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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 270 KB, 358x656, owo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12642766 No.12642766 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe we'll get a hop before the next Starlink mission who knows.
previous >>12640109

>> No.12642787

>fucking heat shields
wtf what year is it? where the FUCK are my sweaty rockets? i thought elon was serious about innovation

>> No.12642789


>> No.12642790
File: 165 KB, 681x1024, SLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

>> No.12642792
File: 367 KB, 1512x2016, Es6zQ8KXcAMJblf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the cinematics of this

>> No.12642799

Ahem, fuck government regulations. I am ready, strap my body to a Starship and launch me to Washington in minecraft

>> No.12642800
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>> No.12642803
File: 69 KB, 860x742, Kevin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dorks allowed

>> No.12642806

Based OP.

>> No.12642809


>> No.12642811

>cgi rocket

>> No.12642812

maybe we start a new general on /out/ that isn't filled with adhd zoomers.

>> No.12642813

Nerds are fine, just no dorks.

>> No.12642815
File: 39 KB, 365x768, SN910 super heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoop da woop

>> No.12642818

Fret not brother, I will avenge your scrub

>> No.12642822

Musk is going to get take down by SEC and there's nothing you can do about it.

Stock market manipulations worker abuse and racism will not be tolerated any longer.

>> No.12642823


>> No.12642827

>don't talk to me or my sons ever again

>> No.12642828

Starship Heavy

>> No.12642839

I'd kill for those drone videos

>> No.12642844

Does /sci/ think we will see a human on the moon again by 2040?

I'm sure the moon flyby by SpaceX will succeed before 2030. I think China will get a proper space station in orbit by 2025.

But actual boots on the ground at luna? I'm not so sure about it happening by 2040.

>> No.12642851
File: 81 KB, 1210x2104, 1fb5bbc79e8e60372d16a437d03b8d8c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12642852
File: 153 KB, 1128x1564, BFR Super-Mega-Ultra-heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prophecy

>> No.12642861

We'd be lucky if we got boots on the ground by 2060 to be honest and we might never. Protecting the lunar ecology and potential future life that might emerge there, no matter how unlikely, is too vital to throw away for some political stunt.

>> No.12642863
File: 2.95 MB, 600x338, 7B1A1EDF-C100-4E89-83F9-32FC44C96BD7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go back

>> No.12642864
File: 285 KB, 1432x808, 20210129_222800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12642872



>> No.12642875
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>> No.12642881

spaceX is always doing something, love it

>> No.12642886
File: 1.14 MB, 960x960, elon dreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you get through to the FAA?
>yeah but all I heard on the other end of the line were gargling noises. I don't think they're approving today
>well shit, now I'm bored
>Hey take SN10 out for a stroll, that'll be cool

>> No.12642892

its better i think because descent will be slower so heat shield doesn't matter as much

>> No.12642896
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, newsreader6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.12642897
File: 17 KB, 480x360, MY EYES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12642902

next spacex crew launch is on 4/20/2021

major kek confirmed


>> No.12642903


>> No.12642905

>SN10 falls

>> No.12642906


>> No.12642907


>> No.12642910

Hitler's birthday.

>> No.12642912

I was being serious btw. Does anyone have a good argument about humans on the moon by 2040.

>> No.12642915
File: 32 KB, 660x371, smokespaceeveryday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12642917

define argument.

>> No.12642919

19 years is a long time anon.

>> No.12642922

Starhopper: Peter at the gate.

>> No.12642927

Not for SLS

>> No.12642930
File: 284 KB, 446x450, merge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAA hates this one Starship trick. Click for more.

>> No.12642935


>> No.12642936

>Got banned on labpadre stream for shit talking the FAA

why are mods always so fucking gay? Why would you white knight for these beauracrat fucks.

>> No.12642937
File: 1.72 MB, 2968x1950, Space_shuttles_Atlantis_(STS-125)_and_Endeavour_(STS-400)_on_launch_pads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is our generation's version of pic related

>> No.12642939

Artemis is still on the cards for now. Dear Moon is even more likely and the OG moon landings were barely a year after the first orbit. Not decades.

The Chinese are a promising mystery. They might just pull it off this decade.

>> No.12642940

libel probably. they don't off you they're likely to get offed themselves.

>> No.12642941

19 years ago compared to now barely has any differences in terms of space technology. I mean the fucking ISS is already 23 years old and it's still the best we've done.

I can see starship doing a flyby before 2030 after a couple of years of tests, then orbiting tests, then crew tests before finally flying by the moon in the late 2020s.

But actually landing people on the moon would be a whole extra level of complexity and contingencies. I just don't think it's realistic.

I'm not talking about Mars though because I feel like the moon is most likely going to happen first.

>> No.12642942
File: 337 KB, 1432x808, 1235431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you feeling it yet?

>> No.12642943

I know right, not that airline demand is huge or anything right now but every flight space restriction loses somebody a little bit of fuel cost money so they might as well let them use it.

>> No.12642944
File: 562 KB, 4096x2304, Es7NFSLU4AAnPQ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BN1 nearly done lads

>> No.12642946
File: 8 KB, 180x219, Elon, filled with contempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For each day you do not grant flight approval I shall roll out another Starship. Do you test me, FAA?

>> No.12642947

We are living in the golden age bros. We will look back at these times like "wow yup that was so exciting". Don't take starship development for granted

>> No.12642951

This thread is for actual rockets that exists

>> No.12642953

>19 years of stagnation compared to today
We're developing and testing at a much greater rate today

>> No.12642955

orbit this year (elon timeline)

next year for sure

>> No.12642957

Defeatism. This is only the beginning.

>> No.12642958

It's so tall.

>> No.12642961

Is that a tesla police car in the right side of the screen?

>> No.12642965
File: 308 KB, 1080x1075, dual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12642966
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>> No.12642967
File: 204 KB, 1366x2048, 921A51DE-80F4-4EC2-A0B5-A09572A6C223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we know what testing regime the booster will undergo? It seems like 150-1000 meters is the limit for vertical hop testing (as seen with F9).

>> No.12642970
File: 117 KB, 1079x650, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12642972
File: 105 KB, 1031x620, Fatboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12642973

>one, maybe two launches a year
>a rover is going somewhere, maybe next decade
>oh look at this half-assed 90s cgi
that we have a grain silo with a launch cadence several hundred percent higher than what we had in the millennium, on top of regular leo launches and loads of exciting stuff going on generally should make you all pleased.

>> No.12642974 [DELETED] 

So now we have the people mad from last thread deliberately resposting images
I'm going to kill all faggots one day

>> No.12642975
File: 867 KB, 3951x3419, 1598071382465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper rockets should at least be entertaining. SLS is like a 35 year old who swears he's going to get a real job and move out any day now.

>> No.12642977

The future is now. The dark ages before SpaceX made it big sucked.
>Hey SLS is coming in six years :)
>Did you hear about the cool new Mars Rover we’re landing in eight years!!!!
>We only built one btw space is hard
>SLS will bring people to Mars by uh doing stuff

>> No.12642980
File: 16 KB, 433x700, cosmicfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed image

we're making it happen lads

>> No.12642982

How close together are suborbital pad A and B??

>> No.12642983

>they are intentional, no?
Would seem so.

>> No.12642984
File: 52 KB, 1024x1024, JupiterIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could've had this instead of SLS

>> No.12642986

Maybe like 200 feet? Look on a map

>> No.12642987

I'm trying but I can't recall the last time where there were no launches of any kind to watch for a long stretch of time, there's always something going up somewhere, or something being tested. It's exciting.

>> No.12642990

It's been a long road..

>> No.12642991

imo what we need now is another musk. or a jeff that delivers. someone to put the pressure on who will chuck a cheeky billion or few and getting people on mars. preferably chinese or russian because that will nullify usually safe and steady regulatory bodies.

>> No.12642995

based roman news, may Mercury blessings fall upon you

>> No.12642997

can you spoonfeed me

>> No.12643004

It was only a matter of time before /sfg/ got ruined from the increased popularity of spaceflight and newfags refusing to assimilate.

>> No.12643006

the contour lines have numbers written next to them.

>> No.12643007

The old age started to die back when SpaceX revealed that they were landing boosters in the ocean (2013 or so). Then they showed videos about rockets failing at landing on barges in 2015 before finally sticking it with OG2. I think the end of the old era came when they landed B1021 on the barge in 2016. Falcon Heavy killed OldSpace outright in 2018.

>> No.12643010

The FH maiden flight was the nail in the coffin. Most kino livestream I've ever watched

>> No.12643011


>> No.12643012

Right, because 4chan was always about going with the current and assimilating
Go fuck yourself for even thinking so tbqhwyf

>> No.12643014

>or a jeff that delivers
If NASA and the USAF keeps resultspilling Blue Origin then Bezos might be forced to abandon the "slow and steady" approach with spaceflight

>> No.12643017

>Welp, that's one bolt installed, guess it's time for a year long vacation.
>FAA is being dick heads, let's roll out our second rocket, and in a week, we'll pull out a fucking third one.

>> No.12643016


>> No.12643021

we're just (mainly) some guys in our 30s+ that want to discuss rocket engineering and space related sciences. why can't we have one place?

>> No.12643024


love that glint of light

>> No.12643026

You act like this place is ruined, just shut the fuck up and enjoy the show and discussion like everyone else. Sorry your safe space isn't as intimate as it used to feel.

>> No.12643027

This is nice, but this
is the thing we should have had in the first place

>> No.12643028

>and enjoy the show
oh ffs

>> No.12643033

You're not doing anything besides spitting in the face of people who want to use /sfg/ without being disrupted by your attention seeking behavior and shitposting, it has nothing to do with "thinking for yourself" or whatever cliché bullshit. This is the last (you) you're getting from me, you cancerous fuck.

>> No.12643034

as in rockets launching. what is your problem?

>> No.12643036

>Stop with the FAA chat NOW. Thanks

>> No.12643038

I'll let you enjoy THIS show *zips pants to reveal rocket*

>> No.12643039

Yeah it's been getting increasingly uncomfy. You know we've reached the beginning of the end when furfags start showing up and spamming their porn.

>> No.12643040
File: 88 KB, 1200x408, 1600295223191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck was this about?

>> No.12643043

No I'm responding to people who won't shut the fuck up and just post normally.

>> No.12643045

Yeah, until gaymergays and electionfags it was. Arguably even after leejunfags, even though not as much as it should have been.

>> No.12643046

[message deleted]

>> No.12643047

Ambien and autism don't always mix well I'm afraid

>> No.12643049
File: 446 KB, 1228x1791, 1587553847081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still blows my mind that starship (2nd stage) is larger than the big orange tank

>> No.12643053
File: 953 KB, 2360x3384, 1595686781980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643056

Until I see windows my mind simply cannot process how large Starship is

>> No.12643057

Shuttles still cooler. I know it shouldn't be but I can't shake the nostalgia.

Hopefully the final manned Starship will close the gap.

>> No.12643058
File: 3.61 MB, 498x277, FalconHeavy test fairing deploy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like they're just doing this to flex and say "Look
we got rockets to fly here, you gonna get your shit together and do your job or what?"
That really helped put spaceflight in front of normalfags, the meme cargo was absolutely a good idea and awesome.

>> No.12643059

Falcon 9 second stage return and reuse. The idea was to place a payload in orbit, then send the 2nd stage back towards earth. It would inflate a giant balloon of sorts to prevent terminal velocity on reentry so it wouldn't burn up in the atmosphere.
Kinda like a parachute would.
But the idea was abandoned.

>> No.12643061
File: 665 KB, 2400x1409, 1599184704278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, it's really hard to judge scale. Some startship pictures with workers right next to it help but without that the brain doesn't do a good job.

>> No.12643064

you can get a good idea with the people around though

>> No.12643065
File: 114 KB, 540x400, 1604207174825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would inflate a giant balloon of sorts to prevent terminal velocity on reentry so it wouldn't burn up in the atmosphere.
like ULA's SMART idea, you mean?

venture star was pretty thicc

>> No.12643066

Elon shitpost

>> No.12643068

>Purposely using the wing form of you're in a correction attempt post.
If you're going to troll, at least try harder so when you're reported for trolling outside of /b/, the ban will be longer.

>> No.12643071

Holy fuck. Now imagine shuttle compared to ITS kek

>> No.12643074

What? No I was quoting when he accused me of being the one to shitpost. It wasn't a typo correction.
Seriously... I want you to die.

>> No.12643073
File: 1.87 MB, 1412x1080, 1580852847338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starship is also ~35ft taller than the Saturn V

>> No.12643077
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, firefox_2021-01-29_16-24-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12643079

>like ULA's SMART idea, you mean?
IIRC, SMART still used parachutes, and only dropped the engines from first stage to be snatched up. Could be wrong on that.

>> No.12643080
File: 417 KB, 893x508, 2 starships.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.3 Starships and not a single fucking SLS... absolute state of oldspace.

>> No.12643082

So do we know how they're going to stacc SS and SH?

>> No.12643083

And yet none of them have a flight permit.

>> No.12643086

how long after Elon first lands on Mars till SpaceX declares independence?

>> No.12643087

With a big fat crane, presumably. Don't think hopping SS onto SH is an option lmao

>> No.12643088

yeah literal blog posting xoomers and boomers are the absolute worst cancer to this site. They never were here when this place still had hazing culture and just shit the floor repeatedly.

>> No.12643089

30k people watching this nigga getting rolled out

>> No.12643090

>Seriously... I want you to die.
Me too anon, me too.

>> No.12643091

That pic perfectly represents how much capability NASA lost after Apollo

>> No.12643093
File: 331 KB, 958x539, platinum mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643096
File: 2.09 MB, 2400x1350, 1603193790405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, yeah you're right. Not like that, then.

rumor has it that they have a giant hammerhead crane in storage

wall street isn't the only game that's rigged

>> No.12643097


>> No.12643099

Neither does SLS.
Or New Glenn.

>> No.12643103

Sten can hop

>> No.12643102

more like RETARD reuse

>> No.12643113

>Chad Saturn V vs. virgin sts

>> No.12643114


>> No.12643123

yea it was engine release and capture and drop the tank.

>> No.12643131
File: 87 KB, 680x944, SN9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643137
File: 37 KB, 1000x714, boing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second SLS green run test end of february

>> No.12643138
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1212, 1588091688972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chat moving at light speed
>Look ma, I can troll too!
>Janny presses button for the 2569th time
Why do autists think their spew is original and interesting?

>> No.12643145
File: 323 KB, 1600x1066, tell me lies.. tell me sweet SLS lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets. Will it pass, fail or blow up this time?

>> No.12643146

>inb4 FAA holds up SN9, SN10, SN11 all next month

>> No.12643147
File: 88 KB, 960x693, x33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oldspace wasnt a tax theft scam, they were trying their best you got believe me!!!!!

>> No.12643148

FAA can't handle Elon Musk's speed. NHTSA can't handle Elon Musk's speed. California can't handle Elon Musk's speed.

>> No.12643149

End of February? Why would we rush the test to the end of March? June is way too soon for a test. Help! This evil South African is making me test by the end of 2021!

>> No.12643151

they're worried. if the second one fails then i doubt we'll see a launch this side of 2025 if ever.

>> No.12643154

FAA keeping the African American down. Typical.

>> No.12643160

If the second one fails then they have to dismantle the SRBs and Artemis 1 gets pushed back like six months lol. It’s already set for November 2021

>> No.12643163

Another totally-on-purpose successful 1 minute burn of the desired 8 minute green run.
Usually when anons say stuff like "they're worried" about whoever it's just hyperbole, but we all watched that post-test conference. They're definitely nervous.

>> No.12643166


>Green Run Update: NASA Proceeds With Plans for Second Hot Fire Test

Round 2 Hot Fire Boogaloo

>> No.12643167

The fact that they seriously considered flying the core stage despite the green run abort isn’t a good thing haha

>> No.12643169

How many wet dress rehearsals will they mess up before doing this one?

>> No.12643178

i'd love to be a fly on the wall on how they made this worse than the shuttle. i'd pay money to see an office like documentary on nasa since the 70s.

>> No.12643184

SLS vore can only fill up like 9 times right? What are they at now?

>> No.12643185

Should have started it when they were one on top of the other, so that it seems like they are replicating

>> No.12643186

Documentary? It would take a trilogy of LoTR levels to explain how fucked SLS is

>> No.12643195
File: 38 KB, 500x395, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLS vore

>> No.12643196

that was fake its 22 or something, 9 allotted for testing allegedly

>> No.12643209

We still haven't seen grid fins though, right?

>> No.12643217

That could make for an excellent Death of Stalin type comedy, especially if SpaceX starts picking up steam in the third act after not even being a factor in the first act.

>> No.12643218

is it not going to have a skirt?

>> No.12643220

Idea for F9 second stage recovery, basically a supersonic parachute. It didn't happen because the F9 mass budget is too small for recovery hardware.
It's kinda amazing how the Falcon 9 maximizes what is possible with the technology it is built from, aluminium body, gas generator engines, but it is a technological dead end that can no longer be reasonably improved upon.

>> No.12643227
File: 176 KB, 1432x808, JJ910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3120549841 microseconds in photoshop

>> No.12643239

Sooooooo.... uh. What if it blows on pad and a chunk blasts SN10?

>> No.12643244

Useful data for dust storm proofing Starship

>> No.12643245

SN10 takes the hit and endures.

>> No.12643252

Whats the comedy skit about that tank that is exactly this?

>> No.12643256

>Simon Russel Beale as Jim Bridenstine
His initials are even fucking SRB it's perfect

>> No.12643257

So why exactly are they moving SN10 out to the launch pad when they haven't launched SN9 yet?

What if something goes wrong during the SN9 launch and it blows up SN10?

>> No.12643259


Pentagon Wars? Apparently the bradley skit is heavily embellished and the author of the book is a wack job who mainly just wrote a funny book, but it is still a great caricature of cost plus MIC design.

>> No.12643262
File: 8 KB, 576x182, 20210130_000357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of FAAggots

>> No.12643264
File: 165 KB, 473x378, 1585255514373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the one

>> No.12643272

fucking cunts

>> No.12643273

Yep, this is 100% about that rogue car from a few days ago

>> No.12643275

Is that the same modification SN8 got after a static fire caused them to switch out an engine? Because they let that one fucking fly.

>> No.12643280


>> No.12643285

Did SpaceX bring that up with the FAA? What was their response?

>> No.12643286

>a second hot fire lasting approximately at least 4 minutes
wtf is this shit

>> No.12643292
File: 316 KB, 1842x1003, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643293

fuck them

>> No.12643294

I thought they fucked engine 4

>> No.12643296
File: 123 KB, 750x675, Untitled3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643297

I'm grinnin'.

>> No.12643298

Now paint the middle one orange and the side ones white.

>> No.12643299


>> No.12643301

Ahhh, good ol' bureaucracy, the bane of all innovation and quality of life. Fuck this bullshit.

>> No.12643302

>we're still not completely sure no one would be able to pin anything on us if something happens, so paperwork goes brrrrrr

>> No.12643303

I don't know more than you do anon, but I'm angry.

>> No.12643304

Do it now, pls

>> No.12643308
File: 72 KB, 283x268, 1481356944349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pencil pushers have been the bane of society for centuries.

>> No.12643310
File: 449 KB, 286x119, 1343588535179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% shooped, nice try though

>> No.12643320
File: 82 KB, 640x765, 3s5z7xiof0c41 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you do it, /sfg/? what if you weren't allowed any contact with earth?

>> No.12643323
File: 3.88 MB, 333x250, aerospike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12643326

SMART reuse

same company even

>> No.12643327

fuck erf

>> No.12643328

The dude was a nutjob. Iirc he wanted the us to build basically expendable CAS planes for tank busting. No electronics barely any avoinics, as cheap as possible. Just shitty jet il-2s was his general idea. Among other stupid ideas, he had.

>> No.12643329

Most definitely. I would be a mars serf under king Elon instead of an earth serf under the world shekelburg council.

>> No.12643330
File: 20 KB, 400x240, planetes_Hachi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you do it, /sfg/?
>what if you weren't allowed any contact with earth?
I'll just knock up a cute from work then leave, EZ

>> No.12643332

>bust mars rocks until I die

>> No.12643333


>> No.12643335
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, 1587284203694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643336

Huh. Very, very based.

>> No.12643339


>> No.12643341

Why the fuck would I want contact with E*rth?

>> No.12643343

I already spend all my time in a small enclosed space devoid of human contact outside text so yeah. If I'm not crazy now then space ain't gonna push me around.

>> No.12643344

>Going fucking insane and then getting better before impregnating your qt kohai and then fucking off to Jupiter.
Hachi was insanely based.

>> No.12643346
File: 70 KB, 1219x429, mars launch 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

604 days bros

>> No.12643350

Thank you,, Kevin.

>> No.12643355

why do they need so many people

>> No.12643356

Saturn 1 documentary, so fucking based.

>> No.12643358

We need a second space race/cold war.

>> No.12643362

I want to see a foreign response to starship. I don't care if it's a shitheap, I want to see what happens when they attempt it.

>> No.12643367

It's happening, with China.
Also internally between Old and New.

>> No.12643368
File: 54 KB, 365x768, orange rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, is this gay enough?

>> No.12643369

Even the picture quality got worse.

>> No.12643370

someone should make a shuttle derived starship with a big orange chomper

>> No.12643374

It's fucking beautiful, anon. God bless you.

>> No.12643376

Was this the same guy who wanted to name the M113 the Gavin and replace Abrams with M60A3s again?

>> No.12643379
File: 2.85 MB, 300x225, 1600278462369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god why

>> No.12643380

wtf am i fucking psychic

>> No.12643383
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>> No.12643385

>I don't predict the future. I predict the past.

>> No.12643393
File: 49 KB, 670x486, elon9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12643403

>that autocorrect
>>>/d/ and never come back

>> No.12643404


>> No.12643409

>NASA decides to scrape SLS and just slap some old shuttles on the back of the starship can call it a win
I could see it happen

>> No.12643412

The moment it becomes self sufficient, then his armada of starships will seize the moon and isolate Earth until the engines on Deimos and Phobos are finished so they can launch them at the Earth and assert Martian dominance.

>> No.12643416

>not using them to nuke the moon

>> No.12643420


>> No.12643421

>self sufficient
how will the non-terran humans deal with a total lack of petrol and all the things you can do with oil and other organic material

>> No.12643423
File: 999 KB, 3582x3582, seveneves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a great apocalypse book about the moon blowing up would rec to all space nerds.

>> No.12643426

Looks kino anon thanks for the rec.

>> No.12643427

only after my parents die. It would hurt them too much

>> No.12643428

>would you
*will you
And I'm considering it.

>> No.12643431

Probably, he had a bunxh of stupid ideas of abandoning eletronics for cheap shit. Heres a quote on his fighter idea.

"Col James Burton, one of the Fighter Mafia reformers, even proposed the Air Force develop a new airplane, which he named the Blitzfighter. He writes: I prepared an advocacy briefing that called for the development of a small, simple, lethal, and relatively cheap airplane that would be designed solely for close support of the ground troops… I wanted an airplane in the 5,000- to 10,000-pound class (one-tenth the weight of the Enhanced Tactical Fighter), one smaller than any combat airplane in the inventory (one-fourth the size of the A-10), and one that cost less than $2 million. At this price, we could flood the battlefield with swarms of airplanes. The airplane would be designed around a four-barrel version of the same cannon that was in production on the A-10, which used a seven-barrel cannon that fired shells costing only $13 apiece… The Blitzfighter would have no high-tech bells and whistles and no wonder weapons… With the ability to operate from grass fields, the Blitzfighter did not demand fixed, expensive airfields that probably would cease to exist ten minutes after a war started… (Burton 1993:57-58)
This concept is a clear sign of the FIST values at work. Burton’s envisioned Blitzfighter was never built, apparently because Burton’s superiors did not share his values—which is one of the pitfalls inherent in attempting to use the FIST values."

Dude was a loon

>> No.12643436
File: 1.04 MB, 446x450, 2xstarship.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ez meme

>> No.12643437

Hi, macros anon. Got something new in your collection?

>> No.12643442


>> No.12643443

Of course! SpaceX's secret to mass producing Starships: mitosis

>> No.12643444
File: 75 KB, 544x299, SameCHADlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SN9, SNX, and others exiting the midbay like

>> No.12643445
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>> No.12643446
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>swarms of shitty, slow low-flying planes flying across an open battlefield
Was he 10?

>> No.12643448

Nobody even knows what China is up too half the time except the local villagers that know what their hypergolic fuel tastes like and old space can’t even build a telescope in 25 years without it costing like 10 billion.

>> No.12643449

I want to ride inside SN9, strapped into a seat. If I die, so be it.

>> No.12643455
File: 232 KB, 500x525, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come work for newest mining company on Mars, The Ultor Corporation, uhh I mean MineralX corp
Idk man I have a bad feeling about this

>> No.12643459

Sorry, it that I asked some anon who was posting these macros to share his collection a few days ago.

>> No.12643462

Steel, electric cars, animals brought to Mars and yearly raids on the techno barbarians to capture their precious plastic stockpiles.

>> No.12643463

You'd think China's discrete fuckery would encourage MIC to get behind Newspace. Just a thought.

>> No.12643465

Kek he knows it’s possibly the end

>> No.12643470

I want them to strap me into a starship and fire me at Jerusalem.

>> No.12643472


>> No.12643475

probably beat it to too many videos of t-34's and Il-2's being built and it broke his brain.

>> No.12643479

i’m being genuine here, plastics and many other products are so widespread and dependent on petrolchem. even without independence memes how does a martian or orbital habitat keep those costs down? hell, 200, 300 years out, what the fuck do we do? What do we do about that when we got sizeable populations living places that aren’t earth?

>> No.12643482
File: 229 KB, 1920x1276, 1920px-XQ-58A_Valkyrie_demonstrator_first_flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if he was ahead of his time

>> No.12643484

Poor people should be banned from taking loans, to protect them.

>> No.12643485


The main issue with long term space isn't even food/air/energy it is engineering all those things to be simple and good enough to not need endless tiny impossible to manufacture parts. Sure you can 3d print it, but you also need to be able to repair all the parts on your 3d printer. You would basically need to engineer every design of every component for easy space manufacture which is certainly doable but an expensive and involved task. Alternatively you can keep shooting rockets filled with tiny little precious parts at the problem.

>> No.12643487

MIC is probably filled with CCP diversity hire agents that keep politicians investing in overpriced, inefficient trash.

>> No.12643490

Okay cool it with the anti-semitism

>> No.12643491 [DELETED] 
File: 533 KB, 626x598, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe we'll get a hop

not on my watch sonny, lol

>> No.12643495

Hey, Tory is cool guy, for oldspace.

>> No.12643498


There are actually good amount of people the up and coming officers and other careerists putting their buck in with new space it is just they are of course vastly out numbered by boondoggle salesmen wearing fancy uniforms. Starship/Starlink does actually give a strategic edge to the US which is why they've still had government support.

>> No.12643499
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SN EED has been rolled out to the launch pad.

>> No.12643503
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>> No.12643504

I’m not sure what the replacement for plastic is or if another cheap method exists to make the stuff without oil.

I suppose metals, organic materials like leather from cattle and I suppose imports from the Earth. I’m not sure.

>> No.12643506

Yeah he's honorary middlespace. I can't imagine the shit he has to deal with when interacting with Boeing's bullshit. I like to think he hangs out with all the LockMart guys and shit talks Boeing

>> No.12643507

You can make synthetic oil if you have the energy.

>> No.12643512
File: 35 KB, 500x414, 36883-368d465654035017e90604f8eca57160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this thing and tell me he wasnt huffing glue.

>> No.12643515

FAA is headquartered in California. THey're probably butthurt at Musk and using legal means to delay/shutdown SpaceX.

>> No.12643516

can you tell me more about this?

>> No.12643522

Honestly, the most likely reason is that the FAA is a massive bureaucracy and some pencil pusher is covering his ass before we get the new admins transition. Why can't we just accept that these massive bureaucracies are just self-serving beasts with only their own preservation in mind. It's just as insidious as all the other reasons given, but it happens with every big organization.

>> No.12643525

It looks like something China would be into with how cheap and easily produced they would be, yeah I could imagine them being pretty useful at just overwhelming any target if you are ok with losing large amounts of pilots.

Also I don’t know why he called this the Blitzfighter if it was supposed to be comparatively slow.

>> No.12643527

FAA giving SpaceX hard time just as Biden team comes in reeks of political sabotage.

>> No.12643528

Eh I love Tory too but remember he tried to get SpaceX investigated by the government

>> No.12643539

>bureaucrat has one job
>which is to do a check mark
>makes no fucking difference to them what experimental vehicle is flying
>doesn’t do it

>> No.12643541

But Biden's team isn't even in yet, all the people there are old flunkies. I bet its some mid level guy whose afraid he's gonna get the axe so he's doing everything by the book to up his chances of not getting cut. Which is slowing everything down.

>> No.12643543

>Burton's proposal, while enthusiastic, was not aided by the demonstration he gave using a hand-made 1/72 scale mockup made from Play-Dough, nor was the committee impressed by his insistence on punctuating the demonstration with "Pew! pewpewpewpew! pewpew!"

>> No.12643545

Dumb. He put out a fake news about how ULA is cheaper than SpaceX because of Airforce contract SpaceX got to build out a larger fairing. ULA got billion+ for that same thing a year earlier. SpaceX got hundred million or so for the same thing. The guy is spreading disinfo about SpaceX all the time.

>> No.12643547
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>> No.12643548

Why are they moving SN10 out?

>> No.12643549

Regulatory requirements or experimental vehicles doing one off launches .....
Not everyone works for the government you fucking bureaucrats

>> No.12643550

Why are there so many people watching?

>> No.12643551

He also said that Falcon 9 would take 10 reflights to break even with reuse costs, until Elon said that they make a profit after the second flight

>> No.12643553

The lines are wrong, he should be wobblier.

>> No.12643556

Honestly, they probably were half as expensive as a whole trained pilot. Unless we started drafting boyscouts to fly, there's no way we could maintain that level of attrition.

Honest to god I cant tell if this is satire or not.

>> No.12643558
File: 33 KB, 762x360, faags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice job anons

>> No.12643561

Not that poster but;
Creation of any substance is possible with enough energy really.
>synthesize organic compounds and carbon
>put those organic compounds under extreme pressure and heat in order to simulate the natural formation of oil/coal
>get oil and coal

All atomic interactions at the end of the day are really just an exchange of energy. As long as you have the energy and the mechanism to induce the atomic change, you can do or create whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.12643562

Make room in the shed for stacking other rockets and also to absolutely mog the competition.

>> No.12643565
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>> No.12643570

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischer%E2%80%93Tropsch_process for example

Since Elon already plans on using the Sabatier process to get Methane, it's not too far fetched to assume that similar processes can be used to make other synthetic fuels, oil and ultimately plastics.

>> No.12643572

Make the FAA look like incompetent slow fucking chodes.

Which they are.

>> No.12643573

you did make me realize that paper might get replaced by parchment on the basis of animals being quicker to harvest and trees having utility in not being chopped up. Assuming of course you still need paper-analogues in space

>> No.12643578

cheers mate

>> No.12643580

Is going to be glorious to see it fly

>> No.12643587

The best bet is through a whole range of various Organic Chemistry processes such as Fischer-Tropsch, Bosch Reaction, Methane to Methanol reactions.

That'll give us a whole host of useful organic compounds that we use widely here on Earth

It's the issue of having the infrastructure set up in the right place which right now is an issue as we don't have enough data

>> No.12643590
File: 34 KB, 831x173, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the verge reports that apparently sn8's flight violated its launch license in some way and that's why new launches are getting extra scrutiny

>> No.12643593


>> No.12643595

>Make room in the shed for stacking other rockets
Fair enough I guess that makes sense

>> No.12643597

>tfw you didn't file for your explosion-loicense

>> No.12643599

>Test article
>No you're not allowed to break things during a test, you must test it as if it's flight proven

You didn't see FAA complain when SpaceX blew up the F9 grasshopper

>> No.12643602

Why the fuck do they even care? There's no one on the pad, no one within a mile of the test, there's no god damn issue whatsoever. This all reeks of paperwork bullshit. "BECAUSE ITS THE LAW" is not useful. Why is it a law? What useful purpose does it serve to curb a prototype testing on an empty area?

>> No.12643605

Urge to fedpost intensifies

>> No.12643608

>Test starship crashes
>Damage is a bunch of scrap metal and a scorched landing pad
>No collateral damage
>No injuries

>> No.12643610

The current FAA is going to make up all kinds of technicalities to make it impossible to ever launch from Boca Chica again

>> No.12643611

if it's a public safety issue why is FAA being cryptic? just tell us what the problem is

>> No.12643614
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>> No.12643615

The problem is that Starship makes NASA and SLS look bad

>> No.12643617

Because "the adults are in charge again" anon. The private spaceflight meme will be dismissed and focus will be given back to the professionals at ULA and NASA.

>> No.12643621

Oh no the fully loaded full stack prototype went off course and blew the FAA headquarters off the face of the planet, woops haha.

>> No.12643622

The leftist media really is butthurt about Musk not kneeling at the Altar of Covid.
I guarantee it's a GS-7 employee who is doing this. For whatever reason, everyone at that particular paygrade are absolute cunts.

>> No.12643623

They are going to order Elon to take down the NASA starship mockup aren't they

>> No.12643624

here's the loicense

>> No.12643628

They'll tell us when they've thought of one.

>> No.12643630

Isn't the FAA based in DC? And doesn't the area around DC vote like 95% a certain party?

>> No.12643634

kek this is blatant favoritism. Theyre going to force spacex into a slower schedule, and it’s going to be part of old space propaganda.

>> No.12643635
File: 147 KB, 1104x450, FAAgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a matter of fact they do, don't they.

>> No.12643637

If they told SpaceX the issue, they might fix it. The government can't have that.

>> No.12643638

found the issue I think

>SpaceX must identify and report any anomaly to the FAA occurring on a prior flight of the vehicle or during any pre-flight processing of the vehicle
that could be material to public safety. SpaceX
may not proceed with flight operations until
receiving written correspondence from the FAA that
the identified anomalies have been adequately

>> No.12643639

>Starship production intensifies
>Stack of Starships and Superhevy's line up in Boca Chica
>DOD sweating profusely

>> No.12643641

>Why can't we just accept that these massive bureaucracies are just self-serving beasts with only their own preservation in mind.
Because it happened just before the transition to another administration. There were never any problems with Trump.

>> No.12643642

is this the "Build Back Better" the admin was talking about?

>> No.12643644

From the text i get the idea he was preparing for the Nuclear option with the USSR so the design isn't quite as stupid as it first appears.

>> No.12643646

Also was this number always this high?
>b) One Hundred Ninety-Eight Million Dollars ($198,000,000) for covered claims resulting from flight of the Starship Prototype from SpaceX’s Boca Chica Launch Site.

>> No.12643648

They don't have to get in. All it takes is one pro-Biden existing FAA employee to fuck everything up.

>> No.12643649 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12643650

nobody who works in DC actually lives in DC, though

>> No.12643652


>> No.12643654

it was lower but raised prior to hopper I think

>> No.12643655

>No one needs to own high capacity starship pads

>> No.12643660

>>DOD sweating profusely
hmm I wonder how much damage a rogue fully fueled starship coming in from orbital velocity could do to the Pentagon?

>> No.12643662


>> No.12643666

Unironically, by the time they realized what was happening it would be too late

>> No.12643671

Because by then the Trump admin was established, if this had been happening during a Hillary to Trump switchover I bet we see the same fuckery. Its the fact that there's a transition at all, that at least in my opinion is causing the gum up.

The affiliation of these guys don't really matter that much. DC lizard people are flexible for working for governments whose politics they disagree with, the fuckery is coming from some guy who screwed the pooch in the past and is now trying to not get purged in the inevitable restaffing.

>> No.12643674
File: 814 KB, 300x225, 1610130562365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>punitive red tape niggery

fuck is the usa in a bit of a tizzy rn holy fuck

>> No.12643675

True, they all live in Virginia. They still vote straight blue.

>> No.12643676

He was, but tell me it wouldn't be cool as a swarm of drones instead of Okha tier suicide bombs.

>> No.12643677

starships are protected under the second amendment

>> No.12643678

You're better off not knowing. For your own safety.

>> No.12643682

>Neuralink video released
>Second person shown in the video is a tranny
Not 10 seconds into it... fuck this gay earth and fuck mental illnesses becoming normalized

>> No.12643683
File: 49 KB, 160x192, bio_lirio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lirio then worked as the Manager of the Seattle Aircraft Certification Office, which was responsible for the type certification and continued operational safety of the Boeing aircraft fleet.

>> No.12643687

>Hm sorry sweety but that test crash was problematic. We're going to have to circle back to you

>> No.12643686

neuralink will be used on these people to fix them. dont you see?

>> No.12643688
File: 413 KB, 2068x966, 1583778633546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643693
File: 215 KB, 1920x1080, majestic cowboy with lasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Starships are outlawed, only outlaws will fly Starships.
Maybe if you stuff a few hundred people in SN9 she'd be quicker to call it 'safe'.

>> No.12643695


>> No.12643698

>Elon left the Starship printer on again

>> No.12643700

Oh. Oh that actually makes sense. Also Elon got ripped on a few weeks ago for supposedly being transphobic so this is probably his way of saying fuck you everybody, I have socially braindead hires at my company too

>> No.12643701

Elon just needs to call his Starship as "undocumented vehicles" based off a sanctuary launchpad

>> No.12643704

Yeah, it'd be cool at least for the couple hours they are still flying before Shilka's and SAM's reduce the living pilot population by several percentage points.

>> No.12643705

what good is being american if you're not free to blow up full scale model rockets upon your own facilities lmao

>> No.12643706

exactly. first we test on piggies. next up is trannies

>> No.12643709

Democratic People's Republic of America.

>> No.12643710

Starships flying under pirate flags and pirate code when?

>> No.12643712

> receiving written correspondence from the FAA that
> the identified anomalies have been adequately
> addressed.
So FAA is now in charge of fixing issues of rocket prototypes they didn't build? Or what kind of retarded legalese is that?

>> No.12643713
File: 117 KB, 720x960, aLittleSomethingForTheFAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a license violation? I'll fucking show you a license violation

>> No.12643714

So basically now they want spacex to prove SN9 won't explode again, and since they won't let it fly the only way left is to build it to oldspace standards and procedures

>> No.12643716

>finally got Neuralink installed but it keeps blasting "you will never be a real woman" in my brain

>> No.12643718

unironically though if they load SN9 onto their oil rig and taxi it back out into international waters would they have to get any permission at all to test it?

>> No.12643721
File: 71 KB, 700x389, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so make them stealth, make them unmanned, and make them low cost


>> No.12643722

Unknown. They might run into 'concept of FAA' regulation.

>> No.12643723

Yes. because US company.
The US wants you to pay US taxes if you work and live overseas, don't you know?

Rocketlab needs a US launch license to launch out of NZ after all

>> No.12643725

>should've bought my book

>> No.12643727

>first generation space pirates are fuckheads who make open-source spacex rockets put out once the usgov redtapes elon's company to death and he flips the table
>they go up and basically strip military and commercial satellites for valuable components and materials

>> No.12643728

The FAA wouldn't let them launch 2 starships in quantum superposition

>> No.12643729
File: 2.57 MB, 430x230, rocket-fail.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was hardly a problem before. Why are they throwing a fit now?

>> No.12643730
File: 73 KB, 1000x568, AC7 drone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643731

Yes but at least there is no "public" out there to speak of

>> No.12643734

> Stealth
>Low Cost

Oh yeah would you also like a high TWR Hydrogen engine, viable SSTO design, and a working water aerospike rocket with your first order?

>> No.12643737

Elon feel out of favour with their masters.

>> No.12643739
File: 533 KB, 1650x920, dyn-banner-f73250427a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally yes, Kratos is developing a flying aircraft carrier for tactical drones with DARPA; and the drone I posted before is competing for the Loyal Wingman and Skyborg program. Loyal Wingman is like Ace Combat NPC wingmen in real life for F-35s, Skyborg is using them with AI to form drone swarms.

>> No.12643740

>asteroid belt gold rush
>worthless/mined-out rocks tossed on to earth

>> No.12643741
File: 34 KB, 400x400, FeJdHp0b_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643744

And don't skimp on the reactionless drive, chopchop

>> No.12643746

Elon encouraged people to fuck over stock market jewlords.

>> No.12643747

The people revolted in 2016 and now all threats must be crushed.

>> No.12643749

SN10 on the pad now

>> No.12643751

For that matter, does SpaceX file an FAA permit each time they test at McGregor?

>> No.12643752

The shot of the two steel starships and the crane and tanks makes it look so kino

>> No.12643754

Punished Zubrin, a man denied his mini Starships

>> No.12643755

Space race was the game with Russians. The game is hide and seek with the ch*nese.

>> No.12643759

>Loyal Wingman is like Ace Combat NPC wingmen in real life for F-35s, Skyborg is using them with AI to form drone swarms
>drone swarms
Oh God I'm getting target-lock flashbacks make it stop!
Unironically a pretty terrifying technology if it's even 1/10th as effective as the arsenal bird in AC7. Fucking Belkans. Drone-wingman sounds nice though, I wonder if pilots will get attached to them like bomb disposal robots?

>> No.12643762

>point nuclear weapons at each other

westerners are fucking retarded

>> No.12643763

Fuck the vag

>> No.12643764

KINO view of workers in black with the sunset and light coming through the SN10 / pad gap

>> No.12643765

It's so smelly brown people can't point nukes at us.

>> No.12643768

I'm surprised Loren Gash didnt write this hit piece

>> No.12643772

>Fucking Belkans
I hate Belkans so god damn much

>> No.12643774

big words for someone in nuke range fucko

>> No.12643775

If it's wrong, Elon will call them out.

>> No.12643778

What would be the consequences if Elon just said fuck it and launched anyway?

>> No.12643783 [DELETED] 

kikes kvetch and kike obvs

>> No.12643786

>8 hard points for AAM or bombs
>mach 0.85
I'll stop drone sperging now because it's not really space

>> No.12643790

They would literally call it an insurrection and end SpaceX

>> No.12643797
File: 5 KB, 100x100, 1527315560318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, you're in my nukes' rance
>nukes himself in defiance
Go right ahead

>> No.12643802

soichi is making like weekly videos about eating food on ISS lol

>> No.12643804

Gotta catch the sunrise for that kino shot of both ships beside each other.

>> No.12643807
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>> No.12643809

What video?

>> No.12643810
File: 110 KB, 683x328, Screenshot from 2021-01-29 19-24-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643813

They thought he would be a good goy like Bezos. They were surprised when he actually started doing things, but they allowed it. Now he is unleashing the power level and they fear what they cannot control

>> No.12643815

>Bring me the one they call FAA

>> No.12643817


>> No.12643820
File: 591 KB, 516x628, unknown (45).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking christ

>> No.12643823
File: 23 KB, 800x450, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we getting an SN9 hop on Monday?

>> No.12643825

Nope. FAA just issued a statement that they will only approve once SpaceX has completed modifications that satisfy the FAA

>> No.12643831
File: 1.94 MB, 1442x968, Soichi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, didn't know about this. This motherfucker is up there rocking a chefs hat and reviewing MRE's. What a guy

>> No.12643840
File: 71 KB, 800x765, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>botched landing attempt
Jesus, they're not even trying to hide the agenda.

>> No.12643841

Misread that as spacenoids

>> No.12643844

Democrats have turned on Elon. Look what Biden is also doing on EV front by mandating the government buy only union made EVs. This is basically welfare for GM/Ford.

>> No.12643849

>I'm not a robot
Kek. Yes. You are a bluepilled man with breast implants who will never lose your XY chromosome makeup no matter how much estrogen you pump into your veins

>> No.12643851

Getting from here to there...

>> No.12643852

Let's get this onto a tray

>> No.12643855
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>> No.12643857
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>> No.12643860
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>> No.12643862
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Boca Chica.

>> No.12643865

>Elon is hiring men that count as women on paper in order to meet diversity quotas without sacrificing the effectiveness of the company,
high iq

>> No.12643869
File: 101 KB, 1024x993, 1606263348138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed he opens cans very carefully, covering them with a towel as to not let the (nice) hiss spray out into the station. He even comments when the can doesn't hiss

>> No.12643877

Yeah he's super based. Also he's opened disgusting cheese and shit with botulism before. 50 years of sitting in a warm pantry can cause some pretty high gas pressure and he doesn't want that shit spraying all over the room like a bioweapon if it happens to be rancid

>> No.12643888

Reminder males taking estrogen develop blood clots and strokes 2-3 times the rate of controls.

>> No.12643889
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, firefox_2021-01-29_19-49-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12643890

The problem is Elon and Trump respected each other. Everything else is cover.

>> No.12643893
File: 77 KB, 828x453, Es75UQnW8AslWF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well well well Mr.Musk, looks like you said "jeff who" one too many times

>> No.12643894

>spit in eye of god
>get a slue of health problems and die early
things seem to be taking their natural course

>> No.12643899

I know about Steve, I love that man. But I'm talking about Soichi cracking open cans of fried chicken on the ISS

>> No.12643900

Trump respected Elon due to the fact the latter can only make boys.

>> No.12643903

I'm convinced SpaceX left the lights positioned there for the hoppy memes.

>> No.12643907

>Elon, a man denied his rockets
Please, please never make me post this for real

>> No.12643922

If only the Texas Senators fought as hard as the Alabama Senators for their rocket programs

>> No.12643928

Bargaining stage

>> No.12643929

Had Elon not wrongtwitted, one of them would have been launched yesterday.

>> No.12643934

They were going to block SpaceX regardless. This is more than just about tweets.

>> No.12643941
File: 448 KB, 2500x1668, 1588521354970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to prove Earth is round. Just a camera would be enough.

>> No.12643945

based, now Elon should come out as a masculine presenting trans lesbian
>change nothing, but win everything

>> No.12643946

>The problem is Elon and Trump respected each other
Not really. Trump thinks Elon is a one in 100 years genius. Elon doesn't think Trump is a person worthy of respect, atleast not as a person. He laughed at the idea of Trump getting noble peace prize. But obviously he tried to work with Trump on Tesla and Trump has supported him on his fight against California. So there's bit of appreciation from him.


>> No.12643947

>but muh lense

>> No.12643948

Oh. Well he does it because he's Japanese and they are extremely neat and tidey by nature. Their culture values cleanliness. Even the ghettos of Japan don't have litter. Compare that to places like China or the US

>> No.12643950
File: 74 KB, 550x550, biosphere_bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How feasible would it be to launch something like pic related with a camera to monitor what happens inside? Would it boil from the raw sunlight?

>> No.12643953

Autism sat 1

>> No.12643955

Who's got a spare million lying around?

>> No.12643957

Elon's original idea was to launch a Russian ICM to land a greenhouse on Mars in order to inspire more public support and funding for NASA

>> No.12643960

There's a good chance someone here will have it by the end of Friday thanks to Gamestop

>> No.12643963

>AutSat-1 broadcasts the letter N on all frequencies

>> No.12643969

If /a/ can sing we can launch!
>pretending /sfg/ is not a bunch of CS larping as /sci/.

>> No.12643973


>> No.12643979

When the Gamestop shortsqueeze pays out there may be enough spare capital floating around 4chan to do it.

>> No.12643984
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>> No.12643990 [DELETED] 

I hate to break it to you champ, but the short squeeze has already come and past. If you are still holding GME, I would sell ASAP. You are getting pumped and dumped.

>> No.12643995

I'm pretty sure the old man's blood would boil, yeah

>> No.12643998

Ngmi. Remember when NOAA cucked SpaceX from streaming from the second stage camera?

>> No.12644005
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>> No.12644008

maybe Monday

>> No.12644009

wonder how much it costs to get the FAA complaint against SpaceX

>> No.12644017


Among many reasons as stated before is the fact that Falcon 9 is a rocket design that is within reach of Old Space's technological capabilities. In time, they can recreate that level of technology. Starship on the other hand, may just be too advanced as a concept and technology for Old Space to recreate it within this century.

It takes Old Space more then a decade to turn Shuttle leftovers into a pseudo, shittier version of the Saturn V and that thing is more then 40 years old. Imagine having to build something up from scratch that even approaches Starship from said companies that make up Old Space.

This is why they use the FAA as a weapon to delay or even make it impossible to (test) fly Starships because that rocket isnt a competition knock outer like Falcon 9 is, it kills the competition outright.

>> No.12644029
File: 63 KB, 1000x656, 1582450367951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folks, I have a better rocket. It is orange and has no problems with FAA.

>> No.12644031

ugh, STS is still more aesthetic.

>> No.12644036


>> No.12644046


>> No.12644063

Probably "that one crashed into the ground and exploded"

>> No.12644067

Unfortunately the very things that make the Shuttle pretty also make it a deathtrap. It's like a pitcher plant or Venus flytrap for astronauts.

>> No.12644113

>It's like a pitcher plant or Venus flytrap for astronauts.
Fucking kek

>> No.12644120

Alright. I forgive you, FAA. It's not your fault for being you.

>> No.12644153

In 2025. FAA has now taken the turn for the worse as they will now deny SpaceX env assessment and want to conduct their own. This will take 3-5 years.

>> No.12644173
File: 41 KB, 800x463, Salyut 3 astronaut-deterrent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse this future.

>> No.12644174

Well at least your ex-wife was nice enough to give you a job

>> No.12644180

"This is why we test :^)"

>> No.12644192

I'm starting to think this is the FAA's way of applying pressure [to succeed]

>> No.12644202

Elon Musk got too cozy with republicans and is now paying the price. Change of administration brings in change of value. Elon Musk will no longer be able to do business in America because of he did wrongspeak.

>> No.12644209

Anyone purposefully standing in the way of SpaceX's development of Starship is not simply an enemy of the nation they are an enemy of the species and should be regarded as such.

>> No.12644230

The irony that America welcomes immigrants only to force them to fall in line with the regime.

>> No.12644238

y’all are too dramatic. there’s a lot of financial interest in spacex’s success. there will be growing pains. people will get in the way, intentionally and otherwise. but frankly boeing isn’t God almighty and the people pulling biden’s strings also want spacex to make launching and space cheaper and more efficient.
And when china starts to seem like they’re pulling ahead they won’t be able to really pretend that failure is success anymore with nasa.

>> No.12644246

California tanked their own economy for politics.

>> No.12644252

Never underestimate the length at which a determined person will go to achieve their goal. A person with a mindset on blowing himself up wont care about economic reprecussions or their own safety.

>> No.12644258
File: 107 KB, 523x767, space_shuttle_endevour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even bother, these people are lost.

>> No.12644263

There is no feasible way to disagree with
whether or not you think anyone is directly standing against Starship's development is another matter entirely.

>> No.12644267


Where's this going? Alpha Centauri?

>> No.12644271

How the fuck were they expected to land this thing manually with 1 square foot windows, and no glide ratio? Good Lord. I'm surprised there wasn't ever a crash landing

>> No.12644275
File: 394 KB, 1128x2124, Super-ultra-mega-mondo-gigante-giga-heavy deluxe plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywhere it damned well pleases.
Launch windows? Oh that's cute. No, we're going NOW.

>> No.12644288

I want to hold hands with Starship

>> No.12644293

I want to tell SN9 that the FAA are just being homos, there's nothing wrong with tipping over every now and then, she was just a little dizzy and then everyone made a big deal over it and she did nothing wrong.

>> No.12644304

>not asparagus staging for maximum deltaV

>> No.12644311

it's stinky tho

>> No.12644317
File: 87 KB, 664x651, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck An Asshole

>> No.12644319
File: 143 KB, 1710x900, Luke-and-Obi-Wan-featured-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, how indeed.

>> No.12644323

Does that dude have the armadillo lander as his profile pic? If so he is super redpilled
Unironically wish it was socially acceptable to wear this attire everyday in public

>> No.12644326
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>> No.12644329

? Masten is on contract for clps landers. He's the real fuckin deal

>> No.12644330

He is founder and CTO of Masten Space Systems.

>> No.12644333

Fuck I have 0 IQ and didn't even look at the name lmao

>> No.12644338
File: 181 KB, 705x587, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad launch site for Starship

>> No.12644340

I wonder if armadillo engineers ended up finding positions in new space and HLS contracts.

>> No.12644348

WTF armadillo had methalox engines back in 2011.

>> No.12644349
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>> No.12644352

Yeah John Carmack was redpilled beyond belief. I think he had more money than Elon when they both started aerospace ventures. But alas, carmack was more focused on chasing asian poon than reaching the stars. He's still super cool though

>> No.12644356

god damn they were ahead of their time

>> No.12644357

Fuck that video raped my ears. Have another loud ass video

>> No.12644359

>the way the launch mounts just flub out of the way
Kino and based.

>> No.12644361

So fucking cool, for real

>> No.12644365

LOL not falling for that one again

>> No.12644370

Fuckin neato

>> No.12644374

Here's a really good video of John telling oldspace fucks that making video games is harder than building rockets, while accepting a $350,000 prize for building a better rocket than them.

>> No.12644380

Musk is right in specifically looking for ex game devs to join SpaceX software team.
Games are like rockets; you often have a very limited amount of hardware to work with and it must be optimized and fast etc

>> No.12644385
File: 54 KB, 450x605, armadillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He walked so SpaceX could run. Imagine if he kept at it and invested all his effort into it

>> No.12644411

>focused on chasing asian poon
Can you speak on this? What, did he get married and lose his edge?

>> No.12644416

>Here's a really good video of John telling oldspace fucks that making video games is harder than building rockets, while accepting a $350,000 prize for building a better rocket than them.
Not that surprised that a genius finds making rockets simple enough. Also what he does with regards to video game engines is leagues above and beyond anything others do.
But yeah, he all but literally spells out that quick iterative development is the way. Except only Elon has listened, apparently.

>> No.12644436

a dozen white men in blue overalls vs 1 billion chinks, who will win?

>> No.12644440
File: 79 KB, 800x1200, Stig-Rocket-Hovering-Tethered-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Armadillo Stig hovering in a tethered test flight
bros.... sometimes I wish I was born 20 years earlier so that I could be a space pioneer and the first to do this shit. tfw 1998 zoomer desperately looking for a job in big defense, I would be thrilled to work for Boing at this point.

>> No.12644443

Whichever one is not under FAA jurisdiction

>> No.12644447

Really good HUD symbology

>> No.12644448
File: 35 KB, 1024x576, 8nlle6bsqex51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder when the first startup will try asparagus staging IRL

>> No.12644455

I suspect that IRL it's very difficult because the transfer rate of fuel through the hose/pipe/whatever wouldn't be enough to actually keep the tanks full, the flow rate just wouldn't be high enough to be useful. Also you have depending on the fuel you have to keep that shit cool. AND you have to have separate external fuel lines for the oxidizer too. Basically I think IRL Onion/asparagus staging is too engineering complicated for not enough potential deltaV gain to be a real thing. It isn't strictly necessary for getting shit into orbit, and on orbit refueling makes pretty much any deltaV achievable without funky staging tricks.

>> No.12644463

let me guess
>switch to hydrogen for the environment
>Launch escape system
>necessary orange foam padding on tank
>contractor-friendly solid rocket boosters

>> No.12644468
File: 114 KB, 737x865, ur700a_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can "cheat" at asparagus staging by having one set of tanks fuelling engines, and another set to refuel the next stage. But I guess you still have to pump it through so idk

>> No.12644471

ANother thing my drunk ass just thought of is how the fuck do you keep the pressure levels normal when you drop the stage? Suddenly your tanks have gaping holes in them. The pressure in the pipe needs to be controlled too.

>> No.12644475
File: 146 KB, 692x816, 1605424718845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaked Space Force ranks confirmed (pic related), everyone is upset

SpaceX to join the Space Force's commercial integration cell (CIC)
>The CIC is a collaboration between the Space Force and industry to increase cooperation and synergy in the space environment

Russia cutting out the middle man, Space Adventures on suicide watch

>> No.12644477

>everyone is upset
Why? They look fine to me.

>> No.12644478

Others anons probably have the exact answer, but I'm betting they use valves that transfer fuel to the dropping stage that are able to close as the rocket stages.

>> No.12644480

it looks fine to me. nothing too goofy, which is good

>> No.12644482

>chief master instead of master chief

>> No.12644483
File: 469 KB, 1416x1098, mssion control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the first half of this book, but fell off in the second half.
Is there anything similar in tone to the first half of this book that you could recommend? I've asked around a ton. I like the gritty, radioactive, cold, bleak feeling of near-future spaceflight.

>> No.12644484

>asked members of the space community for rank names
>end up ignoring everybody and copy + paste a mix of air force and army ranks
This signals that the Space Force is risk averse, uninspired, lacking in imagination, and contrary to everything they've been saying up to now. The Space Force higher ups lied to everyone, so instead of it being a cool innovative new military service, it's instead going to be the same shit but with a different name.

>The Space Force has tried selling itself as an organization that will go against the risk averse culture the rest of the DoD has been stuck in. But this decision signals to me, and it seems others, that it is all just lip service to get people to transfer and make it sound like this new sexy thing. In reality, I fear that nothing is fundamentally going to change for those of us at the ground level while leadership continues to spout a message of being "innovative" and "agile".

>> No.12644491

Seems fine to me too. Even in our fantasies, space forces use normal designations like Captain, Admiral, etc..

>> No.12644492
File: 108 KB, 587x547, spece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't elon protect the hinge from plasma like this

>> No.12644493

Or maybe they're afraid of becoming the joke branch. They still need to be taken seriously.
What do you want the ranks to be?
>E-1 Starfighter
>E-2 SR-71
>O-7 Solar Commandant

>linking to reddit
yikes from me.

>> No.12644495

You just added hundreds of kg to the vehicle

>> No.12644496

From one of the decision makers:
>These ranks are truly the result of a lot of hard work and careful and deliberate decision making.
It took them 14 months of "hard work" to copy and paste the safest ranks from other military branches.

The subreddit is where alot of actual Space Force people post, including higher ups. The other place is Facebook.

>> No.12644497

What would you have the ranks be?

>> No.12644499

Huh... I guess they all wanted to be Master Chiefs hahah

>> No.12644501

Probably a Navy style ranking system. Alot of people hated it though, which surprised me, but whatever.

>> No.12644503

>no Major Tom

>> No.12644508
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>> No.12644513


>> No.12644520

Every kg of mass added to the frame of the vehicle is less kg of mass you can put in orbit

>> No.12644525

Alot of people are uneasy about how the Space Force wants the Specialists to be nicknamed "Specs" because it sounds like "spics".

>> No.12644527

>wahh we solved the flap issue but now we can only put 149,800kg into orbit instead of 150,000kh

>> No.12644528

but it may mean your control surfaces last longer and can survive for more flights, reducing your cost per kg

>> No.12644538
File: 168 KB, 993x662, eurobeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ivan, turn that bass up

>> No.12644541
File: 203 KB, 853x1280, srb tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real rocket

>> No.12644542

Chief Master Sergean is SERGEANT
Master Chief is PETTY OFFICER
You dumbass

>> No.12644544

I know im just shitposting

>> No.12644547

they wanted naval ranks

>> No.12644552
File: 146 KB, 799x533, Mike Hopkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck are they delivering the new spacesuits to the ISS? Supposedly the EVA suits for Artemis are also replacing the current-gen suits. They're sort of a catch-all for station walks and surface walks

>> No.12644563

How much do you think those sleds cost?

>> No.12644567

$2 mil a pop at LEAST. Nasa probably contracted those cuckrollers with aerospace grade metal and waited years to get them

>> No.12644570

So this is NASA's response to double starships?

>> No.12644607


>> No.12644609

At the NASA speed? Next year, maybe, for evaluation. 2024 to replace the current ones.

>> No.12644613

Still better than Roscosmos speed. No offense to any russian anons if they're here

>> No.12644614
File: 73 KB, 737x697, 1603995071418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it ironic that the same individuals who treat pop-science as quiasi religion would send the space program back to the 1960s out of pure spite for the "rich people" who could afford a flight to Mars or the Moon?

We will be able to send 100 people to Mars for the cost of a single seat on the shuttle to go to the ISS.

>> No.12644615


>> No.12644616


>> No.12644617

>expecting Space Force to be any better than even NASA

>> No.12644618
File: 261 KB, 1023x811, 3F990060-EFE2-47FD-94A9-F1EC508E7899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckeries was out of the loop due to work. Just read up on the FAA being ducks. Musk should accelerate his plans for sea launch

>> No.12644619

You can't convince me that's not a parody account

>> No.12644623

He would still be subject to the FAA. Rocketlab launches from Kiwiland and still has to deal with the FAA I believe

>> No.12644624
File: 42 KB, 940x504, dfvffdv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12644627

Wtf I love Jeff Bluezos now

>> No.12644632

Does anyone else scoff at the fact that the next hot fire is only going to be 4 minutes? Did they lose faith or something?

>> No.12644647

Nah, it's only four minutes so they would make it in time for Artemis I. Any second longer, and they will have to scrub the launch.

>> No.12644688

last time I posted her twitter on /sfg/ at the beginning of this month, i got a 3 week ban for "calling a raid" and the entire thread was shoahed. Some of you may remember it.

>> No.12644695

That's what that was about? That thread wasn't even that bad and the one immediately succeeding it was a shitshow. Retards run this place

>> No.12644712

I think they’re scared they’re going to wreck an engine

>> No.12644716

Well fuck they gotta fly the rocket eventually lmao

>> No.12644729

fucking kikess

>> No.12644748
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>> No.12644771
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>> No.12644777


>> No.12644814


>> No.12644822

Checked and eardrums currently bleeding

>> No.12644829

In addition to what the other anon said about weight, SN9/10/etc. will never experience plasma so it doesn't matter. The design may well change when we get to the orbital prototypes.

>> No.12644837
File: 490 KB, 1103x647, A15A5875-642D-4FB8-A1D3-96723E35BA45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed night, brothers

>> No.12644853
File: 855 KB, 256x320, 1603132347138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope 41%

>> No.12644903

I still regret it, and science was laughable.
It starts sort of good, that's why I fell for it.
Now I will avoid like plague anything from that author.

>> No.12644949

The fuck is the point of any PT in space force anyways
Teach em how to weld or something

>> No.12644950


>> No.12644973

Post kino pics of sn9 and sn10 on Launch site

>> No.12644999
File: 45 KB, 374x503, 1587125715299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to shoop ATF guy from /k/ as FAA guy.
>every time

>> No.12645010

Tonight SN 8 joins the hop.

>> No.12645011

I called her a Jew who should be put under a raptor. Got banned for 3 days. Fucking ridiculous

>> No.12645077

fuck off chink

>> No.12645083

Tbf i still don't like Space Force, i prefer something like Space Corps, even Astro Force would've been better

>> No.12645131

Orbit Guard

>> No.12645136

Astra Militarum.

>> No.12645186


>> No.12645203

Hop today, fellow hoopers,?

>> No.12645205

>We need to prove Earth is round
To who? Flat earthers? Believing the Earth is flat won't change the fact that the Earth is round

>> No.12645228

the ol' switcheroo

>> No.12645256
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>> No.12645275

>reddit left the comment copier on again

>> No.12645313

The good thing about this FAA hold up is maybe Elon will think twice before pushing raptor past its limit on the launch pad. Keep that shit in McGregor, Elon

>> No.12645328

>Page 10

Staging: >>12645326




>> No.12645404

>Isn't it ironic

No, it's always been jealously and seethe disguised as fairness and compassion

>> No.12645415

Aluminize the outside of the glass so it's more reflective, it'll stay cool enough to be fine. The trick would be to put it somewhere that it won't get zonked by ionizing radiation, at least won't get zonked hard enough that DNA repair mechanisms and organism reproduction can't keep up. That being said if you were loading that thing with salt water and radiodurans, you could probably gently place it in the worst areas of the VA belts and it'd thrive.

>> No.12645420

>bonzai tree in a cubesat
when launch costs are like $100/kg this would be fun