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File: 162 KB, 640x900, ZsLhWPj5r3zOMV2ESqW-nTsq3_L3qwj17hYQguRZqxA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12644504 No.12644504 [Reply] [Original]

Psychiatry is riddled with problems, it's an ongoing cartel pushed by a Big Pharma onto beta fuck doctors and all it does is make sure you comply with society. Like slaves.
Uighurs are being tortured with schizo meds and the best response we have in line with this is "take your meds". not that you're supposed to care. an entire demographic taking their pills so the chinese government can keep them placid.

The golden age of pharmaceuticals is still before us, meds that increase motivation and intelligence are fringe practises whereas doctors seizing your mind with neuroleptics is commonplace.

Doctors aren't the heroes you betas make them out to be and there's nothing that makes you a doctor by shilling meds.
The last 60 years of shilled meds is going to be looked back upon as doctors not washing their hands.
Half these retards pushing meds aren't even aware of what the medications do nor do they explore alternative treatments for schizos. (brainlets guessing how the brain functions, aren't even aware the studies don't produce the same results for mechanisms of the brain)

The day has already come where your wellbeing is sold for profit. Can't get help for motivation? Difficulty coping with your shitty lives?
Eat shills and die out of the way of the environmentally cohesive elites who see you as a quota to be met.

Intellect has long been associated with being mentally ill and none of you average brainlets have ever thought about your place beyond your shithole. Keep thinking you're being protected when another high IQ psychopath gets lobotomized.

You're next, and you'll be happy for it, you goddamn Jerry


>> No.12644526

Unfortunately "take your meds" has arisen for several reasons.
The more mild the schizophrenic delusions someone has, the more easily they fit into society. If they are moderately delusional then medication can help them function in society again. If they are deeply and severely delusional (Like tooker aka el arcon) they will refuse to take their meds and refuse there is anything wrong with them.
This usually leads to homelessness because they can't keep a job, and it is easy to avoid funding programmes to house them, feed them, treat them, since most people don't care about homeless people and most homeless don't vote.
The only cost effective solution is "take your meds", because it lets them hold a job and contribute tax. If they don't want to take their meds then they likely won't contribute to tax and likely won't get support for housing and so on.
Is it ethically wrong to let them suffer and be homeless? Yes
Is it pragmatically and economically effective to let them suffer and be homeless? Yes

>> No.12644540

It's an issue if the person with a problem doesn't want to comply with their "treatment" isn't it? I mean, beyond the fact that they aren't getting better, it's a bit of a logical conundrum.

How many people don't want some fucking morphine for their broken leg? How 'bout a splint?
Surgery to remove a tumour...

Nothing about the psychiatric process makes sense in terms of treating illness.
We only get so many Breggins before the pajeet shills take over.

>> No.12644663




>> No.12644665
File: 37 KB, 600x687, d31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The psychiatry problem 001
>The psychiatry problem 002
>The psychiatry problem 275

>> No.12644784

I've no solution to the problem. Not really anyway, beyond informing the interested or affected few.

Changing the world takes time and maybe a little more clout.

>> No.12645148

Keep coping
Also, AMA
T. Psychiatrist

>> No.12645175

Tell us more man, what does a day-in-the-life look like?

>> No.12645195

Take your meds or not, but don't tell others who are taking meds to not take it because you don't know their mental condition.

>> No.12645290

Normal day-in-the-life like any person. As for my profession, I work mostly with inpatients, so a big proportion of them are involuntary, like OP

>> No.12645321

What is the mechanism for euphoria in the brain? Is it presynaptic dopamine, postsynaptic dopamine responses?

How do antipsychotics block euphoria and what can be done to undo it? All I've gleaned so far is that most dopamine agonists on the market agonise post-synaptic.

I don't even know how to word the question, will a pre-synaptic dopamine agonist get me high again? Is it just blocked autoreceptors that are making me feel shitty all the time?

>> No.12645325

I've met both types of people now, those who should be on medications and those who are just being tranquilized.

Beneficial for few, harmful to all.

>> No.12645418

>Beneficial for few, harmful to all.
sounds like a bad paraphrase from Hellraiser

>> No.12645968

The mechanism is not known. What kind of high are you talking about?

>> No.12646053
File: 71 KB, 1878x509, How real is ADHD. How overblown is it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12646064

I was prescribed clonazepam for social anxiety for 15 years. Little did I know how the medication was literally amplifying the problem. I was having major anxiety due to withdrawal in between doses. I am not exaggerating when I say this but I couldn’t step outside without having first taken benzos. When the pandemic hit I seized the opportunity to stop taking it altogether cold turkey. It’s been a year now that I’m off my medication and guess what my anxiety isn’t gone but tolerable, it’s like 10% at most of what I was struggling with when I was taking the meds. It’s fucking terrifying how some professionals have no fucking clue what the fuck they’re doing. Benzos are not efficient in treating anxiety disorders long term, actually no one should take them for more than 1-2 weeks top.

>> No.12646159

I'm able to function in society without any meds. I also genuinly believe in the validity of my altered perception even though society won't understand it. I don't usually tell anyone though. I feel like my mental illness is more about the social isolation I feel because of what I think I know about life that I can't share with others. Sort of like having a giant secret at the core of yourself that people will call you crazy for revealing.

>> No.12646625

>It’s fucking terrifying how some professionals have no fucking clue what the fuck they’re doing.

This is in the interest of those profiting. They don't want compassionate, intelligent, competent doctors. They want egotistical assholes high on their own degrees who feel righteous torturing people who have no ability to defend themselves.

>> No.12646692

>these professionals are most often hostile to those with mental 'health issues'.

As demonstrated in these threads.

Last thread


>> No.12646705

Why do you let your schizos use mobile phones with internet access? Their posting is lowering the board quality here

>> No.12646886

What does it feel like being clamped, circumcised, and vaccinated?

>> No.12647108

Sorry, you forgot flatearthed
T. Psychiatrist

>> No.12647110

I'm sorry, I'm at maximum prescribing capacity but they reproduce fast

>> No.12649117

any high, what are you useless

>> No.12650942

my dad is a psychiatrist and he knows this.. so many pharm reps lick his fucking feet to promote shitty new meds. He just takes the free food they give and eats it lmao

>> No.12651674

Didnt Freud turn out to be a hack anyway