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12641202 No.12641202 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to STEM Career General!
This thread exists to posit questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
> Discussion on academia based career progression
> Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
> Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields (currently only physics is present)

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

>> No.12641208

How do you know if you should go for a part-time or full-time phd? What are the pros and cons of both?

>> No.12642427

Any 'must join' organizations for finding internships?
Is the only one I know for EE

>> No.12643351

I'm decided to get a masters due to immigration purposes and because I legit didn't have a "college experience" (due to depression and when I finally got my shit together the 'rona virus happened), and only a masters because I'm not willing to slave away 4~5 years of my youth for a PhD program. Given that the research prospects after the completion of a masters program is limited, how should I approach a masters If I want to be very professionally successful and get the most value out of it? As a mean to network with teachers? To insert myself in the country I migrate to? To get the feel of what is going on at the forefront of my specific filed?

>> No.12643501

If i have a mediocre high school transcript, but a good CC transcript, can I still get into a good uni? Not Ivy League or anything crazy like that.

>> No.12643996

easy, you should never do a part-time phd unless you're in a weird position where your job wants you. but if you were in this position you'd know already.

>> No.12644030

How hard is it really to get into say, UC Berkeley for a PhD in nuclear engineering? Top schools never actually give concrete information on what it takes to get in.

Everyone constantly grips about the job market for new graduates. How much have I improved my chances of making a decent living by enrolling in a graduate reactor operations course as an undergraduate and doing research which has me modeling neutral particle transport on a supercomputer?

>> No.12644074

Is there a possible job in industry which would value a mech (thermofluids) engineer who also knows his way around a bio lab? Like for culturing bacteria and stuff.
Asking because there's a PhD position that involves this and I'm worried about not developing actual skills that could get me a job in 4 years time.

>> No.12644464

I'm a rocket scientist (UK) but I want to change my job to something that earns money any suggestions?

>> No.12644465

Actuary. Highest job satisfaction of all jobs. Easy to do.

>> No.12644571

Which country are you looking to immigrate to?

>> No.12644575

how easy is a BS in mechanical engineering in the US?

>> No.12644789

>rocket scientist
No such thing.

>> No.12644902

Why are most successful and wealthy startups either in software and technology.

How come we don't hear much from the physical sciences and mechanical/electrical/civil/chem engineering side of things that made young millionaires?

>> No.12644935

Software/Tech has a much larger portion of Business to Consumer innovations and startups, whereas physical sciences and engineering are often much more business to business orientated in comparison and thus don't need to spend money marketing to consumers like you.

>> No.12644960

As with any degree, you need to set aside time to put in the work, but otherwise should be easier to understand

>> No.12644983

I'm sure there are positions in biological fluid dynamics, and bioengineering that could use your skills. Try to read some publications that interest you and contact the authors.

>> No.12645315

>the moon landings were fake!

>> No.12645382

How useful is it to do an internship during a PhD?

I originally intended to do this mostly to have a CV that has more than just university stuff in it, but with corona and other factors my plans got rewritten. If I intend to still get it done I'd probably need to start applying right around now. However, time is increasingly limited, and I could also spend it on more research and teaching experience.

There's a tech consultancy that's advertising PhD internships in my area. I don't really want to be a consultant, though.

>> No.12645431

I'd like to know this as well. Can you even do an internship during a Euro PhD? Seeing as how you're being paid as an employee of the university.

>> No.12645512

That's not what I said, schizo.
People working on rockets are engineers.

>> No.12645630

How useful is it to do a research internship during undergrad?

>> No.12645869

>Having my first ever serious job interview next week at age 24, with no worthwhile internships to my name
I'll need to figure out how to sell pressing Run on Matlab all summer as experience that's an asset to the company

>> No.12645908

Might be a stupid question but is it possible to become a fairly decent/hirable software engineer while I'm doing a Ph.D in pure math? I've been studying pure math since undergrad and I still want to keep going but I really enjoy programming for fun and want to know if I can actually become employable while still getting to pursue what I actually really love doing?

>> No.12646148

Should I:

Accept a fully funded PhD at an engineering school out of state
Accept an internship at a company in the same town as my undergrad where I will simultaneously do my masters with the assumption that I’ll be hired full time after completion

>> No.12646150

Very useful if you plan to do a PhD. Even if you don't end up applying for one it'll give you some CV points over not having done anything. Generally employers like to see that you've shown initiative and gone beyond what is required of you. If that experience happens to line up with what they do then all the better.

However, if you know for sure that you don't want to go into research then an industrial internship is better.

>> No.12646155

This just comes down to a fairly simple question: do you want to work in academia or industry? For something like engineering you really don't need a PhD to get relevant industry jobs. However, if you want to be an academic then you absolutely need a PhD.

If you don't know whether you want to be an academic my advice is to not try to become one.

>> No.12646222

I somehow managed to complete a well funded PhD in a subject I didn't care about and don't really like. I have no confidence in my supposed field expertise and no motivation for continuing down this path, be it academia or industry. I have no idea what to do now.

>> No.12646386

Fuck I'm so afraid of turning out like this after a PhD.

>> No.12646423


I only completed my Masters and I feel very similar. I managed to graduate with honours and some publications but I have zero interest to continue with a PhD, even though I was given the option by my professor.

>> No.12646528
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How do I study?

>> No.12646540

Being an actuary fucking sucks though. If it weren't for corona I would still be one.

>> No.12646558
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>be me
>study cs
>obligatory humanities class each semester.
>no philosophy, no logic, no psychology
>instead we have "art history, Islam Studies, African-American Studies, Gender Studies".

>> No.12646574

I'm considering becoming an actuary. Why do you say that it sucks? Genuine question.

>> No.12646583

Pretty difficult, but if you have long-term goals it is only a minor inconvenience in achieving them

>> No.12646594

Wow that’s fucking bullshit. I got to read Plato, Godel, Wittgenstein. Almost double-majored in philosophy. Really sorry you’re missing out anon.

>> No.12646634

It's no different than any other finance job where you plug and chug with excel models built 20 years ago. There's an illusion of prestige because you have to pass a couple exams that filter brainlets.
Look I don't want to discourage you because it's a great career path. It's just not exactly the most creatively satisfying job in the world.

>> No.12646648

that got me angry as fuck bro, my school is literally the best humanities wise in the fucking country, (I dare to say that in the subcontinent) and it's the only one that gives genuine CS instead of codemonke shit.
But they couldn't do it right.

>> No.12646662

Have you begun your PhD or are you still thinking about doing one? Only go for it if 1) you really really like the subject matter or 2) it gives you excellent prospects upon completion to work exactly where you want.

You can afford to do some searching after a Masters, and you seem to be good at the topic. I assume you like your field right? Although even that's a tough question sometimes, I would have said I liked my subject but I've been to 5 conferences and couldn't give a shit about a single presentation I've sat through.

>> No.12646690

>Have you begun your PhD or are you still thinking about doing one
I'm thinking about it. It's the only ticket out of my shithole country. The thing is I don't know what I want to do. The only fields I'm super interested in are robotics and AI, and they're both unrelated to my chem engineering master's.

>> No.12646699

I know tons of CE that have transitioned into the AI space. It's not impossible you just need experience.

>> No.12646704

AI is becoming increasingly bigger in ChemE man. It's apparently still in a bit of a meme stage according to my PhD friends but it's definitely gaining traction in academia apart from just being a buzzword.

>> No.12646715

Pretty much. AI is what they're starting to call what Data Science has been for the last decade, which used to be called Statistics in the decade before that.

>> No.12646771

It would be a complete waste of 6 years of my life. Unless I transition into AI/Chem somehow like this >>12646704 anon says.

>> No.12646799

That's not the right way to think about things. What does your masters in chem allow you to get?

>> No.12646801

Try to find Machine Learning applications relevant to your masters. AI is exploding everywhere right now, you should be able to find something. Also have you actually tried doing some ML by yourself, or are you just assuming you're gonna like working in that field?

As for me (I'm the guy with the PhD I don't like) I actually found out I really like deep learning during my unrelated PhD, have been studying and practicing a lot, gotten some certificates, trying to spin all of my studies as having something to do with AI in them... And it's a shame because I wish I had come to this realization before choosing my PhD or even MSc...

>> No.12647014
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These STEM career general threads are probably my favourite part of /sci/ now

>> No.12647024

>One disemboweled men
>Other Fixed weapons
>Other convinced people of why war is good
>Other shot RPGs
>One Calculated the angle to help the Rocket guy
>The last one made reforms to legalize child slavery

>> No.12647273

>I somehow managed to complete a well funded PhD
>I have no confidence in my supposed field expertise
It sounds like you're being overly hard on yourself, anon. Contrary to your lack of confidence, you are demonstrably well-versed in your field. Otherwise you wouldn't have initially obtained the funding, nor have successfully completed the PhD.
With regards to career prospects, what field are you in?

>> No.12647340

Can someone write me a letter of rec?

>graduate in 2018 with BS in Aerospace Engineering and BS in Physics
>take a year off
>corona hits and cant find jobs
>want to go back to school for MA or PhD
>made no friends or connections in college

Want to go back to academia, but I was too autistic to meet people. Currently looking for minimum wage jobs to get a cash flow at least.

>> No.12647361

>Have a mathematical methods for physicists class
>Decide to take the mathematicians' PDE class as an elective simultaneously
>Plenty of overlap in class material
>However, the Physics course tests are mostly proofs and theory applications whereas the Math course tests are mostly exercise solving and practical applications
What the fuck is this.

>> No.12647378

You don't get letters of recommendation from your peers. You should get them from people who you have worked for or had meaningful interactions with. Ideally this would be someone who supervised a project you did or something like the PI from a group you have a collaboration with (probably less likely for an undergrad). In cases where you need several recommendation letters people sometimes throw in ones that aren't so relevant, such as a professor from a course who might have remembered your face for some reason, but that's mostly a desperation play. Someone who doesn't know you professionally should decline to write the reference, but if they do write it it'll be generic and that will shine through to anyone reading it.

>> No.12647480

I dont know anyone and I've never had a job...

>> No.12647539

It's not the end of the world, though you seem down. Getting a good PhD place without references might be difficult. However, getting a Master's position should be easier. If you really want to go into academia, you could first try to get a Master's from wherever you can. Just make sure they do research you're interested in. You’ll do a research project for your Master's anyway, and you should have time to do another one e.g. over the summer. That'll give you two research projects to talk about and two good references, making you a much stronger PhD applicant.

If you want a job, it's similar but do an internship. The key observation is that you need something to get your foot in the door initially, and these openings are much easier to get into as a student. Although I don't know much about getting a real job so maybe take that part with a grain of salt.

>> No.12648241

I'm not sure if you are still here. Thanks for the advice!

I did do an internship for a pretty well known science institution. However, it was planetary science. Basically I would look at images and find relationships that my mentor wanted to classify. I enjoyed the coding part, but the work became depressing. The code would help me find the relationship and I had to look at like 300+ images of the same shit.Basically, once the code was done, I became an image analysis monkey.

Internship was also shit. Gave me python experience, but didnt learn git or any meaningful packages needed for a python dev job. Mentor was oldschool and initially wanted me to use IDL (dead language).

Mentor said he would write me a letter of rec, but the job was so depressing, I did not leave on good terms...

>> No.12648571

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I guess it's not so much that I lack knowledge, more of a motivation thing. I just don't enjoy working in my field. FYI the field is Acoustical Engineering, which is pretty niche, so not a lot of opportunities to choose from. Now, how does one end up in acoustical engineering? I started out thinking I'd enjoy it since I like music a lot, and it could be a gateway for combining it with science, but the reality proved much different.

>> No.12648579

People in charge of the Math syllabus felt like the PDE module was a chance to give their students a taste of more applied stuff.
At the same time, those in charge of the Physics syllabus thought that their students should have a firm grasp on how the mathematical principles that they use in their theories are founded.

>> No.12648866

>applied for a phd position
>they asked for 3 refs
>I could only give them 2 from my master's because asshole PI from undergrad wasn't replying to my emails
>had an interview for the position last week
>went well
>prof said he would decide on the candidate when he interviewed the others
>went to undergrad uni a few days ago
>undergrad PI was there and hadn't seen my emails
>said he would be happy to recommend me
Should I contact the PhD prof and tell him I secured the 3rd recommendation?

>> No.12648872

I ended up doing the bare minimum of mathematics in my Physics degree. Not because I despise mathematics or am bad at it, but because early on I intended to do other things (first ChemE, then Materials Science; my university is a bit unusual in that the first years are usually broader so you can make these changes of direction and still graduate on time). By the time I settled on Physics the actual maths courses were in the past, and though I managed to do fine in courses which were quite mathematical (e.g. general relativity) I ended up doing experimental options instead of theoretical ones due to being intimidated by the recommended maths background.

As a result, I feel like a midwit and have developed imposter syndrome. I don't even like to tell people I have a background in Physics because I feel like they'll assume I know more than I do. I ended up doing experimental research, which is actually fine, but I frequently find myself feeling like an idiot with a spectrometer who doesn't really do physics beyond the superficial. At the same time that's kind of what the field is, so I don't really have much of a motivation to self-study mathematics and theory since I don't really encounter that day to day; if I have spare time to read it's usually spent reading articles more directly related to what I do.

Don't really need advice and it's not really about careers directly, but this is a fairly general thread that isn't pants-on-head retarded like most ones here so thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.12648879
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>4 years doing a masters in EE
>learnt almost nothing
>wish I did CS

>> No.12648882

Possible? Sure, but you'll have to make sure you have something to show for coding experience, especially if there were no classes or past jobs where you did much programming. While I'm sure being a PhD student in math will look well, you'll still be competing against CS majors, who have the course-load and experience to match the description. It's possible, but you will have to work for it

>> No.12648886
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28yo here, if everything goes well I'll finish my math degree at 30. Give it to me straight please, will I have a chance of getting into a PhD program and eventually getting a job in some university? I really wanted to be a professor in college, but if that's not possible for me now, what are my other options with a math degree considering my age?

>> No.12648893

What's the best way to find out what jobs a particular PhD for which it would be useful or necessary? I don't find talking to professors useful because they all obviously think their area is great so are naturally bias.

>> No.12648900
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Is Mathematical Biology a meme? It's a "track" of the B.S. Mathematics program at my university (Certain bio/chem electives are required along with the standard mathematics courses), and I am interested in continuing my education and pursuing a PhD in Applied Mathematics to develop disease models and possibly model other biochemical pathways. However, I've heard that job opportunities are few and far between, and for the time being I have no desire to work in academia, so this concerns me. I also grew up in a poor family, and money is still the major stress factor atm, so it's difficult for me to want to pursue a field will low-paying opportunities. Does anyone know of anyone in a position like this, or have any experience with this yourself? Would I be better off focusing on epidemiology, biostatistics (currently an undergrad researcher in our biostats lab), a more broad applied math program and focus on modeling in different fields, or sticking with my current plan?

>> No.12648901

Depends on your grads. I'm about to graduate at 31 and I'm being encouraged to pursue postgrad because I've been get good grades and I've made the effort to get to know some of the faculty. They're very encouraging of anyone who shows initiative and puts in effort.

C get degrees, but if you're after more you need to do more and actually learn the material.

>> No.12648910

My grades are not good. But I have two more years to make them better I guess... Things are not looking good, damn...

>> No.12648926

You definitely should aim to get good grades if you want to continue in academia. Age isn't as much of an issue for getting a PhD.

>> No.12648929

My grades in my first 2 years were terrible. What they want to see is improvement and a clear change in attitude.

Think about it this way. If you get a C, that means you only know 50% of what you were taught. Imagine hiring someone who go shit wrong 50% of the time. You need to hold yourself to a higher standard and you'll be surprised how rapidly you can turn things around. It's not easy, but I didn't and I'm sure you can.

Also nows the time to start focusing on what you'd like to study postgrad if you can. Don't try to study everything, life will be much easier if you pick course that are all relevant to what you want to pursue

>> No.12648931

>I didn't
I did it*

>> No.12649013


Yeah just let him know on an email. It's not a big deal, and if you already had an interview so he knows your worth, so it's only a matter of ensuring all the paperwork can be properly filled.

>> No.12649060

my brother is about to pick his undergraduate program. it's down to math, physics, or stat. CS as a wildcard. i really don't know what to recommend to him. he seems interested in data science too.

>> No.12649065

If he's interested in data science than I recommend stats. With a master's and paying attention there's a good amount of opportunities he could find himself in. t. Math undergrad

>> No.12649120

What does it take to land an internship like this? Do people at non target schools even stand a chance?

>> No.12649156

Most jobs are not creatively satisfying.

>> No.12649170

I just declined a good job offer because me and my wife are moving overseas for a limited time. Although we're still quite young I'm still worried this will have a negative impact on my career in the future. Does anyone have a similar experience? Is moving overseas generally good or bad for ones career? Am I just thinking too much?

>> No.12649236

Unfortunately, I have no direct advice. Not because I think your position is hopeless, but rather, my studies/experience aren't related to engineering. I would suggest discussing with collaborators and mentors that you worked with during your PhD to determine what options exist outside of academia. They might only have experience in academia, but they almost certainly have peers or previous colleagues who exist in industry. Best of luck, anon.

>> No.12649247

I have never heard of mathematical biology, but it sounds like a great undergraduate program of study. If you are capable of performing well academically whilst studying mathematical biology, I suspect it would be a great idea to-do so. Maximizing potential options following undergrad is beneficial, and that degree seemingly would do precisely that. Mathematics is valuable in a biological context. Accordingly, you could be a fantastic candidate for various bio- associated jobs, or you will have the foundation to study/work in a field more reliant on directly mathematical application.

>> No.12649262

What country are you in, anon? I am a leaf, and was in a similar predicament re: poor grades. My first couple of years in university were spent aimlessly studying different fields and indecisive as to what I wanted to major in. Many failed courses and a very poor GPA. Following that I steadily increased my academic performance upon choosing a program of study. I am now in my 3rd year of my program (5th year overall of undergrad) and am getting straight A's. I figured out that most Canadian graduate and MD programs use your final two years of undergraduate GPA when considering admissions. Even without the caveat of Canadian grad school final two year GPA policy, showing a strong turn-around academically will demonstrate your ability. It's never too late, anon.

>> No.12649282

Anons, I'm thinking about going into biomedical engineering for my undergrad. Is it a meme degree?

>> No.12649778

Yes. You can even get into an Ivy, honestly. Just spend two years at CC to make your HS transcript almost irrelevant.

Cornell in particular takes hundreds of CC transfers and Princeton only takes CC students and nontraditional students as transfers

>> No.12649787

Anyone have any experience with online degrees? From actual "non-profit" unis of course.

>> No.12649879

>no logic

They really hate logic

>> No.12650088

I'm so sorry. It is unlikely that companies will give you the time of their day unless you have a portfolio of projects that will prove to the interviewers that you are a competent "programmer". Not alot of companies in the industry hold Matlab licenses unless they work with Simulink.

>> No.12650091

Yeah, everyone as of last year.

>> No.12650132

Really? Do you have any experience with that whole thing?

>> No.12650173

Is a bachelor in maths worth it?

>> No.12650230

Do a welding course, at least you will have a job, Even if it's a low level one

>> No.12650391

There's a lot of analyst jobs that need it. It goes in a bunch of different directions, but you're not going to do anything "in your field" other than teach.

>> No.12650407

can anyone list the skills needed for an electrical engineer to reconvert to CS? I am willing to sacrifice my well being and study by night. Also had an internship in coding in the past so ain't a newbie

>> No.12650482

>Do people at non target schools even stand a chance?
Yeah probably not going to happen without someone from the inside pulling you through.

>> No.12650576

Well I'm not out to prove that I'm a programmer, but an engineer. My job expects that I know how to Matlab

>> No.12650811

Use the requirements for job postings that interest you as a general idea of what they're looking for. Note, of course possessing all the "requirements" likely isn't necessary

>> No.12650833
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when writing personal statements for summer research internship applications, should i look up the professors research, read about it, and talk about how im interested in those topics? im thinking yes

>> No.12650840


>> No.12650855

Is there actually any merit in continuing to pursue entomology or am I setting myself up to be a professor? I really don't want to teach, I want to research. Not sure of the job scope either.

>> No.12650856

Yes. If you end up with an interview be sure you prepare questions for that professor's specific research and act like you have genuine interest.

>> No.12650867

there's so much shit, so little time
i know how to ask questions but conveying interest in the form of an essay is weird. wish me luck fren

>> No.12650876

>if you end up with an interview

>> No.12650881

You're setting yourself up to be a barista at Starbucks

>> No.12650936


>> No.12650958

the other thing I'm interested in is robotics or biotech, guessing I should go down that route, no? I just started uni so I'm not far enough in to fuck anything up yet.

>> No.12650971

It’s not hard at all. What kills people in undergrad is slam jamming 18 credits a semester. If you do the bare minimum 12, it’s cake

>> No.12650980

>I'm thinking about going into biomedical engineering for my undergrad

If you don’t already know that biomed is your lifelong dream, don’t bother.

>> No.12650997

Yep 12 to 15 credits with a summer class or two is the way to go for a comfy engineering degree.

>> No.12651059

I'm going to be graduating from mech eng soon and I'm looking for a job. What's to stop me from posting a fake job posting online and collecting a bunch of resumes to then analyze and use to create my own super resume?

>> No.12651063

I know this question has been asked here a million times, and a probably at least a few million more on the internet at large - but wtf should i expect from the process of securing my 3 undergrad letters for math grad (MS program, not PHD if that matters).

One guy is a layup (got to know him well, relevant class, etc.), but with the remaining 2 im feeling really insecure. Yes i made a bunch of A's and submitted good work across a variety of classes but i never really got to know anybody (very shy). Also, my undergrad was a good school with a bunch of haughty profs all with Ivy League backgrounds. I feel like these guys will annhilate me, a literal who that walks in asking for a letter simply because I got an A.

But at the same time i cannot accept the universe will keep me out of grad school simply because Im shy and didnt befriend many professors. Is the mythical "prewritten, empty template LOR" that I sometimes see anons refer to really a thing? Like, what are my odds a professor whom I ask will just reply 'Oh u made an A in my class, here no problem, Ill just write you onto this empty template LOR and use my credentials to recommend you to any school you wish anon!!1!1' ?

Lastly, one more thing before i risk getting into tldr; territory - among the classes i did well in in undergrad are some grad classes. Even not having gotten to know the professors of these classes very well, does it help when i approach them for a LOR that I succeeded in their classes as an undergrad? anybody have any experience with this?

>> No.12651141

Chill bro, pick 3 guys whose classes you got A's in. The more you know them the better but that doesn't really matter. The classes should be relevant to your field, tenured prof are preferable but not required. Send them a very polite email asking if they would be willing to write you a rec. If they say yes be very accommodating, give them all of the info they ask for like your resume or maybe a rec draft.

They are not as haughty as you think they are, every state school hard science dep pretty much only has professors from top 10 schools

>> No.12651143

That's honestly a really interesting idea. The problem is it's going to cost you money to get listed.

>> No.12651209

Decided on biomedical engineering as my undergrad. How much did I fuck up?

>> No.12651428


Does industry look down on engineers who started late? I'm looking to go back to doing an EE degree here in Canada. I'll be 24 this year and I want to finish my degree no later than 30. I'd also like some advice on whether or not moving south of the border for jobs would be a good idea. I'm in Vancouver and am unsure of the job market here as I'm looking into it at the moment.

>> No.12651429

No one cares

>> No.12651455

its bad for morale
for you

>> No.12651539

resbond blease

>> No.12651564

During a interview don't tell them you lost motivation. Tell them you had to focus on other things like family.
I worked 4 years as the youngest son in my family to support them. Joined the army for them to pay for my schooling and the GI bill and I'll get out at 27 With a bachelors in General studies and some credits in electrical. wasted 4 years at a receiving job with little to show for it. Just put in a lot more effort then the people around you.

>> No.12651573

>I'll be 24 this year and I want to finish my degree no later than 30
So you'd be losing 6-8 years compared to an 18-year-old just starting college? That's nothing considering you'll be working until your 60's or 70's most likely.

>> No.12651650

Look at the acceptance profiles online

>> No.12651734

Disregard STEM, acquire physical silver.

t. actual engineer

>> No.12651736


>> No.12652268

>applying for 2+3 MRes/PhD Programme directly after 4 years of BSc and MSc

Never did research assistance for any professors in that time. Nor did I get any work experience relevant to a research career.

Is there anyway to make my CV look good?

>> No.12653058

The financial impact of this pandemic will last more than a year. With a masters degree you will probably still face unemployment. With a PhD you have an alibi for the next 5 years at which time things have improved.

Long shot here: how about companies working on biological treatment of sewage? There is a bit of development here. It is a dirty job but somebody has to do it.

Why? I thought the UK was opening lots of space ports.

A job where you always think how soon people you meet will die. Hmmmm.

>How come we don't hear much from the physical sciences and mechanical/electrical/civil/chem engineering side of things that made young millionaires?
My impression is that such work mainly takes place in large well established companies, while startups get all the headlines. People don't care about the latest mask aligner but they sure want the latest chips for their expensive mobile phone.

It is normal to feel a bit deflated after the PhD. Get some rest and pick up your spirits. Also remember that your research skills are more transferable than you may think. It sure saved me.

>> No.12653174

>how about companies working on biological treatment of sewage
Ah fuck no. I don't want to do 4 years of a PhD just to work on fucking sewage. I was hoping for something more in the biomedical/pharma industry.

>> No.12653185

Why do people shit on biomedical engineering? It's a super hot field right now.

>> No.12653186

I don't mean working in sewage plants, I mean working for the companies that provide equipment and material for such plants.
If you go for biomedical, I know there is a lot of work on stents and the blood flow around these are critical if the patent is to survive.

>> No.12653194

Yeah I know, but still, sewage equipment...
>I know there is a lot of work on stents and the blood flow around these are critical if the patent is to survive
Yeah that stuff is super interesting. I think the work is mostly numerical however. The PhD I've applied for would have me culturing bacteria and studying flow around them.

>> No.12653266

How do you decide which path to take for a career? I'm interested in two fields but the first is more exiting to me. My issue is that it doesn't have very good career prospects. I don't want to be unemployed, but I also don't want to miss out on doing what I love. wat do?

>> No.12653303
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Should I do Computer Science or Pharmacy

>> No.12653320

If you aren’t one of the autists who has been living and breathing this stuff since you were a kid, you are fucking yourself. It’s kinda like aerospace in that their are legit genius’s who are willing to work for pennies just to put hands on the technology. If you aren’t one of those guys, don’t bother. Protip: if you have to ask 4chan, you aren’t one of those guys.

>> No.12653334

What's the best engineering discipline to study if you know you want to do engineering but you're unsure what exactly?

>> No.12653337


>> No.12653388

>Yeah I know, but still, sewage equipment...
It would certainly make your business card stand out.

>Yeah that stuff is super interesting. I think the work is mostly numerical however. The PhD I've applied for would have me culturing bacteria and studying flow around them.
I see 5000+ patent applications relating to stents were published in 2020. This is big business, large research groups. I guess they need people from many fields to make the next big improvement.

>> No.12653395

Did you get a job or are you planning a PhD?

>Give it to me straight please, will I have a chance of getting into a PhD program
Not sure about maths as a field but generally a professor wants to see perseverance, and you could show you have. They really want their students complete the PhD on time.

>Is Mathematical Biology a meme?
I did mathematical modelling of biological systems, seems close. And it sure was a thing.

>> No.12653509

not OP but I assume Cornell would prioritize NYS students considering they're basically a SUNY

>> No.12653527
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I have to take 20 this sem to finish up all my prereqs

>> No.12653548

Have fun with your meme degree
t. ECE fag

>> No.12653578

>he fell for the “graduate on time” meme

Big Laffo. Enjoy cratering your GPA because of some imagined social pressure.

>> No.12653582

Ok imma rant here.

I have an MSc in Chemistry, focus on analytical. I got a publication out of my thesis and was even able to present it at an international conference in front of leading experts in our field. My prof would love to keep me for a PhD, but I am not into slave work and desu, not really THAT much into research, although I'd be good at it.

All of the jobs so far in industry have been offered are basically Labtech positions with horrendous pay. Positions that people straight out of a chemistry highschool, CTAs or bachelors in nutritional sciences do. Nobody here seems to make a difference between Highschool and Masters. "Yeah but you have no job experience". Well fuck me for going to university at all. There only seems to be "PhD" or "No PhD". And I live in quite a big city (german speaking central europe) with lots of biomedical research and pharma. I only have one offer from Novartis where they are actually interested in my expertise. Thing is I'd have to move into bumbfuck nowhere because that is where they have their plant. Adding a more expensive appartment and a car to the equation levels the pay again compared to shitty labtech jobs in my city here. The only good thing is I'd have a foot in the door there and maybe go into the management side of things in the future. Ideally, if I survive for 1 year without shooting myself, I can fuck off to Switzerland and earn literally 2x the money I would here. Now I know why must people do a PhD. Because obviously they dont know what else to do with these offers. A good way to postpone the real world for another 3-4 years. The wage dumping in my country is incredible in the sciences.

>> No.12653604

Actually I'm trying to graduate early with a double major because I hate my school.

>> No.12653606

Shoulda done Chemical Engineering instead

>> No.12653611

ME might be a meme compared to EE, but I believe the top three college majors are 1. EE 2. CS and 3. ME in that order. Going with ME is never a bad option just not as good as EE or CS.

>> No.12653622

True but isn't it dying? Although I assume robotics is a lucrative specialization for ME due to how prevalent it's becoming now. Idk why else you'd need an ME degree.

>> No.12653631

Yeah there is actually no better jobs for that either here. Again, only Labtechs do all of the biopharmaceutical production work.

>> No.12653642

You can be labtech for a while and then find better job from better negotiating position (having actual work experience)
It's not much different than doing the PhD I suppose.

>> No.12653664

You will always be able to get a job doing HVAC/plumbing as a mechanical engineer. Always.

>> No.12653666

so long as humanity continues to build physical things, there will always be a need for mechanical engineers. Since EE is also starting to die off, by your logic EE should also be irrelevant but it isn't. The only field that seems to be accelerating is CS. I put EE as 1. because it gives you enough versatility to go into hardware and software though I feel like with time CS might become 1.

>> No.12653667

>double major

Another meme! Just get a masters insteeeeeeaaaad.

>> No.12653738

Yeah I sure could do that and have the same salary a cleaning lady in my mom's hosptitals (no joke) makes. What an effective payout of my academic education. Jesus imagine if I actually had to pay for this shit. No thanks, I'll go into (project) management anytime soon and leave the scientific roles behind me. They may all go fuck themselves.

>> No.12653744

Kek I am though idk if I should get one in EE or CS

>> No.12653840

How does a research assistantship work for purely theoretical fields like theoretical physics and math? Unlike experimental subjects, there's not really any data to be crunched or anything like that... yet people seem to be able to get positions with their professors from what I've seen. Do I just express interest in the topics and hope they'll have some low level lemma for me to work on?

>> No.12653883

>The financial impact of this pandemic will last more than a year.
I have found that hiring is worse now than it was ever during the thick of the pandemic.

>> No.12653890

Consider your 5 year goals. Pick some scenarios you would like and work backwards, then consider the possible 5 year outcomes of each path of the decision.

>> No.12653907

Don't jeopardize the rest of your life just bc college didn't go the way you planned it to. Not overreacting here, undergrad has a large effect on the first position you hold which in turn has a large effect on your career in total.

>> No.12653935

The problem is that a hiring manager who has only tangential academic knowledge would rather go for a competent human than certified autist in sciences. Sucks, but basically establish yourself in a good lab and you will be promoted 2x as fast compared to the other scrubs.

Like another anon said, it will also give you footing to negotiate for other positions.

>> No.12654020

Yeah I know. The college I'm in is prestigious for the fields I'm majoring in but I haven't been able to make many friends (only 2, 1 of whom I know from high school) so far which is probably be why I dislike it. I'm guessing I'll also like it better post-coof as we'll have more freedom.
I'm double majoring because I love both EE and CS and don't want to give up either. I have a schedule planned out and it's only this semester which is the hardest.

>> No.12654026

actually 3 friends, I'm doing better than I thought

>> No.12654132

It depends on your answer to the trite academia vs industry choice post-grad, but if you absolutely have no industry experience then I'd strongly recommend trying to look for one. I know a lot of people who defaulted into post-docs and academia just because they haven't experienced industry before. Even if it's something you don't think you want to do, you might as well get some exposure to that other side. Internships are relatively low-risk since they just last a few months.

>> No.12654195
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>>12644465 >>12646540 >>12646574 >>12646634
Career in actuary comes up now and ten, perhaps something to add to the FAQ? Can you tell more about this line of work?

>> No.12654208

On the scale of creative satisfaction in business actuary is down near the bottom.

>> No.12654233

>Did you get a job or are you planning a PhD?
I'm currently doing a PhD. As is common for idiots I have no clue what I'll do after, all the options seem bad.

>> No.12654296

honestly compared to internship interviews, research interviews are always 10x easier for me, as has been my friends experience. 99% of the time profs will politely sit u down and talk about the project and its gonna more down to ur likability than anything else, cramming a bunch of their papers really doesnt matter that much. compare that to internships where with about 50% frequency interviewers feel like they are trying to fuck u on anything they can, you really shouldnt be worried about research interviews. of course, mention their research goals and what u want to work on in personal statement, but dont worry and fret about showing up to interviews like an encyclopedia.

>> No.12654491

The OP of these /scg/ threads and the author of the /scg/ website are unique people. I suggest that you continue making your request in these threads w/ green text for visibility until the author takes notice.

>> No.12654497

>I know a lot of people who defaulted into post-docs and academia just because they haven't experienced industry before
Yeah, that's kind of where I'm headed. It is also the case that I have zero industry experience. Thanks, I'll see if I can still make this happen.

>> No.12654624
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Anyone mines here?

>> No.12654661

is community college that bad?

>> No.12654696

No, the most respectable part of America's elite snobbery is that CC transfers are taken seriously.

>> No.12654780

No. It’s the backdoor into schools you would have never gotten into out of high school. The acceptance criteria for transfer students is lower than freshman apps.

>> No.12655085

Does anyone know of a site where I can find a database of ACS publications?

>> No.12655090

Isn't this it?

>> No.12655094

I mean a site where I can access full articles without paying an arm and a leg.

>> No.12655344
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im applying to undergraduate summer research programs and i gotta write a personal statement as follows:
>Please describe your academic and career goals and how a research experience will help you achieve these goals.
the limit is 5000 characters. should i fill that bitch up? i can talk about wanting to start a phd and what i hope to research, but thats all i got. what else should i talk about?

>> No.12655647

This is no issue at all of the HR department, but of the positions themselves. Also, only because it is 4chan, how would you know i am a certified autist? Nobody actually ever believes me if I tell them my background. I am great at interviews and at presenting and presenting myself etc.. Basically all of the things most of my "rivals" suck at. 85% of my peers duing uni couldnt even hold a 5 min presentation in front of an adience of 10 people without stuttering for 50% of the time.

>> No.12655655


Do you like the idea of irradiating old ladies' cancerous tits with particle accelerators? If so, you could make a lot of money being a medical physicist / radiation therapist. Load up a tad more on the physics courses (be sure to take modern and thermo) and you should be able to get into a medical physics grad program. You'll have to do 2 years of residency afterwards, but then you'll be making hundreds of thousands a year shooting people with x-rays. Though I have to warn you that due to the medical nature of this job, it can be quite stressful. You often have to make decisions that could potentially determine whether a person lives or dies, with no clear way to tell which decisions are right. There's also the rare possibility of killing someone or turning them into a vegetable should you fuck up. So although the job is quite lucrative, consider that before going down this path.

>> No.12655976

yeah, finishing up a mine engineering degree this semester. Job market looking rough

>> No.12656061

not real stem but how shit is urban planning? considering doing a masters in it

>> No.12656174

I am thinking a lot between CS and EE, I would love to do embedded. I love programming but I am also attracted to electronics. Thinking of maybe doing EE and focusing on CS choose courses. I really don't know.

>> No.12656178

anyone here that went to gradschool in sweden?
if so, where? and what did you study?

>> No.12656308

True, what area you like the most?

>> No.12658519

dont die thread!!!

>> No.12658736

I have about a year left for a bachelor's degree in general chemistry. Truthfully, I have no fucking idea what I want to do with my life.
Here's some ideas I've had
>crude oil
>test bodily fluids at LabCorp
>teaching paired with alcoholism
Do i need to specialize? What can I actually do with gen chem? I don't really have a passion, I just want something consistent. I enjoy learning chemistry but I'm not exactly confident in applying it, not helped by the complete lack of in-person labs for the past 3-4 semesters at my university.

>> No.12658940
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>he doesn't know about sci-hub

>> No.12659112

Graduate school, professional school, or work as a lab technician?

>> No.12659236
File: 138 KB, 721x1024, 431C26F1-6502-4DD7-AEAE-79FA55F89CC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads I need your help, Im a 21 year old burger in Texas at a major crossroads in life. I either say fuck it and enter a trade or try to get back on the horse and enter college again. I would be okay with doing a trade but honestly I dont think I’d be able to do physical labor like that everyday for years on end. I currently work at a fedex warehouse and that alone is hard for me to do consistently, especially with my depression anxiety I got diagnosed with. I used to want to be in liberal arts because I like history but I know thats a stupid career idea and I want to learn something actually useful in society thats a real job and not me writing worthless papers. I thought about it and the only thing I would consider is medical field since I enjoyed anatomy and Osteology as a kid and unlike everything else I can actually imagine myself in the medical field and not hating my life completely. So can you lads give me any tips or tell me if this is a bad idea? I’d like to be a pharmacist or something similar but like an anon earlier in the thread said I also wouldn’t want to bother with a PhD if I dont have to, longest Im willing to do is masters. Just like that anon >>12643351 I’d like to another country in europe but since Im a burger Im not too worried about it but I’d figure i’d mention it anyway. Sorry for the long blogpost but I really am I lost, young idiot and I have to make a decision now before I spend my life doing nothing. I already know what I want to do in my head but Im hoping to gain some insight from you guys.

>> No.12659368

Any chemical engineers here? What's your opinion of the degree in general and the current market situation for ChemEs?

>> No.12659421

Ok, so concerning actual work after the degree.. lab technician is all there is? Is there any growth in this or is it going to be similar pay everywhere?

>> No.12659452

I am not sure because I am also an undergraduate at the moment (biochemistry). I think the majority of entry level positions are just technician jobs.

>> No.12659478

Understandable. I guess I'm aware that I'll have to eat shit as a random lab tech for a while. I'm mainly wondering what kind of companies or industries really care to have people with general chemistry degrees? Or am I just an idiot who's going to lose out to the specialized degrees?

>> No.12659497

I suspect biochemists and chemists overlap for 90% of entry positions. If you have a stellar academic records, experience working in a lab, or internships you are likely in the upper percentile of candidates who are capable of doing more with a simple bachelors degree.

>> No.12659586

Thank you friend. Do you have any thoughts on the gasoline industry? I've done some research on crude oil distillation, seems like an interesting sector to be in. But will domestic oil jobs be consistent with biden wanting to do away with fracking? I have very little idea how this the oil industry handles logistics.

>> No.12659719

I couldn't be any less helpful in answering that question, anon. Sorry.

>> No.12659951

EE has a lot of coding, it’s the way to go especially if you wanna do embedded

>> No.12659960

EE and ME are the most broad, do one of them and switch to an adjacent one later

>> No.12660835

polite bump

>> No.12661284

>5000 characters
I don’t know what I would write that would come close to the char. limit. Perhaps write about your current research experience/ what you’ve enjoyed -> what you wish to further study (PhD or otherwise) -> what you wish to do in a career capacity following that

>> No.12661324

It's academic AND career goals. Don't just talk about wanting to get a PhD, talk about what you want to do with that PhD once you get it. If your career goal is to stay in academia and do more research then talk about it and why that career. Talk about how an undergrad research experience will help you get into a PhD program, which will help you achieve your career goals. In the end a degree is a tool. They want to know how you plan to use that tool once it's given to you.

As for the character limit, I wouldn't put too much concern into it. I more likely in place to keep students from posting essays that are too long rather than too short. The last thing they want is to read some student's entire life story spread over 20 pages. You can talk about what inspired you to choose your field of study if you still feel it's too short, but you should really just worry about the structure of your essay, not the length. A short essay that's well written and keeps the reader's attention is guaranteed to win more awards than a lengthy essay that looks like a thesaurus shat it out.

>> No.12661366

thanks anons c:
ive wrote a bit more of it today, and i found myself talking about the skills that have that might be relevant in a research environment (i have no research experience), but im worried that might not be appropriate for a "personal statement" about my "academic goals"
i dont even really know why i want a PhD, i just think research based positions would be neat. how the heck do i write an essay about that?

>> No.12661394

Dropped out of Masters due to scummy cheating. How do I redeem myself? Lost a huge opportunity.

>> No.12661506

Don't worry about not having research experience. I guarantee that most of the other applicants don't have any research experience either, and the programs are well aware of that too. That's why these programs exist in the first place: to give them experience. That's also why they're asking you to write about your future goals instead of your relevant experience. They want people that could potentially make the most out of the opportunity they give them. You think research based positions are neat? What about them do you think are neat? What attracted you to them in the first place? What do you want to research? Why do you want to research it? Get deep.

You don't know why you want to do a PhD? You want to do research, right? Many PhD's do research. Want to do academic research or industrial research? Like the freedom of being able to research what you want, how you want? Academia. Hate the idea of begging for grant money and constantly trying to publish papers? Industry. Talk about the how the program will help you get into a career in research, by giving you experience that will help you get into grad school or industry. The best of luck to you anon.

>> No.12661533

first year biology student, what should i expect from university and which masters/phd choice would be better microbiology or biotech? thanks

>> No.12661545

FAQ editor here (or rather the editor behind https://sciencecareergeneral.neocities.org/)), thanks for kind comments.

I have a busy job but I try to check this general daily for feedback so that I can continue to build the FAQ. So yes, if anyone brings up info on work as an actuary I will add this.

>> No.12661623

I have presented at two reputable conferences and am preparing a paper. Presentation link:
lain chan /λ/res/9558.html #19751

Problems are:
1-I’m from Turkey so no local appeal
2-I’m a civil engineer doing consensed matter physics research
3-I am stuck at a low paying dead-end job so slow progress

What would you guys propose?

>> No.12661625


>> No.12661760


>> No.12661769

Bless you, anon. Keep up the good work. It's difficult to quantify the influence of the FAQ or /scg/ threads, but it's certain that they have helped many anons progress in some measure.

>> No.12661788

planning on going into autonomous haul systems when I grad. I'm in canuckistan so I'll be heading to the oil sands probably.

>> No.12661846

I did that. It turned out to be very useful when getting into industry after graduating. It was also nice to take a break from my PhD for 3 months.

>> No.12662156

You don’t recover. You took the risk and fucked yourself.

>> No.12662161

i going to a career fair soon lads. hopefully i get a job.

>> No.12662197

Good luck, fren! You got this.

>> No.12662225

I'm still able to re-enroll with all the subjects I had passed to be re-graded as well, while also being tuition free (third-world country). I mean, I am retarded and don't even know what I want to hear. Perhaps, should live with consequences I pretty much knew of.

>> No.12662249

Electro-Optics interview in 3 hours. Hold me.

>> No.12662253

Make sure you coom before you go

>> No.12662278

>I’m from Turkey
>no local appeal
sorun burda hajı, hedef boktan. bekçilik sınavlarına hazırlan sen en iyisi.

>> No.12662369

Benden çok para alıyorlar kesin

>> No.12662428

>third-world country
Oh nevermind then, third worlders are regarded as cheaters in general.

>> No.12662534

why are the chinese all over in US then?

>> No.12662632

bc USofA is also a third world country.

>> No.12662691

for what reason

>> No.12662713

Keeps the brainfog away.

>> No.12662719

>2-I’m a civil engineer doing consensed matter physics research
Now that is an unexpected combination.
Condensed matter physics is a huge field with many subdivisions. From the paper it looks like Ising models or magnetism. If it is magnetism you might get a job with a magnetic storage research company, though they might want a PhD. A former colleague of mine worked in RnD for a large hard disk manufacturer.

>> No.12662724
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What majors should I study if I want to get my hands on Genetic engineering (CRISPR), AI and energy storage technology respectively???

>> No.12662738

>Genetic engineering
>Energy storage

>> No.12662765

>From the paper it looks like Ising models or magnetism.
It's Ising model but explores very unique properties of magnetic storage, that is what would happen if you'd define magnetism digitally and then store information on that?

Every job application starts with either a PhD or a relevant field degree, so I'm stumped there. Trying to finish the paper to get some attention but I'm not a fan of delivering partial papers and the work is huge. I'm also self-taught so no advisors.

>> No.12662890

Hey guys, I'm supposed to meet with my career development advisor tomorrow and he wanted me to find 10 potential job positions for Electrical Engineering, what do you guys work on as Electrical Engineers? All I know is computer hardware but that's about it.

>> No.12663039

Anybody had to deal with moving to far away places for work? I have a PhD in a somewhat obscure (useless) field and have been living all over the US for the last 7 years. The work has been fine but I left all my friends and family back in my home city. As my family and I are getting older I wish to return but it seems hard to find work back home. This seems to be a common problem among my friends too as it seems like most of the national labs are located in obscure regions and academic research can take you anywhere. Any thoughts on moving mostly for lifestyle?

>> No.12663126

Wouldn't synthetic biology and biophysics have a role in genetic engineering? Also why Statistics instead of CS for AI

>> No.12663392
File: 115 KB, 400x388, 30ed13f611e5fc147290fae3423ee4d8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw last semester of school ever, and finally realized how fun learning is
>6 more months to enjoy school before wagecucking for the rest of my life

>> No.12663505

Dear employer,

When Anon visited my lecture in /sci/ - Science and Mathematics, he was always well prepared and competent.
Due to his autism, he had difficulty finding an occupation in 2019 and 2020.
However I think he would be a great fit for your job.

Yours truly,
Anon, B.Sc.

>> No.12663581

Aren’t you glad you crammed those 18 credit semesters just to tank your GPA? Boy, it’s a good thing you’re graduating “on time”, sticking around school for another year not having a bunch of adult responsibilities would be awful.

>> No.12663587


>> No.12663601

You wanted a profession with global impact and scale, you got it.

>> No.12663672

>Every job application starts with either a PhD or a relevant field degree, so I'm stumped there.
Not entirely true. My PhD was not related to my industry job but the skills from my PhD were transferable. Thankfully, or I would have been in touble.

>> No.12663735

how did you convince an employer to hire you? I feel radioactive as a PhD looking for an industry job

>> No.12663779

AI is a buzzword that means statistics. If you want to understand AI and be employable in the field you're going to need a stat ms. CS people know how to use github and spin up a model quickly but they are midwits when it comes to understanding what they're doing and interpreting the output.

>> No.12663842

Not sure if this is the right board but how do you recover from a horrible mistake? I got rescinded from a top college because of grades. Been a few years and Ive been unable to study and focus in college anymore.

>> No.12663845

the formatting of this post is really bad

>> No.12663955

thanks anon, im starting to feel a bit better
im not sure how to talk about what i want to research, considering my interests mostly correlate with whatever field has the coolest name, and my knowledge pretty much ends there. i could talk about what im actually studying in school but i imagine that thats patball compared to big boy research
EE btw

>> No.12664163

got my MSc in applied math today. area is discrete maths, more on the pure side however. most criticisms were small mistakes/imprecision in my text.
feels good man

>> No.12664178


>> No.12664214

i have a chemistry degree (CC + shit tier uni) and am a chemist and i hate it. Ive finally got into manufacturing more and Im really interested in engineering and process, but nobody will hire me to be an engineer because I dont have ChemE. thinking about chemistry is so hard, and thinking about parts and processes is so much easier. I dont remember shit from college cause i worked fulltime 9-5 and hardly graduated. cant go back to school because I travel unexpectedly 20%+ for work and cant reliably make it to classes IRL and online. what do

>> No.12664221

try suicide

>> No.12664222

move back home and get something less relevant. I have been on the road for a few years and have grown to hate it. Im taking a job I dont really want just to get back home.

>> No.12664261
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Undergrad general? Undergrad general.

I got pic related today.

If one of the DoD labs accepts me then it's guaranteed full tuition + stipend + paid internships + a job when I graduate.
I'm really hopeful. The statistics they list on their site say that 0.6% of the rewardees they give out are in my field (Nuclear Engineering). But they also say that only 0.5% of the applicants are nuke-E's and that email means i've beaten out something like 2/3rds of the applicants in my field.
Also the DoD has been making a big push for nuclear engineering in space these past couple of years, so I think that will improve my chances as well.

I needed to brag about this to someone, thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.12664296

Great work, anon! I hope you make it through.

>> No.12664299

What is your current work?

>> No.12664367

I went abroad, initially for my undergrad, then I did a Master's and now I'm doing a PhD. It's been 7 years since I started. I don't have any real ties to this place, I've treated it as a temporary abode all this time. Due to corona I went home for a few months and I really enjoyed it. Only problem is, I left because the quality of research in my home town just doesn't hold a candle to what's done in my current location. Going back to work in a backwood no-name uni from a world-leading one just seems like wasted potential.

>> No.12664386

>wasted potential
I feel like this kind of thinking traps a lot of people

>> No.12664405

have anything lined up?

>> No.12664453

Got my PE stamp today bro’s. Also found out my company won’t let me freelance with it due to insurance liability. Mixed feels tbqh.

>> No.12664465

if academics and research is the most important thing in anons life.... The only wasted potential is wasted time, is time spent NOT doing what you want. if this is that important, keep chugging along. my work also took me to no name towns all over due to the industry. I like the people but could not be happy there.

>> No.12664468

chemist .....

>> No.12664493

are you a bong and you mean pharmacist?

>> No.12664495

Unless you are trying to settle down and start a family there is nothing waiting for you back home. I was a field engineer for a large machinery repair company, on the road 300 days of the year, lots of overtime, and I fucking loved it. Now I work from home 6-7 hours a week doing some mundane factory job and it’s soul crushing. I stick it out for the wife and kids. I envy you in a way.

>> No.12664996

Hottest fields in STEM for the next 20 years?

>> No.12665053


>> No.12665263

I cheated my way through the electromagnetism course last year since it was online, and now I'm taking an electrical machines course. How fucked am I?

>> No.12665926

I said I knew a little about the field, which I did, so I got in on the electronics side and later transitioned to software.
Mind you the HR department that was established thought PhD was a kind of Bachelor's degree so they underpaid me the lest 3 years before I left.

>> No.12666021

Congrats on the PE !

>> No.12666028

Better buckle down and review the necessary content, anon

>> No.12666035

>thought a PhD was some sort of bachelors degree
What country and precisely what demographic (sex and race) composed the HR team?

>> No.12666121

Anyone here do or have an opinion a “computational math” degree? It sounds like an interesting alternative to computer science.

>> No.12666179

Imagine being so morally repugnant that you come, as an american ivy league grad no less, to a second world country like the UK and clog up grad positions that rightfully belong to native sons.

I cannot believe the temerity of these people.

>> No.12666206

cool, i'm trying to go into strategic mine planning

>> No.12666216

UK universities aren't very big on catering to native sons nowadays.

>> No.12666224

Tell me about it.

A reckoning is LONG overdue.

>> No.12666230

There isn’t a ‘college experience’ when you are doing a masters, if you mean what I think you mean.

>> No.12666233

Biochem and bioengineering major here, looking to go into the space industry. I am definitely interested in industry but have a research position with NASA in which I conduct research at part of a team of academics from across the country. It's a bit of a weirder situation because I feel anything with NASA for the time being will be useful to getting in post-Masters. If I get a Master's in bioengineering, and continue to perform this research, would that be compelling to land an industry job at NASA or a company interested in chemE in space?

>> No.12666516

While it sure is tempting to nail them up on the wall it is a small country so I would dox myself if I were to be precise. What I can say is that everyone involved were white. The head of HR had a military background, of the kind that think rank is everything and degrees are minor details peasant like me should not really be paid for.

>> No.12666550

Not a crew of affirmative action hires, but just ordinary brainlets - surprising.

>> No.12667012

I'm thinking of majoring in zoology. How difficult is finding a decent job afterwards?

>> No.12667173

Every city in the world has a zoo.

>> No.12667238

i had my first stem class today since im switching to engineering from business and nobody wanted to talk or make friends or whatever, whenever i went to talk to anyone they evaded eye contact and stepped back and just gave me one word answers
i mean i might just be used to people in business just being really talkative and social but i talked to 3 people today and barely even made acquaintances which is REALLY frustrating
the only social people were 4 dudes orbiting the token fat kind-of-cute girl which i dont want so associate with
is this just how stem is do you even make friends in this field

>> No.12667255

they detected you were a brainlet

>> No.12667368

I don't know man I was just trying to be friendly and meet new people in my new career but it seems a lot of stem students fill the autistic stereotype

>> No.12667379

Anyone working as an engineer in the defense sector?

>> No.12667415

I'm just joking. Yeah I have experienced some of that too. You may have just caught them off guard. Keep reaching out but moreso try to establish a relationship with your teachers. Especially if you got a really good one. That can lead to research or internships (both true in my case) but also more help with material in general.

>> No.12667786

Envious sub brainlets, even. They went to the expense of getting me new business cards, the only difference was that my academic qualifications had been stripped out.

>> No.12668274

I have 5 months before starting orthopedic residency. What should try to master before ? Besides anatomy ofc.

>> No.12669140

Is finding these jobs competitive though?

>> No.12669275

I will work as as an undergrad research assistant at uni. Will I be in charge of writing academic articles?

>> No.12669302

>graduated with a 1.7gpa bachelor's degree

Give it to me straight /sci/. Is there ANY hope of me doing a master's degree? What would I need to do to have a chance at a reputable university (not top tier, just not some pajeet degree mill)?

>> No.12669402

Some online master courses don't care about GPA and accept all applicants

>> No.12669414

Would these actually be useful for getting a job/further education? I looked at worldquant universities free master's degree, but idk.

>> No.12669419

how the fuck do I get wetlab research experience when I only have drylab experience (I don't care if I get paid)
hardmode: how do I do it during covid

>> No.12669535

Most likely not unless you are the main person responsible for the project, in which case it's probably a very minor project.

>> No.12669900

I worked in the defense sector as a scientist though the distinctions were not that important here. What do you want to know?

>> No.12669936
File: 2 KB, 101x125, 1601689592022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any hope for a masters in ecology on the US? Ive got a BS in Bio/Zoology and a couple papers under my belt.

Theres no industry and I assume I need citizenship for any jobs over there, any ecologists on the thread care to chime in?

>> No.12669944

Im >>12669936, most zoos where I from rely on a team of vets and then just general volunteers and the equivalent of GEDs taking care of food and hygiene. No prospects there.

Ideally youd be looking at doing research funded by private companies regarding natural resources and shit like that. I got this degree on feb 2019 and nothings come of it save a couple assistantships that hopefully turn into papers.

>> No.12669964

decent recs, godel and wittgenstein were my heros growing up. don't like plato at all tho but ofc is essential reading
but desu i'd say there's vast amounts of value in taking these islam studies, gender studies, etc. (art history in general sounds like it would be interesting in itself but that depends on the curriculum)
the significance comes from how much value society assigns to these studies, even if you yourself think they're a waste of time. knowing what people are being taught will simply increase your understanding about the more retarded aspects of modern society. and more imortantly than that is that you'd never bother to take a class on gender studies otherwise, so you couldn't viably criticise it

>> No.12670169

Is double majoring a good idea if I am not sure if I'll go to grad school? I'm planning to double major in math and CS because I don't think I'm "smart" enough to do any kind of research. Right now, I'm taking one honors math class to see if I like pure or applied math. If it goes well, I might end up taking more but I'm not sure if I'll do an undergrad thesis or anything like that. I am also planning to do an internship which would make me do another year of school (I don't mind it really). Any thoughts or advice?

>> No.12670180

How do I get a software engineering internship as a college sophomore?
>just apply
Ok beyond that I've applied for like a billion

>> No.12670184

I am double majoring in Math and CS
Do people really just talk to other people for no reason?

>> No.12670273

It's not a bad idea. With math you have a lot of options for grad school. If you really want to find out if grad school and research is for you then try to do some undergrad research. It's often not a case of being "smart enough" but instead having the kind of approach to work and attitude that means you will enjoy research, and trying it out is really the only way to find that out about yourself.

>> No.12670366
File: 24 KB, 378x378, 1612538950376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how I passed all exams in my curriculum doing absolutely nothing but shitposting and jerking of all day?

>> No.12671018


>> No.12671364

What kind of statistics do you cover in a masters in machine learning program?

Say someone from a cs undergrad background goes for a msc in machine learning, what kind of statistics will he learn? What statistics topic will he learn?

Give out the specific stat topics like: multivariate analysis, time series analysis, etc..

>> No.12671411

Do I have to double major in CS or to get a job after college with a physics degree? No plans whatsoever on grad school.

>> No.12671435

Is a PhD in CS worth it? I like bioinformatics and theoretical cs (algorithms, complexity, etc)

>> No.12671719

Not sure a double major is needed. As a physicist you should be in a good position for embedded programming, a field where understanding of the details being controlled or monitored is important. That way you have less competition from CS people.
Learning to program a microcontroller or a DSP should not be hard. Some insight in signal processing is useful - and I mean a bit beyond "averaging a lot improves stuff".

You might want to rethink grad school, a PhD is useful. And getting a job during this pandemic will be hard for anyone.

>> No.12671776

What's your opinion about programming?

>> No.12672166

I am currently in a 3000 level class which is required for my major, and the first midterm was dreadful. It's weighted at 20% and I would be very surprised if scored >50%. This professor is allowing us to select PASS/FAIL or our numerical grade before we write the final exam.
My question is: if I continue to struggle in this course, how bad will it appear to grad schools/medical schools if I select PASS/FAIL to salvage my GPA?
>Note: Most of the schools I will be applying to only consider your GPA from the most recent two years of undergrad (I.e. 3000 and 4000 level courses).

>> No.12672620

>good undergrad GPA from a globally ranked top 20 institution
>good GRE scores
>2 years research experience
>at least 1 great rec letter
>2 publications, 1 in a good journal
and I am still getting rejected for CS PhD

What does it take to get admitted nowadays? I really don't know what I should do now

>> No.12672639


>> No.12672690


>> No.12672698

Got As for all my CS classes

Not a black trans woman

>> No.12672715

Unlucky. Rope and try again in the next life.

>> No.12672940

I'm going crazy bros. I had my interview on Wednesday >>12662249 and they're supposed to formally get back to me next week but the reply to my courtesy follow-up email asked when is the earliest I'd be available. HURRY UP AND TELL ME IF I GOT IT YOU FUCKS.

>> No.12673550


>> No.12674954


>> No.12675537

In my first year of university as a general student. Here are my options:
> Physics
> Chemistry
> Switch to Engineering. Requires some summer courses, but I'd be back on track by fall.

It's been a problem since high-school, but I haven't been able to pick a field of study and stick with it. This is going to make me sound like somewhat of a dilettante, but I have genuine interest in all of the following:

Interests in Physics:
> Geophysics
> Electrodynamics (mainly subjects relating to Electrical Engineering)

Interests in Chemistry:
> Organic Chemistry
> Biochemistry (although I had a bad time with this in highschool)
> Geochemistry
> Materials Science
> Electrochemistry
> Biogeochemistry

Interests in Engineering:
> Electrical Engineering (Specifically, photovoltaics, power systems, analog and digital circuits)
> Computer Engineering/Computer Science (Specifically, focusing in low-level architecture type stuff (compiler design, systems-level programming), computer graphics, power-aware computing, microprocessors. As well as the more theoretical side of Computer Science)

(Not counting interest in other subjects in the humanities...)

I am honestly and truly stuck. I know that I can't pursue everything, so my decision will come down to job prospects (which does violate my principle of education for education's sake, but I know that in order to maintain a certain quality of life, one has to make a certain amount of money). I don't really have the money to pursue further education after my undergraduate, and I'd rather work in industry (although, that being said, due to circumstance and a special program, I can apply to be subsidized to attend teacher's college in my country, which is very appealing).

>> No.12675667

How do I deal with school burn out?

>> No.12675876

Pulled the trigger too quick, sperg. This thread is not at the bump limit. The new thread is not getting enough replies and is going to die before this one.

>> No.12675902

How do I leave the UK after uni? This country is fucked.

>> No.12675913

What’s wrong with the UK?

>> No.12675921

me and not the people who choose to continue using the thread that is proximal to the bump limit rather than the new thread
>inb4 questions from this thread are repeated in the new thread because this thread archived before they were answered

>> No.12675927

>t. douchenozzle

>> No.12676294


>> No.12676311

I am happy for you, anon! Hard work pays off :)