> No.12681154

Based, always makes me kek

>> No.12681185
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Maximus Kekkus

>> No.12681215

Why did space photography go to shit after apollo?

>> No.12681253

film looks better than digital

>> No.12681258
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>> No.12681261
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Digital cameras replace analogic grain and film color grading with shitty digital artifacts and noise.
Old shuttle pics still look pretty good

>> No.12681267

Right, I never really considered this. Guess there's no real benefit in moving them down.

>> No.12681286

two weeks, idk

>> No.12681289
File: 235 KB, 828x1035, EYvU1jfWkAElMYe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on how decoupling Starship from superheavy works ? Springs or sth ?

>> No.12681317


>> No.12681319

Is it just me or it's just an ballistic missile.

>> No.12681339
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Some say it's based on a drawing Elon did when he was a kid and that it was never supposed to fly. All we know it's not a ballistic missile, but it is the ballistic missile's space cousin.

>> No.12681354

Is he going to jam that up his shit pipe?

>> No.12681365


>> No.12681368

Still useful for delivering nuclear warhead's once tesla's hypertrucks get betavoltaic batteries.

>> No.12681386

Can I create packet that pings between individual satelites to test theory of relativity?

>> No.12681390

Is gravito meter and accelero meter on each satelite, to test centrifugal force and stuff like nasa failed on 50 years ago?

>> No.12681392

No, he's jamming it into Grimes's baby chamber.

>> No.12681399
File: 261 KB, 1767x1167, boca safety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crazy to me that they don't use hard hats and high-visibility gear.

>> No.12681402

wtf are u talking about

>> No.12681451

so that's how they make them

>> No.12681495

balloon tanks are <1mm though.

>> No.12681542

Is steel really that good for starship? I know it handles temperature shifts well and yadda yadda, but it still seems crazy to me how we're essentially returning to WWII era material science.

Also, why not use Al-Li for the superheavy? It won't need to handle orbital reentry.

>> No.12681546
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Noted, that should push SNX back with another month of investigation.

>> No.12681551

>returning to WWII era material science
I'm pretty sure we still build thing out of Steel, Anon.

>> No.12681553

m8 modern steel is the peak of optimization autism.

>> No.12681556
File: 81 KB, 960x374, D3EBDA5C-0B6E-40F8-A6D4-B6CABF179E00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al-Li gets really expensive really fast. Falcon 9 is cheap but Delta IV is expensive. SLS is worse and it’s even smaller than Starship/Superheavy. Stainless steel is cheap as fuck.

Why did the 80’s have so much soul?

>> No.12681557

cyber could've been hyper...

because cyber space is full of hyper.

>> No.12681559

Bekey pls

>> No.12681579
File: 680 KB, 2128x4920, steel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're retarded for considering steel to be one material. it's a multitude of different materials with a wide range of properties. most modern steels are unlike what was manufactured during WWII, that is if we're not considering chink steel manufacturers. another thing to keep in mind is that heat treatment methods for steel got more advanced and cheaper over time as well, and they influence the material quality and properties quite a lot.

>> No.12681588
File: 219 KB, 1331x542, B60222EE-C1E7-4191-9130-1648010AEE5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo bros, Tesla just invested $1.5 bil in bitcoin

>> No.12681595

I'm waiting for crash to buy the dip
how am I supposed to get rich like this?

>> No.12681598

>went people that don't know shit about ICBMs talk about ICBMs
It's a huge target going slow as fuck with huge air resistance slowing it down more. This does not a good warhead carrier make.

>> No.12681612
File: 100 KB, 1242x304, 8B2511E5-DD3F-4AEE-81CB-EC95FA51DD81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship has about the same military applications as the shuttle.

>> No.12681616

True but I think the X-37 is doing that work these days with a lot less press coverage.

>> No.12681626

The shuttle has some pretty amazing capabilities with regards to satellite repair and deploying secretive shit. X-37 though is great at what it does

>> No.12681627
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>still seems crazy to me how we're essentially returning to WWII era material science
And we still use the wheel, that was invented thousands of years ago.
Why no improvements yet? What science has been doing??

>> No.12681637

The arm gave it interesting capabilities but you could stick one in the Dragons trunk if you really wanted to do EVA satellite repair.

>> No.12681666

This is your best one yet.

>> No.12681669

>Investing in shitcoin
Tesla really is a lost cause, isn't it?

>> No.12681671

What a cringy and autistic larping faggot

>> No.12681678

Upvoted :)

>> No.12681679

Reddit refugees trying to act cool; go back to r/space

>> No.12681707

Any update on the status of the orbital launch mount?

>> No.12681710

>this is orbital spacecraft quality control
It's going to be fun watching the starship program fail

>> No.12681715

SN11 getting wings, she gonna get rolled out soon? Double Starships at the pad again when?

>> No.12681722

Probably shouldn’t, sn9 was pretty close to damaging sn10 when it came down so putting two out there again is not a good idea.

>> No.12681732
File: 216 KB, 1125x778, F1B24346-F2DF-4BEF-BC31-5DC4D72A0ED5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit bait try harder

Does anyone know what happened to the green Raptor?

>> No.12681734

inb4 MarsCoin becomes the de facto currency on Mars

>> No.12681735
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Well bros?

>> No.12681738
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Bad news!
The SLS has been delayed!

>> No.12681740

I'm at a loss. You're better off asking deep /sfg/

>> No.12681741

Probably in the SN9 pile, the fact they sent it out with only an undercoat makes me think they weren't expecting it to be sitting on the coast very long.

>> No.12681753
File: 635 KB, 1091x1185, 03AF2494-A848-4731-8759-0245CF81B19F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no!

>> No.12681760

Maybe because that sorta safety shit is all a meme ?

>> No.12681765

is he asking about the long term surivability of a craft or about FTL or some shit?

>> No.12681773
File: 179 KB, 1920x1080, 1492764297463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

git gud

>> No.12681774

Construction worker that cares about safety more than most here, hard hats are a waste of time if there isn't anything above you.
It shits me when sites insist on all that shit when:
a) there is nothing above you
b) the thing above you weights multiple tons
We use to joke that when they forced us to wear hard hats for 10 ton lifts it was just so you got pushed into the helmet making it easier to clean you up.

>> No.12681778

I've had a hard hat save my life a couple times on a site, I'd wear one regardless if I had to or not.

>> No.12681782

Idk I posted it because it made me laugh. I think what he's trying to say is "do we have any known material that could survive in space this long? If not, then we should just use anti gravity aircrafts instead of rockets."

>> No.12681797

>just use anti gravity aircrafts instead of rockets
FUCK why didn't I think of that, brb claiming neptune

>> No.12681817

blockchain wouldn't work on Mars for a lot of reasons, unfortunately. Needs dedicated hardware distributed across a large number of machines in order to be safe.

>> No.12681819

Yea when you are working with people above you, wear a hard hat
Or if you are working in a shop with things moving around at head height, prolly worth wearing it

Otherwise it’s only worn when the inspector comes

>> No.12681820

It's not for your safety lol, it's to prevent you from being able to sue your employer when you bonk your head on some sharp corner and have to sell your house to pay for a couple of stitches

>> No.12681821

Has anyone ever asked about how feasible titanium would be as a material to make starships out of?

Wouldn’t it do better at high temperatures and be much lighter than steel making getting to space so much easier?

Or would it be too expensive?

>> No.12681822

Mahia vibes from the Scotland launch site

>> No.12681824

Massive bitch at machining, welding and basically everything aside from being the meme metal

>> No.12681827

it REALLY likes oxygen

>> No.12681829

I'm not American but yes a lot of bullshit rules are put in place because they know they guys will break them and then when someone gets seriously fucked up or killed the company is safe because he was breaking the rules.

>> No.12681830

Aren't both 10 and 11 made of older steel so it's not a big deal if 11 gets damaged? I do agree that it would be unwise and that landing needs much more testing but I wouldn't put it past Elon to prefer PR over saving a few millions.

>> No.12681837

>park SN11 just outside the midbay
>fly SN10
>SN10 explodes on landing again
>SN11 starts rolling down the road before sunset that same day
Just drive a bulldozer out to the pad and shove all the smoldering debris off to one side.

>> No.12681838

Diamond is the hardest metal, obviously.

>> No.12681855

You mean it rusts?

>> No.12681860

Starships cost $10 Million or so to build.

>> No.12681865

Not him but doesn't titanium oxide burn like crazy?

>> No.12681867

Oh god, don't stop anon!

>> No.12681901
File: 142 KB, 962x1200, d331340995d82a4d5cd81bc026f9b26d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the Starship be the Model T of space travel?

>> No.12681907

In some ways yes. Will it be affordable for the common man? No. But will it cause a paradigm shift for the entire industry? Yes.

>> No.12681937

Yes, in a lot of ways: assembly line focused, any color you want as long as it's chrome, cost-reduction mindset.

>> No.12681938

In the future every big college will have an orbital Starship laboratory.
>Starship Aggie and Starship Longhorn are not allowed to be within 50km of each other
Some things never change

>> No.12681950

>women astronauts gooofing off while the men unload the ship


>> No.12681969

Don't bet on it dude. Remember how many people there were shitting on the Falcon 9 program for the longest time? Look how that turned out for them.

>> No.12681970

Starship Miskatonic somehow got painted The Color Out of Space and the Elder Sign on the flaps.

>> No.12681971

That ass alone justifies the pursuit of mechanical compression suits.
I think Starship will have a longer lasting legacy than Model T as an actual vehicle in use. More like the spaceship equivalent of the AK47.

>> No.12681983
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1604106791372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is interesting that Starship development seems to be going toward having the whole thing reusable before the maiden flight. Falcon 9 was sending up payloads while testing landing, wonder if we will see the same for Starship.
>Starship launches 400 Starlink satellites
>Booster lands
>Starship RUDs
>You still have an additional 400 Starlinks up and valuable data for Starship
Would be interesting to see desu

>> No.12681985
File: 179 KB, 658x960, space lesbians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That ass alone justifies the pursuit of mechanical compression suits.
Hard agree

>> No.12681990

When SpaceX goes public I will short them

>> No.12681999

They will never go public or at least not with Musk around.

>> No.12682000

Can’t test reentry without an orbital launch lol but reentry ain’t hard so there is that

>> No.12682011

Even if they land perfectly in tact, which would mean they're probably overbuilt in some areas anyway, the first batch will probably be decommissioned and thoroughly inspected. I think that's what they did with the first F9 landings, it's what I'd do in their shoes anyway

>> No.12682038

It would probably go about as well as your TSLA short, but that's the price you pay when you have Musk Derangement Syndrome(MDS).

>> No.12682043

>Al-Li gets really expensive really fast.
Surely that's the point of using reusable rockets, to get the most out of your material investments? I'd understand if ShitLS was to use cheaper alloys, but starship? That don't make much sense.

>> No.12682048

Was supposed to say Superheavy here.

>> No.12682057
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>> No.12682058

Hey why is the road closed and the pad clear?

>> No.12682059

Isn't that how they did that "teleportation" experiment that was a headline a few months ago

>> No.12682060

Reusability does reduce the impact of up front cost, but more up front cost is never good. Especially if you're rapid prototyping like SpaceX is, and you have to consider not only the tradeoff of cost but of time as steel is so easy to source and work. Anyway, Starship didn't even go for steel strictly for cost reasons, it's the best material for the job.

>> No.12682061
File: 620 KB, 1300x891, 1612191349496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worse. TSLA is held up by meme magic. SpaceX/Starlink will have great fundamentals AND Musk meme magic

>> No.12682064
File: 36 KB, 778x512, gimme pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gah now imagine 18m+ starship

>> No.12682066
File: 513 KB, 2274x1120, 1611705236110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did this van come from that went by the cam?

>> No.12682067

Look at the disgusting metal, bros.
This shit will fall apart before getting into low Earth orbit.

>> No.12682075

A ship made of platinum or gold would survive the longest in terms of avoiding corrosion

>> No.12682076

Shelby retirement is official. Seems like the floor is about to fall out under the feet of oldspace's lobbying power.

>> No.12682077

Sure prototypes have to be cheap the way Elon is cranking them out, but would it really be more cost efficient to use less sophisticated materials in the finished product. Also, I'm aware of Starship requiring steel due to heat reasons, I'm mostly talking about the 1st stage here.

>> No.12682079

just build your spaceship with netherite

>> No.12682081
File: 62 KB, 714x458, grasshopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is what F9 looked like before they actually made the factory production models. The jump between these serial number prototypes and actual Starships is going to be based

>> No.12682089

Boron nitride memetube.

>> No.12682091

Just look at what happened to that first Crew Dragon capsule. Nobody even knew titanium could do that shit.

>> No.12682097

Aluminum fatigues

>> No.12682108

Did NASA put a camera on the skycrane this time or are they lame

>> No.12682111

>but would it really be more cost efficient to use less sophisticated materials in the finished product
Yes. For one, less sophisticated doesn't mean worse, Li-Al wouldn't be much better if at all due to stainless' cryo performance. For two even if the switch had benefits they'd be small and would take ages to pay off the capex invested into putting two different construction methods and materials into the vehicle when one cheaper one would have sufficed. And keep in mind Superheavy is a first stage and one with a conservative profile, it also benefits far less than Starship from mass removal.

>> No.12682113
File: 140 KB, 260x512, starship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the real version shine like this?

>> No.12682116

Musk said it's supposed to look like a mirror. And the welds/dents will be hard to notice once they start using robots to build them instead of artisan welders

>> No.12682119

Why does Mk 1 still get used for comparisons?

>> No.12682128

Ah yes, I forgot I was obligated to update the photo every time a new starship comes out of the factory despite the fact that they are all the same size

>> No.12682129
File: 143 KB, 640x427, swarajya_2019-09_65733a29-db10-419e-bcec-2fc0c8c94851_SpaceX_s_Starship_Prototype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is going to Mars on a rusted canister

>> No.12682137

>titanium starship
The autistic obsession by the space community to make things as light as possible must end.

>> No.12682156

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't SpaceX already manufacture Al-Li stages for Falcon 9? Despite the meager savings from dry mass shrinkage on the first stage, surely they have the technology to do it, hell they're using it on Falcon right now.

>> No.12682157

>artisan welders
What a boastful way of saying "below minimum wage spics"

>> No.12682158

>t. mexican

>> No.12682162

Yeah well I wanted to be nice about it
Osmium starships when bros?

>> No.12682165

those aren't real females they're traps, brought along for ever missions. They have to keep their figure or it will be gay to use them for sexual relief.

>> No.12682167

t. Guy who wears a hard hat when he’s working by himself indoors

>> No.12682172

Thunderf00t, don't you have any evolution deniers to shit on?

>> No.12682173

What a gay way of responding

>> No.12682188

Okay I'll spell it out in plain English. People made a bunch of these comparisons back when Mk1 was the only full-scale prototype we had. Why the fuck would we go back and update it with SN9, SN9, SN10, etc. That would be like going back to a diagram from the 70's that compared the shuttle Columbia with the Saturn V and constantly changing it to Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour. It doesn't fucking matter. They are all the same size. Mk1 never flew and is drastically different than what we have now, but it's the same size as all other Starship models. Now do you have another question to ask or do you understand?

>> No.12682199

I just meant your condescending sarcasm was gay. Like they way a woman would respond to criticism.

>> No.12682200
File: 23 KB, 700x394, 46304830_303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically, when can we expect the Starship's first mission to space?

>> No.12682204

End of 2022

>> No.12682207

Ah. Apologies then, I was in a sarcastic kind of mood

>> No.12682210

Damn, we'll all be old by then.
So much for Mars colonization..

>> No.12682216
File: 22 KB, 428x319, 01645165416000651620006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D****s soon

>> No.12682221

realistically, 2024

>> No.12682226

it burns

>> No.12682230

No you homo they're just tomboys, they're the ultimate women for the pioneers of the future

>> No.12682232

I'll make a thread on hr anon, it's too annoying having to scale down to 4mb

>> No.12682233 [DELETED] 

Why is the GOP so rapidly disassembling? Like 4 GOP politicians died from "covid" last year. Several Bush-era Republicans are stepping down.

>> No.12682240

super heavy also requires steel for heat reasons

>> No.12682243

yes, cameras and microphones all over this lander
they're not the same size, the Mk1 mockup is smaller than the other Starships

>> No.12682253 [DELETED] 
File: 2.85 MB, 384x480, fallen__patriot_.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Jan 6th get memory holed already? Republicans are having to deal with a large amount of their constituents being Trump supporters lost in a fantasy land of conspiracy theories and delusions of grandeur.s. They need to decide if they want to go along with the hysteria and have a chance at election, or bail out now.

>> No.12682254 [DELETED] 

The post bush GOP has only really been successful as an opposition party with christian/business leanings, Trump completed its conversion into a conspiracy-populist party, all the old swamp pro-business people are being continuedly purged in primaries by their own voters, so the majority of the old hats are just retiring than suffer the fate of a primary defeat at the hand of a nutjob.

>> No.12682256 [DELETED] 

There's multiple reasons. One is the increasing disconnect between the grassroots (aka wealthy MAGA donors) and establishment politicians like all these old bushian senators. Another reason is that they can't really get anything meaningful done in this political climate, and most of these dudes have enough money to just say fuck it and retire rather than put in the effort. Plus the GOP is declining nationally as their brand of conservatism fizzles out due to boomers dying off, meaning it's getting increasingly hard for them to win the presidency

>> No.12682261

Good, I look forward to some kino footage of the Perseverance landing. Also shit I didn't realize Mk1 was that different now I look like an asshole

>> No.12682264

>Why the fuck would we go back and update it with SN9, SN9, SN10
>Mk1 never flew and is drastically different than what we have now
answered your own question there mate

>> No.12682274

you are an asshole

>> No.12682276
File: 139 KB, 426x276, 2yqgux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if you will, the best possible future as a result of commercial spaceflight
>everyone, is able to buy and modify their own upper stage for coupling with community boosters for the price of a car
>rednecks get to build rickety propalox ships and probes
>police now have stations for monitoring orbital traffic to ensure no one drunk orbits
>spaceflight licenses are a regular thing now
>depots become like large scale gas stations
>the Jews don't have control over the world because of their failure to explore and conquer like the white man
>orbital bargain stores selling space junk become a thing
God damn, Elon better pull through.

>> No.12682278 [DELETED] 

So what party replaces the GOP?

>> No.12682279


>> No.12682286
File: 301 KB, 520x678, worried_laughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The average car driver getting to control vehicles in orbit

>> No.12682293 [DELETED] 

Depends on the next couple election cycles, if the new conspiracy monger GOP continuely get the tar beaten out of them, we might see a reversion back to a more moderate winning formula. If they don't suffer enough defeats then the MGT's and Boebert's become the new norm, and the GOP goes full conspiracy opposition party for the foreseeable future.

>> No.12682294 [DELETED] 

If I had to guess nothing. They might get pummeled in the next election or two due to moderate conservatives voting for Joe Manchin types because the republican party is now seen as insane. Eventually they'll reinvent themselves and purge the crazy

>> No.12682297

>one dude trying to overtake some fucker going under the orbital speed limit leaves his lane and gets into a graveyard orbit sparking a chain reaction of collisions and causing a kessler syndrome

>> No.12682298

Static fire or just cryo?

>> No.12682303
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nice, so seems like this thing is landing in 2022

>> No.12682308 [DELETED] 

>Eventually they'll reinvent themselves and purge the crazy
They need to pivot from cultural conservatism to small-government libertarianism. IF they're smart.

>> No.12682312 [DELETED] 

>let’s run liberals that cheerfully import millions of dem voters every year and shit on their voter base

The Republicans are there to lose, they have been losing for 100 years
They fully agree in all things with the Democrats except for circus bullshit like abortions

>> No.12682316 [DELETED] 

If their voters let them, then that would probably make the most sense. The problem is the GOP primary voter is probably one of the stupidest voters to exist next to Dem NYC primary voters and West Coast Dem primary voters. The primary system as its setup is perfect for allowing small dedicated groups of nuts to purge the competency from a party.

>> No.12682321

Cute dreamchaser!

>> No.12682326 [DELETED] 

>libertarians still exist in 2021

>> No.12682333 [DELETED] 

That's literally their only path now. Otherwise they die and Dems form a progressive party.

>> No.12682339 [DELETED] 
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>classical liberals

>> No.12682341 [DELETED] 


>> No.12682342 [DELETED] 

Nothing wrong with Republicans dying, the party hasn’t accomplished anything in living memory, nor does it stand for anything

>> No.12682344 [DELETED] 

They really are stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand none of them can win primaries if they don't pander to the trump base, but they can't win general elections if they do. The GOP coalition is already so narrow, they just can't win national elections without moderate conservatives and a good chunk of independents

as far as how this impacts space, I expect most of the next several administrations will be run by democrats, meaning more climate missions etc.

>> No.12682350 [DELETED] 
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GOP isn't going to die. If they lose enough, the platform will shift to something that can get younger votes. Some form of populist conservatism that focuses less on social issues maybe

>> No.12682360 [DELETED] 

The R's and conservatism were running a train on the Dems from LBJ to Clinton. Its only recently that they jettisoned the secret sauce of their success for the short term gains. Frankly immigrants don't matter for electoral success for decades, what matters more is how often your voting base can show up and vote. Dems used to be WWC, libs, and some minorities. The R's forced them to trade WWC for Burber's, which gave the R's short term gains such as in 2010 and 2016, but bit them in the ass in 2018 and 2020. Burber's vote more often and more consistently than working class, who are flaky voters. The same dynamic used to play out in Britain where if the weather in London and other working class towns was bad the conservatives would usually win, but if the weather was good labor would win. The R's now have the working class which has both higher ceilings, but lower floors. We will see how things play out in the future.

>> No.12682364
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>4ASS builds plasma magnet sail ships and becomes a space pirate guild
>ULA suffers the aporkalypse and merges with an oil company to provide various cryogenic hydrocarbons as well as LH2/LOX at their Based Depots, thus becoming politically immortal at the price of dignity
>Japan continues to build cute rockets but mostly choose to buy American for manned travel
>Dimitri Rogozin arrested trying to hijack a Starship in LEO and bring it back to Russia

>> No.12682365

is that a disposable F9? What mission is that for?

>> No.12682375 [DELETED] 

> Frankly immigrants don't matter for electoral success for decades

? Immigrants are the one and only reason Trump didn’t win in a landslide
America is a country under 60% white

>> No.12682376 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's the Gordian knot they created for themselves by feeding the nutjob base as a cheap way for votes.

I think the biggest determinor on its impact on spaceflight is if Dem's start winning in Texas and keep winning in the western aerospace states. If they do then spaceflight is safe as it will always be a priority for dem senatorial and congressional campaigns. Plus, its an easy way for dems to trumpet their own patriotism. If they don't spaceflight might be a bit more dicey in the future.

>> No.12682379 [DELETED] 
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>A party with a technology/innovation-based platform and candidates like Andrew Yang.

Unfortunately the GOP boomers are too dumb for that pivot.

>> No.12682382 [DELETED] 

Only if you ignore the 10% of "hispanic" people who are really just tanner white people and who are for all intesive purposes white people.

And no, hispanic immigrants actually went for trump at way higher margins this election. The dem coalition that won was cities, white suburbs, and black people. Immigrants didn't play a role, otherwise we would've seen Texas be way closer than it actually was.

>> No.12682385

pretty funny how run-of-the-mill stainless steel turned out to be the optimal material for a next-generation space vehicle. It's also perfect for rapid iteration.

>Also, why not use Al-Li for the superheavy? It won't need to handle orbital reentry.
Neither does the F9. But it still must expend fuel to shield itself/brake via an entry burn. Even at lower speeds entering the lower atmosphere is destructive.
Super heavy is made of steel in part so that they can avoid performing an entry burn. They're hoping to simply tank the forces.

based. Warspite even tried to give then a 2nd chance by breaking free of its tugboat and running aground. The Brits didn't seize on the opportunity.
But for real it's tragic. Here in the US we have all kinds of awesome Warship museums. UK has light cruiser Belfast, which is nice but no capital ships of any kind.

Also the US also suffered a curse for failing to save Enterprise.

>> No.12682387 [DELETED] 

this anon is right. It's hard to get working class, rural voters to turn out reliably. In 2020 they did in massive numbers, but so did the opposition
Texas is going to be more competitive in the future, so I expect you'll see some kind of blue richard shelby emerge there eventually. I'm also not as worried as I was that democrats will just cancel Artemis or something now that Biden has come out in support of it

>> No.12682390

You can solve 2 and 3 by only having one engine per ship. I'm sure the FAA will see no issue with that.

>> No.12682396
File: 976 KB, 1948x1096, 1596618228321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SN10 Crytotest in progress

>> No.12682404

Is it launching today?

>> No.12682411

those are for falcon heavy I think

>> No.12682415

yeah, I bet if we get a dem senator from Texas we will start getting tons of deep space projects. Use SpaceX for the lifting and the oldspace companies, in CA, AZ, WA, and CO to build the modules, stations, satellites, and landers. Everyone would win.

>> No.12682423

And then your ship doesn't have enough power to get to orbit.

>> No.12682435

Have they given up trying to land the core booster?

>> No.12682437

Falcon Heavy center core. It’s going to be expended on purpose

>> No.12682442

they've done it already once, but it fell over in the ocean on the way back

>> No.12682449

Probably has to do with mission requirements

>> No.12682452

/sfg/ has become more powerful than any could imagine

>> No.12682457


>> No.12682459
File: 199 KB, 1279x999, 1280px-Earth_&amp;_Mir_(STS-71).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't associate us with /sfg/ east

>> No.12682466

MIR really was a clusterfuck but that is a great picture anon

>> No.12682479

Looks like it's for this:
>Q2 2021 USSF-44 U.S. Air Force $130 million Scheduled
>The first classified flight of Falcon Heavy. The contract was awarded to SpaceX for a price of under 30% of that of a typical Delta IV Heavy launch ($440 million). Payload includes two separate satellites and at least two additional rideshare payloads (including TETRA-1) and will weigh roughly 3.7 metric tons at launch. They will be launched in a direct geosynchronous orbit, necessitating for the first time a planned partially expendable launch, with only the two side-boosters recovered on droneships.
I was mostly wondering if this was the first time F9 in expendable mode has ever been used and it seems like it is. It'll be interesting.

>> No.12682489
File: 124 KB, 640x640, 1596224514667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3700kg direct to GEO
Imagine the THROOST!

>> No.12682490

Sounds like it's done testing for the day

>> No.12682492

You will never go to Mars

>> No.12682497

man wasn't meant to fly

>> No.12682503

Do you have that one in higher resolutions?

>> No.12682507 [DELETED] 


>> No.12682516

To be fair though Delta IV Heavy can put 6 tons direct into GEO and Vulcan can do 7.2 tons

>> No.12682532

TFRs for hop beginning Thursday. Hoo boy.

>> No.12682536

Delta IV Chubby is retired and Vulcan is a paper rocket.

>> No.12682547

Hopefully every Starship comes with a free copy of The International Jew and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion like the model T.

>> No.12682553

Delta IV still has like five launches left I think. Vulcan will definitely be a fighter with Falcon Heavy. Vulcan is actually a bit cheaper than Falcon Heavy expendable ($99-130 Million for Vulcan vs $90-150 Million for FH). Vulcan is designed for GTO and GEO misisons

>> No.12682557

>You will never be astronaut-worth

>> No.12682558
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>> No.12682561
File: 335 KB, 700x1000, Nikolai-Kolchitsky-artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will live to see the era of practical but aesthetic spacesuit?

>> No.12682563

they are ready to toss SN11 out to the field ASAP

>> No.12682573
File: 108 KB, 220x116, 7E034480-0DA1-41AA-8CC8-B26B884A290D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hope so modern EVA suits look like shit.

>Tim Dodd watching SN10 crash on his hotel room

>> No.12682580

kek I’ve started associating this gif with Tim Dodd getting BRAAAAAP’d

>> No.12682582

Why are they wasting money so fast? Jeez, they need to slow down.

>> No.12682590
File: 105 KB, 960x926, 1605771918835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make an omelette sometimes you need to break a few $10 million dollar eggs

>> No.12682592 [DELETED] 
File: 1.80 MB, 480x270, 4ADF1DF1-97CA-4658-A5BE-42FBBE464BD5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit...SN10 Failed it’s cryo test
> https://youtu.be/NmcXbEgac9o

>> No.12682594

have sex

>> No.12682599
File: 38 KB, 598x900, 822B9AF2-E8DD-4C01-A2A3-82532950FDA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.12682611 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 1121x1152, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12682617 [DELETED] 

imagine the smell

>> No.12682627 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 566x557, 1467400470371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way she contracts her muscles

>> No.12682629
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really looking forward to this one

holy shit. Though it's important to remember that the TFRs for SN9 were first issued well before it actually flew. FAA will probably hold them up again.

testing resuming?

do you have a link to these numbers? I searched but can't seem to find stats on direct to GEO.

>> No.12682632

So how will the SN10 be different from the SN9?

>> No.12682638

Better. Faster. Lighter.

>> No.12682641

probably just software upgrades to relight all three engines on the landing swing

>> No.12682644

minor unspecified upgrades and 3 -> 2 -> 1 engine landing procedure instead of 2 -> 1

>> No.12682646

hopefully it will land about 190km/h slower

>> No.12682648

Thanks Romepoter

>> No.12682650

why is this hot....

>> No.12682651

The following would probably need to happen for a Thursday hop:
>cryo today
>successful static fires tomorrow
>FTS installation and other checks Wednesday
>FAA approval by Thursday
I wonder what SpaceX sees that makes them think such a schedule is feasible.

>> No.12682652

>testing resuming?
Looks pressed to me.

>> No.12682657


I hope that the livestreams dont shit the bed. SN8 was near flawless with that but SN9 was a shitshow. Up the bitrate vastly and increase capacity for a higher amount of viewers.

>> No.12682658

they could also technically do the static fire today if the cryo checks out.

>> No.12682665

I think it's a y**tube problem, not a SpaceX problem. Burgers were saying that they're seeing everything fine.

>> No.12682668

That would explain the overpressure notices from last night. I don't think they issue those for cryo tests.

>> No.12682670

I wonder if they use Starlink for the livestreams. Don't they have it set up?

>> No.12682673

I prefer the Germanic name for Mars, the god of war
which in Old Norse would be Tyr
or, in English,
would be something like: Tye

this is the god Tuesday is named after, as in Old English the possessive form of his name was pronounced like "Tewes"
fun fac.

>> No.12682683


>> No.12682685

so what you're saying is we should really be calling Tuesday "Marsday"

>> No.12682687

Might be a new thing to placate the FAA. I mean, theoretically, it could pop on a cryotest.

>> No.12682688
File: 225 KB, 850x658, 7C275576-8D0F-476C-AFA8-4241A07A6D80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah of course.

>27.3 tons into LEO
>14.4 Tons to GTO
>7.2 tons to GEO
>12.2 tons to TLI

>> No.12682695


Hmmmm. Well to be fair, in a few minutes, the livestream amassed nearly a quarter million viewers so I guess that acted as some sort of DDOS, sucking up vast amounts of bandwith in a very, very short amount of time, especialy if everyone chooses to stream it in 1080p lol.


Is Starlink even mature yet to do things like that?

>> No.12682697

Will SN10 crash as well?

>> No.12682700

Ask the magic eight ball

>> No.12682701

Also nitrogen.

>> No.12682702

>Is Starlink even mature yet to do things like that?
Sure, but maybe not in Texas.

>> No.12682703

Maybe maybe not. As long as they get data it doesn’t matter.

>> No.12682704

no cause the you're a latin cuck, as many nerds were in the 1500s, mashing latin, greek and english word roots together like the weebs they were
but romance languages basically do that, like "Marti" in Sp*nish, or "Mardi" in Fr*nch

>> No.12682706

Beta Carbon Nitride

>> No.12682708

Will SN11 crash?
Will SN12?
What will the final Starship look like?
When will the Starship go to space for the first time?
When will we get to Mars?

>> No.12682722

hopefully we'll be able to celebrate Marsday on Luna by the end of the decade

>> No.12682727

It's not absurd on the face of it that they could do all of those (well, maybe not the FAA approval) if no issues crop up during the testing. Test launches actually do seem to be the bottleneck at the moment. They don't build the things to be faulty, so making sure they have their ducks in a row for a launch on the earliest possible day, just in case they actually can do it then, makes sense.

>> No.12682733

Homeless people are disgusting. I hope such vermin don’t exist on Mars

>> No.12682739
File: 15 KB, 139x95, dafuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't look like icing.

>> No.12682746

Give me the downlow, hardcore, awesome, redpilled truth, my bros.

Is a reactionless drive possible?

>> No.12682749
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>> No.12682752

I knew someone would say this soon enough. I hope you’re being ironic. Please don’t use that term

>> No.12682756

>15 KB

>> No.12682758
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>> No.12682762
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>> No.12682765

Always the fat girls with skinny girl faces, every ”plus” model ever.
>still erect

>> No.12682767

Good fucking lord. Look at that hideous contraption.

>> No.12682768
File: 444 KB, 1650x1275, D3D04EDE-1D15-451B-A499-45D803F75D78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue for them currently is a lack of space to have multiple projects happening at once
They should have picked a better location to build and test and hop

Looks like arkansas would have been ideal

Then barge down to the Boca Chica launch site later

>> No.12682770

do it again bomber harris

>> No.12682771

Yup, I'm thinking this one's gonna crash too

>> No.12682775

because you have garbage taste and a fetish for morbid obesity

>> No.12682779

Hence, if it requires, say, a thousand years to fit for easy flight a bird which started with rudimentary wings, or ten thousand for one which started with no wings at all and had to sprout them ab initio, it might be assumed that the flying machine which will really fly might be evolved by the combined and continuous efforts of mathematicians and mechanicians in from one million to ten million years

>> No.12682783
File: 1.32 MB, 1617x2048, John_Boozman,_official_portrait,_112th_Congress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are John Boozman and I claim my five pounds.

>> No.12682785

because her face didn't get fat, why did you use ellipsis?

>> No.12682795
File: 79 KB, 760x432, VZISNRRL6XPRGHQLBSDWV7TV2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYT really had some fun "predictions".

>> No.12682797

Does wearing a space suit feel anything like wearing a bullet vest?

>> No.12682804
File: 164 KB, 415x482, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12682809

>"Experts doubt"
worth basically dick, nice

>> No.12682816


>> No.12682820

We'll just be starting the colony on Mars when you're 80 years old so you suffer intensely.

>> No.12682823


>> No.12682827
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>> No.12682830

I wouldn't go to mars myself
it's like the wild west but with the climate of antarctica

>> No.12682832

So that was icing but it's weird.

>> No.12682834

is the joke there that they'll launch once in a blue moon?

>> No.12682837

You wouldn’t want to live in the Wild West?

>> No.12682838

why is corporate media like this

>> No.12682839

"Blue Moon of Kentucky won't you keep on shining"

>> No.12682841

Poor Elon cannot compete

>> No.12682843

stop beeing a romaboo and just rename mars to Tyr

>> No.12682844

Have to say I did wonder why the hell the richest man in the world was dressed like that

>> No.12682846
File: 1.49 MB, 2400x3000, c79tBBCKtIShKFVjl6A2VloyB7yNnQC3UfmyPNVHzDg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12682852

love how Jeff steps down from amazon as soon as elon passes him as richest man. benoz is trembling

>> No.12682855

Rome was awesome, but we need a new empire.

>> No.12682856

>By comparison, Musk’s SpaceX, founded two years after Blue Origin, has launched its Falcon 9 boosters more than 100 times, launched the world’s most powerful operational rocket - Falcon Heavy - three times, and transported astronauts to the International Space Station.

>Until now, Bezos has devoted one day a week to Blue Origin, with conference room meetings replaced in recent months by video calls, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the sources said.

>> No.12682859
File: 160 KB, 1079x323, Screenshot_20210208-125729_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much is Bezos seething about this

>> No.12682860

my quick glance at that title had me thinking 'Jeff Bezos to shift his space venture's focus to hyperdrives'
and I thought "damn what does he know about the workability of potential warpdrives" before I read it properly and was sorely disappointed

>> No.12682864

You don't enjoy the comfy climate of Antarctica?

>> No.12682865

anyone worth a shit is doubtful of 2026

>> No.12682866
File: 165 KB, 730x547, 0C956B4EBC6B4F44B81487C7470A7CB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire rocket is thrown into the ocean on every flight
>nobody even considered this a problem

>> No.12682869

They expect one of our stages in the ocean brother

>> No.12682870
File: 143 KB, 1024x768, e46e298aa7c983601d0718c85c2334fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ruin Alfas

>> No.12682871

why is he so retarded? his grammar is worse then the grammar of some 4 year olds i've seen

>> No.12682872

isn't elon only the richest in fake money? If you put bezos and musk side by side and tried to sell off everything they both owned I imagine bezos would come out with way more cash. also neither of them are even close to the richest compared to dictators or royalty in some countries

>> No.12682873

all he has to do is get a guy on the planet and then we can say "man has been to mars"
he doesn't have to build the whole colony by 2026

>> No.12682875

>Rome was awesome
without them the based romeposter wouldn't exist, so it's hard to argue against that

>> No.12682878

>In the future every big college will have an orbital Starship laboratory.
when will this meme end? a starship being thrown away for use as a space station makes no sense when you can use that same starship to make a station 1000x bigger then itself or make 1000 new space stations

>> No.12682879


>> No.12682880

They turned Sparta into a tourist trap where rich romans would come and laugh at all the Spartans larping at being badasses.

>> No.12682881

>Surely that's the point of using reusable rockets, to get the most out of your material investments
It doesn't make sense when you plan to make literally tens of thousands of starships

>> No.12682882

I think he means having crewed starships serve as temporary stations, like the shuttle's spacelab.

>> No.12682883

Is there an anon here from Alabama that could run for the Alabama Senate seat?

>> No.12682884

Elon's paper net worth is inflated by Tesla, but if SpaceX went public today they'd probably end up at a trillion dollar market cap by the end of the week anyways

>> No.12682886

without their aristocratic thinking we might have had the industrial revolution 2000 years earlier though, so eh

>> No.12682887
File: 53 KB, 1268x1432, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All he had to do was keep his dick in his trousers.

>> No.12682893

why do some people act like there are no prototypes beyond mk1?
as another anon said, aluminum fatigues

>> No.12682895

Imagine if Elon named two Starships Wreckage Brother and Noshur Vivors

>> No.12682896

The computers weren't powerful enough to do any better back then. They did consider it a problem, which is where the space shuttle started.

>> No.12682898

realistically, 2045. space is hard

>> No.12682899


>> No.12682900

can you spare some oxygen, sir?

>> No.12682908
File: 330 KB, 1600x1200, ALFA-ROMEO-33-Stradale-5851_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about Aflas. What's the rocket equivalent to the 33 Stradale? That is, the one rocket so beautiful it will never be topped

>> No.12682910
File: 1.11 MB, 1124x1903, 7CEA04E5-763E-49A5-B84B-DC38BC96D692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shine on the one who’s gone and proved untrue

>> No.12682919

ok that was it. case closed.
i use ellipsis for personal reasons. i dont have time to explain here...

>> No.12682929

thats still stupid when you could just throw a tin can into orbit with some life support, radiators, and solar panels, and boom you have a space station. no need to use up a starship.

>> No.12682933

when Bitcoin reaches $1 million per coin
(so about 2027)

>> No.12682934

MK1 was the most Kino prototype because it was the first one ever and also it showed up in the Starship presentation.

>> No.12682935
File: 1.12 MB, 3840x2160, Shuttle-Starship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they aren't the same size and the design of the later SNs is quite different from that of mk1

>> No.12682938
File: 67 KB, 480x602, closekitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no starship presentation since Mk 1

>> No.12682941

Yes I fucking do

>> No.12682951

>you will never be thrown around and raped by a crazy /fit/ gf in 0.3g
why even live

>> No.12682954

where do I get a stronk gf like that

>> No.12682955
File: 99 KB, 852x1200, FB6316C2-0933-4364-AA7D-021C5F477B99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MK1 also had cool shit like this

>> No.12682960

>Beltalowda need watah

>> No.12682961

hopefully next starship presentation will happen with a fully stacked starship before its first orbital flight.

>> No.12682963

that would be incredible

>> No.12682968


>> No.12682975

>Presentation ends with Elon boarding Starship for live orbital launch
>No automation, ship is controlled by Elon through Neuralink

>> No.12682977

will trade water for gainzstation gf

>> No.12682978

is that a grain silo with fins stuck onto it?

also most overquoted gay poem of all time

>> No.12682984

will Elong Must go on the first starship flight? and if it blows up will he die?

>> No.12682989
File: 5 KB, 231x250, me 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no alive girl GF

>> No.12682996

Get a wife or girlfriend and pester them into exercise.

>> No.12682999
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>> No.12683000

are you new here? yes, it's a grain silo with fins stuck onto it, and yes it was intended to fly before it exploded at like 4 bar

>> No.12683006

checked, and yes I am a bit of a crossposter from /biz/

>> No.12683007

Jesus. They are never making orbit with these wrinkly water towers

>> No.12683012

>Get a wife or girlfriend
Instructions unclear, dick stuck in toaster

>> No.12683013

This one isn't meant to reach orbit. Its meant to reach 10 kilometers.

>> No.12683016

Excuse me real quick I have to
>double check something

>> No.12683017
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>> No.12683018
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>> No.12683020

Elon stated in a few interviews he will only go to space once regular transport flights are occurring between Earth and Mars

>> No.12683024

>Elon built that rocket in a cave
>With a box of scraps

>> No.12683025

Bezos is not an engineer and won’t be able to solve the key issues in rocket development

So him being hands on at blue is not helpful

>> No.12683026

retard, he's flying on dragon next year

>> No.12683036

He is? Where’s the proof

>> No.12683048

be gay

>> No.12683049
File: 269 KB, 2560x1249, DD484EAE-00C9-412B-9817-9CA2242B787B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell is Starship so kino?

>> No.12683052
File: 783 KB, 2369x3000, saturn-v-apollo-4-prelaunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's not even close

>> No.12683053


Continuous 7.2 kft TFR, until April.

>> No.12683056
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>> No.12683058

is that SN8

>> No.12683061

starship looks like it has no foreskin

>> No.12683063

Given the single tiny patch of heat shield, yes

>> No.12683064

he said in an interview that he wants to go to orbit a few months ago, but anon is making assumprions

>> No.12683065
File: 556 KB, 2753x1809, 24F343B8-A757-40E2-9FF3-2CE2AA08FD69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12683068

Saturn 5 always looks smaller in photos than it really was
I went to this museum in Texas where they had a replica of the Saturn 5 on its side and that thing is fucking huge
biggest rocket ever launched, so far

>> No.12683073

Actually that's the SN33d

>> No.12683074

Maybe in the future there will be artistic drawings on every Starship before their maiden flight.

>> No.12683080
File: 226 KB, 1365x2048, 07653303-9480-46D4-B635-7981EF1D95EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starships are unironically beautiful. Only the Space Shuttle was as pretty, but probably less so

>> No.12683082

Yeah, I had a similar experience visiting KSC and standing under the one they've got suspended from the ceiling. Couldn't get over the size of the thing, or that three guys would've been strapped to the top of it; it's so much bigger than it looks in pictures, probably because there's nothing recognisable nearby for scale in them.

>> No.12683089

The guy is probably smart as fuck. Maybe in like 5 to 7 years he may be able to help somewhat.

>> No.12683100

jeff finally decided he doesn't wanna move boxes around for the rest of his life, good for him 2bh

>> No.12683101

Formerly known as the C8Uc-k5

>> No.12683102

It’s insane man. I was at the KSC and they have a dragon capsule on display and it’s about the size of a car. But then you see the shuttle hanging there and it’s gigantic. Then you go see the Saturn V and it’s literally larger than a football field

>> No.12683115

TFR cancelled... it's over...

>> No.12683120

was hoping for a krystal pic desu

>> No.12683121

They've been fucking about with them all day. Current state of play is a long-term TFR that allows cryo-tests, pops and static fires until April, and a new one for launch on Thursday.

>> No.12683132

I’m getting my AE degree in Huntsville at the moment, but senators have to be at least 30 years old. Definitely a bit worried about what’ll happen when Shelby isn’t around to pull funding to Marshall and the arsenal. The guy is kind of a meme, but definitely helped his constituency. The other senator for Alabama is a former football coach that’s done nothing but piss off the entire federal government by simping for trump, so we’re sorta fucked.

>> No.12683133

same. /sfg/ really is going downhill

>> No.12683137

That's basically what ULA does in Alabama, and it's SLOW. Putting everything in one place is vital for mass production

>> No.12683286

>from Saturday to Sunday
That means nothing since they have an agreement to not close roads on weekends.

>> No.12683289

>Elon tweets that the weather is too cold for people to enjoy beach anyway so he launches on Sunday

>> No.12683292

I really gotta day-trip to JSC one of these days.

>> No.12683296

Knowing the GOP that sexual predator Roy Moore will run again and lose

>> No.12683299

Lmao, what the fuck was he thinking?

I wonder what Elon says to pick up women.

>> No.12683319

he doesn't anymore because he has a freak goth gf and a baby

>> No.12683327

He doesn't have to say anything.

>> No.12683333

Apparently he just talks about ac motors

>> No.12683341


>> No.12683344

the story of how grimes and elon first met each other is pretty sweet desu, in an autistic kind of way

>> No.12683348

And he had two women and babies with them didn’t stop him from dropping them for another and rumour has it that his current women doesn’t even like to talk about motors so a bit of conflict right there.

>> No.12683371

So far nothing SpaceX has done has required them to be at boca chica
Only orbital launchers require boca chica or Florida or some FAA exemption to overflying land

If they had bought a couple square miles in Arkansas near by the Red River, they could have done their whole set up there, including hops with plenty of ability to dig downwards for foundations, and to spread out multiple test sites

Once the rocket is good for orbital tests, it can be shipped directly to wherever they intend to launch from
Which is obviously not boca chica since they don’t have a launch mount yet

>> No.12683372

yes but Bezos is a snake and Elon is an austitic apu

>> No.12683382
File: 785 KB, 250x300, 1543375644821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's back

>> No.12683397

Just wait until the finished project. Its going to be excellent

>> No.12683412
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>> No.12683423

Musk is a software engineer, not a rocket surgeon.

>> No.12683448

Bezos has an EE degree. By education, he’s more of an engineer than Musk is.

>> No.12683462
File: 510 KB, 1032x740, A19A1074-5DCF-412D-8507-730017416909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I said goodbye to SN9 I felt like a proud parent watching your kid go off to college. When I say goodbye to this Starship I feel like a parent of centuries’ past saying “farewell” as his child embarks for the new world. To some people that may sound like I’m stretching a point. A starship is not a child it’s a machine and a machine doesn’t have a soul. We may yell at our toasters and give names to our cars but at the end a Starship is just a collection of wires and circuits and stainless steel. I don’t know. I think each Starship does have a soul. It’s the soul of all the people who built her. Designed her. First dreamed of her.

>> No.12683467

Irrelevant. Bezos isn't a rocket engineer. Musk is. Its like saying Newton isn't a physicists because he didn't have a degree from Caltec. Papers are irrelevant. What matters is experience. Thats the whole shtick with SpaceX beating every other space companies, NASA, every other country to a cheap reusable rocket.

>> No.12683473

I will only accept this future if spaceflight licences are only issued after undergoing extensive autistic training in all aspects of spaceflight.

>> No.12683481
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>> No.12683490


>> No.12683495

>Musk is
He literally is not.

>> No.12683503
File: 614 KB, 2560x1440, space_curisosity_selfie_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s the soul of all the people who built her. Designed her.
I get this feeling from any launch footage where you can see the crew reactions.
This rover has more people that care about it then most humans ever do. Must count for something.

>> No.12683508

Pretty much everyone who's ever worked with him at SpaceX would disagree

>> No.12683524

I can't wait till starship is done and then Bezos goes full autist and we get a space race.

>> No.12683526

>lead engineer on new cutting edge reusable launch system
>not a rocket engineer
Well, he might not have a diploma in aerospace engineering but he definitely is one

>> No.12683528

SN10 could literally heat up the water near the beach while doing tests. Dig a canal to the beach or something like that and keep the Raptors running until the water is warm enough or you run out of propellant.

>> No.12683531

well okay then

>> No.12683532

Only retards and COPErs say this. Every rocket engineer says Musk is a rocket engineer. Every NASA employees whos worked with SpaceX says Musk is a rocket engineer.

>> No.12683534


>> No.12683539

He does have a stem degree

>> No.12683542

BA in physics if I remember correctly

>> No.12683543
File: 52 KB, 1200x750, adenosina-trifosfato_ATP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we build rockets powered by this?

>> No.12683546

The Chinese already use machines powered by that to fuel their rockets

>> No.12683573

>those muslim concentration camps are actually rocket fuel factories
delightfully counterintuitive

>> No.12683576
File: 326 KB, 613x671, 250ea8d73589f9ac27627b0869f630ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is orbital spacecraft quality control
It's going to be fun watching the Apollo program fail

>> No.12683579

Basically: University Starship returns to earth for easy maintenance

>> No.12683588


>> No.12683590

Haha...I just heard that an S-IVB exploded during ground testing...it’s over NASAbros. The USSR has won

>> No.12683611

>NASA engineer checking in with the flight control gnomes in advance to assembly with the rocket

>> No.12683633

>implying an engine as large as the F-1 will ever achieve combustion stability
The US should have followed the Soviet example of using dozens of smaller engines based on tried and true production methods. Anyone who thinks America will make it to the Moon this decade is deluded

>> No.12683660

I heard that they blew up an F-1 during testing. It’s over

>> No.12683668

I heard they're not even testing over in the east. That's the great thing about those tried and tested methodes, they just work!

>> No.12683672

Yikes! Apollo 4 had such a great flight. When Apollo 6 lost 2 J-2 engines in flight I realized that NASA was making reverse progress. Moon by 1969? Hell no

>> No.12683691

Daily reminder that they killed three guys already. How many more?

>> No.12683701

Can you believe that they're planning on actually launching men on top of it? Imagine if something goes wrong on a lunar mission - a fire in an oxygen tank or something. Those astronauts are never making it back home. We've got to hope that the thing explodes on the stand before astronauts get anywhere near it.

>> No.12683702

Did you hear of that man in the orient that strapped a bunch of fireworks to a chair and blew himself up? What unbelievable hubris! To think one would reach the heavens without first striking the firmament! Little wonder that mighty GOD smote him before this fool's voyage began!

>> No.12683708

The rocket building process already is for Starship.

>> No.12683716
File: 122 KB, 483x509, first astronaut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he isn't still in orbit today

>> No.12683720

Starship/Superheavy are vehicles meant for mass production, steel is much easier to work with at that scale mechanically and is also enormously cheaper to source.
In addition, 304L Stainless Steel's performance under radically swinging thermal stress is far superior to Aluminum/Lithium alloy, and on top of that steel is far superior for structural durability when it comes to vehicles of increasingly large scales.

>> No.12683724

You do realize that the Shuttle is made of slender aluminum spars and fucking BLANKETS, right, you dribbling brainless chimp?

>> No.12683730
File: 83 KB, 1083x1083, df6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you build a reusable launch vehicle out of wood?

>> No.12683735
File: 75 KB, 482x427, 83892549a9bf8dc8350bf28f36d92dd79d0b0ad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, I watched the first season of The Expanse today, in large part due to all of talk about it here, and I have mixed feelings about it. I certainly liked hard scifi elements and plot, it was OK. But whats up with all of the queers and mystery meat in outer space? It's was hard for me to enjoy the show, because of how explicit it was with all of the progressivism.

Why can't we just have good scifi anymore?

>> No.12683738

It's called a trebuchet.

>> No.12683742

>But whats up with all of the queers and mystery meat in outer space? It's was hard for me to enjoy the show, because of how explicit it was with all of the progressivism.
The original authors have a fetish and Amazon has an agenda.

>> No.12683743

>mystery meat in outer space?
200 years of space-mixing. Fucking Belters.

>> No.12683745

1. Stack firewood.
2. Sit on top.
3. Light firewood.
4. Wait for the carbon to be recaptured by offspring of trees which were used for firewood.

>> No.12683746
File: 368 KB, 541x758, Antique Vase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can't we just have good scifi anymore?
No reason. You're just behind the times.

Actually, there must be something wrong with your brain. Let us use magnets to temporarily lobotomize you.

>> No.12683751

>Fucking Belters
They are honestly disgusting

>> No.12683752

Probably not, wood scales extremely poorly compared to metal when you're talking about large structures, it can and does soak in moisture and can then crack or even completely shatter under extreme thermal stresses like you'd find in a vehicle with high pressure cryogenic liquid inside and superheated atmosphere on the outside, and it's comparatively poor at maintaining gas tight seals at high pressures.
Writers were always lefties, lots of publishers also have the same lean and will disallow anything going against their grain and encourage anything tilted in the same direction, and I think 2016-2020 gave them severe TDS induced brain damage on top of it all.

>> No.12683754

I was going to make a post about how insecure people get with those topics but I reconsidered and will just say:
Not spaceflight. Don't derail the thread with politics of any kind, please

>> No.12683755

Laconia did nothing wrong

>> No.12683756

Western society has abandoned God, and has instead replaced it with the sexual revolution and progressivism. You couldn’t even attempt to pitch a hardcore scifi show to (((producers))) in our modern year without explicitly telling them the plot will pivot around your genderqueer hypersexual female of color lead

>> No.12683757

>magnets to temporarily lobotomize you
To make me temporarily more liberal and progressive?

>> No.12683761

>*brutally spaces people left and right*

>> No.12683762

The show is fucking retarded and doesn't understand how power works. the OPA would never have a chance to exist as an independent actor and the retarded stunt with the asteroids can only end with the genocide of "belters".

>> No.12683767

>the Naomi Nagata show, featuring a sassy brown woman directly responsible for the death of billions but it's never her fault!

>> No.12683770

What does this even mean? I just cannot understand.

>> No.12683771

Fuck you. Western society abandoned reason for Jesus. If the opposition to natal homicide were secular, there would be no abortion. Every time an athiest wants to align himself with right wing interests, Christians spit in his face and call him a a gay, baby killing devil, even when he hates faggots and infant murderers with a burning passion. Jesus freaks ruin every chance for a moral society by being bloviating, narcissistic retards. You people are political spoilers the elite throw at issues that they want to crush.

>> No.12683773

the show has it's own dialect that's basically Haitian creole in space

>> No.12683774

Faggots are literally irredeemable and would be deprived of all resources in any real world scenario.

>> No.12683775

I'm rewatching off and on with a friend who's seeing it for the first time and I'd forgotten how many innocent people the Rocifags get killed. The fact that they're just hanging out as an 'independent ship' with the allies in S5 seems weird now since they're basically terrorists.

>> No.12683777

I'm so glad that belters in real life will all have cranial implants that let them screech at each other in dialup tones.

>> No.12683778
File: 52 KB, 512x384, E395220C-9DCA-48E8-B729-E54DC7D7DA61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The show is retarded. I read 5 of the books but I only watched until Miller died in the show. It should’ve never become some interstellar wormhole shit they should’ve just kept it interplanetary

>> No.12683782

"Western society" stopped existing when the Romans started tolerating the practice of Abrahamic cults

>> No.12683783

As soon as the alien shit started my heart sank. I didn't sign up to watch Stargate.

>> No.12683794

Why would already burned titanium burn, anon

>> No.12683795
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, LnX92sS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we ever have the technology to put batteries in space, /sci/?

>> No.12683798

>The fact that they're just hanging out as an 'independent ship' with the allies in S5 seems weird now since they're basically terrorists.
Perks of making friends with the former head of state of the whole goddamn Earth. They're bumbling accidental terrorists with favors owed from high places.

>> No.12683800
File: 297 KB, 1080x1072, 6C773D1C-00CE-4099-B342-39EFA78B79CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine spending the time to make this bait lmao. I bet Apollo 8 infuriated you

>> No.12683804

>the Architect

>> No.12683808

What the fuck does Apollo 8 have to do with shitty Christian politics?

>> No.12683809

lol experts at going at least 300% overschedule guaranteed cast doubt on the idea of going less than 200% over schedule

>> No.12683812

Brush up on your history

>> No.12683818

Brush up on your communication skills. Nobody is going to put any energy into proving your points, especially if you're trying to pull some superficial bullshit like "look at these x that did y."

>> No.12683821

>It's was hard for me to enjoy the show, because of how explicit it was with all of the progressivism.

Did you think for one second you would like the people that enjoy the fruits of future technology and live away from earth? If the victorians knew what today was like they would throw down their tools and their pencils and die.

>> No.12683836

lmao got’em

>> No.12683845

None of that has anything to do with technology or "progress". The west has been conquered by a spiteful, bronze-age tribe that squanders their power in pursuit of petty vengeance and genocide. There has been no "progress", only destruction and rage.

>> No.12683847
File: 178 KB, 924x762, 1599486326710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a real one, sorry.
I'm going to use that as an excuse to say take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.12683848

It's assumed that people who are in the autistic space flight thread of a Taiwanese naval erotica forum would know the basic history of the Apollo program and if you don't you should leave

>> No.12683851

As it turns out, litigious, seething Reddit atheists existed before the internet.

>> No.12683855

>gatekeeping over the minutiae of a half century old mission

Not that guy, but you sound like a faggot my man

>> No.12683856

well unless you got a plan, those unsavory characters are going to space while a nurse is wiping your ass

>> No.12683858

>not that guy
you absolutely are, and this is pretty surface level shit you should know and not need spoonfed

>> No.12683860
File: 97 KB, 554x1100, d1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be seeing you in internet court!

>> No.12683861

Lol no they aren't. they will just use their golems and proxies to extract wealth from pioneering colonies.

>> No.12683864

National Justice Party.

>> No.12683882

Some whiny bitch sued the government over the astronauts choosing to read from genesis when they were in orbit around the moon. It’s a pretty well-known story.

>> No.12683885

>aluminum is stronger than steel


>> No.12683886

Solar-electric systems already use batteries for when the spacecraft is in shadow, and Electron uses battery powered pumps instead of staged combustion. Also Starship literally uses Tesla motors and batteries to move the flaps.

>> No.12683890

Wow, real fucking cool. Very relevant to anything being said.

>> No.12683892

What the fuck? This is fake, right? It's just shitposting about Bezos being creepy, right?

>> No.12683894 [DELETED] 



>> No.12683897

newfag out

>> No.12683899

I support them in the vain hope that one day sven will interrupt world leaders with drops

>> No.12683905

TRS shills are even in /sfg/? My god you people are everywhere on this site.

>> No.12683906

No lol it's very real

>> No.12683908 [DELETED] 

report and ignore it

>> No.12683919

>tard doesn’t what Apollo 8 has to do with religious politics
>doesn’t want to educate himself
>continues to feign superiority when his ignorance is revealed
I’m not even religious, but you’re fucking stupid.

>> No.12683933
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, ⁄sci⁄.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x person belonged to y group did z half a century ago
I sure do feel btfo ngl

>> No.12683941

holy shit you truly are retarded

>> No.12683942
File: 17 KB, 1280x1112, Methanethiol-1280px.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the lack of smell.

>> No.12683969
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>> No.12683978

Kek thanks for the novel of a response, very reddit of you. I said one word, literally one word, and it set you off
Yeah show me proof of that

>> No.12684000
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>> No.12684018

Stop doubling-down dummy, damn

>> No.12684023
File: 232 KB, 2000x1127, 1574224605904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an atheist but reading from genesis while in orbit around the moon is kino as fuck

>> No.12684044
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Literally my only problem with Christianity was its potential to interfere with scientific and technological progress, but learning about Apollo 8 and Apollo 11 (communion on the moon!) put that to bed. I'm not convinced it's Divine Truth but I am convinced it is at the very least capable of providing moral structure to spacefaring civilization.

>> No.12684053

musk is my god

>> No.12684057
File: 2.34 MB, 1440x2560, Saint Laika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12684065

>Yeah show me proof of that
Christianity either destroyed or assimilated and mangled just about every aspect of the native cultures of Europe. That's not something to "prove," that's the known and documented history of the region.

>> No.12684074

The Moon is fake CGI with fractally generated craters.

>> No.12684198
File: 1.67 MB, 1328x753, iuuyfyrstr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shelby agitator

>> No.12684203

It's still cool

>> No.12684252

He BTFO’d NASA safetycucks long ago

>> No.12684322
File: 190 KB, 1024x768, Fractal_Broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fractals are fake
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>> No.12684391

It's over... SpaceX will never land...

>> No.12684428

Fuck bros... Mars is cancelled.

>> No.12684451
File: 10 KB, 186x270, blog-0533420001545995977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortuna bless this thread

>> No.12684455

I can't find a bigger image of this so if anyone has a larger version it would be appreciated.

>> No.12684472
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>> No.12684490
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thanks fren

>> No.12684547

tastes rumply on my tonguous

>> No.12684603

>sn9 was pretty close to damaging sn10
no it wasn't

>> No.12684622
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The explosion on impact clearly reached SNX but thankfully it didn't get hit by something big. The steel body also probably helped.

>> No.12684665

cryotesting SN10

>> No.12684670

Kill yourself

>> No.12684673

It'll hit LEO this year.

>> No.12684685
File: 402 KB, 2560x2432, 1612753787243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably have design changes to move forward with which means they need to get the data from SN10 ASAP so they can apply it to the newer designs. Also public image is important.

>> No.12684700
File: 89 KB, 733x855, tyr and fenrir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The English word for Tyr was Tiw. That is where Tuesday comes from.

>> No.12684708

Look up fuel frost anon.

>> No.12684712

That is why he isn't the richest man in the world anymore.

>> No.12684722
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>> No.12684816

No one linked the new thread >>12683881

>> No.12684820
File: 437 KB, 1920x1291, KABOOOOOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starlink spam edition
How many more KABOOOOOOM must I wait before the rest of you realize its obviously sabotage?

>> No.12684940

recovering the sidecores on droneships is the coolest Falcon Heavy setup, desu