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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.03 MB, 599x748, Stone walls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12643607 No.12643607 [Reply] [Original]

How were these kind of ancient stone walls constructed? Are there any reliable science-based links or sources that explain this?
I would love to see one video, just ONE, of someone replicating a wall like this using the same tools the natives did.

>> No.12643631

You know, rocks have different shapes and all. Also we've been able to cut rocks for centuries.

>> No.12643645

So you don't have an answer either, eh?

>> No.12643657

Bro you just grind the rock down until it fits snug. Takes ages but it's perfectly doable with stone-age tools.

>> No.12643658
File: 76 KB, 550x302, sacsayhuaman - cusco - Peru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only the cutting, sculpting, and smoothing of these massive stones, but also lifting and aligning them. How?

>> No.12643664
File: 117 KB, 700x469, vista-de-la-fortaleza-de-sacsayhuaman-peru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me. Please.

>> No.12643667

Typical brainlets rushing to assumptions like they know what they're talking about. Anyone who has never cut and handled stone is not qualified to talk about this. I have been working with stone for 25 years and let me tell you: nobody has a is how this was done.

>> No.12643670

Show you what?

>> No.12643672

Maybe you don't, stupid western piggu.

>> No.12643673

There's a reason why it was known to the greeks as Cyclopean masonry, anon.

>> No.12643679

3D rock printers

>> No.12643684

Autism isn't a modern thing, it have always existed, especially in high-civilisations ( since one could argue autists ARE civilisation ).

If i'd make a stone building, i'd be pretty anal about everything being perfect, unlike some retarded kike winging it or putting planified obsolescence in.

>> No.12643689

Show me where you learned this was made by "grinding the rock with stone-age tools."

I don't believe in /x/-tier nonsense, but I have yet to see an answer on how these massive stone walls were made and lifted into place. I would like to know if anyone has a reliable scientific link that explains this.

>> No.12643692

Show you what ? The wall is right there, it's proof enough that they did it somehow, how else would you expect it to be built

>> No.12643694

It's just heavily eroded cyclopean masonry, retard.

>> No.12643703
File: 11 KB, 259x194, straight cuts and alignment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop beating around the bush. Can you provide a scientific paper, video, anything, that explains how these rock walls were made and lifted into place? Yes or no? If so, please post it and shut me up.

>> No.12643708

These blocks are fucking limestone, they can be ground down with a lump of granite for god's sake.
You're making this out to be some crazy, history channel "whoA InsAne" shit but it's really simple.
How'd they they lift them? Same as any other heavy loads, lots of people and platforms.
Do you think the pyramids are impossible too? Fucking idiot.

>> No.12643715

Yeah bro I've got a video from 6000 BC showing how they were built. Not gonna post it though

>> No.12643717

OP is retarded

>> No.12643719

A wall is built from the ground up forming it's own natural ramp, you get enough muscular mayan men and you can lift fucking anything.
You don't need a fucking scientific paper it's basic common sense, are you so far removed from reality you can't see that?
You're a god damned brainlet.

>> No.12643743

>omg nobody bothered to perfectly explain how a funky wall was built SOMETHING CRAZY IS GOING ON
Unironically take your meds

>> No.12643767
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>> No.12643771
File: 193 KB, 645x524, marble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in the archives the other day, a good anon was purloining the olde texts of artificial marbles cast in molds. I've taken it for granted till now, but I have really only heard assumptions that these are stone, what sources prove their composition? What if they were in fact strange petrifactions Dr. Langwith supposes to be the of the noblest of antiquities, as being divine monuments of that dreadful confusion and destruction which was brought upon the earth by the deluge?


>> No.12643788
File: 3 KB, 150x150, 6p8i6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Nobody bothered to read my responses. I don't believe in /x/ schizo woo-woo.

I just want to see a god damn scientific paper, research, video, ANYTHING that scientifically explains to a brainlet like me how these massive stone walls were cut and lifted into place. That's all. Anyone have one?

>> No.12643796

Mate, I live in Mexico, I see this shit really often.

>> No.12643800

>How were these kind of ancient stone walls constructed?
Laser cutters and anti-gravity lifters, duh.

>> No.12643801

Awesome. Can you please show me a scientific paper, research, video, ANYTHING that scientifically explains to a brainlet like me how these massive stone walls were cut and lifted into place?

>> No.12643805

straight cuts are very easy even with primitive technology. iirc those walls are construced from the same original rock which is why the cuts all line up. they cut up a rock for transport and reassemble the rock back the way it was. they might have smoothed the corners but all those rounded edges could also be entirely due to just erosion.

>> No.12643808

Why would you need a scientific paper though, it's basic shit that you're acting like is some impossible feat. Scientifically explains my ass it's a fucking trade. All they had to do was look at rock, see how it needs to be carved, carve it with hammer then smooth it with rock, then haul it up to where it needs to be using platforms. You don't even need to fully lift it to get it up steps, just get enough guys to roll it over so it falls to the next platform.
This is like demanding a scientific paper to understand how a boat is built. Sure there may be some specifics that may be novel to study, but the basic gist of how it's made should be completely transparent.
A lot of the "liquid" look is just due to erosion, these things are limestone they erode crazy fast.

>> No.12643812

It isn't scientific, it may be not exactly what you're looking for, but it's a start.

>> No.12643826

>You don't even need to fully lift it to get it up steps, just get enough guys to roll it over so it falls to the next platform.
Lol, wat

Finally someone posts a link to something. Thank you.

>> No.12643829

What do you mean, wat. How do you not get that?
I'm saying you don't have to literally lift it fully off the ground to get it up to a higher platform, which means you don't have to lift the entire weight.

>> No.12643839

Several stones in Sacsayhuaman weigh from 100 to 200 tons, and they're stacked on top eachother. I don't understand what you mean by "not having to lift them." You're saying a bunch of guys just carved these 200 ton stones with straight edges that fit like puzzle pieces and then rolled and fitted them into place? Rolled them? Wat?

>> No.12643846

Not the same anon. Have you played pokemon? remember the move strength? well you push rocks on ramps so you can stack em up.

>> No.12643853
File: 49 KB, 681x445, 14608107_1180665285312703_1558693314_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 ton, cube shaped stones? Just roll/push them up a ramp? Can you please show me how you know this?

>> No.12643859
File: 276 KB, 1500x970, pupils-of-an-highworth-warneford-school-swindon-rolling-stone-block-on-wooden-logs-part-of-the-bp-stonehenge-challenge-to-recreate-construction-of-the-monument-using-materials-and-methods-available-4000-yea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logs and sledges plus a shitload of people and/or animals.

>> No.12643874

Why do you keep going on about "scientific"? It can't be "scientific" because we can't know for certain without documented historical evidence. The best we can do is make educated guesses from what we know. Plumb lines are millennia old technology, ramps and rollers are millennia-old ways for moving large stones, using chalk or clay coating to mark any part of the stone that doesn't fit is also a millennia old technique for form fitting, etc. From knowing what skills the incas had, we can make theories about how they were built.

There loads of videos like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KbSFphHCZY with different theories.

>> No.12643878
File: 13 KB, 442x405, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12643880

It's weird how the cave people had enough time left after gathering food to actually build this stuff but modern man can only talk about how easy it would be but can't ever find the time to actually do it.

>> No.12643891

Just the basic gist of the concept, you can add wedges and levers to make it easier.

>> No.12643897

We are pampered and not religiously devoted enough. But to be accurate these larger more permanent projects were usually done by at least agricultural societies.

>> No.12643911

They actually had more free time than us because they only worked for food and not to feed a massive capitalist system.

>> No.12643914

Contrary to popular belief, earlier humans didn't spend that much time securing energy sources, they were pretty opportunistic.

>> No.12643916

Speaking of religiously devoted enough.

>> No.12643923

I remember reading about how big projects like this or the pyramids in egypt were mostly just worked on during the winter when you had a large pool of laborers who were free from any farm work.

>> No.12643925

Damn, that is completely unbelievable. If I had to say the people who are the most religiously devoted are catholic conservatives and muslims

>> No.12643926
File: 123 KB, 1170x1024, ancient-aliens-guy-1170x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also interested in the process they ground the stones to fit each other. It won't be rocket science, but it's interested how it's done with primitive knowledge.

>> No.12643927

We'd be doing the same soulless, constant work in a non-capitalistic system. All large systems of government and economy require it to ensure growth of the nation as a whole.

>> No.12643933

modern men work more than slaves and peasants.

>> No.12643937

Yeah it's amazing. As of october guy's 95 and still working on it.
It's a true work of human wonder and a testament to the spirit of an individual.

>> No.12643942

My dad work at the nintendo rock quarries
He says youre a faggot

>> No.12643959


>> No.12643966

>200 ton stones are so easy to move and fit into other stones that you can high 5 your homies afterwards!

>> No.12643976

I will destroy your boypussy and give you a prostate orgasm you'll never forget.

>> No.12643983

Please share it, I wasn’t aware there were any videos from that era. I do wish you would post it, if you really have such footage. The implications of such film existing would absolutely shake all modern ideas.

>> No.12643999

Natives had machines to drive large nails into solid rock, and bulldozers?? No way. Fascinating!

>> No.12644002

>machines to drive large nails into solid rock
Yes, they called it a "hammer"

>> No.12644028

>we can cut rocks and make them fit
>so no answer! heh must be aliens

>> No.12644053

>Why do you keep going on about "scientific"?
Science is about asking questions and performing experiments. Unfortunately, you all think science is a dogma and just because OP's question is about something you have been told is incompatible with your religion of science you avoid the question altogether and placate the issue. "omg like we just cut the rocks and put them on top, get over it". Sorry, that doesn't address OP's question. The real issue with topics like this is that most people lack the emotional self-control to apply their critical thinking skills. Instead, they just give into whatever they have been conditioned to believe out of a subconscious fear of being ostracized. This happens even with the most obvious issues, like whether the earth is flat or not. The idiots all think they are on some team of people who all think the same thoughts as them. Sad!

>> No.12644077
File: 746 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20210129-180805_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% this.
OP here. How dare me ask a science forum for scientific proof about a subject. Shame on me.

If carving, lifting, and fitting 100 ton rocks on top of eachother like puzzle pieces is so easy and has been done 100 times before, why can't anyone provide ONE scientific article explaining how it was done?

>> No.12644083

The Aztecs ripped the hearts out of 100k men every year. They had a lot of slaves at disposal.

>> No.12644086


jfc the state of this board

Here's a link for you anon


Granted the technique they probably used was different but there's nothing too complicated going on here, it may look more impressive to your western cultural sensibilities but this is still more primitive than construction requiring consistent dimensions

>> No.12644097


>> No.12644102


>> No.12644175

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.12644179

You could have easily googled that.

>> No.12644219

Look into masonry techniques. They basically just use another rock to chip away at the big rock until it perfectky fits the other ones. They suspend it with ropes and chip away at it, trial and error until it perfectlt fits. They usually would have extra material left on the corners or edges which would be chipped away once the stone was in position. That's how they get such perfect fits. I watched a documentary on it once, but I forget what it was called. I think it was on national geographic. Interesting sidenote, the name "masonry" sounds a lot like "masons", as in the freemasons commonly discussed on /pol/ and maybe /x/. Thats because freemasons started out as a group of stonemasons (the people who would carve rocks), who formed their own "brotherhood".

>> No.12644229

with some grass and a hammer

with rope and a lot of scaffolding, plus slave labor

>> No.12644253

Well said

Fuck all the soicucks that make generic faggot science statements while offering zero proof of your conviction.

It is SCIENTIFICALLY obvious the ancients did things differently than we do today and no, we have replicated none of it. I'm fact, of you follow the real science and history of our planet, there's a real chance that the earth itself was in a completely different state than today and allowed for all kinds of shit. For example, gravity may have been different so lifting stones lie this may have been much easier.

>> No.12644446

prob just bent from something heavy sitting on top.

>> No.12644512 [DELETED] 

This thread is proving me that science faggots are no better than christcuks, giving for granted something without knowing the process behind, and parroting "it just works" providing no proof.

>> No.12644536

No problem. Heres your bag of coca leaves. Chew a few leaves at a time, no more than several in an hour. Here is your leather-wrapped chopping stone. Remember to take breaks every 8 hours, wagie. And next time come to work without the ring in your nose.

>> No.12644591

Here OP

>> No.12644601
File: 29 KB, 282x284, 1482588834776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I was about to posting a video like that...

BUT peruvian tribes didnt developed iron foundry in their entire existence, there were some weak metals over there, like silver, copper and gold... but none alloy with the strength to do that technique...

also thereis the problem of sanding the stones quite smooth, I've heard about shark skin being used like sandpaper, and peruvian tribes have been good fishermans... still I doubt shark skin can grind rock like this >>12643607

>> No.12644743
File: 15 KB, 508x598, Construcción_megalito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12644768

>domestic beasts of burden in precolumbian america
Pro tip: if you know absolute jack shit but feel like you have something of substance to say - you don't

>> No.12644769

they were glazed

>> No.12644774

OP, you're blatantly samefagging. This is not a scientific question. This is not about proof of something.
You're asking for a video of someone stacking stones, cutting them before doing so. I did a quick Google search and came up with a documentary about early architecture and some guy who reconstructed their methods in his garden.

>> No.12644917

>These blocks are fucking limestone
Actually no, you ignorant pigfuck

>> No.12644936

This, everyone on here is a fucking faggot that says otherwise

>> No.12644939

Two dipshits that have never actually worked with tools to grind something down, it's ungodly difficult even today with electric tools

>> No.12644941

Now THIS is a brainlet take on things. Monolithic structures don't require papers written on them? We literally don't know the methods that these things were made, so yes, we do. Lol

>> No.12644952

I don't understand why they didn't just make a standardized set of bricks/stones and then stack 'em? surely that would have been an obvious solution when creating these walls. why did they play this extremely difficult game of tetris?

>> No.12644966

My guess is that they would make clay imprints of the already placed stones, so they could fit the new stones without it being in place. Then once it's finished they would lift it into place. Of course it would be laborious but I don't think there's any fundamental challenge to it.

>> No.12644971


These walls look perfectly fitted only on the outside. The other sides are often stuffed with smaller stones.

>> No.12644998

Imagine traveling millions years trough space just to show some aliens how to put rocks together

>> No.12645217


>> No.12645220

Easter Island, machu picchu, pyramids, etc. form a ring around the earth

>> No.12645515
File: 108 KB, 690x855, D020E842-6096-4A14-B6D9-9D8A37B322A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whether the earth is flat or not
This was a fantastic thought experiment. I remember during it's peak relevance, sometimes people would bring up the topic of "flat earthers" with derision. "Did you hear about those lunatics who think the earth it flat?"
I eventually made a habit of responding to this by asking: "how do you know the earth isn't flat?" The reactions were interesting.
>are you kidding me?
>are you crazy?
>don’t tell me you’re one of those flat earthers
The typical response was incredulity that I would ask such a question. I asked them to explain to me what made them so certain, and if they would explain to me the evidence that suggests or proves the earth isn’t flat. I pointed out that pictures/images could be faked.
Oftentimes, they would fall into a state of hostility at this point and refuse to discuss any further. Very few were able to furnish an argument at all. Some would frantically pull out their cellphones to find online articles describing "why flat earthers are wrong" and then read their contents out to me. These were the cases I found most illustrative.

My point was to highlight how much knowledge we simply accept on faith, not necessarily on the basis of our own experience or discovery. I know it would be impossible for any one individual to verify the veracity of each and every scientific or historic fact.
At some point we have to integrate information into our models/conceptions without being able to rigorously verify it. I think humans reason not through a series of deductive investigations, but based on various heuristics and fuzzy logic, weighing the likelihood of one truth versus the others.

Most people ask themselves: What seems more likely: the earth being flat or everyone who claims otherwise being incorrect or intentionally misleading?

Still, it is worth being more aware of how little we truly know, how much information we accept without being certain. A strong thinker is rarely certain about anything.

>> No.12645606

Only they aren't limestone you immensely ignorant spastic pig fuck

>> No.12645628

not only that but they are also carved in three dimensions, so its not just matter of fitting two dimensions ( height and width ) of perfectly formed rock face together, but they also have to fit perfectly in the third dimension ( the interior depth ).

>> No.12645636

Yeah, thanks, that's the other elephant in the room with this issue. A society has to have a considerable energy surplus ( mostly food ) in order to devote the time and resources to constructing these structure. You aint going to build squat if you are spending most of the day growing food,.

>> No.12645667

Exactly. The chucklefucks in this thread all leap to the conclusion that OP is implying aliens or some shit, whereas its actually a matter of figuring out exactly how an ancient civilization managed to construct these structures, an engineering feat which is far more challenging than the poorly educated think.
>Hurr they just brute forced them into place!
Said the retarded fuck who never built anything in his life.

>> No.12645701

Yeah, no idea why whenever these threads arise, the OP is inevitably accused of being an alien conspiracy theorist. No one else mentioned aliens except the very same posters insulting OP for believing in them. It is more respectable to be admit you don’t have a good answer than to spew out vitriol, or give vague non-answers.

>> No.12645753

I encountered much the same situation. The hostility was the most surprising thing to me. Like, wft, cant you discuss this rationally without getting all upset? It was quite a wake up call to realize that many people are offended when the basis of their beliefs are challenged. This was something I expected of religious fanatics, not ordinary and presumably roundly educated people.

It was humorously ironic that they would often accuse me of being some flat earth nutcase where I was able to provide tangible evidence of a spherical earth and they could not.

>> No.12645765

With regards "lifting" the stones, it's much easier if you build a dirt ramp against the wall as you build upwards. A dirt ramp is far more stable than any kind of scaffolding and with enough time can be made very long with a gentle slope.

Once you're done you dig away the ramp and reveal your completed structure. That process is low skill and looks impressive, so involve the whole community and have a nice feast to celebrate.

For matching the shapes, I'd suggest tracing around the previous layer of stones on something like a large plank of wood and using that to guide the cutting of the next blocks. Like how modern tile fitters will trace around odd shapes and use that pattern to cut the tile.

>> No.12645831

Oh fuck off with that argument. The proof is right there. Those people clearly had the tools, knowledge, time and labor force to make these walls and carve these rocks. There can't be certainty about the exact methods because they didn't leave a historical record. There's speculation and plenty of ideas by archeologist but you know very well you don't care about that. There's nothing mysterious about this.

>> No.12645839

There are easily accessible sources with a simple Google search as shown in this thread

>> No.12645875

thank you for this anon. quite a good reflection. i've thought similar points before but have not been able to craft it in the verbose manner it deserves.

>> No.12645888

>spoonfeeding shitposting retards
just call them a schizo and move on

>> No.12645973

Many months ago someone made a thread in a similar vein. It questioned whether smoking/nicotine causes cancer. It was really a test of how much people actually knew about epidemiology and actually educated people (myself included) on the shortcomings of it. People on this board rarely want to learn, just shitpost, a good rule of thumb to get a good answer is to give a wrong answer first.

>> No.12646138

>a good rule of thumb to get a good answer is to give a wrong answer first.
Well said, anon. I find this to be very truthful.

>> No.12646242

Agree. A slice of wisdom in stark contrast to the gibbering moron seen here>>12645831

>> No.12646275

Did you write a scientific paper about wiping your ass too, you fucking dolt? It really isn't that hard to imagine how ancient peoples built a fucking WALL.

>> No.12646522

from behind, progressively building a dirt mount.

>> No.12646636

Can you speak up? Cant hear you properly through all your father's cum in your mouth.

>> No.12646667

Pic 3 makes no sense because the weight would let that rock drop in between the two pillars.

>> No.12646678
File: 28 KB, 270x255, 270px-Olmeca_head_in_Villahermosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo bighead, wyd here?

>> No.12646680
File: 142 KB, 700x469, mexican rocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont need a scientific paper, its obvious primative construction, you can use any technique you want, so long as works, im sure they used a bunch of different methods themselves. but when your doing things by hand, and giving the 'ole heave ho, its quickly apparent precisely which techniques are the most effecient.

But anyway, as a guess, this how i would do it, if forced to do it under mexican constraints.

First you will notice all the rocks are a variation on a V shape
(obvously these rocks are a variation on the V shape but are all aranged that under gravity- downwardly, they go into a V wedge slot)

if you were to hold the V shape rock a fixed distance above its respective V shaped slot, the distance unformly fixed by a set distance say one average mexican elbow to wrist distance, using a iron or wooden spacers of a uniform size, which is say 1 foot.

then you could chisel out the surface of the V shape opposite to the gravity direction, repeatedly checking it is exactly 1 foot from the V slot.
the V wedge section of the stone, would then after chiseling every milimeter, would be an exact trace of the V slot.
you then remove the spacers, and wedge lowers to the slot, giving a section edge of the to V's being perfectly aligned.

once that section of the rock is dropped and sits perfectly under its own wieght, you can chisel the sides of the rocks of the wedge to form the next slot, even if that slot consists of multiple rocks, you just shape the slot into downward only wedge slot.

into which you repeat the process continually. obviously you would choose similar rocks to the wedge, to reduce the ammount of chiselling, but so long as apply the exact same process across the whole wall this will allows for any variation in the size of rock to be included.

as to moving rocks, one guy can move pretty much any size of rock, with a long enough stick/lever, and raise that rock by lifting and packing stuff under it.

>> No.12646693
File: 44 KB, 488x410, 1597451321339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I hope they can fundraise so that when the old man departs to meet his believed in God the place doesn't get demolished right immediately after. I suppose it'd be considered a risk for the street next to it..

>> No.12646708

I would use grinding tools that would work similar to how a sawmill used the motions of a river to spin its sawblade.

>> No.12646758

Pretty cool it’s so clean spilt with just a hand lever, not going to lie

>> No.12646796

>show me that the sky is blue

>> No.12646823

don't bother asking for sources, everyone knows these walls materialized out of thin air

>> No.12646838

Lifting with pivots. Easy as fuck, stack as high as you want, zero technology required.

>> No.12646844

that wall is from a terribly written dlc for our simulated reality.

>> No.12646862

How did the romans build the coliseum?
Why don’t you guys ever attribute that to aliens, fucking retard

>> No.12646865

omg, you're right

they're behind everything, aren't they

>> No.12646932

you are so terrified of the total lack of explanation that science provides your retarded nigger cattle brain refuses to parse the actual question

ultimately this reaction is caused by your instinctual feeling that you are a fake subhuman imposter, which of course is true

>> No.12646940

The limestone casing stones of the pyramids werent even carried, they just crushed it up and carried the powder and rubble on baskets and added palm ash and natron to make ghetto quick lime concrete. Scientific analysis showed that the stones did not have the regular stratification limestone is supposed to have, its all jumbled and clumped as if it were crushed and re-solidified. Of course, Zahi Hawass still refuses to accept the evidence.

The South American historical accounts mention reddish pastes made from plant material used to soften the stones while they were worked. Doesn't seem too farfetched to me and explains why the fit is so tight; the edges were soft, so they compressed into each other at the points of contact. The back wasn't being looked at, so no need to pretty it up; just shove some rocks in to seal the gaps.

>> No.12646988

1. use wood as wedge
2. patiently grind away with anything, even a rock if needed (although, I doubt there was much grinding)
3. not that smooth.

there's a video of some egyptian archeologysts cracking rocks open as a proof of concept, and the cuts are much cleaner than in op's pic.
Can't find it now, but there's a video somewhere with that famous egyptian archeologyst where he shows how it could have been done.

>> No.12647436

That's not Mexico you fucking retard and you have no clue what you are talking about either way.

>> No.12647595

geopolymer. easy shit.

>> No.12647613

this is the best one because it shows the scale we're talking about

>> No.12648040
File: 229 KB, 1280x853, 9B331223-AEAF-495B-8EA6-AA09AC643EB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same technique as the obelisks
Pound and grind them with harder stones until they become smooth, it’s not hard, it just is tedious

>> No.12648149

dirt ramps and lots of man-hours gifted by religion and agricultural surplus

>> No.12648403

>6000 BC
these were built in the 14-15th centuries

>> No.12648544

>How were these kind of ancient stone walls constructed?

they used an acidic mortar that etched the blocks into a perfect fit.


>> No.12648794

ITT: STEM tries to understand art

>> No.12648820

Post links or take Meds.

>> No.12648844

I wrote a paragraph about why this is dumb, but I figured you would just brush it off. So I’ll just call you a schizo. You schizo.

>> No.12648906

alright you got us, i admit it was ancient aliens, humans were barely capable of breathing back then
we tried to shill explanations but you were too smart for us

>> No.12649254

>all the retards in this thread who think that we cant trivially replicate the techniques and heuristics that ancient people used to build those magnificent structures
>meanwhile when humanity had to face its #9999 pandemic everyone forgot about the knowledge gained through countless generations. Experts still questioning if masks or banning flights work.

Maybe you retards should accept that we are not always going forward and that there are lots of times where knowledge gets lots forever, i. e Library of Alexandria

>> No.12649459

Stop being a retard who thinks that all ancient people were also retards.

>> No.12649515

they traded catboy sex slaves to aliens in exchange for advanced masonry techniques. that is why earth lacks catboys, but still has the yearning for them

>> No.12649520

You should have posted it, I would like to know what you have to say.

>> No.12649584

It was ayy lmaos. They travelled 100,000 light years with their incomprehensible clarktech to build stone walls in bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.12649623

Find stones that sort of fit together. Then shape them until they fit perfectly together.

Not so hard.

>> No.12649703

Mexicans didnt cut rock, they piled up whatever they found.

>> No.12649792
File: 29 KB, 575x281, Inca walls Fig 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the stonemasonry theory seems absolutely logical (given that the other explanation is aliens) but the author seems to have given up unfortunately.

>> No.12650019
File: 204 KB, 1782x1000, 2239200A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard they used sonic levitation to move the stones and possibly also to cut them. What if they recreated pic related, see video


After you get the stone quarried you jam 2 VERY big tuning forks connected by a string. If the proportions are done right, then the tuning forks should be able to capture sound near by and make the entire stone vibrate. You could have Several dozen slaves playing loud instruments to help move the stone. They wouldn't need to know how the "magic" works, just tell them you're playing music to make the stones move. Much like the bristle bot, the vibrations change the weight of the stone which makes it easy enough that you can now push it very easily on the ground to where it needs to go.

>> No.12650371

Are you aware what you're looking at? That is pink granite. Even with dolerite, that would be an unimaginable task to pound out of the Earth. Have you ever looked at the carve marks? They look scooped out like butter, not pounded. And the angle at which they'd be pounding is unimaginable. I'm claiming it was done with advanced tech, but I don't rule that out. The conventional way seems impossible.

>> No.12650377

I'm NOT claiming*

>> No.12650381
File: 10 KB, 231x240, 1414498743001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are no tools that exist in the modern archeological record that explain this type of close-fitting mortarless construction.

>> No.12650533
File: 135 KB, 875x690, Ollantaytambo-wall-of-living-rock1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you perfectly cut a rectangular shaped cube out of the side of a mountain?

>> No.12650564

In the absence of the actual cube that fits there I'd say they carved that to be an alcove for some religious figures or whatnot.

>> No.12650572

That's a lot of words to say "I'm never taken more than high school physics"

>> No.12650602

nigga thats not gonna happen, it'd take dozens years

>> No.12650643

The amusing thing is that part of the reasons for the use of huge stones was to impress enemies that here lives giants.

>> No.12650664

Wasn't the Library of Alexandria just filled with faggy Greek poetry?

>> No.12650669

Imagine men on the other side or mre weight added to the far side temporarily.

>> No.12650701

If you can cut a rock into a rectangle you can cut itinto a weird shape

>> No.12650822

No it wouldn't.

>> No.12650846

They're called carving stones, no special tool needed.

>> No.12650851

Wire saw

>> No.12650877

>lifting them
A dude already proved a lone man can do this with pulleys and stuff. But probably fit men fueled on coca leaves.

>> No.12650907

anyone counting sideways?

>> No.12651007

>you are so terrified of the total lack of explanation that science provides
What's terrifying about ancient stonemasonry techniques lost to time?

>> No.12651018

Holy shit do you even google??


>> No.12651058


>> No.12651134

>Evidence of a water powered stone mill in Hierapolis

>Egyptian techniques for cutting stone

There's no discounting advanced technology that we haven't found, but occum's razor suggest that they just were REALLY knowledgeable and good at working their material and building it

>> No.12651165

They got help from across the ocean.

>> No.12651242

For bridges, I think they made wooden structures underneath to hold the rocks, in contrast to something like they made the bridge floating.
The wooden structures are obviously removed after. The river might also be diverted or limited

>> No.12651272

>It is SCIENTIFICALLY obvious the ancients did things differently than we do today
yes, absolutely. scientifically so.
>and no, we have replicated none of it.
sure, yeah.
>I'm fact, of you follow the real science and history of our planet, there's a real chance that the earth itself was in a completely different state than today and allowed for all kinds of shit.
>For example, gravity may have been different so lifting stones lie this may have been much easier.

>> No.12651279

>you have no clue what you are talking about either way.
Why do people think this phrase amounts to anything other than "i'm very mad"

>> No.12651280


>> No.12651720

>schizo posting "i demand a video!!!!!!!!!"
do it yourself

>> No.12652330

would've been funny if these were just singular rocks in which someone carved those lines too make it look like they are bunch of stones put together lol

>> No.12652768
File: 238 KB, 640x640, 1604734975065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Poured Pyramids theory supporter Chad. Davidovits is bound to get his revenge, historians ignoring his claims and not considering the possibility even are no different than the so called africanists in evolution - too attached to their career to respect the scientific method