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12665150 No.12665150 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there more Male to Female trans than Female to Male trans?

>> No.12665167

because all you need is a rib

>> No.12665177

autogynephilia, while when women/girls do it its the extreme version of cutting themselves and reading too much Harry Potter

>> No.12665204

because only someone with a mental illness would want to be a male in current year

>> No.12665208

Socially it doesn't make sense to become a man since it's harder, unless they're deluded about male privilege thinking a man won't rape the small femine woman with a moustache.

>> No.12665217

This. Why would a woman want the burden of all that "male privilege".

>> No.12665298
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must be this

>> No.12665345

Guessing because actual women are full of female hormones and that's where boy babies grow. Easier for boys to get feminized than girls to get masculinized.

>> No.12665448

males have harder lives, it causes psychological damage to beta males, which makes them see being a "woman" as an escape

>> No.12665496

It's a fetish.
And masculinity is attacked in a way femininity is not.

>> No.12665503

higher sex drive

>> No.12665525 [DELETED] 
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>Why are there more Male to Female trans than Female to Male trans?
What is your source on thinking there are more MTF than FTM?
See pic related

>> No.12665713

you have to take into account that FtM transsexuals have easier time passing so you'll less likely to notice them. although i think you're probably still right about your assumption

>> No.12665722


>> No.12665723

Just watch philsophytubes coming out video.
He explains how hard it is to be a man in the current west because of the impossible framework you’re put in and expected to succeed in so he just honestly decided to become a woman instead. Pretty based.

>> No.12665727

I dont think that’s actually true, unless you have resources. It’s simply that it’s easier to pass as cisgender if you are assigned female vs male. Also, because of the social stigma, if someone finds out a woman is actually a transgender male they are going to be more likely to out them to everyone else.

>> No.12665734

Being a man is actually far more rewarding though

>> No.12665738

Not that guy, and the source seems lacking, but it's basically suggesting that a lot of people had a fraternal twin that was absorbed in the womb, and tissue developing from it is distributed throughout their body in a patchy way. If that twin is the opposite sex and their tissue is found in the right nervous system structures, it can result in transgenderism.

>> No.12665754

i dont understand it fully but then man who wrote it defends orange juice in a paper, so i am already fully biased into believing him

>> No.12665769
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>unironically believing that men have harder lives

>> No.12665779

go back

>> No.12665780

>ignorantly believing that men don't live harder lives
Cunt spotted. Check your privilege.

>> No.12665782

That’s how some see it yeah. But not all

>> No.12665858

Because you're not keeping up to date with current trends.

>> No.12665879

Because being "trans" is nothing more than a sexual fetish and men have much wackier fetishes on average.

>> No.12665890

Easier to be a women and than a man in the current year. All the "male privileges" like being in the army or work force have already been extended to women. All the female privilege's like making 100k a month as a camwhore only exists for women.

>> No.12665894

transition and find out stupid cunt

>> No.12665898

That is both wrong and stupid.

>> No.12665920

But that's a good thing, retarded golems sterilising themselves means subsequent generations will have less golems, and so the jewish genocide have much more chances to happen in full.

>> No.12666003

Imagine transitioning because you fell for Twitter memes and /pol/ infographics, that's gotta be sad.

>> No.12666011

Actually, this is currently not true. Despite massive propaganda coming both by MSM and poltards, the current trans epidemics is now leaning towards the FtM majority.

>> No.12666200

Wrong, because FTMs detransition at a higher rate.

>> No.12666207

females acting, dressing etc. as males are socially acceptable, while the opposite is not true

>> No.12666228

>Citations (2)

>> No.12666252

No one really knows because there isn't a planetary or even countrywide registries of everyone who is trans. Once upon a time you might have been able to reply on things like gender reassignment surgery or prescription records but now that cross dressing is consider just as valid a sign of being transgender as having your genitals operated on, the definitions are very fuzzy.
There is a perception that there are more MtF but as others have pointed out, this is likely due to MtF engaging in attention seeking as they need external validation of their change. FtM is much easier to accomplish because men in general are ignored in public life. A women who wants to pass as a man can get a male haircut, wear baggy clothes (the obesity epidemic helps make this acceptable), stop wearing makeup, and go about her day. Even is she doesn't pass as male, she's going to be mostly ignored, so basically treated as a male.
The biggest thing going on right now is FtM contagion in young women. If a boy in high school comes out as MtF, there's tons of anti-bullying resources to support him but very few if any other boys will follow him into transitioning. With girls on the other hand, if someone comes out as FtM, dozens of others will follow. These girls need another girl to do it first but once the seed is planted, things expand quickly.

>> No.12666272


>> No.12666345

female privelege

>> No.12666357

Because beta cucks will do anything for pussy

>> No.12666365

Females are more stable with less variability, makes all sorts of sense

>> No.12666527

Women can be lesbian or butch without being punished as hard as men.
Women can wear men clothes without problems while only scots can wear a skirt.
Women can wear highlighting make-up or not, men cant wear highlighting make-up without standing out of the crowd.

>> No.12666587

It is without a doubt linked to autism and being an outcast. Weird fucks do it because they're rebels.
I dare you to find me one tranny who enjoys watching sports, hunting, or fishing. Troons would never.
If you are a future ideologue I encourage you to closely examine this trans pandemic and take note of how exceptional and far reaching its beliefs have become.

>> No.12666594

It’s linked to autists being in a schizophrenic inducing environment. Not autism directly.

>> No.12666604

take your meds

>> No.12666610

>It is without a doubt linked to autism and being an outcast. Weird fucks do it because they're rebels.
Not sure they're rebels. They tend to be outcasts who are looking for a place to fit in. Once they find a group willing to associate with them, they then conform to that group. Hardly rebel behavior.

>> No.12666616

You're right. I meant rebellious to the norm.

>> No.12666635

Nobody in their right mind would surrender the left to attain the right

>> No.12666647



>> No.12666651

> "among the young people reported on—83% of whom were designated female at birth—more than one-third had friendship groups in which 50% or more of the youths began to identify as transgender in a similar time frame"
>DOI: 10.1126/science.361.6406.958
Most transgenders are born female and become transgender after their friends do.

>> No.12666679

If men have it so easy, then transition into becoming a man. You're missing out on a LOT of privilege, cunt. Do you like being oppressed? Got Stockholm syndrome or something? Being a woman is hard, you know? Just become a man. What's stopping you?

>> No.12666682
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Yes and no. Men and women have different fetishes, and these different fetishes can independently be extreme.

>> No.12666700

this should be obvious. if you still don't want to be a cute girl in 2021 then you must be extremely masculine and socially successful, in which case please come fuck my boi pussy

>> No.12666705

Because it's a porn-induced mental illness.

>> No.12666714

>as the graph goes towards more taboo all the dots become blue

>> No.12666716

>implying MtF is not a mental illness
consider self harm

>> No.12666738

lmao fair is fair

>> No.12667146
File: 598 KB, 2036x2259, Comfy Galois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men have a greater variability in general for many things. While more males than females are trannies, more males than females are strictly adherent to traditional gender roles

>> No.12667164

gender differentiation died with modern society. no male-male competition closes the gender gap and since females are the forced gender there's less dysphoria for females

>> No.12668028

Modern society inflicts a lot less psychological stress on men than women. AGP is a direct result of that stress.

>> No.12668241

I could take ‘less’ but ‘a lot less’? I don’t think so.

>> No.12668319

>linked to autists
>Not autism directly

Imbecile, do you ever reread what you write lol take yer meds

>> No.12668333

>Men have higher rates of autism
>Men have more impulsive and aggressive behavior, especially someone not mentally stable

So you get higher rates of males with mental illness that are also willing to take drastic “transition” changes to pretend there women

>> No.12668353

Men compete, other men are competitive and display aggression and hostility to each other to make each other strong, not just through fighting and rough play, but through humour and assigning rank to each other based on competence. Sympathy is rarely given, and for someone who isn't especially competent or strong, and can't easily control their emotions as males are expected to do, they start seeing other men and masculinity in general as something threatening, while women and femininity feel safer, less demanding. Eventually the instinct to avoid the threatening feeling compounds upon itself and they convince themselves that they really 'are' female underneath it all, and it becomes a psychological escape from the pressures, expectations and egoistic injury of being a pathetic/low status feminine man.

Women compete too, but to a far lesser degree. Tomboys aren't shunned by either gender anywhere near as much as feminine men are rejected. The incentives to be trans are much smaller, and it's often just the tomboys that fall for the myth of male privilege that actually transition.

>> No.12668626

It's the reverse actually, 90% of the ones with ROGD are females, usually autistic, usually teens

>> No.12668652

Because it’s associated with undiagnosed autism and autism is higher in men.

>> No.12668803

True but the very nature of the targeted outcome for teen girls transitioning into boys is to become invisible. They're not transitioning to Chads, they're transitioning to that mostly quiet guy who sat in the back of class and wasn't really creepy or anything, he was just there and unremarkable. Those FtM transgenders go unnoticed because they blend in with the crowd of nobodies so easily.

>> No.12668840

Because transness comes from horniness and men are hornier.

>> No.12669207

What's the word for non pedo?

>> No.12669213


>> No.12669231

actually this is probably likely. the less popular a fetish is, the more male dominated it is. transgenderism is an extreme fetish, makes sense for it to be male dominated.

>> No.12669236

Teleiophilia (from Greek téleios, "full grown") is a sexual preference for adults.

>> No.12669720

Women do it for attention. Men do it for the sexual rush.

Read Madness of Crowds.

>> No.12669927

more men in prison
more men die early
more men homeless

>> No.12670322

because people fantasize about making life easier, not harder.

>> No.12670870
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I did not word it the best. But I stand by what I said. No I won’t take any meds.

>> No.12671000

Not all males like to be dominant.
Sometimes I'm just tired of being forced to be rough and tough. I just wanna be taken care of so I don't have to make decisions and worry.

>> No.12671006

why did he do it? he was a good looking guy

>> No.12671055

women are more accepting so the MTF feels a greater need to bail from the mandem life

>> No.12671062

Males are more prone to mental illness. Hence, there's lots of mentally ill M-<F trannies.

>> No.12671065

pretty retarded desu.

>> No.12671088

one less chad on the streets

>> No.12672627

>responses came from /r/ sample size, my Twitter and tumblr

>> No.12672633

It's easier to remove a penis you have than it is to grow a penis you don't have.

>> No.12672638

Have you seen the penises trans men have? Shit's wild. They're like inflatable dildos with an air pump.

>> No.12672929

They have undiagnosed autism and it's easy to brainwash them. Back in my day these girls would be goth or emo