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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12638180 No.12638180 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine the size of your lung pockets. Now imagine that your lungs fill with fluid (gross, but common). Now imagine your lungs fill with fluid, next to a Microwave Signal Tower?

Watch the entire video, the waves do not have to match the size, they only need to match a size that resonates in the primarily fluid sphere.
Unironically, it really might be 5G, in a way we didn't expect.

>> No.12638185

The exposure to the waves wouldn't need to be long, a few seconds would easily heat the lung cells so they died.
Once the cells are dead, they are scar tissue, or worse.

>> No.12638220

Ways this might be impacted
>Age of patient determines size of Alveoli clusters and bloodvessels/connective tissues(grapes)
>Genetic Heritage (race) might determine number of Alveoli per cluster, also determining which age groups of the race more likely create resonance frequences on which wave sizes
>Distance of patients from standing or repeating wave sizes
>Size of Involvement of Alveoli filled with fluids during standard body infection protocol (basically how advanced the disease and response have traveled)
>Location of cooked Alveoli in relation to blood vessels for molecular removal/flush
I'm sure there could be more.

>> No.12638246
File: 27 KB, 1022x313, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, in the video it is explained that the standing wave signal creates when the size of the material is a certain proportion of the micowave.

>5G utilizes millimeter wave technology. These millimeter waves exist on an ^extremely high frequency^ and are considered millimeter waves because the wavelengths range between 1 and 10 mm.
pic related

>> No.12638256

This will effect everyone. There isn't a human on earth who won't be effected by this. This will effect the rich, the poor, and everyone in between.
Important people will still have this happen to them.

And it will happen without warning, because we don't spend our time scanning our lungs for fluids, and they can fill with fluids in a few minutes to defeat invaders or irritants.

>> No.12638265

•Microwaves are absorbed by the first layer of water. They do not "heat from from the inside out."
•The first symptoms of microwave exposure are burning sensation in the skin and cataracts
•5G microwave amplitudes are so low that they cause no discernible biological effect
•Signals in the microwave range are only 3% of the radio bands used by 5G

Stop being retarted.

>> No.12638267

>•Microwaves are absorbed by the first layer of water
Clearly you haven't watched the video.

>> No.12638283

Now put those grapes inside a watermelon with a 15cm hollow space carved out. Guess what's not going to happen.

>> No.12638287

the article explaining the harmonic resonance points to create Plasma.
We don't need plasma levels of harmonic resonance.


>> No.12638294

You're not a watermelon, and I can guarantee you've not tested either.
This is Science board, not Conjection board. Did you want /b/?

>> No.12638300

Are you retarded? Human bodies are filled with fluid, COVID or not. Why haven't 5G towers boiled out anyone's eyes? Wouldn't people notice the microwaves heating up their saliva?

>> No.12638315

Try it yourself. You're the one with a pet theory to confirm.

>> No.12638320
File: 54 KB, 905x396, cell_phone_radiation_penetration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why haven't 5G towers boiled out anyone's eyes?
They do, cataracts are a common effect of microwave exposure.
I can't say what level of these microwaves are piercing which tissues where.
And neither can you. Your body doesn't stop all waves on the skin.
>Wouldn't people notice the microwaves heating up their saliva
You're forgetting the major damage (in this hypothesis) is done in the trapped sphere, based on the observable effects of microwaving a grape. I don't need to explain the lack of noticable heating in other organs or locations.

>> No.12638322

I have changed my opinion. OP is not retarded. He's smoking pot.

>> No.12638324


I don't have human bodies to play this experiment on. You clearly don't care either way.

>> No.12638342
File: 110 KB, 1280x865, firstlayerBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Microwaves are absorbed by the first layer of water. They do not "heat from from the inside out."
Pic Related exposes that this is not at all useful in this problem.

>> No.12638353

How much pot have you smoked today? Be perfectly honest.

>> No.12638413

Do you work for a 'wireless' carrier, a spy agency (intelligence it isn't) or are you just a bot?
The images provide provide evidence that
1. Microwaves create heat in the center of a gel-spheroid
2. Microwaves penetrate human tissues beyond the first layer of skin
The only thing remaining, is what is your malfunction. My guess, it's that you're a nigger who thinks that the "gains of security' equate to killing your own children at what will be effectively randomly without further experimentation, if that's what it takes to be 'more secure.'
The "lock us in cages until we're all truely safe" kinda nigger. My favorite kind to shit on.

>> No.12638424

Yes anon, putting humans in microwaves is bad
You figured it out

>> No.12638426

>Shill RF "Engineers"
5G isn't going to melt our faces off, that's not how radios work, here's some studies.
>Based 4chan Muckraker
Bro, our lungs are basically grapes, check out this YouTube video

>> No.12638434

The first layer of water is not the alveoli.

The first layer of water is the dermis. Then the subcutaneous fat. Then the intercostal muscle. Then the pleura. Only then do you start getting down to the interior of the lung.

Alveoli are less a thousandth of the diameter of a grape so the grape-plasma effect doesn't apply anyway. You need something roughly the size of a grape for that to work.
Now. Answer the question. How much pot have you smoked today?

>> No.12638447
File: 1.17 MB, 287x212, 1573715849574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12638464

Bro, your lungs effectively are grapes, when they fill with whiteblood cells and fluids (which they have in bulk on standby to fight infections). And the filling of the Alveoli is how the body fights off the infections. You're supposed to cough out the whiteblood cells and fluids, because then the dead cells and attacking materials go too.
Only, we've got a problem in that we're heating the connective tissues, either the cells or the actual connective tissues, with microwaves.
Even short bursts of microwave on a harmonic could create enough standing wave to cook the cells.
Doesn't matter, images in this thread already show that the heat isn't collecting on the first layer, per say, AND microwaves travel past the skin.

>> No.12638476
File: 374 KB, 401x809, Screenshot_2021-01-28 (0) sci - COVID=MicrowaveGrapes - Science Math - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize this FLIR image is of heat on the surfaces of the grapes and not their interiors, right?

How much pot have you smoked today?

>> No.12638483

As for the size, we already established, in the video if you watched it, that the size of the standing wave effect is proportional, unclear at this point, to the wave in atmosphere.
In the case of the grape, the tabletop microwave is ~12cm long. The wave is impeded and refracted by the grape, because it fits a certain fraction (golden mean perhaps) of the wave original size to create the ressonance. This is explained:

>> No.12638485 [DELETED] 

How much pot have you smoked today?

>> No.12638499

I can't say, the image shows only a 2D graph.

But, if you are correct, it is the center of the sphere on one side which heats the most, and this still creates damage. Also damage to the grape is most noticeable at the connection between the two fluid filled sacs, where the effect of the active molecule is least likely to be dissipated by surrounding molecules.

All we need to find is the place these waves would create the most destruction of tissue, and at what wavelengths to size.
The evidence that it can happen is already presented here.

>> No.12638508 [DELETED] 

How much pot have you smoked today?

>> No.12638516

This is a cool story and all, but 5G is already here. Most major carriers in the US have coverage in the majority of the country, and two seconds of googling reveals that at least six major cities have millimeter wave networks. Where are all the dead people?

>> No.12638519

You selling on behalf of the CIA or the DoD?
This is the same response the glownigger bots did 20 years ago to anything which threatened what they percieved as a loss of a trick.
Thanks for proving this is on the right path.

>> No.12638520 [DELETED] 

No but seriously, how much pot have you actually smoked today?

>> No.12638557

>Where are all the dead people?
Specific conditions. Not every sac fills with fluid immediately, though they are liquid involved constantly. An infection, an allergy, the body moves to do what it does and flush the bad away from itself, at the same time you hit a proximity to a microwave signal that is the right wavelength to your specific body size and the level of involvement/response ongoing.

>> No.12638572 [DELETED] 

How much pot have you smoked today? Number of bowls, number of joints, number of hits... any unit will be fine.

Yo can be honest. We're all anonymous here.

>> No.12638577

shouldn't this be super easy to test? just get a 5G emitter and stick some mice around it. or even chimps. and have a control group too.

>> No.12638579

Seriously, you can stop now.

>> No.12638581

Good point. You'll need some lung infection or allergien materials.
And you'll need to move the wave sizes to match the lung tissue layout of the mice.
Maybe cows and pigs would be better.

>> No.12638583 [DELETED] 

Just answer, anon. How much marijuana have you smoked since waking this morning?

>> No.12638590
File: 4 KB, 237x223, confused-argonian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mum read about grounding
>animals get rid of bad ions by walking on the earth, grounding
>but modern humans never touch the ground, we wear shoes outdoors
>she buys a thin blanket with wires that is grounded with a spear
>sleep on it and get rid of bad ions while sleeping :^)
I asked her to show me some scientific proof but only getting IT JUST WORKS back.

>> No.12638615

t. Big Ion shill

>> No.12638631

maybe. not sure if that functions at this scale or not, but she's not probably entirely wrong.

>> No.12638654

scalies deserve schizo moms

>> No.12638667 [DELETED] 

How much pot today, Anon?

Seriously? You been taking hits every fifteen minutes? Just a little wakey bakey?

>> No.12638791

Chicken and egg, anon.

>> No.12639573

you might get a contract with a slaughter house to buy some cow lungs at the point of slaughter, get them on ice, and see if you can't keep the lung tissue alive, to test directly.
Or, at this date, and with this particular goal, it may be more helpful to use a stem-cell culture to grow lungs to test. Other test formats might make it unclear what sort of damage was caused by what.