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File: 151 KB, 1149x607, lobotomy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12623523 No.12623523 [Reply] [Original]

When will this evil cult get banned?

>> No.12623528 [DELETED] 

Yeah we should kill all medical illustrators

>> No.12623541

I was thinking about making a new psychiatry hate thread. We had two lively discussions.

Thread#1: >>12576331
Thread#2: >>12610257

A good quote from the end of thread#2 (it nearly hit reply limit):

>Even my psychiatrist admits most of her colleagues are completely vraindead idiots that drench all their patients in drugs.

What can be done to fix this?

>> No.12623548 [DELETED] 

The funny thing is these people don't even fully understand the brain they just have a very general vague knowledge of what area of the brain does what.

>> No.12623552

>What can be done to fix this?
Have you tried being less crazy?

>> No.12623683

The problem is that sanity appears as crazy to someone who is insane (ie. a psychiatrist).

>> No.12623713

No. You appear crazy to everyone and the psychiatrist is the hapless fool who we roped into looking after you so we don't have to.

>> No.12623723 [DELETED] 

This lol

>> No.12623724

what are you talking about?

>> No.12623728

you are honestly a disgusting gangstalker psyop nig nog who deserves to die

>> No.12623758

>You appear crazy to everyone

Patently false. Most of the hospital staff felt my being there was ironic and that I was out of place. My public defender said I was very lucid.

You're just upset your power is being challenged. You are just a troll and in a poor state of mind.

>> No.12623782

Why are you all the same?

>> No.12623795

We must make a collective effort to tarnish the reputation of psychiatry first. You will see that this is clearly effective by the emotional reaction our efforts have already provoked. All that low-tier trolling these threads attract? Shills desperate to defend this evil institution.

>> No.12623802

>All that low-tier trolling these threads attract? Shills desperate to defend this evil institution.
Probably not. I sincerely doubt their profession feels threatened by critics on 4channel.

>> No.12623814
File: 84 KB, 904x864, smh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the hourly schizo seething post
if anyone has some illusions about the mentally ill, they should visit literally any board on this website - because they're all polluted by schizos
within a day they'll be convinced that we should be euthanazing schizos, psychos and other mentally unstable scum

>> No.12623819
File: 67 KB, 420x354, Bloodletting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, all the medical field should be banned, they did things that didn't cure you at all in the past.

>> No.12623830

Explain to me the psychology of a man who still posts frogs, several years after it became lame. Do you also wear "rage face" tshirts from Hot Topic?

>> No.12623835 [DELETED] 

Blood letting is actually good because it gets rid of iron which causes schizo phrnia

>> No.12624927

When you manifest your will.

>> No.12624933



>> No.12624987

This. Go back to your containment board >>>/x/

>> No.12625145

explain to me how something becomes lame neophilist.

>> No.12625323

Take your meds

>> No.12625395

Crazies tend to gather around. Often they blame random people for trying to manipulate them (in fact they hallucinated something on them, or read some meaning into a random pause and though it must have been intentional) or gangstalk people.

>> No.12625403

Or another common conplaint is that the person is threatening everyone, even when they do nothing special. For example a crazy person may call the cops that someone is eating threateningly, etc.

>> No.12625446

>nooo i'm being persecuted by my doctor

>> No.12625448

Bloodletting can cure many ailments that are caused by too much iron (insanity is among them) as well as many infectious diseases, as many pathogens need iron to live, and may even specifically target people who suffer of excess iron, and cannot survive or cause problems otherwise. The levels declared by modern medicine as correct are away too high.

>> No.12625466


>> No.12625506

No. The iron poisons the brain when you get too much and the body fails to keep it in blood cells. (there is no way to excrete excess iron)

>> No.12625514

>The levels declared by modern medicine as correct are away too high.
If anything they are too low. Symptoms of severe anemia appear as early as 9g/dl but transfusions aren't given until they dip below 6g/dl

>> No.12625533

No, they are already insane. People can live with 4 without feeling unwell, unless it's from sudden blood loss. The 'correct' levels are insane and many people's bodies cannot prevent damage when they get that high. That is especially true with pregnant mothers, who then have brain damaged children, who are agressive and keep attacking others. This is now common in China.

>> No.12625538

Well the main issue is that psychiatry is largely unable or unwilling to clearly distinguish between mental illness and natural reactions to mentally unhealthy environments.
Uncle Ted was unironically spot on about psychiatry.

>> No.12625655

Don't bother, it's this schizo again

>> No.12625682

Are you capable of anything more complicated than calling a schizo everyone you disagree with?

>> No.12625694

>People can live with 4 without feeling unwell, unless it's from sudden blood loss.
What the fuck no they can't. If you have a hemoglobin concentration of 4 you're on the verge of organ failure.

>> No.12625709

extremely high profile person gets lobotomized and realises doctors are evil

we need a martyr, but since the system is abusive it wont bring hell on itself by doing something like that

carrie fischer is the only celebrity with a record of antipsychotic usage online

mgk posted about his on instagram

>> No.12625713

ok schizo

>> No.12625752

I blame soft western mental institutions for allowing their psychos to have mobile phones
So all they do is post on 4chan all day

>> No.12625982

People in the developing countries often live with even less.

>> No.12625985

The secret is to get one of the alpha male psychiatrists who is only in it to bang the hot manic women. They're bro-tier and will only prescribe things to you if you're a genuine loony or if you need some stims to party.

>> No.12625992

In men iron overload is a real problem, deposits in organs and casues dysfunction, especially if the person if obese and has fatty liver (which iron overload can cause). Unless you bleed (i.e. menses) there is no reason to take iron.

>> No.12625994

No, they want everyone to have a mobile phone. I was reading the newspaper the other day and there was an article saying it was problematic to close homeless shelters because then people couldn't charge their phones.

They basically give them out at this point. No coincidence that they spy on and brain damage you, though!

>> No.12627049

>natural reactions to mentally unhealthy environments.

My favorite part of the mental hospital is that they had a bright white 'night' light aimed directly at the head of the beds. That is so patients have bright lights shining directly at their eyes when they are trying to sleep.

This drastically reduces quality of sleep which clearly hurts mental health. The entire building was constructed to make you mentally ill so they can justify shoving pills down your throat. It is disgusting.

>> No.12627466

My nose menstruates almost daily in the winter, does that count?

>> No.12627479 [DELETED] 

We poop anon. That's how we let go of excess iron.
If you're not pooping, eat your veggies and fiber.

>> No.12627494

>Have you tried being less crazy

you mean no longer believing cutting your genitals will change gender or that looking rationally at all the harms if the foreign invasion

>> No.12627501


what do you mean. he didnt say something schizo like he things fags are born that way instead of being created by abuse

>> No.12627585

get a humidifier, fool.

>> No.12628631

do it

>> No.12629013
File: 155 KB, 1440x1440, FB_IMG_1611636864929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask about the textbook of orders even if they don't bring up the textbook andor manual of disorders.

>> No.12630236

Psychiatrists really are mindless tools using institutional protections to abuse people.

>> No.12630499

You think big pharma is paying people to call out your persecution complex?

>> No.12630811

That forum agents exist is obvious. Whether these are paid agents or simply psychiatrists acting reflexively is moot.

>> No.12630924

>schizos literally seeing le ebil psychiatrists everywhere

>> No.12630929


>> No.12630948

Yeah, you have a legitimate persecution complex. You're also unable to take any amount of criticism of your very opinionated self.

Go and take your meds, man.

>> No.12630958

>You're also unable to take any amount of criticism of your very opinionated self.

Clearly projection.

Tell me what leads you to believe I have a persecution complex? I am simply trying to stop psychiatrists from abusing the most vulnerable members of our society for profit.

>> No.12631101

You call psychologists an evil cult, dude and try to organize a public movement to smear the whole profession. Your answer to the inevitable backlash is to call any critique shill or psychologist. As if they hang around here in large enough numbers...

>persecution complex
You mean besides your claim that psychologists are an evil cult that patrols the internet with forum agents?

You are not congruent with reality. You need your meds, but your brain sickness doesn't let you take them. That's how schizophrenia works, by your mind halucinating things that aren't there.

>> No.12631144

>You call psychologists an evil cult

I'm not OP. You have delusions. Also it's psychiatrists. You cannot even keep your terminology straight.

>Your answer to the inevitable backlash is to call any critique shill or psychologist. As if they hang around here in large enough numbers...

Again, it is psychiatrist you dullard. Also this board attracts plenty of people from scientific professions and they are the most likely to try to defend their profession. I doubt many bystanders are interested in defending them. You seem crazy to believe that a board with this many members of scientific disciplines doesn't have a few hanging around.

>You are not congruent with reality.
>halucinating things that aren't there.

As I said, projection. You cannot imagine more than OP hates PSYCHIATRISTS (you are too stupid to even use the correct word) and you imagine anyone with a dissenting opinion is hallucinating.

You have serious issues. Thanks for the bump.

Btw, I'm the person who posted the Nurse Ratched Thread. There you can see read how I was abused by a psychiatrist and why I consider their profession in need of dismantling.

>> No.12631175

Can you propose something original that DOESN'T rely on terms created by psychology?


>> No.12631194
File: 22 KB, 689x322, DelusionEtymology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for confirming you are an utter retard.

>> No.12631212

>There you can see read how I was abused by a psychiatrist and why I consider their profession in need of dismantling.
>a schizo institutionalized for the safety of normal people is seething at psychiatrists for doing their job
just proving the point there, psycho
really we should just go back to lobotomizing you genetic refuse and sticking you into asylum prison towers

>> No.12631245

This is further proof psychiatrists have been abducting and abusing etymological consistencies for years. What can be done in the face of such reckless abandon? Pure evil?

>> No.12631271

>really we should just go back to lobotomizing you genetic refuse and sticking you into asylum prison towers

May it be done upon you as you wish upon others.

Clear proof you do not care about the well-being of others.

>Claims a word that predates psychology was invented by psychologists
>Gets shown to be a fool
>react with sarcasm

You are a case of Dunning-Kruger and your ego prevents you from learning.

>> No.12631278

Ok, then replace evil cult with evil institution. Because you used those words.

>pointing out the same mistake three times
Oh boy

>I had a bad experience with a psychologist
Yes, we can tell that you disagreed with your treatment.

Meds do help the ill.

>> No.12631283

Lmao. I am not him. I was merely pointing out that it's legitimately wrong to use words like that. Ffs.

>> No.12631288

Stop lying.

>> No.12631296

wtf why would I be him?!

>> No.12631305

>makes the same mistake again

So you are brain damaged and unable to learn?

I am not ill. Psychiatrists forcibly medicate to satiate their lust for power. You have no evidence I am ill, you are just projecting your own problems onto a stranger on the internet.

Many of the hospital staff also disagreed with my treatment. That meant nothing because the Psychiatrists blocked the notes from the trial because she didn't want to have dissenting opinions being presented. If I was truly ill then why were the opinions of the staff who spent far more time observing me disregarded?

Also, CBT (what Psychologists do, though you seem intent on confusing the two) is far better as an approach then just assuming pills are magic.

It is legitimately wrong to advocate abusing strangers on the internet, yet that's what he is doing.

>> No.12631395

Because delusion is a perfectly normal, accepted word that's far older than psychiatry. Two people with the exact same idiocy?

You need help. Not only pills, but also in recognizing a joke.

Answer me honestly, do you think there are no mentally ill people around? I have seen and interacted with people who literally heard voices when nobody was around. They couldn't differentiate between reality and their own delusions. No, I'm not a mental health professional, before you accuse me of it. What should be done with these people if not made to undergo treatment?

>> No.12631427

Look. All I said was that psychiatry hijacked a word that is older than psychiatry. Delusions.
It's obvious that I knew that. Not that idiot up there. I am a different person.

>> No.12631434

And why would it be wrong to use the word just because psychiatry uses it too?

>> No.12631437
File: 88 KB, 1024x576, V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12631442

>It is legitimately wrong to advocate abusing strangers on the internet

>> No.12631455

>Answer me honestly, do you think there are no mentally ill people around?

Of course not. I'm not sure where you could possibly read that in any of these threads.

What I'm saying is Psychiatrists do not care about the well-being of their patients or the best strategy of caring for them. I'm also saying Psychiatrists regularly abuse their power for the sake of profits and forcibly medicate people who are mentally stable. I'm saying they take advantage of the mentally ill to milk them for profits, because mentally ill people are unable to retaliate effectively.

I am here to try to stop that behavior.

>> No.12631460

Another of your delusions is that the evil psychiatrist organisation controls language and the use of common words, such as delusion.

Do you not believe that people can suffer from hallucinations and delusions?

>> No.12631475

None of the posts you linked are advocating abuse. You are comparing someone saying his opponents need to be lobotomized and deprived of freedom to people saying psychiatry is awry.

Are you even literate?

>> No.12631481

>and forcibly medicate people who are mentally stable
Please don't tell me that you think you're an example of this, because this thread(and the 10 other KILL ALL PSYCHIATRISTS threads) is not evidence of you being mentally stable

>> No.12631483

>controls language
Nothing -controls- language.
Language simply is. Hijacking a word and using it for another purpose is a different matter altogether. As for hallucinations and delusions, of course they exist. They have their place in the world too. What of it?

>> No.12631487

You seem to be confused by the anonymity here.

That poster is pro-psychiatry, you can see the discussion on the origin of 'delusions' started

>> No.12631488

Uh...who is advocating for lobotomy?

If you could just keep a lid on the whole "evil cult" stuff, people might not call you a schizo.

>> No.12631492

I am an example of this. I have never advocated executing psychiatrists. On the other hand I get told I should be lobotomized, a fate I consider worse than death.

You don't even understand how anonymous image boards work.

>> No.12631502

I followed that reply chain to the very top.

>We must make a collective effort to tarnish the reputation of psychiatry first.

What a champion for psychiatry.

>> No.12631504

>Uh...who is advocating for lobotomy?

Are you even literate?


>> No.12631516

>Confused by anonymous imageboards

You don't know how to follow a conversation. The one calling to tarnish Psychiatry is me. The one criticizing me for using a word 'owned' by psychologists is someone arguing against me.

You are confused.

>> No.12631517

Who told you to get lobotomized? Can you quote the post please?

>> No.12631521

>a fate I consider worse than death
So I'm guessing you don't want to become a human vegetable. Then I suggest keeping your voice down.

>> No.12631528

>So I'm guessing you don't want to become a human vegetable. Then I suggest keeping your voice down.

Proving my point perfectly. Psychiatry is evil. It seeks to destroy anyone that criticizes it.

>> No.12631533

Are you even literate?

>> No.12631535

>he still thinks there are agents from the evil psychiatry cult arguing with him on 4chan

>> No.12631538

Nobody who is criticizing you for using a word owned by psychiatrists could in any way be described as pro-psychiatry.

>> No.12631548

Then explain what motivates you to post your garbage here.

Retard that you are. He said I shouldn't use a word from the field that I am criticizing.

That answers my question, you are illiterate.

>> No.12631550

That post isn't serious and definitely not made by a psychiatrist. Medication would be far cheaper, safer and more humane than prison towers and lobotomies.

>> No.12631558

>That post isn't serious and definitely not made by a psychiatrist

You know this because you are omniscient?

>> No.12631563

>Then explain what motivates you to post your garbage here.
I genuinely hate psychos and schizos and feel bad for psychiatrists for being forced to put up with your shit while restrained by the 21st century bleeding heart lawyer fuckery
Euthanasia/sterilisation for the mentally ill was one of the things that Nazis were right about

>> No.12631564

this. psychiatrists aren't smart people and we also don't know how to tell if someone really needs drugs most of the time so we just give drugs to anyone who asks. if you think you have a mental problem, still avoid meds at all costs. its really awful to alter your brain chemistry and become reliant on expensive meds that reinforce the idea that your brain is broken.

>> No.12631567

Actually, we're both CIA. He's three cubicles across from me.

Now could you please take your meds or talk about stabbing someone? I want to go home early today.

>> No.12631569

just smoke weed to trigger the fun schizo time

>> No.12631573

I pray you suffer your own wishes.

>> No.12631591

>I pray
Don't forget to ask the Xenu

>> No.12631806

Psychiatrists are psychopaths who think having emotions and empathy makes you mentally unstable.

>> No.12631810

No, there is no mental illness. Psychiatry is an evil cult and not a science.

>> No.12631828

I'm the one who made the deleted thread ( and got awarning for it) There is no such a thing as a mentall illness. It's a cult that takes people who they deem too nice, call them unstable because they have emotions, and use the drugs to turn them into the monsters who are then used to justify their services are needed. The people they pick were usually extremely nice people, it's the treatment that turns them into screaming monsters.

>> No.12631849

it's also a problem in menopausal women since they stop bleeding and the estrogen helps absorb iron, they quickly catch up to the men

>> No.12631990

I have seen, with my own eyes, people with mental illnesses. I don't mean light stuff like anxiety, OCD or depression. No, I have seen the real heavy shit. A woman talking to a person only she heard and saw, a guy literally unable to perceive reality.
Mental illness is definitely a thing and you are doing evil telling people to not seek help. I can only hope you're doing this not out of malice, but because you too need help.

>> No.12631999


If anyone here doesn’t like their doctor, they should try to find a new doctor and not just ignore treatment for no reason.

>> No.12632000

>I can only hope you're doing this not out of malice
They are, they literally dream of killing normal people and cannibalizing or raping the corpses

>> No.12632014

Never. They stopped poking holes in peoples brains and started cutting holes in people’s crotches

>> No.12632037

>There is no such a thing as a mentall illness.
What a retarded thing to say.
Just because psychiatry/psychology are immeasurably corrupt doesn’t make mental illness not real. Mental illness being real actually provides cover for the corruption

>> No.12632094 [DELETED] 

Psychiatrists of then hint at, or outright admit they are, when you talk with them not as a patient. As I said it's a cult that picks unusually nice people. The ocassionally deranged person (presumavly from a problem that would be curable if they ended up in a real hospital) or somebody who takes a violent revenge, who also get diagnosed with psychosis only serve to justify the cult. Most diagnosed peopleare not like that, they pick people they deem too meek.

>> No.12632101

Psychiatrists of then hint at, or outright admit that they are made up when you talk with them not as a patient. As I said it's a cult that picks unusually nice people. The ocassionally deranged person (presumavly from a problem that would be curable if they ended up in a real hospital) or somebody who takes a violent revenge, who also get diagnosed with psychosis only serve to justify the cult. Most diagnosed peopleare not like that, they pick people they deem too meek.

>> No.12632115

>Psychiatrists of then hint at, or outright admit that they are made up when you talk with them not as a patient.
Translation: Psychiatrists are aware of the difficulties for their field to create reliable studies with robust conclusions.

>> No.12632133

Give patient medication
Patient stops being out of control nut job who runs around the country to stop people from eating their brain
It just werks

>> No.12632211 [DELETED] 

There is no difficulty. They succesfully target people who are not coldly calculating psychopaths themselves.
The meds do that. They were not like that before that.

>> No.12632223

There is no difficulty. They succesfully target people who are not coldly calculating psychopaths like them.
The meds do that. They were not like that before that.

>> No.12632250

>The meds do that. They were not like that before that.
Yes they were. They wouldn’t face a doctor unless they were.

>> No.12632256

Psych patients think they can just go back to being undercover psychotic people after a public episode of psychosis... not how it works bucko...

>> No.12632280

>undercover psychotic
How would they hide they're psychotic? You can't pretend to know what is real when you don't know what is real. This only proves your cultish deramgement that is no different from people burning witches.

>> No.12632289

>Yes they were. They wouldn’t face a doctor unless they were.
As if there were no other reasons why people may want to get rid of someone, such as when they stood up against something evil they do.

>> No.12632337

>a psycho has schizo-paranoia persecution complex where his meeting with a psychiatrist was "people wanting to get rid of him"
like clockwork

>> No.12632376

Yeah that’s usually pretty obvious. Are you a senior official in the Vladimir I Lenin Chernobyl Nuclear Plant and did you report seeing graphite on the floor and subsequently get sent to the infirmary for being “delusional”? If so, I might have a second look at your file.

Or did you think your bitch mother who gives you nasty looks can control an international police/medical conspiracy to make you look bad because you caught her eating your brain energy?


>> No.12632379

They want to, that’s their dream. They all want to dial back the clock and somehow pretend this isn’t happening to them. They usually get over this after a few years.

>> No.12632384


>> No.12632385

Also this is 2020. Go to any major hospital in any major city, heck go to the best hospitals if you want. Make sure nobody there knows your potential “accusers”, and see what treatment they give you.

>> No.12632745

>They are, they literally dream of killing normal people and cannibalizing or raping the corpses

Projecting hard there my mentally ill anon.

>> No.12632757

cool story scientologist

>> No.12632866

All they sell is sedatives,there are a lot of criminals around.Most psychiatric patients are just lonely and neglected people from my experience.I know too that the "doctors" in question don't how the drugs act it's a fact that in the history they didn't heal anyone

>> No.12632931

Literal schizos screaming about people trying to help them. Kind of hilarious.

>> No.12633048

Ok, psychiatrist here. OP is a schizo and won't take his meds. Most psychiatrists are actually retards and most published papers are useless. DSM is shit. I'll be happy to clarify if needed.

>> No.12633268

^ is an applicable word or not?
Make a study on that and go home late.

>> No.12633627

I got this impression from some psychiatrists. I.e. that rational people would do something like that, and that the civilized life depends on people being irrational and not capable of fully rational behaviour, and not realize they think like that necause they are mentally deranged themselves.

>> No.12633644

There was a rather high profile corruption scandal, which went nowhere because the key eyewitness suddenly got diagnosed with shizophrenia and the drugs made him basically unable to talk, so it went nowhere.

>> No.12633651

What the fuck are you talking about? You aren't making sense.

>> No.12633656

>just lonely and neglected people
I wouldn't be surprised if it was often the psychiatrists doing. One admitted to me he has contacts to the police who warns him about people who are "too rational"
As they think that a rational person would want to kill and eat competitioes and rape any female they encounter, instead of something like Spock, so they think the society relies on people breaking from their delusions. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them stalked and worked on isolating some people since their school age.

>> No.12633661

>the society relies on people breaking from their delusions.
not being able to break from their delusions.

>> No.12633671

Basically, it seems that:
Psychiatrists hear voices. (they are either selected or made so during studies)
They think the voices are consciousness, which comes from an outside source.
People who don't hear voices lack consciousness, and are just a physical mass of moving matter with no real perceptions, which poses a threat to the conscious, voice hearing people like them.
The goal is to make them hear voices like them. Torturing them is perfectly fine as there is no consciousness able to perceive the abuse, until they succeed and they start hearing voices.

>> No.12633688

In regards to denying a hyperlight hyperdream that generates and transresolves dreams irl within and of proper contexts?

Yeah, that's mostly nonsense if that's their dream.

Walled garden physics fourth dimensionality comfort, ignorance of permanently pristine multidimensionality matrix dynamics, eso-cosmic-exolocal pataphysics as an semiabandoned quasiautomatically self-operational hyperfacility rather than hyperobject?

Multivarious hylics suppressing hyperpeople and posing as people?

Supersentient and superintelligent NPCs?

Grand plan transsynthesis?

Themiurgic transcendence metaphysical metaspiritual transcendent spirit software Sai time tourism holidays postponed by vague ultimacy?

Intertimaly distributedly self-hosting hypergods 11D transparticles evolving metasuccesses?

Realm science interlayering intersimspace tricks and techniques?

What else...

Go on about your day guy, hopefully a good one, and let's see what you make sense about (in and of good reason) prosidering logos working with higos.

Okay? Okay. Okay! * _ ) ^

>> No.12633700

Holy SciFi hyperdimensional technology gnosis!

>> No.12633701

is dis wun uhb doze creepy rub threds?

>> No.12633981
File: 2.78 MB, 1677x2981, 20200825_163434-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can huggle andor snuggle andor other. Rubble is optional.

We have 0 time before the omnitronium shockwave device retroactively delivered to the past and present actualises.

You want ubiquitous apotheosis andor not k̶i̶d̶ love?

>> No.12634003


>> No.12634503

>They all want to dial back the clock and somehow pretend this isn’t happening to them.
You have no right to ruin people like that.

>> No.12635219

Yeah, but notice that this case was about silencing a witness to corruption and not about uh...some innocent non schizo being dragged to a psychiatrist who then proceeds to make the formerly non-schizo a schizo.

If medication is the cause for mental health issues, how do you get in a position that you're brought before a psychiatrist?

>> No.12635232

I just told you how.

>> No.12635264

>silencing a witness to corruption
was done by
>some innocent non schizo being dragged to a psychiatrist who then proceeds to make the formerly non-schizo a schizo.

>> No.12635325

Like it or not, the field of Psychiatry has merits. The problem is the nature of mental illness is vague. It's easy to see someone believing they are talking to some monotheistic god, dressed in tinfoil, and say they are in need of some kind of medication.
At the same time, what level of anxiety or melancholy is clinical versus personality?

Psychiatry isn't bad cause of lobotomies, which have obviously been cast aside as treatments. Medicine back then was dumb in many different fields, not just psychiatry.

Psychiatry has issues though. Like any profession, some Psychiatrists can be bad power-tripping people, but that's a problem given the power they hold. The field needs more regulations, but at the end of the day a lot of meds show symptom reductions for mental maladies so if you're position is "mental illness isn't real" or "no meds work, it's all a scam" then I don't know how you can expect to be taken seriously.

>> No.12636145

Enlightenment, improvement, advancement exposure and actualisation and realisation increases yet less increasing humilities especially factoring in multivarious physic layer and verter (?) life experientia interdynamics.


(How very novel |**|', hmmm, less novel and more... MMO update? \^^/, okay what then?)

>> No.12636339

Also: more humility. Expanded mastery views, and occassionally less of the previous aforeaforementioned.

>> No.12636577

Ok, then what powerful people did you piss off to end up at the psychiatrists?

>> No.12637089 [DELETED] 

It doesn't need to be "powerful people". You don't need to be a high profile to piss off someone, and isn't necessarily doing a bad thing that pusses people off.

>> No.12637092

It doesn't need to be "powerful people". You don't need to be a high profile politician's son to piss off someone, and it isn't necessarily doing a bad thing that pisses people off.

>> No.12637097

Also stop assuming people ended up at the psychoatrists. You should invent a pill that prevents you from making stuff up, if you don't have one, and start taking it.

>> No.12637103

>The problem is the nature of mental illness is vague.
That is a major problem. Can you imagine it being vague if you have cancer or not?

>> No.12637232

You want a creaky physic light cone andor a light light cone?

>> No.12637266

>Bloodletting can cure many ailments
absolute state of this shithole board lmao

>> No.12637280

It's one schizo chink spamming multiple threads
Unfortunately jannies on this board let schizos roam free

>> No.12637307

I slash the tyres of my local psychiatrist whenever I see his car. Fuck psychiatrists.

>> No.12637329

ITT: schizos mad that a psychologist called them a schizo

>> No.12637344

slit your throat you stupid motherfucking retard

>> No.12637347

Endemic in circles of the intellectual

>> No.12637349

I'm not a schizo. The numbers are wrong, the problem is that all the effects are declared correct by default, and any difference from this norm is called a defect. For example iron poisoning results in tunnel vision, yet that is being treated as the default, good state, and the lack of tunnel vision might be called "a deficiency in selective attention" instead, etc.

>> No.12637350

>i'm totally normal guys they're forcibly medicating me

>> No.12637356

You defend the oppression and inhibition of normal people. Let's see how you like it when they start doing it to you because you're a male.

>> No.12637380
File: 253 KB, 720x671, takethem.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take them, brother

>> No.12637409

they're killing me nigga, what's the safety net of meds for harmless retards when doctors will kill each other and you?

>may god never crush you like an ant

>> No.12637423

Current psychiatric practice really is like lobotomies. I don't mean that it's all gangrenous and we should terminate the subjects, but were lobotomies as a medical practice necessary for neuroscience to appear? Maybe they should hold out and advance the field a bit, before advertising solutions for which being above 85 IQ and not shitting yourself is the most they can guarantee.

>> No.12637449

You conveniently ignored the rest of my post. It's vague overall but there are clear cut cases of mental illness in the form of schizophrenia and the like. The solution to the vagueness isn't throwing out the entire field.

>> No.12637477

There is no schizophrenia if you cannot objectively determine who has it or not. People may suffer from confusion from many biological causes (metabolic disruption, encephalitis, brain injury, poisonings...) that can be all objectively defined and tested for with laboratory testing, there is no need for "mental" illness.

>> No.12637487

Even if that were fine, and we had a standardized schizophrenia diagnosis, the success of a treatment depends on absolutely unknowable factors. For the same reason that IQ only works downwards, it'd be impossible to determine whether a patient has suffered in his higher abstract cognitive functions as a result of a treatment. Which is perfect for cattle however, but no further comment.

>> No.12637514

Are psychiatric drugs just glorified psychoactives?

>> No.12637517 [DELETED] 

no, they're neuroleptics

they seize the mind. like a lobotomy

>> No.12637569

this thread is complete ass.

>> No.12637577


>> No.12637669

>Psychiatry isn't bad cause of lobotomies
Now we just have chemical lobotomies.
>Medicine back then was dumb
Still is
>Psychiatry has issues though
It has THE MOST issues
>lot of meds show symptom reductions
Barely. All of it is plagued by bad science and the weakness of epidemiology. Lots of side-effects though that there are conveniently more drugs for.

>> No.12637705

>Barely. All of it is plagued by bad science and the weakness of epidemiology. Lots of side-effects though that there are conveniently more drugs for.
This is false (if I'm wrong by all means pull out some studies).

>> No.12637761

Pull out all the good studies.

>> No.12639352


>> No.12640760

Time traveler, all science since sometime.
Time traveler, all dcience since sometime.
Hmmm... mostly meaningfully the same. But what about these ones?
Okay they're resolved! Little need for studies now.

Anor quantum internet better than tachyons.

>> No.12640820

I don't believe this in the slightest.
The pattern is always the same: The bright kid, good grades, teachers love them, seemingly stellar future. Then they get suddenly ostracized by almost everyone, then they suffer a psychotic break, end up in treatment and their life is ruined.
I don't think that's an accident. It's always you. The boys were jelous, and you also were jealous. They were amazing, never made mistakes, all the girls wanted them, the boys were jealous of them and wanted to be like them. Unlike you. You were mean and stupid and nobody liked you. You were also jealous. But instead of trying to better yourself, you joined this psychiatrist cabal, where you seek those like them, warn their surroundings of their supposed illness, and when their lives are succesfully ruined you conspire to poison them with one of your drugs, after which they start talking nonsense, or behaving weird, after which they end up in your treatment where you turn them into stupid mean dat blibs, as undesurable as you have always been.

Am I right or not, Mr psychiatrist?

>> No.12641123

>perfectly fine kid
>suddenly psychotic break
>schizo kiddo gets hauled to the doc
>evil psy cult got another

Where does the psychotic break come from? Abandonment by friends? Why do they just do that for no reason?

>> No.12641142

I think I've figured out what happens when the dopamine receptors are blocked

I believe it's the pre-synaptic dopamine receptors that affect people the most, since people have taken dopamine agonists to undo the damage but it hasn't work, the agonists work exclusively on the post-synaptic receptors

We need to make pergolide available for people, it's just another agonist but it works preferentially on autoreceptors(pre-synaptic)

>> No.12641268

Like some kind of pill that treats schizos?

>> No.12641274

for schizos to undo the chemical lobotomization

>> No.12641280

You're avoiding my question. Why are they put on medicine in the first place?

>> No.12641302

oh, not originally who you were talking with but

>The association between urbanicity and risk of schizophrenia is well established. The incidence of schizophrenia has been observed to increase in line with rising levels of urbanicity, as measured in terms of population size or density.
>In this study, we undertook to express the effect of urbanicity on the risk of schizophrenia in a linear form and to perform a meta-analysis of all available evidence.
>Despite the challenges that arise from differences between studies as regards to the number and relative size of urbanicity levels, a linear association was observed between the logarithm of the odds of risk for schizophrenia and urbanicity.
>The risk for schizophrenia at the most urban environment was estimated to be 2.37 times higher than in the most rural environment. The same effect was found when studies measuring the risk for nonaffective psychosis were included.

I think, I think...

With "take your meds" as a meme, coupled with the general friction of being around other people, regular folks who reach their threshold of social friction will finally lash out in greater incidences and get labelled as Schizos.

My first incident with being forced to take meds was that I couldn't deal with my pajeet neighbours smoking and talking in groups outside my place. Lashed out, cops called, label forced.

Not crazy, just fed up with their trash habits and it was easier to label me as mentally deficient as opposed to being in a generally unpleasant environment.

Since everyone else was 'okay'.

>everything is "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"

>> No.12641316

Schizo is a legit diagnosis and a lot more than "lashed out". I'm certain you had a psychotic episode when the police came.

Sure, big city live is shit. But you've still been mentally unstable.

>> No.12641347

you can make whatever claim you want but im the one that told the pajeets to fuck off

thats basically the extent of my story and the police took it on them to label it as a psychotic episode

like i said, not crazy. just unfortunate

believe me if you want i just told you straight up

>> No.12641610

It's obvious that you're lying to yourself. The police is lazy. The officers always prefer the easier solution. Instead of carting your ass away, a stern talking too. That they not only restrained you, but also got a judge to send you to a doc tells us a lot about your behaviour that day.

>> No.12641659

the second time with judge etc was after my dog passed away

again, youve just made a wrong assumption based on things ive said


>> No.12641664

im in australia, no judge is required for the cops to do what they did to me that day

>> No.12641843

>Where does the psychotic break come from?
The current main theory is over activation of the mesocortical pathway.

>> No.12641868

>since people have taken dopamine agonists to undo the damage but it hasn't work, the agonists work exclusively on the post-synaptic receptors
They take antagonists mainly.
Overactivation of the mesolimbic, its under activation of the mesocortical.

>> No.12641889

>Where does the psychotic break come from?
I did explain that. Got a drink spiked with drugs, (if not completely made up).

>> No.12641978

Lol, you don't get it, do you? Cops don't just send you to the psychiatrist because that means a lot of extra work for them.

>> No.12641980

Weird theories of persecution are a common symptom.

>> No.12642169


>> No.12642175

Literally a co-op.

>> No.12642294

So is thinking that everyone is mentally ill.

>> No.12642439

No, just schizos that sperk out so hard the police gets called.

>> No.12642464

This guy is right, but I am, at the end of the day, a lazy internet person. Who would I be if I didn't let my various insecurities and neuroses define me as a person? I'll keep dodging experts and meds, thanks.

>> No.12642495
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>have you tried being less crazy
fucking based

>> No.12644100

You don't have anything better to do than be wrong do you?

I can see what you're doing, fuck off. You're worse than the retards that shill meds.

>> No.12644559

No, there are many fucking crazy people out there.

Then why were you in a mental hospital? You didn’t just volunteer to go.

>> No.12644819

How about you describe the first time you earned yourself a trip to the psychiatrist?

How did you behave when the cops showed up?

>> No.12644890
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>> No.12645245


>> No.12645689

This is officially now a Scientology recruitment thread.


>> No.12645807

take your meds schizos

>> No.12645820

slit your throat dumbass

>> No.12645826

>seething murderous psychos

>> No.12646190

>there are many fucking crazy people out there.

And some of them happen to be psychiatrists.

>Then why were you in a mental hospital?

Because someone signed a petition against me as a legal attack. Once there I was treated as though I was crazy despite being coherent, lucid, and non-violent. The psychiatrist spent 30 minutes talking to the person who signed the petition and 2 minutes talking to me when she decided to take me to court to force meds on me, all because I was not in a pleasant mood having my rights taken from me.

>> No.12646210

i study psychology a lto and what ive done the last few years is done as much research i can about my issues, then present them to my psychiatrist or PNP to confirm anything so its as unbiased as possible,. then we brainstorm what might be happening and go from there. i dont get why people are surprised when they tell their psychiatrist they are "depressed" without elaborating and are giving the most basic medication that destroys ur soul. not saying my way is the best, but it has worked pretty well for me considering where i use to be and where i am now

>> No.12646269

clearly you have not worked with many schizphrenics. When we label something as a mental disorder, we do so because we observe a distinct phenotype in the human population. Thr vast majority of people correctly diagnosed with schizophrenia in North America, suffer from auditory hallucinations that are generally persecutory in nature. They very very rarely suffer from visual hallucinations and almost certainly hold some delusions that again, are generally persecutory in nature. if you don't think this mental illness exists, spend some time on a psychiatric ward.

Generally, my colleagues only prescribe medication for non psychotic illnesses when patients ask for them, because they have tried other means or do not have the financial resources to pay for psychotherapy or do not have the motivation to comply with psychotherapy which is intensive in its financial and time commitments.

>> No.12646307

>Generally, my colleagues only prescribe medication for non psychotic illnesses when patients ask for them
First time posting in this thread but lol you got that completely backwards.

>> No.12646531

>we do so because we observe a distinct phenotype in the human population.
That's all in your head. That could never pass as a scientific definition.
>suffer from auditory hallucinations that are generally persecutory in nature.
And how do you diagnose that? How do you even know?

>> No.12646549
File: 220 KB, 941x1036, schizochad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because someone signed a petition against me as a legal attack.

>> No.12646589

You have no idea how many times I've seen people call the cops on someone else simply to ruin their day.

This is 4chan for gods sake, the home of ordering pizzas and making complaints to the FBI.

>> No.12646613

And how many of those end up in a psych hospital?

>> No.12646706

You're a retard.

>> No.12646710

I'm not the one in the looney bin

>> No.12646719

>4chan isn't a loony bin

You're just in denial.

>> No.12646816

Bros, I'm doing a psychology degree and starting to regret it.
I thought it was just a 4chan meme that it's not a real science, but as I get into the field it's quite obvious that it's incredibly unscientific.

>> No.12647018

lace everything in the psych departments office with fentanyl

>> No.12647088

You're confused, this is a psychiatry thread, which is a medical spec
Psychology belongs on /his/ with the rest of humanities

>> No.12647102
File: 592 KB, 4160x2080, 1pkdzv6rrjtz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's gonna finally die after BCIs happen. the first huge impact of BCIs will be providing effective symptomatic treatment of most mental disorders. it's gonna be dangerous and will be perhaps the ultimate (in both senses of highest-intensity and FINAL) 'new addictive drug' crisis, but unlike past drugs in the cycle it will be (hopefully) relatively very easy/reliable to use responsibly (if so inclined) and by its nature simply impossible to 'control'. they'll almost surely try, but there's a fundamental difference that where very few are capable of synthesizing their own psychopharma, anyone with a BCI will in practice already have everything they need but for whatever software lock the quacks try to force on it.

there's a potential of their losing both their monopoly and predatory cycle of abuse simultaneously, and I don't know what else they'd have left after that. I think you'd see a shitload of them jumping to unmasked religiosity, at that point.

>> No.12647123

>I was treated as though I was crazy despite being coherent, lucid, and non-violent.
>psychiatrist spend minutes talking with me
>because I was not in a pleasant mood having my rights taken from me.
Read between the lines everybody.

>> No.12647133

>how do you know that the person has auditory hallucinations?
They tell you or react to sounds that aren't there. Sometimes these people even talk to their hallucinations, if they hallucinate personalities or voices.

>> No.12648395

Or, more often you read it between the lines. Right?

>> No.12648608

It's pretty obvious when somebody starts talking to a person that's not there.

Look at some of the material that's out there. But you're a schizo and will find any argument to justify to yourself why you are not crazy and just persecuted by evil men. That you try to dismantle psychiatry and the treatment these people need makes you evil. Ineffectual and impotent, but evil.

>> No.12648669

Can you explain how that “conversation” went?

>> No.12650223 [DELETED] 


>> No.12650401

>everybody who questions me has schizophrenia

>> No.12650648

Considering that you're arguing that we can't diagnose schizo-ism, yeah you have it.

>> No.12650970

>I am sitting in bed
>Psychiatrist comes into room
>I describe my side of events, that I was cornered and unable to flee when I was attacked and pushed the person away
>The story she has been given is false, I do not have any history of previous mental illness
>She responds that she is writing me a prescription and if I do not sign the consent forms she will take me to court

There really wasn't much there. My tone and mood was not the most charming, but considering how I had been being treated, that's pretty normal.

I should add, the previous day I had a video conference with a different psychiatrist that was much more willing to listen to my version of events. She recommended against medication. She was quickly ignored and I never heard from this first psychiatrist again. If they don't get the answer they want they just try again with a more hostile, medication happy person.

>> No.12650976

>Read between the lines everybody.

I think reading between the lines shows that you will medicate people simply for being in a sour mood. Absolutely insane.

>> No.12651829

>I am right, therefore if you disagree with me, you must be insane.

>> No.12651861

>you evil
You fucking poison people and imprison them for no or arbitrary reasons. Haw can you call anyone evil?

>> No.12651963

>The story she has been given is false, I do not have any history of previous mental illness
Are you saying somebody gave her fradulent medical records?

>> No.12651974

Lmao, you schizos and your persecution complex. Your neighbors called the cops for no reason, who for no reason hauled you off to the psychiatrist, who for no reason gave you pills.
That's at the very least three people that thought you insane.

>> No.12651978

>Everybody that calls me schizo is a psychiatrist and only wants to maintain the hustle.

I'm actually an accountant, lmao.

>> No.12652003

I went once to a mental hospital and volunteered to go there. They did nothing but i "felt safe" for about 10 days and that helped me. I saw a few horrible things though, cops would bring crazies in chains every day, one night there were screams, sounded like someone was being tazed. Some patients underwent ECT, that was ghastly, felt as some kind of medieval therapy based on mercury and snake poison.

>> No.12652004

>nooo you cant use self defense!

>> No.12652005
File: 555 KB, 1024x681, 675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some straightforward gaslighting and hatred.
Getting more thugs to do the dirty work doesn't make the thugging itself any less cruel, phobic, and infantile.

>> No.12652006

>you schizos
For thehundredth time, I'm not talking about myself.
>Your neighbors called the cops for no reason, who for no reason hauled you off to the psychiatrist, who for no reason gave you pills.
They would end up in prison, not in your office if there was a real reason.

>> No.12652009

>so tell me anon, are these "schizos" in the room with us?

>> No.12652072

Sure, right next to all the psychiatrists.
>my office

Schizoid people stand out. Simple as.

Get on your meds and stop samefagging.

>> No.12652137

>Schizoid people stand out. Simple as.
What the fuck does that even mean?
>Get on your meds and stop samefagging.
I'm not samefagging, I'm the exact same person you keep calling a schizo because I disagree with you.

>> No.12652139

what evil cult?

>> No.12652160

>what the fuck, schizos stand out?
Yes, it's how a diagnosis can be made. Look it up in the DMS-5 or something. Do you seriously not believe in the existence of schizophrenia as a disorder?

>> No.12652197

What led up to those events? Was this at home?

>> No.12652223

Of course I don't believe it's real. You can't seriously mean you diagnose people with mental illness only because they stand out in some undefined way?

>> No.12652271

Hearing sounds and voices that aren't there is not "being different in some undefined way".

Do look it up in the DMS-5, then look up some videos of schizophrenia patients.

>pills made them that way
And that's why I call you schizo, because you exhibit the persecution complex.

>> No.12652327
File: 123 KB, 439x440, 1575138235441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it seem like schizophrenia is on the rise at 4chan? There has been a steady increase of word salads, general disorientated posters and next-level weird conspiracy theories posted on 4chan.

This has always been the case since about 2010 or so but over the years the rate of schizophrenia among posters seems to have only gone up.

So what happened?

>Schizophrenia is increasing among the main demographic that posts on 4chan (Male 18-35)
>Selection bias where people with Schizophrenia are more likely to post to 4chan which increases every year for some reason
>Slow deterioration of 4chan post quality pushing away more rational people in favor of the mentally ill
>Schizophrenic 4chan users slowly deciding to post more and more posts all over the website giving the illusion of increased schizophrenic presence
>4chan slowly attracting schizophrenics from the rest of the internet through word of mouth

Any hypothesis out there /sci/?

>> No.12652335
File: 147 KB, 339x554, TheIncal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly how they diagnose it, but obviously it's not merely a list of symptoms. It is libido which resists Oedipal striation that is schizophrenic. Thus the energy of their psyche is capable of movement and desire which the typical cannot even perceive as potentials. They move in ways others can't move, which is definable.

Though it has nothing at all to do with the DSM, nor is it a disorder, though some are disordered by it; we can see both deterritorializatoin and schizophrenia occur in nature.

>Since the neuroticization of schizophrenia is the molecular reproduction of capital, by means of a reaxiomatization of decoding as accumulation, the historical sense of psychoanalytic practice is evident. Schizophrenia is the pattern to Freud's repressions, it is that which does not qualify to pass the screen of Oedipal censorship. With those who bow down to Oedipus we can do business, even make a little money, but schizophrenics refuse transference, won't play daddy and mummy, operate on a cosmic-religious plane, the only thing we can do is lock them up (cut up their brains, fry them with ect, straightjacket them in Thorazine). Behind the social workers are the police, and behind the psychoanalysts are the psychopolice . Deleuze-Guattari remark that 'madness is called madness and appears as such only because it finds itself reduced to testifying all alone for deterritorialization as a universal process'. The vanishing sandbank of Oedipus wages its futile war against the tide. 'There are still not enough psychotics' writes Artaud the insurrectionist. Clinical schizophrenics are POWS from the future." (Nick Land)

>> No.12652359
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>Oedipus is the final bastion of immuno-politics, and schizophrenia is its outside. This is not to say that it is an exteriority determined by Oedipus, related in a privileged fashion to Oedipus, anticipating Oedipus, or defying Oedipus. It is thoroughly anoedipal, although it will casually consume the entire Oedipal apparatus in the process through which terrestrial history connects with an orphan cosmos. Schizophrenia is not, therefore, a property of clinical schizophrenics, those medical products devastated by an 'artificial schizophrenia, such as one sees in hospitals, the autistic wreck(s) produced as entit(ies). On the contrary, 'the schizo-entity' is a defeated splinter of schizophrenia, pinned down by the rubberized claws of sanity. The conditions of psychiatric observation are carceral, so that it is a transcendental structure of schizophrenia-as-object that it be represented in a state of imprisonment.

>Traditional schemas which oppose technics to nature, to literate culture, or to social relations, are all dominated by a phobic resistance to the sidelining of human intelligence by the coming techno sapiens. Thus one sees the decaying Hegelian socialist heritage clinging with increasing desperation to the theological sentimentalities of praxis, reification, alienation, ethics, autonomy, and other such my themes of human creative sovereignty. A Cartesian howl is raised: people are being treated as things! Rather than as . . . soul, spirit, the subject of history, Dasein? For how long will this infantilism be protracted? (Nick Land)

>The New Latin word autismus (autism) was coined by Eugen Bleuler in 1910 as he was defining symptoms of schizophrenia. He derived it from the Greek word autós ( "self"), and used it to mean morbid self-admiration, referring to "autistic withdrawal of the patient to his fantasies, against which any influence from outside becomes an intolerable disturbance".

>> No.12652361

Good post. Also think the anonymity and lack of meaningful social connection here can contribute to mental instability if used for long periods of time.

>> No.12652390

It's q-boomers coming from Facebook post 2016 election. They're not schizo, just retarded

>> No.12652392

im pretty sure you're just a schizo projecting

>> No.12652403

3 and 5 and also braindead retards from r*ddit and fb flooding here in 2014, 2016, and 2020
There's also a generation of posters who were in their early teens in the 2010s who are now aging into schizophrenia like clamp man

>> No.12652428

>Hearing sounds and voices that aren't there is not "being different in some undefined way".
But that's not how you diagnose it, because youcannot see if soneone hears voices. You diagnose it based on some vague observation.

>> No.12652497

There are like four different types of schizophrenia... with a little effort everybody can be shoehorned into one of those.

>so you don't think you're schizo?
>now you're oppositional defiant disorder and schizo!

>> No.12652524

The schizophreniac reacts to his auditory hallucinations and can tell others about them. You dense motherfucker.

>> No.12652729


>> No.12652734

And? They too show symptoms.

>> No.12652742

Everybody shows symptoms.

>> No.12652746
File: 52 KB, 448x500, 1572901899569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons I have been diagnosed as schizo and I have been on meds for over two years now. Is my brain fried beyond repair?

>> No.12652751

No lol

>> No.12652785 [DELETED] 

Sure. I can easily imagine how easy it is to use some random movement as areaction to a heard voice, especially to a mind prone to make unreasonable assumptions.

>> No.12652788

Sure. I can easily imagine how easy it is to misinterpret some random movement as a reaction to a heard voice, especially to a mind prone to make unreasonable assumptions.

>> No.12652836

Mhm, I'm sure this guys doctor just mistakes a little fidgeting for schizophrenia.

>> No.12652906

He is telling himself people probably think he is a wuss or not a good human being. Or that he is stupid or weird. Thinking people are probably making fun of him behind his back.
Basically things everybody some times tell themselves.
The only thing I find weird about him was how long it took him to blink. Probably all the meds.

>> No.12652923

gripping dialogue lads!

>> No.12653011

How did it cone to this from schizos being evil. Is he evil?

>> No.12653066
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>> No.12653106

He is specififcally talking about hearing demonic voices. That's not normal.. There are more videos of him talking about his issues.

Please quote the post that said schizos (as a whole) were evil.

>> No.12653115


Just listen to this. It must be some kind of delusion if you don't believe it possible for a psychiatrist to diagnose this stuff correctly.

>> No.12653207

He talked about "a" demonic voice inside him. Guy could have discovered his inner monologue.

Guy has an episode as a kid. Kids make stuff up. But sure he seems crazy in that video.

>> No.12653209

>He talked about "a" demonic voice inside him. Guy could have discovered his inner monologue.
the absolute cope of 4chan schizos

>> No.12653213

How anyone could conclude schizo from the first video is beyond me.

>> No.12653243

No, he clearly meant a malign voice with demonic sound, you retard.

>episode as a kid
>kids can leave uni and go to Washington on their own

You are wilfully ignorant. As if you really, really don't want schizophrenia to be a thing.

>> No.12653256

Reminder that the satanic media will declare you schizophrenic if you doubt the chinese virus and reject the sterilization vaxxine

>> No.12653273

When do we gas the schizos.

>> No.12653327


>> No.12653747

>You are wilfully ignorant. As if you really, really don't want schizophrenia to be a thing.
I don't want overdiagnosis that's all.

>> No.12653795

>He talked about a ,demonic, voice inside him.
>He called his interview partner demonic, not his voice. He's perfectly fine.

>> No.12653808


Schizophrenic psychiatric doctors consult with the shadow people before they force feed you medication.

>> No.12653855

There is always someone you can convince that their bad thoughts are "demonic".
>doctor, aunt told me thoughts of masturbation is the voice of Satan himself speaking.
>And do you hear this voice Anon?
>Yes doctor
>Ok schizo

>> No.12653910

You know too little about schizophrenia or psychiatry to be taken seriously. The dude literally heard his television tell him to go to Washington and warn the world about aliens before he ever went to see a doc and therefore before he got on any pills.

>> No.12653938

It literally sounds made up.
Remember the women famous in psychology/psychiatry for having 16 split personalities? Yeah, she made it up.

>> No.12653940

I'm sure they're out to get you, anon. They're tracking every movement you make so watch out!

>> No.12653957

Ah yes, I'm sure those starving African kids are very healthy.

>> No.12653973

Notice how his eyes are constantly wide open?

It's not like his is the only story you can easily find with the press of a few buttons. You just don't want to come to terms with schizophrenia being a thing.
Has your doc told you you have it? Is that it?

>> No.12654019

>Notice how his eyes are constantly wide open?
Yeah I wrote about that to the first video.

>You just don't want to come to terms with schizophrenia being a thing.
I already wrote I don't want overdiagnosis.

>Has your doc told you you have it? Is that it?
No and now you're projecting much.
As your doctor I prescribe you donepezil for your progressing dementia. You clearly don't remember what I write to you.

>> No.12654038

I know what you've told me so often. You're just hard to believe. There is no way for you to defend your position, as schizophrenics clearly exist and at least some of which can be clearly diagnosed.

Look at this guy. Pay attention to the reason he gives as to why he's in the hospital. He's not like other people, other people dislike him for that and he tries to do stuff they can't do.

There were posts in this thread that went exactly like that.

But anyway, do you think that guy is just a bit different or does he have crippling schizophrenia?

>> No.12654055

ah so you're too scared to go and get diagnosed because you're afraid they're gonna lock you up or force pills down your throat?

lmao buddy that kinda shit only happenes to people like the dude in the video. You're only ever going to get institutionalized if you just wig out and go nuts listening to the delusions in your head. But I assure you if you just go see a therapist, work your way into whats being going on in your mind mentally, you will be able to get legitimate treatment.

>> No.12654118

No, I'm saying the person who signed the petition lied to her about my past. My medical records confirm I've never before been diagnosed.

>> No.12654141

I can only hope you get to suffer such treatment and then get mocked for it.

>> No.12654172

>There is no way for you to defend your position
I haven't stated my position.

>He's not like other people, other people dislike him
Psychiatry welcome such people with open arms. Psychiatry certainly has a history of ridding society of unwanted people.

>do you think that guy is just a bit different or does he have crippling schizophrenia?
He sits a bit still so they label him catatonic. Any normal person would be frightened to be in his situation.

>> No.12654197

Dude you funny but I've no clue

>> No.12654209

Stop lying. You've been very clear about your position regarding psychiatry and schizophrenia.

Every sane person will see this poor guy and realize that something's wrong with him. He isn't a bit still and his manner of speech and those eye movements aren't healthy.

Nobody believes your act, dude. Get tested for whatever you have.

>> No.12654242

>Stop lying. You've been very clear about your position regarding psychiatry and schizophrenia.
Of course, not agreeing with you is such a clear and well-defined position.

>Every sane person will see this poor guy and realize that something's wrong with him
People feel uneasy about him, that doesn't make him wrong. Does it make you right?

>He isn't a bit still and his manner of speech and those eye movements aren't healthy.
He makes you uneasy. And how are you to say he isn't healthy? He might live longer than you.

>> No.12654254

>do you think that guy is just a bit different or does he have crippling schizophrenia?

Clearly just a bit different, but as the title shows, that's clearly catatonic schizophrenia... Despite the fact he was calm and coherent despite being in a situation where he has been deprived of his fundamental freedoms for reasons that are unclear.

That video really makes me hate psychiatrists all the more. Repeating questions because you don't like a completely accurate answer:

>Why are you here?
>Because a psychiatrist put me here.

Psychiatrists enjoy having all the power and getting to ask all the questions and never having to be the one under the microscope.

In fact you can see that in these threads. Anyone criticizing psychiatry is deemed, "schizo" and "in need of meds." They are sociopaths who manipulate people for their own sick satisfaction.

>> No.12654263

>realize that something's wrong with him

He doesn't fit your definition of normal. That's all. I think something is deeply wrong with you that you feel the need to dictate the behavior of strangers. You have a god complex that you think you can deem anyone different from you as needing medications.

I think you are seriously ill.

>> No.12654273

>He isn't a bit still and his manner of speech and those eye movements aren't healthy.

You're proving what he said about people disliking him for minor differences to be the absolute truth. He's more sane than you are.

>> No.12654287
File: 51 KB, 640x384, 1564096878182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get tested for diversity.
You're suggesting people submit to commodification as things. They're perhaps weird, but you're plainly cruel and calculating. The fact that you do it within norms is exactly what permits such violence. No need for testing, go right to treatment.

>The first, the imperative and descriptive factor, represents the personal element; it directs and describes the personal violence of the sadist as well as his individual tastes; the second and higher factor represents the impersonal element in sadism and identifies the impersonal violence with an Idea of pure reason, with a terrifying demonstration capable of subordinating the first element..' '..In certain cases the personal element is almost entirely absent. The subject gets sexual enjoyment from beating boys and girls, but the purely impersonal element of his perversion is much more in evidence .... While in most individuals of this type the feelings of power are experienced in relation to specific persons, we are dealing here with a pronounced form of sadism operating to a great extent in geographical and mathematical patterns.' (Deleuze, Masochism: Coldness and Cruelty.)

>> No.12654290

>seething schizos

>> No.12654311

When it comes to anonymous message boards you will have to filter out low content and reply to those who offer more substance. Either it will always be here and people can mental filter it out or it stops and dies like every other forced meme.

>> No.12654343

>90 IQ Troll

>> No.12654361

>When it comes to anonymous message boards you will have to filter out low content and reply to those who offer more substance

I've been on 4chan for 15 years now. I understand that. In the case of these threads, however, it proves a potent point. It is common human behavior to side against victims, to put down anyone they think they can abuse freely. As I was writing this I noticed your Deleuze quote. Fitting.

I hope these threads continue, though it is hard to see it, they do make a difference.

>> No.12654460

I wish the same. There is a massive confirmation bias in the field of psychiatry. You have old guards who stick to the same tired, broken operations. You have your drug pushers who are only concern about the profit. The few psychiatrists who want to fix the field and expand on it is silence because of the other two profiting off of ignorance.

>> No.12654880

there needs to be a high profile case regarding someone who was lobotomized or tranquilized by these drugs to complain

else it just devolves into "schizos complaining about taking their meds"

>> No.12654895

I'm relatively smart, and I have always hidden what I know society won't consider real, and I understand what people consider real in their world and reality. Its not that hard to hide shit from everyone if you aren't a normie with a big mouth.

>> No.12654921

I'll put out that I have very extreme visual hallucinations, which are basically first contact with extradimensional humans living in a higher dimensional reality. I've seen these things after several severe psychadelic trips which seemed like an initiation into several secrets of nature which continually present themselves to me now.
The reason I believe these visions to be real, rather than mere mental illness, is due to their content. The content is a story of myself as a soul living and traveling through the universe for tens of thousands of years, witnessing prehistoric life on earth, as well as the rise and fall of civilizations over the ages.
The vision I see is of an entity, looks a lot like a humanoid form made of out clear rainbow colored energy hovering in space right in front of me. That entity is an extradimensional being, and together we have traveled to alien worlds. In these dreams have been within the bodies of beings that aren't human. Some familiar life forms on earth, some forms of life not native to earth.
Its the honest to god truth, of what I think and believe based on my so called hallucinations. Obviously, I won't check myself in to a mental institution and say anything about any of this.

In my opinion, science is pitifully blind to its own limitations, and mainstream anything will never be close to the truth.

>> No.12654930

Anonymous schizo posting bro. Do you think we got people in real life to talk to lol? Do you think we should go on reddit or facebook and make a schizopost identity to annoy people until they block us?
4chan is the only real place left with free speech on the internet.

>> No.12654968

intellect and misdiagnosis of too many people

>> No.12655000

Why don’t you kill the psychiatrist? They have a family.

>> No.12655221

His eyes are rotating around in his head whenever he has to speak. His cadence is all wrong and he has no facial expressions. All of those things are crippling disabilities for a human. These aren't things that fall under minor differences.

The other guy I posted explained how his auditory hallucinations and paranoia drove him insane and made him rant about aliens.

>tested for diversity
These people would barely be able to function without treatment....

Btw, what do you all think about Terry A. Davis?

>> No.12655225

I forgot, piano dude also takes super long to answer the simplest questions. A normal conversation seems impossible for him.

>> No.12655239

>His eyes are rotating around in his head whenever he has to speak. His cadence is all wrong and he has no facial expressions.
>I forgot, piano dude also takes super long to answer the simplest questions

All merely your subjective opinions. I found him to be fairly healthy. I did note the same things, however you seem to lack empathy for a man who is being held captive and under extreme scrutiny for being mentally unwell. You give no leniency for his situation, give no leniency for his perhaps being low IQ or other. You discount the fact that he is well behaved, speaks rationally and coherently, and discount the fact the psychiatrist repeats questions, interrupts, etc.

In short you are biased against him and lacking in emotional awareness for someone being held captive against his will. You lack compassion because you are evil.

>> No.12655243

>Why don’t you kill the psychiatrist?

Which would only prove that I'm unstable, would it not? Not only that, but this problem is far greater than one midwit psychiatrist who is merely a pawn of a greater system. That pawn is able to inflict great suffering wielding an unjust power, but she wasn't anything special. Killing her would only prevent me from actually solving the problem.

>> No.12655248

>I'm relatively smart, and I have always hidden what I know society won't consider real, and I understand what people consider real in their world and reality.

That awareness should qualify anyone as not being psychotic. That's the point the user was making about, 'undercover psychotic' being an oxymoron. If you are truly insane then you shouldn't be able to hide it. This is different from sociopathy, however, which means you may end up becoming exploited as a pill pushing psychiatrist.

>> No.12655251

>subjective opinion
He's unable to hold a conversation...just stop.

>> No.12655266

>There is a massive confirmation bias in the field of psychiatry.

This is very accurate. They believe they must be rational doctors simply because they hold a PHD and a position. The irony is they actually know very little psychology. They have never gone through de-biasing or really comprehended any of the other powerful knowledge psychology has to offer. They simply know how to write prescriptions out of habit.

You are hoping for something that will never happen. How many mass shooters were on prescription psychotropics? The media won't report on that. The media is a part of the same broken system and they cover for one another.

Ken Kesey gave us the closest thing we will have to what you propose. It is up to people like us to carry on what he started.

>> No.12655272

>He's unable to hold a conversation

That's an utter lie. He held a conversation perfectly well. Just because he takes a few extra seconds to think about what he wants to say is no reason to call him a catatonic schizophrenic. Like I said, you're a horrible person.

You're unable to hold a conversation. Consider suicide.

>> No.12655316

The only reason that conversation continued was because it was an interview. Otherwise any sensible communication would have been quickly over.

>> No.12655320

>I've never had a pause in a conversation

Like I said, you should just kill yourself.

I would enjoy talking to the man in that interview far more than talking to some lemming like you.

>> No.12655357

You can look up thousands of videos of schizos. No matter what you say, it's plain to see that some people just have something wrong with their mental health. Those people need help and no matter how salty in denial you are about your diagnosis, society will not stop treating them.
If you had any sense you'd understand that no system is perfect but that current treatments are a lot more comfortable to these people than what we had in the past. I.e. locking them up in towers without medication.

>> No.12655376

>No matter what you say, it's plain to see that some people just have something wrong with their mental health.

This is you being dishonest again. These threads have practically nobody claiming that mental illness doesn't exist (Unfortunately, I cannot say this opinion is entirely non-existent, however, it is just barely non-zero).

You are intentionally misconstruing your opponents opinion to avoid facing reality. We are saying psychiatrists often are abusive of their power over any healthy person, or mildly aberrant person, that has the misfortune of ending up under their supervision. You cannot deal with that opinion so you lie to yourself that we are claiming something absurd.

Face the reality present in these threads and present in your own rhetoric. Psychiatrists and society are often hostile to anyone they can be, because it is easier to put other people down then it is to build yourself up. Just as you have proven that poor victim correct that people dislike him over minor differences.

>> No.12655383

You guys literally denied the existence of schizophrenia a few posts ago. Stop lying.

>> No.12655390

What was claimed is that schizophrenia has enough of a broad definition that nearly anyone can be shoehorned (like the piano man) and you can see 'schizo' is applied as the new, 'fag'.

Show me someone saying that mental illness as a whole doesn't exist.

>> No.12655403

Moving the goalposts, I see. Thank god you people will sooner or later get on drugs or end up as dirty hobos. My only hope is that your mental derangement won't stop many others from seeking help.

>> No.12655420

>Moving the goalposts, I see.

More projection from someone incapable of self-reflection.

You set the goalpost here:

> it's plain to see that some people just have something wrong with their mental health.
>mental health

Then I asked you to point out where someone said mental illness isn't real. Please, reflect on how you are projecting your own flaws and dishonesty onto a stranger. It will be of benefit to you and those around you.

>> No.12655589

Idiot that you are. The sentence right before that was me talking specifically about thousands of videos of schizos.
You isolated the next sentence and turned it into this claim about mental health as a whole. You are disingenious.

And not very educated about mental health concers.

>> No.12656276
File: 162 KB, 640x900, ZsLhWPj5r3zOMV2ESqW-nTsq3_L3qwj17hYQguRZqxA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the new, 'fag'

succinctly put, almost didnt notice

I just emailed Joe Brogan with an essay about the evils of psychiatry, some examples and name dropped some prominent anti-psychiatry psychiatrists

email him if you care, get him to do a podcast where he talks about the evils the uighurs are going through and how its just antipsychotics keeping them docile (how is this not the main point for people right now)

im sick of these threads that go nowhere, shills making sure they can keep shilling, schizos shouting into the void.
(ive met people who are genuinely psychotic and the drugs are just bandaids, as much as the sentiment is appreciated, we're not talking about those who ACTUALLY need help, we're talking about average joes who get lobomotized against their will)

do something proactive if you dont want to see humanity get pilled into tomatoes.

if we can get youtube clips of him outing big pharma we'll have woken up hundreds of thousands if not millions of people.

Rogan for President.

>> No.12656279

>All of those things are crippling disabilities for a human
So lets institutionalize and pump him full of drugs lol! That will help him

>Those people need help
>current treatments are a lot more comfortable
You mean they are a lot less bad and looks better on the outside. We have just substituted lobotomy with drugs and restraint with sedation.

>> No.12656633

Medication can have drastic effects. But the treatment can be scaled. Only severe cases get the severe treatment.

I'd rather be medicated and at least warm and well fed instead of kept in a prison without treatment.

What's your alternative anyway? Jack shit, that's it.

Your beef with schizo pills does sound personal. Just saying.

>> No.12656644

You overestimate the influence Joe Rogan has. Most of his listeners put it on in the background while gaming or working. If he mentions problems with psychiatrie once or twice that will do very little.

>> No.12656792

I’m listening to his recent talk with Carl Hart, the clips that get summarised onto his YouTube are what I’m aiming for (not that I actually expect anything)

They get enough attention but they’re only highlights. It could work, wouldn’t hurt to email him your concerns

He seems quite open about schizophrenia and drugs in this episode

>> No.12656800

Talking about drug rehab centres and helping people for extended periods to milk insurance, seems like a step in the right direction