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12655721 No.12655721 [Reply] [Original]

I just learned that China doesn’t obsessively mark children or adults as having Asperger syndrome or high functioning autism. Why? Is this better or worse? Their system seems more autistic than schizophrenic which the contemporary western system is. Do autistic people without intelligence-problems thrive better in China because their social system is less schizophrenic?

>> No.12655736

>no empathy bugpeople
Good luck classifying autists Chang

>> No.12656471

China flat out doesn't believe in mental health.

>> No.12656672

All chinese are aspies. Neurotypicality is some sort of defect. But since victorian england and the ussr appear to have been aspie as well, the cause of neurotypicality must be environmental, rather than genetic.

>> No.12658847

Anyway, I think we should figure out what's causing it.

>> No.12660052

They don't have it, because they haven't injected random shit to pregnant woman.

>> No.12661555

It's the reason why culture changes every decade: the remaining healthy people create a new subculture, next generation it gets invaded by the "neurotypical" schizos, who inevitably ruin it, and the new generation again creates something new. Metal is immune to this, because it terrifies the schizos for some reason.

>> No.12661558 [DELETED] 

(not that schizos never go there)

>> No.12661560

(not that schizos never go there, but it limits their impact enough)

>> No.12661595

This was my first thought too. Autism wouldn’t matter as much to them as they’re a very unexpressive people. Go to school to find out the best of your ability, do job to best of your ability. It’s like that in the West but we, you know, aren’t as big of drones about it.

>> No.12661610

Best thing that happened to West was Gen X

>> No.12661611

Autism has become the pushy parents diagnosis......
Surprised we don't see more of it in China but maybe they see the stigma of weakness as too damaging.

>> No.12661979

Sounds about right

>> No.12662015

autism here gives you 50% extra time on exams and study pills
what benefits does autism give in China?

>> No.12663048

The schizophrenia makes the west basically 100% automatons, who mindlessly do what they're taught.

>> No.12663177
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Mongoloids are high IQ flexible brachys who don't have the incessant need for putting religious discrete classifications on things.

It's no coincidence that Anglos did all the classification/taxonomy shit (much of which turned out to be outright false, and even what wasn't was limited by its discreteness)

>> No.12663650


>> No.12663675 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure they don't have a mind - I eventually tealized the reason why I'm failing to connect with anybody is that there is noone to connect with. They only do the routines they were taught, react to stimuli the way they were taught to react to them, but there is nobody inside that body, no person, only the voices.

>> No.12663683

I'm pretty sure they don't have a mind - I eventually realized the reason why I'm failing to connect with anybody is that there is noone to connect with. They only do the routines they were taught, react to stimuli the way they were taught to react to them, but there is nobody inside that body, no person, only the voices.

>> No.12663693
File: 343 KB, 512x431, normies in an abnormal world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire idea of 'normal' for most of them are how people on TV act.

>> No.12663752
File: 105 KB, 800x478, nihms613260f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fun little theory:

the world actually is a simulation, and most inhabitants are NPCs. However, the concentration of NPCs reaches a peak among whites.

When you think about the sheer amount of resources they've had at their disposal, and the opportunity they've had, it just feels unreal that we even still EXIST on this earth, much less being poised to actually make a demographic/wealth comeback.

They had absolute control of 4 free continents, even to this day, in addition to the control of the others during colonialism. They were at one point the only ones with nuclear weapons. They had the undisputedly easiest route to the Americas. They had the easiest and most stable climate, with no desertification.

Given these immense almost "cheat code" advantages, europe should have beat the game by now--everyone else should have been dead. But instead it has managed to start losing the game. White NPCs will blame this on fellow white NPCs who have slightly bigger noses. But the reality is that all whites are NPCs and can't actually translate a material advantage into a demographic one.

>> No.12663778
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This is further evidenced by simply having conversations with whites.

White normies, as normies of all races, are NPCs. This is unremarkable. The insidious part is when you talk to self-described "alternative" whites. All of them, with zero exception, have a very glaring and discrete deficiency in the ability to recognize reality, within a particular area.

For example, let's take the white liberal. He will not fall prey to looney schizoid religious theories like "jesuit reptilians are controlling the masonry". However, he WILL fall prey to looney authoritarian theories like "Building 7 fell due to fires".

The white conservative is the exact opposite, distrusting "establishment" media simply for the fact that they are establishment, even if the facts in question are as basic as "water is good for you".

The white communist believes that men are women.

The white nationalist believes that white men with slighly longer noses are not white because reasons, and also becomes incredibly inflamed if you say something that offends his revisionist historical fantasies.

To put it briefly, all whites are NPCs. It's as if they've been deliberately crafted by a higher power to have very particular, and very intense weaknesses in grasping reality, even the so-called "intelligent" ones.

>> No.12663796
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I think the highest concentration of protagonist thought is found in the CCP. When you look at the racial history of the world, it essentially is a tale of China resisting and achieving the impossible. From banishing the ANE from Siberia, to resisting and indirectly conquering Aryan Tocharians, and almost completely extinctifying the Oceanian tribes of Southeast Asia.

I do not think, however, that Chinese people in general are of protagonist thought--they seem roughly as "normie" as other races. I think that there is a certain...breed? or personality type of Chinese that reaches a full-blossom of protagonist agency. I also think that Chinese "normies" are deficient in a way that other-race normies are not, which makes them more controllable by CCP protagonists.

In the presence of protagonist governance, China blossoms and does the seemingly impossible. In their absence, due to the other deficiencies they have, China stagnates very hard.

I think that other races have protagonists too, but they cannot manage the same success as China because their normies are not herdlike enough. The European race does not have any protagonists.

>> No.12663801 [DELETED] 

Just for the record, I don't 100% believe what I've written, as I mostly discount the idea of "the universe being a simulation, dude"

But if I were to accept the idea of a simulation, then this would absolutely be my worldview.

>> No.12663810
File: 274 KB, 1200x1200, wagyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tldr: restofworld is solo players, china is a clan, west is the boss NPC

Just for the record, I don't 100% believe what I've written, as I mostly discount the idea of "the universe being a simulation, dude"

But if I were to accept the idea of a simulation, then this would absolutely be my worldview.

>> No.12665532

I don’t think you’ve traveled very much. Almost all people wherever I go act like they’ve just been programmed.
And besides you can say the exact same thing about how Asians or the Middle Eastern empires had the world in their hands but lost it too and somehow blame them for being npc’s because of it.
Whites prospered because of the scientific method and analysis and viewing the world as it was made by a creator, they are falling now because of their obsession with the objective truth and their disconnect with their original thought that founded them. They still have the ‘objective science’ in their mind but do not know what it is and think it’s what the tv and journalists tell them. Whites used to be the most autistic race in history making them the most powerful but they now fell into schizophrenia as a declining super organism just like China became schizophrenic before but are growing autistic again.
A schizophrenic mindset is an npc mindset that declines its super organism, a high functioning autistic mindset is a mindset of creators and those who prosper.

>> No.12665543

>To put it briefly, all whites are NPCs. It's as if they've been deliberately crafted by a higher power to have very particular, and very intense weaknesses in grasping reality, even the so-called "intelligent" ones.
Not really. It seems a key function in the brain gets inverted, which is why they seem to always go with the worst possible option or do the opposite of what would make sense. It isn't deluberately crafted, it's something that could easily be caused by a toxin or pathogen.