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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 355 KB, 1200x800, adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12639671 No.12639671 [Reply] [Original]

adhd... inflammation... cortisol... dysbiosis... leaky gut... brain fog...
i know they're all linked, /sci/, but i cannot figure out why
what am i missing?

>> No.12639681

Processed foods
Air and water pollution

>> No.12639745

this leads to inflammation which leads to adhd?
does asprin cure adhd?

>> No.12639844

stupidest thread of the day

>> No.12639855

how come, anon?
sorry i'm not a med student or anything, but i try my hardest.
pls tell me what you think of this



especially this

i've also read that taking aspirin improves executive function, which is what is most reduced in ADHD
is aspirin an alternative for adderall?

>> No.12639856

smartest thread of the day

>> No.12639859

:) thank you, anon
am i correct, then? should i start taking aspirin to cure my mental retardation? or should i fix what causes inflammation, like, perhaps, dysbiosis?

>> No.12640052

Take lots and lots of aspirin
It will make you a superhuman genius

>> No.12640055
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>> No.12640086


>> No.12640197
File: 37 KB, 450x326, 1328690-adhd-1487222462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the best argument for ADHD isn't real?

>> No.12640229


The cause for cancer and most diseases are these fungi. The only cure is MMS [ NaClO2 ]

>> No.12640247

it's just a collection of symptoms
who knows what causes it
if it's inflammation, then i want to know if NSAIDs cure it
i don't think that's the only cure. also i just read it's toxic if you swallow it. did you just try to kill me, anon?
also, having candidia overgrowth would be called dysbiosis, right? and that causes inflammation, right?

>> No.12640277

>it's just a collection of symptoms
>who knows what causes it
anyone who's not a doctor would think this because they don't have the skills to make a medical diagnosis. As an EE I remember a lot of things that didn't make sense to me about electronics 5 years ago that seemed magical...

>> No.12640291

but it is just a collection of symptoms grouped together with the label ADHD
so far, not really anything is known about its etiology
doctors claim it's a dopamine deficiency, but actual proof has not been found, as you cannot cut open a living person's brain to measure the dopamine
furthermore, even if it were simply a dopamine deficiency, the cause of said deficiency is never explained beyond "genetics" and hand waving in that general direction
to my knowledge, we have not found the specific gene or cluster of genes which cause ADHD. even if we did, i think we'd still be a long ways from explaining how it is those genes work

>> No.12640323

So the only way you'll believe in ADHD is if there's a definitive answer to origin. You can't consistently believe in any mental health disorder then.

>> No.12640396


>> No.12640442

What you've done is understand as much as you can by self-teaching. As someone unqualified in medicine I wouldn't argue technical points, but your claims aren't rigorous. I'll respect claims that "ADHD aren't real" when I hear it from someone qualified and familiar with current literature.

>> No.12640481

i never said ADHD isn't real
it's just a name for a collection of symptoms like depression is the name for another collection of symptoms (sadness, loss of interest in activities, lethargy)
i guess my point is that, unlike physical injuries, the etiology for mental illnesses is more complex as each symptom could, hypothetically, have different causes.
furthermore, each individual patient can have a slightly different set of symptoms, and those symptoms can have different causes
some people say that ADHD is caused by inflammation, or low dopamine, or nutritional deficiencies, and so on
i was just wondering if any medanon could tell me if aspirin could maybe work to reduce ADHD symptoms

>> No.12640497

No you aren't nearly qualified to say anything about this. It's more dangerous than helpful to run your mouth on what you read on wikipedia. Yes, ask a doctor your aspirin question and look like an idiot infront of him too.

>> No.12640504

why are you so worried about credentials?
when did a person's credentials have any impact on what is true and what isn't?
and in what universe does asking questions make you look like an idiot?

>> No.12640514

It's not my worry about credentials it's just severe dunning kruger effect that I'm seeing in your responses. You don't even know how much you don't know. You're like pontificating about genetics and "maybe" something I kind of read somewhere. Do you realize the difference between you and 12 hrs a day of studying medicine for a decade? You unironically think aspirin will reduce ADHD symptoms. It's idiotic. Maybe I'll read about a different medical condition and ask a doctor if injecting myself with vinegar will cure it. There's so much cognitive dissonance in your thinking someone just needs to tell you you know nothing about what you're talking about.

>> No.12640519

>i was just wondering if any medanon could tell me if aspirin could maybe work to reduce ADHD symptoms
> You unironically think aspirin will reduce ADHD symptoms
please learn to read

>> No.12640525

no just ask your doctor to his face. I want him to give you that look that you deserve and waste his time. Even if a doctor here tells you something you'll still believe whatever you want because that's what you do.

>> No.12640529

>adhd... inflammation... cortisol... dysbiosis... leaky gut... brain fog...
The link is that they are all memes

>> No.12640534

>Even if a doctor here tells you something you'll still believe whatever you want because that's what you do.
why would you assume that? do you have the knowledge and credentials to be making such claims about me?
idk, anon
i think at least cortisol is real

>> No.12640557

to see if nsaids cure it, take an nsaid and see if symptoms improve
if you don't have it, find someone who does and test this hypothesis
spoiler, if this was the case people with adhd wouldn't be medically addicted to methamphetamines if there was an OTC solution

>> No.12640596

idk, anon, i feel like i might placebo myself into thinking it works

>> No.12640598

stop eating wheat

>> No.12640737

is it really the cause of ADHD?
how so?

>> No.12640807

slice a grape horizontally and microwave it for 10 seconds. Eat this once a day to cure ADHD.

Big pharma doesn't want this out

>> No.12640812

pls anon i just want to know how to fix my retardation without taking stimulant drugs every day forever
what else causes ADHD-like symptoms?
what should i get my blood tested for?
histamine? Homocysteine?

>> No.12640822

Im >>12640514
I have ADHD too. I found stimulants give me better quality of life and I've been able to accomplish my goals. Stop reaching for pseudo science bullshit. You can do psychology sessions to learn behavioral techniques. Maybe that with a good diet and exercise will do it for you if you're really against stimulants. Some people were dealt a way worse condition than ADHD... just take the fucking stimulants and see if it works. You're clearly suffering if you think you're retarded and making these threads.

>> No.12640835

many conditions have symptoms similar to ADHD and i would like to look into them and get tested for them before i commit myself to taking stimulants forever, as i'll become tolerant to them eventually

>> No.12640844

All illness is manifested fear

>> No.12642415

how do i stop being afraid?

>> No.12642436

by manning the fuck up

go take a job when chink aids is over, something with lots of people like catering or entertainment

>> No.12642466
File: 382 KB, 528x290, Gluten_Sources.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating gluten. Gluten can cause brain fog. My brain fog mostly went away when I went on a gluten free diet. You might also have other food allergies that you aren't aware of.

>> No.12642492

did you get tested for celliac disease?
what is it that causes the brain fog?
is it the inflammation itself that causes brain fog, or is that a symptom of it?

>> No.12642560

I really wish /sci/ had IDs so i could quote all your posts easier but i 100% agree with what your saying. I was just like OP at one point and its hard not to be when youre worried something is wrong with your head.
But OP just listen to this guy. You and I arent as smart as we like to tell ourselves we are

>> No.12642763

i'm not claiming to be smart and i'm not claiming to have any answers
i'm just asking questions because, despite being on stimulants, i still feel cognitively impaired
if stimulants are the cure for adhd, then i shouldn't feel this way
either there is more i can do to treat my adhd, or i have something else similar to adhd which requires something other than stimulants

>> No.12643020

Your thyroid is fucked
You have either hyper or hypo thyroidism

>> No.12643117


Are you eating and sleeping ok? Are you getting enough blood circulation? I too thought adderall was the issue for me, until I stopped taking it and felt the same fog. Personally I believe adhd is a darwinian mechanism for survival that fails us today, and sets you up to be taken advantage of by consumerism. I seriously doubt its linked to your symptoms outside of forming your habits. Put yourself on a strict schedule. Eat right, sleep right, go for walks, report back in a month.

>> No.12643158

>Are you eating and sleeping ok?
How do I check?
Will it show up on a blood test?

>> No.12643213

You can check by testing it yourself, trying something new for a month to see if you feel any different. A blood test certainly can help, I found out i was severely deficient in vitamin b12, d, and magnesium. But just taking those pills to make up the deficiency wasn't enough to create lasting change in my habits. A radical change in lifestyle I believe would benefit you best. A magical pill or supplement isn't the answer.

>> No.12643225

How is your cognition now? Can you think properly? Do you still take adderall?

>> No.12643237

I no longer have fog on or off adderall. I still take adderall because i believe it helps me thrive, but even when I'm off it I can function just fine, maybe not with the same energy but the fog isn't there like it used to be.

>> No.12643249

I also encourage you to take a visit to a neurologist, who will likely have you take a bloodtest based on your symptoms.

>> No.12643521

How many blood tests did you get done?
Was it all at once?

>> No.12643643
File: 4 KB, 982x56, Screenshot_2021-01-29 Your Health Reports - All Reports - 23andMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a DNA test, and it said I don't carry the genes or celiac disease.

>> No.12643724
File: 144 KB, 637x900, IMG_0169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your problem is that you worry about your body's performance. I used to do that, but it is in fact a self-sabotaging thought pattern.
Worry about how your goals will become accomplished instead and you'll find your brain fog goes away.

>> No.12643848

Idk anon
I was retarded my whole life, but only recently learned about adhd and brain fog

>> No.12644059

Shouldn't everyone have ADHD then? China has shit air but they're mentally fine

>> No.12644165

Mainland Chinese people are probably the most retarded groups of people on the planet. Also when you have over a billion people in your country you're going to have a lot of genetically gifted

>> No.12644255

how did gluten have anything to do with your brain fog, then?

>> No.12644667

Are they retarded just because of pollution?

>> No.12644670

Is asprin or ibuprofen better for this purpose, according to opinion or reserach?

>> No.12645053

just eat healthy food or grab some multivitamins at least, sleep well (get a cheap smartwatch that tracks your sleep, plenty of those under $50 at amazon), get some theanine pills, then buy a cheap stationary bike from ebay and use that 20-30 minutes a day.

>> No.12645215


>> No.12645247

They're all linked to sleep disorders and circadian rhythm disruption. Yes, even dysbiosis is linked to sleep disturbances.

>> No.12645295
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>> No.12645800

Does sleep cause disbyosis or the other way around?
Is there a blood test for poor methylation?

>> No.12646843


>> No.12647216

It's called cytokine storm.