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File: 133 KB, 1152x2048, 33645354534543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12660967 No.12660967 [Reply] [Original]

SN9 aftermath edition.

Previous thread: >>12657557

>> No.12660973
File: 127 KB, 1377x774, groundhog day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12660975

Some ethereal footage https://youtu.be/Ep8XJanoFgw

>> No.12660981
File: 125 KB, 861x1215, 1606289369828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I make decisions all the time. There’s no way it’s just a result of the laws of physics
If you had total information about the state of the universe, down to things not measurable by physical processes like exact position/spin/momentum of quantum particles, and a powerful enough computer, you could calculate the complete state of the next moment. The self-consistency principle asserts that there is no way for an a-causal agent to interfere in this process, and therefore all actions for the entire lifespan of the universe were predetermined at the moment of the universe's creation. You can make conscious decisions, but what those decisions will be was set in stone billions of years ago. This of course is the sort of thing that causes Lovecraft Protagonist style critical SAN loss in many normies, and is probably a psychological component of the Great Filter.

It comes down to a Jew named Minkowski asserting at a physics conference that speed-of-light propagation lag WAS time without a shred of evidence and everyone just sort of going along with it. A more useful analogy is a computer game. "Time" would be the state machine of the game advancing, which you see as frame rate. "The speed of light" and "light cones" would be akin to "how quickly distant objects rendee as you approach them" and your PC not having to render the entire game universe at once.

This actually goes back to Quantized Inertia. The QI concept of a horizon in this analogy is the game engine's draw distance. As you probably know from gaming, the smaller a world you have to render, the more FPS you can get on the same hardware. It's why games will push you into a confined corridor in order to disguise load time or background processing. In QI, information is also expressed as ENERGY, so rather than time accelerating, asymmetrically shrinking the draw distance horizon is an asymmetric creation of energy, which becomes thrust.

>> No.12660982


imagine groundhog day except youre stuck covering the SN9 test, and you have to watch it explode again and again, then you try to change fate and over an insane amount of repetitions you manage to earn musks trust, make sn9 and go to bed with musk

>> No.12660983


>> No.12660984

trying to do all the maneuvers to land this thing in the last few hundred meters seems like a good way to die if even a fly farts wrong

>> No.12660985
File: 305 KB, 960x1281, ai-spacefactory-nasa-3d-printed-mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there been anymore news on mars? SpaceX is only a few years away from sending material to the Martian surface.

>> No.12660988
File: 1007 KB, 3000x2355, 1556986830942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12660989

NASA's Perseverance robot lands on the 18th.

>> No.12660990


>> No.12660992

What if Starship nosecone separated and parachuted down like any other capsule? It can freefall while the Starship does the dicey landing and the "flight deck" can be restacked after checkout.

>> No.12660996

Yeah and SN9 had a decent test but I'm talking more about vehicle, structure and infrastructure news.

>> No.12660997

Novikov Principle allows for randomness, just sets the probability of paradox-causing events to 0

> This of course is the sort of thing that causes Lovecraft Protagonist style critical SAN loss in many normies, and is probably a psychological component of the Great Filter.
The universe is as incomprehensible as Lovecraft said it was. You just kind of get used to it, and sometimes indulge in wondering what lies beyond the veil.

>> No.12660998

Doesn’t work on Mars.
That one thing drives all of the design elements.
Like, why no abort system?
Even if it “worked” on Mars you abort and then are..... still on Mars and die. Etc.

>> No.12661000

A rover is landing pretty soon

>> No.12661002

that's a shit plan. i'd send most of my supplies to mars before people got there, and only then try to land. the risk of mission failure is too high otherwise

>> No.12661003

Video of the recent Maine rocket launch https://youtu.be/n0wkjy2dP-E

>> No.12661008

>Thursday, Feb. 18, 2021, at approximately 12:30 p.m. PST (3:30 p.m. EST).
Still not very related to the colony though.

>> No.12661009

>The universe is as incomprehensible as Lovecraft said it was. You just kind of get used to it
Most normies are not capable of it. That's why the collapse of organized religion in the West led to the rise of spiritual woo woo, neo paganism, whig history, trad larping, and a desperate search to fill the void in their brains. It's the spiritual equivalent of Wile E. Coyote continuing to run on thin air until he looks down. Even most people into Lovecraft's stories deal with it by making the abstract concrete - Cthulhu plushies, RPGs with stat blocks, etc.

Anyway back to rockets, we apparently had one launch from Lovecraft Country.


>> No.12661011

>Stardust recovers payload
>Starship crashes and burns

>> No.12661012

I meant just for returning to pad but your not wrong either.

>> No.12661013

Our universe is a static 4D object, yes. My current take on things is that the passage of time can't really be explained by the characteristics of the universe as we understand it—in other words "time" and our experience of it is not an inherent property of the universe.
It clears up a lot of issues if we assume that the universe is being "displayed" in sequence by some external mechanism, like a computer might read and display a DVD. The movie exists, in some way, as information on the disc, but requires something to process it in order to properly take form. This also simplifies many questions about consciousness, because our conscious experience wouldn't be taking place "inside" the universe but in the mechanism that's reading it. Consciousness wouldn't really be generated in the brain, just informed by the 4D shape of the brain in question.
And this is why if you do too many of the right drugs, your connection to your brain gets scrambled and you temporarily decouple from the universe and start to directly perceive the meta-computer until the machine elves come along to fix things.

>> No.12661014
File: 341 KB, 1920x933, 1586541904662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't. As far as I know there's been nothing to suggest it would. Only people saying that according to our current interpretations of our understanding of the universe it would cause something fucky wucky with energy and that it just isn't possible so the next totally logical conclusion is to say that it being possible would destroy the universe and cause paradoxes.
Speaking on the second part.
How true is this?
And if it what all does it mean?
And also would it mean that people are saying it's impossible to go faster than light the same way people thought it was impossible to go faster than sound?

>> No.12661017
File: 157 KB, 640x360, eNmjE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any word on cause of failure?

>> No.12661018


>> No.12661024

more comfy renders please.

>> No.12661026

reminds me of the Outland aesthetic

>> No.12661027

At least it was a different failure this time. The raptor that actually re-lit didn't look like it was eating its copper insides at all, which is nice.

>> No.12661028
File: 2.04 MB, 3200x2133, 3f0d4241-060e-48c6-a4ce-e511d71370cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No :)

>> No.12661030

Looks like someone’s flat in the Alien universe

>> No.12661032

Well it blew up, and it wasn't supposed to do that.

>> No.12661034

T E A-

>> No.12661036

>And this is why if you do too many of the right drugs, your connection to your brain gets scrambled and you temporarily decouple from the universe and start to directly perceive the meta-computer until the machine elves come along to fix things.
A sysadmin restarting a balky daemon, as it were.

>How true is this?
It's a straightforward consequence of the Quantized Inertia hypothesis, which is currently being tested.
>And if it what all does it mean?
It means that interstellar physics doesn't work entirely according to Einstein's laws so a lot of "hard" scifi might be headed the way of Jules Verne.
>And also would it mean that people are saying it's impossible to go faster than light the same way people thought it was impossible to go faster than sound?
That's actually a very good analogy for this - sound is the propagation of kinetic energy through a medium, and lightspeed is the propagation of information through space. The relativistic motion equations would need to be modified to account for a change in the conserved quantity from mass-energy to mass-energy-information, which could remove a "mass is infinite at v=c" condition. That's the "barrier." On the other hand, relativity is concerned with -velocity- where QI is concerned with -acceleration-, so I think there's probably some hideous four (or more!) dimensional calculus involved.

>> No.12661037

does this have any truth to it?

>> No.12661040

None whatsoever.
It's pure speculation.

>> No.12661041

Still cool. Colonization won't begin until Starship is up and running consistently, which could be quite a few years.

>> No.12661046

TEA-TEB burns green, right? That sounds like a good basis for a mixed drink.
>Tea-TEB: green tea and rocket fuel absinthe

>> No.12661051

yep but its cool

>> No.12661053

Sounds good, would drink

>> No.12661061
File: 118 KB, 1000x600, 1591351660305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Colonization won't begin until Starship is up and running consistently, which could be quite a few years.
starship could start making unmanned trips to mars as soon as 2024. If that is the case then you can bet plans are already being made.

>> No.12661064

That is beautiful.

>> No.12661071

It looks like it has something to do with the engines.

>> No.12661080

i wanna fuck that girl

>> No.12661105
File: 133 KB, 680x545, 1588202409911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will post vid again

>> No.12661112

Yep, that's m

>> No.12661116

>A sysadmin restarting a balky daemon, as it were.
lol, basically
Under this framework, we also see determinism put into a really weird spot. On one hand, it's in full effect because the universe exists all at once- with past present and future all part of its structure. On the other hand, the operators of this meta-computer could make alterations to the block universe of any scale or scope and we would be literally incapable of knowing about or perceiving those changes unless we were intended to.
I do think that efforts of the collective consciousness can have an effect though. Given that our conscious experience takes place in the meta-computer, a large enough degree of subconscious coordination might be able to crudely imitate the universe-editing capabilities of the actual operators. Hence meme magic.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

>> No.12661119

Kek. The launch threads are so fucking fun

>> No.12661128

I think this is mostly just passing the free will buck up to a different dimension.

>> No.12661132

Seriously, what the fuck are they going to do about suits? They won't be getting any work done in those shitbox artemis suits and no private company has even started development on anything resembling a suit you can actually fucking work in.

>> No.12661143

you'll see ;)

>> No.12661145

Its ridiculous. Everything NASA lately has been garbage

>> No.12661150
File: 448 KB, 3080x888, 1602402797971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck Elon, remember to turn the lights off when you leave.

>> No.12661152

Probably, but we also don't have any idea what the physics might be for the place that's "up" from here. Dimensionality, the nature of time, and all the things that complicate the "free will" problem could just all be part of a convenient formatting standard for things on our level.
Or maybe free will can only be relative to your dimension, and the buck gets passed up ad infinitum. Maybe it loops around.

>> No.12661156

I really hope Elon hasn't seen this.
Also does anyone know why he looked so pissed off in that pic?

>> No.12661160

He has read it. Get it? Reddit!

>> No.12661165

So I guess Tim Dodd is more like Tim Fraud (or Tim Cuckold) since Elon basically wrecked his Model 3, called off the interview, and said no tours allowed

>> No.12661172
File: 155 KB, 1029x1240, EprDfLcXUAA0f9w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also does anyone know why he looked so pissed off in that pic?

Captured during the second before he could muster his will and calm his look of disgust for the estrogen filled bugman simp before him.

>> No.12661175

It may be overly optimistic but I still believe a 2022 mars launch is possible.

>> No.12661176

>Dimensionality, the nature of time, and all the things that complicate the "free will" problem could just all be part of a convenient formatting standard for things on our level.
I like it, the hard problem of consciousness as the specifications for a VR codec.

>> No.12661179

Tim might be the breastfeed poster. look at the tits on him

>> No.12661183

I hope he has, he'd probably think it was hilarious because he has a sense of humor and would recognize it's all intended to be in good fun.
He looks mad because he's a sperg and sometimes forgets how to operate his body in a natural-looking way.

>> No.12661188

I'll bet you $5 I'm right, too. We may need to settle that bet after we die or otherwise ascend, though.

>> No.12661190

I think it's not quite as likely as the early days of hopper when we thought he would be orbital with a shitcan in a few months. Still, it strikes me that there will almost definitely be functional orbital prototypes by the end of the launch window. If that happens then even launching a single starship (might as well load it with cargo in case it succeeds) to gain data on the Martian re-entry and landing would be massively valuable for the next synod when they will definitely send shitloads of stuff since you only get one shot at reentry and Mars will be very different to Earth reentry.

>> No.12661191

i like how jim's text is mtn dew colored

>> No.12661192
File: 2.24 MB, 2592x1944, Cliffbot_Astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.12661196

goofy shit

>> No.12661199

Bro, read accounts of working in those things and now imagine yourself working multi hour duration shifts doing heavy lifting or delicate work. Not fucking happening, the artemis suit is a barely minor improvement over the apollo suits.

>> No.12661209

Who in their right mind would want to live there? They need to send robots in advance and 3d print a nice european city out of regolith or something because that looks like a hellhole. Put it all under a big dome

>> No.12661211

Go away newfag

>> No.12661214

>Who in their right mind would want to live there?
Alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners...

>> No.12661216
File: 603 KB, 1333x1000, nasa mars space suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have spent years working on these, and working IN these, so they must know better than you.

>> No.12661217
File: 66 KB, 184x178, 1603957364476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Appeal to NASA authority

>> No.12661221

Yeah I believe Musk has the goal of the 2024 launch window for the real first trips but if they reach orbit and get their super heavy working I could see them rushing the 2022 window to get that data. check this out if you haven't seen it.

>> No.12661222

its really bad.

>> No.12661227
File: 165 KB, 1500x844, mars-bfrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its being planned but there are plenty of willing people.

>> No.12661229

>3d print a nice european city
gayest thing written this year so far

>> No.12661231

>They have spent years working on these, and working IN these, so they must know better than you.
They've spent years and billions on SLS and its getting BTFO by starship.

>> No.12661234
File: 246 KB, 2000x1125, 1591677394329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, it wont be A European style printed city.

>> No.12661237

>Asshole ornament house

Gross, go put your faggot paraphernalia colony on some shithole like Ceres.

>> No.12661240

>oh i'd just -love- a replica gay paree so i can mince around le tower de effiel with my bf amongst all the african immigrants selling fake sunglasses and laser pointers. how romantic!
keep your shit on earth.

>> No.12661242
File: 216 KB, 892x1000, 1590814826012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a basic 3d print structure, the final design would obviously be different but I don't have renders of anything else.

>> No.12661246 [DELETED] 

Has he been driving this slow the whole fucking time? What the fucK

>> No.12661250
File: 335 KB, 1360x1200, PicsArt_06-23-01.58.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is mad they didn't win the NASA contest.

>> No.12661251

are there any cad models of these available or am i going to have to make one? i kinda want to proont one for sfg lols and also to stick up my ass.

>> No.12661252

>NASA contest

A lower standard for something actually useful I couldn't imagine.

>> No.12661254
File: 36 KB, 1000x372, 3D-printed Mars base MARSHA solar panels by AI SpaceFactory (NASA’s 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company is AISpaceFactory but I don't think they have the cad availible.

>> No.12661258
File: 263 KB, 1623x1080, PicsArt_06-23-09.47.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a decent contest.

>> No.12661259

Suit gloves need the most work. As the constant pressure causes pain and even for nails to come off.

Martian suit time will be much longer than the few hours of an iss space walk.

>> No.12661261

Everything needs work, That suit's ergonomics will fucking destroy you on mars.

>> No.12661262

Yes, because having a digger lean on your Mars house is a totally relevant performance metric.

>> No.12661265
File: 43 KB, 402x462, nasa mk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight me irl

>> No.12661268

Also on the ISS they just sort of float around pushing off things with minimal force and it still reks them just do do absolutely tiny maintenance jobs. Now on Mars you have to trek across the landscape, carry heavy bullshit and fit tiny fixings bent and crouched at retard angles and positions.

>> No.12661270

retard fucking niggar

>> No.12661271

Structural integrity on a quickly made autoprinted structure was not a bad idea. They already had their other design, materials, and plans evaluated and judged. It was a good contest.

>> No.12661272

The interior reminds me of a cuttlefish for some reason.

Related: anyone who figures out how to raise pelagic squid in captivity is going to be a gorillionaire.

>> No.12661274


>> No.12661275

have you ever labored for 12-18 hours? have you ever done so in winter clothing? Those fucking suits are hardly capable on spacewalks let alone on a Martian surface

>> No.12661276

if Musk was slapping Starships with random diggers to test their strength /sfg/ would coom over "epic industrial low cost space man"

>> No.12661277

Part of the problem on ISS is it's hard vacuum outside, a worst case scenario for a soft suit. Mars has at least SOME atmosphere to provide counterpressure.

>> No.12661279

kek why?

>> No.12661282

Speaking of the ISS, a starship is supposed to have the same amount of habitable volume.

>> No.12661286

Why don't we just 3D print/vat grow squid flesh? And for that matter why don't we print/grow Galapagos tortoise meat seeing as they were historically regarded as absolutely delicious?

>> No.12661288

That's crazy, the video of that one interior mockup render of Starship makes it seem much bigger than the ISS in terms of functional habitable space.

>> No.12661304

Besides the obvious "easier than raising tuna on Mars" aspect, the Earth market for squid is bumping up against what we can harvest wild. Imagine being the first guy to figure out salmon aquaculture, multiplied by about a thousand due to demand scale.

>> No.12661305
File: 1.21 MB, 4288x2929, Rcb96a9d666e6f69044e142124ff3d043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it will seem much larger because it isn't spread out in the tiny ISS pods that were made to fit in the shuttle

>> No.12661315
File: 266 KB, 2205x1481, someone fucking hold me back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody who believes that Mark III or Artemis xEMU are "barely minor improvement" over Apollo suits is waste of oxygen, let alone my time.

>> No.12661316

>Waste of Oxygen

Yep, that's all you're going to be doing in one of those suits.

>> No.12661319
File: 131 KB, 1000x861, create-online-NASA-ASA-space-exploration-moon-landing-2024-artemis-spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not to the level of 60 years of technological improvement but then again neither is the SLS

>> No.12661326

Get a job that involves working with your hands you basement dwelling redditor and you will understand these suits are good for fuck all except flags and footprints.

>> No.12661327
File: 1.09 MB, 1714x2926, Mark-III_D-RATS_2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entertain me. Show me that superior space suit of yours.

>> No.12661328

It doesn't exist, that's the problem retard.

>> No.12661330
File: 51 KB, 712x408, 1593318372625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space camel toes

>> No.12661335

Hey I'm pretty sure those are my motorbike gloves, not even joking lmao. When is someone going to pickup the patents from these useless grant chasers?

>> No.12661339

So you are just a shitposting faggot. Good grief.
Good luck surviving in that on motherfucking Mars.

>> No.12661340

My very first post was lamenting about how there are no really usable suits for actually working labour shifts in, then you want me to post a superior suit to the shitbox you post and claim victory? ok bro.

>> No.12661341

>Good luck surviving in that on motherfucking Mars.
they're mechanical pressure suits using memory alloys to figure hug your pert breasts instead of hiding that tight ass inside a michelin man suit.

>> No.12661347

Didn't Gwynne Shotwell say SpaceX would make its own suits for Mars?

>> No.12661354
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SN9 aftermath edition
It's over boys, yesterday's explosion was the final nail in the coffin. After this, recovery is unlikely. Years of development only for it to be swept under the rug like it never even happend at all. It was nice while it lasted, but all we have now is the lament for Starship's cancelation. Our best hopes now rely in Blue Origin, and I, for one, am looking forward to a new future for spaceflight, a Blue future.
RIP Starship, you will be missed.
Gradatim Ferociter, Blue Origin. Godspeed.

>> No.12661360

I'm assuming they would, NASA is probably not going to send astronauts before spacex does

>> No.12661361

Excellent. All NASA engineers working on space suits in past three decades are retards, and they should have employ you to show them how it's done.

>> No.12661362
File: 135 KB, 640x724, 2tlkio3jmoe61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>launch mount almost complete
>2021 launch assured

>> No.12661363
File: 60 KB, 1440x810, Starship1-1440x810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no not the heckin prototyperino. Watch this video please and open your eyes.

>> No.12661364

>If you can't build your own superior spacesuit then shut up
What a stupid fucking argument. I couldn't build a working space shuttle if I tried, guess we should keep strapping missiles to planes and killing astronauts.

>> No.12661365

>All NASA engineers working on SLS in past three decades are retards, and they should have employ Elon Musk to show them how it's done.

>> No.12661373


>> No.12661374

The diversity hires are but lets be honest the real issue is the lack of motivation. They get paid to well to do too little.

>> No.12661375

Clearly this idea itself is a failure. They should scrap it and go back to the drawing board instead of building more of them.

>> No.12661382

Anyone else annoyed that they forced big Jim out of the Administrator spot?

>> No.12661387
File: 48 KB, 654x960, 1591749027171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a retarded take.

>> No.12661395

its crazy how much the design has changed of starship since the star hopper was built

>> No.12661397

This have nothing to do with Boing. Mark III is Global Effects, xEMU is NASA, ILC Dover, Oceaneering etc. (like four or five variants of the same concept). Go, and tell them all that they are wrong.

>> No.12661400


>> No.12661411

calamari are alright, but I don't see why would that be "salmon aquaculture, multiplied by about a thousand due to demand scale"
squids aren't that high in demand, are they?

>> No.12661414

I often fantasize about going to mars on a 2 Year work passage and having an extramarital affair with a hot scientist that looks like Alison Brie. What happens on Mars stays on Mars BB.

>> No.12661415

SN9 was Rei. Showed great skill with the flip maneuver but was let down by bad equipment.

SN10 was Shinji. Uses an improved design but is let down by shoddy piloting (flipfail lmao)

SN11 will be Asuka. Perfect execution by a perfect pilot and machine.

>> No.12661420

Maybe by the time SLS lands on Mars in 2070 they will have them.

>> No.12661424

really? what an exhaustive analysis sherlock

>> No.12661425

When you consider global demand, not just western demand, they are. Bugmen consume squid like motherfuckers and are overfishing them with their giant locust-like factory fleet like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.12661426

And you are a double baka, because SN10 is still on the pad.

>> No.12661427
File: 144 KB, 894x894, its.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? especially since the BFR days

>> No.12661430

nice b8 mate

>> No.12661431
File: 186 KB, 488x842, Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 6.52.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people don't like the current design but I kind of like its simplicity.

>> No.12661433
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1607149743631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bros.... the kino that might have been....

>> No.12661434

who the fuck was sn8?

>> No.12661437

It's functional which is great but it lost it's SOUL.

>> No.12661440

It would of been kino but apparently SpaceX would have only been able to produce a few dozen ITSs, and they would also cost a lot more to launch, which would obviously rule out Elon's mars colonization plans.

>> No.12661442
File: 723 KB, 1920x1080, SpaceX base on Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go, and tell them all that they are wrong.
If I had the capital to make a suit company I would. They are thinking like oldspace and it shows, Martian astronauts aren't going to be research oriented, they are going to be construction oriented and that requires a different design. The problem with these suits is they are built for the artemis missions which is not the future of space flight

>> No.12661448
File: 85 KB, 640x963, g12t39th65851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're only saying that because it looks like a prototype right now, just wait until its got more engines, has windows and is all polished.

>> No.12661454

Sorry senpai gonna have to disagree. I might indeed like it a lot when it's done but it will never approach the Italian racecar aesthetic of ITS.

>> No.12661458

anon... you probably meant

SN10 is still on the pad

>> No.12661460

If you think the final starship is actually gonna have windows like that, BOY have I got some news for you.

>> No.12661461
File: 2 KB, 180x53, 2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SN10 is still on the pad
Not for long

>> No.12661463

It will have windows. Crew starship doesn't need to be nearly as optimized for mass as cargo starship.

>> No.12661464

I hope that they launch it in the next 2-3 weeks and the FAA doesn't do shit

>> No.12661471

If you are going to the moon or earth orbit, yeah go nuts, but to mars? No. They are going to have to mass optimise the fuck out of it.

>> No.12661473

They're just gonna be portholes. Imagine trying to engineer a continuous latticework of windows that large that can be pressurized reasonably and withstand launch forces.

Not to mention that it's like multiple tons of glass offset to one side of the rocket.

>> No.12661480

What does the SN10 need? 3 raptors, one of them actually spotted already, engine installment, cryo proof the vehicle, static fire and then it should be ready? Best scenario should be 2 weeks?

>> No.12661482

I wonder if sn10 will even launch this month.

>> No.12661491
File: 140 KB, 750x889, 1591414619348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree
The Crew Starship will have windows.

>> No.12661492


>> No.12661494

Not really, the raptors are incredibly powerful.
Even if they are portholes there will be a shit load of them.

>> No.12661497
File: 34 KB, 563x765, 1591366054654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as big of an issue as you think

>> No.12661498

>Not really, the raptors are incredibly powerful.

And this has what to do with optimising dry mass and payload?

>> No.12661504

It makes optimization unnecessary

>> No.12661508

Go back to school and get an education.

>> No.12661513

Yes. It is. I worked at Spacex until recently. They've been working on "the window problem" for almost as long as they've been seriously working on starship.

>> No.12661522

was the froyo any good

>> No.12661530

I was Starlink. No froyo. Just free soda and chips and some shitty "beep your badge to pay" sandwiches and crap.

>> No.12661532

ah, Washington office then
good stuff

>> No.12661534

Dammit. Too high to click the right post.

>> No.12661535

I have one

>> No.12661538

That's good to hear also why did you separate from them.

>> No.12661540

Yep. Good times.

>> No.12661541

typical washington faggot

>> No.12661542

>Too high

>> No.12661546


>> No.12661552

Don't wanna say too much because I'm Starlink and I'd be easy to identify. Things changed after 0.9 in a way that made my job a bunch of busy work. Left for a company that gave me an exciting opportunity.

>> No.12661557


>> No.12661559

Why not just move departments?

>> No.12661565

I'm more specialized than some rando manufacturing engineer.

>> No.12661569

well leaving spacex seems like a dumb idea unless you are leaving the space industry

>> No.12661572
File: 483 KB, 2048x1152, SpaceX Starship Super Heavy launch (horizontal wallpaper)_humanMars.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people on this board still seriously doubt SpaceX? Seems absolutely retarded to not believe in them now.

>> No.12661576

I don't work on rockets, I work on the things that the rockets take to space. As far as interesting "in-space" companies go, Spacex is pretty shit-tier actually unless you design antennas or work in prop.

>> No.12661577

>people believing some shitty LARP

>> No.12661584

yeah wtf is blue origin even doing?

>> No.12661593

illegally based

>> No.12661596

>As far as interesting "in-space" companies go, Spacex is pretty shit-tier actually unless you design antennas or work in prop.
Yeah its just the dominant player in the industry now nbd

>> No.12661603

>Implying that radio communication satellites are literally the only type of satellite

>> No.12661638

You are retarded

>> No.12661651

Isn't there supposed to be a double Starlink launch today? When is that?

>> No.12661650

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.12661659

reinigger on suicide watch

>> No.12661674
File: 2.21 MB, 2400x3000, 1599793685965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current Starship looks the best by far.
Nothing will ever surpass her, though.

>> No.12661675


>> No.12661677

Starship has been debunked

>> No.12661692
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship is just the second stage though
with 3 engines it's a little less powerful than Falcon 9's first stage
with 6 engines it's closer to Delta IV Heavy
and it's 50 meters tall so shorter than Falcon 9, but chubbier

Super Heavy is where the KINO's at
inner ring of 8 raptors with gimbal
outer ring of 20 fixed raptors optimized for MAXIMUM THRUST
for a total thrust of 75 MN or 2.15x the thrust of Saturn V
imagine the frost
imagine the venting action
imagine the 28 jets shooting out prior to ignition
imagine the fucking MASSIVE plume and dust cloud
imagine the deafening sound of 28 raptors firing at full throttle
compared to SN8 and SN9's 3 raptors firing at partial throttle

>> No.12661696

how LOUD will that shit be
i bet it will be heard from dozens of kilometers away, like a small volcanic eruption

>> No.12661705

>How loud will several kilotonnes of fuel/ox mix being combusted be




>> No.12661712
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t. blunderf00t

>> No.12661725
File: 23 KB, 499x499, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, redditlord contrarian faggots on suicide watch, don't worry thundernigger, I'm sure those TSLA shorts will make you money one day lmao.

>> No.12661753
File: 201 KB, 2028x1139, 1607897950157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese launch startup might be the first to get a methalox rocket into space, before Starship.
>Landspace has completed assembly of the first stage of its first Zhuque-2 liquid methane-liquid oxygen launch vehicle. The stage is powered by 4 x Tianque-12 engines. A test launch expected this year. Potentially the first methalox launcher to orbit.

>> No.12661755


just WHY

>> No.12661758

Chinks have been doing some impressive space shit recently given their pig iron peasant recent history. Hopefully they can put the fear of god into zog.

>> No.12661789

>usakanigger can't count to potato, but thinks he can talk shit about rei patricians

>> No.12661797
File: 2.13 MB, 1405x937, SpaceX_Raptor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone's jumping on the methalox bandwagon

>> No.12661815

The virgin tri-vent vs the CHAD octicosal-vent

>> No.12661832


That reminds me of the first launch of Saturn V when in site reporters shat their pants from the insane noise


>> No.12661849
File: 1.98 MB, 4160x2340, KIMG0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proontfag is back
Need I remind you?

>> No.12661850

Love when reporters lose their composure and their instinctive emotions take over, especially in this case when you can tell how excited Cronkite is.

>> No.12661858
File: 83 KB, 600x1269, metroid-fusion-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put life support systems around the torso in armor and you get the perfect surface EVA suit for Mars.

>> No.12661867

Don't worry, 18m Starship might end up taking design hints from the ITS.

>> No.12661868

Cronkite was great, you can tell the moments he was really excited but still remained classy.

>> No.12661902

What was his actual reaction to Falcon Heavy?

>> No.12661916
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>he thinks he can get away with it

>> No.12661920

>we're maybe a year or two away from whitnessing something of even greater magnitude
Unironically the only thing that's giving me any hope for the future.

>> No.12661936
File: 693 KB, 2040x1360, ILC Dover Astro Space Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biovirgins vs astroCHAD

>> No.12661941

chinks can't into names.

>> No.12661955
File: 53 KB, 800x569, infinite-warfare-warfighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I always figured the ideal space suit would be a normal suit with mechanical counterpressure hands, kind of like the ones in Infinite Warfare. Seems like it'd be the best of both worlds.

>> No.12661961

And you people think this is a “good” design lol
Fucking NASA has insane criteria that cripples any innovation attempts
If you don’t have to field patch the suit occasionally, it’s way over built.

>> No.12661980
File: 53 KB, 1193x617, 14-33-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, some kind of ring fell out of the raptor before it reached the apogee.

>> No.12661996

Mexican welders always leaving shit behind

>> No.12662007

Misplaced TS-25 Decoupler

>> No.12662018
File: 336 KB, 1400x1400, ILC Dover Astro presentation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething suitlets

>> No.12662024

You’ll get shoulder cancer from spending 12 hours in that thing

>> No.12662028
File: 5 KB, 179x170, 1592467725231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12662033

Is it effay?

>> No.12662042

Not (you), which is why others are so excited to go.

>> No.12662053

Aw man I feel bad for Bruno they're dogging him in public now

>> No.12662071

It looked to me that SN10 was more than close enough to get absolutely raped by shrapnel. Was it actually further away or what?

>> No.12662084

starship is a steel zeppelin
not sure if thin floppy sheets of steel pose that much of a threat when they quickly decelerate from drag after ejection
the COPVs are an issue, but i think the worst they can do is make a nice dent on SN10 that can be evened out with a hammer or two

>> No.12662085
File: 759 KB, 2040x1360, ILC Dover Astro Space Suit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haters gonna hate

>> No.12662089

The angles make it look really close, but if you find an aerial view you'll see they are much farther apart then it seems

>> No.12662105

You can see how clumsy the gloves are in this image, if the suit must be large it should be a hard suit, if you want it small it should be a counter pressure suit.
>but muh joints, muh joints muhfugga
They can supplement the joint areas with hard airtight sections, or simply use partial pressure inflatable joints, even like a fourth of an atmosphere of pressure would be more than necessary to prevent injury or discomfort.

>> No.12662111

All things considered, the explosion from starships are way smaller than what I would have expected. Do you get bigger explosions with hydrolox? Or RP1?

>> No.12662112

I mean nothing prevents that steel from becoming smaller, less draggy shrapnel right?

>> No.12662115
File: 1.52 MB, 540x360, spacex_boom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't fully fueled

>> No.12662116

It’s empty... all that’s blowing up are the vapors filling the tanks

>> No.12662118

They’re still almost completely empty compared to how much propellant they’d be carrying for a real launch. A fully loaded SS/Superheavy stack would go up like a very small atomic bomb.

>> No.12662121

No it wouldn’t
They would need to premix the fuels to actually produce a bomb

>> No.12662125

Oh duh

>> No.12662135

It appears to have been a major malfunction.

>> No.12662136

There's barely any fuel, most of the boom comes from pressurized tanks popping

>> No.12662155

I don’t know why space suits can’t have hard points with rubbery joints. Can someone explain this to me?

>> No.12662158
File: 17 KB, 353x95, Screenshot 2021-02-03 094817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firefly may be going public too

>> No.12662160

Well you can’t use rubber or normal elastics because vacuum and high UV environments destroy it very quickly. Not instantly but your suit would have a very demanding maintenance turnover time.

>> No.12662166

Muh small sat grifters

>> No.12662184

Yeah they just reshuffled their board of directors

>> No.12662203

That's not why
Flexible joints do not keep constant volume with movement, so you end up working against forces of pressure inside the suit every time you try to move it from the default T-pose and it may vary from just being very tiring to physically impossible

>> No.12662205

Inspiration4 Super Bowl ad

>> No.12662221

So it’s some charity grift?

>> No.12662224

I actually really like them, although every mockup i’ve seen from NASA has wildly different helmets. As long as they get the helmets to look good I will be okay with them. And they are 8/10 for functionality. The Apollo era suits were basically 2/10 for functionality.

>> No.12662233

nah, the real grift is getting people to sign up for that shop thing, but with enough charity thrown over top of it that nobody notices it's "sign up for my service for a raffle to go to space"

>> No.12662234

okay maybe they’re more like 6.5 or 7 / 10 for functionality. Not bad, but not perfect. NASA has a video of them testing it on a harness to simulate Lunar gravity and they still look like a pain in the ass to walk around in. But bending over and moving your arms has become much easier, which is most of the work you need to do anyways assuming you have a rover and your actual walking time will be minimum

>> No.12662235 [DELETED] 

My guess would be fuel inlet to the second engine.
If you watch it back you notice that as the two engines are supposed to reignite for a soft landing the second one only produces a small flame then stops. The fact it produced any flame suggests it was getting some fuel from the header tank so perhaps that engines corresponding turbo-pump failed to spin up to the required speeds or maybe the fuel wasn't even making into the pump.

Also Elon I know you browse /sci/, if I've guessed correctly you owe me a beer

>> No.12662245

the real improvement is the door in the back instead of being an actual suit which is 100% needed to avoid getting moon dust in everyone's lungs.

>> No.12662246

My guess would be fuel inlet to the second engine.
If you watch it back you notice that as the two engines are supposed to reignite for a soft landing one engine worked as planned but then the other one only produced a small flame then stopped. The fact it produced any flame suggests it was getting some fuel from the header tank so perhaps that engines corresponding turbo-pump failed to spin up to the required speeds or maybe the fuel wasn't even making into the pump.

Also Elon I know you browse /sci/, if I've guessed correctly you owe me a beer

>> No.12662248
File: 115 KB, 742x390, A4270F42-D183-4E29-9E1B-F99D3B19358A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a good point. I would love to see NASA contract for a modified cybertruck with a hatchback, and suits hanging off the back. You wouldn’t even need to take your suits indoors and risk dying of razor blade regolith to the esophagus

>> No.12662261
File: 17 KB, 500x500, 8d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because these joins stiffen up in vacuum, like a car or bicycle tire gets harder as you pump air in it
you don't actually need all that much pressure, but enough to make moving around in it a real pain in the ass for more than a few minutes

try taping bike tire inner tubes pumped to 1 bar to your legs and go for a 1 mile run, see how it feels like

>> No.12662267

nothing wrong with inhaling a little moon dust now and then, you low t basedboys

>> No.12662273

Ahh yes, the Couch-to-cost-plus exercise program

>> No.12662288

Try like a quarter bar and your relative weight is a third of normal, it wouldn’t be so bad. It’s not like a Mars colony is going to be build by hand, for all seriously hard work (terrain moving, heavy lifting, transportation, habitat moving, etc) is going to be done by machines piloted by humans, as is the case on earth. A hard suit or counter pressure suit with low partial pressure joints is not going to cripple you. You could also use a tiny reservoir like the size of those tiny CO2 cartridges and a valve to keep the joint at constant pressure, as you bend and pressure rises the air is pressed into the reservoir allowing the joint to collapse without pressurizing excessively, the drop in pressure as you straighten then reverses this process.

>> No.12662304

has anything musk launched sofar not blown up?

>> No.12662307

Starhopper, SN5, SN6, all crew Dragon flights.
Faggot. Don't ever post in my presence again.

>> No.12662314

>spacex workers are cleaning their shit

>> No.12662318

>Starship explodes

>> No.12662324

>Starhopper, SN5, SN6, all crew Dragon flights.
they all still "re-usable" like the advertising reckons?
or, musk not sure about his Russian roulette chances?

>> No.12662327

he gotten anyone dead yet?

>> No.12662330

>suits are barely usable at all
But I thought you just need to put one guy on the surface of Mars and he'll do 10 times the work all rovers combined did? Ez gg no re?

>> No.12662333

The Falcons? Yes. Don't tell me you're so dumb you thought the test articles were reusable spaceships, that would make us all laugh and mock you anon.
Nobody important
>he's too weak to make a pressure suit work for him
I'm lmaoing at you from outside my capsule (I can't get back in please help)

>> No.12662334

Yes. Seriously. Even if it's cumbersome as hell, it at least actually seems capable of doing work that takes a river years in mere hours.

>> No.12662335

why does musk's stuff keep blowing up?

>> No.12662337
File: 130 KB, 700x751, e50de0963be6f8e81e9cb6cb13aef45b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't the Soviets (or the US for that matter) use two launches to get to the Moon? Why couldn't they just launch the lander first, then have the their command capsule meet in LEO, then send the whole thing to the Moon and back? You could probably even rig up a way to refuel the the CM from the Lander's second stage if you leave it attached to the lander until the meetup, allowing extra fuel/deltaV tolerance.

>> No.12662340

The fact that Tory would at all engage with this memeary at all is hilarious.

>> No.12662344
File: 77 KB, 1024x768, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm lmaoing at you from outside my capsule (I can't get back in please help)

>> No.12662346

why would I take an interest in chemical rocket garbage.
musk is spending how much to develop and achieve a thing already done 50 years ago.
You can't possibly tell me you're actually impressed.

>> No.12662347

that thing looks aesthetic

>> No.12662348
File: 392 KB, 1366x768, 1612269992283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the kino sight. There better be some timelapse video of the flight day out there.

>> No.12662352
File: 70 KB, 1400x740, afwafwef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's smol tho.

>> No.12662355

Love to see how much those people were paying themselves in salaries lol

>> No.12662357

Docking was pretty fucking dicey back then, the auto docking mod from KSP is probably more reliable than the combination of ultra primitive computers and “just eyeball it bro, we put a crosshair in the window” that was used at the time.
These days it does make a lot more sense to assemble much larger composite vehicles in LEO.

>> No.12662359

>"Hey /sfg/ why would I take an interest in rockets, hmm?!"
Good point, leave

>> No.12662361

well I won't be leaving on a musk rocket, thats for sure; those fuckas tend to blow up!!

>> No.12662362

Hopefully this little stunt will make elon crack down on the raptor dev team. Literally didnt even light the second engine. Raptor reliability on display

>> No.12662366

Soviets planned similarly and Soyuz did successfully dock unmanned units in orbit, but they couldn't stick to one plan.
> In August 1964 the Soviet leadership finally decided to take on the Americans' Apollo project with full-fledged manned lunar counterparts. But instead of Korolev's 7K/9K/11K circumlunar design, they asked competing Chief Designer Chelomei to design a new LK-1 manned circumlunar spacecraft, to be sent around the moon on a single launch of his UR-500K Proton booster. Korolev was assigned to use derivatives of his Soyuz spacecraft and N1 booster to create a single-launch manned lunar landing. The Soyuz A was not cancelled, but now became important in developing the necessary rendezvous, docking, and spacewalking techniques needed for the selected lunar orbit rendezvous landing scenario. Korolev however believed that developing two manned lunar spacecraft in parallel was madness and he continued to secretly consider ways of using Soyuz for the circumlunar mssion.

>> No.12662367
File: 63 KB, 600x546, COAS-KSC-69C-8237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, you're going to have to dock the same number of times though. Once in LEO (which the US had to do anyways, not sure if the Soviet N1 design was similar) and then again in LLO for the return trip.

>just eyeball it bro

>> No.12662368

Well what do you plan on leaving in then, Isaac AWthor?

>> No.12662371

I'd bet more money then I made on GME that the issue was the header tank feed lines rather then the raptors themselves.

>> No.12662374

the future will be craft using positron propulsion for in atmosphere lift off, bro.

>> No.12662386
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1612243399305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain, and without the autistic furfag speech impediment.

>> No.12662402
File: 812 KB, 1000x1000, 1611927684289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no reply
BOOM. Us chemiCHADS actually have results over rhetoric. We just can't stop winning.

>> No.12662419
File: 59 KB, 800x450, 1611700703074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate political extremists who do everything to demonize rocket development.

>> No.12662422

What is a gross majority of the Falcon9 boosters? Seriously, what kind of a dumb question is tha...
Ah, its a fucking tourist, go back to your shithole

>> No.12662424

Musk is going to jail for this explosion, isn't he?

>> No.12662431

Orbital rendezvous was considered too difficult and risky. And it was. The soviets in particular had troubles with it for quite a while. The apollo design (separate lander) was fundamentally a high-risk gamble because they had no time to do the NOVA rocket before the end of the decade.

>> No.12662433

Most certainly. The future is Blue my friends.

>> No.12662436

Issue is still with keeping reliable pressure to all raptors. Gravity usually keeps fuel on the bottom of the tank. One raptor relit because it was able to get plenty of fuel.
The second raptor that tried and couldn't quite make it simply wasn't getting the fuel it needed to hit critical combustion limits.

>> No.12662438

If I remember correctly, Buzz was one of the firsts to actually write a thesis on orbital rendezvous and possibly docking? Must have been cool to experience all of that in action after studying it for so long

>> No.12662439

>Orbital rendezvous was considered too difficult and risky. And it was.
Then how was the US able to do it multiple times with only minor difficulties during the Gemini program? They were confident enough to do orbital rendezvous around the fucking Moon on the first attempt as well. It just seems like the difficulties in orbital rendezvous were (and are) far less than the difficulties in building a rocket big enough to single launch a moon landing system.

>> No.12662441
File: 100 KB, 1242x304, E5542A83-3148-4719-AF6F-0781EEC0F586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12662444


>> No.12662446
File: 2.99 MB, 2928x1862, ldmq5lymz4f61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12662447

In fact his specialization was one of the main reasons he was picked.

>> No.12662449

look at how they massacred my boy

>> No.12662452

>that hopper on the lower left
>"You are next."

>> No.12662453

Depends on what you want to do, for flags and footprints it would be a lot easier and more economical to use smaller rockets to assemble a small Apollo style vehicle in LEO, but for giant projects like a million person Mars colony, Oniell cylinder, Jupiter mission, etc you need a larger scale of rocket, and there as well it’s impractical to use giant single launch rockets, you need giant reusable rockets.

>> No.12662454

Well they launched the CSM with the lander so they were able to just do a 180 and attempt to dock (which, by the way, was easier said than done. One of the Apollo missions had huge troubles docking and had to do it multiple times). What I find absolutely batshit crazy is how they were confident enough to attempt taking off from the Moon and docking with the CSM in orbit. But that was really the only thing they could do. THAT was the biggest leap of faith in the whole program besides getting the Saturn V built and working

>> No.12662464

Hey fren, I’m former SpaceX as well. Would definitely like to talk to you about what you’re working on now.

I was former falcon welding before I went to launch integration on crew dragon

>> No.12662465

Orbital rendezvous is easy...
you don’t even need to time anything, just match orbits and slowly close together

>> No.12662466

is this.... FUCK YOU

>> No.12662469

>One of the Apollo missions had huge troubles docking and had to do it multiple times
I have that VR Apollo 11 game where you can attempt manually docking the CM to the LM and it's hard as fuck. The eyepiece thing only seems to work until the last few seconds and then it's basically useless and you just have to go on instinct. Also it's really easy to over-correct. I think the thing KSP gets wrong on docking is that the last couple seconds are actually the most difficult.

>> No.12662471
File: 345 KB, 1920x1080, 6aa4aa9c24f93d548081490d64ea64d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk got a bit too cocky parking SNX right next to the landing zone.
Imagine the headlines if SNIX took out another Starship in an explosion. It definitely got hit by debris and will need inspection.

>> No.12662474

Doesn’t need an inspection, just have to fill it and see if it leaks

>> No.12662475
File: 3.15 MB, 2014x2166, space_compass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? They're easy to dispute.

>> No.12662476

Oh god

>> No.12662480

You're not wrong.

>> No.12662482
File: 266 KB, 1000x562, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will never left this fucking planet.

>> No.12662483

When will Musk stop wasting money on those rockets? It won't ever work anyway.

>> No.12662485

I wonder if it would be worth building a large scale test platform of it. Like just the header internals on a huge hinge.

>> No.12662486

he sounds kinda weird in this video
scott manley


>> No.12662488
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>> No.12662489
File: 46 KB, 900x506, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Biden personally crashed SN9

>> No.12662491

positron propulsion.
its a thing, look it up.
>I was busy.

if you don't know what positron propulsion is, then you're obviously a dumbshit shit teenager who watches cartoons.

>> No.12662494

wow, retarded teenagers masturbating over a loser trying to achieve something boomers got bored with 50 years ago.

>> No.12662496

I probably would have if it were my rocket project, but so long as the Starship prototypes stay cheap (especially if FAA reforms to allow faster timescales) it might be better to continue with the iterative design and yeet entire prototypes till you get a working vehicle. That has the benefits of finding other problems along the way.

>> No.12662501

Based, people are about to reply to you with entire essays on why they love Musk

>> No.12662503

Anon what are you trying to do

>> No.12662506
File: 23 KB, 480x360, space_atlas_imposion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the boomer rocket

>> No.12662509

musk will never reach Mars.

>> No.12662512


>> No.12662514
File: 665 KB, 720x1280, space_falcon_9_abort.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12662519
File: 220 KB, 415x485, 1602297072072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27.3% satellites orbiting earth are of SpaceX starlink's mission and still only launched 946 satellites. The plan is to send 40,000 satellites.

>> No.12662526

Haulin' ass. Looks like kerbal space program when you fuck up your staging

>> No.12662527

>clearly something on fire in the rocket
Prolly blew a turbo pump

>> No.12662535

Cube sats are not real sats

>> No.12662537

>stuffin.space still don't have a "Starlink" group

>> No.12662538

pretty much every flight test they've done has had some random fires in and around the engines

>> No.12662555

No, Starlink is smallsat, nearly 300kg per satellite.

>> No.12662561

they're very small. The number of moving objects in space isn't a problem as long as we know where they are all. It's the stuff we lose track of or never knew about in the first place that's a problem.

>> No.12662568
File: 40 KB, 563x699, 603e6b35d80eda8cd4476f9b8d0c4a77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12662586
File: 341 KB, 750x864, 2E8F724A-4706-442A-B3BF-7A0CCE86C794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls don’t derail this thread with your dumb /pol/ takes. I just want to spread this news. This is good for Artemis

>> No.12662589

I don't know why but all these chinese rocket start ups have completely different names in english and chinese. Of course all the english names completely off spacex.
The chinese name of landspace is blue arrow, which sounds a lot better if you ask me. Don't know why they don't for that besides a complete lack of understanding of the english market.

>> No.12662592

Blue origin needs more gibs

>> No.12662594
File: 21 KB, 920x613, window crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do know a flake of paint can crack a window?

>> No.12662597

Yeah that's what I was thinking. Hopefully they will only go with one company. In that case I feel like Dynetics has a higher chance. But I could see them going with Blue O-ring anyways just to keep the contracts flowing

>> No.12662598

Hmmmm... I wonder what this could mean?
And just what does this human landing system entail?
Huh, I wonder could one of these human landing systems have been tested the day before this announcement came out? HMMMMM....

>> No.12662601

I'll reserve my joy until after we see how that money is distributed.

>> No.12662603

Firefly actually has plans beyond the smallsat market. They're gonna try going up against the falcon 9 with their next rocket.

>> No.12662604

Oh no! not a hekkin 1 mm chip on my 1-ft thick windows AAAAAHHHHHHHH

>> No.12662607

That's what I'm most concerned about. Raptors need to be boringly reliable to hit SpaceX reuse targets.

>> No.12662611

so what does a metal screw do?

>> No.12662616

Interesting and great news. Doomers need not apply.

>> No.12662618

There was a lot of smoke coming from the engine section during SN9 descent, it wasn't the case for SN8. If I had to guess I would say that the problem which prevented the relight appeared before the relighting itself.

>> No.12662622

>1-ft thick windows
the ISS windows each have 4 panes of glass ranging from 1/2 to 1-1/4 inches thick.

>> No.12662623

Cracks the window? Just put duct tape over it. It won't explosively decompress your spacecraft even if smashed the window up pretty bad. You are pretty screwed if it hits your fuel tank section or engine though.

>> No.12662626

>company around for 4 years, still only 3 employees and they're all PHDs
>approaching the ESA
dead in the water

>> No.12662630

I saw their blueprints.
they deserved it

>> No.12662635

>Just put duct tape over it. It won't explosively decompress your spacecraft even if smashed the window up pretty bad.
how do you put duct tape over a smashed window if your dying from asphyxiation?

>> No.12662641

Don’t have glass windows, problem solved

>> No.12662643


>> No.12662644

>if you don't know what positron propulsion is
Everyone on /sfg/ knows what that joke of an idea is, in fact, a few of us were laughing at it as well as nuclear photonic rockets and antimatter rockets a few threads back. Don't come back here and don't post until your IQ reaches triple digits

>> No.12662645


>> No.12662646

Why would they be asphyxiating from a tiny crack in the window?

>> No.12662648
File: 507 KB, 3000x1688, 03p0b5yq1x561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robust funding
'ere we go

>> No.12662649

Nimrod, it doesn't smash like a car door window into a million little pieces. Windows in aerospace have multiple layers and are designed to a) break up the energy a la whipple shielding, and b) cohesively break and spread the cracks like a windshield while staying mostly together.

>> No.12662651
File: 491 KB, 753x502, NO WINDOWS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Sierra Nevada Corporation

>> No.12662653

it can't be unseen

>> No.12662657

>as nuclear photonic rockets and antimatter rockets
this the type of dumb shit you teenagers came up with?

>> No.12662660

Just have cameras and screens that act like windows

>> No.12662661

t. unashamed newfag

>> No.12662666

but it was a toolbox of spanners, pliers, screwdrivers and a drill, bro.

>> No.12662670

t. dumbshit teenagers who can't get to the moon yet.

>> No.12662673

You must go back
Would you not get screwed over with increased solar activity or radiation? Would suck if you got EMP'd by nature and couldn't see anymore because your cameras got fried. Then again, it it's all automated you don't really need windows aside from psychological benefits

>> No.12662678

>tfw you will never develop a tan from a thousand different stars
>tfw you will never hold a several ton rock over your head on the surface of an asteroid pretending to be Atlas
>tfw you will never see the densely packed night sky of a planet in the galactic core of the Triangulum Galaxy
>tfw you will never socialize with ayy lmaos

>> No.12662683
File: 424 KB, 521x551, impact simulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah then you might be fucked lol. My original comment about the 1mm paint chip was just a low effort troll I guess. I understand that anything larger than a paint chip but smaller than a cubesat is a problem because it's too small to be tracked, but big enough to destroy your ship. And debris is only going to increase as cash-grab companies and oldspace continue to litter LEO with garbage

>> No.12662684

Stop throwing shit at ISS windows, Satan.

>> No.12662685

>You must go back
I'll get there long before you, m8.

>> No.12662693

Psssshh hahahaha good! I'm not even going

>> No.12662694

and a bibletard...

>> No.12662695


>> No.12662697

>litter LEO with garbage
Just force UN to pass a resolution to excommunicate or ideally nuke anyone who does this.

Stop being this new.

>> No.12662698

RiPiP in piss

>> No.12662701
File: 505 KB, 1700x1360, 1611711984836~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the sluttiest spacecraft ever made?

>> No.12662702

Good grief at least lurk more before diving head first into responding to things you don’t even understand.

>> No.12662708

Go back.

>> No.12662710

Those lazy bureaucrats have no power and I don't want to even entertain them with the idea that they have any

>> No.12662712

>International bureaucrats
How about NO

>> No.12662715

You really should stop posting on this site, you look like an absolute moron.

>> No.12662716

I kinda dislike that stuff. It's like skinning a human and giving it a blush. All ships are naked minus paint.

>> No.12662718

>poker face.
stick with chemical rockets.
childrens toys are more your level.

>> No.12662717

Again, go back

>> No.12662722

You wouldn't fuck a skinless woman???

>> No.12662723 [DELETED] 

>Stop being this new.
then then its your schizophrenia playing up.

>> No.12662728

How did you even manage to solve the captcha

>> No.12662729 [DELETED] 

jeez, if you're this lacking in vocabulary then I won't strain your brain with any big words.

>> No.12662732

Who told him how quoting works?

>> No.12662733 [DELETED] 

must be sad when others dis on musk considering the number of times you've masturbated on pictures of him.

>> No.12662736
File: 1.08 MB, 3424x2560, space_station_coupulla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.12662737

Who needs legs when you can land on the engine bell

>> No.12662739 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 851x627, urk4c0084m561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in the wrong neighborhood friend

>> No.12662740

careful, you'll bust a nut, again.

>> No.12662744

I don't even really know what you're talking about, but even I can see what a joke that idea is. Please leave. Like what the fuck even are you going for? And why the duck are you calling dissenters teenagers of all things? Are you an underage plebbitor trying to sound like a boomer?

>> No.12662747

lmao, all underage faggots.

>> No.12662751

Well DUCK me in the ass, this autocorrect shit makes mobilefaggig a tad bit more annoying than it really needs to be.

>> No.12662753 [DELETED] 

>I don't even really know what you're talking about,
obviously not.
you still play with dolls.

>> No.12662754

You're definitely a newfag. Vamoose, BITCH.

>> No.12662758

Can we not have dumb arguments unless they're arguments directly about spaceflight?

>> No.12662759

Wait, your mother's tits are called dolls? What a fucked up family, and I thought producing you was enough of a disaster. SCRAMBLE, two digiter.

>> No.12662760

The author of the letter is from Washington, and both senators from each of Colorado and Maryland signed it too. I don't remember which Washington senator it was, but whoever it was, she seemed pretty staunch about the lander being built in Washington (ie. national team). Lockheed has a major space facility in Colorado and is headquartered in Maryland. Overall this seems like a good thing, but I can't help but think that some of them are pulling for the National Team.

>> No.12662761

Science is liberal and atheist.

>> No.12662762

What potential solutions do you have in mind?

>> No.12662763

Blessed image
Close the windows Ivan, we are approaching critical levels of dumbasses all around

>> No.12662764

yeh, you're like 15yo

>> No.12662773 [DELETED] 

>your mother's tits
having sex with someone 10 years deceased.
you're a sick fucka.

>> No.12662775

Hm. I don't know if I have one. I wasn't trying to call you a dumbass or anything; just trying to express my hate for the UN in general. Perhaps getting to space should require a license like flying a plane or driving a car, and that license should include "no space debris, or minimal debris that will deorbit within X days".

>> No.12662776

Not so long as one bored retard keeps dumping low-effort shitposts itt.

>> No.12662777

Most Reddit post I've seen in 30 minutes. Science doesn't have opinions.

>> No.12662780 [DELETED] 

You're not really a nigger either. Just fuck off back to plebbit and whore yourself out for some meme points about how you fought "le evil 4chan nutzie chuds".

>> No.12662786

Debris garbage trawlers

>> No.12662787 [DELETED] 

I thought USA was headed for civil war.
please tell me you're not American.
you're not buying into that BLM shit.

>> No.12662791

>it's another "no bait is too low effort to trigger /sfg/" episode

>> No.12662794 [DELETED] 

so you're actually 14 years old.
my mistake.

>> No.12662801 [DELETED] 

>post stupid shit
>"hey that shit is stupid"
Someone post the comic, it's like 15 years old

>> No.12662803 [DELETED] 

then don't respond back, you do post like a 14 year old.
you're not helping.

>> No.12662804
File: 942 KB, 1111x831, astra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, everytime
Also for anyone who hasn't seen it and once to get back on topic: https://spacenews.com/astra-to-go-public-through-merger-with-spac/

>> No.12662806

Do we know why the raptors were burning dirty on accent? There's pretty clearly a dark plume coming out of them on liftoff.

>> No.12662807 [DELETED] 

BLM's website used to say they want to "Disrupt the western-prescribed nuclear family". They're hostile to monogamy and want to make black people dependent on welfare. Quite clever, honestly, but evil.

>> No.12662808 [DELETED] 

Anon you asked, I answered. I'm not talking to this retard, just (you).

>> No.12662811

I went with UN because my mindset in this regard is still partially stuck in like seventies at most. When I give it conscious effort I recognize that they are pretty much an empty space with a few major players putting a puppet show. Old habits die hard I guess.

Who is going to issue the licenses and punish (fine?) violators?

Ehh. If the pollution situation here on the surface is any indication, poo-in-loo-minded retards will shit up the orbit in no time. Especially if it ends up more profitable to pay the fines or whatever than to follow the rules, as is the case with some corporations nowadays.

>> No.12662813 [DELETED] 

it still sounds 15yo.
drop it entirely.

>> No.12662814 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 755x1255, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's odd how that cunt seems to have a fixation towards teenagers. Is he a dicksword mod?

>> No.12662818 [DELETED] 

>more cartoon memes
not helping.

>> No.12662824 [DELETED] 

>he used cartoon memes on 4Chan
oooooo gottem

>> No.12662826

>Who is going to issue the licenses
Yeah see that's where the problem arises. I don't want it to be administered by a shitty FAA or DMV equivalent for space. Idk
New idea: no one is allowed to go to space if don't have a zero-space debris vehicle. The USA should just claim LEO as ours along with maybe Russia, and anyone who attempts to launch and leaves behind debris gets a MOAB dropped on them by space force

>> No.12662831

Corporations don't like holes in their spaceships, either, so they'd self-regulate. That'd be like a company leaving a bunch of busted nails laying around their dockyard to pop tires off trucks and forklifts

>> No.12662833

>and anyone who attempts to launch and leaves behind debris gets a MOAB dropped on them by space force
Great way to get everyone except EU to gang up on you, while the EU goes into concerned recursion.

>> No.12662834

I wonder how the eco-bureaucrats and jewnalists will react to poos shitting up the orbit.
And your retarded DURR-HURRS are not helping this SPACEFLIGHT thread. Now get your positron-huffing boypussy (I don't consider you masculine enough to just have an ass, so fuck you.) out of here, the adults your pedo ass assume are like 14 are doing the talking here.

>> No.12662838

I guess this is the most sensible approach. Although in theory CEOs don't want to swim in garbage as opposed to their precious Bahamas or whatever is trendy these days and yet the day when everything is filled with trash draws ever closer. Humans are way too retarded in general.

>> No.12662842

this is a SPACEFLIGHT thread?
nah, ya just trolling bro.
waste of time.

>> No.12662843

Who's going to gang up on us? I would be willing to let China control it as well. A US-Russia-China-India collaboration would be worth it. We wouldn't even have to work together that hard. Just come to a mutual agreement that LEO is now considered like Antarctica where we all own it and we can condemn idiot countries and smalllaunch companies who litter it up. Are you really afraid of France seething because they aren't allowed to launch anymore?

>> No.12662853 [DELETED] 

and get rid of your hentai collection while your at it.
jerking off to color in drawing is for losers.
get a life.

>> No.12662854

I'm not gonna buy Astra. I own MAXR and SRAC but I'm not touching Astra.

>> No.12662857

Don't blame you to be honest. It's a joke of a company

>> No.12662865

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing

>> No.12662874

Will Elon hopefully finally abandon the suicide dive and change it to a much more propulsion based landing maneuver? Like starting the flip a kilometer higher or something?

>> No.12662886

That solves any possible money problems they might have, including funding for Rocket 5 (and other rockets?) development, production expansion, and better launch sites. However, they're in over their heads with extremely ambitious launch cadence goals, which will initially help attract investment and may position themselves to some as a SpaceX competitor, but what happens when they fall short? What happens when they unveil their hypersonic transport only for the Starship to obliterate it? Will this push them to Rocket Lab-style reuse? Would investors be able to withstand another Rocket 3-style test campaign?
This is a brilliant short-term move at the expense of the long term.

>> No.12662887
File: 28 KB, 720x677, apu jogger cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put BLM sign on rocket
>miss orbit

>> No.12662892

Only if it will also work on Mars.

>> No.12662896

Why would he? The maneuver clearly works, it's just reliability problems that need to be resolved.

>> No.12662898

The flip works, it's the braking burn at the end that's the problem, and that's revealing all kinds of problems with Raptor. I'm fine with continued iterative testing on the current design.

>> No.12662913

Will Ford hopefully abandon the suicide drift and change it to a much more inertia based braking maneuver? Like starting to decelerate a kilometer before the destination is reached or something?

>> No.12662915 [DELETED] 

>t. Really bad shitposter

>> No.12662917


>> No.12662919

Yup 100% me

>> No.12662922

>I would be willing to let China control it as well. A US-Russia-China-India collaboration would be worth it
t. retard
Geopolitics is primarily about great power competition, and something like that would be self-defeating simple because it would make so no one can bully the other guys into compliance.

>> No.12662925

Yes it works, but I worry the tight timing leaves no leeway for corrective maneuvers if something goes wrong, like did with SN9. Thus it'd be better to start the flip higher.

>> No.12662932

In a 1990s Explorer that would have probably saved lives.

>> No.12662943

>warned for making fun of the shitposter
Suck my dick mod I'm out of town

>> No.12662946

Most of it is just bants and trolling, I doubt anyone here really doubts Musk can pull it off.

>> No.12662948

Higher flip means more fuel is burnt. It also probably wouldn't solve the unequal fuel pressures/ gas in the lines problem.

>> No.12662932,1 [INTERNAL] 

>t. pedo hentai collector

>> No.12662952

It probably would have been fine if it had some kind of engine failure mode that started the third engine, which will no doubt be present in later starships. Nevermind this was only the second test for this design and maneuver so I don't see the problem, it can only get better from here.

>> No.12662957

I'm a bit doubtful of the timeframe because there's been nearly zero hubbub about designing private Martian EVA suits, or vehicles, or habitats.

>> No.12662970

Alright then, no one but the USA can go to space. I'd be okay with that

>> No.12662972

if you were a necrophile, I suppose

>> No.12662973

The logic is flawed no matter how you turn it. You don't try to revise the entire locomotion system because your specific brakes are faulty. This mentality is how you end up with SLS.

>> No.12662957,1 [INTERNAL] 

>t. comic-com hentai sex tourism addict

>> No.12662974

I was shitposting about how 90s Ford Explorers had a tendency to tip over and crash.

>> No.12662981

Any fun/interesting stories?

>> No.12662983

matching orbits involves timing

>> No.12662985

humans aren't advanced enough to wisely colonize mars.
tech is too primitive.
they will all die.

>> No.12662987

It's a feature

>> No.12662990

Prove it

>> No.12662996


>> No.12663001


>> No.12663008

yeah this is some bullshit
don't know why they needed to wait until after Biden was in office to do this...

>> No.12663013

owning stock in launch companies seems like a mistake

>> No.12663020

>Prove it
you're really this starry-eyed?
practice on the moon, first.

mars colonization will take a generation of 1st hand experience to pull off.

>> No.12663032

It is. The market is already overcrowded. Anyone who invests in the launch industry right now is just asking to lose money

>> No.12663034

for tiny cube sat launchers that are less cost-effective than old-space, sure
once (if) SpaceX goes public trading, I'm going all the way in

>> No.12663052

Nice thread guys

>> No.12663060

It has three engines so that it can still land with one engine failure. So they must be planning to do the flip early enough to fire up the third engine if necessary. I bet that they have to do the flip at the last minute during testing to minimize how far it can stray from the landing pad if it fails.

>> No.12663061

There’s no payloads for these small sat launchers either
Especially while NASA is still subsidizing rideshare launches to the ISS

>> No.12663075

Fire all 3 engines for landing then shut off 1-2 as necessary

>> No.12663078

Any Elon touches go public always go all-in. Tbh Tesla is probably still a good buy for long term investors

>> No.12663086

Tesla is insanely over valued ...

>> No.12663091

If you just count car production, sure. But the battery and self-driving tech has enormous value

>> No.12663104

>Zhuque-2 liquid
I always read that as "too huge to liquid"

>> No.12663135

I cannot ridicule the Chinese for their space efforts, but I will ridicule them for their dumbass names kek

>> No.12663144

How many public companies are his besides Tesla. And do they / will they stand the test of time? I want to know if I should invest in starlink asap and hold it as long as possible

>> No.12663147

Yes that is how it works

>> No.12663148


>> No.12663151

>SN9 fails landing
>Elon requires a sacrifice

>> No.12663159

Worth 800 billion? Lol
You would be nuts to buy meme stocks like Tesla

>> No.12663162

What the fuck is that shit? 4 fucking gas generators?

>> No.12663163
File: 204 KB, 1024x956, musk-general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a realistic timeline for Starship being operational?
Does anyone think they will make the 2022 Mars window?

>> No.12663166
File: 35 KB, 513x279, Cernan EVA cancer dust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know how the stock market works anon? Or are you just havin' a go

>> No.12663168

Maybe an alternative to gimbaling?

>> No.12663170


>> No.12663172

I'm seeing 4 gas generators dumping out at the same rate there. I doubt that has much to do with gimballing or lack thereof. Something tells me this engine is incredibly inefficient.

>> No.12663173

Buy physical gold and silver and other rare metals

>> No.12663178

White House press secretary was put on the spot again about space, this time about Artemis. No concrete answer.

>> No.12663183

no to 2022 Mars window, but probably 2022 orbital and 2023 unmanned lunar mission, 2024 dear moon and unmanned mars missions

>> No.12663184

Told you so. Bye bye Artemis.

>> No.12663188

glad at least she's doing damage control for her comments yesterday meaning they feel internally that Americans take space aspirations seriously and care about it.

>> No.12663190

Now that's a meme

>> No.12663193
File: 258 KB, 1280x853, CRAWLER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In her defense I doubt the administration has even thought about Artemis, and she would have to go out of her way to ask Biden his stance on it. She has been a fucking awful communicator for Sloppy Joe but if it makes y'all feel better she said she personally loves the idea of Artemis and will get back to the reporter

>> No.12663195

Psaki is a moron employed by a liar so I wouldn't trust anything she says.

>> No.12663197

So normies are calling starhopper "hoppy" now...

>> No.12663199

>Blue O-ring
fucking kek

>> No.12663204

Artemis has too much Trump attached to it, I told people long before the election that if it changed in the white house, it's most likely gone.
Now just wait and see, maybe they'll do a backburner effort on it first, then they'll axe it because it didn't perform even though they cut funding to a skeleton crew minimum.

>> No.12663208

Physical gold, silver, and other failed currencies are extremely overvalued and their prices are only kept high by boomer speculation and people who think they're going to be king in a doomsday scenario instead of getting murdered. Within 50 years asteroid mining will decimate their prices.

>> No.12663222

Pretty clear the admin's priority right now is budget and Covid relief.

>> No.12663227

ok, but what is the stronger influence: anti-Trump or corporate interest?

>> No.12663229

Do you think any of that shit matters? Constellation was also handing out cost plus contracts to half the fucking country.
Didn't stop it from getting axed because it had the previous administration's name all over it.

The exact same will happen here.

>> No.12663265
File: 460 KB, 1079x789, Screenshot_20210203-122230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stratolaunch heavy isn't real it can't hurt you

>> No.12663271

Unfortunately administration changes and terms ending have negative effects on long term goals. It's not anybody's interest to push for a program that'll give results when you're out of office already. Pretty sad to think about it, but that's how it is when there is lack of incentive. Artemis seemed alright on paper, SLS being a direct continuation of the most boring space program ever conceived aside. I wonder if the previous administration would've pushed further into it to make it happen before the end of their second term. It's definitely not up there in the priorities now when 'rona is fucking up the world, it'd seem.

>> No.12663276

It's just to spite and not leave any achievements for a former administration to get acknowledgment for. Don't pretend it has anything to do with "long term goals".

>> No.12663290

>I wonder if the previous administration would've pushed further into it to make it happen before the end of their second term.
Absolutely. Trump watched DM-2 in person. He would have been ecstatic to see a moon landing with him in office.

>> No.12663296

His phone call to the astronauts would have been so incomprehensible but hilarious. Would have probably gone on a tangent about some dumb shit lmao

>> No.12663303

>You wonderful people are the best
>No one can beat us
>We are the best
>I am the best
>I'm probably the best, like, ever
>All these people trying to get to the Moon, they can't do it like we can
>They can't trade like us either
>Something about diet coke and the economy
Biden's phone call won't even be funny it will just be cringe and make no sense

>> No.12663307

I shudder to think what will happen if we start electing people who weren't alive to watch the Apollo missions. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if that fact alone has kept NASA and US space interests running as long as they have been. We need some new aspirational spaceflight goals achieved soon otherwise we'll forget what they can do for a country.

>> No.12663319

I think just the opposite. Lots of young politicians out there probably know enough about Apollo and are surprised we haven't been back. Things will especially kick up if the Chynease start going there more and more often and start getting shit into space with Long March 9

>> No.12663324 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 745x488, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you can top Trump when it comes to cringe and embarrassment for the nation.

>> No.12663325 [DELETED] 

You seem to be doing a pretty good job.

>> No.12663327 [DELETED] 

Yes you can, it's called Boeing

>> No.12663328

Well we already know that the Trump admin was more anti-regulation than average, the FAA changes regarding SpaceX started under them, if Pence (who seemed more involved with the actual admin space policy) pushed the regulatory framework could probably have been streamlined even further in the future.
Trump also substantially increased NASAs budget during his first term and probably could have been encouraged to do so yet again, which would mean more contract money for CC and other commercial space projects under NASA.

>> No.12663329 [DELETED] 

The State of Florida

>> No.12663330 [DELETED] 

Dial 8.

>> No.12663331

>Biden wants to create an ARPA-C agency for climate technology goals in particular. Per Biden’s plan, the ARPA-C initiative “will target affordable, game-changing technologies to help America achieve our 100% clean energy target,” with a specific focus on small modular reactors at “half the construction cost of today’s reactors.”

nuclear bros....

>> No.12663336

Let's go Joe

>> No.12663337

If Biden doesn't reverse Trump's space-nuclear orders and the FAA doesn't strangle SpaceX we're getting off this rock after all.
>because then it becomes "bipartisan consensus even ORANGE MAN BAD agreed with" and thus inviolable

>> No.12663338 [DELETED] 

Kek look at them come out of the woodwork. More Americans dead on his watch then the civil war and you clowns still would suck him off.

>> No.12663342

>If Biden doesn't reverse Trump's space-nuclear orders
not so far https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/14/2021-01013/promoting-small-modular-reactors-for-national-defense-and-space-exploration

here's hoping it stays that way, this is shit that benefits the nation, not just one party over another

>> No.12663351

>with a specific focus on small modular reactors at “half the construction cost of today’s reactors.”
Good on you Biden, hope you stick to this plan

>> No.12663355

no idea, I just think it'll happen by 2030, at the latest

>> No.12663364

Well more NUCC benefits everyone, I’m not a climatard but air pollution does have real tangible health degrading effects so outright replacing fossil fuel for grid production will eliminate a large number of chronic illness deaths, maybe 20% of them assuming near total replacement in the middle future.
Small modular facilities will resolve the electricity cost issue as well and allow for accelerated maturation of nuclear technologies which are only either on paper or still rare single prototypes.

>> No.12663365

So why does Starship make a full swing and then another one to go vertical instead of just going vertical on the first place? Is it a case of Raptors too powerful?

>> No.12663374

Momentum exists

>> No.12663382

One of the Starlink launches got pushed back a day to Feb 5

>> No.12663384


The rocket skydives to fall as slowly as possible so that you dont need as much fuel to use the engines to land the rocket. If it stays vertical while falling, it will go very, very fast.

>> No.12663385

>you could calculate the complete state of the next moment.
Imagine thinking our current theories of physics are solid enough at this point already to actually state this with 100% certainty.
I hate this arrogance. This idea that physics and the nature of the universe are all already written down in some book somewhere you can go ahead and read.
It stifles curiosity. And it stifles people's ambition to get out there and increase our frame of reference.

>> No.12663386

No, its the case of testing out the belly dive maneuver. They need it to shave off the orbital speeds for when the ships come back down fast in Mars/Earth. They can do vertical, but that would reduce the effectiveness of their aerobraking capabilities and require more fuel (and thus make it more inefficient overall).

>> No.12663387


Yeah, that is a bit dissapointing. Would've been kino as fuck to have them launch on the same day and even see the second stage in orbit on the launch graph of the second rocket being launched.

Perhaps even see the rocket trail of the first rocket in the background when the second one is being fueled up.

>> No.12663415

Our current theories of physics are solid enough to tell us it's NOT possible, lol. Uncertainty is fundamental to quantum mechanics.

>> No.12663420

How can you know that which is unknown though

>> No.12663424

Probably to get rid of the horizontal momentum caused by the first part of the flip and also whatever horizontal momentum it was already carrying you say?
Yeah. I guess it is a consequence of the raptors being so low and in a horizontal position when the maneuver starts; maybe if they had like 8 (or maybe 4) "flip thrusters" specifically made to impart only angular momentum around the center of mass then they wouldn't need to do a full swing and back.
I'm sure they thought of this but decided instead that the simplest solution is to figure out how to do it with the raptors which minimizes mechanical complexity.

I know why it skydives, I'm talking about the flip maneuver: why does it have to be so extreme?

>> No.12663429

>firefly investors were known scammers, suckering people into signing up for fake dating sites then making it near impossible to cancel the subscription
They made enough off of this shit to run a launch startup? What the fuck.

>> No.12663438

>I know why it skydives, I'm talking about the flip maneuver: why does it have to be so extreme?
As I said, fueling efficiency. They know raptors can do it at low altitudes, they know raptors can do it at high altitude. The difference is efficiency. With lower altitudes, raptor only has to burn for few seconds. With higher altitude, raptor has to burn for more seconds.

The crashes are unrelated to this mechanism.

>> No.12663453

Did it OD on fentonayl

>> No.12663471

>Inspiration4 Super Bowl ad
Looks okay but I expected a little more?

>> No.12663482

>Long March 3 B/E surprise launch tomorrow
I wonder who will launch more rockets this year, America or China.

>> No.12663484

Biden will make sure it's China.

>> No.12663487


>> No.12663504
File: 233 KB, 462x662, sad pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karma got me bros. I was shitting on the FAA and a good friend just died in a plane crash today. They don't know what happened and they just called in the FAA to come open a formal investigation.

>> No.12663510

sorry about that, friend

>> No.12663512

well you knew the risks, and so did your friend

>> No.12663513

Oh man this cleanup will take forever

>> No.12663515

Prove it

>> No.12663517

Yeah that's part of aerospace. I go up in planes a lot, not with him but with other people. It's not as scary when you're actually in the plane. You know the risks

>> No.12663522

I'm not an FAA shill

>> No.12663524

Give it a day or two, nature will take care of the rest

>> No.12663535

>I know why it skydives, I'm talking about the flip maneuver: why does it have to be so extreme?
Noone else understands your question but I do. The reason the swing goes a bit past vertical is because the Raptors just imparted some horizontal velocity that needs to be scrubbed off before touch down. SN8's flip was actually closer to the intended flip maneuver, SN9's was all fucked up because it only had the one engine to work with. SN9 kicked out way further than intended, SN8 was almost correct, it pretty much went straight up, then corrected the remaining ~10 degrees back to retrograde (almost vertical), then hit the ground.

>> No.12663545

Maybe Dems aren’t complete fucking mongoloid satanists after all

>> No.12663549

Coronavirus is a scam

>> No.12663555

Same FAA let Boing investigate the MAX themselves to find it faultless, it's probably indirectly their fault in some way anyway and your friend's soul is whispering 'no, fuck jannies'

>> No.12663557

>you're really this starry-eyed?
You aren’t proving it. Prove it, now, or your claim is invalid.

> practice on the moon, first.
That’s like practicing for alpine survival by trying to survive in a swamp

>> No.12663563

There’s no such thing as “overvalued”. Learn how stocks work

>> No.12663564

Kek you aren't wrong

>> No.12663572

Currently recruiting astronauts for new thread




>> No.12663574

Max was fine, thirdie pilots crashes planes

>> No.12663576

>page 8

>> No.12663577

Democracy doesn’t work. Return to dictatorship

>> No.12663586

There was a time when you faggots were banned and your premature threads were deleted.

>> No.12663588

Just replace our lungs with robot stuff. Fuck biology

>> No.12663593

They wanted really badly to market it as requiring no extra training when it actually did, so they just lied. The engineering was fine, the entire program was not.

>> No.12663613

>You aren’t proving it. Prove it, now, or your claim is invalid.
what evidence do have proving musk is even a fraction of NASA?

>That’s like practicing for alpine survival by trying to survive in a swamp
the moon is a lot closer to Earth.
things WILL go wrong.

>> No.12663627
File: 418 KB, 2048x1366, D38CCEB4-D938-48C4-AEF4-713E8E975F57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raptor gore

>> No.12663628

>what evidence do have proving musk is even a fraction of NASA?

SpaceX develops things faster and has much cheaper launch prices than NASA. Pretty simple.
You aren’t giving any examples of whatsoever of actual technological barriers to Mars colonization

>> No.12663634

musk can't land on Earth, much less so on Mars.

>> No.12663637

Wrong. There’s been many landings done by SpaceX vehicles

>> No.12663639

musk has cheaper faster stuff made that blows up more often.


not go BOOM!!!

>> No.12663648
File: 62 KB, 597x400, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entropy is a hell of a drug

>> No.12663655

land where, on a perfect patch of ground selected on Earth.

don't you think he should he should practice on the Moon before crashing on Mars where no-one is gonna help them?

>> No.12663656

looks like nuclear is back on the menu boys

>> No.12663678

...and he was a good friend

>> No.12663686

>land where, on a perfect patch of ground selected on Earth.
And rocky drone ships in the middle of the Atlantic.

>> No.12663690


>> No.12663704

yeh I saw it,

its a miracle when something works.
working like clockwork is supposed to be the norm and fuck ups are supposed to be the very very rare thing you can't remember last happening before you travel millions of miles and get yaself killed.

>> No.12663709
File: 58 KB, 1685x1058, space_falcon9_launches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working like clockwork is supposed to be the norm
Yeah exactly.

>> No.12663716

hilarious bro.
musk rockets go BOOOOOOOM!!!
his improvements are only that, improvements.
nothing more.

still not fail safe idiot proof, perfect.
he's dumb enough to go all the way to Mars with 0.0 experience.

moon is the ONLY place to get it.

>> No.12663720

Wanna bet on it?

>> No.12663722

>he's dumb enough to go all the way to Mars with 0.0 experience.
not even the Chinese are stupid enough to do that.

>> No.12663726

>Wanna bet on it?
whats the bet?
you think he'll get all the way to Mars and back alive?

thats really what you really think is gonna happen?

>> No.12663742

that superbowl add said he's putting civilians in space in the fall!!

If they crash, then what?

>> No.12663781

>not even the Chinese are stupid enough to do that.
China will get to Mars, long before musk.
China is racking up experience left & right.
they'd have at least some modicum of real capability by now.
they're sure to walk on the moon in this coming decade and have a serious shot at Mars at decades end.
they're way ahead of musk.

>> No.12663822

>China is racking up experience left & right.
CCP china is stealing left & right.
The west is slowly waking up to the fact that china is a backstabbing thief, their seemingly endless technological development will stagnate when they can't steal tech anymore.

>> No.12663832

Sorry to hear that anon but you can be both supportive of the FAA and critical of it

>> No.12663834

>CCP china is stealing left & right.
>The west is slowly waking up to the fact that china is a backstabbing thief
>their seemingly endless technological development will stagnate when they can't steal tech anymore.
this is highly unlikely.
not just governments like mine are complicit sell-outs, but so is Biden.

>> No.12663837

>China will get to Mars, long before musk.
>they're sure to walk on the moon in this coming decade and have a serious shot at Mars at decades end.
they're way ahead of musk.
Musk is going to be sending cargo to mars in 3 years. Also did you forget about the nasa rovers

>> No.12663840

Biden is a complete sell out and its worrisome. However on space I do not believe the chinks can catch up

>> No.12663856

>Also did you forget about the nasa rovers
so you'll credit that to musk?
what bits did his engineers do?
>Musk is going to be sending cargo to mars in 3 years.
so when it fails, will you re-appraise?

>> No.12663872

>However on space I do not believe the chinks can catch up
the chinks will continue to plunder both our economies & intellectual property.
China would already have insiders on spacex.

>> No.12663876
File: 2.41 MB, 1680x1050, Kerbal Space Program 2_3_2021 5_22_04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good spaceship builder games? I have to ditch KSP because it's refusing to work properly for me, most mods have serious bugs, aren't properly compatible, and planet packs are right out. I've had to manually adjust most of my parts, which is kind of fun, but gets tedious when you have to do it for an 100s of parts. Did get me into Atomic Rockets though, thanks KSP. Pic related is my utterly retarded take on the Bussard Ramjet, this would probably be a subscale replica because ideally the reaction chamber would be a kilometer or so long, let alone the rest of the rocket. The longer the chamber the higher the max speed, this just might be drag limited which would be insane.

>> No.12663877

lol hes gonna get crucified by his own party for this

>> No.12663881

I forgot to select Earth as a gravity reference, i upscaled the engine to get 1.5 gravity thrust, delta v is without cargo, can accelerate to ~15%c with 6000 tonnes of payload.

>> No.12663882

>this is highly unlikely.
My major reason for thinking that china will stagnate without new tech to steal is because of the massively flawed school system of china.
Chinese education is all about learning as much knowledge as possible, not about applying it.
And cheating&buying your diploma is rampant there.
You end up with scenario's in china where you have docters who failed their trainee period but end up with a diploma because their rich parents bribe the right person anyway.

>> No.12663884

But, Winnie the Pooh, CCP will not survive until the decade's end.

>> No.12663887

>ideally the reaction chamber would be a kilometer or so long
I want this. I really do

>> No.12663899

don't reply to obvious shills who completely ignore evidence when you give it to them, it just shits up the thread even more

>> No.12663905

Yeah i designed this to give the crew at least double time dilation, to carry as much payload as possible as far away and as quickly as possible, and to be able to slow down without having to hundreds of tonnes of fuel. Instead it shifts from a scramjet to a ramscoop, generating enormous drag via bremsstrahlung radiation by slowing the ionized particles down. Absolute insane design, but fuck antimatter. Doubles as a warship with 6 1 gigawatt lasers that would destroy anything within the same planetary system instantly.

>> No.12663936

yes, everything true.
they only need to filter/select a very small group of say 1,000,000 engineers & scientists to properly further educate & train to be the core of their future space program.

no different than the supposed 100,000 computer hackers they had previously working on developing their cyber-warfare expertise.
china has the manpower manhours to pull off anything.
they will continue to plunder our industries, universities and have spies in every sector of government and business.

China doesn't care about the rest of its population.
they're all just allowed to live until china has an internationally valid way to get rid of them.

>But, Winnie the Pooh, CCP will not survive until the decade's end.
Thats only possible if they're stupid enough to start a war that escalates.

>> No.12663974

>so you'll credit that to musk?
No? Stop strawmaning. The US has rovers on mars the US is pushing forward with Artemis and SpaceX is going to speed up our colonization tenfold.
>so when it fails, will you re-appraise?
No evidence that it will fail. Maybe stop being a chink shill

>> No.12663979

>China would already have insiders on spacex.

>> No.12664000

>No? Stop strawmaning. The US has rovers on mars the US is pushing forward with Artemis and SpaceX is going to speed up our colonization tenfold.
so because Toyota makes excellent vehicles, that means Mitsubishi is credited with the same engineering competence?
the engineers of spacex had nothing to do with mars rover.
they don't magically know everything the other engineers know.
musk wouldn't need to re-develop everything if they already know how.
>No evidence that it will fail. Maybe stop being a chink shill
real world don't work like that.
musc has 3yrs to get his engineering PERFECT, only one stuff up and that entire payload is lost.
why? cause you never thought of it being a thing china would ever likely attempt?
as if china would never think it? the chinese are retards and they clearly already know the ONLY way they can compete in engineering and science is if they steal it.
chinese are everywhere, go walk thru your city and play a game of count of the chink.

>> No.12664026


>> No.12664205

Because spacex has more protections than US companies and the US military.
>so because Toyota makes excellent vehicles, that means Mitsubishi is credited with the same engineering competence?
Listen chink you don't understand, spacex is not in direct competition with NASA they are working together and in some cases working towards the same goals. The starship being developed will help the artemis missions speed up their timeline and the artemis contracts are paying for the R&D SpaceX requires for starship. Together they reach their goals faster and beat the soulless communist insects to colonization.
>real world don't work like that.
musc has 3yrs to get his engineering PERFECT, only one stuff up and that entire payload is lost.
Your ESL is showing. But let me be more clear on my point. SpaceX is making steady progress on starship and is not showing any real speedbumps in their development. The 3 1/2 years ago they were still trying to finish polishing falcon 9 and were figuring out falcon heavy. You think in that amount of time starship won't be ready for an unmanned trip to mars? You are delusional.

>> No.12664270

>Because spacex has more protections than US companies and the US military.
lmao utter bullshit.
>Listen chink you don't understand, spacex is not in direct competition with NASA they are working together and in some cases working towards the same goals. The starship being developed will help the artemis missions speed up their timeline and the artemis contracts are paying for the R&D SpaceX requires for starship. Together they reach their goals faster and beat the soulless communist insects to colonization.
NASA is advising them like you would someone you're not about to share everything with.
NASA engineers are not the ones designing it nor constructing it.
If NASA was doing all this instead of spacex, they'd already be most way done.
the engineers and technicians of NASA aren't the ones doing the work, their skills aren't being utilized at all.
the half-ass engineers and technicians of spacex makes shit that blows up and crashes.
you've clearly never been part of research and development team that actually designs and makes a thing from cradle to grave.
>Your ESL is showing. But let me be more clear on my point. SpaceX is making steady progress on starship and is not showing any real speedbumps in their development. The 3 1/2 years ago they were still trying to finish polishing falcon 9 and were figuring out falcon heavy. You think in that amount of time starship won't be ready for an unmanned trip to mars?
>You are delusional.

you live in a fantasy world where you actually think its the engineers and technicians of NASA doing all this.
it isn't.

you don't understand the difference because you've never been involved in such a thing yourself.
you less than chink and an embarrassment to burgers.

>> No.12664439

>lmao utter bullshit.
It does, anything dealing with ballistic missiles is going to be far more protected by the us government than standard military branches and private corporations.
>NASA is advising them like you would someone you're not about to share everything with.
They do not plan to share everything
>NASA engineers are not the ones designing it nor constructing it.
>If NASA was doing all this instead of spacex, they'd already be most way done.
How long did it take the SLS? Oh yeah over a decade and counting
Good argument, so compelling
>you live in a fantasy world where you actually think its the engineers and technicians of NASA doing all this.
it isn't.
Good strawman too bad I've never asserted this. Maybe work on your English a bit more before you shill
>you don't understand the difference because you've never been involved in such a thing yourself.
you less than chink and an embarrassment to burgers.
Again work on your English. Why don't you tell me about your country's space program. Oh wait you can't.

>> No.12664476

they made a thing and it blew up
they made a thing and it blew up
they made a thing and it blew up
they made a thing and it blew up
they made a thing and it blew up
goto START:
you are a hack and couldn't engineer a paper bag.
the half ass incompetency you accept as normal development is testimony to your worthlessness

what you consider difficult is a joke.
I seriously doubt if you've been involved with state of the art in your life.

>> No.12664490

>page 10
Someone should make a new thread