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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12644648 No.12644648 [Reply] [Original]

Is Wikipedia reliable?

>> No.12644652

Depends on the article. If it agrees with me, it's reliable. If not, it's unreliable. Pretty simple, really.

>> No.12644668

it depends

>> No.12644672


>> No.12644674

Based. I too go through life evaluating the validity of things based on if it confirms my preexisting beliefs

>> No.12644677

Yes, except if its about trannies or something like that.

>> No.12644678

Ah, so you consequently verbally communicate in the most obnoxious and verbose manner possible as well?

>> No.12644682


>> No.12644697

If it's about something apolitical it'll probably be decent.

>> No.12644737

Excellent for obscure maths

>> No.12644757


>> No.12644775


>> No.12644835

The founder thinks unironically thinks Ayn Rand is gucci. Make of that what you will. The people who edit Wikipedia Articles are somewhat like Redditors personality wise.

>> No.12644846
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>The people who edit Wikipedia Articles

>> No.12644849

Yes, I am chad

>> No.12644882 [DELETED] 

On anything serious that isn't mundane, intellectual or technical?

>> No.12644895

So the important things?

>> No.12644896

I was banned by a literal homosexual who defends muslims


>> No.12644905

Here's an example of Wikipedia's reliability

>> No.12644944
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These are the type people that edit wikipedia?

>> No.12644967

Show how she's unreliable.

>> No.12644970

lolno. You only have to look at the talk page of controversial subjects and the bio pages of the editors to see how biased and political they are.

>> No.12644986

We doxxed her once and that's a very favorable angle.

>> No.12645003

It seems like she's already doxxed herself

>> No.12645004 [DELETED] 
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>go to political wikipedia articles

>> No.12645009 [DELETED] 

Alot of the political articles are just biased af tho. And its pretty clear. Also big strawman because no one is actually seriously advocating for genocide. Nigger go back to red*it. Also youll never be a woman

>> No.12645024
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>> No.12645025 [DELETED] 

nice b8, m8

>> No.12645035

I do not judge if it's wrong or right. All knoweledge comes from your experience. Not from words you read in books or internet. Anyone who read is big ass bitch.

>> No.12645036

Is that hotwheels?

>> No.12645070


>> No.12645078

Lil' dude put on weight.

>> No.12645079

I used to contribute to Wikipedia until most of my shit got taken down or deleted by the Notability Nazis.

Fuck that shit. I don't even bother with the minor wikias these days.

Want knowledge? Look it up your goddamn self, motherfuckers. I'm through having my shit deleted by some 15-yo asshole who's angry that their parents won't give them the latest video game console.

>> No.12645124

No , very far from it

just look at how often articles get edited. articles that news havent come out about for 20 years gets edited 2 days ago? yeah take everything with a fucking grain of salt

>> No.12645134 [DELETED] 
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odd time to feature this

>> No.12645165

No, Wiki is not reliable. I edited the Cargo Cult page and added the Posadist faction from former SSR to the list of extant cargo cults, and it was removed a few days later.

>> No.12645251
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>> No.12645289

lmao wtf

>> No.12645379 [DELETED] 

>biased af
they always choose the most middle ground low risk agreeable ideas that appeal to the largest part of the population. in the scientific racism article they basically just cite the unesco and other opponents of scientific racism in the introduction them go and list out all the believers of scientific racism and their arguments. if you ignore the intro it's literally "redpilling". in the eugenics article they don't even say it doesn't work, they just say it's Discriminatory and against human rights (it's literally is)

>> No.12645600


>> No.12646947

I hate women so much it's not even funny
Thank god I'm attracted to men

>> No.12646966
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Hm, just electronic harassment cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY you say....

>> No.12648687
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It depends

>> No.12648703

God is made up. :)
Happy to help.

>> No.12648942

We all do, 90% of the time at least

>> No.12650609

the people who run Wikipedia are mostly progressives and pinkos, The entire site is tainted with their ideology, this is a problem because this is where most people their cursory information on any given subject. the sheer lack of objectivity just makes me angry. there should be a site like wiki but with a higher ethical and factual standards

>> No.12650647

They tend to stay away from the hard science and math articles.

>> No.12650687

>The founder thinks unironically thinks Ayn Rand is gucci.
Holy based, I guess I'll start donating.

>> No.12650696

I don't get it.

>> No.12652290

>> User talk:Alex Sazonov
Apparently some kind of troll, why didn't he just use the Russian wiki

>> No.12652382

>irrelevant meme language
I kid but the discord who are trying to fix it are massive faggots

>> No.12652393

enough for the basics and the jist of things

>> No.12652438

as source-based information site, it is susceptible to cherry-picking, and since their mods are trannies, they may not accept sources that hurt their feelings

>> No.12652475

Not completely. But nothing is.
It is more reliable than most of the books, so the answer is YES.

>> No.12652579

It's reliably mediocre, and gets worse the more esoteric/political an article is

>> No.12652629

Good for the Early life section of personnalities.

>> No.12652637

As long as no politics are involved, yes.

>> No.12652647

Funny meme

>> No.12652649

It's strange how there's so much info on this, as if they wear it like a badge of honor. You'd have thought they would use a tribe-only special wiki instead of putting it out in the open.

>> No.12653201


>> No.12653214

Not, if it's about Israel. Since their government has literal shills on a pay roll that edit wikipedia articles and operate on social sites.

>> No.12653221

>Everyone talking about political articles

Jesus christ. Wiki is great for science in general. The chemistry sections are fantastic and so are a lot of the biology ones. Not perfect at higher level knowledge but gives great jumping off points with citations.

>> No.12653222

>there should be a site like wiki but with a higher ethical and factual standards

Who decides and enforces the standards? Eventially the retards will take power again.

There's no way to bandaid fix any of this, eventually you're just going to have to point out that the education system became a garbage factory and until you fix that everything is shit. Even if you made your island of objectivity you're in a sea of shit.

>> No.12653877

didn't he move to the phillipines and also is a libertarian? this makes no sense

>> No.12653905

Mostly. I know neo nazis and muslims are constantly trying to edit it for propaganda but it seems like for the most part they are kept from doing much damage.

>> No.12653919

Articles about Israel are accurate from what I’ve seen. Their government engages in efforts to combat propaganda and lying, not create it themselves. There’s infinitely more anti-Israeli propaganda out there than pro. Pro-Palestinian views can’t survive any confrontation with truth or facts.

>> No.12653950

How is that strange unless viewed through the lens of /pol/ delusion? Sounds like major cognitive dissonance: you believe there’s secrecy in Judaism, but you also believe Wikipedia is ruled by the magic joos, but you can’t believe both of those things because Wikipedia impartially lists background information. You sub humans are so stupid you don’t even understand confirmation bias, let alone why all of your views are wrong. /pol/yps are the most witless shills I’ve ever seen.

>> No.12653972

>science board thread about Wikipedia
>most of the posts are about politics
am I crazy or is it painfully obvious the reason this place is so bad is that /pol/ npcs are here astroturfing? how do you not permaban them

>> No.12654033

Here's how it's strange you cuck
>at this point in time, every single normogroid is in on the meme of the jews being in finance, politics, media, art
>it's starting to be more than a funny joke when they need to actually shit out articles to "explain" that in recent hedgy debacle, the amount of jews really is just a coincidence
>before this wasn't even considered a schizo stance
>now it's deemed necessary to tell normogroids that there's nothing to worry about
It's a self-made Schindler's list, you get it dumb cunt?
What's strange is that they're too slow to start censoring this, usually all inconvenient info gets purged immediately.

>> No.12654050

You’re a 60 IQ /pol/ NPC so you won’t understand this, but there aren’t actually very many Joos in any of those things. The only time you point out someone’s background is when they’re Jewish, which is called confirmation bias. The most common form of brainwashing on /pol/, and only works on “people” with sub animal intellects.
A list that can be clicked through, proving that muh Jooz in finance is bullshit.

>> No.12654068

>if you don't think that wikipedia should only reflect far left ideals then you are a poltard

>> No.12654079

> What's strange is that they're too slow to start censoring this, usually all inconvenient info gets purged immediately.
kek what are you basing this on? it really amuses me that 99% of anything you shills claim is fictional. you’re like a way, way worse version of SJWs.

>> No.12654093

You missed the point. Since this is on the science board, scientific articles should’ve naturally been the focus of the thread. A few years ago when this site was still usable there would have been no posts about politics here, let alone dA jOoS that halfwit inbred wastes of air are OBSESSED with for some reason.

>> No.12654114

Yeah they just sorta infested this board and won't get dislodged. Can't even have a discussion on fly genetics without someone asking about race/iq or whether women who have sex are genetically altered into inferior specimens.

>> No.12654125

>there aren’t actually very many Joos in any of those things
dishonest, no more (You)s for you, cuck.
But even then, an irrefutable fact of the matter is that recent articles rationalizing GME short hedgies being jews were indeed published in the usual mutt toilet papers. That is, people came across publicly available (on wikipedia even) information and started asking inconvenient questions. Counterintuitively, the inconvenient info on the characters of interest is still publicly available.
But keep your up the passive quips and strawmans, ADL is a bit SHORT on funds recently.

>> No.12654133

Holy buzzwords batman

>> No.12654142
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>Holy buzzwords batman

>> No.12654156

what really made me realize it was how npc shills here blame everything Netflix does on da joos. then I looked up the board of directors for Netflix
and it’s almost all non jewish white people. opened my eyes to the fact that the shills here (pol) are not just willing to lie, but are pretty much all pathological liars. every time I see a post or image about joos here I start off with the assumption that everything in it is a lie, and wait to be proven (which almost never happens).

>> No.12654164
File: 233 KB, 680x417, 1DF21A73B92E40EC80B84E0628DC8592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what really made me realize it was how npc shills here blame everything Netflix does on da joos. then I looked up the board of directors for Netflix
>and it’s almost all non jewish white people. opened my eyes to the fact that the shills here (pol) are not just willing to lie, but are pretty much all pathological liars. every time I see a post or image about joos here I start off with the assumption that everything in it is a lie, and wait to be proven (which almost never happens).

>> No.12654868

It's reliable for things literally everyone agrees on like the law of gravity. But for any knowledge that is even slightly in dispute it's shit

>> No.12654899
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>I use she/her pronouns
>This user identifies as queer.
> Articles I've brought to "Good article" status:
>The Satanic Bible
LMAO this can't be fucking real but it is

>> No.12655068

He's extremely disabled and liberals entire agenda is helping people like him, it's possible for a moment due to strong emotions he decided to support Bernie before turning back into some kind of libertarian incel again.

>> No.12655096


Dangerously based ngl

>> No.12655310

>gorilla warefare copypasta is from 2010
I feel like it was a thing years before that

>> No.12655317

>Frederick Brennen is a bernie bro
fuck he just keeps getting more based

>> No.12655353

how you cope with the nomination being stolen from him?

>> No.12655432

Not brilliant, but less bothered about it because I'm a bonger, but it really hurt when Corbyn got dog-piled by the media and zionists and neolibs in his own party. At this point I've accepted that the slide into fascism is unavoidable, and Biden won't change the conditions that gave rise to Trump int he first place.

>> No.12655534

>no one is actually seriously advocating for genocide
false, I do

>> No.12655548

It's certainly more reliable than /sci/. Only a complete fool would suggest otherwise.

>> No.12655724

example of something apolitical?

>> No.12656046

JIDF, lol as if the Palestinians are the ones pumping propaganda everywhere. Do you think anyone actually believes the horseshit you spew?

>> No.12656060

Pretty good for a surface-level but accurate understanding of issues/concepts, in my experience.

>> No.12656547

He think maybe his investigation get answer fast than in Russian website

>> No.12656713


>> No.12656776

ah yes, (((spiders)))

>> No.12656781

it's decent enough for anything 'hard', and absolute hilarity for anything 'soft'. and of course the nemeses are trying really hard to utterly destroy that distinction. it definitely exists for the purpose of disseminating globohomoschlomo propaganda, and will tend to try to squash anything counternarrative, and infect anything it plausibly can.

aside from the extreme bias issues it has problems with simple lack of knowledge by 'maintenance' enthusiasts/staff vs actually contributory participants. a big problem with absurdly varying expected knowledge levels within a single article, where many articles are a generic layman-friendly summary and then a main body of impenetrable formulas and extremely niche lingo with no explanation. I'm sure there's plenty of shit which is just plain wrong but nobody knows better to fix it (this has been done repeatedly as 'pranks', eg. iirc something about a made-up elephant species or something).

>> No.12656911

This character is unfathomably based.

>> No.12656916

It's as reliable as the last editor. And the one before them and so on.

>> No.12656942

NOO wikipedia 2+2 isnt 4 AHH
I am so smart i see so much i can see through your deception

>> No.12656944

If you just want to learn about something, it's fine. But you should use it in a paper or take it as absolute truth. Wikipedia is not as bad as it used to, they have bots that can detect spam/vandalism.

>> No.12656961

That's the new owner. Hotwheels got put off by the obvious racism and fanaticism of the user base and sold 8 chan to a weird sex tourist living in the Philippines.

>> No.12657017

>signal processing thread gets pruned because of a single coomer post
>offtopic /pol/incel screeching stays up

nice going trannyjannies

>> No.12657036 [DELETED] 
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will it be scientifically possible in the future to clone me a new body so I can be the futa I always knew I was meant to be?

>> No.12657320

Use the sources at the bottom
Use wikipedia like a search engine for all information about a subject in one concise article.

>> No.12657343

There’s a fuck ton more Palestinian propaganda than Israeli. In part because mainstream is pro Palestine, in part because they’re highly immoral, willing liars. You’re a moron.

>> No.12657346


>> No.12657360

>mainstream is pro Palestine
yeah right

>> No.12657364

What bothers me the most is that /pol/ has lost literally every argument I’ve ever seen. More attention should be called to stuff like this >>12654156

pol trailer trash / muzslim shills getting exposed for the sub brainlets they are

>> No.12657371

thats gay anon

>> No.12657375

Except for Fox, yes, all mainstream media is pro Palestine

>> No.12657403

would you care to share one news report that is pro-palestine or anti-israel?
is this just a burger thing?

>> No.12658149

Hey anons, regardless of our opinions on Hebrews, can we just agree that Wikipedia is full of faggots?
>ffs I leave pol for 10 minutes and I find the other pol

>> No.12658660
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>the satanic bible

>> No.12658890 [DELETED] 

/pol/fags don't actually read stuff

>> No.12658908

>every single normogroid is in on the meme of the jews being in finance, politics, media, art
holy shit go outside

>> No.12659001

Breadth First Search

>> No.12659170


>> No.12659194

It certainly isn’t; everything is high jacked even mathematics.

>> No.12659454

consider necking yourself , degenerate

>> No.12659505

I don't get what the issue here is. That Alex guy clearly is asking a (very stupid) question that's obviously answered in every language in many wiki articles on electricity. He's obviously a kid or some idiot who can't be bothered to read something and just wants his simple questions answered directly---so he was banned for not contributing which is *exactly* what he's doing--not contributing shit.

>> No.12659521

What's so terrible about this?

>> No.12659599
File: 6 KB, 235x215, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh it's a pretty woman and woman bad because they hurt my feefees when they no touch my peepee

>> No.12659688

Even that is mostly crap. It just links to pop science authors or journalist in many cases. And especially controversial things in science are just references to the usual citation cartels and you have to click around a lot before you find out there is no there there. Look at a textbook or introduction or university script to know the memes or buzzwords and search the originals. Always critically, because above fifty percent of all papers can’t be replicated. Often it’s much more easy. At some point you find the thing at the end of the reference chain and it’s not in there.

>> No.12659700

Reliable for science and facts, Unreliable for politics.

>> No.12659708


>> No.12659814

>science and facts are reliable
I admire your nativity.
Maybe you should look at Ioannidis infamous paper. Or at the founding of „scientific“ projects. If you are a scientist or very curious individual you could just follow the trail and look into the primary sources. There is a reason, why medicine and biotechnology papers are the worst among the worse, if replicability is concerned. You are in for a huge surprise.

>> No.12660317

only on non political topics, science is mostly high quality

>> No.12660722

Nigga you gay

>> No.12661478
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>it's a... woman

>> No.12661963

I don't know, but she makes so many edits it fucking offends me how someone can waste their life so much.
>but you are on 4chan
Let me preempt a Reddit-tier reply.

>> No.12662119

Not, HotWheels had the imageboard stolen because he was stupid enough to fall for "free hosting" offered by the pig farming kike.

>> No.12662579

Classic JIDF post, I almost missed you guys.

>> No.12662583


>> No.12662595

No. It used to be, but it’s gotten really bad.
Even some of the math topic pages that used to be really useful and well written for a non expert got rewritten into useless trash,
I am starting to conspiracy belive, they really don’t want people being smart.

>> No.12662599

If you have ever done that you know it’s useless. They don’t allow original research but they do allow you to reference a website that cites original research,

>> No.12662608


Maybe 5 years ago this was true

>> No.12662625

Yes, I started browsing 4chan in 2008 and it was definitely already a thing. Know your meme is just Wikipedia, meme version.

>> No.12662674


as reliable as my bowel movements

>> No.12662766

the unusual articles

>> No.12662937

very politically motivated person

>> No.12663098

>Eventially the retards will take power again
not of you take away their rights and oppress the fuck out of them while coercing them to attack any foreign element (like kikes)

>> No.12663103

>token shill whining about truth as "offtopic"

>> No.12663115

>wildly narrate a bunch of unfounded lies
we're just going to fucking kill you, you know that right?

>> No.12663120

Only on items that only autists even know to search for, like a particular military vehicle or somesuch.

>> No.12663128

For science and math, it's great.

>> No.12663246

>unfounded lies
he posted proof that Netflix has no joos in charge, and proof that big banks are owned by white non jewish people almost exclusively. how are those unfounded lies? the exact opposite of lying, brainlet npc

>> No.12663252

Super based.

>> No.12663263

What are your standards for reliability? Do you apply them consistently?

My guess is that you haven't even thought about the first question. Being consistent about what you accept as evidence seems likely to run into something like the Munchausen trilemma.

My point is not that we shouldn't ever question the reliability of evidence, but that it's disingenuous to only question the reliability of a single source and hypocritical to do it without even considering ones personal approach to epistemology and the very large fundamental problems in epistemology more generally.

>> No.12663277

Isn't serbian wikipedia controlled by neonazis?

>> No.12663285

>What bothers me the most is that /pol/ has lost literally every argument I’ve ever seen
What's it like? Having your head buried in the sand?

>> No.12663293

I‘m not him, but I can tell you, how things really work. Most papers can’t be replicated. And wikipedia is completely controlled. They don’t even pretend science is a methodology. You can’t get the original research and the high quality research disputing the claims is almost never linked. Epistemology is a concern far beyond that. I don’t deny it, but it pales in comparison.

>> No.12663340

>big banks are owned
wow let's see this magical list of the shareholders that totally exists
did you look at the board members?

>Netflix has no joos in charge
that doesn't excuse the rest of the industry or the extreme number of jews producing all of their original content

you are literally a fucking retarded dehumanized animal that is incapable of reason, you are a braindead husk mimicking behavior you don't understand

>> No.12663346

You have no reason for anything you think. You are not a human being. You are a brainwashed retard cattle nigger that is ruled by insane emotion programmed into you by the media and school system. There is no good reason for you to be alive.

>> No.12663347

I guess you're right. There's no point in talking about the failures of an honest but skeptical attempt at seeking the truth when what one is presently dealing with are lies and intentional misinformation.

>> No.12663953

Basic analysis, algebra, linear algebra and physics. Maybe basic chemistry. The rest isn’t.

>> No.12664595

>somebody on pol said it, that means it’s wrong
Impressive reasoning abilities.

>> No.12664692

>Is Wikipedia reliable?
not on anything politically contentious.

>> No.12664705

post-modernism is coming for science and math in the academy. it will come for them on wikipedia also.

>> No.12664708

>The biggest banks are in China
>Only one of the big American/European banks is run by a JO0
>the federal reserve is run by a Catholic now
holy kek it’s like a worst case scenario for /pol/ NPCs. honestly the funniest thing I’ve seen in months. No wonder they’ve gone back to muh Rothchillleds and magic space lasers fuckin lel
Even creationists aren’t as embarrassing as /pol/
Look at these panicked shills!

>> No.12664709

I mean, it’s a lot more reliable than this site. There’s clearly a concerted effort toward impartiality on Wikipedia.

>> No.12664726

>pot calling the kettle black

>> No.12664736
File: 310 KB, 828x1045, D8440FDC-7972-4D2B-9369-16012FAC037A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring the fact that every /pol/ cunt is a pathological liar, it seems a lot more likely that the shills here would be those constantly slandering a random ethnic group off topic on every board, and that the people insulting them would be normal humans with a functional moral compass.

>> No.12664738

>Ignoring the fact that every /pol/ cunt is a pathological liar
You're literally just spewing whatever comes to mind. Fuck off you stupid nigger kike lmfao

>> No.12664748
File: 295 KB, 1166x600, D0850E36-0A1B-4387-ABC3-3367E2247DE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not actually, some people have functioning brains. Every /pol/ image I’ve fact checked has been at least a little bit dishonest. Most are entirely lies.

Here’s an image that every /pol/ cunt believes and spams all over the internet. If you’re smarter than a rabbit though, you might notice something lacking in the source. So all of you who repost this image are either NPCs/bots, or pathological liars. Pick one or both.

>> No.12664751

Seethe more faggot

>> No.12664752

>armchair psychology across the internet, generalizing an entire board of people you've never met
seems legit.

>> No.12664761

what's wrong with the image
I'm not trolling or a /pol/tard just a brainlet

>> No.12664763

To be fair, generalizing people who do something as specific as browse a neo nazi board isn’t as unreasonable as you’re making it seem. The only way a decent person would be caught dead on /pol/ is if they were researching extremism or media brainwashing

>> No.12664767

It has no page number, and the book is like 400+ pages. Obviously the page is a fabrication, but the only way to prove that is to look at every page of a tedious book. Actually kind of a clever lie compared to most /pol/ images, where the source isn’t there or it’s fake altogether. They’re slimy cunts.

>> No.12664774

you’re not a brainlet, the dig was aimed at /pol/tards who believe images like this without doing any digging whatsoever. it’s not as obvious what’s wrong with it if you’ve never seen it before.

>> No.12664779

Ok but how do you know it's a fabrication? It's bad they didn't put the page number but it could just be a mistake rather than an outright lie

>> No.12664787

I would say 99% chance it’s a lie, 1% chance it’s a mistake. And anyway that would only be an excuse for the person who made the image, not any of the drones who have reposted it.

There’s also a lot more circumstantial evidence it’s a lie. Neo nazis talking about jews are the most comically dishonest scumbags I’ve ever seen.

>> No.12664790

oh ok thanks

>> No.12665690
File: 30 KB, 721x619, C73myqqV4AAgpkr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BFS is for commies and faggots. Real men dive head first into the depth of a binary tree and don't a fuck about completeness.

>> No.12665700

if that were true every article about stalin or the stalin regime wouldn't be utter shit.

>> No.12665828
File: 55 KB, 564x509, Kike ritual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The kike shill ITT

>> No.12665832
File: 845 KB, 834x2023, Nobel and kikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665836
File: 291 KB, 1200x2218, Typical kikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665838
File: 342 KB, 674x672, 1569178294195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665841
File: 388 KB, 1600x1250, 1446439037551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665843
File: 1.32 MB, 550x8800, kikery BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665846
File: 190 KB, 640x928, Kikepedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665849
File: 167 KB, 682x911, 1525822152084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To find out who rules over you, simply look at the ones who you're not allowed to criticise.

>> No.12665852
File: 2.95 MB, 3240x4320, Gittin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's look at some pages of the Talmud, shall we?

>> No.12665855
File: 3.28 MB, 3240x4320, Sanhedrin55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665857
File: 3.07 MB, 3240x4320, Sanhedrin57a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665859
File: 2.98 MB, 3240x4320, Sanhedrin57b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665862
File: 2.95 MB, 3240x4320, Sanhedrin59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665863
File: 172 KB, 730x537, Hilary Clinton's leaked email on Israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665867
File: 259 KB, 720x794, 1590300635729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665873
File: 3.62 MB, 3884x7735, The Ultimate Redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12665906
File: 43 KB, 627x458, JewishExpulsions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12666907

>no argument
Keep trying.

>> No.12666976


>> No.12667144

Close, it's the Croatian one

>> No.12667219
File: 72 KB, 810x476, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

germanon here

German wiki is good for science (real science physics, EE, Chem).
politics, persons and other stuff is utter trash,

i also read German and English wiki pages for the same subject and sometimes there are differences. sometimes not, and i take that into account and check the sources,