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File: 1.22 MB, 4000x2000, starlinkstarlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12664586 No.12664586 [Reply] [Original]

double the fun! edition

LAUNCH #1: Starlink-L18
Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe6HBw1y6bA
Launch window: Thursday, February 4 1:19 AM EST / 6:19 UTC (instantaneous)

Probability of violating weather constraints: <10% (https://www.patrick.spaceforce.mil/Portals/14/Weather/Falcon%209%20Starlink%20L-18%20L-1%20Day%20Forecast%20-%204%20Feb%20Launch.pdf?ver=j2NBrHiAvgoRcx_sW47jdg%3d%3d))
Backup launch window: ?
Launch vehicle: SpaceX Falcon 9 with first stage B1060.5 (prior launches: GPS III SV03, Starlink-L11, Starlink-L14, Turksat 5A)
Launch pad: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station
Fairings: One half flew SAOCOM-1B, one half flew GPS III SV03
Fairing recovery: On fairing recovery vessels 'Ms. Tree' & 'Ms. Chief'
First stage landing: On autonomous spaceport droneship 'Of Course I Still Love You'
Payload: 60 Starlink satellites
Payload mass & deployment orbit: ~15,600 kg (~260 kg / Starlink sat); 261 x 278 km(?) @ ~53°
TLE: https://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/supplemental/starlink-19.txt

>> No.12664587

LAUNCH #2: Starlink-L17
Livestream: To be posted
Launch window: Friday, February 5 5:14 AM EST / 10:14 UTC (instantaneous)

Probability of violating weather constraints: 30% (https://www.patrick.spaceforce.mil/Portals/14/Weather/Falcon%209%20Starlink%20L-17%20L-2%20Day%20Forecast%20-%205%20Feb%20Launch.pdf?ver=eg5ppg---8CBM2PsOyjoTw%3d%3d))
Backup launch window: ?
Launch vehicle: SpaceX Falcon 9 with first stage B1049.8 (prior launches: Telstar 18V, Iridium-8, Starlink V0.9, Starlink-L2, Starlink-L7, Starlink-L10, Starlink-L15, )
Launch pad: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Fairings: Unknown, likely re-used; check https://www.spacex.com/launches/ when it updates for this launch
Fairing recovery: On fairing recovery vessels 'Ms. Tree' & 'Ms. Chief'
First stage landing: On autonomous spaceport droneship 'Just Read the Instructions'
Payload: 60 Starlink satellites
Payload mass & deployment orbit: ~15,600 kg (~260 kg / Starlink sat); 261 x 278 km(?) @ ~53°
TLE: https://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/supplemental/starlink-18.txt


Launch viewing guide for Florida:

SpaceX twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceX

Stats: 4th and 5th orbital SpaceX launches of 2021. 106/7th F9 launch, 67/8th landing, 49/50th core reuse. B1060 will have the fastest turnaround time of a booster: 27 days.

>> No.12664590

It's going to blow up. Sorry Musk bros but I'm warning you before hand so you won't be too disappointed.

>> No.12664594

also B10149 will now be tied with B1051 at 8 launches. Two more to the magical number 10...

>> No.12664602

>6:19 UTC
Not gonna stay up for that (it's already 3 AM here) so I guess i'll be watching it tomorrow

>> No.12664606

Correct me if I am wrong but this is the quickest turnaround for a booster no?

>> No.12664608

SpaceX will never reuse fairings

>> No.12664610

what you doing up at 3 am anon

>B1060 will have the fastest turnaround time of a booster: 27 days.
previously it was B1051 at 39 days

>> No.12664635

Imagine going to bed before 4 AM

>> No.12664696

it's a shame they're not labeled like the boosters. hard to know which ones have flown the most and whatnot

>> No.12664808

Starship will have integral fairings so those will get reused like the Shuttle doors.

>> No.12664818

100 bings to go

>> No.12664837
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rogget :DD

>> No.12664842
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>> No.12664849

anyone here with Starlink? my parents just got invited to the Beta and are getting a dish

>> No.12664858
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well, fug

>> No.12664918
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this launch thread sponsored by vintage LEGO space sets

>> No.12664965
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The old Lego posters and promo art were really nice. It's a shame that Lego just shits out soulless Star Wars stuff now but idk how popular the OG space was on its own vs. just being the closest thing to Star Wars Lego had.
Also saw an interesting article about the making of picrel a few years back that I can't dig up again.

>> No.12664969

Oh man I loved those sets as a kid.

>> No.12664985
File: 504 KB, 1024x704, 1988_mini_brochure_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parents must have spent thousands of dollars on LEGO sets for me and my brother growing up. I think it's a major part of my successful childhood development and future interest in doing engineering.
LEGOs are special

>> No.12664990
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Not vintage, but I used to remember playing the Flash game for this Lego set.

>> No.12665004

fueling started several minutes ago

>> No.12665010

mission control audio. looks like no control room view this time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzxSKe7TF0I

>> No.12665018


>> No.12665032
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>starts with black history month speech

>> No.12665035
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you'll eat those words fago

>> No.12665037

>immediately starts talking about nigger history month

>> No.12665040

>Say the words or we won't grant you that FAA license

>> No.12665041
File: 66 KB, 720x274, Am+heart+month_d43f0dad-8d19-4eb0-8f42-e8110113b63e-prv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not commemorating American Heart Month

>> No.12665042

does anyone know where the drone ship is exactly?

trying to figure out which way to look at the ocean

>> No.12665043

So shouldn't they be talking about all the African Space Programs?

>> No.12665048

You mean SpaceX?

>> No.12665050

SpaceX finally bend the knee :(

>> No.12665051

The map in this website shows the droneship location

>> No.12665052

>Time to commemorate black history month
>Oh cool can't wait to find out about the history of ancient Africa
>Except they couldn't invent writing

>> No.12665058

>BLM painted on Starships

>> No.12665059


u da man!

>> No.12665062

>Black Tiles Matter

>> No.12665065

>crying about a one minute black history month shoutout

>> No.12665068
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>> No.12665069
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>> No.12665070

bit loud today innit

>> No.12665071


>> No.12665072
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>> No.12665075

Dat exhaust plume.

>> No.12665076

Late launches always feel comfy

>> No.12665077

Wow, I have the fleetcam audio cranked up and the rocket noise never came. Sad!

>> No.12665078

lots of lights on down in Florida

>> No.12665079
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Night view of America while the second stage burns.

>> No.12665080

Let's gooooooooo SECOND STAGE
Let's see a nice landing.

>> No.12665083

Oh shit both stage 1 and stage 2 telemetry on the SpaceX stream.

>> No.12665084
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>the cost illuminated by lights

>> No.12665085
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>> No.12665086

lovely, they don't usually have that.

>> No.12665087

sorry about that, I'll turn mine off

>> No.12665092
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*quiet whooshing sounds*

>> No.12665093

I only have S2 camera?

>> No.12665097

meanwhile in soviet Russia https://www.thetrumpet.com/11953-whats-behind-russias-revival-of-a-soviet-era-song-contest

Intervision was first established back in 1977 as a direct rival to the Europe-oriented Eurovision Song Contest. Few people in the participating Soviet nations had private telephones, so Intervision’s television viewers would turn on their house lights if they liked a certain song, or off if they didn’t. The state energy company would then record the size of each power spike, and report the results to the television company to determine points for each contestant. As the Soviet Union began to weaken in the early 1980s, Intervision was discontinued.

>> No.12665098


They said there isn't enough light to get a good view of the stage 1 camera.

>> No.12665101

oh to be a F9 booster, drifting quietly in the darkness

>> No.12665102
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>> No.12665103


>> No.12665104

>That stage 1 deceleration

>> No.12665106

>stage 1 telemetry slowing down fast
cool as fuck

>> No.12665109

Based merlins have done it again
Falcon a based

>> No.12665110


>> No.12665111


>> No.12665112
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>> No.12665113


>> No.12665114

>Negative altitude

>> No.12665116

lol stage 1 telemetry after landing flickering back and forth from 1 kmh

>> No.12665118

>Booster Lift MAss

>> No.12665119
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god damn they make it look so easy

>> No.12665122

>Flat earth confirmed by SpaceX

>> No.12665123


>> No.12665124
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Why is it doing this?

>> No.12665125

Some day it will be and only elderly Americans will clap when a rocket lands.
like (You) and me

>> No.12665127

>Telemetry showing S2 spinning


>> No.12665128

you gotta remember to switch between sea level and ground radar bro

>> No.12665129

They said nominal orbit so I think it's just a telemetry display bug.

>> No.12665130

For a year now. Maybe two.

>> No.12665132
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>and now half an hour of Test Shot Starfish while the second stage with it's MVac, payload, and phantom ice rats coasts quietly through the void
This is the most underrated phase of a Starlink launch stream.

>> No.12665133
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Is there even a single woman in this room? As a proud woman of color, I find this VERY problematic.

>> No.12665135
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>> No.12665138
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elon pls

>> No.12665139

cleaning rockets is oldspace

>> No.12665143
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sexy octaweb in the background

>AOS Goonhilly
huh https://www.goonhilly.org

>> No.12665145

agree anon, always a very comfy time

>> No.12665146

it's past their bedtime

>> No.12665151
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hypersonic retropropulsion confirmed :)

>> No.12665156
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f9 has come a long way. used to not have fins! and was like 15m shorter

>> No.12665168


>> No.12665170

>Black Lives Matter
yeah yeah

>> No.12665176

You sure are quick to assume someone's gender :^)

>> No.12665184
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>mfw I have to perform a gravity assist through the MLK Astroid cluster

>> No.12665187 [DELETED] 

there's a transwoman that runs the webcast :^)

>> No.12665191 [DELETED] 

Do they deliver cheese to the ISS? can you have cheese in space?

>> No.12665195

>With a starship, you can go anywhere you want

>> No.12665202

cheesy astronaut toes :)

>> No.12665206

They were supposed to but Bob ate all of it.

>> No.12665207

A secret payload on the first Dragon (not to the ISS) was a wheel of cheese.
But yes - it's usually the squirting variety

>> No.12665218

sorry lads I moved the question to /sfg/.
very cool about dragon also squirt cheese isn't bad if you've got nothing else. sufficient to make a canned philly cheesesteak at the least

>> No.12665221
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cheese-anon deleted his question

>> No.12665232

I'm just overthinking bros, it felt like a more general question
also eating swiss cheese at the moment

>> No.12665240

here comes SES-2

>> No.12665249


>> No.12665251
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>everything looks great there
oh yeah it does

>> No.12665252


>> No.12665253

>press f11 to exit full screen

>> No.12665256
File: 620 KB, 937x527, Screenshot_2021-02-03 Starlink Mission(8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit I didn't notice the F1 style exhaust duct on the Merlins before.

>> No.12665278

always forget Tasmania is down there

>> No.12665294
File: 596 KB, 937x527, Screenshot_2021-02-03 Starlink Mission(9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth almost looks like Neptune from this angle.

>> No.12665297
File: 32 KB, 682x596, neptune_voyager2_682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explanation: Two hours before closest approach to Neptune in 1989, the Voyager 2 robot spacecraft snapped this picture. Clearly visible for the first time were long light-colored cirrus-type clouds floating high in Neptune's atmosphere. Shadows of these clouds can even be seen on lower cloud decks. Most of Neptune's atmosphere is made of hydrogen and helium, which is invisible. Neptune's blue color therefore comes from smaller amounts of atmospheric methane, which preferentially absorbs red light. Neptune has the fastest winds in the Solar System, with gusts reaching 2000 kilometers per hour. Speculation holds that diamonds may be created in the dense hot conditions that exist under the cloud tops of Uranus and Neptune.

>> No.12665302

deployment! see you all tomorrow for another repeat of pretty much the same thing

>> No.12665304

We don't have any HD photos of neptune or uranus and it saddens me. We have "HD" analog photos from 80's mission, but modern cameras have never snapped photos up close

>> No.12665305
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I'm fine with that.

>> No.12665306
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Also, last shot of deployment right before signal loss.

>> No.12665317


>> No.12665324

As if there is something better to do.

>> No.12665342

is this theranos

>> No.12665346
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No, this is Patrick.

>> No.12665353

Next one in about 3 hours, right?

>> No.12665372

No it got pushed back


>> No.12665383

No, the turtle neck is clearly not Steve Jobs Black.

>> No.12665385

Dang. Why?

>> No.12665388

Additional checks I think

>> No.12665410

Why did SpaceX decide to put these two launchers so close to each other? If they continue doing this, it will massively accelerate the speed of satellite constellation construction.

>> No.12665413

Because they can
SpaceX’s customer manifest isn’t exactly bursting at the seams. They have lots of downtime and two pads / ASDS’s to use for launching Starlink in the meantime. Remember the full constellation needs 30,000, right now only like 1000 have been launched

>> No.12665432
File: 2.62 MB, 1280x720, starlink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never gets old.

>> No.12665435

Also just noticed, but I think that red spot means they've blasted away all of the coating on top of the barge and are now firing into the steel hull.

>> No.12665436

I really liked the speed indicator for Stage 1 alternating between 1 km/h and 0 km/h as it bobbed up and down

>> No.12665438

that red is the color of the initial protective paintjob that they put on the barges as they make them
t. worked in a shipyard making barges once upon a time

>> No.12665441

So excellent, we are living the future I dreamed of when I was younger.

>> No.12665451

Yeah that's what I mean

>> No.12665459
File: 2.43 MB, 1280x720, starlink 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665499

This proves that reusable landing barges are an economic nightmare. The only safe and reliable way clearly is to scuttle them as the rocket lands.

>> No.12665506

I don't understand this reusable. Muh results over rhetoric. Muh chud.

>> No.12666141

SpaceX missions page hasn’t been updated yet, but it should be soon with the L17 stream link

>> No.12666198

I only watched some youtube videos of some people living literally in the fucking woods being pretty happy with it.
There still seem to be some short connection losses here and there probably due to the low number of sattelites, but other than that it seems incredibly easy and robust so far.

>> No.12666268
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>> No.12666478

If there's two launches then why is there only a stream of one launch on SpaceX's YouTube channel?

>> No.12666634

because the 2nd one hasn't happened yet

>> No.12666717

Oh yeah whoops, I assumed they were both on Feb 4th but OP wrote that the second one is on Feb 5th

>> No.12667405

L-17 Delayed again! To Saturday morning.

>> No.12669019

saving da thread