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12670434 No.12670434 [Reply] [Original]

Drug that let the dopamine release happen and enhance the dopamine production in all the areas of the brain
this is for enance purpose (I am not able to climax because of low sexual drive)
testosterone is ok
I am not gay
probably anedonia

>> No.12670927

bump any help

>> No.12671498

>let the dopamine release happen

>> No.12671550

L-Dopa, but you won't like it

dopaminergics kill what little libido i have 2bh

>> No.12671683

Okay, you haven't received any good answer yet so I'll give you one.
First, drop the pseudo-scientific lingo. "Low dopamine" is how journalists and Internet posters try to appear smart, the reality is far more complex. Emotions aren't reducible to simple levels of chemicals.
Second, be more specific and drill down on what's actually the problem. Constant low sex drive? Good sex drive but you can't maintain an erection? Good sex drive and erection but you have very delayed orgasm?
Third, the obvious causes. Could you be asexual? Are you on an SSRI or some other drug that can affect sexuality? Are you heavily depressed? Did you have a shitty circumcision that let your dick with little sensitivity?
Fourth, if it's not one of the obvious causes that Google will tell you, go to a specialist doctor. Before you go, rehearse a description of your symptoms, as specific and detailed as possible.
Fifth, do not take Mucuna Pruriens / L-DOPA. If someone recommends it, ignore all his other advice. In general, avoid weird supplements from the Internet unless you really research them thoroughly. Examine.com, /r/DrugNerds and /r/AskDrugNerds are good starting points.

>> No.12671803

>drill down on what's actually the problem
I cant get erected with hookers cause a lack of intimity//oxytocine
i can get erect with women who show interest in me

>> No.12671811

I don't know. Are you actually attracted to them?

>> No.12671812

>Third, the obvious causes. Could you be asexual? Are you on an SSRI or some other drug that can affect sexuality? Are you heavily depressed?

>> No.12671825

>I don't know. Are you actually attracted to them?
physically yes
But when i go into thei appartment my dick dosnt rspond because of the lack of validation intimacity
I dont know how to solv ethis I have difficult to get a date with "normal" free women

>> No.12671834

Dunno then, it could be performance anxiety. If you have cardiovascular problems then it could also be that.

>> No.12672622

Nothing will beat macro-dosing cocaine but some nutritional strategies are talked about here:

>> No.12673303


vitamin D

>> No.12673311

Selegiline. It will boost your mood, have nootropic effects and it will slow down the aging of the brain.

>> No.12673389


I had this problem i mean i still have it

Luckily i always dated top notch bro women
Who would wait for me to get an erection eventually
One girl waited 3 fucking months for me to get an erection - we fucked finally when we got out to sea as turists

I need to stop masturbating and just keep trying - i tend to try to spend as much time with the girl, naked in bed

And after some time it works like a charm, i get erections normally when we need to have sex

So OP you are maybe fucked if you can only afford hookers.

Maybe explain this to a hooker and stick to one hooker for a few months until you get acclimated to her and get an erection, if that can help at all

Seriously, you better have a good reason for being a social shut in - like ugly or mental disabillity - i hope youre not just a shy scaredycat like i imagine 20 percent of this board to be

>> No.12673602

take MDMA capsules.

>> No.12673781

>Maybe explain this to a hooker and stick to one hooker for a few months until you get acclimated to her and get an erection
thank you
scientifically speacking how to solve this?
>take MDMA capsules
don't they soft your dick?

>> No.12675274

Try something...

"macuna purensis"

Not psychadelic, not high, but your orgasm gets better.

>> No.12675312
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, lääkeapustaja40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enhanced with carbidopa (AADC inhibitor) and entacapone/tolcapone (COMT inhibitors)
>MAOB inhibitors like selegiline or rasagiline
>Ergot Dopamine agonists like bromocriptine and cabergoline
>Nonergot Dopamine agonists like ropinirole and pramipexole
>DAT-mediated dopamine release like Amphetamines

>> No.12675313

have you tried it?

>> No.12675317

Also buproprion and MDMA which also affect serotonin release

>> No.12675465

thank you

>> No.12675469

>>Ergot Dopamine agonists like bromocriptine and cabergoline
>>Nonergot Dopamine agonists like ropinirole and pramipexole
what's the difference?

>> No.12675786

levodopa got me with worse comedown than my 3 day meth binge
not something to fuck with

>> No.12675800
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No problem
Ergot alkaloids are derived from ergot fungi and have side effects related to ergotism such as vasoconstriction leading to gangrene and convulsions and psychosis.
I don't recommend anyone use these drugs unless needed for an illness. Just providing information.