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File: 122 KB, 1200x630, 4971F174-60FA-4D77-8A5E-07DAA95E4CF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12648245 No.12648245 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn’t support nuclear
Explain yourself, faggot

>> No.12648250

like bro its really bad for the environment if we keep using nuclear energy my children and your children will glow like those damn cia niggers

>> No.12648252

Come back and notify us when it's financially viable

>> No.12648263

Do me a favor and obey the 1 million meters social distancing rule for giant fucks.

>> No.12648268

i only support nuclear fusion

>> No.12648316

I don't want you fags blowing through all of our space fuel for the same shit we get en masse from the sun.

>> No.12648320

so it's supposedly financially inviable but we built multiple plants that work to produce power? Power that is given a price? Gtfo

>> No.12648329
File: 276 KB, 1334x750, 81955641_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you do not know how to use this equation, then you know nuclear only based on Simpsons

Nuclear is the foundation of energy production and humanity is bound to use it if it plans to escape and propagate

>> No.12648335
File: 61 KB, 1600x320, Vogtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a choice in supporting it. There's an extra charge on my power bill each month for the construction of new reactors at Plant Vogtle.

>> No.12648346

If it's so profitable then why aren't there more reactors being built?

>> No.12648348

Expensive and obsolete

>> No.12648356

>During Vogtle's first two units construction, capital investment required jumped from an estimated $660 million to $8.87 billion.[1] ($16.2 billion in 2019 dollars[2])
>The certified construction & capital costs incurred by Georgia Power for new units 3 & 4 were originally $14 billion but have risen to $26 billion.

>> No.12648357

There are 50 announced ready in the next 5 years

>> No.12648370

In shitholes, sure.
But this thread is about why *we* aren't supporting nuclear and I assume none of us are posting from China.

>> No.12648376
File: 1.05 MB, 1536x2048, McMaster Nuclear Reactor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12648378

Out of 50, I counted 9 new in UK, Findland, Russia, USA, Korea, and France.

Bear in mind that it takes only 1 nuclear reactor to do the workload of dozen coal plants. Finland is 20% nuclear = 2 nuclear plants

>> No.12648389

If your country is building nuclear power plants then good for you but it will never be viable to build a nuclear power plant in my country due to politics and social stigma. The amount of time and money needed to un-brainwash the population is unfeasible.

>> No.12648390
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>> No.12648393
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>Bear in mind that it takes only 1 nuclear reactor to do the workload of dozen coal plants.

>> No.12648398

Look at the capacity factor
Also, no. The average nuclear plant produces 1GW. Average coal is 500MW

>> No.12648401

Ride the tiger amirite my fellow enlightened spaghetti-dick Luigi?

>> No.12648405

Might as well skip the temporary solution, and start investing in the long-term solutions. 10tn invested in fission, is 10tn not invested in battery/solar/wind/fusion tech.

>> No.12648409

Fusion, sure.
Solar and wind? Nah.

>> No.12648410

Hey anon. Remember when you told me to come back when nuclear was financially viable? Well, the wait is over.

>> No.12648411

Solar and wind are wastes of resources and will litter the landscape at a net loss.

>> No.12648422

No i think hes a retarded fag but he is 100% right in that excerpt. DA ECONOMY is the new religion of you idiots

>> No.12648423
File: 207 KB, 1249x2047, Nuclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if you guys are interested but
We are making a physics-based webcomic in an attempt to educate people about it and hopefully make them aware of the fear mongering that is being fed to them

Fusion-chan was posted here

>> No.12648433

You can daydream about different ideologies but you have to face reality and swallow the fact that the economy is the only thing universally understood in modern society
If you don't like it then go build your own society, anon

>> No.12648441

Right, which is why we must be stuck with coal and oil, because it is so damn cheap, right?

Kindly fuck off, brainlet

>> No.12648446

Yes. If it's so vital to wean off coal and gas then there should be financial incentive to do so. Industry will always go down the most profitable path.

>> No.12648452

Long term benefit of nuclear faaaaaaaaaaar surpasses whatever economic gain you have in mind

>> No.12648455

>yeah man, they'll feel pretty stupid when they run out of air and sunlight, causing those things to be a waste of unrecyclable material

>> No.12648457

>500 * 12 = 1000
Nice math you have there. By any chance does your skin reflect less light than most Fins?

>> No.12648461

Do you have any idea how much maintenance they require

>> No.12648462

lmao yup, new religion. Can't even fathom something outside of its axioms

>> No.12648463

Add in the capacity factor

>> No.12648468

>Do you have any idea how many things require maintenance? (hint: all of them)

>> No.12648472

Acres of land
Dozens of 100m towers
1 plant

>> No.12648474
File: 162 KB, 1280x960, Wind_turbines_in_southern_California_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the millions upon millions of these complex engineering marvels we'll need for partial power coverage is totally worth it instead of getting fusion up

>> No.12648476

The towers require less maintenance and provide cheaper power, just because big numbers scare you doesn't mean big number bad.

>> No.12648477

Nuclear is the most profitable by far. It's just has heavy upfront costs due to red tape, plus everyone starts wanting a piece of the pie and suddenly building a wall is a $30 million project. You more or less need a dictatorship to get nuclear to a good state where it can support large civilizations.

>> No.12648480


Look at the amount of towers here>>12648474

They seriously found those turbines super susceptible to damage from dust and ice. Every 2 weeks, they climb and patch it. Each

For 20 years

>> No.12648492

>You more or less need a dictatorship
Kind of a big ask in non-shithole countries.

>> No.12648499

France is 70% nuclear

>> No.12648500

I said non-shithole countries

>> No.12648502

>perfect fusion
>use up all molecular hydrogen in atmosphere after 5 years
>start splitting water
>time goes by
>running out of water
>O fugggg

>> No.12648506

The Sun would go supernova before you even uses up half the water of the world for energy

>> No.12648515

Paid for by the military

>> No.12648532

you so funny exdee

>> No.12648536

Why do you lie?
Annual maintenance of a modern wind turbine is 1.5-2% of the initial cost btw.

>> No.12648555

The hell you mean lie?
This is literally a common knowledge in engineering, especially aerodynamics.

And that's not all
A wind turbine slows down wind by as much as 40%
Which means that after the first turbine, the next turbine would perform less, causing a domino effect where on hogs all the energy source.

Which makes large wind farms completely idiotic. Which makes sustainable energy production impossible
Which makes coal and gas necessary just to supplement its abundance of failures

Green energy is a fucking meme
You don't know shit about energy, bitch

P. Fucking S
A wind turbine costs the SAME as an oil well but produces 1/4 the annual energy

>> No.12648590

Lay of the facebook you fucking moron.

>> No.12648599

the implications are big but most reactors aren't efficient at all (30-40%) and nuclear fuel is thrown away before it's completely depleted. you also spend a good amount of energy for enrichment and all the things associated with nuclear reactors and the process.
also don't forget that most uranium on earth is inaccessible (trace and ions in ocean). people read that there is 40 tons of uranium which gives something zetta joules and get excited when in reality it's much much less than that

>> No.12648600

Wow. So cool. So smart

>> No.12648604

Yeah, whatever. Do you know how to use the equation?

>> No.12648615

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12648630

mass defect * (3E8)^2 = energy in joules
mass defect = fission products mass - fission reactants mass
or you can just calculate the difference in binding energy per nucleus and use it instead of the mass defect, same result

>> No.12648647
File: 170 KB, 1000x990, Thinking+promoting+this+show+would+encourage+people+to+donate+_b081960c2b666e8c8470669a6f5f6c60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took you 20 mins to research that?

You simply googled how to calculate the energy source. You have no idea of the true nature of energy, what it is, how it equates to mass, and how E=mc^2 came to be

Face it. You are a fool

The future of mankind lies to the power that utilizes the fundamental core of physics

>> No.12648663

>20 minutes
i am not wasting my entire day waiting for some faggot to responds
>You simply googled how to calculate the energy source. You have no idea of the true nature of energy
bro i literally learned this in high school, it's not forbidden or difficult or deep knowledge. it's literally just atoms have different mass per nucleon because of binding energy and this mass is released on fusion/fission

>> No.12648693

>bro i literally learned this in high school
>bro i am literally in high school and learning this stuff rn

>> No.12648773

Its not needed yet

>> No.12648784
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>> No.12648803

try 2nd year undergrad. just lmaoing at you for thinking that the mass-energy equation is difficult or impressive.
just wondering, are you american?

>> No.12648808 [DELETED] 

>bro i literally learned this in high school, it's not forbidden or difficult or deep knowledge.
confirm, Yr11 age 16.

>> No.12648811

>bro i literally learned this in high school, it's not forbidden or difficult or deep knowledge.
Yr11 age 16.

>> No.12648813

>implying i dont

>> No.12648841

So, never?

>> No.12648860

>implying energy use isn't going to exponentially increase after humans figure fusion
life in general goes against the arrow of time and laws of physics. it's just a matter of time before entropy ends us all

>> No.12649063

Sounds interesting. Where can I view it when it is done?

>> No.12649074
File: 826 KB, 800x800, ECHS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ECHS?

>> No.12649088
File: 167 KB, 1084x618, HIVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you HIVE?

>> No.12649186

>30% not efficient
Guess we should stop using solar panels too because of their poor efficiency as well, same with wind turbines and actually any energy production
>nuclear fuel is completely depleted
Not at all, in countries not the US they reprocess their fuel and reuse it. The only reason the US doesn't is because of retarded fears of weaponizing it.
>most uranium is inaccessible
Ahh so your small brain also doesn't understand the economics of mineral extraction. That bullshit about how were going to run out of uranium is the same bullshit of how we were going to run out of oil 30 years ago. As the price of uranium goes up, then it becomes more viable to search for more uranium, then new technology is developed for that extraction, then, surprise, more uranium becomes accessible

>> No.12649215

>>30% not efficient
>>nuclear fuel is completely depleted
this is just to point out that uranium isn't as great as raw numbers would suggest
>Ahh so your small brain also doesn't understand the economics of mineral extraction. That bullshit about how were going to run out of uranium is the same bullshit of how we were going to run out of oil 30 years ago. As the price of uranium goes up, then it becomes more viable to search for more uranium, then new technology is developed for that extraction, then, surprise, more uranium becomes accessible
are you fucking retarded? trace uranium and uranium ions in ocean can't be viably extracted under any circumstances.

>> No.12649244

The fag was lying
Nuclear Plants have an efficiency rating of 90%
And Uranium is mad cheap and on the level of Tin in terms of being common

>> No.12649248

>it's literally just atoms have different mass per nucleon because of binding energy
What a fool

>> No.12649257
File: 67 KB, 383x406, Geothermal chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search for "Quantum Festival" after 3 weeks, I think

We should be uploading them per week on meme sites and webcomic sites like Tapastic

>> No.12649296

Where do we put them all? They're super noisy and smelly. I don't want to live near one.
>Not in my backyard

>> No.12649302

It also only takes one meltdown to poison a whole city.

>> No.12649310

There's only 2 incidents in 70 years
1 was deliberate

There's been 200 oil spills just last year

>> No.12649327

Based retard.

>> No.12649336

I support literally anything that doesn't involve increasing our greenhouse gas output. Including putting prisoners on wheels to generate electricity

>> No.12649368
File: 44 KB, 541x450, 1611053976078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never seen anyone with more hard opinions and lack of knowledge in everything except what they are advocating for than nuclearfags. it's almost as if they are paid shills but that's probably not the case because the nuclear sector barely has any funds haha

>> No.12649379

You don't even know what energy is.

>> No.12650037

What about all the methane that would create?

>> No.12650060

solar and windfags seething

>> No.12650122
File: 18 KB, 326x317, This++believes+in+france+_3da382a13c1268a34464d7ad5db5dc9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's literally just atoms have different mass per nucleon because of binding energy and this mass is released on fusion/fission

You could have been less hilarious if you just said "God particle"

>> No.12650606

you realize that capacity factor is a bad thing right?
NG and coal are lower because they can actually spin up and spin down to meet demand. Nuclear is high because they literally can't change their output whatsover.

>> No.12650630

even if they had money there's no way they would actually do something as smart as buy shills. The nuclear industry's incompetence is legendary

>> No.12650636

Stop replying to yourself

>> No.12650641

>Capacity factors allow energy buffs to examine the reliability of various power plants. It basically measures how often a plant is running at maximum power. A plant with a capacity factor of 100% means it’s producing power all of the time.

>Nuclear has the highest capacity factor of any other energy source—producing reliable, carbon-free power more than 92% of the time in 2016. That’s nearly twice as reliable as a coal (48%) or natural gas (57%) plant and almost 3 times more often than wind (35%) and solar (25%) plants.

>> No.12650646

grow up

>> No.12650649

>Nuclear power plants had a 9% share of the total U.S. generation capacity in 2019 but actually produced 20% of the country’s electricity due to its high capacity factor.
Get it now?

>> No.12650656

The irony of this post is palpable.

>> No.12650658

Says literally nothing because in that page it tells you how it's calculated earlier. NG and coal don't spend half the year under maintenance that's fucking retarded. They just spin up and spin down to meet demand, and save fuel. Nuclear literally can't do that and will give away electricity/ dump it into the ground If it has to.

>> No.12650662

Nuclear Plants are just steam engines that does not use coal, you retarded shit

>> No.12650674

Do you understand that electrical demand isn't static? If you build enough plants to supply peak, then you're literally lighting all that money on fire for the other 90% of the day. Which is especially bad considering how expensive nuclear plants are.

>> No.12650676

I’m not familiar with new advents in nuclear engineering. How are we disposing of nuclear waste nowadays?

>> No.12650682

Yeah, whatever.
Coal, natural gas, and nuclear all has the same principle. And you say that Nuclear can't do what they can?

Shut the fuck up

>> No.12650689

>Dude just add more fuel rods it works for coal!
Funniest shit I've seen in this entire thread

>> No.12650693

You don't even know what a fuel rod is

>> No.12650703
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, fgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is less demand for electricity this very moment. I don't want to waste fuel. Let me just turn off physics (ie: nuclear decay) within all these expensive fuel rods until demand increases. That's how it works right?

>> No.12650706

Apparently you definitely don't if you think you can just pull half of them out to maintain half the reaction like a coal plant.

>> No.12650710

You realise there's control rods for that reason? I'll let you guess what these control rods control.

>> No.12650714

Easy dude just stick them in half way and you get half the heat right! Damn so easy

>> No.12650715

Fuel rods are controleld by control rods made of graphene, xenon, and berilium which absorbs neutrons and shut down nuclear reactions

If demand is low, they lower the fuel rods like a lid on an open flame.. If demand is high, they lift it

Shut the fuck up, dumbass

>> No.12650717

Yes, precisely how it works

>> No.12650720
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>> No.12650724

*sorry for butting in, had to laugh.

>pointing out the obvious

>> No.12650727

I'm scared of the reactor smoke, wind is superior.

>> No.12650732
File: 3 KB, 111x126, 1420527519357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see. The only ones who hate nuclear are those who don't know nuclear

>> No.12650737

You mean the people who don't want to pay five times as much for power.

>> No.12650748

France electric grid is 76% lower than Germany
Guess why

>> No.12650750

>he made another nuclear shill thread

>> No.12650751

Because America is a corporatist hellhole. The DoE should directly build and run nuclear plants, private companies never will because it's not profitable.

>> No.12650752

now explain to the class how this saves you money

>> No.12650758
File: 7 KB, 300x300, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, upon introducing inert rods to absorb radiation, the sources of radiation stop emitting radiation. There's no reaction happening within the fuel rods themselves to emit radiation in the first place, none whatsoever. Fuel rods become inert themselves after being around inert control rods.

>> No.12650760

>He thinks subsidies don't cost money
Everyone point and laugh

>> No.12650766

Yes. No chain reaction. No reaction

>> No.12650768

You don't even know what subsidies are

>> No.12650779
File: 117 KB, 420x420, A472AE60-DB91-4969-8DFB-4107D5F7C83F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah yes, upon introducing frictional elements to absorb kinetic energy, the sources of kinetic energy stop combusting. There's no combustion happening within the combustion chambers themselves to rotate the shafts in the first place, none whatsoever. Combustion chambers become inert themselves after being around inert frictional elements.
So we should just cut off the engine instead of stepping on the brake if you're trying to slow down a car, is that what you're saying?

>> No.12650788

Imagine telling a kid that the shadow is not a monster.
This is how this thread reads like

>> No.12650792

You want to stop something. You jam it with a piece of wood.
You want to stop a nuclear reaction. You jam it with a neutron absorber

>> No.12650800
File: 9 KB, 508x508, o7g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutting off the engine isn't an option, and using the breaks still uses gas (so costs money).

>> No.12650804

Wait, you're pretending to be a retard for (you)s aren't you you little fuckhead

>> No.12650807

Control rods are literally kept floating through electromagnets. It costs to keep it floating
If the electricity fails, the control rods fall and shut down everything

>> No.12650808
File: 4 KB, 256x256, 976g7o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know. You just solved the nuclear waste problem! You absolute genius! Why didn't anyone think of just turning off the radioactive elements?!

>> No.12650812

Tax exemptions. Next?

>> No.12650823

No he's totally right, you can operate a nuclear plant at lower capacity, but it doesn't actually save you money. In fact it actually costs more as cooling off and heating up causes thermal stresses in the reactor, and doesn't actually make your fuel last longer.

>Load following is the potential for a power plant to adjust its power output as demand and price for electricity fl uctuates throughout the day. In nuclear power plants, this is done by inserting control rods into the reactor pressure vessel. This operation is very inefficient as nuclear power generation is composed almost entirely of fixed and sunk costs; therefore, lowering the power output significantly does not reduce generating costs and the plant is thermo-mechanical stressed.

>The economic consequences of load-following are mainly related to the reduction of the load factor. In the case of nuclear, fuel costs represent a small fraction of the electricity generating cost, if compared with fissile sources. Thus, operating at higherload factors is profitable for nuclear power plants, since they cannot make savings on the fuel cost while not producing electricity. In France, the impact of load-following on the average unit capability factor is sometimes estimated as about 1.2%.

>> No.12650858

You don't even understand radiation

>> No.12650861

Tax exemptions are not subsidies, idiot

>> No.12650869

>>he calls himself a nuclear supporter, but doesn't support a carbon tax or other regulations on carbon emissions
Explain yourself, faggot

>> No.12650872

Can we not just skip the bullshit and make everything nuclear powered?

>> No.12650880


>> No.12650882
File: 6 KB, 512x512, tyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I learned; if you surround a radioactive substance with control rods, that radioactive substance stops being radioactive entirely, as if that substance were never radioactive in the first place. I guess I now know everything about radiation now.

>> No.12650883

That would require complete state control of the energy sector, which is kind of a hard sell to most Americans, but if you think you can pull it off go for it.

>> No.12650890

Yes. A lid on a pot

>> No.12650899

Not really?
Nuclear batteries and tritium are available for retailers

>> No.12650901

man why even call it a half life when you can just shove control rods next to something?

>> No.12650902
File: 30 KB, 900x900, kuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the nuclear weak force for 500?

>> No.12650903

why would they adopt them?

>> No.12650915

>Imagine being this retarded
That's true, but subsidies are exemptions. Kinda like how a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isn't a square.

>> No.12650918

>A battery that would outlive you
You're right
Why would a vendor sell something that cannot break

>> No.12650932

yeah there's very very few applications that actually benefit from an insanely expensive battery that lasts that long. and I'd say most of them already use them, so there isn't exactly much room for growth.

>> No.12650938

The growth would be on more efficient machinery that uses more battery to do more jobs, I suppose

Litium ion is explosive.

>> No.12650961

>lithium ion is explosive.

>> No.12650964

Radioactive substance coated in lead would stop its radiation from leaking out of the lead

If 2 nuclear rods enriched at subcritical were right beside together, their radiation would cause them to reach critical.

If you jam them with a control rod, they stop exchanginging radiation and they return to subcritical which also slows down their radioactive decay

>> No.12650966

>100 μW tritium-powered device weighing 20 grams
>costs several grand lasts 20 years not 100
gee I wonder why we don't use them everywhere

>> No.12650974
File: 481 KB, 967x529, chainreactiongif_orig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*different anon
sorry for butting in
control-rods are used to absorb the neutrons which are ejected out when fission occurs; its this chain-reaction which is controlled by slowing it down to manageable levels;

thus preventing the whole thing from going critical, becoming super-heated and melt its way down to the water-table ionizing water into separate hydrogen & oxygen that goes "BANG" thus erupting radio-active clouds of steam into the atmosphere.

Control rods don't absorb gamma-ray, x-rays nor any other radiation.
The Uranium fuel & by-products in the reactor chamber themselves are all still radio-active.

>> No.12650975

Tritium that uses phosphorus as a radiant energy
Unlock fusion and it would release 16MeV per fusion reaction.

>> No.12650985

Oh shit you're right just unlock fusion why didn't I think of that

>> No.12651004

The big nuclear reactor in the sky

>> No.12651062

That's not Einstein's equation

>> No.12651067

That's the most pretentious take on quantum mechanics I have ever seen!

God, I the cringe!

>> No.12651073

*diff anon
>credits the entire Manhattan project?
about bloody time.

>> No.12651077

I know what it is.
But that anon definitely avoided the most famous equation because he don't know what it is

I felt a smackdown of second-hand embarrassment from that guy

>> No.12651096

>having fun with others
gotta do what ya gotta do, I suppose.
he's obviously not online, keep bumping until he returns.
*Trolling is also a spectator sport.

>> No.12651351

Calm down, faggot

>> No.12651589
File: 1.54 MB, 480x264, the big thincc sun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12651660

i'm not a memeing idiot whose guiding principle is that "atoms r kool"

>> No.12651661

>what is nuclear weapons development

>> No.12651699
File: 31 KB, 332x260, inevitable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*diff anon
>England felt sorry for India being so poor.
>England gave India an old nuclear-reactor.
>time passes.....
>India has nuclear weapons.
>Pakistan has nuclear weapons.
>designate next poor-country to be helped.

>> No.12651706
File: 20 KB, 614x306, cyan is wind, grey is nuclear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12652260

I do though

>> No.12653073

>wind %’d about as much as nuclear yesterday of an unspecified date in an unspecified place