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File: 38 KB, 1333x1000, identifying-schizophrenia-in-children-4155780-88bc55cd9a3247e1b794167e6a0d4667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12652570 No.12652570 [Reply] [Original]

Ive briefly met actual schizphrenic people before where they will randomly talk to people in their head, like full on conversations with something not there. And when i ask them how long theyve been on treatment, they say
>most of their life

this leads me to believe there is no actual cure, all you can do is sedate it.

>> No.12652604

>Muh Medicine
The real cures are internal/external influence changes.

>> No.12652613

There is no cure for most mental illnesses. You can only act prophylactically to prevent psychotic episodes, which is what medication and mental hygiene are for. There is no one cause for mental illness, it is an interplay of different factors, which is why it is very difficult to find a cure.

>> No.12652615

Correct, medication is for symptom management, just like with every other psychiatric disorder. I don't know whether or not it's curable, but it won't come through a pill.

>> No.12652623

I like what this professor guy said, which was mental illness can be seen as a genuine real world complexity situation which an individual is facing with multiple factors that can often contradict one another.

Also I always like to think my brain can just fix itself but it feels as if I must act on my best intuition at all times and give myself the time and attention to fix the problems exactly.

>> No.12652624

That's the thing though, there is no cure. It's a combination of many factors. Some people see remarkable changes once diet is optimized for, for some diet change is not enough. Some people need an internal dialogue change and need to recognize their own self worth, for some this isn't enough. And on and on the factors go. The cure is the whole package sometimes, sometimes it's not.

>> No.12652628 [DELETED] 

Crazy? Maybe
But This is new, check it out


>> No.12652685
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There's nothing to cure, it's not an illness.
and I mean it in this sense. We can toy with lucidity and delirium, in developmental and healthy ways, so long as there's no loss of insight. (but there nearly always is) Insight is the difference between a clinical patient and a mystic, it would be the essential /cure/ for schizophrenia if it weren't near impossible to teach or recover.
I like Bateson's double-bind theory. They're kinda' like koans.
>“So it comes about that there are many neurotics whose inner decency prevents them from being at one with present-day morality and who cannot adapt themselves so long as the moral code has gaps in it which it is of the crying need of our age to fill.” “…are born and destined rather to be bearers of new cultural ideals. They are neurotic as long as they bow down before authority and refuse the freedom to which they are destined.”

>“It would, in general, be a great mistake to deny any teleological value to the apparently pathological fantasies of a neurotic. They are, as a matter fact, the first beginnings of spiritualization, the first groping attempts to find new ways of adapting.” -Carl Jung

>> No.12652769

Nope.They're responding to you/other people. They just fail to make the correct eye contact to notify them. They don't kbow it's necessary, because they don't have the tunbel vision, and think that everyone in the hearing range can hear them when they speak.

>> No.12652772

t. someone who has never experienced real mental illness

>> No.12653647

About 10-20% of people who experience a schizophrenic psychosis never again in their lifetime get rehospitalized for psychosis. It is unclear to what extent (dosage and duration) medication is primarily helpful, but it seems to be a fact that a healthy environment (social inclusion, economic activity and sports/abstaining from drugs) are key factors in keeping patients stable. Sadly most schizos have an addiction co-diagnosis and cant live without their cannabis/alcohol. These are the people who you regularly meet in the ward. The class toppers are not seen again and live normal.

>> No.12653668

I'm >>12653647 and forgot to mention "Open Dialogue", it's a therapy concept with seemingly unbelievable success-rates. If I remember correctly about 2/3 of their patients live stable and without medication

>> No.12653702

archaic analysis and recourse are the only things you can do for schizophrenics now

>> No.12654066

Go back to /x/, no one here cares about ur pseudointelectual autistic rants

>> No.12655524

>Sadly most schizos have an addiction co-diagnosis and cant live without their cannabis/alcohol.
Those hallucinate from nutrient deficiencies (magnesium, b vitamins, etc.) not schizophrenia.

>> No.12655590

caffeine and other stimulants to cause nutrient defiency and cause you to develop other mental deficiencies. it is probably better to stay on the normal and healthy form of human consciousness, which is varying levels of schizophrenia

>> No.12655657

Also amphetamine psychosis, chronic alcohol abuse induced dementia, and generally being nutted out of their gourds on multiple substances 24/7

>> No.12655682

I gave myself schizophrenia by abusing powerful drugs given to me by a psychiatrist. God ended up using it for good for me, just take your meds and it may come back but turning it into a single voice is the most powerful thing you can do for dependency.

Kids of tomorrow are gonna get schizophrenia from weed, cyber bullying and wearing gamer headsets all day for sure.

>> No.12655756

schizophrenic here, curing doesn't seem plausible but treatment is and can sometimes allow you to regain normal functioning the issue is more so
>making schizos acknowledge they're ill
>getting the to be open to treatment
>coming up with a personalized system to maintain
>actually maintaining

>> No.12655778


>the symptoms of being crazy include various crazy behaviors

Really great diagnostic chart, great acumen.

>> No.12655781


Euthanasia is cure.

>> No.12655798

>schizophrenia is entirely explained by deficiency despite 0 evidence for my theory, trust me bro.

>> No.12655840

Read some studies on schizophrenia in developing countries, it seems like it is purely an environmentally focused mental illness; I don't think in our lifetimes we will ever see a "cure" but it can certainly be altered into something more positive with extreme environmental changes.

>> No.12655844

fucking hell dude, 70% - 80% heritability...

>> No.12655853

I didn't mean for it to sound like it is an environmentally CAUSED mental illness, so I apologize for that-- what I meant was that schizophrenia's negative symptoms are purely environmentally based.

>> No.12655858

>t. schizo

>> No.12655927

They certainly are increased by environmental factors, most notably isolation. I don’t believe it’s possible to completely curb negative symptoms in some cases, though. But on the bright side, more than half already see significant improvement with current intervention methods of antipsychotics and counselling and those rates are sure to improve with better understanding of the illness(es).

>> No.12655981


>> No.12656104

Psychosis can be caused by many sources.
>>12655524 listed a few. To add on:
-Sleep deprivation
-Post-Partum Psychosis
-Brain Tumors

So on and so forth. It is past time we relook at psychosis and linking it to schizophrenia.

>> No.12656106

*just schizophrenia when a patient comes in to the doctor's office.

>> No.12656193

LSD-therapy made miracles for those people in the 50s.

>> No.12656237

These are well documented to happen in alcoholics. Mg deficiency is especially problematic, as Mg is necessary for regulating a lot of other nutrients, so it leads to a loss of other minerals and vitamins. There is basically no teason to diagnose any such disease in an alcoholic, unless all the consequences of their lifestyle have been fixed.

>> No.12656247

Schizophrenia is usually environmental. So yes absolutely but the cults won’t tell you this.

>> No.12656254

>Schizophrenia is usually environmental
No it is not. There are many familial schizophrenia cases and genetics have a huge play

>> No.12656258
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also twin studies disprove what you just said

>> No.12656277

The vast majority of Psychology is nonsense, and most 'mentally ill' people are just weak of character and or force of personality. The few people that aren't effectively faking it are generally not fixable due to having literal brain damage. Not necessarily beyond helping, but the majority of the time beyond fixing. Throw them out with the bathwater.

>> No.12656352

Thats why I wrote schizophrenic psychosis. These 10-20% have an actual schizophrenia diagnosis. Also don't forget dementia as a major source. But I agree to you, that the term schizophrenia is not accurate at all, doctors know this as well.

t. work in a psychiatric homeless shelter

>> No.12656843

There's evidence that many Schizophrenia cases are diet related

>> No.12656846

Bro, there's so much deceit going on in society. It's not a character flaw but a lack in knowledge and understanding of the truth

>> No.12656853

...this only proves what I said. Twins are raised in the same culture with the same parents.

>> No.12657496

Leave your lysenkoism behind. It's been proven that twins are the same even when they grow up in different families.

>> No.12657506

Not in terms of schizophrenia

>> No.12657555
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Schizophrenia is genetic. Get over it, kike.

>> No.12658201

Yes but only for Jews

>> No.12659572
File: 152 KB, 460x440, de1229991c4ff0f80674b71a481c6635433c0909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not wrong. Instead of putting all these people under sedation and calling them crazy it would be better to actually hear them out. Think a program where we get the local schizos to be the mystic wizards or shamans of the town. We don't have to take them seriously but we can at least let them be happy while they rant about the forces of evil, spirituality, and glownigger goldfishs. The smarter ones can be in charge of the dumber ones like a cult of buddies helping eachother out. All the while we can hear there thoughts out in the open and just talk to them to try to help them become not as schizo.

>> No.12659605

>You can only act prophylactically to prevent psychotic episodes

False, change is possible, its just something that has to come on the individual level. There is no magic string of words that will magically make someone stop having intrusive thoughts or episodes. However with practice its definitely possible to make them go away. But it also takes a lot of will power. Like overcoming an addiction.

Yes there is no cure, but there are solutions.

>> No.12660041

You're correct, and the side effects of the medication are almost as bad as the illness itself.

>> No.12660213

Schizotypal Jew-Northern European hybrid here, can confirm. Trauma and early childhood conditioning tends to induce the crazy. It's very likely there's a genetic bias towards certain defense mechanisms and developmental pathways. I basically became the entity they described in their Book. The Bible is a human psychological allegory, if we were made in the image of the ome true Creator, then it is certain that we also made God in our image.

>> No.12660416

It's because they're missing their foreskin

>> No.12660418

True schizophrenia is a degenerative affliction

>> No.12660425
File: 2.95 MB, 600x338, 1610631745733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire thread based on the premise that schizophrenia is just psychosis
bravo /sci/

>> No.12660430


>> No.12660672

I have my foreskin (born in Europe but raised in America) and have this gene (about 1.5%) and schizophrenia

Ask me anything.

>> No.12660682

how do i trigger psychosis if i think i might be at risk for schizophrenia? serious replies only

>> No.12660687

Don't sleep. Keep taking calories and keep going and find an ambition (mine was being President of the USA) make survival your number 1 priority.

>> No.12660839
File: 38 KB, 702x280, Atomic bomb invented by a schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did invent the atomic bomb and Temple OS. Every genius needs a touch of the schizoid and autism, it just has to be productive.
I think we should send them to shaman schools, since their minds are often entropic abyss that sometimes produce something useful.

Their right brain is speaking to their left brain. This is actually normal, they just can't control their filter and it's more intense.
I believe cybernetics could cure them through biofeedback training, kinda like how we cure stuttering.

>> No.12660861

If think the OT god is real, ya, you'll get the schizos alright. He argued with his subjects constantly and played horrible pranks on them.

>> No.12660873

Does hygiene of thought help? Do you believe in god? Will jews remove those vicious genes once genetic therapies become less expensive?

>> No.12660971


>> No.12660979

Yes absolutely. But I'm also baptized so I drenched myself in the absolute worst disgusting parts of degeneracy and came to rise after and stayed up for nearly 3 days. Following the bible exactly. Oh yeah I also realized that man had created cellphones out of rocks and began to worship the tool God gave them.

>> No.12660993

Why do you spread you schizophrenia if you say you know you have it? I tried to understand what you said, but then I see I better not.

>> No.12661006

I don't understand your question. I need to sleep once the voices start. I followed Jesus' way without even realizing it. God was telling me all who had sinned or were attempting to sin.

>> No.12661111

He isn't even difficult to understand and his revelations are not profound.

"I ate junk food, did drugs and watched porn for three days. People love a device that connects them to all knowledge and virtually their whole social network."

>> No.12661177

Likely function of schizophrenia is the over connectivity of the serotonin system and parts of the brain that do not enjoy such high fidelity of connectivity or has higher relative connectivity caused by impairment of other systems.
If it's hyper connectivity would be interest to see micro-dosing dmt will do to correct to reduce number of serotonin receptors. If it's relative it would be interesting if there was a way to regulate localized connectivity to be higher..
Voices and hallucinations are likely parts of the brain gaining access to speech center and visual cortex of the brain.

>> No.12661249

You don't know my experiences. It was multiple years of marijuana addiction, genetic testing on myself (only a tiny .05 mg dose of estradiol) and masturbation addiction and breaking free of all of it by staying up for 3 days with no other drugs. I didn't find anything conclusive about females but I did discover how to beat gender dysphoria.

>> No.12661490

Fake thread to justify psychiatry.

>> No.12661536

The symptoms there I had after taking the drugs,that are actually sedatives,so if I'm slowed is normal for me to seem weird and it feels so bad failing when people laugh like I'm perma drunk